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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A few hours left till 2009.

Today is 2008, tomorrow is 2009.
Tomorrow is next year, today is this year.

Hahaha. Like a blink of an eye, 2008 is going to be over in a few hours time.
Time to kick off the bad habits we made this year, kick off all unhappy memories and look ahead for the brand new year.
A new year, a new life. There will be new surprises, and new eyes getting into your life !

Anyway, 2008 had been a greaaaat year ! :D
& I hope 2009 will be even better !

Ahaha, I'm kinda looking forward for 2009, idk why ? Hohoho.

Later @ 10:30pm channel 8, its a must watch show !
& Dad might be home at 11:30 to bring us to idk where to watch the fireworks !

8:15 PM


Check it out !
Erm, yea. Idk if its recorded or what.
But its really clear, compared to others in imeem.
Wooooooo !

12:47 PM

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Home for the whole day till evening.

Acc-ed mum to rochor to collect dad's pants and alter my school skirt. Aha, this time, mum was really pissed at the tailor for spoiling dad's pants. So she just walk off, and I was like, then my school skirt how ?! Lols. Yeah, she bought me to another tailor which alters for 4bucks. The tailor that spoils dad's pants was altering for only $3. I was like, woah, okay.

Then mum went to thread her eyebrown while I went walk walk at Bugis street. Bought white cardigan, cos the washing machine spoilt my white hoodie. Btw, my guides tee, class tee, and a few other pieces of tops are all stained with yellow patches after being washed in the washing machine. Zzz.

Tomorrow is the last day of 2008 !

7:27 PM

Monday, December 29, 2008

Dad came home early last night, so he woke up early today !
Went Balestier's Fair Price to buy stuffs. Brother and I took everything that we wanted and filled the trolley with tibits, instant noodles, chocolates, blablabla.
Total bill was @$%^&. LOL.
Then send brother to Novena, we went white bridge (in hokkien) for lunch. Ate Mini Wok w Noodle. Then went home. Rested, and went Rochor with mum.

Went to alter dad's pants. Then went Bugis Street to shop. Somehow, mum pissed me with her 4Ds and Totos. Argh. I hate my parents buyintg 4Ds and Totos. I just hate them gambling. D: Didnt buy what I wanted, and mum's in a rush to work. Went to take dad's pants, we realise the aunty forgot about it. Panicked, the aunty cut the wrong length of the pants, and the pants became a 3/4. ._____.
Mum was like, argh @#$%^&*().

Live your own life, be yourself.

8:13 PM

Sunday, December 28, 2008

I had a nightmare last night, about school reopening. O:
Firstly, only 20people in class.
Secondly, our teacher is a new one, who doesnt know what is concept map. (i remembered someone asked her what is concept map, she says she dont know.)
Thirdly, lessons start ON THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL.
Fourthly, our classroons has no windows.
Fifthly, there isnt a single fan in the classroom.
Lastly, everyone suffered from heatstroke.

Like, wth.

5:01 PM

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Out with Melissa- Bugis Street, Bugis Junction, Food Court, OG, home.
Anyway, joke of the day. Where do old girls normally go ? LOL.
Out with Nanny- Suntec, Hippo tour, Suntec, Home.
Hippo was fun.

The end.

8:58 PM

Friday, December 26, 2008

I'm having digestion problems in the morning ! Food from last night in my tummy wasnt digested, makes my tummy churn. Feel like vommitting.

Out with mum & bro in the morning.
Went for breakfast at Toast Box ! Didnt eat much, felt like vommitting, the feeling sucks. Wanted to go home, but went on shopping with mum.
Oh great, mum's really cool today ! She bought me a shirt, two pelinis silver's pendant & chain, and even myuk wallet ! Oh my ! Thanks mum ! ♥ :D
Yay, I finally got my pelinis silver necklace !

Then went home, slept. Tummy still churned like washing machine. Argh.

5:49 PM

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Ho ho ho !

6 more days to school reopen.
Hais. Time flies. Had been watching Mediacorp old dramas lately. hahaha.
Watched, and I realised, I've forgotten the story of all the dramas.
Currently: watching My mighty in laws.
Hope I can finish my shows within this 6 days. & I gotta sleep early. If not school reopens, die !

