Saturday, February 28, 2009
Woke up quite afew times last night.
3plus, 5plus, 7plus, 9plus, 10plus and I finally woke up.
Then slept again twice. Im a total 100% pig today.
But I've replenished all my sleep ! Oh great.
Head's spinning the whole day. Sadded.
Gorge myself with books today. Nothing is adsorbed.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Oh god, common tests is nearrrrrrrrr, like just next week ? :x
Shuffled tables today, into exam format. Poor Pauline, she gotta bring home one whole mountain of books. Not like the clever me, I brought home half yesterday. Hahahar. :x
Anyway, Pauline ! Can you stop tickling me ?!?!?! Argh. & we randomly saw the piano hidden at the side of the staircase and pauline laughed out loud. She wanted Edward to play the piano there and she can act as Bella. HAHAHA. :x
Okay luh. Lessons were per normal. I passed my inequality test like, finally ? HAHAHA. But combining the 3 tests tgt, I only had 38 upon 100. ): Chinese tests again, a "so called" touch up for our Chinese test cos more than half of us fail ! It was an open book tests. (: But but but, its worst than a closed book test. ._.
So yea. Now lets see, Physics, Maths & Chines CMI for CA alr, now Im left with the rest of the subjects. Argh, save me. ): I dont wanna failllllllll.
Stayed back for a while after school. Wanted to study and have lunch. In the end, been chatting to Lydia alllll the way till 2.15 when Ling, Melissa and Jun came. Then blablabla, Jun and ling went for their CCA, Melissa and I stayed for a while while more. Random with Peifen halfway. Argh, Peifen and Melissa, you both go kiss the paper. LOL. Peifen got so agitated when she knew that she wasnt the first one to know. ._. Anyway, the
Gotta go Ngee Ann poly next friday immediately after Physics test. Oh great.
Going work with mum, cos she's all alone in the clinic today and bribed me to acc her. HAHA.
:x She's gonna blanja me macs ! So anything, call me or msg me ! (:
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Well, not much of a details today, just that I was kinda high during lessons and low after school.
Ah, whatever luh.
Lessons today enlightened me. I kept laughing and laughing and practically, I dont know why. I just turned to Pauline with a stern face and started laughing after that. ._. Sotxz.
& After school was quite alright actually. Laughing session with those people in the canteen. Chi, Grace, Lydia and another malay girl. We just went HAHAHAR. Then Ling and Feng Ling came, then we went to one side for a "meeting". & Yea, lols. They gotta go for choir, I met KDD and went home. On the way, kena splashed dirty ranwater by Kenneth Koh. zzz.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Woo. Lessons as usual today.
I failed my chinese test for the very first time in my life. Dont know what to say sia. wthelll.
Then PE, then recess, assembly.
Adventure camp next next week. 72bucks in total, like so ex luh. & There's kayaking ! Kinda excited but, I dont know how to swim ! :x Ahahaa, so I told Pauline: "Pauline, I partner you, then I tie a string around my hand connect to your hand, then when I drown, drop, then you can dive in and save me. " And she gave the lame face. = =" Haha ! CCT, SS, Elec lit.
Dismissed, went canteen for lunch with Grace and Yenzhi. Chi went her friend's house. KDD came, then Melissa came. Lunch alr, Melissa wanted to go Long John. So I acc her. Then KDD went home, we decided to go Katong Shopping Centre. Lols. Went there to check on her contacts, then we went to eat her fried kuey teow. Then, we went to try on the frosty ice nearby while witing for my brother. He wanna come meet me, and I thought he was at home, so I said okay lor. In the end, he was travelling from Ngee Ann to Katong ! Like wthell, waited for 2 hours, ._. Become rotten egg alr, then he come. Then we went roxy square. He went to snip off his bushy hair. ._. After snipping off, we went parkway for his dinner Mos Burger, milk tea ! (: Then eat alr, we went home. In the busstop, both of us saw our friends there. Saw Peifen, haha ! When her friend went off, chatted with Peifen for a while. Then went home.
Common test next week !
I gotta work hard !
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
IM FIFTEENNNNNNNNN ! :DOh yes ! hoho !
But so sad, cos of my beauty sleep, I cant stay awake till 12 to welcome my 15th year to arrive. hmm. haha ! Anyway, thanks people from wishing me ! & Thanks for the present esp my dear DPPGS and kdd ! (:

My dream house. LOL. From Ling and Melissa ! (:

From Jun, Yenzhi, Xinyuan and Lydia !

