Saturday, January 31, 2009

A long day today.
Went Kho Clan in the morning, to have my scholarship. (Private one)
Mum was kinda of sua ku, wanna stay back for lucky draw. In the end, we won 2 lucky draws. LOL. Then cab back home, walk to the busstop.
Bus-ed down to Eunos, Yiling's house. Helped her to find clothes to wear. hahaha. In the end, as her wear her denim shorts she dont wanna. D: So she wore her brown one and lil miss ! (: [I wore white shorts + lil bit innocent tweety shirt] Then walk to bus interchange. Walk walk, then went niwa sushi for their lunch. Ate my salmon ! (: So yummy pls ! Then Melissa and Chi came. Then we eat le, went to cut hair. Layered my hair. Then we went ECP. Before that, we went to eat snow ice cream ! haha. So yummy ! Chi treated, thanks ! Next time, each of us take turns to treat. (: Then walk to ECP, Melissa and Chi went arcade while Ling and I went to the beach. Sat and talk, then went to find them.
Played arcade also. Went to the burger king upstairs de. Played DDR two times, Drumming a lot of times, basketball, shockball, and the sweet tinggy. Wah ! I spent like, 3plus4 ? Melissa and Yiling were like, DDR all the way luh. I was like, ohmygod. Then went Melissa's house at 7. Jun came, then surprisingly, Leon came. (I thought Melissa's mum aint allowing any guys) Then eat then blablabla. Then dad came at 10:30.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Physics changed teacher to Mr Stephen Lim, the teacher that says bloody to our class, for the first 20 in the register. Like, wth.
I prefer Miss Johara luh. I dont even understand a single thing Mr Lim said. D:
Maths test taken back, 11/30. Wth. FOUR MARKS TO PASS. -.- !
Did corrections and so on. I felt so cheated. I dont even know when I should simplify and so on. In the end, all was careless mistakes. zzz.
Recess with Chi and PeiEn. Peien was so noisy. LOLS. (no offence) She kept on pestering on that particular questions for half an hour ! Went to find Cheejie ! I wanna ask him tuition me maths. O:
Chinese and then CME, and dismissed !
Went Chi's class to see them do their shirt design. Then went to the library at 2 to discuss about the enterpreneur green enviroment contest. Went down at 2:30. Fall in guides, blablabla.
Then we went guides room. Our meeting will be in the room from now on, lols. Cleaned the room and we sat down. Learned Chinese New Year songs cos we're going Tong Ling to celebrate belated CNY. lols. Sing le, teach then enrolment then went down for roll call. Ling and Jannah lead, then Ling went for Choir, Jannah and I lead. Then went back guides room take bag, then went down noticeboard. Sing cheers, and so on. Then dismissed at 6.
A talk with Miss Ong in the staff room. Ling, melissa, charlene and I. Talk until 6:30, then went down and have our own girls talk, lols. Then went home at 7plus.
Argh, I wonder when Chingay shows on TV. :/
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Today's lesson was super boring !
Geography first, Miss Hidaya lost the test paper which means, no test ! muahaha ! Knew our previous test marks, I got 10/10 ! yay.
But, I failed my maths. ):
I hate maths ! Cos maths dont like me ! Who wanna give me tuition ?
Recess was alone, cos Chi got PE, Yenzhi didnt come. In the end, Pauline acc-ed me ! haha, thanks Pauline ! (: I'll give you flowers next week. (:
Physics and chemistry, we went to the lab. Obviously, Chemistry was much more fun. Did chromography. My ink look so not nice luh. D: And the alcohol smell was so stronggggggg. But overall, nice ! :D Cos I love to play with the chemicals. (:
Then English, read my twilight.
Dismissed, Chi and Grace acc me ! :D Thanks both ! :D Then Pei En came. Then we gossiped, chit chat and blablabla. Then Melissa and Yiling they all came. Then chit chat until around 3:30. Ling went foe Choir, PeiEn, Melissa, KDD and I walk to the busstop. Then Pei En went home, we went TK shopping complex to buy Melissa's contacts. Then went Sing post, thn went home.
Tired. I wanna sleeppppp ! x.x
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
CNY photo.

School today.
Time fly qute fast eh, haha.
PE was quite fun, played captain ball with the girls while the guys went for conditioning. Old brd shirt VS the new brd shirt ones. I wore my old brd shirt, lol, so Im in Angel's group. And we won ! yay ! haha. Then our turn for conditioning while the guys went for captains.
Then recess, assembly, CCT. The new teacher was so fierce luh, like omg. He scold people using BLOODY. but he pronouce as blady. Then he scolded the class: you all better keep your blady phone and blady stop talking. Pauline and I were like, OMG ?
Then SS, Elective Lit, then dismissed.
Went to the canteen to wait for Melissa and Yiling with Meichi and Grace. Chat there, then KDD came. Then we went up to the staff room to find ms Hidaya. Then the both of them dismissed, the 3 of us and KDD went hawker. Hawker no gas, the stalls cannot sell things. LOL. So we ate chicken rice, not nice de. :x Then went Kong Hwa, take bus to Bishan. Training starts at 5:30, late today. I totally got the psssh wrong ! Like, wth. I dont want to psssh ! I kept stopping at the wrong timing luh. Then end at 6:30. Walk to MRT, found out that my ez-link card lost ! Walked back to HQ to find. I totally went pale luh, I was so scared, lols. Called mum, and she scold me. In the end, I found it outside HQ shop. Lol. Then walk back to Junction 8, trained home. On the way, was so angry. Argh. It was my fault, and she scolded her.