Went Chi's house today ! For Christmas Party. Ling, YenZhi, Emily and Clara went for the party. (: Waited for half an hour before the bus comes, Zzz. Ling was already there, eating chicken. hahaha. Ate a donut, and we went in. Gave them their cards and sweets, and we went down to Seng Siong to buy tibits. hahaha. Bought lots of twisties, super ring and roller coaster ! Then we went back, watched LIANG PO PO. An old old old comedy. haha. I was laughing till tummy ache. Lols. Then played Chi's psp. Ling went off at 7. Was gossiping with Chi while watching Miss No Good. Then ar 8plus, dad came to fetch me, and then to Beach Rd to fetch mum and bro. Then went home.

Lastly, I hate those bad people in The Little Nyonya ! Argh !

10:23 PM

Another 25th December had arrived !


Hohoho ! Hope everyone's dream come true. :D
Enjoy your day people !

1:08 AM

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Went Guides HQ today to collect our footdrill certificate.
Met Ling and Jannah at City Hall interchange. Then we train-ed down to Bishan. Was freezing cold, cos it was raining. Then collect le, we went Popular. Jannah bought us souveniors ! Thanks ! (: Hahaha. Jannah went off, the two of us went Popular. Bought stuffs, and went home while Ling went Sembawang to look for her Eclispe. Lols.
& Thanks Ling for lending me your Twilight ! :D
Stayed home, didnt went for the Christmas Party with mum and bro.
Was extremely tired.

5:11 PM

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Day out with Ling, Kelly, Margaret, Huilin and Joanna !
A guides gathering you can say. haha ! Cos we're all guides ! (:

Meet Ling first, at 11plus. We're going shopping before meeting them. When popular, I forgot to bring my popular letter, so I cant renew my popular card. :x Nvm, then buy things, then went bugis street. Shopped for Ling's bags. Went into Zinc, the aunty was introducing us bags. Ling bought her bagpack, and asked if there's nice shoulder/sling bag. Then we cant find any, the aunty still dont wanna let us off. lol ! Keep on introducing and introducing, and ended up, she intro-ed guys bags to us. ._____. Then by the time we manage to go off, Ling had a phobia of going into zinc shop already. LOL ! hahaha. Then we went ink, and she bought her shoulder bag ! haha. Then walk walk. Irritated, I cant find the shirt I want ! Argh. So nvm, then went KFC for lunch.

After lunch, took bus to Suntec, then went Marina.
Went sasa, bought my nail polish ! I love the colour okay ! haha ! Its so nice pls ! Then we went wallet shop, meet Kelly and Margaret ! Then went watsons, then went to buy tickets, and we went in. TWILIGHT, BEST ! Ohmygod. Until now, I still had Edward and Bella in my mind. :x So nice pls ! & the first movie that I had been talking so much. lol ! Ling was telling me the story cos I cant really understand what they're talking. ahaha. thanks ar ! There's a character that really look like Wang Ren Fu loh. haha. The Eric ! Lols. Then we went down to Cathay.
Went This fashion, see Huilin and Joanna work. haha ! Then we sat there for a while. Decided to go Astons, cos there aint much thing to eat there. Hmm. Went there at 7plus 8, queued. Was having a great time laughing with them. hahaha ! Then we managed to go in at 9plus. One hour of queueing ! Almost being called home by dad. But he agreed to let me stay when Huilin they all say they will bring me home. lol ! Ordered, and came at around 9.30 ? Lols. Didnt finish my food, mum called to scold. So went home with Ling. Then Kelly, Huilin and Margaret catched up with me, and send me home.

Lolols. Great time ! But sorry ! I forgot to bring my christmas "stuffs" for all fo you. :x
& Thanks for sending me home ! (:

Lastly, I'm tired. x.x

10:24 PM

Monday, December 22, 2008

Finally !
Packed my room, threw away a lot a lot of unwanted stuffs, mostly was primary school's worksheet, stationaries, books, diaries, blablabla. Lol !
Put my table and bedside table in, & I finally feel whats inside a bedroom !
My ever first room table, ah. (:

Hehe. Waiting for dad to drill my wall shelf in, then I can put more things.

Out tmr !

Edited at 1:02am.

Yes, its a decision made last night after watching my tudou ! (:
What I wanna do in future. Smth meaningful, smth good. :D
Haha, shall not say what I wanna do in future. Only one knows ! (:
Thats my current target, but maybe I might change my mind in future ?
I dont know.

Anyway, I wanna go shopping !
Shop shop shop !!

2:56 PM

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Out today.

