Thursday, April 30, 2009
Presentation to some judges today.
Skipped lessons at 1.05, revised with Chi, Grace and Mr Lau before we went.
Kinda scary at first, but it was fine in the end, cos they looked friendly.
After everything, Mr Lau treated us Mc Flurry ! Thanks !
Then went back school, went sing post with Ling and Melissa.
Ate subway, shared 6inches with Ling. Blabla.
Popular, then food court, cos Ling need to meet this Mervin guy called Edwin for Y2Y network stuff. Acc-ed her until 6plus, went to find Yenzhi then went home tgt.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
We were late for PE again, and Mr Tay made us do push up positions. Then he scold scold scold, then let us off. Turning discus today, didnt play much. Was hiding behind with the girls.
Then the rest was quite alright. Met Mr Lau for a short while after school. Oh yes, his actions made my day, idk why. It was just so funny. Went parkway with Ling and Melissa to buy my screen protector. Then reached home near 7.
Pauline had a headache and pangseh-ed me while I needed her the most in class. ): Nvm, take care !
Presentation with Chi to some ang mo tmr.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Anti stress kit; BANG HEAD HERE. (I mean wall). Almost late for school today, but lucky I didnt. Manage to have a companion today, Elyn ! (Coincidently saw her at the busstop. )
Fieldwork studies today during geography period. Went out to the canal there to sketch and measure the "river". Lols. A lot of people smuggled themselves to the provision shop nearby, and was caught by Ms Hidayah. Pauline, Faizah & I nearly went there too and we saw her. Then we u-turned and pretended to do smth else. :x Went back and off for maths. Did revision paper.
I was so called being psycho-ed to go for tuition by Ms Lee after class. & I told her " I got uition teacher, but he always not free, and my mother sacked my previous one". Lols. U-turned back to find Chi and Grace after she went into the staff room. We had a "spicy" recess today. Hurhur. :x. &&& Physics test was a screw. So many calculations, which is my weakest point. URGH.
Stayed back as usual after school. Studied with Ling, Melissa and Liyi today. Went off at 5plus.
Bird flu before that, swine flu now, cow flu future ?
Monday, April 27, 2009
Gahhhhhhh. Chemistry today was so annoying.
Mr Tan literally used more time in class scolding us than teaching. -.-
MT was sucha fun time. Lols. Mr Chong didnt teach today, we did our workbooks and spent the rest of the time talking and laughing. Lols. I think Mr Chong should be tolerating us bah. Hoho.
Then blablabla.
Student leaders meeting at 2.30. Sit there and hear Mr Lim talk. Lols. Long time didnt hear him joke alr, omg. Then lunched and studied with Ling until 6, went to my mom's clinic for the sake of my left picky finger. Doctor says if there's no improvement on my finger, then I gotta go to the skin care centre & haa, I think they will probably CHOP OFF my finger.
Just kidding.
it is easy said than done.
Nobody understands. Everybody might just think its ridiculous or even thinks im creating a story. Just the hurting words. I'm so sorry.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Finally finished F&N workbook questions (except think beyong qsns)
So tiring manxz. Today was kinda slacking. Spent my day mostly on my SHOWS.
& I've gained weight !
So its now time for me to LOSE WEIGHT.
Saturday, April 25, 2009

3A6 rocks to the max !
Anw, I look so dumb in this picture.
I practically wasted all my time today sleeping. x.x
I had not studied a single shit at all.
(Pardon me for using shit, cos I dont really dont like studyg but I had to)
Edited }
I cant get anything in my head. ): Mid yr's just a week away.
I hate pure sciences ! Physics especially. I've been continuously reading the pages in textbook and worksheets I've done but I dont understand a single thing.
Boo. I hate sec 3's life. I want to be a sec 1/2 girl again. Physics chapter 1- 5 & Chemistry, chaper 1-9 to be studied for mid yr. Brd's teachers are seriously trying to kill us.
Conference with my 4 juniors last night.
Danqi, Shiru, Ruishan & Yiting. Fun talk ! Haha.
Talked from 9 to 11plus, then kupp-ed. Literally felled asleep after that. Left my laptop on for almost the whole night. O:
Mom out of a sudden woke me up today, and told me brother spoiled my ipod by throwing it into the washing machine. I took a few seconds to realise what is going on, and I cried. D: F lah, next time dont lend you anything alr lah ! YOU SPOILT MY PRECIOUS IPOD, NOW I CANNOT GO OUT WITH IT. DAMN YOU. You better buy me a new one like, TODAY.
