Friday, October 31, 2008
Anyone has the show: ying ye san jia yi ? Can lend me ? The show rocks ! :D一但拒绝,就不会再有回头路所以无论是拒绝,或答应未来一定会有不同故事。爱情,不是一道选择题。
Hey people, its
Any trick or treats ? Lols.
Lunch @ Teppanyaki with mum at Ps. Its "so called" my first time dining there, and it feels a little weird eating with strangers on a big table with a chef in front of you. o.o
Anyway, nice meal !
Went home, watched tv, nothing else.
I wanna reborn my hairrrr ! D:
Thursday, October 30, 2008
My dream last night affected me like wthell. A minute or so, I will think of it.Each time I felt angry, I will feel like crying. Zzzzzzzz.
Is this called a threat ? Or what ?I know you all pampered me, love it. But I hate it, when you all controlled me. Whats wrong with working ? I just want the pay to buy what I wanted, and what you all dont wanna give me. But in the end just one sentence from all of you, I retreated. I feel so useless, not talking for myself.
YesterdayOut with mum & brother. Went cathay to catch High School Musical 3.
Dinnering @ Aston, PS for a walk and back Cathay for movie.
Its been long since I've movied with mum and brother. Hmm.
HSM3 rocks ! haha. Should go and watch.
But somehow, I felt sleepy in the middle of the show. o.0
While my mum was sleeping away. -.- Only my brother was laughing like mad inside the movie.
TodayLaptop spoilt, screen cannot come out.
Currently using sister's laptop to blog. Arrgh.
Why spoil ?! I also dont know luh. Spoil at the wrong time.
HOLIDAY leh. ):
So I'll be going MIA till further notice (which is till my lap goes normal again. )
Anything, msg me bah ! I'll love to reply you (cos I'll be so damn bored without my lap.)
I had a dream last night. A bad bad bad dream that looks so real, just like reality. Oh man, stupid dream.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Out with Melizhu today.
Left house @ around 12.45, met her at brd busstop.
Went Broadrick to pass Miss ong our guides form, and we went off.
Bugis, Far East Plaza & City Plaza, searching and searching for job.
I didnt know finding a job is sooooooo tough !
My leg hurts, and irritated by shops who put SALES ASSISTAND WANTED, and in the end, they dont need one. -.-
Home at 6plus, tired.
Any jobs lobang for me ? That no need work until at night one ?
If got, tell me can ? thankyou !
Monday, October 27, 2008
Shopping spree with my sister today.
Melissa, Ling and Fengling went to look for job. Didnt go with them, cos my sister booked me ytd after they planned to go on wednesday instead.
Wisma, Taka, Far East, blablabla, bugis.
My sister today very ON. She bought me m)phosis slippers, and a book.
Lol !Well, she didnt allow me to buy twilight ! x.x So sad.
I wanna read twilighttttt. Nvm, shall lend from Melissa (secretly) !
haha. My sister was a big eater today, omg. And she jumped the moment she saw the ghost (for halloween) at Far East. haha ! Laugh out loud man.
Im feeling a bit wobbly now, and a little giddy.
Maybe its the crowd that causes it. x.x
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Homed the whole day, I finally finished watching my show.
Woohoooo !
Now, concentrating on my The Legend of Brown Sugar Chivalries, with total of 13 episodes ONLY, sianxz.
Expecting 20+ episodes actually. AHWEIIIII ! :D
Looking for job tmr with the usual people.
Good luck ! Hope the clothing shop aint employing anyone yet. :x
Jun's leaving to her homeland tomorrow night.
Byebye ! Must buy back gifts for us ! :D
Saturday, October 25, 2008
The day. Singaporean tourists touring Singapore. LOL

Shadows ! Im number 4 btw

Friendship starrrr

♥ Lovelove. ♥
Went out for DPPGs one year celebration.
Met Ling at Broadrick first, I wanna go nokia shop repair my phone.
In the end, I forgot to bring my warranty card. -.- So went back home to take. 107 down to Suntec, we missed the stop, and we ended up at the merlion there. The smth smth hotel one, at the bridge there. LOL.
