Tuesday, March 31, 2009
School as per normal. Nothing to describe.
Just that due to some reasons, my mood went down after recess. Then, Pauline pangseh me, make me sit all alone in class for four periods. D:
After school, dppgs outing ! (: But awww, chi cannot come ! ): But anw, we went suntec for pizza hut. Muahaha. Thats the ever first time I've eaten such a wonderful meal in pizza hut. (: I kept kicking on Benjamin, sorry luh. & Jun, when you get married, I wanna be your bride's maid ! (: After eating, Jun and Benjamin went home. The three of us went walking around suntec, then we went Bugis. Met kdd at bugis. Then we continue walking. Then we stop by kfc for kdd to have his lunch/dinner. Then we went bugis junction, then went home.
Know what ? Im in a shopping mood again !
I wanna buy a lot of things ! Argh.
I want money ! Give me money !
Monday, March 30, 2009
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUMMY ! :D :D :D Love you ! ♥I hate mondays. Dread waking up early at 5.45 every monday morning.
Anw, slept during Chemistry for the first time. Kelvin Tan wasnt here, but there was this teacher who came to relieve him. & Idk what is she talking about, so I just sleep.
Lol. Then blablabla. To my surprise, I did not sleep during English periods.
muahaha. Oral this week. Scary. Then F&N, sensory evaluation practical test. Tested starch and broccoli.
Guides. Didnt really join in guides today, omg. Sorry sorry!
After netball was footdrill. Trained them footdrill. Then break. Charlene actually took off my shoe and rearrange my shoe lace for me. LOL. Thanks ar. Now I have two different kinda of laces. haha. Was chatting with Peifen and Jade. Lols. & Peifen scareeee meeee. (Peifen, I hope you see this). LOLOL. Then after guides, went hawker. Was mum's birthday. She requested me to buy brownie for her, but I ended buying her a small cake.
Then went home.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Thunder and lightning currently. I hate thunder, esp when it disturbs my sleep.
Argh. Anyway, maths tuition was ... hai hao luh.
Was so bored, so sian. Do halfway, feel like sleeping. Lols.
Then after she went, I went to sleep.
Now raining heavily, but Im going out soon with mum.
Whole family are gonna get croc shoes.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Im back to blogging !, for the second time.
Sianxz. Tuition tmr. Which means, maths tmr.
Maths maths maths. I hate maths. D:
Grrrrrrrrr. Hopefully my tuition teacher's not gonna yell at me for my common test marks. :x
& Sister cheat my feeling. D: Now I had to get into top 30 in the whole cohord instead of top 10 in class. Argh.
Anw, this few days, had been KPO-ing in brother's blog's history posts.
& I realised that he had been badmouthing me in his post ever since 2004.
Arghxz. wthellllll.
One retarded paragraph from one of his 2004's post. :
arrg!!! small sisters are horrble!!! toot lox… last year i recorded lost in space only to found out tt i recorded the wrong channel… then tis year my sister go and play wif the cable then she ruined my show!!! arg! i hate’t herx… grrz…
Ytd night, went out with sister. We went Bugis.
Well, we didnt want home until we bought smth from Bugis. wahaha.
& I bought my bag ! :D (Bought a black one this time, first black bag, cos I cant stand seeing my white bags turning black after a month or two.)
& Sister bought a dress. Idk why is she so overjoyed anyway.
Then went home.
Homed for a whole day. Granduncle's fermentation day.
Watched todou, going back to chase old singapore dramas, oh no !
Watching 爱的掌门人 currently.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Boooooooo. I've been losing my temper today.
Bah bah bah.
Skip the lessons part. It's plain boring. Oh anw, I've made ic ! (:
My ahma always tells me this: wah, take ic alr, grow up alr. Lols.