Target: I must study physics and F&N today & level up in pet society !
Tell me what should I do.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Sweaty palm for the whole day. Could not concentrate on anything at all.
Had social studies after school. Learnt how to write source base reliability, compare contrast and inference. Then we had mock test. After that, guides.
Had speech day rehearsal today. Yeahs, I was super excited, idk why. I will always be super excited when it comes to speech day. Stood one hour under the sun. Super hot. After that, dismissed at 5. Had a talk with the NDP girls. Some serious talk yea, but it ended up becoming a fun talk. Haha. :x
Thursday, April 23, 2009
For the first time, I felt so @#$%^&*For no reasons, I got fckig scolded by you for so many times.Okay, you win. I've gt nothing to say and once I didnt reply, you threatened me to reply you by saying you wanna severe ties WITH A BIG SMILE AND LOL THERE. Then you said I'm testing your patience.Then, you blogged in your blog so emo-ly and everything become my fault. Okay, my fault. Everything my fault. For one fcking hour and a half spent with my seniors, I'm at fault. Everything is my fault. I talked to my godbrother, also my fault. I got fcking scolded for nothing and in the end, everything become my fault.I got so heartbrokened when I saw the msg. But it's not important now.
Sports day today ! Lesson today was supposingly to end at 10.10, but Mr Tan extended the lesson till 11.15. Mel, Ling and Jun were waiting for me. haha, love ya ! We went hawker for lunch first.Had porridge with meling. (mel & ling). Left half a bwl untouched. & I scalded my hand ! D: Rushed to the toilet tochange to guides uniform, an bus-ed to Bedok. We were late by 20minnutes, lols. Didnt have time for hair, so we just heck care. Sports day started. Our duty like no duty like that. Just stand at the gate there. Lols. So we changed to our class tee and support our class. Walked around with Ling and so on. Mervin came ! wahaha. 2yr plus since I saw him, & he changed a lot a lot. o.o Supported our classes and so on. Then, prize giving ceremony. Our class was suppose to get 2nd for 4x100 relay girls. In the end, we didnt get. Asked Mr Ra'uf, he said we were disqualified cos they ran the wrong lane. Mr Ra'uf say until like wht sia, wth. Faizah cried. ): Everyone wasnt in the mood anymore. Sports day ended at 6plus, Chi's dad send some of us home. Alighted with ling at Eunos. Trained home.
Now, I've got to depend on caffine to make me awake. Lipton tea everyday.
Life's getting harder and harder day by day. Mid yr's coming, and yet my mind wasnt in the mid yr mood. Pure sciences & humanities are getting harder and harder and yet, so many chapters to learn for mid yr and so many things to memorize. Fall asleep almost every lesson, and yet caffine won't work sometimes. Troubles in school and at home, no motivation to study at all.
Sigh sigh sigh. Yeahs, I shall just put everything aside, and fill my mind in with study notes.
Gahhhhhh. Gambateh !
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Two hardworking classmates painting.

Almost but not done banner.

Class tee: front.

Anyway, I felt that if our classmates participate actively in the class cheers and so on, there will be fun ! (: Yeahs, and we're so gonna have a unity class. Wooo !
The guys will be spiking their hair, the girls will be plaiting their hair (maybe only), the guys will be spraying red hair, the girls will be spraying yellow/red hair and there might be mascots !
Sigh, just too bad, I'm having girl guide yeosman service. Got to wear full U, cant wear my class tee. ): Anyway, today after school was kinda of fun. Nothing was prepared, only one 2m white cloth. No teachers are willing to lend us their paints. So Mdm Rohani go Azizah and I to go to the popular to buy some acrylic paints and brushes. Went sing post's popular first, and they no longer sell paints that comes seperately. Then we rushed to marina parade's popular and managed to buy everything. Cab back school, and the taxi uncle nearly alight us at northlight. lol.
Painted the banner and deciding on the class cheer. Oh manxz, the whole classroom was filled with our laughter for god sake. hahaha.
Left school at around 6.30, walked to the busstop with Yi Shuan.
everything simply just went wrong.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
I miss my primary school lifeee.
My phone died on me halfway during lesson.
I've replied msgs to quite a lot of people but none replied me. Checked with Chi and I realised that my phone cant recieve any msgs. Urgh. ):
I've said the wrong thing to two people today.