So while walking back, we became tourists, taking photos. haha ! See Ling's blog for photos (if she got post).
Repaired my phone, but all of you still can msg me. (:
Up to toys r us for toys while waiting for the rest to come. hahaha, we're ike kids like that, still wanna buy toys. LOL. I want the hello kitty mini house toy. :/ Waited for them, and we went down to the food terrance for our lunch. Throughout, we're gossiping like no ones business. lol ! We laughed till people around us looked at us, haha ! & Today's the worst gossip I ever hear. Hello ?! We're eating, we might end up puking because of that topic. LOLOS. Half of my bowl of prawn noodles were untouched. Soooooo full.
Headed to Parkway. Looked for smth to represent us. We ended up buying strings. Lols. Friendship band if you wanna say so.
East Coast park, everyone had a 5minute silent, writing on our wishes. If i could fulfill all my wish, I'll be so happy. (: Same old pattern, we buried them and took some photos. (Post them up later, gotta take from Ling).
Then 197 bus home.
Tired but fun day ?
Friday, October 24, 2008
Hey there, Im here to blog again.
Current time: 11:09pm.
Cant sleep. Stopped watching my tv already, preparing for bed.
Anyway, Im here to write and tell everybody how nice was 2EA.
Im competing with chi anyway, ha !
Can you imagine ? Its like, a blink of eye, and its the end of schooling in 2008 already. Yesterday, its 2January2008, first day of school. Today, its 23November2008, last day of school.
In between this two days, so many things had happened. So many memories had been carved into our mind.
First day of school, everyone had this very bu shuang face while seeing soooo many foreigners in our class. A class of 20+ bcame a class of 40+. Everyone started complaining and complaining. But slowly, 2ea, a class of 40+ became our second family. Everyday without fail, there will be someone guarding outside the classroom. The moment any teachers appears, he/she will shout: MDM LIM ALERT !/ DR WONZG ALERT !/ MISS HAN ALERT ! and so on. haha ! And everyone will turn chaos, running and dashing back to our own seats, take out our books and acted as if we're soooooooooooo obedient. Sometimes, we got scolded by Mdm Lim, if she caught us outside the classroom. Remember the time Mdm Lim scolded us until very very fiercely, saying those very harsh words like: No wonder Mr Lim choose to be a discipline master instead of being your class form teacher. Quite sad though, but we didnt care, still loving Mdm Lim as usual. ha. :x The times Mike made us laugh when he speaks unclearly. Eg: mac tec (maths test). The times Nelson Tan was being called as Niao shen dan (bird lay egg), the times we're soooo jealous that Catherine got sucha high mark for her tests, the times we felt sad when some of our classmates went into 2ED, the times when Mr Ghazali told us stories about Old Brd (omg), the times Miss Lock, Miss Pua and Miss Tham came to teach us for a few weeks, the times Dr Wong made us laugh by just the way she teaches (opps) and of course, the times when Mdm Lim were in class with us.
2EA '08, is really a memorable class.
Awwww ! I dont wanna 2008 to end so fast ! :/ I hadnt had enough fun yet.
Nvm, stop here. Going to bed now, goodnight ! (:
Starting of holidays, damn bored.
Going sec3 next year, damn sian.
Lols. Im going to look for a job, I dont careee.
Its better than staying at home and rot right, haha. :x
Dppgs one year celebration tomorrow, ya hooooo !
I wanna go ecp bury wishes ! Its been long since dppgs did that !
My main holidays planning: reborn my hairrrrrrr.
Arrgh. I dont like curly hairs.
I dont feel happy at all, why ?
Thursday, October 23, 2008
LAST DAY OF SCHOOL TODAY,Last day of schooling in 2008.
At the beginning of 2008, most of us anti-2EA '08, because of those foreigners that made us dont feel like 1EA'o7 anymore. But now, we loved 2EA '08, and are going to miss 2EA '08. Im not myself today, so pardon me. Felt so tired, just wanna sleep.