Guides, those seniors came ! muahahaha. Played netball. Then Weiwen trained us for footdrill. Then seperate training, I trained those not involve in the NDP. Then march and march and march, then de brief, then went macs, then went home.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Thinking day ~

School was pretty fine today. (:
Had geog lessons, maths then recess. After recess was physics. Today physics was kinda of fun (oh no, im not referring to PHYSICS.) In referring to the people at the table where Im sitting. lol ! I was covering my mouth and laughing for almost the whole lesson. My face was super red. Just because Brenda said: Regina, if you laugh, you're horny. The thing is, I just couldnt stop laughing ! So I said: Brenda, if you are in this room, then you're horny. Lols. YiShuan and Pauline were laughing until their faces went red too. Ahahaha. Then chemistry. Did experiment. Then english then dismissed.
Waited for kdd, then went hawker then went home. Reached home at 4plus 5.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Okay, I was in a really foul mood this morning when I came to school.
Argh. But at least, it got better during PE. We did javeline (sp?) throw. Its at least better than running and running. Lols. Then we had basketball. Then recess, idk what to say.
Suppose to be smth simple and easy, but it turned out to be smth hard to solve.
Kay, nvm. Then assembly, then CCT then social studies. Who wants to be a millionaire ! hahaha. :x Then literature, had test.
After school, went sing post with Melissa and Kdd.
Then went home.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Sigh sigh sigh.
Tuesday blues.
Making IC on Friday. Should I take another nice nice passport photo or should I just reuse my sec one's passport photo ?Edited;
Great granduncle passed away this afternoon. )':
This is the ever first time I am experiencing someone related to me that had left the world.
New year was the last time I ever saw him.
Rest In Peace.
So many things happened today.
Feel like crying.
In school now, having F&N.
Miss Ong's so cool, she didnt come but she booked com lab for us.
Anw. Last night sucks. This week sucks. This days sucks. Everything just suck.
Didnt feel quite well when I woke up this morning.
Both eyes were super pain and swollen, eye balls like want pop out like that. (LOL)
Okay, not funny. Was feeling super tired too.
Geog, Ms Hidayah did not come for the first time. We had three periods off, and I slept all the way through. Was feeling super cold and thanks to Chi for her jacket ! haha.
Then maths, recess, chemistry and now, F&N. Anw, I got freaking harrassed by
SOMEONE who tries to take my handphone strip. = ="
Kay, bye.
My intention was merely just to let you faster finish off your homework then talk to me. End up, I got scolded. Scolded for not replying you. I told you alr, I DC-ED. Then you scold me for not telling you that I dc-ed. Then I said its my fault, Im sorry, then you say me again. Then you said I cant be bothered. Then what you want me to say ? I was so fking pissed off cos of E=MC2, yet you come and pick up a fight with me.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Computer break down also dont wanna msg me earlier. Need me to msg you then you tell me. Ask you do maths, you say you dont know how. Dont know try lah. Then now, push everything back to me again. wtf.Hell lah. Anyway, term 2 starts today.
The whole class was super sian for the whole day, everyone was simply just dozing off.
Fell asleep during English. Mrs Thio caught me, but I didnt know why I just continued to sleep.
F&N, Miss Ong wasnt here. Did homeworks that she gave, then went over to Melissa's class to take some stuff from her. Was eating lollipops. Miss Goh caught me, and she said Im a baby girl.
Oh, guides was alright today. All so sian one, idk why also.
Weiwen came to train for footdrill. I trained the sec ones.
Training sec ones was super tiring, but it was fun man ! LOL. See the sec ones improve (though they got lots more to improve), was quite happy sia, idk why. Lolol !
Then dismiss them at 5, then waited for kdd, then went home.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Hell lah. If you did left the E=MC2 paper under the table, why didnt you even tell me before you go to Indonesia ? See lah. 20% CA gone, you happy ? You are the one that allocated the jobs to us. End up, you didnt do a single shit and didnt even tell me beforehand. HELL LAH. TODAY SUCKS MAN.
Did homework for the whole day.
First time of my life. Congrats manxz.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
NYDC Grand Finales !

Shit, I lost the photo that I look with chi ! ): Chi, send me again if you see this. LOL.
YAY. Out of the 20 schools, we came in third ! Muahaha !
We got our gold medal. Well, top 3 gets gold medals. (: HAHA.
