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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

HEY WASSUP ! haha ! Look what I've just found.
The website of my miniatures collection !!

See ! This is the one Im currently collecting. (:
Can be bought from Leisure park yeah, haha !
Click to see the collections: http://www.re-ment.co.jp/products/anokoro/index.html
After collecting those, I'll be collecting this. (:

& You know what, im trying to find thisssssss collection.
But Leisure park didnt sell. :/
Wheee ! i didnt know why am I feeling so high upon seeing all this. o.0 hahaha ! Maybe its Ling who influence me ! Cos she saw this miniatures at that shop first. o.o haha ! I gotta save save save !

7:06 PM

Ms Farah aint in class for art today.
So the zhus crowded around my table for a little chat.
Well topics were mostly Ling and I. Lols. What I can say was, Ling's life is better than me yeah. Haha.
Failed my history again, wthell. 8.5/20, why cant Dr Wong just give me that 1.5 marks to pass ?! x.x
Zuo Wen during chinese, Mr Tan was marking our papers, and somehow, some already knew their marks.
Recess, Maths, Music, D&T.

After school, went Sing post with Melissa for Long John. Im gonna be brokeeeee. Saw Kelly and Calista at Macs, hahaha. Combo1+50cent cheese for each of us. Melissa ordered another fries which the counter made her buy the idk what thing ? o.0 Haha, it taste..
Walk walk, and I strolled back to Haig Rd to take bus while Melissa waited for her mum.

CHILDREN'S DAY cum HARI RAYA tmr, which means, NO SCHOOL.
Yay yay yay ! (:

I dont know what to do.

4:34 PM

Monday, September 29, 2008

Screw screw screw !
I totally screw Chinese papers today.
From tuition, I mistook it as CCA. = ="
As Dengue fever, I mistook it as blood cancer. = =" !
Well, paper two too ! Compre so hard, :/

After papers, we had Maths. Wheee ! I pass my Maths ! 18/35. :x
Well, it should be 19/25, Miss Han counted wronglyyyy. Heehee. :D
At least its a pass right ! Yay yay ! Jiayou RKHS !
But, I failed my mock paper, 14/50. LOL ! Nice one.

Macs with Melissa after school. Ling and Fengling went library, but in the end, they went home. Melissa saw someoneeee, LOLS.
Bus 16 aint on service today, due to the F1. And the both of us gotta walk all the way to Macs. Tired yeah. Melissa, stop making noises, Lols.
We met XinYuan and Cipto coincidencely, haha. Our papa and mama.
So we had family lunch. Whenever we said F1, XinYuan's expresson will change. lol ! Well, Cipto treated us Mc Flurry, THANKS Papa ! We crapped and crapped will 3plus. & On our way to the busstop, we caught our mama papa doing *smth and we lmao-ed will XinYuan hit us. Hahaha. So hard luh ! Orh cheh liao. HAHA !

Bus 12 home, and I got everything wet from below my kneeeee.

Sometimes, I really dont understand.
I need adviceeeeee !
Can somebody give me some advice ?

4:03 PM

Sunday, September 28, 2008

I need a maths tutor, urgently.
Forgot everything in textbook 2a, totally !

Lucky maths papers are the last papers of the whole exam week.
I still have two weeks to chiong and understand maths.
I wanna pass pass pass !

1:25 PM

Saturday, September 27, 2008

EOYE is starting ~~~
& Im right here doing nothing ~~~
.. Hey ! It rhymes ! LOL.

Okay, just wanna keep myself entertained.
Whole morning, watched Hei Tang Qun Xia Zhuan, and did a little but more notes on chapter 2 history.
As you all knowwwwww, I DONT WANNA FAIL MY SUBS ! Buttttt.
When I pass maths, I fail history.
When I pass history, I fail maths.
x.x What is this manxz !

I had a dream yesterday.
& I am really scared.

Edited. }
Nothing seems to entertain me today.
I had always thought I understood everything, but now Im unclear again. I could not imgine my mood being affected,
by last night's dream, last night's words, today's tone and your post.

Jiayou RKHS ! Put exams in your mind first, okay !