Pathetic day.
Hopeless at that point of time. I've came out with a conclusion. yrctontsumi,flesymdloti.I dont want I dont want I dont want.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Urgh, I scored only 47/80 for chinese ! ): Section A was three marks for each small answers. I had 4 wrongs 12 marks gone. Urgh.
Had maths test today, I forgot all about quadratic graphs.
F&N practical test, I added too much bicarbonate of soda and my biscuit came out of the oven tasting soooooooo bitter. Argh.
F&N lesson delayed until 3.20. Went down for guides and all of them were sitting down. Lol. Played netball and legged race. Then we had footdrill. We trained them at the netball court. Then taps and dismissed them at 5.35.
Karyi and Cheejie came ! woohoooo ! Wahaha. Was chatting with them. Then went hawker with them, melissa and kdd. Had fun !
Bused home with Rozanne, walked home with Han See Peng and Wei Yi (sp?)
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Study day with OYL @ Kallang KFC today.
Met her at 11plus, then we took bus to KFC. Started on with snackers, then the whole place was sooooo freezing cold that I regretted not wearing long/ knee pants. Brrrrrr.
Studied, and yay, I did adsorbed a bit ! (: Tried to understand what chemistry is talking about and did geog notes.
Then we had two piece chicken meal or lunch. Chatted for an hour plus before we get back to work. Studied till 5plus, walked to 7/11 there de fair price to buy my butter for tmr's F&N practical test. Then we went to play with the swing until 6plus, went home.
Threw my bag at home and went out with mum and dad.
We went Pu tien, a nearby chinese restaurant. Went to the clean and air-con one. Had dinner there, and walked home.
I'm gonna be so busy from tmr onwards. Study study study !
Goal: Get at least a pass in every subjects !!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Shopping spree with sister today.
Earlier plan was tgt with Melissa, but my sister troublesome luh. D:
Paiseh Mel !
Went Tampines to meet sister, cos she went out earlier than me. We went to the new shopping mall. Went to her fav shop, Uni Qlo. Lols. We gotta queue to get into that shop lur. The things there was either super cheap or super expensive. Lols. Then we went to have my breakfast, her lunch. Went Mos Burger. Was chatting about her weddingggggg, and I hope she wont be the runaway bride okay. O: Cos she says that she's a lil scared. ._. Then we continued shopping and shopping. Bought some stuff ! Happy happy.
Then Bugis next, to buy dad's red tie and suit shirt. o_O Hoho, then Iluma, Benten Caf'e for lunch/dinner. Shaed pizza & ice cream. I wanna try their challenging ice cream ! It's like a whole pail (i used the word PAIL) of ice cream for $30++. Lols.
Then bugis street and homed.
The weather's effing hot.
Perspire a lot today. Tsk tsk tsk.
Friday, April 17, 2009
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JANNAH !!It's friday ! The best school day cos, there's only 3 lessons ! (:
Okay, I don't understand a single thing about physics, and mid yr is like, 2weeks plus ?!
Anw, I find Miss Johara a bit exaggerating, idk why. :x
Maths lessons was all of revision. That very super thick set of papers.
Recess, then chinese. Had test, and it's much more easier than the previous one luh.
& Then CME, then dismissed.
The snacks was finally delivered. Took the stuffs to the canteen and tried calling Miss Ong. She always disappeared whenever we need her instructions, -.- So we started selling. M&Ms milk choco was out of stock, which is a good thing ! (: Within 45 minutes, we earned 3 digits. yay.
Guides was kinda fun today ! Good news was, speech day combine was postponed, so we had extra time for games. Then we played Jannah's japanese hide & seek, Ling, Charlene & I kept on running and hiding. Super funny. & It's Jannah's birthday, Mr Halik (her bro) & her mom came to give her surprise. Haha. Then netball, NDP girls polished their boots, and we're dismissed at 5.30. (Miss Ong went home earlier than us. ._. )
I'm gonna start studyg now Now NOW. Hopefully things could get into my brain.
Anw, I'm scared now, after hearing Peifen's story. D:
My house is so dark nowwwwwww.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Found @ HanYong's table.

Today's chemistry was super funny. Mr Tan was trying to exlain why must H2O called H2O and not OH2. Then he used algebra as an example and wrote an equation that is wrong.
Then shawn asked: Mr Tan, who's your Maths teacher ?