Anyway, met Charlene, YiJing and Noraisha at City hall there. Yijing lost her way, lols. And we went compass point late. Anyway, reached there, woah. All the 20 schools were alr prepared. LOLOL. Then we waited for 10am for the whole mall to be opened. Layed out all the stuffs. Aha, then we began selling it. My princess shirt that had been transformed into a bagpack was sold first ! (: Muahaha ! Then went around to sell those stuffs. Created a few bags there too.
Yiling and Melissa came like super early ? HAHA ! :D Then they helped us promote and sell our bags ! :D Thanks and love ya ! muahaha. Mrs Ang came and support us ! Then followed by Jannah, FengLing, Danqi, Shiru, Ruishan, Yiting and Serene came after their NDP ! hahaha. Niu jie jie came ! Then my aunty, nanny, da jiejie and family came ! Then Kdd and KK came ! Then Kelly and Calista came ! Then Jiang jie and Kryan came ! Then Mr Phua came !
LOLOL. Okay, Im kinda high. haha ! Was telling Kelly and Calista to BUY BUY BUY ! HAHA.
Then evening, Charlene, Kelly, Calista and I went dinner tgt at macs. Didnt see those two seniors for a long time, I bombed nonsensical questions to them. HAHA. Esp Kelly, she was being harrased by the word ONE PIECE. Lmao. Then we went back to the stall, and I continued to pester kelly to BUY BUY BUY. Kelly's super random pls. She took so random pictures like Charlene's butt ? ROFLMAO.
Kelly, is BUY, not BYE. B.U.Y, not B.Y.E. LOLOL. Then at around 7plus, mum came. heehee. But wasnt feeling good. ): Train sick. Then prize giving time, YAY. We came in third ! :D :D Happy can ! We won the most friendly earth award. LOL. Raffles girls came in top lah. They earned a profit of eight hundred plus. So good can ! Then we packed up, and some of us went over to Raffles girl's stall to buy their soaps. (: Very nice smell !
Then dad came. Mum's carsick became worst. We went for supper. She didnt finish up her DINNER. Yes, its her dinner and my supper. And she vomitted in the car ! ): Aww. She got so sick that she cried too. Went home, taking care of her now.
Take care mum. God bless.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Was happily using my laptop, then suddenly, I heard a very loud BOMB lah.
So scary can. Then somemore got smoky smell. Then a lot of people came out of the hse to see. Woke mum up, cos I was seriously freaked out. Mum went to see. Another loud BOMB came, this time with light. Woah. O.O
Then SCDF came, police came. Brother came home, telling us that someone dropped something down, like a bomb or some burning stuff. Thats why there's smoky smell and a very loud BOMB sound. Argh, scary ! x.x I dont dare to sleep alr. Lols.
Anyway, great granduncle is in very critical condition now @ SGH. He's been looking everywhere for grandma, and grandma's rushing to hospital to see him now I think.
Sister says doc is prescribing antibiotics for him. If he gets over it, then (: . if not, thats it.
): Hope he gets well soon ! Pray hard.
Two bad news at one go. argh.
My best piece of work.
Guess who donated this two piece of singlet ?

VENUE: COMPASS POINT, SENGKANG (the big area there)
Muahaha. Went school again to complete the bags. Okay, the stocks aint enough, cos we're suppose to make 40, but we ended up with only 20++. Argh. ): Anyway, was talking about ghost stories in the morning when we started sewing our stuffs. & Ling happened to peep in and have a look, and I freaked out. LOL. Then sew sew sew, and had lots of laughter inside man !
Went over 7/11 to buy lunch with Charlene, YiJing and Noraisah @ around 2plus 3, & It was raining very heavily. Two person shared one umbrella while Grace and Meichi remained in school. When we reached 7/11, all of us were totally drenched lah. Got umbrella like no umbrella like that. LOL ! & The whole road was flooded to the brim, and we could not go back to the school. So we bought cup noodles and hid somewhere at the HDB there and enjoy our lunch. lol ! Then we went to the busstop, deciding whether to take taxi or bus to the next stop where its less flooded. When the car drove past, the wate all splash in. Lmao. Then Charlene was like, Kallang wave ah ! & The moment the water came into the busstop, Charlene screamed and ran away. What a joke sia ! LOL ! But in the end, we walked back school.
