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Sunday, August 31, 2008

Just came back from Lp's k box.
Its 11.14pm btw, and I was made the last to use the bathroom.
Reason: I wanna wash my hair.
Lame yea ? Lols.

Just now at K box, I was totally bored. In a state of entering my dreamland already. Went out a few times. Oh yea, my sister was also falling asleep, until the both of us went shopping tgt. haha. We went into british india, there's sale. a 43bucks item can discount until 9bucks leh, just like that new jacket I bought. HAHA ! (: FINALLY, I FOUND MY IDEAL HOODY JACKET. Plain white. :D yay !

Ohyea, today was great !
I've bought socks, privacy stuff, jacket and a piglet. (:

& Oh, I've got a bad news. O:
Went to cut my hair today, and guess what ?
My hair was badly ruined ! x.x
Shall let you all see the photos tmr, if can.
Arrghhh. So many short hairsssss !
I knew this would happen
But I was still stubbornly clinging on.
Why ?

11:13 PM

1september, HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY ! :D
& of course,

Yay ! Update later, lols.

Da gu, er gu, san gu were at my house now. Left with si gu and xiao gu. Bahhh, and Im inside my mum's room, rotting. x.x
I wanna sleepppppppppppppp, yeah. -.-
Its bored in hereeeeeeeeeee. Help !

2:30 PM

Saturday, August 30, 2008

My mum's adding salt and spice into her words, omg.
My mum promise me to treat me to MOF and bring me go cut hair.
End up, she told my nanny is as if i dont wana go out with her like that.
What the hellll.

8:46 PM

At home for the whole day.
Was suppose to clean up my whole room, but my eyes were glued on the TV.
muahaha. :x
2more discs, I'll finish my Bull Fighting. Dou Niu Yao bu Yao !

Ahma's birthday tmr.
Morning: Shopping with mum
Afternoon: Everybody will be coming, speghetti will be lunch. yay !
At night: K box at Leisure park.

Wheeeee ! (:

5:07 PM

Friday, August 29, 2008

Okay, Im having some stupid emotional problems again.
Dont talk to me, if you're gonna say smth useless.

8:28 PM

Teacher's day celebration today.
Because of flag raising, wore uniform instead of class tee to school. :/
Let everybody signed on our tees, then we went to change.
English period, we had games. It was Miss Tham's last day yeah. So everyone asked her to sign on their shirts too.
Yenzhi started crying, then more cried. Miss Tham cried too, dont cry luh. ): Make us all cried. Sobxsobx. ):
Then blablabla Didnt follow meichi for recess, sorry !

Tcher day celebration, we were seated in front. Seated beside Chi and Yenzhi. We were cheering for the people on stage yeah ! Esp when they showed the childhood phtos of teachers. All of them (esp mdm lim) looked so pretty ! wahaha. And of course, when mdm lim wore uniform with Mr Tan. all of us laughed till we drop man ! haha ! (Mdm Lim, hope you see this ! (: )

Out with Melissa after that. Went Melissa's house, she ate her medicine and helped her uninstall her bandoo. Brandon Kwan was so cute luh, he knew my nick name was bi ? o.0 Then he was like: Bibi hello, shoo bi, byebye bibi and so on. Lols ! Katong, melissa ent to see the doc. Was inside the room with her, I was feeling a little $#$%^ yeah. lols. Speghetti at Katong hawker. Then we went parkway. Bought my pink stars shoe laces ! (: nicenice ! walk walk and we went ECP. Sat down at the bench and enjoy the breeze. At the same time, talk like we always did. haha. :x 197 to katong, and 12 home.

But its gonna be a study week for me, jyjy !

5:37 PM

Thursday, August 28, 2008

I must not give up !

I shant talk about lessons. Its kinda of boring. x.x
Indonesia students went home, byebye ! ):

Stayed back after school for the E=MC2 project. Draw, paint, cut, and so on. Junjun was kinda of high today, idk why. :/ To unusual yeah. Lol ! Ling went for choir and we continued. And idk why, the process seems slow. Hais.
Went home at 4plus ?

Gotta do the teachers day blog plus E=MC2 chinese report. :/
Bye !

Sorry ! We should had done more. ):

& I really dont understand you like, completely ?

5:18 PM

Heyya !
Currently: in school now, having English lessons.
Blogging on my poem in my English blog.

When I close my eyes, I see darkness
Fading into the lights, without brightness
I wished for a spark of light
so to calm me down from a stairs of fright.

I told myself its okay
For tomorrow will be gay
When I open my eyes, I saw lights
Knowing that my sunshine has arrived.

Hehhehheh, I wrote it myself leh ! :D
I didnt copy from google okay ! (:
Okay, i know its written very badly. -.-

Btw, the indonesia students were leaving today.
& Tmr's teachers day !
Yay ! (:
& I hope there's people going back Stamford. :/

haha, kayy luh.
bye luh. (:
Update later.
When emotions started worsing;
I wonder which one I can trust.