From my juniors, Ruishan, YiTing and Danqi !

KDD ! (:
& Chi's big big card, sorry, the card's kept underneath my bed and its hard to take out and have a snapshot. :x I'll take it tomorrow ! (:
Lessons per normal. E=mc2 after recess and yeahs ! I found out that I like crime investigation ! :D hehe. Paulie, Nicholas and HanYong were in my group. Me and Pauline were so engrossed in solving the crime that we even read it during the CSI show. ._. LOL. Back to class for more lessons, fell asleep. Then ended at 2.50, went to find miss ong for meeting. Miss Ong gave me 10bucks for celebration, like, yay ! :D Thanks !!
Then after that, cab down to marina, cos the house ling and melissa gave me was too big. :x Andersons, family fondue ! haha. nice nice !
Then went to bugis and I gave myself a birthday present ! (: hehe ! LOL. Then after that, went home.
You know my limits.I know you're disappointed. But so sorry.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Yay ! Its tomorrow ! :D
Last day of being 14, (:
I will kinda miss being 14 though. D:
Anyway, school as usual. Morning, took our gadgetsbefore school starts, and Chi came to me and gave me a big card. A really big one pls, haha ! thanks chi ! love ya ! Pauline tickled me during English. I gave no response. She tickled me the second time, I tried not to response. Then she tickled me again, and I laughed like no one's business, and she got a scare. ._. Lmao. Got back Maths test, 8/30. ._. So sad luh, what a lousy mark. Argh. Nvm. Then F&N, we baked swiss roll and the madeline or what. Redhza came to our group to help out, and I can say he's a good cook. OMG.
Then went for guides, trained them drills. I took the sec1s and the weak ones to one side and trained them. hoho. Then we trained them for enrolment and prize recieving. After that, they were dismissed, short meeting with miss ong, then waited for 5.30. Went Macs to sit sit tgt with Ling, npccs and nccs. ._. Then the red cross came and Kelly & Karyi came too ! wahaha ! :D So happy ! LOL. They gave me a cake ! Thanks ! :D Love ya both ! haha ! Then went home with ling and kdd. Reach home art 7plus.
E=mc2 tomorrow, lols.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Last night, went dinner with mum and dad. Went sunshine plaza for thai food. Lols.
Then my eyes were freaking painful, and I went home, blogged and went to bed.
Supposingly to wake up at 12 for homework. In the end, dad stopped my alarm clock. -.- So slept all the way till 8.
Prepared, went down nanny's house at 9.45. Went out with her and her family. We went orchard to shop, then went sushi teh. Then around 1plus, went home.
Felt so tired, so I went to sleep. Lols. Slept for 3 hrs plus.
Then woke up, went out with family. We went IMM ! Hohoho ! Went cafe cartel for dinner. Oh yea, the mushroom and ham pasta irks me, cos its too milky. ._. Then went shopping. Went diaso, bought some unnesessary stuffs, then went home.
Quite random for a long day.
Anyway, my homework's not done yet ! ._. Die !
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Thinking day @ indoor stadium today.
Woke up at 6, then prepared and dad send me to Kallang Macs. Meet Ling and melissa there. Then had our breakfast, then Afina came. Planned some of our camp and campfire stuffs there. Then walk to indoor stadium at around 8. The moment I went into the indoor stadium,
Ling: yesterday night here is Lin You Jia's concert leh !
Me: wah ! No wonder got the Lin You ia's smell !
._. okay, wtv, anything. Met Ms Hasna there, then surrendered our valuables, then put our stuffs at the changing room. Then we went for training. Most of the time, we were slacking there. Lols. Between 8 to 12 plus, we only practised like, 2 or times. Then we had our lunch, which is nasi lemak, then went to change, tied our hair into plaits, then got ready for the colour party. Oh thanks sherli ! she helped me tie my plaits ! (: But poor her, kena cheated by bata people. Like, omg. The bata man gave her the pair of shoes which is both left side luh. So she gotta wear the eft shoe on the right leg. ._. Haha. Before going out for the colour party, all of us took group photo. (: Aw, the last time I see them, esp my partner Huiting, Elizebeth, Eva, Sherli, Jasmine, Vivian, Shin man, Hong Yannnnnnn.
Thinking day celebration started. Was standing at the side with the flag while waiting for Mrs SR nathan to arrive. Then when she came, colour party take over. So i did the signal luh. But hell, those guides in front were laughing like no ones business, -.- All laughing at me signalling luh. Zzz. Then went up to the seats there look at the performance and prize giving. Then colour party take over again, to take the flag down. Again, they laughed. zzz. Wthell. Whats so funny with my Pssshhhhh. !?!?!!
Then thinking day finished, then we went back brd tgt with brd guides.
KDD came, then went home.
Friday, February 20, 2009
HAPPY BIRTHDAY XIN HONG !Thinking day celebration @ school today.
Woke up at 5.45 to tie my hair. = =" Tie tie tie, then went school around 6.45.
Went school, helped those guides to tie their plaits, then after that, we went for the tinggy.
Marched in was a bit unaccurate uh, but nvm. Then read the message, the promise blablabla. Then march out.
Went for lessons, then recess, then lessons, then dismissed.