Tried to dry ourselves up with the hand dryer @ the toilet. Funny stuffs happened in the toilet, HAHAHAR. Then went back to sew until around 6plus, went home. HAhaha ! Fun day. (:
Then went to mum's clinic. She's working alone again, and I went to acc her. Muahaha.
Then came home at around 8plus.
You dont talk to them, I dont talk to you. As simple as ABC.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Oh my god. The previous post was my 1000th post !
WAHHHHH. *clapclap*
LOL. Went school today to continue with the bags. Suppose to reach school at 9, but thanks to SOMEONE. -.- Met Elyn on the way. Chatted with her on the bus. Reached, went guides room and started sewing. Know what ? It's Mr Lau first time doing sewing ! Muahaha. & He spoilt 2 shirts ! ohmygod. Then charlene went to say: See, without girls, you boys ah, sigh.
Lmao. okay ~ Then went hawker buy lunch. Bought fried kuey teow. Bought the 3dollars de while Charlene bought 4. Didnt really manage to finish. Was super spicy. :x
Then Miss Ong came and helped us too ! With her 4 pairs of scissors that went through thick and thin with her. LOL. Chatted while we're doing. Mr Lau's ambition last time was to become a farmer. haha ! LOL.
Then around 5plus, went macs with kdd they all. Then went home.
Muahaha ! I dont owe you ice cream alr ok !
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Went school today. Was suppose to sew those bags today. But no one went in the end.
& I'm suppose to meet kdd, so I just went school. Went to find Mr Lau and Miss Ong.
Melissa and Ling were my saviours man. They came to help me. Love ya people. :D
Cut out the layerings and so on. Then tried to attach them on the sewing machine.
Unfortunately, the sewing machine did not work. -.-
So nevermind. Went for guides meeting first.
From 12pm to 2plus, we were doing some plannings and so on. Miss Ong's planning to shift me back to flowerpecker. Lols. A bit cant bear to leave Oriole, though I yearned to return to flowerpecker last year. :/ *Hope miss ong changes her mind*
Then went to meet kdd they all and had our pizza feast. Melissa went off, cos she needa go for tuition. Kk made Ling mop the floor and made me sweep the floor. So okay lor, we do. & Ling was super funny, the way she mop. Water all splash out. LOL.
Then went back staff room to continue with the bag making. Unpicked the sleeves and so on. Then Miss Ong needa go. Brought home the bale of cloth. Needa cut 6pieces for tomorrow.
Tired man. x.x
So many things to do. Argh.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
GG. D:
I found out that other than those homework listed in my previous post, I still had Maths and English ! Die. I must finish E=MC2, Maths, English and F&N today ! (Those homeworks that must be handed in on Monday) Chiong ahhhh !
Anyway, slept at 12plus last night. Cos I was dling movies from some websites that brother recommended me. Haa ! So cool ! xD
& In the end, I woke up at 11plus today. Lols.
Should I change my blog link ? :/
Edited }
Im bored now. Dont feel like doing homework. & The weather's freaking hot today.
E=MC2, Im suppose to do social studies and F&N. But, the sources were with Pauline or in fact, I think its under the table. & The guys in my group didnt know anything about their allocation of tasks and their worksheets were not with them. GG.
Monday, March 16, 2009

I had sunburn on my scalp ! x.x
Out today.
Went school first, with Ling and Melissa, my two saviour.
Wanted to report to school to sew the bags for saturday's competition. In the end, Mr Lau wasnt there. So we ended up doing nothing. sigh. Went canteen to slack, then went to meet Miss Ong.
Sat and chat @ outside General Office till KDD, TT and KK came.