Is I lost my ez-link, you zzz.. walau her for what ?
Not happy, come talk to me.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Sengkang -> Hougang -> Yishun.
Tv-ed with dad and brother last night till 2, we watched The Days, the ah beng show. Lols.
Then woke up at 10 today, prepared and left house at 11.30 to bai nian at mum's side relatives.
Went da yi's house first. Watched the wu zhong xian show there, so funny ! We waited for da bo to come back from work, then we went off. Hougang next, my mum's big brother house, then to northpoint for lunch. Food court there allllll closed. Nothing to eat, so we went to the Japanese food court. Eat le, went Yishun, my mum's third brother house to visit wai po. Wai po's 89yr old, I was like, WAHHHHHH.
Then reached home 4plus 5.
There's chemistry test tomorrow, and I had no idea about it till one minute ago from GL!
Shit !
Study study study !
Edited: CKQ says there's no chem test tomorrow !
I realise I'd lost my temper a lot this few days. Sorry everybody, whom I had screamed at.
Monday, January 26, 2009
MOO MOO !Currently, half of the crowd in my house had gone home. Evening was super crowded. About more than 10 families under one roof. SO MERRY ! LOL. (base on quote: the more the merrier)
Dad's side de aunties and cousins were all in my room, mum's side de cousin and their family in sister's room and granduncle side de 3 families in the living room. So many people, and all of them were taking turns to have their steamboats. Lols. Just finished my steamboat, shiok man ! haha ! :D
Summary of today:
Morning, kena dragged up from bed my my mum, ahma and brother at 8plus. Argh. I was so freaking tired. Then had macs for breakfast, and down to nanny house to bai nian. Then da gu, er gu, san gu, si gu and cousins all came. Then sisters boyfriend's family came. Then went to bai nian at granduncle and grand godma's house. Sister, Aaron, Brother, Christina, Eunice and I were sitting in one vehicle. After bai nian-ing, we went kallang macs, drive thru to buy macs. LOL. Then went home, evening already. Then, I found out that there were more than 10 families under one roof. ._. So many people, cant even walk. Lols. Then was unside my room with cousins and aunties, then steamboat, and here am I, blogging ! haha.
Going to mummy's side de ahma house to bai nian.
Then wednesday, school reopen.
Bad news, I haven finish my homework. :x
HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR !Happy CNY to everybody in this world ! (:Happy CNY to you ! Night movie with mum and bro just now. Went to watch wedding game. Damn funny and a little bit R rated. lollllll. I wanna watch again ! Probably with Melissa and Yiling. (: Tomorrow will be a very "hiong" day. The house is gonna be crowded tomorrow, and Im gonna coop inside my room
I wanna reply you, but I cant. I've got a lot to say too.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
It's CNY EVE today ! , which means, CNY is tomorrow !
Done with Chemistry workbook and 3 qsns from Lit, now left with idk how many more qsns on lit (depend on my mood) and Maths. My parents and Grandma had been argueing since early in the morning. Argh. Argue about food for CNY, wthell. Scream and scream, want the whole block to know they're argueing on FOOD. & They woke me up a lot of times, argh.
My grandma likes to scold me in front of people and show them how bad I am. ohwell, Im used to it.
No mood. So bored.
Still - Frankie J
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Melissa msg-ed me the moment I published my previous post.
Lols. Went to the busstop, and boarded the same bus as her. We shopped at the 10dollar lane, and blablabla.
She bought her high waist skirt, and another top while I bought my tank !
Woooooo. Bought my fried golden mushroom. Today's mushroom aint nice at all, lols. And peach juice, my lunch is done. Then to bugis junction's food junction to buy Melissa's Ban mian.
Da bao-ed to my house to eat.
She eat le, then went to play with my laptop while I went to sleep. Lols.
Then Melissa went home at 3.
Im gonna be a good girl and finish up my homework by tomorrow !
Maths, Chemistry & Literature.
Another bad dream again.
I seriously want change my contract to singtel. ): Unlimited sms !
Mum is really gonna kill me. I realise I've called people like, more than 20 times this month and msg more than 30 times a day. Phone bill's gonna cost over 40+ 50 already. (my usual bill was 30+)
Aw man !
Woke up at 7 today, then went back to sleep and woke up at 8:45. So early right ? Lols.
Going out with Melissa to Bugis later. Waiting for her msg to tell me she's at Kallang Macs area, before I step out of house. Lols. Shopping later ! Im gonna buy my top ! :D
Take care, come back safely !
Blog later.
Friday, January 23, 2009
CNY celebration today.
So there's only 3 periods ! muahaha !
Before going physics, went to look for Ling and Melissa. We went to complete the banner, outline it and so on. Then put it on Miss Ong's table. Went to the lab for physics. Johara said we dont needa write the units as they had already given there. She said it when I wasnt around yet. Then she went round to check our work. No one tells me that I gotta cancel away the units. Johara scolded me. Wth.