Lazed until the last few periods, where we really all come as one to clean the classrooms. haha ! I was so high at that time, climbing onto the chair and wiping the windows with the girls. We left our names somewhere, and we're gonna go back to that class next year and see if our names are still there. lol ! After going out of the classrooms, everyone bid goodbye to each other, saying the same old thing: see you next year ! ahaha.
After school, followed Melissa to woodlands to get her eye shimmer from her blogshopper. Then went home at 4.
What is wrong with me, again ?
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Idk what to choose for my subs. :/
So Im letting my family choose for me yeah.
Everyone asked me to put B class as first choice, and C class as second.
Shocking was, they're quite happy with me results ?
WOW ! haha !
Wont it be a perfect ending if there aint any negative thinkings, getting suspicious and jealousy ? Im sure you dont wanna let crushing to become enemies.You know who you are, if you're reading my blog.
Im having quite a bad mood recently. & My appetite's growing bigger and bigger ! Arrgh.
Internet sotx. Only evening then can use. So wont be online only until evening.
Got back report book today.
Not as bad as I think, just that lots of marks were pulled down cos of EOY. :/ 15/39 in class, not quite bad actually. haha. :x
Made up a few decisions, going 3EC/3ED next year.
Stupid criteria, double science need 70 and above then can take, and 3ED is the only class with combine science. What the hell.
I wanna go 3EC !!
Jun's transferring to Queenstown, I dont want !
If only I could take back my words..
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
1 ) The last person who tagged you is: KARYI !
2 ) Your relationship with him / her is: My mummy, haha.
3 ) Your impressions on him / her is: FUNNY & KIND.
4 ) The most memorable thing he / she had done for you: Talking to me on msn ! :D
5 ) The most memorable thing he / she said to you: Got anything to tell me today ? (haha)
6 ) if he / she becomes your lover you will: If she's a guy, I'll love her ! :D
7 ) If he / she becomes your lover ,thing he / she has to improve on will be: Nothing much
8 ) if he / she becomes your enemy , the reason will be: When she graduate, she never talk to me anymore. (impossible right !)
9 ) the most desired thing you wanna do for him / her now is: wish her and everybody good luck in O lvl !
10 ) your overall impression on him/her is: COOOOL.
11 ) how you think people around you feel about you: I dont know ?
12 ) the character you love about yourself is: Being coward. x.x
13 ) on the contrary , the character you hate about yourself is: I dont know. o.o
14 ) the most ideal person you wanna be is: Skinnyyyy.
15 ) pass this quiz to 10 people that you wish to know how they feel about you:
Anyone who wants to do the quiz. (:
Its from Melissa btw. haha.
Another boring day in school.
Shooting session was the first and only activity for today.
The shooting session's so fun ! hahaha.
Though I didnt aim the little board. :/
Half an hour nap in class, listened music, played poker, bla.
Im a beginner @ poker and cheat.
& I became the joker for today. Lols.
Lunch @ the canteen with Melissa, Ling & Fengling.
Then went home. Same bus with XinYuan, we met a crazy uncle, asking almost everyone in the bus what time now, today Tuesday isit ? And whining that he forgot to visit his mother and send her mother food, and he was walking here and there, and even the driver looked worried.
Oh my god, lucky I had XinYuan with me ! I begged her to alight with me @ Hong Wen. Lols.
What should I do ?
I had never felt like this before.
Monday, October 20, 2008
School's boringgg.
All thos pre-exam activities were like ...
Dialogue session with Mr Phua, Movie Screening (which I dont understand what the movie is talking about), Recess, and slack @ classroom & library.
Nice nap at the library, till I heard a gayish voice. Lmao.
It was Leon actually.
Then pre-camp briefing after school. I dont feel like going for the camp. :/
Peifen's not going, I think. Hais. Our coach is called Coach Jay (not gay) haha. Looked for mr Song to pass him his cookie, acc-ed Jocelyn look for Ms Ong, and walked to the busstop with her. End up, she went back to school ? Haha.
Homed at last.
Yesterday, Thanks Dad ♥ !
You're super cooooool last night ! :D
If only heaven could give me another chance.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Out with nanny, to bugis.