Idled around with Charlene, then with Peifen. Lols. we were all gossiping. :x Went for muster parade, Jannah ic today. Then all were dismissed for their duty. Feng Ling, Melissa, Ling and Elis helped me with gadgets. Tied, then went to hammer. Super hard to hammer, cos the soil all hardened. Then the Tung Ling old folks came.
Melissa and I were the hosts for today. We played games and so on. Then went to eat. Served the elderlys with the food, then we went for our own food. Then the elberlys byebye, then we cleared up.
Before dismissed, Miss ong gave us roses each. Lol ! hahaha. Its the "so called" thinking day presents from her. LOLS.
Then after that, went home. Walking to the busstop was like, omg. ._.
Stupid kdd.
Campfire proposal to be up tomorrowwwwwwwww.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Total defence, was suppose to recite some message to the school.
Syahmi maged be the day before, asking me to reach at 6.30. Like, so earlyyyyy.
Nvm. Then reach there, idk do what, then went to change ito guides uniform. Ling pei-ed me. hoho. Then blablabla. Start le. Wah, disaster man. Thn recite finish liao, then went to change back to school uniform.
Geog, maths, recess, physics, chemistry.
Chemistry, Mr Tan came back limping away. Lols. He said he got some back problem that his nerves pushed onto idk what that he cannot really comtrol his left leg anymore. (?) LOL. Then English. Mrs Thio scold us like never scold like that. :x Lydia and I sneak out to the toilet, cos I was freaky urgent but Mrs Thio dont wanna let us go, then we wanted to go back class by the back door. In the end, we just walk to the front door. Lucky she never scold us. :x
Dismissed, went to look for teachers, and so on. Gadgets tying at guides room. What a joking day. hohoho ! Laughing, chasing, screaming, fighting all outside the guides room. Esp the true and dare. Charlene, you SUMPAH ah. Lmao ! Then Weiwen came, Peifen came, then we sit sit talk talk, then build up those stuffs, then went staff room, then went home.
Thinking day celebration @ school tomorrow ! (:
Then after school, BBQ session, muahahaha.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Today was the ever worst stinky day ever. Argh.
Ran 2.5km. -.- Tay wanted us to have a target of 18.30 for girls and 15 for boys. Say want train us for X country. -.- If we failed, we gotta run 10 rounds in the field. = ="
So we ran. Ran tgt with Pauline at first. But I ran off before her after that Run stop run stop. Then in the end, my score was 18.40.
!!!!! Lucky Mr Tay counted 19 as a passing mark, so I didnt have to run ! (: Went basketball court play bb, then went for recess. All the way, I was sweating and sweating.
Recess was like, woah. Only chrysantamum tea for drinks, and the food stalls ells only like, fried rice or fried noodle ? Say what its Total defence. ._.
Then lessons time were worst. No lights, no fan. Stuffy all the way in the classroom. Sweat like hell. Then after that, dismissed.
Canteen for a while, then went to find Melissa ad Weiwen. We talk and talk until the guides are all ready to go to the beach rd de army marketto buy boots. Then Ling went for her meeting. We went beach rd, then bring them go buy their boots. In the end, Melissa and I got a scolding by this old man who claims that we didnt let him sit. but the thing is, we wanted to. Then the lady behind wanted to alight and so she moved out of her seat. So we thought the old man could sit there. In the end, we got scolded. = = " After buying boots, some of us went back Brd. hoho ! We're super late for the training. :x We reached bed at 5plus, then we took cab there. Last training at HQ le. hoho. Today's training was super funny. :x Practically, Huiting was laughing at me when I gave the stunned look when the flag went down behind her. LOL. :x haah.
Then around 6.30, dismissed. Junction 8 for food, then home !
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Anyway, maths had been postponed to next week, yay !
F&N lessons were quite alright. Quite a funny lesson. (: Then English, almost 1/3 of the class were sleeping when Mrs Thio's teaching. Lols. And I fall asleep too, but just for 10 minutes uh. Then physics open book test. Lols.
After that, dismissed. Went to look for Ling and Melissa. Went to the munch and mingle corner to see them video for the social studies. LOL. Super funny I tell you. lol ! Then Melissa and I went staff room to look for Miss ong. Discuss stuffs with her, then we went hawker tgt with KDD. Bought our shoes and at a cheap prize. (: Anyway, gonna wear for one time only. :/ Then KDD went home, we went bugis to buy stuff. Then went home.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Oh man. Ear infection again. Which means, Im half deaf AGAIN.
Lessons today were as usual. Chemistry Lessons were fun ! (: LOL. The way Mr Kelvin Tan talks uh. Those "rubbish". LOL. Then skip skip.
F&N, did kueh dar dar and chocolate cookie. LOL. Did chocolate cookie first. Then kueh dar dar. Lols.
Then went down to fall the guides in. Train them for a while before Yiling they all came. Then we formed the thinking day squad, then practise the march in. Then around 4:30, Ling, Melissa, Jannah and I chiong to Bishan. Lols. We took cab there. Then training started. So sad, I cant pull the pole. ): Im the signal girl. :/ Anyway. Ended at 6, de-brief and then went Junction 8 de old Chang kee buy the sushi tinggy, then went home.
Random. I've got lots of things to do !
Sunday, February 15, 2009