12:52 PM

Friday, September 26, 2008

Remember when I said I won't miss you
the truth is that i do
i never stop thinking about you (bout you)
we are meant together
the two of us are bound
Now it seems like forever
i can't get you off my mind

if i could wish upon a star
then i would hold you in my arms
and i know we could love once again
if i could turn the hands of time
then you would love me still be mine
Baby I would be right where you are
if i could wish upon a star

It's obvious and everyone can see
that baby you and i are truly meant to be
but nothin turns out right
if only i could make you realize
if only time could give usjust another chance
i'd prove it all to you

if i could wish upon a star
if i could turn the hands of time
then i'd be in your arms again
If i could wish upon a star

Wish Upon A Star - Samantha Mumba

5:43 PM

Okay, today's post will be long long long. (:
Heavy rain in the morning, a lot of brd-cians were stucked at the busstop when I alighted the bus. Then when walking to school gate, the drain there flood until the top, then a lot of area flooded. So I walked along the small brick, then suay suay, I nearly fall. -.- Lucky never ar. Lols.

So yeah.
From my knee downwards were all soaking wet, including my socks and shoe ! Soggy can ! OMG.
Wlked to the classroom with Yenzhi, we realised a lot of people's socks and shoes were soaking wet too, and everybody started to be creative ! haha !
And we took of our shoes and socks, and teachers that came in, could see that they nearly faint. o.o

Look ! Thats my feeeeet. lols.

& the class came out with a very creative and latest fashion, PAPER SLIPPERS.

That was ling, trying to sit like how L sits. haha ! Nelson Tan too.

Stinks please. hoho.
Anyway, lessons start as usual. Nothing much happened anyway.

So after school, the zhu family went out. haha ! Family outing !
Oh yeah, all because of Benjamin, all of us had a surname called BEN (stupid) LOLS.
Father Benjamin: Ben ZHUmin aka fu zhu
Mother Junjun: Ben ZhangZHU aka MU ZHU !
Me: ReZHUna Ben
Melissa: MeliZHU Ben
Ling: Ben ZHUling
hahaha ! Ohyeah, reached KFC, we bught our lunch. & when I came back from taking my chilli sauce and Melissa's tomato sauce, Jun, Ling and Melissa were pointing to nowhere, and asking me to look, and giving me funny faces. -.- Then MU zhu and Fu zhu went off. Melissa tried to run away, but we gave chase. Lols, and we made a din ouside KFC, haha ! No one see, so nvm. (: We managed to pull Melissa back, and we started studying. Finished History's chapter 1's notes, yay !
So we went Leisure, to buy my second set of miniatures ! woohoooo !

First 2 sets that I bought not long ago.

This is what I bought today. Btw, its some kind of mao bi. Chinese writing, idk whats that call. lols.
So cute ! I wanna save more money and buy more ! lol !
Then I wanna buy kelly dolls to put on it. (:
Okay, then all of us wated bs 16 to arrive, and we're laughing like mad. haha. Then in the bus, we were insulted by some unreasnably aunties, but nvm. Forget it.
Bus 16 back 7/11 and I went opposite to take 33 home.

Now it seems like forever i can't get you off my mind

5:08 PM

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Oh kay.
Morning silent reading, Meichi was reading my Mr Midnight book, and she kept nagging at the spelling mistakes she spotted. Lols, MECHI HOR ? haha. ANYHOW is the word in the book that she kept nagging. lol !
Lessons as per normal. Nothing was adsorbed into my brain, my mind was wandering off to some other placessss. Argh. Lucky, there's no Science test. (: Yay ! It was postponed as the office clerk aint in school and the science paper wasnt printed ? o.0 History was kinda bored, lolol. And yup, Melissa was telling me the washington joke. hahaha.

Stayed back after school for my lunch. Lols. A cup of fruit punch was my lunch today. Reason was, i wanna save moneyyyy. Thanks people. haha. A group of the usual ones purposely stayed back and acc me. lolol.
Then went home.

Edited @ 6:23pm. }
I had my afternoon nap, and I woke up feeling super sleepy.
Im being so lazy today, idk why. x.x
No test tmr, yay. Time to relax a bit before EOY comes next week. hahaha.

Sorry !
I didnt want anyone to know. She knew, cos she was onlined that time when I need someone to talk to and... nvm. I told you, today, though its a little too late. SORRY !
I know you cant forgive me so fast, but, SORRY !

2:59 PM

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Out with my mum and bro to Bugis.
& Im kinda of pissed off, please.

As long as Im happy in Broadrick and whatever class I go next year, IT.IS.NONE.OF.YOUR.BUSINESS.

Now its 7pm. Going to bed at 10pm.
I still left with 3hrs to chiong on my science.
Good luck on my science tmr ! Jiayou jiayou !