Walk walk, eat eat, see see, buy buy.
Nothing much today actually.
Quite tired, sleepy.
Going out for family dinner later, @ ASTON !
Yay, my favourite restaurant ! :D
Changed blogsong.
你是风儿,我是沙风儿飘飘,沙儿飘飘风儿吹吹,沙儿飞飞风儿飞到天山去沙儿跟过天山去Why do I feel that way, after so many things happened.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Lazed at home the whole day,
watching TV, eating like a pig.
What a boring day. :/
I cant control, the not-used-to-it feeling.
Its like hell.
Serve me right !
Friday, October 17, 2008
School today.
Online survey, free&easy in class, recess and old surpreme court for Benale exibition. Quite sian, argh.
A quiet atmosphere after school. Everyone was either sleeping, playing handphone games or listening to music. Guides today was early, at 1.30.
We had a "meeting" with Miss Ong up till 2.45.
Gathered around the office to collect our cookies after that.
Took 4tins home, two mint, two choc cream.
Homed at 4.
What a dull life after EOYE.
Aww man, I wanna faster holiday, and get a job !
The last moment with DPPGs perhaps.
In school currently, doing some survey.
Time now: 8:40pm.
Dont know what is it also. Haha, teacher let us play/blog and listen music.
So Im currently blogging and listening music. Lols.
Anyway, I want my ipod !
& I want Christmas & my birthday to come faster.
& Of course, Dppgs 1yr celebration @ ecp. (Bury wishes)
I've got lots of wishes to makeeee. :/
Regretted, but I cant do anything anymore.
I made everything happened.
I cant change the fact already.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Im gonna study no more from now onwards.
Since studying gets worst marks than not studying.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
People who went were the DPPGs + Benjamin + Weilong + Lennerd.
Alright, met Ling first, and she acc-ed me to buy my stuff.
Then we headed to Jun's house. Her dad was there, and we didnt know to call him uncle or shu shu. lol ! End up, Ling called him shu shu. haha !
Help Ling make her egg sandwich, we made a mess in Jun's kitchen. lol !
Melissa & Chi came. Finished preparing and we trained down to Harbour Front. Met the guys there and we headed to sentosa !
Suay suay, it rained. Lol, but just a little while only. Went siloso beach, settle down, and we went to play. Muahaha ! Went to the other island, crossing the bridge was soooo trilling. haha ! The bridge was practically swaying from left to right. Up to the "tower", we took photo there. Melissa shoe dropped ! And it landed on the rooftop. haha ! With us there, you will see two flying shoe dropping down from the rooftop. hahaha. Picnic, and we went to play water !
One/ two cup each, we filled the cups with water. haha ! Oh yea, it as so effing fun ! Splashing each other, and end up everyone got wet ! So wet and sticky ! Mostly, we're trying to aim Weilong, cos he was soooooo dry. He was sucha fast runner. We even failed trying to attack him from his back. Lols.
Packed up, and went to change. Then we went back vivo. Walk walk a little, and we took mrt home.
Home at about 6.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Last night was horrible. Woke up thrice, and had a dream that's linked !
Oh wow, I had tummyache from last night until NOW.
Went to school just now. Reported to Mr Song & Ms Han, and we were briefed on what to plan for some stuffs. Then we went IT resource room to search on our stuffs. Everyone onlined at the same time. Haha !
& Oh, went down to General Office to give Karyi her belated belated bday card. :x haha, hope she likes it ! :D
Was groaning in pain inside IT resource. Tummyache sucks ! Room were blasted with loud music by Mr Kenny. He played 30minutes, which had a F word at the beginning. Opps !
Discussion with Mr Song. At 12.30, we went Macdonalds. Mr Song treat us again ! haha, just that he did not go with us today. Lols. Fillet Burger meal, Upsized fries and Ice lemon tea. I wanna drink milo ! But I cant drink. ): Walk back to school's busstop with Feng Ling. She's going for School's sports tinggy. Gluck ! Homed @ 2plus.
Sentosa tmr !