And then maths, didnt bring my Maths File. D: Lucky a lot of the foreigners went back to their countries and those performing ones aint there, we did our homework. & I did nothing. lol !
Recess, then back to class. Chinese period, no teacher around, all of us were chatting and laughing and blasting songs. LOL.
CNY celebration, best was lion dance ! They got the fire thing and the real fireworks thing luh. Like, so WOW. & Mdm Rohani gave us ang paos ! Inside was marshmallows and a 2dollar note ! wooo ! thanks teacher ! Throughout the concert, our eardrums were nearly spoilt. The mai-ke-phone volume was super loud, all of us were like, = =" ! && during questions time, they asked for the 12 zodiac animals. One of them said: uh, rooster, chicken, cow, ow, uh, dog, uh, ELEPHANT. lmao.
Concert ended, went to eat our first renion lunch. (Second time will be after Jun is back !) Ling, Melissa, KDD and I. Went parkway. Couldnt find a place to eat, so we went Long John. Then to giant to buy their shawls. I want my white shawl, but OOS. :/ Went marine parade library find Junie. We started planning our campfire and camp. Plan plan plan, until 6plus. Bus 197 home with Melissa and KDD.
Thanks for the lollipops ! (:
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Feel so tired today during class.
Geography quiz, maths test. Maths was super uper hard I swear !
Esp the 4 mark qsn ! Wthelllll. & Ms Lee gave us cheezels each ! Thanks Ms lee !
Chi came late today, so I was waiting for her at the foyer during recess. Then she went bright room write late slip then went recess. No time to eat, ate one drumlet & one nugget.
Gahhhh, physics was so boring measured stuffs with vernier caliper and micrometre screw smth de. Chat with Brenda. I realised all my answers and Yi Shuan's was totally different. D: All my calculation error, argh.
Chemistry was super funny. 10 minutes entertainment by Kelvin Tan. His jokes were damn lame pls ! He caught Hendro eating cheezels, then he threw them away. About 10minutes later, he said the class can eat their cheezels. LOL. and one of his lame jokes : when you see your shirt far apart, is there any holes ? and all of us replied: nooooo. Then he continued: got, the sleeve loh. Everyone was like, argh ! lmao.
Then English. Ke Qin was reading the passage, and he imitated the way Mrs Thio read. Everyone laughed like siao. Lmao !
Then after school, student leaders meeting. We had another cca called the interact club where all student leaders must join. Lols. Refreshment time with ling and miss ong. Sorry Gerald Lim ! I complaint to Miss Ong about him for the F&N project. LOLS. Then ended at 4plus, walked to the busstop with Theresa, Jannah and KDD. Bus-ed to Bugis to meet Melissa. Cos I promised her i'll go bugis with her. Lols. Then meet there weiwen and kangjing also. Then went KFC eat. Then around 6, took 175 with Melissa and KDD. Melissa alighted at my busstop. Waited for her 12 to come, crapped. Home.
Melissa was right, it was really unfair. I'm sorry, I wont do it again.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Maths test tomorrow, oh shit !
Gahhhhhhh, I still dont understand some parts of chapter 1, & I dont wanna failllll.
Wtv ! LOL.
Okay, today was fine. (: I love listening to stories ! :D
My stamina for running inproved ! By 2 minutes, lol ! Ran with Rozanne and Pauline, and I had a bad headache after that. But okay in a while. Played netball, I had no idea which group I am ! So I just stood there and pretend to join in the game. Then recess with Chi and Grace ! haha, both of them were telling me storiesssss. Scary de, nice de, idiot de, LOL. Chi horrrrrrrr. *wink*
Assembly was funny, in some ways. Lol. Everyone was laughing, esp Pauline and I. Omg, felt so bad ! Then cct, and SS. Miss Tham didnt come, Cipto went canteen to smuggle food on, like, omg. Listened music, did SS worksheet and read my Twiling. Pauline spent 6 days reading all, and I spent one month, still reading half of the book. Zzz. Im so slow !
Lit, then dismissed. Lunch with Chi, and Melissa joined in !
Went to look for Mr Lau, then we went guides HQ. A long ride there, chat with Melissa. Listened to music too. haa ! Then walked in to HQ, we saw a group of boys going out of our GGS. And Jannah and Melissa were like, are we in the wrong HQ ?! Then those guys turned to look at us and we lmao-ed. Guides shop, then office with Afina. Ling came, we went up to the hall and crapped and laughed. LOL. Training started. My psssssh today was quite inaccurate. Argh, I dont wanna pssssh, sound so ... Then 6plus, dismissed, walk to Junction 8 tgt with Afina ! Bought bubble tea, then we took train home tgt. Talk, laughed. Alighted at lavender, and saw Benjamin YZJ sitting at the busstop alone. o.o
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
What a boring today today.
Nothing fun happened. Aww.
Slept all the way during Chem. Kelvin Tan wasnt here today. Then was grouped with Brenda, Ziling and Gerald Lim for a F&N project. We were doing about vitamins and the idk what illness and it was like, so gross. LOL. Then Brenda and Gerald Lim were like trying to please Miss Ong to change or topic. lolol. Then I got so bored during English, I asked Brenda to acc me to the toilet. We went up to the level 4 toilet then we walk at the long way to level 3 then walk to the other side then down to level 2. Lolsssss.