8:30 AM

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Alright, how should I start writing about my day ? Hmmm.

Sat beside Junjun today, cos there's not enough space for indonesia students. Lessons as usual, but we got a little pissed off during PW. x.x Though its a last minute work, but its a work that we really type out yeah. Nvm. Assembly today was kinda of meaningful. Teenage life. {:

We manage to persuade Junjun to go AMK hub with us. hoho. Ben yeo went too. Lols. AMK hub, I took sooooo long to decide on my wallet luh. lols. I bought polo spirit pink and white wallet while Melissa and Ling bought QQ bear, red wallet. o.0 Went for lunch, it was a filling one. hoho. Took mrt back, BENJAMIN YEO stepped on my infectious toe ! what the ! Just two days, I was stepped twice ! Somemore today was on purpose de. x.x JUNJUN ! I WANNA COMPLAIN ! lols. Then we went Lavender, to meet Agnes to collect some stuff. Lols. After looking at the things, I find it quite expensive yeah. Lols. And I went home. (:

5:32 PM

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Ahem ahem ! Listen up.
This "song" is specially to OH AH LING aka ♥♥♥ ONG YILING. (:
I wih you a happy birthday
I wish you a happy birthday
I wish you a happy birthday
& a happy birthdayyyyy ~ (Ling heard this song just now. )

Okay, I didnt colour the above cos Ong Ahling loves black. LOLS.
MC for Melissa, she wasnt feeling well, take care girl !
Indonesia students came today, welcome !
And yes, we kinda of screw up th whole thing like .. so sad ? ):
Lucky there's Bavisha, Jing Ren and Gerald Lim came to the rescue yeah. Lols. Did touring and games and so on.
Then lessons as usual. D&T, someone stepped on my infectious toe ! My face tolly turn red, I was groaning in pain luh. I coul even seem tears and CHAN HANYONG and gang were like: Just step only what, reaction so kua zhang. Like, wtfish ? Lucky Ling came for the rescue. O:
Went theatrette for the briefing on the combine subs next yr. Just by looking at the slides, I totally gave up. = =" I want bioooooo. ): But I must take A maths to go bio class !!! Shit itt. O:

Beach cleanup, we saw SO MANY SHELLS at the shore. She sell sea shells on the sea shore. :x Oh yea,We saw holes and nicholas the all thought there's crabs in there and they began digging and digging. lol !
Went back school, went hawker for ice kachang. Was simply too thisty and weather's too humid. Ling, Jun, BENJMIN YEO and LENNERD went too. -.- Like, what the ! Sat different tables, we enjoyed our ice kachang. Acc-ed ling buy garlic bread. Oh yea, it was sooooo oily. Lucky its only 1buck. :x
home at 6plus.

6:21 PM

Monday, August 25, 2008

Know what ?


woohooooooo ! Yay yay !
32/40, its equals to 80% ! A1 !
Thank goodness, I really need this mark to pull up my overall Maths marks manxz ! Yay ! At least I didnt disappointed Miss Han and even myself ! :D
*& I hope Miss han's test papers could be like Mr Feroze, easy one. :/

In the other hand, 20.5/30, I need just HALF A MARK MORE to be in A2 !!! Urgh. ): What a lousy mark man. What the. Blame me for calculation errors ! I hate physics ! :x Jyjyjy !

School today was alright. At least, nothing bothered me. Yay.
Stayed back after school to meet Mrs Ang about some stuff. Indonesia students coming to our school tmr, (:
Oh yea, Mr Tan showed us the overall Chinese results. Gosh, why am I so unlucky ?!?! I JUST NEEDA ONE MORE MARK TO BE A2 ! x.x

3:43 PM

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Dc-ed thrice today.
My computer's going CRAZY today.

4:31 PM

New skin, better/worser tmr.
That one, idk.

Last night, was chatting on the phone with Chi and Yenzhi till 1plus. Oh yeah, Yenzhi did something funny. -.- She can just suddenly laugh and suddenly.. , and idk why. ._.
While chatting, HSY said he cant level up rewujie. So I went in to help him. He vs me, HE PLAYED 256BMP. Urgh. End up he cant lvl up is because is went s2.rewujie instead of s1. lol ! Played 2gameswith JJ too, while watching my show.
Slept at 2.

Okay, and today.
Shedule for today:
-Finish up my show
-Type and print project stuff.
-Watch Hei Tang Qi Xia Zhuan
-& at night, booked for channel 56 from 7pm onwards.

Okay, bye.

11:12 AM

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Terminal 3 for project work today.
Went Health Promotion Board w Rozanne first as she wanna take blood test. x.x Then we went to the exibition hall, and play ! xD 1.50 per person only, so cheap ! hohoho !