Monday, October 13, 2008
Got back Science otas, English and Chinese.
All suck like shit, wth. Af Euu See Kae.
Esp my science, I could see Miss Ong's disappointed face man, when I talk to her. Shit !
English papers were just a passing mark, while chinese was quite down too.
Damn, results made my mood gone so so so low.
Lucky, I got just nice an A2 for my overall Chinese results, YAY.
Back home after school with Melissa.
Bathed, got my allowance and we went Bugis.
KFC, watsons and Bugis Junction. Jun&Benjamin were with us for a while.
It took us a long time to see what we wanted.
At last, Melissa bought her lady bug slippers & shorts and I bought my jumper (!)
YAY ! Happy happy ! :D
Tuesday and Wednesday, no school !!
Wednesday, picnic @ Sentosa with DPPGS !
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Sundays now aint fun at alll.
So bored at home, cannot go out. So I decided to play this game, this very very lame and "manly" game, that I myself also dont know why Im playing it. Lols.
Yea, JJ played with me, and I nearly made him vomit blood.
Lol ! Ps luh. Kill kill kill, so sinful. lol !
School tmr, which means RESULTS.
Ah, I dont want !
I know Im bad, Im cruel. I know I shouldnt done that. But other than that, I dont know what else I can do. I cant let this fear of mine run in the wild. Edited. }Aw man, my brother knows everything !
Tay JJ, thanks yea. lol !
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Big spring cleaning today.
Melissa, Ling, FengLing, Rozanne & I.
All of them came my house first, helped me clean my dusty fan, tidy the cardboards and stuff.
Haha, thank you people ! ♥
My mama made french toast for everyone, lols.
All of them waited for me to prepare, & we headed down to the coffeeshop for laksa.
One bowl of laksa plus iced milk tea was my lunch. Feng Ling and Melissa ate two bowls of laksa. o.o
Bused down to Eunos, to Ling's house.
Helped her with her packing of CDs and VCDs. I love her miniatures, seriously ! Aw, I want too !
I wasnt feeling good after a while. All of them were playing with Yang Yang while I ws watching them. Lols. Yang yang called me toot toot jie jie, while I called him toot toot yang yang, lol !
Mrt and homed at 6plus.
I want a job !
Friday, October 10, 2008
FINAL YEAR EXAM IS FINALLY OVER !Finally ! No more studyings until next year, woohoooo !
Lets not talk about Maths.
Not pinning on high hopes for it, but just a pass.
After papers,
partaye !
People are Melissa, Ling, FengLing, Rozanne and I.
Bused down to cineleisure to catch painted skin.
Bought tickets, and we went for lunch.
Long john, we remembered the UG camp cheer: LONG JOHN and CHEESE BUN. Lmao !
Anyway, combo 1 with cheese was my lunch today.
I was the only one who finished my meal CLEAN. hahaha. First time !
Idk why I was still hungry after eating ? o.0
Movie started at 1.15am. We shuffled the tickets to see who sit where.
Seated at the end, with Feng Ling beside me.
Movie was fantastic, really ! never regret watching it. (:
Throughout the movie, me and Fengling were the noisiest !
We kept whispering and guessing what happened next. haha.
Then we went PSing. Spent most of the time at Daiso, then we went home.
YAY ! Big spring cleaning tmr, at my room and ling's room. (:
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Art today.
Satisfied with my artpiece, yay !
But, the more I look, the more I dont think it looks like psychedelic.
x.x Anyway, its over !
C R U T I A L paper.
Well, wish me luck !
After maths paper,
party !
Edited. }
Idk how to practice Maths, hais.
Damn, 3EB is sure not welcoming me. Science so jialat, maths also.
Hais hais hais.
*I realise my results always sucks during EOYEs. *
I had not been like this in my whole life before. Take it as Im cruel.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Finished my art, finally !
Current time: 5.55pm.
Takes me a long time to do art yeah. lols.
Though its kinda of screwed up. :/
Just realise, thats fast, wow.
About 22 days, it will be DPPGS' first yr !
Wooooootxz !