About 20minutes of campfire planning with Melissa after school. Then waited for Melissa's mum to come, we went to see what PeiEn and Jiaqi was doing. Lols. Then we decided to wait for her mum at the busstop. So walked out, then take bus home.
I did not do my homework last night, & I gotta chiong today !
Monday, January 19, 2009
Its not my day today.
Morning, was in a foul mood, idk why. Then I became very agitated when I didnt bring my apron. Lols. Reason was, I dont wanna wear that plastic apron that looked so toot.
Kelvin Tan didnt come for Chemistry. Ms Angelia taught us diffusion and left one period free for us. All of us chionged maths. Thanks to that "qian mian de", I manage to understand a few questions. Thankss Yellow Sea (huang hai) ! Lols. Then chinese, then recess.
Meichi made me feel so angry with one person during recess. Argh ! Dammit.
Maths, learnt new chapter. Totally dont understand.
English was funny pls. Brenda imitated how Mrs Thio pronouce the word "disease". I was drinking water by then. I nearly spit out my water pls ! I was laughing and laughing like a crazy girl. ._.
F&N was omg. My F&N partner was Yi Wan. We cooked Mee Siam today. Well, the outcome of our mee siam was.. not very nice. & Miss Ong made lemon honey for us ! haha.
After school, went to fall the guides in and so on. Then around 3:40, we went off for Bishan.
Afina came today ! And Ms Hasna wasnt here today. Lol. There're some Korean school teacher came, and talk to all of us and said that GGS is a hotel. All of us were like, ROFL. Hawa trained us today. The way I psssssh was so.. not accurate uh. :/ Ended at 6, went Junction 8 for late lunch, then mrt home. In the train, melissa kept doing the funny face, and I told Ling the "disease" joke, and ling laughed till her face went red. .____.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Siao siao siao.
I've counted, total of 72 maths questions. Left a lot of blanks, I totally dont understand the whole question at all. Done 1/3 of it, left 2/3 to be done. Asked brother, is either he watched his tv and dont wanna pay attention at my work, or he will be stuck at it too. Argh.
IMM with nanny and family. Another awkward moment. Melissa should know what yea.
Then went home, slept. Then art parliament to visit art gallery, vivo and bugis with family.
Home at 8plus.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Out for the whole day today.
CCA open house today.
Went macs for breakfast, then went school at around 8. Junie came, we NDP girls changed into our boots, then went to set up our booth. Tied gadgets, flag pole and so on. The sun was so scorching, and the wind was soooo strong. Few times, our clothes line toppled. -.- Sec ones came down, we went to "pull customers". Lols. Then around 12plus, we packed up our stuffs and then dismissed.
Then we went KFC for lunch. Ling, Melissa and I. & Those NPs were like behind us, and they overtook us. Then we decided to "play", then we ran the other side and overtake them. Lols. Lame but, yea, fun. haha. Ate and chatted. Melissa was really insane, lols. She can shout and laugh so loudly in KFC. LOL. Then we planned for this year's camp and campfire. KFC people came to chase us, cos there's a party later on. So we ended up at Ling's house. lol ! Watched THE MAID. My ever first horror movie I watched. Like, not really scary, but storyline was quite sad. :/ Then while watching halfway, someone from somewhere went to drill a hole or smth, then the noise startled us, and we jumped up screaming. ._. Around 6, took bus to Parkway. Bought stuffs and went ECP.
BBQ. Was suppose to be a UG de sirs and mdms de bbq, but the 3 of us went. ._. Mainly was so celebrate "someone's" birthday. LOLS. Yeayea. Swee Keow and Shu Fang(but she didnt come). Hohoho. Sat on the sand with Junie they all, Ling and Melissa. All of us were emoing, talking to the sky. Then it was Ling and I alone. I spilled all my "inside words" to her. Thanks ling ! (:
Then went to eat. I ate one chicken wing, one hotdog and the 3 of us finished half a bottle of sparkling juice. LOL And those UG instructors there were like, Shocked ? LOL. Then spent 10minutes walking to macs for the toilet with Swee Keow. Then it was already 10, didnt manage to cut cake with Swee Keow, then dad came. Send Melissa and Ling to the busstop, then went home.
Going IMM with nanny and family outing tomorrow.
So I gotta chiong all my homework by today. Time now: 11:00pm.
Around 60qsns of maths, one social studies worksheet, spot check qsns in geog TB and literature notes questions.
Friday, January 16, 2009
School today was alright.
But I was feeling down during class deco, idk why.
Chatted with Rozanne and Gerald Lim after we did all our decorations. Then we went down to have lunch tgt.
& Yeahs, those A class finally ended their lessons ! Went to find them. Then eat, play with them. LOL. Then Jun went for band, we went for guides. Prepared for tomorrow's cca day. We built gadgets. I was in charge of dividing the guides into their duty area. Then I realised almost all of them all didnt know how to tie gadgets ! :x Hohoho ! Lucky there's Theresa to assist me. Then tie poles to the chairs, helped Junie draw the banner, and briefing on tomorrow. Our booth will be at the mini stage outside the theatrette there ! haha. All of us went really HIGH during the briefing. We cheered and so on. Haha ! Esp me, I laughed like crazy luh. Thanks to Melissa and Ling's Miss Swan's face. ._. Then around 6plus, dismissed. Went to buy water, then went home.