Boon Heng: Dr Wong !
Whole class: *laughs*
Then Mr Tan wrote "Shawn is a boy ? , Shawn was a boy ? "
Shawn: Mr Tan, who's your English teacher ?
Gerald Lim: Dr Wong again.
Whole class: *laughs* Shawn is once a boy, so now, he is a girl.
Mr Tan wrote: Shawn
a is a girl.
Boon Heng: eh correct leh ! His mother always call him: Shawn ah shawn
a Shawn !
Damn funny, but I forgot what Mr Tan said. Then while he was teaching halfway, aeroplane passed by and Mr Tan was so pissed off. Then he said the plane whould be F18 plane. & Pong disagreed and said it was F15. & when the class ended, we realise that Mr Tan and Pong was argueing/ discussing about F15 & F18. lols.
After school, the delivery man drove away our snacks for tmr's fund raising, so we didnt manage to pack them into goody bags and had to sell them seperately. D: So Ling and I stayed back in school to re-plan everything. Was so pissed off in the middle. Then 4 plus, ling went for choir and I went home with KDD.
Ling, Jun and Mel kept ranting about the way I walked since sec 1. They said I walked until very chor lor. But the thing is, idk how to change. Sigh.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
3A6 was full of scoldings today.
Firstly, we cut across the arc circle back to class after morning assembly and was held back by J.Lim. Then we've got a scolding off by Mr Tan. But the thing is, almost all the class cuts across the arc circle, and I dont see why we've got a scolding when the rest of the class did not.
Secondly, we did not walk out of the hall after assembly in two rows, and were held back by Mr Tan. We've got a half an hour lecture during CCT.
Anw, lessons were so boring today. I nearly falled asleep quite a lot of times. & I got back my social studies test. ): I've got 17/25. Urgh, my standard dropped ! Just because I did not finish on time. Sigh.
After school, Ling, Mel & I went out with Miss Ong. We went to some Geylang place to buy our snacks for the fund raising and we spent around one hour plus plus there. & We managed to psycho the uncle there to help us deliver it to school tmr, cos it was super lot of things to take. Muahaha. Thanks ! Then we bought snacks, and walked to the MRT ! Bough BBT and went home ! (:
MYE's coming in 3 weeks time.
Piles and piles of homeworks coming up.
Geog test tmr, two maths paper to be finished by tmr and chemistry test yrself by tmr.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Every single piece of my good mood is ruined.
I don't understand why.
Since you said you told * that I'm considering into ending it will make * think lesser, so you're telling me that if I continue, I am making * think more, and I should end it to make * stop thinking rubbish ?
Kay fine. Everything is my fault. I am the one to be blamed for all this things to happen. Like what you said to ^, everything started because of me. Why everytime when everything is back to normal, smth happens again.

(I'm gonna retake with ling and chi cos I looked super uglyyy)
Hi people ! :D
I'm in a good mood today ~
I had a urge to eat the drumlet @the stall beside the drink stall so badly, that I bought two drumlets. But in the end, I regret ! D: I felt myself gaining weight now, oh no ! I somemore had macs with Melissa. I think I shall cut down my meals for dinner.
Lessons today was quite okay. We drew a big big river in 3A7's classroom floor toda with chalk. I drew the tributaries with Ke Qin at the starting of the "river". Then maths, we recieved a super thick set of maths past year MYE papers. Godddd, and we're suppose to finish up Brd and Clementi paper 1. F&N was quite alright, funny lesson. Hahaha.
Marina with Melissa after school. We went ther to buy my stuffs, then we headed to Bugis to buy Melissa's stuff. We went bugis street. I wanna go shopping, seriouslyyyyyy.
Then we went Iluma ! We went there for Berylite ice cream. Nice ! But a lil bit too costly. :x
The we went home at around 6.
I wanna buy that white plain shirt, VIP pass tee, superman tee, heineken tee & starbucks tee !!
money money money ~
whatever thing i said, you always don't understand.
Crampy-aches for the whole day today. Urgh.
& That made my appetite go down. Meichi was in the same situation as me. Hi 5 (?) Lols.
Didn't have my breakfast, manage to swallow down half a bowl of mee rebus and 4nuggets for the day. Urgh.
Today ended kinda of fast, idk why. Haha.