Bang Bang Tang frst batch graduate le. ):
They graduatd last year, Sobxz. & I only get to know just now that my ahwei is no longer in mo fang bbt anymoreeeee.
Ahhhh, ahwei. :/
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Theresa's maltese

Chi's maltese

hohoho ! Went out to Ang Mo Kio atr around 10. Went shopping ! haha ! And I had fun in Ang mo kio ! (ling hor ? ) Lmao. haha ! *winkwink*
Lols. Then around 1plus, we went Chi's house. Play with her maltese ! OMG ! so cute ! 3 months only. (: And its the first time I carry a dog okay ! Super cute ! haha ! Then Melissa came.
We went Katong complex to buy their contact lens first, then we went ECP. Went to eat the 32 farenheit de snow dessert first. haha. super nice ! Then we went ECP. Went arcade, lols. Melissa and ling waited for so long for their ddr. Lols. Cos a lot of people play. End up, I played with chi mario kart, basketball, star ball, percussion !! haha. And played ddr also. Play for a while. Then around 6, KDD came back with KK. Lols. Then KK went home. Then we went to meet Junie, then we walk to bbq pit 43. haha. Meet Afina ! Its her bday today !
The moment she saw us, she hug everyone of us. Damn hiong luh she, LOL. Then we went there to wish her happy birthday, thn we went off. Went home at 7plus.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Last night, chionged E learning with Ling till 1 plus near 2. We actually wanna chiong more, but our eyes simply cant open anymore. Lols. So we went to sleep.
Then we woke up at 9:15. Continue chionging our E learning. Rozanne came, then we chiong together. aha. F&N was super duper incredibly hard man ! Argh ! Wth.
They give questions like how do braces break down food ar, what nutrients does the bile steals in the intestines, blablaabla. ._. And tim e limit was only half an hour.
Sian luh. but finally, we finished our e learning at 1plus (!!!)
haha ! Then we prepare, then we chiong go school for guides.
IC for muster parade. Like, omg. I dont even know I cant about turn and blabla. OMG, so malu ! :x Then we went up to the home econs room to make valentines chocolate ? Lol. Then we left it in the fridge, then went down for thinking day march in practise. Melissa and I trained the sec ones tgt with irene. Hoho. Then after that around 5:30, went back home econs room to take our chocolate. Disgusting. :x Cos the chocolate haven harden yet. So we must took a spoon and eat it. Then dismissed at 6.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
E learning sucks. :/
Ah, whatever.
Both of us woke up at 8, then we prepare, eat breakfast, blabla.
Then around 9 plus 10, we went school. Went to the canteen for "recess" first. Lols. Talk to charlene blabla. Then we went library. Walau eh, now the new librarian ar, idk what to say. Lols. She dont wanna let us use the com, then we went to find one teacher help us. Then we went down for lunch, then we went up. This time with Meichi and her friends. haha. Then we did our assignments, until 3. Then acc Meichi go macs buy her food, then we went back brd. Chi acc-ed me till Ling dismiss from choir luh, thanks chi ! :D You're so cute (!!!) LOL. Then KDD come, then we went foyer to wait. Wait wait wait, then after that Ling come le, its already gonna be 6.