I wanna talk, and argue with you normally.

Edited at 8.27pm. }
I have no mood for studying, OMG.
4chapters, in one test tomorrow.
If its me, study until siao, next day, everything forget.
Hoho. x.x!

6:53 PM

Weather today was freaking colddddd. So we walked at the "no wind" stairs up the class. I accidentally called Meichi, and the second time, she pretended that my name appeared calling her again. I was outside refilling my bottle, and my phone's in class. I ran. -.- Argh.
Today's assembly was kinda of "no link" ? Lols.
Oh yea, Terry was the commander for today, and the moment Ling saw him on stage, she laughed. o.o Hahaha.
Mr Ghazali didnt come for PC today, ): Which means, no ghost stories. Hais hais. Two periods without teacher, the four of us stucked our earpiece into our ears and studied science. (guai right ? haha !) Then Mother tongue, I forgot to bring my workbook. Lols.

Oral after school. This year's oral rockzx I tell you. haha ! This was the first time I didnt feel nervous at alll. I treated oral as just normal talking with Mdm Lim. o.o While waiting for the 3zhus, went to find Doreen with Feng Ling. Meanwhile, bookshop for foolscape and paint brush. Then went home.

I heartxz the ZHU family ! xD
ZHUling, MeliZHU, ZhangZHU, MeiZHU and me, ReZHUna (lols.)

I cant believe, still.

3:57 PM

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

SPA test today.
Never know the question was sooooo tricky until I left the room.
Ling told me that the circuit diagram should be ONE BATTERY.
One battery then they give us two ?! So yea. Thats the part where lots of people went wrong, like me !
Wthell, Xue Ting, Jun and Nelson, good luh, spot the mistake. ):
& Maths test, no comments. x.x

Lessons was normal. Mother Tongue, no teacher was in the class. Wahaha. Cam-whored with the 2 counsillers, which idk why Im actually cam-whoring now when my forehea were no better.
Hais. Screw pimples ! LOLOLS.
Slept, listened to music, and I was awoken by vibrations of my phone thrice.

6 days to EOYE.
How I wish ending of EOYE is just TOMORROW !
Lol ! After EOYE, will be just nothing but play ! :D
& I wanna go Ecp, Parkway, Bugis street, AMK hub, Junction 8, IMM, Tampines Mall and Century Sq !

The moment I glanced at you,
everything felt so weird.

I love the expensive 80cents chicken drumstick ! :D

3:26 PM

Monday, September 22, 2008

Idk why, whenever my dad comes home halfway from his work, delightment always rose up to the pit. hahaha. Perhaps, its been years since he worked at night from 6pm to 5am already. haha.

Anyway, too much ghost stories for me, I will tend to either cant sleep at night or had nightmares. x.x Oh my god ! Just now, I've heard of a few more. Looks like its not really a good time to hear ghost stories. x.x
Oh, my beauty sleeeepppp.

9:17 PM

Oh, today is a great day ! (:
Firstly, let me annouce my good news to everybody !
wahaha ! Yay yay ! 21/30, woohooo ! pass pass ! :D
Secondly, I bought a box of miniatures ! SOO CUTE CAN !
Oh yeah, Leon Ng still owes me miniatures ! hahaha. :D

Alright, Im damn high now. hahaha.
But smth quite bad happened was..
Omg, let me tell you.
We're asked to learn Great Depression. End up, IT DIDNT COME OUT. Worst was, the stuctured question given was.. nvm.

Well well well.
I must buck up on HISTORY !
6days to EOYE. x.x

Ahma hurt her leg. She was limping when she walks.

Do I ? or do I not ?
It seems like, everything is beyond controlled.

5:31 PM

Sunday, September 21, 2008



I really need one tcher badly.
I dont wanna fail my EOYEEEEE.

Anyway, pardon me this few days.
Its either I get very HIGH and anyhow talk rubbish (you can just smack me)
or I will get very quiet and never talk rubbish (i hope so).
So yea.

8:47 PM

Half of my soul was still in my dreamland when Ling msg-ed me.
She, Feng Ling, Rozanne, Yin Xiao (woo) and the Sen Lin are all going parkway libraryto study and she asked me if I wanna go.
So I woke up, onlined and went to meet them at 11.

Long trip there, I nearly fall asleep in the bus.
History was almost done. I just needa memorise the dates and Im done.
Maths was.. difficult. ._.
Then KFC, Parkway, Basketball court
& went home.