I wonder if thats a good thing. Brenda was transferred to our class for MT. Yay, i have a sitting partner at last. & She's so sickening. & F&N practical was postponed to next monday. sigh, I hate F&N theory, always makes me wanna sleep. :x
Guides today was quite entertaining ! (: I love the bonding games today.
Entangling game was first, but Ling and I went to change into our attire and didn't manage to play. ): I wanna play entangling ~ Then legged race was next. Was super AA at that time. So many people were looking at us screaming and shouting. Lol !
Then some of us, the ACLs/PLs/PSs went for this briefing. Everybody will have a 5day 4 night camp, but leaders had a 6day 5 night camp. Hmm. So I told Miss Ong that all of us should bring a laugage, and she suggested to have a clothes washing time in our camp. Lol. Anyway, first night will be a fun night ! (:
Then went down for de-brief and went home.
Anw, mum thinks that I'm mixing with bad people. -.-She calls me and ask me if I'm going home at 1plus, when she knew that I had guides. Then she said: Orh, no luh. Scared you mix with bad people mah. What theeee. -.-想念 }
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Out with Ong YiLing todayyyyyyyyyy.
We went homeworking first. Lols. Met her @ Bugis at 11 plus, then we went starbucks. Went there to study! And to pamper ourselves for a while by buying a cup of super expensive ice blended drink. I bought chocolate chip ice blended while Ling bought white chocolate mocha.
Did our homeworks until 1plus ? Then we decided to go shopping ~
It was actuall a window shopping day, but I ended up buying so many things.
We went Bugis street, Iluma and back to Bugis street. Was so confused on weather to buy the billa wallet or ozozo wallet, cos for the second thought, the billa wallet that we saw looked uglier this time round, idk why. We went plaza sing first, cos we wanna go daiso. Bought or stuffs, then we went back Bugis. :x
I spent and wasted my time inside wallet shop, thinking to buy the big or the small one, or the billa one. Could see that Ling sian sian alr. HAHA. :x Paisehhh. Then we walk around. I saw a nicer billa wallet at 77 street ! So Ibought it.
Then we went home.
School tmr. Sianxz.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Somestimes, I really envy those people who could be so happy. Some people (esp my brother) tells me that I am too anti-social. I only stick with this very few friends and had never tried to make more friends. I only know how to keep quiet even if Im not happy until they finds out. I had never shared my troubles to my parents and even my siblings. And I never ever talked to my cousins, but only a sentence or two. Is it true ? Am I that anti-social ? Hmm.
YeserdayWent Chua Chu Kang cemetry to visit ahgong and help him to clean his "house". Lols. Ahma was so happy, cos this year, almost all the cousins came esp the two little ones. haha. Ah gong's picture still look as cheerful as ever. Still got pose somemore. haha. Then mum helped to wipe the tinggy, then my ahgong's picture suddenly dropped ! LOLOL. All of us got a shock. I went to find the uncle that looks after all this things, then the uncle went off by himself and went to the wrong family. LOL. Then he went to use some yellow sticky liquid to glue it back. Spent ah hour plus there, then we went off.
Ahma went aunty's house, then my parents, brother and I went Jurong Point. We wanted to go NTUC, but we ended up doing some window shopping. Haha.The place was super big with a lot of people. Dad saw a LG cookie phone, $0 with contract, Last day !!! He wanted to buy for meeeeeeeee. But must seek sister's permisssion cos she's the one that sign the contract. -.-
Then we went home at around 5. Dad told sister about the phone, then she say she want to renew the contract and buy a phone for herself. Like wth luh. The contract is dad's, just that she helps him to sign. In the end, I lose liao luh. Then I no phone liao luh. Whatever luh. zzz. Not my dream phone anyway.
Then we went out again at 7plus, met sister and my future brother-in-law @ MOF (again). Goddddd. Why did they like MOF so much ? I eat until sian alr. Then sister went home, then all of us went Iluma to watch movie. Yay. But there's a lot of people like omg. So hard to squeeze. Went to watch fast and furious 4. So boring luh. Dont know why brother want to choose this show. And mum and dad kept talking throughout the movie while I was falling asleep. Then reached home at around 12.
TodayMom dragged me up of bed at 9plus, cos we're going NTUC. Went rochor NTUC to buy stuffs. I chiong to get all my tibits and stuff that can last me for a month. Lols. Then after that, we went to the coffeeshop for lunch. Then we went home.