First stop : Sengkang, da yi's hse. To visit da bo cos he just went for operation ? I think so.

Second stop: Tampines Century Sq to fetch brother and sister.

Third stop: Xiao Gu's hse for Christmas Party. Everyone was crowding around Xixi and Cici to play with them. haha. And all of them insisted that I didnt eat when I did eat. ._. And mum anyhow say my bad words, which made me kinda pissed off. Zzz.

Forth stop: IKEA ! Bought my bedside table, study table and a wall shelf. {:

& Im home ! hahaha.

9:41 PM

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Woke up at 1plus today.
Tudou, Youtube, Friendster, Facebook

& Eat eat eat.

Thats all, thats my day. l:

I wanna go shoppingggggg !

6:50 PM

Friday, December 19, 2008

Went HQ for the thinking day colour party briefing.
We wasnt informed that the date was changed to 30Dec, same as the queensway girl.
So Miss Hasna just briefed us first. Noted that we gotta go back HQ twice a week at 5 to 6.30.
Then wrote our contact number and so on, and we left the place.

Went Junction 8, decided to watch normal Bolt. So buy tickets and went popular.
Then we went off for lunch. KFC, zinger meal ! Idk why, I had the urge to eat fast food recently. Im growing fatter and fatter !
Watched Bolt. Bolt was okayokay. Was feeling sleepy, but did watched the entire show.
Whereas Melissa and Ling, they fell asleep for a few minutes and then woke up. ._. Somehow, both of my palm began to itch again. Gahhhhhhh. :/
Bolt was funny in some scenes luh, but some scenes, I didnt know what was it talking about. LOLOL.

Then trained down to Eunos. Bought my trans wrapper there, cos its cheaper.
Then trained home with Melissa.
& Here I am, feeling very sleepy right now. x.x

Woke up at 3plus last night, my whole palm was so itchy, as it there's rashes, & I dont know why. It was just so itchy, I kept scratching it till about 5plus, then I manage to fall back to sleep. Then when I woke up, my hand was perfectly fine, not itchy, no redness.
& I was thinking, maybe it was just a dream. .______.

3:38 PM

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Wrapped schoool books today.
Wrapped 13 books, left with 8 books unwrapped.
I've got not enough trans wrapper, gotta buy them maybe tmr or next week.
Hais. Now I realised, actually they should name the chem and phy textbook as A book and B book, then we dont have to take sucha heavy book to school. :/

Anyway, I realised dad likes to buy toys from 7.eleven and shell patrol kiosk. LOL.
Recently, he bought the whole set of cars from shell, then he bought a winnie bolster for Sherri, then he nearly bought me a mini piglet, and now, he bought me a big pooh. & Each time he bought all these toys back home, he will get a scolding from mum. ._.
Lols. Maybe he feels like playing with toys, just that he was far too old for them. Oops ! :x
I shouldnt have said that. But its true ! LOLOL.

Thanks dad luh. :D I love you & those toys you bought for me ! LOL.

Okay okay.
Going GG HQ tmr for thinking day; colour party briefing.

8:10 PM

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Who can acc me watch twilight ?

11:56 PM

School's reopening in 17 days time.
Time really flies ! & we really had to get really to stick our butts on the chairs again.
Somehow, Im quite eager for school reopen.
& At the same time, quite reluctant for holidays to end.

& Its 9 more days to christmas ! hohoho !

okay, bye.

I'm only a mere little seed in the fruit.

8:25 PM

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Im so pekchek now, Im so pekchek,

& I'm having headache that comes and goes.
Everything go and die.

8:04 PM

Kwan toot toot, 14 ler. haha.

Anyway, my back hurts.
& I had a total of 10 mosquito bites.
& I'm having blocked nose after a runny nose.
Gawr, I cant watch my show, my sister's occupying the living room TV and my ahma's sleeping in the room. Argh. Sian.

Anyway, finished typing at 12:06am.

12:04 AM

Monday, December 15, 2008

Okay, woke up at like, 10plus in the morning by mum's call.
Then woke dad up, wash up, blablabla.

Then went to fetch mum, and we headed to Suntec.
Main reason was to build a bear ! (: hahaha.
Gotten a 50bucks voucher from sister. 50bucks only, so I wanted to choose the cheapest bear, but dad says its ugly and willing to pay the exessive amount. hahaha !
So I choosed a pink bear. (: Then the people there fill it with cotton and treat me like a small kid luh. LOL. Ask me to take a heart, make wish, shake shake here, shake shake there, then put in, blablabla. I was like, HUH. = =" But the person was funny luh.
Then decided to give the bear to sister as her wedding present ( though the voucher is from her.) So mum choosed a bride dress for the bear. & I named the bear fanny ! (: (sister's name)
hahaha. Then done !