Well, I realised, so much things had happened in this 11 1/4 months of being a dppgs clique. Those laughters, hangouts, argues and colds.
Anyway, Im so so soooooooo happy that after Art, it will be MATHS !
After maths, it wll be
PARTY ! Maths s
C R U T I A L.
Its been ages since I came home so early after school. o.o
Its only 10.47am btw. Haha.
D&T was okay. Finally, I can say that this paper is an easy one, except that I had a lot of wrongs. x.x But nvm, its not a subject that Im interested in.
After papers, went home.
A short chat with Fiedya while waiting for the bus.
Art tomorrow, so today gotta chiong. Will be away from keyboard until I finish my art.
P/s: Miss Ong says she's so sad when she saw my paper. Miss Ong, Im sad too. ):
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Science test was a disaster.
Argh ! Everything that I've learnt was erased the moment I saw the paper.
WHY ?!
Anyway, its over. Whether I can go to a class that I wished to or not, I dont give a damn anymoree.
Went hawker again, with the same usual people.
& yea, we ate the same stall again too !
Then we headed to Feng Ling's house. Melissa went home.
Oh yea, we "studied" there. Lols, more like chatting yea. haha.
I love the Taiwan milk tea ! haha. The taste was sooooo good that we were aiming at Rozanne's cup of milk tea. (she's sleeping).
Gathered at one corner. Chatting, gossiping, movie telling, singing session at one go. We talked about last yr's memory. The best memory ever, was when I got to know Ling, Melissa, Chloe and Fiona, at the first 2 days of school. haha.
Usual, went home at 5. This time, i didnt walk the wrong direction. Instead, I took the wrong train. -.- !
D&T tmrrrrrr. Then after that going home to chiong art.
Monday, October 06, 2008
Love ya ! :D
History was quite screwed, arrgh !
Source base question, I DID NOT DO A SINGLE SHIT AT ALL.
Got luh, which is last minute, scribble. -.-
So it became, one EIGHT mark question with only TWO sentence.
Well Essay questions, I didnt produce many information at alll. All I write was RUBBISH that occupies the space in the paper.
How am I suppose to pass ? *Bang wall man*
Next, Im so disappointed with myself. SO SO SO DISAPPOINTED.
I actually failed my Science test ? 11/30, is totally a bullshit mark for me.
WHY DID I GET SUCHA MARK ! x.x How am i going to get A1 for Final Year results when I failed one paper ? How am I going 3EBBBBBBB ?
Next, Japan trip is
cancelled. Well, Jun jun was fuming maddd about it.
Kay, went hawker for lunch after papers. Ling, Melissa, FengLing, Rozanne. Ate chicken rice. Half of my plate of rice was still untouched when the rest had already finished up their foooooood. Then we went Feng Ling's house to study. Melissa went home. Ling went home too, for some reasons after staying awhile at FengLing's house.
Studied. Well, I hope what I studied is useful for tmr's papers. -.-
Shall not describe what happen. Maybe referr to Feng Ling's blog if she did post about today.
Went home at 5.
Can you stop bugging me, asking me I know who and whatsoever ?Im not even your friend. We're just someone who went into NDP before, thats all ? You're irritating me.
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Been staring into History textbook and notes fo 2 long days.
Whenever I memorize one part, I will forget the other part.
Whenever I memorize the other part, I will forget one part.
Whenever I memorize the dates, I will forget them after looking at other numbers.
So whenever i memories EVERYTHING, my mind goes blank.
Oh dear. Nice one.
After History will be SCIENCE.
Anyway, tmr's Karyi's birthday ! Yay ! hahaha !
P/s: Its been ages since I went into one eyae blog. And god, why was it spammed so badly ?!
When you cant accept me at my worst;
You dont deserve my best.
Nice nice. Quote from Jasmine's friendster.
Changed blogskin, cos Im kinda sick with the previous one.
History tmr, I wonder if I could pass.
Nvm, jiayou !
Green forest my home was yesterday's last episode.
Today, Magicians of Love.
Wooooooootxz !
I realise I eat a lot, when Im unhappy.