Bus came at 7:30, zzz. Boarded the bus, one msg came. My pencil case and Miss ong's blue ring file was left in the canteen like, OMG !! I forgot about my pencil case ! Anyway, thanks NXD, for helping me keep everything for a day.
Tomorrow will be a tired day.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
School today was alright, just like yesterday, I was super high in spirits.
Morning was so insaneeee. Just a sentence: "cos she's my friend what.", Ling laughed all the way from quatrangle to toilet to quatrangle.ROFL. & Geog was like, ohno ! Small quiz, i forgot about it. -.- Worst was, its counted in CA !!!. Chionged during silent reading. Lucky those teachers had sudden briefing. If not, I wont be able to study for a whileeeee.
We did practical during chemistry lesson. Brenda and I were partners. Recorded the timing and temperature and so on. Somehow, Mr Kelvin Tan want us to have our goggles on throughout the heating process. So hot pls. Gahhhh.
English was so fun today ! :D Everyone's talking and no one's listened to Mrs Thio as usual. Comes to partner work, Pauline and I paired. I kept making silly sentences for the paragraph thinggy that made Pauline so annoyed yea. LOL. I was laughing my ass off like, omggggg.
Lunched myself after school. Lucky there's Peien to accompany me ! :D And Peifen as well uh. haha. Until 2:50, those As finished their lesson ! Waited for Melissa to had her lunch, then we went up to find Miss Ong. Took those banners and posters and we went to hang the banners and posters up. ZH was there, he said he didnt want to go home. So he helped us. Thanks ! But too bad, no cookie point from Miss Ong. LOL. Thats what Melissa said. Danqi came and go. Pasted and hanged those things up, it was 5plus already. Then went home.
Ohwell, thanks for the lollipop ! :D
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
I'm like, so high today ?! LOL.
More than half of my missing voice came back like, yay !
Energetic lesson today. Didnt feel like sleeping, just concentrating on what those teachers talk.
Hohoho. Sudden test for social studies, because of some careless mistakes like tamils (should be tamil), buddist (buddhism) blablabla, I got only 3 1/2 upon 8. Zzz. Continued mockingbird movie during literature.
Dismissed at 2:15. Went lunch with Rozanne. Ice peach tea for me today. Not very hungry actually. Then talk talk talk, then wait for Ling and Melissa. Then we went Junction 8 first. Bought cup corn and honeydew sago. The honeydew sago today dont have honeydew, not nice one. D: Anyway, walked back HQ. Got my footdrill badge !! Yay ! Like, finally ? Muahaha ! Trainign starts. Learnt how to hold the "flag" today. The fake flag was so heavy luh, like, omg. And heard that the guides flag is even heavier. :x Well, last week, Ms hasna asked Damai de Regina to do the pssssshh sound as a signal and this time, she called the Broadrick de Regina. -.- Like, omg ? I didnt dare to say I dont want, so I just do. So scary pls ! And my second finger joint was super pain after the whole thing. D:
Then dismissed at 6, everyone laughed when Ms Hasna was telling us how to strenghten our hands. LOL. Funny. Then went back Junction 8, took train home.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Felt so uncomfortable for the whole day in school.
Yes, Im sickkkkkk.
Sore throat, cough, blocked nose.
Half of my voice was gone, and I was coughing away during lessons which is like, so loud ? :x
Felt sooo tired, I was dozing off each and every lesson today.
Worst was, Chi, Ling and Feng Ling became my mama/nurse today. D:
Chi didnt want me to eat my fried kway teow and Ling & Feng Ling didnt want me to eat friesssss. D: Even my favourite famous amos cookie, they only gave me like, one tiny bit ? D:
Waited for Ling to dismiss from choir, I was sitting in the music room. Heard the choir singing, I was like, so fasinated ? :D Their voice was so good like, omg. Was msging and msging throughout. Then after her choir, we went Bishan. Went to take back her shoe. LOL. In the mrt, I nearly fall asleep. The whole journey was so freezing coldddd. Then trained home, say byebye to ling, then walk to lavender, say byebye to you, then walk home.
I have no dinner tonight. D:
Eyes were on us, lucky there's a friend beside me.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Sore throat today when I woke up. Terrible ! As if anything that I swallow in was being transferred into my nose. LOL.