Went fountain food terrence for lunch. Ate hokkien mee, chao guo tiao, prawn mee soup and popiah. LOL. All my father order one. hahaha. :x Then eat le, we went home.
Then went home, slept till 3plus.

4:09 PM

(anw, thanks ling for some of the photos ! :D)
Wanted to upload more, but scared hang. :x

Second time posting. Zzz.
My previous post was sooooo lag, and idk why.
So I'm starting a new post.

13 Dec '08, Melissa's B'day BBQ
My dad actually let me overnight ! Wheeeee !
I was so happy, and so excited cos its my first time overnighting at a friend's house.
Haha. Maybe I was too happy, I took the wrong bus. -.- Saw 133 as 33, and I just took it cos I was already late. In the end, I panicked the moment I realised its the wrong bus. Zzz. So quickly alight the bus, and walk back to lavender. Soooo far ! Then I saw 33 and 32 drove past me. ._. I was like, oh shit. D: Took bus 12 to geylang there, then took 31 to broadrick.
Ling, Chi and Melissa were already there. Then wait for Yenzhi. Then took bus to Tampines Mall. On the way, carsick, ohmygod.

Reached TM, realised Bolt 3D only left 6pplus movie cos we missed the 2plus show. Zzz.
So we went to eat, then we walk walk. Walk to arcade, they say they wanna play. But ling and I didnt wanna, so we went walk walk. Walk until 1st floor, we saw this woman, begging us for 5bucks to buy food for her mum. Soft heart ar, so we gave her. But we gave her 4bucks, and we noticed her holding leftover food. So we gave her, and since we've got nothing to do, we FOLLOWED HER. lol ! Followed her until she spotted us, we turned back. Didnt follow already, we continued walking. Then chi called us, we went to meet them. Then went Century sq, and then back to Melissa's hse.

Reached her hse at 6plus, we started barbequeing. We barbequed mostly otah. LOL. Ate otah, satay, bee hoon and chicken wing ! The chicken wing super nice ! :D Then we played with Melissa's cousins ! So cute luh they ! haha ! Ohmygod. Esp RON and SHERON ! (Siblings) So cute pls ! haha. And Keef ! haha. Cute cute cute ! Then bring Chi to the busstop, we were so high along the way. LOL. Then sang bday song, cut cake, and eat cake ! Melissa damn fortunate. LOL. Two jelly cake sia ! (though one is for somebody right ? ) Lols.
Then after everything, went into Melissa's purple room. The very nice room that we like. hahaha. Bath and everything. Then all of us except Yenzhi were trying to watch incredible tales from youtube, but they like dont have leh. LOL. Then lazed around until 2plus, we wanna go to bed. Then suddenly, all of us started laughing. LOLOL. Laugh until Melissa's xiaojiu ma also heard it. Lols. Squeezed on a small mattress with Ling. Then Yenzhi insisting on leaving the lights on, so we got a hard time falling into deep sleep. Zzz.

I want the pelinis silver's necklace ! D:

14 Dec '08, South Ridge Trial.
Woke up at 9plus, I was so sleepy by then. Washed up, and went to have roti prata. Ordered two kosong and teh tarik. i eat roti prata must have teh tarik one. LOL. Then eat le, took bus to Broadrick at 11plus. Then Weiwen, Junie, Swee Keow and Gregory came. Then we took bus to NUS. From there, we started walking. We somehow to lost there yeah. Lol ! Was raining, so all of us walked in the rain. Lols. Then Melissa, ling and I were holding hands, cos the road was slippery. Then Melissa wanna bluff Junie, so she shouted: JUNIE, WO MEN DIE DAO LE. And we stepped on the yellow thing on the small path slope, AND WE REALLY FALL. God. Lucky Ling never fall. Melissa and I landed on our butts ! Worst was, MELISSA WAS SITITNG ON MY HAND. And it went swollen. ._. Hahaha. Then went canteen to have lunch, then we continued. Then walked to Kent Ridge Park, Canopy Walk. These two parks, their stairs were quite scary. We continued holding hands. Lols. Then my leg started to hurt, cos I cant walk long with new shoes. Argh. But we continued, and we finally reached hort park at around 5plus. Then we stop at the playground there to rest. Then continued and finally, we reached South Ridge Park ! hahaha ! Walked the Anderson Bridge, was super scary. I was so scared, I stood in the middle, dare not look down. LOL. On the way, I cant tahan, I changed into my slippers. I've got 4 blisters all together. ._. Then walk to Henderson Waves, we saw four monkeys there ! hahaha. First time going close to monkeys. ._. Then walk to Mount Faber, Marang Trail and we finally reached vivo at 7plus ! hahaha.