Smth happened. Was in the carpark, dad was reversing out of the parking slot. Then another car behind was parking in. Then when dad reverse out, the car drove out. (to make adjustments) Then BANG. Walao. Its not even dad's fault. Dad was reversing halfway before the car drove out. Then arguement started. I guess the whole carpark could hear their voice. Everyone was looking, so malu. I was like, SHUT UP LAH. And the person looked at me. ._. Then he recorded our car plate number, and mum did the same thing. They want report, we also go and report. We're not scared of you. BOO.
Then went home. I helped mum message the Junior Kho:''Eh, you coming for tuition not." LOL. I know, so rude. Then he reply that he's not coming !! I was like, not coming say lah. My mum msg him so many times he never reply. Then today say not coming. Then mum was like, 早知道 dont fire the Sherli first. I was like, too bad. So I told mum, ask him dont come alr. So irresponsible.
Angry day.
I wanna shout out loud. AHHHHHHHHHH.
Thursday, April 09, 2009
HAPPY BIRTHDAY NXD (!!)Sigh. Geography test is screwed. Teacher previously asked us to study rier energy and waterfall. But end up, the test question that came out was hydrological cycle,valleys and erosional landforms. Urgh. Screw this test.
Chemistry today was fun. Mr Tan's second magic show today nearly failed. Roflmao. He was using Ms Angelia and the boys as an example and said that the ions are like them, the boys will attract to Ms Angelia. LOL.
English was slackish. T'cher was testing speech, and I slept all the way until school ends.
Napfa after school. Failed Broad jump, urgh. I think I'm had the worst score among my group fr every stations. Then waited for Melissa. She, Jun, Benjamin & I went hawker. Then we went home.
Weak appetite nowadays. I could usually finish up one whole bowl of mee rebus/ mee soto. But now, I could only eat less than half of it. Oh, nevermind. It's time fo me to lose weight !
How I wish I could.
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Social studies GG alr luh. Wth.
We gotta write two essays in 45 minutes. I wrote quite okay in the first essay, but I got totally no time or the second one. Urgh. ):
Myhumanities deprove alr luh.
Anw. Assembly today was totally a joke.
Girlguides were sharing about Tong Ling experience with the school and there's skit.
Jannah and Grace were the ahmas and Charlene & I were the guides. Ling was the ahma in the second scene. Damn funny. Rofl.
Then after school, brought the Juniors to HQ to buy their uniform. Ling, Melissa, Eng Teng, Yiting, Wenting & Zen. Then went Junction 8. The juniors went home, then we went to eat. Went to met mum and sister at Iluma after that. Then we went OG to buy my stuffs and homed !
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Oral, GG alr.
It was my turn when I was sleeping away. I woke up and took my oral, with super blur mind. She asked me about what makes me proud to me singaporean. I forget every single thing.
Shittttt. Boring lessons.
After school, went F&N room to kajiao Ling and Melissa, and used their remaining ingredients to bake biscuits. lol. Then we went katong eat frozen ice cream and parkway to collect Ling' keyboard. Home at 7plus.
Why cant you just give me a week to think ?
Why must you msg me every single hour, telling me all those stuffs
And make me feel so effing guilty ?
You're dieing, so am I.
Monday, April 06, 2009
Many thoughts last night.Typical monday morning, dragged myself out of bed for school.
I haven had enough sleep last night.
Lessons were per normal today. This is the first time Kelvin Tan is teaching us using powerpoint. And the thing is, Mr Phua and Mrs Lim came into our class to see see. (no wonder) LOL. Good news, I failed my maths test (good news is not referring to this) by one mark, and Ms Lee gave me extra mark to pass !! Yay. & Thats the first time Im signig a contract with teacher. Lol. Everybody was like: "LOL, Ms Lee. " Then other lessons were boring.
Guides. Prepared skit. Miss Ong will be one of our elderlys in scene two. wahaha. Then footdrill. Trained those people who needa improve on hentak. Then de brief and went home.
Feeling sadder and sadder each day. Its just like I'm no longer me. I'm so tired of feeling so upset every single day. How I wish I could just rewind to the past.Have you every wonder why I want a week ?I feel so hard trying to open my mouth.
Sunday, April 05, 2009
Weird dream.Last night. }
Mum called Sherli to tell her to cancel the tuition. It was her who wanted to change the tuition, she went to tell Sherli: "Hi er, would like to cancel the tuition because Regina doesnt wants tuition anymore."
Not my fault then now become my fault. What theeee.