The moment I went into school, yenzhi brought me to the toilet. Oh yea, some stuffs happened there and I was like, SO SHOCKED. lolol. okay ~
School was plain boring. Feel like sleeping except for Chemistry, Emath and F&N. These three subjects were fun today yea ! :D While others like ENGLISH, makes us wanna travel into our dreamland. & Oh, chinese ! Sudden test like, wthell. I only manage to answer one question which is copy from chi (LOL), while two of them was tikam tikam one and the rest, blank. Almost the whole class was cheatinggggggg. Xue Ting cheated the most obvious one, looking at the textbook under the table, and Zhong lao shi saw, but he didnt say anything ! LOL. One period of F&N. Oh man, today's lesson was a "horny" one pls. Goddddd. Then miss ong left for some briefing, and we got two periods free ! :D
Then dismissed, went canteen for lunch, then went to change to full U. We're going for thinking day colour party @ HQ. Melissa went home, cos she's not feeling well. Damn the bus, none of the bus goes to kong hwa now, and we gotta walk al the way there with our heavy bags. So hot somemore ! Argh. Then we reached there, we realised we dont needa wear full U ! We just had to wear our school uniform. Lols. So we quickly change back. Then training start with only 11people. Short of 10 more ? Idk. Training was alright. But marching was freaking awkward when one hand is holding the "flag". Lolol. 6, we're dismissed. Went bishan buy stuff and shop for a while. LOL. Then trained home. Along the way, talked a lot a lot of stuff. Then when we reached city hall, we found out that ling's shoebag was lost ! Lolol. Ask Ling for more info.
Then reached home at 7:30. (:
Soooooo tired. x.x
Sunday, January 11, 2009
I had a weird dream last night.
Went to Junie's house today.
Was suppose to meet Ling & Melissa at 9:30. In the end, I woke up at 9:10. Lols. The two of them were also late. So met them at 10plus.
Then we call Junie. Stayed at the playground to talk. Lol !
Then we went up. Did our stuffs there and chat chat and listen to music. haha.
Do do do, until 3plus. Maggi mee + hotdog& egg for lunch. hahaha. Nicenice ! (:
Then 4plus, we went into Junie's room for air con time. LOLOL. Talk talk talk. Then Gregory came. Then we went home.
Meet mum and brother at Raffles City. Should not have go. Felt so tired, and mum was like so pissed off with my black face. Zzz. Walk to bugis, then to OG, then home at 8plus.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Just came home from Flag Day.
Freaking tired I guess. x.x But I'm going TM again later, to take back my popular card which I forgot to do so just now !
Breakfast with mum & dad, then to peyar lebar to meet Melissa, then to Eunos to meet Ling, Feng Ling, Yiting & Serene. Went Tampines library to collect our donation tins. They've located place for us to collect donations this year. Brd NPCC, Choir and Girl guides all went to Simei to collect. Lols. Melissa, Ling, Elis and I went together. We went to housing estates. Lols. Then we saw 7eleven at one of the block. Went there to buy stuffs. Bought hot chocolate while Melissa and Ling bought their breakfast. Ate, then went back East point. Went to collect donations. Ling and I stood at the entrance there. Collect collect collect, then rest for a while. Until 11:30, went back to assemble at the mrt stationtgt with Choir, NPCC and Mr Nizam. Took bus back tampines, cos all of us were using bus pass. Melissa, Ling, Ting, Serene, Feng ling, Elis & I.
After returning our tins, went TM. Melissa went home, she's not feeling well. Take care ! Went popular. Bought my stuffs and renew-ed my card. Then the person say 10minutes later, come back to collect my instant card. So we went for lunch. In the end, I forgot all about the card, and I went home.
Friday, January 09, 2009
School starts at 8:15 today. Wooo !
Rozanne went school with me today. :D Yay. Chionged Maths in the canteen with her, and Ling + Feng ling helping us solve qsn. haha. Thanks !
Physics, Maths.
I've got a lot a lot of wrongs in that homework like, wth. x.x Soooo many wrongs and I dont really understand when Ms Lee go through. Then Ms Lee was like, Regina, do you understand ? Lol.
Recess ! Chi, I'm just next door, feel free to msg me. :D
& Chinese, then CME.
Dismissed !
Lucky there's Chi and Rozanne accompanying me for two hours, cos Ling and the rest ends lesson at 2:15. Guides start at 2:30. Peifen, Jade and Weiwen came today ! :D Then we continued banner. Went to look for newspaper, but cant find any. Then saw them using cardboards to replace newspaper to put in underneath, then went to join Ling they all. PL meeting with Miss Ong. We get to keep the guides handbook for a day. Then we all sang cheers to entertain those people who're drawing. Lolol. Oh oh. The pain sipped through, and the cement group had a word GIRL GUIDES on it. lol ! Nice but, we're doomed ! So faster take water to clean. Then Mr Hafis gave us tinner and cloth to scrub. Then some of us continued the banner.
6plus, dismissed. Then reached home at 7plus.
Flag day tomorrow.
Maths dont love me, physics also hate me.
If not, there will not be complicated maths in it.
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Last night, was chionging for my guide gadgets "proposal" and OGL journal book.
Chiong till 11, so sleepy, I dont care, I just went to sleep.
Continued chionging on my journal when I reached school.
Geography today. We had not start our actual lesson yet, today was just talking about exam format, but Rozanne that group had already did a lot. LOL.
Then E Maths. First time in Miss Lee's class. She was so funny, LOL. With just her high pitch voice and her "singlish" tone, I kept laughing non stop. ._. Anyway, her homework was REALLY a lot.
Recess, Physics. Miss Johara's class, everyone was yawning, feel like sleeping. Zzz. The way she speak is sooooo soft, and she dont joke at all. Not fun one. :x (no offence)
Anyway, Chemistry today was funny. The way Mr Kelvin Tan talk, and explain things. Haha.