Then went vivo for dinner. Went Ajisen. Eat and chatted, then Melissa's bday cake ! haha. Sabo-ed her, Junie make her used her mouth to take away the candle stand. LOL. Then the second piece of cake, I thought of putting the cake into the water, and Junie could read my mind. LOL. Then Junie really put the cake in the water, LOL. Then Junie STIRRED it until the cake was all scattered in the water, and asked Melissa to drink. LOL. Then Melissa drink until she cried. Awww, dont cry ! Then we went to the toilet, then went home. Somehow, we were kinda chasing Junie and Swee keow around for some stuff. lols. Took train with Ling, chatted along the way. (:

Anyway, thanks a lot a lot for treating us Ajisen ! (:
Its 1:23am now !

12:22 AM

Friday, December 12, 2008

Current mood: Not very happy.

Helped sister designed some posters for her school with a commision of 10bucks.
Was irritated when I cant find any ideas on how to decorate it.
But nevermind. Designed two posters, and emailed her.
Then, I recieved so many phone calls which makes me walk from my room to the phone for several times, cant watch my TV in peace. So irritated.

Then, helped mum run some errands for her clinic stuffs. Nag and nag and nag to ask me finish fast, cant watch my TV in peace. Soooo irritated that I'm gonna flared up.

Then later, I asked mum. "Ma, can I overnight tomorrow ? "
& her reply was: "No, you're a girl you know".
& my mind was definately thinking, why can they allow me to go China for TEN nights and not allowing me to overnight for ONE NIGHT in Singapore, friend's house.
Super irritated.

10:56 PM

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Went to see my uncle @ SGH at around 3plus. He was having blood vessels blockage.
Take care uncle !
Went to pick mum up with dad first. At that time, it was raining so heavily luh. Ohmygod.
Then reach there, the adults all went to meet the doctor to discuss bout the surgery stuffs while I was waiting outside for my dad.
Then went kopitiam for some food. Dad went to work.
Then we went to visit my uncle.
Then around 6plus, went chinatown point. Ate macs, walk walk, and went home.

Ah, so boring.

7:42 PM

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Oh cool, I actually woke up at 1plus today.
No breakfast, only lunch.
Was eating my lunch peacefully until my parents started argueing in front of me. ZZZ.
Argue over ONE SMALL UNCOOKED 豆干. And my mum flared and nearly threw my lunch away. -.-
Argue over one small thing.

Oh whatever.
Might be going popular later.

Edited @ 7.06pm }
Popular with mum at 5. Went popular to buy chem and phy textbooks and pure geog stuffs.
Bought some stationaries too.
Then went down to eat dinner. Mum and I share, cos we aint that hungry.
Then went Bugis walk walk, and Im home now ! (:

Thanks nanny for the hei tang qun xia zhuan's dvd ! :D :D :D

3:31 PM

Its uhm, 1.29am now.
No, 1.30 already when I finish typing the first sentence. (:

Anyway, just flipped through some of sec 3's books.
Read through some of the stuff in it.
.__. Oh no, Im not gonna survive through next year I think. I'll probably give up halfway, haa.
But most likely I wont luh. If not I'll get killed by my mum. LOL.

& Oh btw, my 15th birthday is coming in 2 months and 15days time ! :D

I'm bored, I'm tired, I'm sleepy. But I dont feel like going off to bed now.
Okay, bye !

1:30 AM

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Ling, xie xie for the photos ! :D

Yenzhi's lala. ._.


Webcam-ed with Yenzhi will 1plus last night.