The more I think, the more I dont wanna TTY. You might not know, but I hate it, a lot.
Saturday, October 04, 2008
I cant find a person that I wanna talk to, and Im going nuts.
I hate it when I feel controlled.Esp when you're not even part of me.
I haven been studying today, booooooooo !
Monday's history.
Good Game.
Last night, great conference with Ling, FengLing and Jiangjie.
Haha. Everyone called me for the sake of me. (Cos I went to that dark busstop to pass my cousin smth) We conferenced for about an hour.
Talked a lot of crapps yeah. Haha. Oh yea, FengLing's Xiao Feng. And Im Xiao Shi. Sounds weird yea ? Lols.
Anw, Friends around me are the greatest ! I never failed to be happy, with them around.
Ling, Jun, Melissa, Chi, FengLing, and not forgetting, Tay JiangJie.
Indeed, he's a nice brother. (:
I hate to be controlled.
Friday, October 03, 2008
I've been sneezing and sneezing non stop, arrgh.
I guess, flu is coming !
Horrible morning, arrgh.
Firstly, my flag wasnt raise nicely.
Secondly, I was hit straight to my head by a basketball thrown by idk who and made me blur for a while.
Thirdly, my history file slid to the back of my table ytd, and I didnt notice it and Miss Fara caught it when we're having paper 1 ! Lucky she didnt thought I cheat, phew !
Fourthly, Miss Farah took 20minutes to count the papers, which took 20minutes of our recess. x.x
Fifthly, English papers were as hard as I expected. Real hard.
Well, afternoon's atmosphere was kinda up and down.
Under the rain, everybody emo-ed. Drenched.
But when we're at FengLing's house, everything was nothing but fun and laughter. Hahaha. I like her mum, so nice. Haha. I wanna go her house again !
Looking at those sad faces, I knew it would happen to me anytime. With this, it makes my phobia even deeperI comfort friends, which helps me make friends feel better. But I found out, Im noober than what I am, cos I cant even comfort myself.
Thursday, October 02, 2008
If you were to toy other people's feelings, then really, I really had to say, you're a effing bastard.
Too bad, I dont really know you.
You really deserve a tight slap from her.
Disappointment, disapointment and more disappointment.
I scored only 46 out of 70 for my Chinese.
Urgh, wthelllllll. What kind of marks is this ?!
& I had a serious bad feeling that I will not score for my zuo wen. ):
Science test today.
Damn, I had a lot a lot of wrongs, pls. Arrgh !
I dont wanna fail !
Basically, there aint any use of textbooks for English, Science, History & D&T. Yet, I brought all of them to school. -.-
I had English CA tmr, and I had a feeling that its gonna be tough.
& I had to rush out 3 artpiece by tonight cos Miss Farah says we gotta HAND IN tmr which is like, I thought we're suppose to HAND IN on the day of the art exam ? So yeah. Im not doingggggg.
& Im in a damn bad mood now.
I wondered why.
When I didnt study, I score better than when I did study.
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
No. -.-
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
HAPPY CHILDREN'S DAY & SELAMAT HARI RAYA ! Okay, maybe some wont, but I do.I missssss Children's Day. :/
Parkway with Ling and Feng Ling today, for studyg.
From 11plus 12, we studied till 2plus.
We went popular. Somehow, smth funny happen yeah. hahaha.
The DI DI DI DI, oops !
Then we went to buy Ling's shoe, and we went to the basketball court.
Met Ying Xiao there. We hid one side, doing our own stuff.
Fold stars, stare into space, listened to music, pondered, emo-ed.
Then around 5plus, I went home.
Just a few words..
You all helped me with alot alot of things, which Im experiencing for the first time.
& Making me stop saying HOWWWW?! already. Lols.
Thanks thanks. (:
Okay, I know this words that I wanna say is smth very common.
But, LAST LONG okay ! (:
P/s: You know when I heard that on the phone, I was soooo excited, but I didnt show out cos Im still halfway in the dreamland. Hahaha !
& You.
Time yeah. & Sorry !
Going out studying soon with Ling and Fengling.
So long !