Then it was English. We did compo today. Mrs Thio gave us sec 4 topic. -.- Like, so hard pls ! I spent half of my time thinking, and part of the time re writing. In the end, I cant finish on time. Then dont care, just pass up.
Then after school, lunch with Rozanne in the canteen. Then acc-ed Melissa to KFC. Somehow, we saw someone. ._. And yeah. Then went home.
I finally see you smile. :D
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Wednesday today, which means I've got one hour more of sleeping time !
Reached school at 7:35++. Was having some privacy talk with Ling, but a lot of times, we were distracted. LOL. Okay, nevermind ~
Went for Miss Han's briefing. We gotta stay back after school to bring the sec ones around for the Talent ID thing.
Then went for PE. Thought that first lesson, there wont be any exercise or running, so i lazy change into PE shirt. Took height and weight. I GAINED ONE KG OF WEIGHT, and only grew 1cm tall. ): Then Mr Tay make us do those "omg" warm ups again and took us out of school. for running. In the end, I sweat like water tap. LOL.
Then recess. I LOST ROZANNE'S TIE ! ): So sorry Rozanne ! Gave her money to buy her tie. Then ate sliced fish noodle with Yenzhi. Chi kept on wanting me to make friends with Ziling and Xiao Pei. hahaha. Then assembly. I almost travelled into my dreamland when Mr Phua's talking. Lols. Then social studies, Miss Tham was our teacher. She used Mdm Lim's method, make our own triangle stand with our names on it on the table. Lols. And as for elective lit, we bought the wrong book. D: and Miss/Mrs Remedios bring us to library to watch movie: To kill a mockingbird. LOL.
Then dismissed, ate a bit, then went for Talent ID. FOC ook charge of 1A4. Then around 5plus, dismissed, Ling, Melissa, Feng ling and I went to discuss on gadgets for CCA opening. Then around 6plus, walked to the busstop with them and Miss ong. Miss ong says my birthday is two days after thinking day, thats why I'm always not thinking. D: Ah, she's just kidding. (: Reached home at 7plus.
But, no one seems to bother or understand.
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Random, I'm too tired to blog out.
-Last day of orientation
-Stand about two hours in the hot hot sun !
-Went for physics, Miss Johara was talking so softly that I cant hear and understand.
-Went katong & parkway
-Home at 7:15, cos of the freaking long bus.
Tired. Going to sleep soon after homework.
Monday, January 05, 2009
Lessons starts today.
Chemistry was the first lesson. Learnt about matter today. Lols !
Lessons was quite okay, and I'm in the same chinese class as Ling, Melissa, Chi ! Woohooooo ! hahaha !
Went for Orientation.
Treasure and mascot for today's game. Feng ling and I were asked to be in the checkpoint 5 for treasure hunt, in the gym. Gym was changed to the PE stall and old NPCC, combine. And it looks damn big now ! haha. And there're more machines in it. The moment Feng Ling and I went in, we played with the machines. LOL. Then Terrence came in. And he stayed with us in the gym all the way until 1:40. Benjamin all those also came. Lolol. Then those sec ones people came, they're suppose to do 20push ups/ situps. LOL. The whole gym went chaotic for a few times which makes Feng ling and I blowww. Lolol. But overall, was fun ! haha.
Then went back hall at 1:40, dismissed the sec ones, de-brief us and we cleared the place, then we did handprints ! We're gonna do wall of handprints and put them up in school. Ling help me paint my palm, and Melissa Lee and I were the first ones that stamp our palms on it.

Hohoho, my red palm and print.

Overall piece.
Aha, nice right ! hahaha. Then it was 2:40plusplus. Lolol. Lydia, Gerald Lim and I went for F&N. Was in Miss ong's class ! LOLOL. Yea. Then dismissed, Ling, Melissa, Feng ling and Xin Yuan waited outside the kitchen for me, hahaha ! (: Appreciated ! Went for lunch. Melissa went for doc appointment. Then we went for guides.
Weiwen came today ! Oriole and Mynah did banner, while Flowerpecker plan for chinese new year at tong ling, and kingfisher cleared the guides room. Discussed on how to design the banner. Then Danqi they're draw, while we went guides room to untie the gadgets, and to clear a bit of the guides room tgt with Miss Ong. Threw a lot a lot of stuffs. A lot of expired instant noodles, crackers, soaps. LOLOL. Then we found a lot a lot of cute stuffs also ! All the craftworks from our seniors, so nice ! HAHA. Then around 5:30, we're dismissed. (:
& i'm so so so tired.
There's little nyonya today, if not I'm gonna sleep at 8.
Anyway people, dont msg me too much, I'm going on a "msg diet".
Cos my msg limit is gonna burst.
Sunday, January 04, 2009
Went out for the whole day today. From 9:30 in the morning to 9.30 at night.
Out with nanny, to bugis. To buy my New Year clothes.
Bought two tweety from the superman shop at level one. The price was actually WOAH. But after discount, it's okay already. Then went to eat Sakae. After sakae, went bugis street to find my bottoms. One pair white shorts and jeans.