Woke up @ 10 today.
Then went Bugis @ 11, suppose to meet Ling at 11 also, but Yenzhi's late. -.-
& I waited for about 45 minutes before they arrived. Then went gift a name. Melissa came.
Then we bought Jun's present, hahaha.
Then went Seoul Garden to meet Jun.
People there were: Jun's mum's daughter, YiHan, Benjamin, Lennerd, Yenzhi, Melissa, Meichi, YiLing & I. Seoul Garden's food is good ! :D I love their speghetti & popcorn chicken ! Cook cook cook, laugh laugh laugh. Yenzhi was so pro, she ate almost 3 plates of lala. ._. (some seashells)
Then after eating, we went to make Ice Kachang, and we started to be DISGUSTING, LOL !
We threw our ice kachang into the frying & soup pan. ._. Reason was: The ice kachang's too bland no matter we put how much syrup in it & we cant finish it. LOL.

Then we went arcade ! Hehe. Bought 3 bucks worth of tokens.
Played the soft toy thing, the racing car & the throw the ball ball one. LOL.
hahaha. So fun ! :D
Then we went swensens blow cake ! & We purposely tell the waiter that its Jun's birthday so that they can give us a free birthday ice cream. Haha ! Sing song, blow cake, cut cake, eat cake. Hahaha. Then we said byebye, Chi, Yenzhi, Ling & I went bugis street to get my ear studs. ._. Bought 3 pairs, then walk around, then went home.

Pictures later ! Gotta take from Ling/Melissa, cos my phone batt low, cant take any ! D:

5:02 PM

Monday, December 08, 2008

Out to Ikea at night with Dad, Mum & Brother.
Ikea to search for my table.
Went to fetch brother first @ Ngee Ann, then we went to Alexandra's ikea.
Walk walk walk, had a few stuffs in mind, but I forgot to measure how big my table can fit. -.-
So in the end, didnt buy any. Argh. Walked around, & after looking at so many facinating (well, i said facinating) furnitures, I decided to DESIGN MY OWN ROOM ! :D I really need lotsa things for my room. O: Eg: my very own wardrobe. -.- I've been keeping my clothes in my sister's room ever since I kindergarten. -.- Arrgh.
Then went down to buy ikea's hotdog bread. LOL. Then we went home.
Along the way, bought some Japanese food. :D

Going to Jun's b'day celebration tmr ! :D

Anyway, I'm fat fat fat ! O: All my fats just showned itself in whatever tee shirt I wear. I've gained a lot a lot weight during the holidays !
I must go on a diet, I say. But when my dad tempts me with otah, cookies, blablabla
I'll just eat it. ._. Oh no, who can help me JIAN FEI.

10:03 PM

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Bendemeer in the morning with mum.
Wow, its been like, a year since I went there, haha.
& first thing first, I went to the Hello Kitty shop. (:
Bought keyboard stickers ! 1.50 only, ((:
Then bought food ! Lotsa food ! Then went home.

Home, slept for like, an hour plus.

Then wake up, prepare, & dad's driving us to Bras Basah before he goes off to work.
Went bras basah, a lot of cheap stuffs. hahaha. Bought a medium white board, planning to hang it beside my bed as a notice board. (: !
Then brother came, bus-ed down to hereen to meet sister. Walk walk around, then we went to see xiao gu & my two cousins @ some chalet apartment in orchard ? yea. Went there, see my two cute cousins, then we went off. & I insisted on eating GOOD FOOD, so we went NYDC. Lol ! Salad, cream of mushroom soup & two pizzas for 4 of us. Then around 9plus, cabbed home.

Tomorrow's cycling is cancelled ! ):

Im not demanding, I just want to be the more the merrier, cant I ?

10:10 PM

Reformated lappy is driving me crazy, argh.
I gotta dig out all my song albums and ask friends around to send me songs songs songs.
Then still gotta dig out pictures from my phone & from photobucket to put them in my gallery.
& Then, download some softwares. Still gotta wait for brother to come home to download for me my photoshop & anti-virus softwares. ._.

Anyway, thanks friends who send me songs that I needed !

Share with you all some interesting stuffs.
Happened to see a photo that my cousin send me in facebook unexpectately.
Uh, focus on the baby circled, not the one hugging the baby. That is 100% confirm not me & not my style. ._.

Guess who was it ! Me luh !
Mouth open so big, gong gong one, dont know what on earth was happening, & I look like a boy. ._.
Like, ohmygawd. Didnt know where did my cousin dig this photo out. :x I look so toot !
Funny was, my sister loook even more toot ! HAHAHA ! :x (No offence)
Pink geeky-like specs. ._.
Anyway, the surroundings were my cousins.

End ! Bye !