The more I wondered;
The more I think its fake.

5:34 PM

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Yeahs, studied THE GREAT DEPRESSION and part of world war II just now.
Idk what makes me study also, haha.
I actually planned to study tmr.
But nevermind, I shall be a guai kia in front of my mum.

History, Maths test and Oral on Monday.

10:25 PM

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


Its not the same old trick that Im going to fall into again.
But the more I think, the more terrible I felt.

Anyway, I had a bad bad dream last night. I dreamt that the oral passage was about two page long, and when I start reading, I was reading wrong words, ahhhhh ! But smth good was, I dreamt that the ora picture is about girl guides ! HAHAHA !

Edited }
Rot at home the whole day.
I realise I cant concentrate on studying at home in the day. I could only take out my book at night, oh no. ):
Anyway, 8days left to EOYE. Die.
Anyway, congrats Ho Sheng Yao. Just attended his "wedding party" in audi. hoho. Oh yea, I dont owe you any pumping pls. -.- !

You're the one and only.

5:56 PM

Friday, September 19, 2008

My night mood swing is getting worser and worser, oh no.
Now even when Im at home, I feel that way too.
Hais hais hais.
Ahma's gone to gugu's house, and Im all alone in the room.
): Gahh, I shouldnt have listen to Mr Ghazali's ghost story manxz.
Feel so scared now. ( & I even have the curtains drawn !)

I needa someone to talk to now.

7:07 PM

Whats happening to me this few days ?
Its either I look like I've just saw a ghost, or I will feel like crying.
x.x Whats troubling me ?

Next week will be my turn for oral. Delayed and delayed. Haha.
We asked a funny question to Mdm Lim. "Mdm Lim, are you pregnant ?"
ROFL. We made a mistake though. Haha. Mdm Lim's reaction was so funny. "NO ? " haha ! And we made her smile until she sat down on her table. (:

Half U today. We made Miss Ong laugh till she dropped her tear while cheering. Haha ! Miss Ong, impress right our cheers ? HAHA !
Charades and captains ball. Somehow, smth happened and unexpectately, I let out tears. -.- Oh, what a shame. Lucky my juniors aint there. Lols. Shiru was so cute, she was enjoying her game throughout. Haha. We had ghost story session in the hall. Shared with them stories of Old Brd (Northlight) and no one dares to switch off the lights except Feng ling. Haha.
Going home, it was a funny one yea, right Ling ? HAHA ! (: Melissa and I were.. you know you know. xD

Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer.

7:07 PM

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Second post for today.
Probability, I didnt know it could be so hard when it is questioned in problem sums. lols. Whole paper of assignment 11, I had no idea what was it all about. Hais. Shall ask the 3 counsillers tomorrow.

如果你从没出现 我会不会 觉得快乐一些

9:14 PM

Sec 2 girls were called up to the hall for attire checking.
Lols, die.
So we went up, and they checked.
Good thing, the teacher who checked our class didnt catch me ! :D
But sadly, Mdm Lim caught me in class. :/
So I pin my fringe up.
Oh yeah, I mistook History test as tomorrow instead of Monday. Lols, so I told Mdm Lim I tmr then take oral. x.x

Lollipop was my lunch after school. Thanks for the lollipop !
We went 3EA for Japan trip briefing. Oh yeah, Im excited ! :D
I sacrificed KL trip for Japan trip, lols. But please ! Its worth it. (:
Thn we went home.

10Days to EOY. Wow, thats just so fast alright.
End of your exam, it means its gonna be the end of 2008 soon.
Eh pls, its far too fast alrdy, lols. I still wanna spend my time in 2eaaaaa.
Anyway, I was wondering this. Why people call studying as mugging ? Lols. Why not call cupping ? Or maybe plateing. LOL ! Okay, kidding.

Shy or scared ?
I really dont know.

3:32 PM

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Shit. -.-
Wanted to study D&T.
Open my textbook, I stared into it. One minute later, I closed my textbook and watched TV. DIE ! D&T test tmr, hope its MCQ qsns !

DPPGS, is our clique, not yours. Dont have to make one email dppgs_sucks and add us and scold right ! Jealous that we're one civilised clique isit ? Dare to add, dont dare to scold back when we scold you. Tell us your name luh, want say say in front of us, dont so coward.

When you had to two very close answers in one question,
Its hard to choose the correct one.