Then we went Marina. Went subway for lunch while the guys went Macs. Then walk walk awhile then went arcade. Rushed back to GV for movie. Watched suspext x. Didnt know it was a Japanese movie. I thought it was ang moh movie. LOL. The show was boring at first. & We made a total nuisance. Ling smelt smth smelly. She bend down and start sniffing all our shoes. Melissa and I ended up sniffing with her. Joke of the day manxz. Lmao.So Ling took out her perfume an started spraying. Then Ling and I went toilet. Ling started washing her slippers and legs cos she thinks that the smell comes from her. ._. Then we went back. The show was getting more and more interesting. The guy in the movie wanted to hang himself. Then he was about to kick away his chair, his door bell rang. For no reason, I laughed. Another one was when the guy started crying so loudly in the show, I laughed again. This time, Ling and Melissa got influenced by me and all started laughing. The guys were like, o.0
Then after movie, went walk walk then back to arcade. Played para para ! First time and it was quite interesting man ! Haha ! Can exercise hand. LOL. Played with Melissa. Then went suntec to buy mum's kueh tutu and my school shoes. Then walk walk around, then went home.
Homed at 6plus.
Oh, how I wish holiday can last for at least two weeks.
I've got F&N review qsn for chap 1, 2 & 10, Geog spot check qsn, the cartoon drawing and E=mc2. I somemore had to type out all the campfire plan andback to school for sewing of bags. No time to go out to play ! Oh anw, Sentosa on Wednesday ! :D (But I needa go back school !, so idk if Im going not.)
Sunday, March 15, 2009
gv (golden village) = guidance. LOLS. You think you funny uh !Anyway, had a shiok hot bath after blogging the previous post. then went to sleep on my comfortable bed. Shiok uh ! muahaha. then halfway through my dreamland, mum woke me up. ._. Went bugis's MOF with family. Japanese restaurant. Eat alr, come home, msn.
Sleeping early tonight. Still feeling very sleepy.
Everybody ! are you ready ?
Everready !
I cant hear you !
Ayai captain !
woooooooO ~
xi shua shua xi shua shua xi shua shua woo woo
xi shua shua xi shua shua xi shua shua blahhh
xi shua shua xi shua shua xi shua shua woo woo
xi shua shua xi shua shua xi shua shua BOMB !
dum dum dili dili dum dum dili dili dum dum dili di dum *clap clap*
dum dum dili dili dum dum dili dili dum dum dili di dum
Im back Im back Im back !
HEHEHE. Everybody miss me not ?
LOL. jk.
The most disgusting camp ever. But fun luh, of course. muahaha. Our campsite was at changi, moe camelot. ( They said its haunted !) & Yea. Idk why I feel so disgusted luh. But its disgusting. Lols. And the instructors are freaking fierce.
Im in group 5, and in Alpha that consist of group 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
First day was quite alright. But just that its damn boring. Partnered chi ! (: Activities were all carried out on the sandy floor and all of us had to sit on it. Slept at the dome, which is considered the best sleeping place I every slept. LOL. Anyway, showering part was suckish. We gotta share two person in our cubicle. So me and chi shared. In the end ?! Less than 5 minutes, the instructor PUSHED our cubicle door opened and ask us to get out. (the cubicle has no lock). Then sleep. The aeroplane flew past a lot of times, and the sound so sooooo loud cos its landing and its near to us. Woke up a few times.
Second day, woke up at 5.30. Did water and land expedition. Alpha did dragonboating/ kayaking first. Choosed dragonboating, cos idk how to swim ! But before we did dragonboating, all of us wore our PFD and went into the water and float tgt ! Yay ! Its so fun ! Then we carried the dragonboat into the water. Then we went for our dragonboat ! This time de dragonboat not nice one. Only need to paddle from changi to east coast, half an hour. Then no sticking out of leg and doing those whatsoever actions. Sea current was much faster than Kallang river. Our boat kept turning sideways which makes me sick ! Then actually we gotta do kayaking. But no more kayak boats. So I did another round of dragonboat till the east coast where we meet group 6 to 12. Then we had lunch on the soil ground when we're wet ! So the sand was stucked onto our butts. Went for land expedition. Walked for around 3 hrs plus ? Did some silly stuffs on the way like caterpillar walking ? Which made my palm with bruises. And the instructors were so wthell luh. Scold us for nothing. Then walk till the so called "river" but I called it distributaries cos its a canal-link-to-sea. Its soooooooooo damn wide. And we got to cross the river. Thats the most fun activities man ! Group 3, 4 and 5 had no time. Only a few can play. So I played ! Went down into the water. The current was so big and I was floating with only my head on air. The rest was in the water. Current came, and I drank mouths of seawater and even breath in seawater. Yuck ! But overall was fun ok ! haha. But the ropes made my palm hurt. Then we went back. Chi went home, cos she's sick. ): Tc ! Again, bathed and less than 5 minutes, the instructor pushed my cubicle open ! Argh. Hell hell hell. Then campfire. The funniest campfire I ever went man ! haha ! Esp instructor sulfi and his gayish actions. Performed. Then after campfire, Jolin went home, I partnered Xin Hong ! & She came to chi's place to sleep.