12:12 AM

Saturday, December 06, 2008


YAY ! Got my lappy back ! (:
But somehow, not use to it already. I find it quite small you know, O:

Went for YA day today with Melissa & Weiwen @ HQ.
Met Melissa @ Kong Hwa busstop at 9.15, then we took bus.
On the way, munching on our lollipops !
& Oh, Melissa's kinda of HIGH today, so.. yea.

Reached HQ busstop, met Weiwen. Then we went in.
Starting for some reasons, we felt weird. ._.
Opening speech, Ice breaking games, Telematch & Treasure hunt.
Was diff group with them, & Im in group 2 !
Group 2 people: Si Kith, Viviana, Jesslyn & I.
Then after the games, its free & easy carnival. Bought drinks, went up to look for the YA stuffs.
& We had an agreement with Weiwen. If she joins YA, we'll join with her two years later. (:
Then it was prize giving. Group 2 got Gold in telematch & Silver in Treasure hunt ! (:
Then dismissed, we recieved a msg..
Omgomg, happy !
Then we went Junction 8. Weiwen, Melissa, Gregory & I.
Went pizza hut for lunch. Ate two pieces of hawaiian pizza. Was kinda full.
Then we waited for Junie. & some stuffs happened there uh.
Then around 4plus, Junie went back HQ for some meeting, the rest of us went home ! (:

5:29 PM

Friday, December 05, 2008

Yay ! My lappy's coming home tomorrow ~! (:
Happy happy !

Woke up @ 12plus today, nightmare last night. O:
Tudou, youtube, tudou, youtube.
Argh. & My mum shuang yue. O:
She says she's tired, dont wanna go out with me. ):

Anyway, changing blogskin soon !
Prepared a blogskin long ago, but didnt wanna change.
Cos I kinda like this skin a lot. (:

7:03 PM

Thursday, December 04, 2008

I had a linked dream for three nights, ohmygod.

HP company called to argue again that there aint any extended three years warranty. But before that, they did called to confirm that there'sthree years warranty. & They wanna us to fax this fax that. Arrgh. & Mum's really pissed off with that. WHEN CAN I GET BACK MY LAPTOP ?!
Its been almost a monthhhhhh, my god.

& Sister's getting impatient in getting back her laptop, lols.

2:57 PM

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Hp company gonna reformat my lappy, which means, all my pictures, songs, documents blabla will be gone. Saddest was, I DIDNT DO ANY BACKUP ~ My photoshop, photoscape, GIMP will be clean gone too.
Wthelll. Aiya, wtv luh. Zzz. Careless me, didnt do any constant backups.

Anyway, home the whole day, watch shows.
So bored, :/

It'll be all vanished.

8:30 PM

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Bugis with the two lings & Rozanne.
Met Rozanne & Ling first. Zanne bought her watch & I bought some Christmas stuffs.
Then we went KTV ! (Another version of Kbox beside the strudel shop)
11pm-6pm, $16, Free flow of drinks !
Wow, so we started singing till Feng Ling came. Then sing sing sing.
Its the first time I held the mike in karaoke, sing sing sing. But, all of them cant hear me sing ~ Lols. I sang too softly luh. & I didnt dare to sing alone & sing louder, malu luh. Scared out of tune. So ended up, all of them said I didnt sing. Lols. We entered hundred plus songs, & we cant finish them ! Smuggled macs in, & we got a tipping off from the people in charge there, lol ! Sang till butt pain & I started standing on the sofa and went HIGH. Anyway, the whole KTV was freezing cold pls. O:
Then 6, went Bugis to buy Ling's stuff. Then went home.

One more month to school reopen, thats fast !
Bad omen, I actually cant wait for school to reopen !

6:47 PM

Monday, December 01, 2008

Went school to buy books today with mum & dad.
Wonder if Broadrick was once my mum's enemy place.
The moment we come into the school, my mum start nagging and nagging non stop. -.-
Zzz. Say what want complain here complain there. Wth. Nevermind ~
Bought books, went home, watched TV in the room.
Lunch was prawn noodles & otah ! I love otah ! (:

Edited @ 7:47pm.
I didnt know why I will feel annoyed/unhappy when I saw it.
If I knew what you'll do, I wouldnt have told you.
You didnt know how important is it to me.


5:20 PM


Hello! My name is monster
I come from a place called MonsterLand

Speak out love ♥

Cbox Recommended.

The Great Escape.