Then we went home.
Chionging all our assignments today and F&N tomorrow.
Wish us luck ! (:
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
I know luh, E learning can stay at home, sleep how long you want also can. But there's a lot a lot of assignments that is SUPER hard. Argh. x.x How to do ?!?!
Today, I only finished literature and part of chemistry and part of english. ._.
& I cant open my maths and social studies documents. How the hell am i gonna do. ._.
Okay, nvm !
Meet Melissa at 1 @ Brd busstop just now. We went into school to ask teacher some stuff. Then we went canteen to talk and drink. Lols. Until 1:40, then we went Leisure Park. Ate KFC. Then we went walk walk until Ling and KDD came. Then we went Koufu, then Jannah came, then we went indoor stadium while KDD went home.
Indoor stadium for colour party. Lols. The guides flag was thicker than the empty flag we used in guides hse luh. ._. Then learn how to march there. Then we train train until 5plus, then went Eunos, Ling's house. She;s staying over my house for two days, yea. Lols. So she went home to take her clothes and we went home.
So here I am ! Tired. Dont know what to do for E learning.
I only can say that E learning sucks. :x
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Ooo. E learning tomorrow, yay !
Geography today. Climograph test today. Then followed my maths test. One word, die.
The test is damn bloody hard pls ! Argh. ._. No hope in passing.
Then recess, then chemistry test.
Then after that, we went for F&N. Cooking sweet and sour fish today. We got to take out the organs inside ourselves luh. D: Like, eww ! Partnered Brenda today. Slid the fish open, and prepared to take the guts out, I kept asking Brenda to tell me that Im handling wet cotton while I looked at another direction. OMG, the scene was so hilarious man. :x Then fry the fish. My first time frying leh ! :D Too bad, I didnt try. Lols. Cos we had a very saucy dish, plus we're super noisy, plus our place was always dirty, Miss Ong deducted our marks. Lols.
Went back for English. Was super tired. While doing my compo corrections, I fell asleep. Then I woke up at the end of the period, I was like, OH SHIT ! D: I didnt finish my corrections ! So I brought it home to do. Hais. Then went for physics.
Lunch with Pauline. That orange packeted cracker plus syrup drink. Then after that, went home. Slept from 4plus till 6plus 7. Still feeling very tired.
My microsoft office is not working ! D: Thank god, brother's software still can download.
Monday, February 09, 2009
Geography, maths and chemistry !
Just because I had e learning on wednesday, all tests on Tuesday.
Worst was, I reached home at around 8 today, I slept at 10 everyday, I only had two hours to study 3 subjects. x.x
Okay, today's life was the same as before.
Bye. Ciaos !
Sunday, February 08, 2009
Boo !
Went out with Family in the evening for dinner. God grandmother came. haha. Supposingly, we're gonna eat Thai food. But the thai food place didnt open. So we went to eat dim sum.
Eat eat eat, then dad send sister and I home, cos I needa do my homework.
And yea.
Bye !
Elearning on Wednesday, yay yay !
Saturday, February 07, 2009
Birthday BBQ @ pasir ris chalet today.
Look like ariel roots right ?!