9:48 PM

At that moment; I really wondered.
What if one day, I become like that ?
Will the old me still be the old me ?
or the me who is reformatted ?

Nothing interesting to blog today. x.x
Homework: Paint my D&T duck, study D&T for tmr.

I wanna eat lollipops
& cadbury choco.

6:05 PM

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

For nothing, Ling and I burst out laughing during D&T. Lols.
We were singing Feng Ling group's enviroment song, and I happened to sing the wrong lyrics. I sang till woand ( world/land. )
LOLS. And we laughed, we laughed and we laughed. Oh yea, Ling was sick. Lol, she kept wanting to smelllllll my shirt. She said it smells nice. ._. God ! Lmao.

Screw screw screw.
My voice totally went OUT OF TUNE during studio recording.
Die. The song was kinda of ..
But nevermind, first time right ! Lols.

Maths mock exam tmr, Science mock spa test tmr.
All the mock mock mock, lol !
If its the true, I dont want.
Im scared.

6:40 PM

Monday, September 15, 2008

Start of with my day with:

Lols. Same, I lose a lot a lot of marks in my test, hais.
Fail for sureeee.
Anyway, Pe was kinda lame. Lols, Mr Tay wanna us to play badminton when the wind is SOOO STRONG. lol ! No need play, the shuttleC can fly by itself already. haha. We ended up running 2 rounds. Ling, Jun and I chionged all the way, so that we can go to the gym. Slacked at gym while the rest went for badminton. lol !
Then recess, then English, then Maths.

After school, stayed back. Actually wanna practise our song for tmr's recording. But we ended up doing other stuff. LOLS. Grape drink + one packet of polar snack for lunch. I wanna save for miniatures and miniatures furnitureeee. lol !
Then went home.

When feelings appear,
its either you realise, or you dont.
Admire or what ?
You're the only one who knows. (:
I hope you're not hinting me anythg.

4:04 PM

Sunday, September 14, 2008

17 mosquito bites in total on my legs and hands.
Oh, how nice.

Lol, anyway.
30+minutes ride to Jurong East, we stood all the way.
Today was kinda slow, as I was having a tummyacheeeeeee.
The ever worst tummyache I had man, I felt so weak all of a sudden. -.-
Went Jurong centre, we bought some pens and lunch was Mini steamboat. haha.
Didnt really have apetite, I left half a bowl of rice untouched whereas Ling still felt hungry after one big bowl of rice. o.o
Collected her L figurines, we trained back home.

Watching GFMH currently. :D

4:13 PM

Hei Tang Qi Xia Zhuan rocks alright !
Yeahs ! Finished episode8, waiting for 9 to be uploaded.
So nice ! hahaha !

Going out with Ling later. Accompanying her to Jurong East to meet her blogshopper for her L figurine. Lols.

11:36 AM

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Labrador Park.
We were the game helpers for the Maths trial. Ohyea, the station what Im in charge is UP UP UP the hill wth Feng Ling, Fion and Adeline. Ulu place somemore, and its super scary the first tim we reached. Lols.
Stood there for quite sometime, my job was just to sign on the paper when those people come and, to feed the insects with our oh-so sweet blooood. -.-
After those feeding of mosquitos, we had prize giving on the spot.
Surprisingly, the consolation prize was better than the first and second prize ! haha ! Nice one.

Went back school, and we went Melissa's house.
Main purpose was so do homework ? But we ended up sleeping in Sherron's room. LOLS. & I really did fall asleep yeah, cuddling into a ball on the sofa chair. haha. Then we went 7/11. My first miniature was bought ! YAY ! haha ! Love it man !

Then went to meet my mum, dayi, eryi, sister and her boyfriend. 2hrs of shopping at OG, I was so bored. Eryi wanted to buy smth for me, but I shook my head. Lol ! Went MOF fir 9pm dinner. Japanese reataurant, I ordered my fav food, sashimi ! hahaha.
First time going out with my school uniform until so late. hoho.
Home at 10.

48hours is just 2days. 2days only, so you have to jiayou !
Really, and we'll always be there supporting you, so dont give up !

11:13 PM

Friday, September 12, 2008


Guides today was not-so-fun.
All the 2N1 and 2N2 went for remedial the whole company became very little out of a sudden. Hais.
Oriole was in charge, Peifen planned.
We falled in at 2plus. Checked uniform and so on. Miss Ong was over there correcting the way we carry out our activities. "Meeting" with Miss ong, we went classroom for cheers. Ling taught them the camp cheer, whereas we taught the rest the NDP cheers.
Games time, sardine in the can. We played two rounds, the guides all started feeling boring, wanna play water games. Okay, so some went to ask.
Played water games, nevertheless, FUN was the word. All soaking wet.