Today. }
Plan: Gonna chiong tudou, do up geog and ss notes and finish Maths homework.
Edited }Ooooo, my - key is faulty ! I had to press harddd in order for - to appear on screen. My touch screen is spoilt too ! I needa repair my laptop asap AGAIN, before warranty officially flies off.
Anw, I have not been studyg today !): I've been totally engrossed with my show.
Ah, I need motivation to study. Study study study !
Tests coming up: Social studies and geography.
Saturday, April 04, 2009
Ah hell luh.
Mom's changing my tuition teacher ! )':
She's changing it to a guy. -.- Junior Kho, my brother's ex-tutor. Somemore so expensive. 70BUCKS LEH !!! Then I said I dont want, I want back Sherli, she say she wanna complain to my nanny. Wtf. She's simply just using my nanny to control my life. & Somemore its on Saturday, then I cant go out ! D:
Anw, sick last night. Almost cannot wake up today. Lucky Peifen called me. lol ! She missed cal me 3 times, haha. :x Today's plan was actually out with KDD, Peifen and her boyf.
But somehow, plan changed ! Went movie-ing with kdd then went home.
Aww, anyway Peifen, you owe me once ! MUAHAHA. (:
Friday, April 03, 2009
ARGH, wth wth.
Argh. Phone bill comes, saying that I've called to indonesia FOUR TIMES and msg to indonesia TWO TIMES.
Like wthell is that. The date is somemore during school periods. None of my friends go indonesia, what for I call ?
Argh. Total bill: $64++ My usual bill was $ 30+, 40+.
Sainxz. Complain lah !
Unwell. Having sudden headaches and tummyaches recently.
Sigh. Unpleasant day today. Mood was badddddd.
School was quite alright. Nothing interesting. Hahaa.
Everyone especially Miss Hidayah practically forgot about geog extra lesson. Heng, I never bring my books. Muahaha. Then after school, was having some fun with this group of nonsensical yet funny friends.
Meichi, Grace, Brenda and Lydia. Meichi, you are so lame ! HAHA. & Brenda loves me !
Guides was kinda slacking. I had a bloody sudden tummyache in the middle of the guides games session. It was so horrible, argh. I hate tummyaches. x.x Then discuss about the wednesday's assembly, what we're gonna do. Then footdrill was kinda of slacking luh. Trained the NDP girls. Then dismissed ! Homed.
Confused state.
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Another boring school day. Moody.
Report writing test today, wrote nonsence. Urgh.
Yenzhi MIA-ed. She didnt come to school and didnt answer any of the calls.
After school, stayed back for a while. Ate lunch with Lydia, then we went over to Chi's table to slack. Chi bought a small bottle of absolute vodka. 40% alcohol. Grace drank and her face turned real red. & Chi said she wanna treat me that tmr. ._. Angel wanna go ICA, so I acc-ed her. Chi came along too ! Hahaha. Waited for the queue number to be flashed at the tinggy. Was so bored. Msg Peifen to kill time and so on. Chi didnt seems to believe that there's 197 at my hse there. O: hahaha. Then after that, all of us went home.
Suckish feeling. Idk why I feel so angry and yet, so so scared. Sadded. It wasnt the real reason, but idk why I said that. Idk what am I doing. Three days.Anw, thanks Peifen ! :D Hohoho.
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Changed blogskin.
Cos Im kinda sick with the previous one. :/ And I found this skin while touring around after finishing that damn maths that killed my brain cells. HAHA. Like this skin. (:
& Oohh, Im so sleepy. x.x
I go sleep alr. Having slight headache.
Nites people !
I dont know why. But it's just so freaking unreasonable that I dont know what to do.Photo taking today. I felt so short for the first time. ._. I am actually sitting at the front row, which means, first ten shortest girls. Ahh, first time in my life that I am actually in the front row ! Hahaha. Jiajia was feeling very paiseh. LOL. She was sitting beside me, and her face was kinda redddd. Before that was stress management talk. The talk was kinda humorous though. HAHA. :x
Plan for after school was actually to bring the sec ones to HQ to buy their uniform. But in the end, Zen could not go. It was quite last minute, that we postponed the trip. Paiseh Wen Ting ! So Ling, Melissa, YiTing and I went sing post instead. Went to eat ban mian. Lols. Then went Eunos and I cut my hair ! LOL. My hair's not short, but when I tie, its very short. Argh. Why ?!
Then trained home with Melissa.