Third day, woke up at 7, prepared and so on. Woah. Intructor Noris was friendly today, to my surprise. Group 5 on duty to serve food and guard the washing point. Then we had area cleaning and debrief. Group 3, 4, 5 won the performing competition. muahaha ! Then went home ! Hawker and then home now.
Tired. To me, this camp, boo boo boo.
Excluding the river crossing activity and campfire. (:
& Its not worth 72bucks at all. ):
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Not feeling well. Tummyache for the whole day like OMG.
I was so in pain that I was sweating like mad cow.
Slept during English. Mrs Thio asked us to write a letter. In the end, I stopped halfway.
Really very pain. Argh.
Anyway, got back my report card.
Surprisingly, I passed my English and scored A2 for Chemistry, woo !
English: 56.1
36.1Chemistry: 70.9
Physics: 55.4
Combined Humanities: 91.2
Geography: 83.0
F&N: 81.3
Woo ! Quite satisfied actually. 4 As ! There were a few pervertic people like KITTIPOP who scored all A1 except for D&T A2 and English fail. ._. Damn. How I wish I could score all As !
Gave Bugis trip a skip. Wasnt feeling very well. Chi and Grace became my mama for the day. Forcing me on hot milo on hot day. In the end, Both of them and Fion acc-ed me with a cup of milo each. hahaha ! Then went home with KDD.
Camp tmr.
I wanna go Kayaking and Dragonboating. x.x
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Today was not my day. ): Blues.
Pauline didnt come, & I was all alone. Lydia didnt come too. Both sick I think. Tc !
MT, meichi and grace came lateeeee. PE, was with Angel. Played basketball, but somehow, we stopped and rest. Then recess, was promoting singlet bags to everybody in the canteen. Then assembly. Then CCT. No teacher. Was sitting alone in class. Promoting the bags in the class. Boys are so annoying luh. Girls better. The boys were like, "Why must I buy a girl's bag ? ", "why the bag so expensive ? 2dollar then I will buy" -.- But nvm. Managed to psyco some to order from us. Then Social Studies. Got back my result. I got full marks ! 25/25. Yay ! So does Yi Shaun ! hoho. Then Literature. Sat in a group. Mrs Remedios was super fast in reading and I couldnt catch up.
Dismissed, Chi went to find Aaron. LOL. Cos he bullied chi's brother. So Chi went to find him and she gave him 2 tight slaps ! Oh wow. Scary Meichi. :x Went for lunch, then went to do samples for the singlet bags. Went to find teacher. At first, couldnt find needles and thread for the sewing machine. Secondly, cant find the plug and switch for the machine. But in the end, found it. Forthly, the tinggy cant work. But manage to work in the end. Fifthly, the whole machine jammed. Lastly, the needle broke. ._. Ohwell. Stopped work in the end. Finished at around 6. Walked to busstop with chi.
Anyway, sorry Melissa for not acc-ing you to parkway ! Really too late.
Sleeping early today. Felt super tired.
I hate the way you reply, seriously.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Road run today.
Lessons as per normal until 11.55pm.