My mood gone down after dismissal. Partly was becase I felt sleepy all of a sudden. Second, I shall not say. Just to add in, no more water games when oriole is in charge anymore, I dont want.
Back at 7.

Going for Maths trial tmr at 8.
After that, outram park to meet ling's blogshopper, and going Melissa's house for homeworking.

7:30 PM

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Ohno, I realised that Im already having a habit of online-ing.
Msn sucks big time today, arrgh.
Always service temporary unavailable. x.x
Nvm, I shall go do my distiction in English first, before I throw tantrum at my laptop.

7:47 PM

Know what ?
I dreamt of OLD BRD last night.
Nice one, lols.

Science today was WHOA. LOLS.
Started on a new chapter, CHAPTER SIX.
Immdiately after Miss Ong asked us to flip to page 82,
Everyone was like.. wooohoooooozx.
Somehow, Melissa was asking Miss Ong if there's practical for this topic.
& Everyone started LOL-ing.
D&T, I was pestered by Jun, askng me about my previous post. = =" Quote from Drama, cannot meh ? LOLOL. She even think its the one whom she and Benjamin matchmaked luh. What a JOKE man.

After school, staff room for some stuff. Then we went down canteen. One corner of the canteen, there's %%%. The other corner, there's ###. Could see that Ling was annoyed yeah, HAHA ! So we sat in the middle. Jinren came, Leon came. Topics for today.. idk. Lol. Ling and fengling went for choir, Rozanne went library, and I asked Melissa to follow me to hawer for soya milk with pearl. My acc-ing me, she missed THREE buses. Lol, paiseh ! and Thank you. Haha. (:
Such a bastard, now I know.

3:42 PM

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Likes about Wednesday: I can sleep later !
Yay ! Of course, I guess this is everyone's adores.

Helped Melissa take off her extention today. Guess what ?
While taking out, one strand by one strand, Melissa kept scolding and lastly, she even drop tears. Like, errr (?) Haha !
Okay, CME was super thrilling. Mr Ghazali was telling us ghost stories of old Broadrick. he told us how he and MsFudlana and a few students got harrassed by some *stuff* while decorating for the frst arts festival. OHMYGOD. Melissa as so terrified and she wanted the 3 tables and chairs behind us to be removed before *some things* sits on it. LOL. Mother Tongue, Mr Tan didnt come. Ling went for her friendly idk what award with Ms Han. and what do Melissa and I do ? Dont tell you. (:

Ohyea, and after school, popular with Jun and Benjamin. 230v I KNOW. = = " I shouldnt have follow manzx. *NC16* Well, Benjamin told us more of old brd's story. And I was like...

Oh, its gonna be a blank piece of memory
of him.
Im erasing it off completely, I promise.

3:54 PM

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Good Luck to all the 4E 5Ns in their prelims ! YAY ! :D

Okay, whats today ?
Finished my art during art period. Seriously, my painting skills sucks. -.-
Paint was all over my hands, and red pain looks like blood, Lols.
Learnt more about probability, and Ms Han gave us so many homeworkssss. OMG, but yes ! Next week, might be a full 2a 2b revision ! (: Finally, I can ask what I dont understand ( Practicaly all )

After school, stayed back to finish up our changi beach book. Library's com room, we're like nonsense like that. LOL ! Especially Melissa, when she described someone as bao zha tou. Lol-ing non stop, Omg. lols. Shifted to the canteen at 4.30 (library closed), we continued doing until 5plus 6. Music blasting along the way. & My duty was to draw, draw and draw. Haha, lolol.

Okay, the end.

What is happening to me ?
Im having a hot temper nowadays.

7:28 PM

Monday, September 08, 2008

First day of school.
I was so worried that there's attire check for whole school.
(As I didnt wear Brd socks. ) Luckily, they didnt !
Wahaha ! They only checked on hairstyle, and Melissa's extention was caught again. She said she already has feelings for her extentions, lols.

Lessons as per normal.
Learned probability during Maths.
OMGodxz, know what ? We got to learn how to play PODKA CARDS.
LOL ! I dont even have a single knowledge about it, other than knowing that its a queen, king, diamond, heart cards.
Howdieeeee, OMG.