Zzz. Im the joke of the day today. Esp when I actually thought the glass wall was the exit door, and I walk forward, and BANG on it. ._. Alright, that made Jun and Melissa laugh like crazy. :x Make me so malu, hmpf.
Anyway, met Jun first, at city hall @ 12. The moment I saw Jun, I told her that she looks like my mum. (Cos the way she wears is far too mature than me). Went to look for Benjamin's present. Walk to City link, then to marina sq. Ate macs, and waited for Melissa to come. We went to shop shop, then Melissa came. Went back City link, then Jun bought Benjamin this watch which is like.. WOW. lol ! hahaha. Then Melissa and I went to look for out present for Benjamin. Shopped shopped our stuffs too. Woo. Then after that we took mrt to Pasir Ris.
Benjamin came to fetch us. Took bus to pasir ris park. Then we walk to the chalet. o.o Lennerd and Daniel were there. Then Jun, Melissa and I went to the beach. We realise the beach there was nice, but it was ruined by those trees that have roots coming out like mangrove roots. ._. To me, its quite disgusting uh. :x Then Jun told us a story. LOLOL. Then we went back, then went to fetch Ling. Went back to the Chalet, then we ate. My chicken wing not cooked one. D: LOL. Threw away half of it. Then Huilin, Stephanie, Shellie, Lihui (i think) came. Melissa and Ling went arcade. KDD called me. Set up 2 more trays of fire. Then we start BBQ-ing. Melissa and Ling came back. Jun and Benjamin were like, 亲密-ing in front of us luh. Like, OMGOMG. We wanted to take photos, but failed. Aww. :/ Then around 9plus, we went off. Before that, Family photo. haha ! Then Melissa's dad and mum send Ling to eunos and me to lavender. Thanks ! (: Then homed at 10plus.
Friday, February 06, 2009

Ooo, the only think I love Fridays was that there's only 4 lessons ! (:
Pauline and Rozanne fast luh. D: Finish twilight within a week. And Im still stucked in twilight, hide and seek. :x
CME was super fun, haha. Learnt those school values and stuff, and those to got correct will have ONE GRAB of monster sweet. LOL. And Ahmad was so funny, he imitated the way Mrs Thio reads to mdm Rohani. The whole class laugh and Mdm Rohani's reply was: oh, so that's how mrs Thio talks ? LOLOL.
After school, went KFC. Ate cheese fries.
Then went back school. Falled in the guides, then there's master parade. Then after that, party ! haha. Went to the home econs room. We loh hei-ed, ate, drink and talk. haha. Then cleared up the place, then we went down. Patrol time. Oriole and Mynah dont wanna do what I asked them to do. D: They wanna play wacko with Flowerpecker and Kingfisher, so I let them play. Then Miss Ong came to dismiss them. Wrong timing, it rained. Zzz. Stucked in school, waited for rain to stop. Then Pauline came. haha. Then Jun came too. Waited for Ling and Feng Ling to dismiss from chior, then the rain stop. Then we walked to the busstop. Benjamin came to fetch Jun.
Took same bus as them. Then went home.
I dont look fierce meh ? :/
Thursday, February 05, 2009

I'm really lack of sleep this few days, argh.
Couldnt wake up this morning. Ahma called me a few times, I thought I was still dreaming. LOLOL.
Geography period was kinda great today. Reason being, no test ! :D Then maths, class test next week. D: Ohwell, prepared to fail again. :/ Then recess, physics, chemistry.
I love chemistry pls ! Esp practical time. muahaa. Did pure salt today. From inpure salt to pure salt. Kelvin tan didnt come today, Mrs Lim took over. Gerald Lim and Yi Wan were in front of Brenda and me. Yi Wan was super funny, he's scared of fire. ._. His reaction was so funny when the flame went up of the wire gauze. Roflmao. Mix, filter, heat. Then we got our pure salt ! haha. Put the salt in a tiny ziplock, then Gerald Lim started saying that, thats heroin. ._.
Then English, got test. Compo test.
Dismissed, sat with Pauline and Rozanne. Waited till 2:50 then elearning briefing. Yay, next week's e learning ! Brief le, then went canteen. Ling and Feng Ling went for choir, Melissa and I loitered. LOL. Then we went foyer and talked to Angel and Siying. Then KDD came, then we went Sing Post. Busstop, idk what to say. Long John for late lunch. Lols. Then we went home.
Note: Pls leave a tag after you viewed my blog. So that I know who viewed my blog. *You know who you are okay.
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Mood's screwed and yet, a worst reply.
I realise I've been sleeping in the class where ever teacher aint teaching. Just like today, I fall asleep during CCT after my temperature taking. 37.1'c, not quite bad.
PE's somehow killing me. Ran 2.4 which I think its 3km ! Stamina: 20.15minutes. D: So bad right ?! Rozanne was my running partner today. I've learn a new skill today: how to brisk walk properly. LOL.
Social studies test was damn bad as well. Argh. I've not finished writing my essay and Ms Tham shouts: Stop work ! She had only given us half an hour for one essay. O: So, prepared to see my paper with a F word !
After school. It finally rain heavily after so many donkey days. Pauline acc-ed me for a while. Then I was alone in the canteen. Waited for Ling and Melissa till 3:15, then they finally came down. Went office, then eat, then waited for the rain to stop. & Peifen was there, pestering me with some questions. D: Ahhhhhhh, anyway. Bus-ed down to Bishan. Training started. I seriously dont wanna be the signal person. I kept giving wrong signals. :/ Trained with hooking and unhooking the flag. Then we ended at around 6:30. Then we went Junction 8, Ms Hasna wanna us buy shoe. So we went Royal Sporting House to look. Saw the shoe, my first reaction was: I dont wanna buy the shoeeeeee. D: If I buy, I'll only wear it once loh. :x Then around 7:30, trained home. Reached home at 8.
I'm so freaking tired.
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
So cute ! Thanks ! (:

Colourful onde onde !

Feel super tired throughout all the lessons today. Zzz.
Geography today. 3A7 went for health checkup, so the class was kinda of empty. File our notes and so on. Then maths, idk what to say. :/ Then recess, then Chemistry.
F&N, did onde onde. Our onde onde nice seh ! Got three colours de. ROFL. Green, blue and pink. :D Best is the green one, cos is I do one mah ! :x Yi Wan did Pink, I did blue also.
Then English, 3 periods. D: Falled asleep in class. :x A lot of people were sleeping. But i got do all my works then I sleep de. So.. yea. Very tired. Then physics.
After school, went Bugis with KDD, Ling, Melissa and Yenzhi. Bought my bag. Then they bought their stuffs, then we went home at 5 plus.
Im so tired. Social studies test tomorrow, 8 maths question to be done.
Good news, mum found me home tuition teacher ! :D Starting from Sunday onwards. Once a week, Sunday, 1hr and half. (:
♥♥♥, ♥
Monday, February 02, 2009

Kelvin Tan didnt come to school today. Hoho ! So Mrs Tacker relieved our class. She seems puzzled that a lot of us were reading a twilight book and asked Rozanne if it was for project. LOLOL. Then Chinese. Wrote formal letter. First time writing formal letter, LOL.
Thn recess, then English then Maths. Miss Lee blew her top in our class, ._. Out of 9 questions, I only got 2 correct ones. ZZZ. See how lousy my maths was. Maths super hate me ! D: Learnt inequalities.
Then it was F&N. One period only, cos we needa go for health checkup. Backbone got problem, and Im having drug allergy ? o.0
Waited outside the classroom, all dont wanna go back for F&N. LOL. KDD came. I went up to find melissa and linh. Talked to Miss Ong. Then had my lunch, then we went for guides for a while.
Then bus-ed to Bishan. Ling sick, so she didnt go. Take care ! Late for a few minutes. But lucky haven start yet. Went to take out thinking day badge and the carnival vouchers. Thinking badge this year de colour quite nice sia. LOLOL.
Colour party start off with tying of poles. Lols. Then around 6plus, dismissed.
Went to buy bubble tea, then popular to buy my file and foolscape.
Then train home. Reached home at 7plus.
Take care !
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Im gonna be addicted to pet society, oh no !

Studying day @ Parkway today.
Purpose was so accompany Ling. Lols.
People involved: Ling, Gregory, Melissa, KDD and I.
Meet KDD first. Then meet Ling. Then we went Macs to find Gregory. Melissa came after that, without any books. LOL. She just came for lunch. Then did my maths. So hard ! O: Almost all the question, I need help. Lols. Ate lunch, then it was around 2plus already. Gregory went off, Melissa went off for tuition and left Ling, KDD and I.
Went ECP, arcade. Lols. Ling pei-ed me play drum, I pei-ed her play DDR. In the end, I played more than 20rounds of ddr. Lols. Kept on stepping on those screws, leg damn pain. Then I sweat like I just came out of the bathroom like that.
Then around 4plus, went home. Reached home at 5.
School tomorrow. Sian.
Dont feel like going. :/
Lols. idk why I'll feel excited whenever there's chingay.