Morning, forgot to bring my chinese book. So do Lydia and Pauline. Teacher didnt gave us chance anymore, so we're being so called "punished". Which is stand up loh. Instead of feeling scared, we ended up feeling paiseh and kept laughing and laughing. LOL. But Fion gave us newspapers ! Tyty. hahaha. Knew out geog results today. I got 83/100, woohooo ! :D
Happy happy. Then Maths, recess, chem. Mr Tan did not teach today, cos his voice werent back. Got year book. Nice nice ! Then F&N, Miss Ong gave us chocolates ! haha. (The one guides made for valentines. ) LOL.
After school, took shuttle bus to Bedok reservoir. The bus driver went the wrong way. HOHO. Reached there, changed into guides uniform, then went to help out at the prize table. Layed the trophies and stuffs. Then after that, went to walk around and slack until around 5, prize giving. Melissa was the arranger, Ling was the holder and I was the giver. LOLOL. As in, gave the trophies to the person who is "shaking hand with the winners". Idk what that call uh. lol ! Give until hand tired. Then after that, went macs with those npcc people, Yiting, Jialing, Fengling and hairy (idk who is he o.0). Then took mrt home. Went to look for mum, reached home at 8plus.
Monday, March 09, 2009
Took back results today.
Haa. Worst CA ever, though its my first time studyg for CA. ._.
Anyway, should not studied, if I knew I will still do badly.
Failed 3 subs. Chinese, English and Maths.
English: 10.5/25, E learning 35/50. (only 4-5 people in my class pass English)
Maths: 9/35. ( my tuition teacher's sure gonna kill me. )
Chinese: 44/100. ._.
Chemistry: 24/40. ( damn Pauline got 30 !! )
Physics: 23/40.
F&N: 16/20 (yay !)
Guides after school. Sang cheers and played game with them. Then went to untie surrounding poles on the guides flag tgt with Ling, then meet Mr Lau with Charlene for the competition thinggy. Got to stay back on Wednesday to sew those bags. Sian. Then Enrolment !
Yay, congrats people ! All of you are finally enrolled ! ( Except that there's no trefoil for the time being cos I think Mdm Rose took it with her when she leave ? ) ._. Then had the promotion stuffs and briefing. Then went home. Went to put the flag back into the guides room, talked to Miss Ong for a while outside the toilet and waited for KDD and those people till 6.30. Then went home.
Road Run tomorrow. Duty with Melissa, Prize table. ._.
Sunday, March 08, 2009
Homed in the morning and afternoon.
Tv-ed the whole day. Morning, le le wo and in the afternoon, watched spirited away.
LOLOL. Its a japanese cartoon, veh nice ! (:
My childhood show.
Evening, went out with mum to bugis. Wanted to buy specs hook for the camp but ended up, the hook is far too small to get into my specs. -.- So I ended up taking specs band which is so damn super ugly ! Argh. Aunty. ._. But lucky Uncle Ben taught me how to hide the band so that no one could see it. haa. Then after that, went for dinner and went home.
I wanna buy a bag !
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Just one last step, everything will be gone forever. What have I done, and how am I going to make it better ? I dont know how. Went children's home today. Its organized by this Y2Y network, and Im just going there for fun. Haa. Whatever. Woke up at 6.45, met Ling, Jocelyn and Terry at 8. Then met Aye Hsu at Douby Ghaut then we trained down to Kovan. Met those people. All so strangerly to me. Cos im not in their club anyway.
Went to this malay children's home. Partnered Ling and our buddy was Halijah ! She's a super duper hyper 8 yr old girl. Like omg. We've spent most of the time chasing her around. ._. Then play with them until 11plus, macs. Then a little performance by them and then went home.
Went Ling's house for a while and to borrow her cd. Then chat there and went home at 4.
I dont wanna talk to anybody. Just leave me alone for a day.
I'll be fine tomorrow.
Friday, March 06, 2009

Today sucks big time.
Damn damn damn.