Stayed back awhile after school, to have lunch.
Ohyeah, we had some fnny things happening and everyone was lmao-ing.
& I told Ben Yeo about our miniature Christmas/Ling's bday present.
Okay, then went home.

4:41 PM

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Out with Nanny today @ Orchard & Bugis. (:
Well, basically, did nothing at Orchard but finding nice mooncakes.
Then did nothing at Bugis but walk walk.

Saw Maria on the way out of the toilet.
One year nine months, I did not see her, and we turned to be like strangers, and not even a hi-bye friend. Lols.
* Remember what happened during P6. *

Nails cut, nail polish removed.
Ready to be a guai kia tmr. Lols.
MATHS TEST TMR. Oh, I hope Miss Han's standard can be like Mr Feroze, really. :/

2:30 PM

Saturday, September 06, 2008


DPPGs !!!
We're be one year clique after 1st november, yeah !
Btw, found this photo, so I went to do some editing.

I detest people who complains for nothing alright.

6:50 PM

Okay, I really hate havng this clumsiness to always send wrong message to wrong people like... -.-
End up, the whole world knows what send in one day's time.

Homework left with Art.
Monday, there's maths test.
Sunday, going out with nanny.
Currently: Watching Tian Guo De Jia Yi.

Chiong chiong chiong.

Btw, I've gained weight in the holidays.

1:18 PM

Friday, September 05, 2008

Its been long since we went out with meichi.
Chi, right ?
haha. First time, I saw meichi in shorts. HAHA ! Nice one ! (:
Cathay to watch wall-e. I dont like cathay's nachos. Lols. Chips and cheese so little. Still cost me 4.80. Golden village one better. LOL.
Wall-e was fantastic ! Omg, there's a little love story in it also.
Haha ! So cuteee.
Headed to Cineleisure for shopping. Hmm. We walked from basement to the top floor. Kept asking them: Shall we go far east ? LOLS. Too bad, i didnt know where is it and how far is far east from cineleisure. :/ Oh yea, on the way we saw L cum liankong ! HAHA. :x A guy's hair which is super long and white, so we called it lian kong guy. Whereas he did some eyeliner, so we called him L. LOLS.
Then home at around 4plus. Msged Melissa all the way.

At night, went out with mama and sister. We went nydc for dinner. I loved their hawaiian pizza. :D Nice nice ! Oh yea, my sister told me that the way i wear is super childish. x.x People I ask you, REALLY MEH ?!
Damn. O:

7:58 PM

Thursday, September 04, 2008


Was alone at home from this few nights.

Nice one.
Btw, maths textbook 2a, the moment I read the questions,
my mind totally went blank..

Help !

Wall-e tomorrow, yay !
Daddy mommy hve not permit yet, oh no.
Shall ask them tonight.

7:40 PM

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Today was just a typical day.
All I did was to plan the one da camp with Junie, Weiwen, Melissa ad YiLing, do the proposal Junie asked me to do and give some advice to these two people who're in... -.-
And of course, talking on msn.

6:42 PM

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

2.24am, I was still wide awake, although I laid on my bed at 12.30.
My eyes widen, staring at the dark roof.
Wondering when can I fall asleep.

But whats good was, I felt great after a good night's sleep.
Ah, and now, I felt like sleeping again.
Good afternoon.

I believe in you, no more.
When I feel lost, I find no one to confide to.

2:45 PM

Each time I am about to give up hope,
you came and gave me hope again.
Then, you cut me deep.
But thanks for sliting me deep in the past,
which makes me dont believe in every single word you said.

Nevertheless, even if I still like you.
I am learning how to hate you.
& I am learning how to say: Last time, my eyes really ta stamped already.

1:47 PM

Monday, September 01, 2008

Just came back from homeworking with Ling.
Again, I was late. x.x Dui bu qi orh ! haha. :x
Kallang macdonald, I ordered hot tea. I made a big mess on the table, spilling my tea here and there. x.x
Ohyea, after sometime, homework's finally done ! (:

Hoho. So we went leisure park. Melissa came along too ! haha. So we walk walk. And then Jiangjie said he wanna come too, so he came. Ohyea, today was fun yea ! haha ! & I want the toy ling bought ! O:
It was 5plus, so we went home. (:

When no one makes the first move,
you will never get to know what's the final answer.
My eyes, ta stamped too.

6:31 PM


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