Then at 12plus, went to the toilet to change into my uniform. LOL. I'm going Kampong Glam CC to take my Bursary. Waited for dad to come, then we went there. So many people there loh. Saw some Broadricians also. Then registered, went to sit. My chair number was 194. Surprisingly, Xin Yuan was there ! :D & Her chair sit was 195. She was just beside me like, Omg. SO LUCKY. Then beside her was Xinyi (my primary school friend). haha. Chatted with Xin Yuan all the way. Knew a lot of stuffs that I didnt know before. o.o Then its our turn, went to collect. Some funny stuffs happen, haha.
Here's my envolope, do you think there's money inside ?

OH NO, my cheque is missing !

Lols. They purposely didnt wanna give us the cheque, scared we leave halfway through the presentation after we take our money. LOLOL. Only got it after the whole thing. Say byebye to Xin Yuan, went home.
Then evening, went out with family. Went to my great godmother hse, then to my uncle's house, and then to Bedok. Dad took us to the place where he discovered something. Surprisingly, Astons in the coffeeshop. LOL. But it was cheaper than in Cathay and Katong uh. And the serving was super big. Ate, and went shopping around. Bought tops, white wash, blablabla.
Then went home.
Saturday, January 03, 2009
Out with Chi and Melissa at Vivo !
Meet Melissa first. Just nice when I reached Brd busstop, 30 came. haha.
Then board the bus. Chat and listen music while we're on the journey.
Then reached vivo, bought tickets. My second time watching Twilight. Buy tickets for chi as well. Then went to play water ! hahaha. Soaked our feet in the water, then talk talk talk. Then went Long John for lunch. 2pc Chicken meal + Cheese + Clam Chowder. Ate halfway, Chi came. Bought Clam Chowder for her, cos she didnt eat her lunch ! O: Anyway. movie starts at 2.25. We're laughing away like insane teens inside the theatre. Esp the advertisement on Love Matters. Yellow ? (hello) hahaha.
Movie ended at 4plus. Went to play water again, this time chi's along (of course !). Chat chat and exchanged slippers. haha. Then wanted to go home, but we saw smth along the way. The volvo's ride. haha. So we went to queue, since its free. And the ride was cool ! Just that I felt a little giddy after the ride. x.x Then took 80 home, & its a long ride home. Listened music, day dreamed, thought. Reached busstop at 7, then went to buy macs for mum, reached home at 7plus.
The importance of today.
Friday, January 02, 2009
I want Yenzhi back in 3EC !
I want yenzhi back in 3EC !
I want Yenzhi back in 3eC !
): Why must because 3EC full already then make Yenzhi go 3EB leh ?
First day of school today in 2009.
Like, wow !
Slept at 10plus last night, but I was still staring at the ceiling away at 1plus am. I just couldnt get to sleep, maybe its cos I'm too excited for the next day. haha. But as soon as I felt asleep, I'VE GOT A NIGHTMARE. This time is really a nightmare, and I woke up panicking. ._.
Went to school ! The moment I went to the busstop, I saw a stamfordian wearing broadrick uniform. :DDDD It's really greaaaat to see friends that I've not been seeing for the past two months. Hohoho ! The moment I reached the canteen, everyone was like, HI ! haha. Assembly, talk talk talk, blablabla. Went to our classes, and 3EC had changed its name to 3A6. o.o
Anyway, form teacher was
Mr Kelvin Tan and co-form,
Mdm Rohani. I realised from this year onwards, we dont have to put on our name tags, school badge and even broadrick socks ! Yays ! Went to our class, it's located at level 2. Then blablabla. and suddenly, Mr Tan Teck Hock came and tell Yenzhi that her class is 3A5 (3EB) !!!! Like, omg. ): Yenzhi's not in the same class as usssss ! Oh, and for the timetable, I'm only dismissed at 3PM on Monday and Tuesday. Lik, wthhhhh. Then monday at 3:05, there's guides. ._. & I think I'll love friday. Lessons starts at 8.25, and ends at 12.30. (Unless remedial) Muahaha.
Went for orientation.
Set up the whole play area for our game, blind mice. Then blablabla.
Went up to 'fetch' those sec ones down to the field. Was facilitating 1A4 (i think). Whole outcome was kinda great and funny yea. Lols. Then we're dismissed after the de-brief. Went to have lunch, then went for guides. Miss Ong was briefing us on the events in this year. Then after that, went city plaza. Extend hair, lols. This time should be the last time I'm doing so this year. Hmm. Then went home.
Ohhh, tired.
Thursday, January 01, 2009
Today is 2009, yesterday is 2008.Today is this year, yesterday is last year. Went to watched the fireworks at midnight with the whole family. Stationed ourselves at the Old Surpreme Court. Haha, everyone there was so HIGH when the fireworks came up. Yeahs, it's 2009 ! Then went for supper nearby. Went to eat dim sum. Nice nice ! Then came home at 1plus 2.
Oh, school's reopening tomorrow. Means I gotta wake up earlyyyyyyyy.
& I still cant figure out, why must school reopening on the FRIDAY. Lols.
I wonder how life might be after tomorrow. Maybe we might not be used to the new enviroment, as in, new classmates, guys wearing long pants {LOL} or new foreigners coming in ? Hahaha.
Anyway, as I promised Chi, we must be recess partners ! Haha.
One goal when school starts: I MUST LOSE WEIGHT !
Its 2009 !