Physics paper was a screwed up paper. Asking us to find velocity when we dont even know the length of displacement and asking us to find height when teacher did not teach at all. Somemore, Johara came into the class late and we started the paper late. Ah, hell. & Sorry Brenda ! For kiaping your fingers. :x
After paper, went Ngee Ann for the briefing of the competition. From 9plus till 2plus, then 45 minutes ride to compass point to take a look at our stalls. Around 3plus, took mrt back to Kallang and then bus-ed back school for guides. After guides, went KFC for a while. Went home an home at 7plus 8.
21 March 09, Saturday, pls come to compass point to support us the brd-cians ok !
I know its farrrrrrrr, but MRT very fast will reach de.
OK !!!!
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Chemistry paper today was alright.
Heard that other classs, a lot of people fail English. Argh, GG.
Normal lessons. Mr Tan communicate with us using whiteboard. lol. & Ms Johara's getting more and more annoying. English was cooler. Angel, Lydia, Me. All of us were popping lollipops in front of Mrs Thio ! LOL. & Im the more not obvious, cos Im always covering it. (:
Then after school, did a lil bit of reading for physics notes, then ling and melissa and feng ling came, we went guides room to build the flag pole with jannah and the rest. Then Ling and I went to find Miss Ong, she said we dont have to build the flag alr. ._. Enrolment's postponed. :/
Okay, then we went home.
Last paper tmr ! JY !
Edited. }
I studied I studied and finally, I studied !
In my whole life, this is the first time I studied for CA !
LOL. Anyway, I studied !
Hope tmr's paper is an easy one. :/
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Nearly died in Maths today. Almost the whole paper, I didnt know how to do.
Wah, shit luh. Sigh.
Lessons per normal, then after school, there's a camp briefing and then went Feng Ling's house to study. Came home at 7.30.
Okay, random.
Gonna continue with my studyg. Chemistry tmr !
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Oh, social studies today.
Memorised the whole of Sri Lanka and Northern Ireland consequences was super hard. Argh, and there's two essays for 50minute, I scribbled all the way and my hand was aching like hell.
But managed to finish uh, haha. Only thing that I didnt write all the factors for Sri Lanka. No time. ):
Then went for geog. E learning, I got 21 upon 25 !! Happy happy. (: Then went to the library to slack, cos A maths tests and Miss Lee never come. Then recess, then Chemistry. Mr Tan as real fierce today. ): Oh my god. Then F&N, English, Physics. Then after school, waited for Melissa they all. See Lydia eat her lunch. Then when they came, went Sing post for Long John, cos Feng Ling got the coupon tinggy. Everyone was eating, then Lydia was studying. haha. Arggghhhh, I didnt study a single thing ! ): Im dead. Went popular buy things, then went home.
5 days. :/
Monday, March 02, 2009
Aww man man man !
English common test today. Was quite alright luh. But too many chim words. :x
Anyway, there's one teacher that came into our class to like, so called to make sure we dont cheat uh, and alsoto collect the paper. That teacher damn niao ! Extra writing paper need to be handed up that one nevermind. She somemore want us to give back the string that she gave. O:
MT next. Those bio students were taking bio and there's no lesson !(:
Chat chat chat with Chi, Grace and Angel. Hohoho. & I asked them: what if kayaking, then your boat capsized, then your spectacle drop how ? LOL. Eh seriously, I've been doubting that question for very long time. :x
Recess, English. Slept all the way during English, cos I was sitting right at the back. Then Maths, Miss Lee didnt come. Another slacking period. Then F&N. Test ! Oh god, its so hardddddddd. And group presentation. Then dismissed, study session with Lydia and Pauline. Pauline went off, Lydia and I stayed to study till 6plus. Manage to rush home before the rain comes. hoho !
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Tuition starts today.
Lets see, tutor is a girl (like obviously), names Sherli.
Hahaha, she went through indices with me and I think she's gonna vomit blood. ._.
Practically, I've forgotten everything about indices.
Ah, whatever. Quadratic Equations, no time to teach. Wednesday, GG.
Anyway, just recieved a sms from Gerald Lim saying that there's F&N test tomorow ! Ahh, shit shit shit. I hadnt been adsorbing anything about F&N. ._.
Damn, tests and exams sucks. so stressful.
bah bah bahhhhh.