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Saturday, May 02, 2009


View my latest link: http://justso-ordinary.blogspot.com
thanks. (:

10:06 PM

Friday, May 01, 2009

Study day with OYL @ Changi Airport T3 today.
Met her at 10 plus at Eunos. Trained to Changi Airport and we're kinda lost when we reached.
Spent quite sometime to find Macs.
Settled down, bought drinks and studied. Manager came to chase us away, then we bought meal. Ate and talk, continue studyg again. Manager came to chase us away again. Like wth, dont want chase other people, only chase us.
So we went T2, too many people.
Decided to go Tampines 1. That place was super filled with people.
We ended up walking around. Went TM, played and laughed.
Reached home at around 6.30.

6:41 PM

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Presentation to some judges today.
Skipped lessons at 1.05, revised with Chi, Grace and Mr Lau before we went.
Kinda scary at first, but it was fine in the end, cos they looked friendly.
After everything, Mr Lau treated us Mc Flurry ! Thanks !
Then went back school, went sing post with Ling and Melissa.
Ate subway, shared 6inches with Ling. Blabla.
Popular, then food court, cos Ling need to meet this Mervin guy called Edwin for Y2Y network stuff. Acc-ed her until 6plus, went to find Yenzhi then went home tgt.

7:20 PM

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

We were late for PE again, and Mr Tay made us do push up positions. Then he scold scold scold, then let us off. Turning discus today, didnt play much. Was hiding behind with the girls.
Then the rest was quite alright. Met Mr Lau for a short while after school. Oh yes, his actions made my day, idk why. It was just so funny. Went parkway with Ling and Melissa to buy my screen protector. Then reached home near 7.
Pauline had a headache and pangseh-ed me while I needed her the most in class. ): Nvm, take care !

Presentation with Chi to some ang mo tmr.

7:05 PM

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Anti stress kit;
BANG HEAD HERE. (I mean wall).

Almost late for school today, but lucky I didnt. Manage to have a companion today, Elyn ! (Coincidently saw her at the busstop. )
Fieldwork studies today during geography period. Went out to the canal there to sketch and measure the "river". Lols. A lot of people smuggled themselves to the provision shop nearby, and was caught by Ms Hidayah. Pauline, Faizah & I nearly went there too and we saw her. Then we u-turned and pretended to do smth else. :x Went back and off for maths. Did revision paper.
I was so called being psycho-ed to go for tuition by Ms Lee after class. & I told her " I got uition teacher, but he always not free, and my mother sacked my previous one". Lols. U-turned back to find Chi and Grace after she went into the staff room. We had a "spicy" recess today. Hurhur. :x. &&& Physics test was a screw. So many calculations, which is my weakest point. URGH.

Stayed back as usual after school. Studied with Ling, Melissa and Liyi today. Went off at 5plus.

Bird flu before that, swine flu now, cow flu future ?

6:05 PM

Monday, April 27, 2009

Gahhhhhhh. Chemistry today was so annoying.
Mr Tan literally used more time in class scolding us than teaching. -.-
MT was sucha fun time. Lols. Mr Chong didnt teach today, we did our workbooks and spent the rest of the time talking and laughing. Lols. I think Mr Chong should be tolerating us bah. Hoho.
Then blablabla.

Student leaders meeting at 2.30. Sit there and hear Mr Lim talk. Lols. Long time didnt hear him joke alr, omg. Then lunched and studied with Ling until 6, went to my mom's clinic for the sake of my left picky finger. Doctor says if there's no improvement on my finger, then I gotta go to the skin care centre & haa, I think they will probably CHOP OFF my finger.
Just kidding.

it is easy said than done.

Nobody understands.
Everybody might just think its ridiculous or even thinks im creating a story.
Just the hurting words. I'm so sorry.

7:05 PM

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Finally finished F&N workbook questions (except think beyong qsns)
So tiring manxz. Today was kinda slacking. Spent my day mostly on my SHOWS.
& I've gained weight !
So its now time for me to LOSE WEIGHT.


5:14 PM

Saturday, April 25, 2009

3A6 rocks to the max !
Anw, I look so dumb in this picture.

I practically wasted all my time today sleeping. x.x
I had not studied a single shit at all.
(Pardon me for using shit, cos I dont really dont like studyg but I had to)

Edited }
I cant get anything in my head. ): Mid yr's just a week away.
I hate pure sciences ! Physics especially. I've been continuously reading the pages in textbook and worksheets I've done but I dont understand a single thing.
Boo. I hate sec 3's life. I want to be a sec 1/2 girl again. Physics chapter 1- 5 & Chemistry, chaper 1-9 to be studied for mid yr. Brd's teachers are seriously trying to kill us.

4:54 PM

Conference with my 4 juniors last night.
Danqi, Shiru, Ruishan & Yiting. Fun talk ! Haha.
Talked from 9 to 11plus, then kupp-ed. Literally felled asleep after that. Left my laptop on for almost the whole night. O:

Mom out of a sudden woke me up today, and told me brother spoiled my ipod by throwing it into the washing machine. I took a few seconds to realise what is going on, and I cried. D: F lah, next time dont lend you anything alr lah ! YOU SPOILT MY PRECIOUS IPOD, NOW I CANNOT GO OUT WITH IT. DAMN YOU. You better buy me a new one like, TODAY.

Target: I must study physics and F&N today & level up in pet society !

Tell me what should I do.

9:31 AM

Friday, April 24, 2009

Sweaty palm for the whole day. Could not concentrate on anything at all.
Had social studies after school. Learnt how to write source base reliability, compare contrast and inference. Then we had mock test. After that, guides.
Had speech day rehearsal today. Yeahs, I was super excited, idk why. I will always be super excited when it comes to speech day. Stood one hour under the sun. Super hot. After that, dismissed at 5. Had a talk with the NDP girls. Some serious talk yea, but it ended up becoming a fun talk. Haha. :x


6:46 PM


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