Mrt down to Terminal 3, we went macs first. To find Jun and Benjamin and to have lunch.Was soo famished that all of us gobbled up our food. ( not so kua zhang luh uh. ) We had one whole tray of fries. After eating, we began our project. We stayed at macs to write while Jun and Benjamin went to take photos. Chatted and so on. The matchmaking was widen and t was really over exagerating alright. Even LING'S BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION WAS INVOLVED. Like, @#$^&* (?) I had a sudden tummyache. x.x Gotta be home at 4-5, so I didnt follow Ling and the rest to arcade. Sorry ! Wanted to follow Jun and Ben to bugis to buy ling's toy but due to my "lovely" tummyache, I went straight home. x.x Plus that 230v of light bulb I had, of course cant follow right ? HAHAHA.

Serious tummyache, OH MY MAMA,

If you can do it, why cant I ?

5:01 PM

Friday, August 22, 2008

Fast blogging before I turn in for the day.

Didnt go for Guides cos of the website course. Oh yeah, brd girl guides is going to have an official website ! :D :D Halfway, Melissa and I went down to celebrate Cipto's birthday with the permission of Mr Kenny. Hoho. Pizzas for us. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUCIPTO !(: Petrol in the soap at the long basin, we were washing it with PETROL ?! We only found out that there's petrol in the soap cos of the colour (black) and the smell (awful). Complaint to Weiwen and Mr Zainal. Back for the website course and we completed it before others ! :D

Down for company talk.
Went home, I was showering in the rain, all drenched. Lols.
Went Brd to meet Ling and Melissa. I was having night swing. x.x Walked to esplanade to take attendance and then to Marina Bay to settle down. Mini carnival inside, but the stuff there was soo ex. :x BOught some snacks, and we went to settle down. Shared snacks with people ! :D WEILING and VIVIAN ! We camwhored ! :D The firework started, it was awsome ! GOt the video and photos, blog then up maybe tmr. (:

Okay, done.
Going to bed now. Gotta wake up early tmr too.

Thank you for being my friend. (:

11:40 PM

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Finally, I know.
And I understand. (:

This is what it calls : Life.

Going to bed soon, bye ! :D

10:03 PM

Flag raising today, as the sec 3 Es were having their e learning at home.
Gahhhhh, actually it should be Jannah's turn. :x
But nvm, I'll let her do next week. {:

Lessons were boring today. We had an extraordinary english lesson today. :D Oh yea, it was so much better than just sticking your butt on the chair and listen to teacher talk. x.x
Yenzhi dont emo luhhhhh ! O:

Old folks home after school.
Melissa and I rushed to meet agnes, while Ling rushed to meet Mrs Ang. Finally sometime to settle down to have a drink, we gotta rush for old folks home again. x.x Changed into guides tee, and we went to the old folks home. Due to the rain, we played passing ball musical balls. Lol ! The lucky elderly/guide will get to sing ! We sang along with them, hokkein songs, Yue liang dai biao wo e xin, yi bai wan, 3 tigers, etc ! haha ! I didnt know communicating with elderlys was so fun. (: Then its time to byebye. We performed friendship dance before we head back to school.
Hawker for some food, and then went home.

Oh no ! Im turning excited now !
Know the reason why ?
Wheeeee ! yuuuhooooo ! :D :D
Cant wait !

My mind's whirling;
I really dont know what is happening now.

5:20 PM

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Alright, where should I start talking about my day ?

I was practically half deaf for the whole day, and what I could hear the loudest was my voice. -.- Grrrr.
Maths, we learned set language and notation. shitx. I dont understand a single thing at alllllllllll.
Lalala, skipskipskip *
Assembly took out 10minutes of our recess ! O:
Totally no time for slow chewing on our food.
Half deaf made me feel sleepy for the whole day. Slept during PW, that arsehole Gao Feng Feng woke me up TWICE. = ="
Chinese was... ARRGH.
So many mistakes in the answers !
Overall, Im HAPPY with my marks ! :D
11 more marks to full marks in paper 2, and another 6marks to full marks for letter writing. :/ I wanna aim for a full mark !

After school, stayed back to plan programmes for the indonesia students whose coming next week. We planned something TRILLING. wahaha, esp games that Im in charge for ! hohoho ! But kinda of disgusting though. :/
Benjamin treated us drinks ! And Mrs Ang treated us school pizza. o.o
Benjamin di-siaoed me again. -.- wthelllll.
Father di-siao me, I go tell my mama, ZhangJun !
And Thomas tutu train came. The couple was like .. @#$%^&* in front of us. OMG.
Around 5plus, we went home.

After so many months of trying my best;
am I back to the start again ?

6:55 PM

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Oh, hi. {:

Today was basically a day to relax. [:
Went Teminal 3 early in th morning for our e=mc2 project.
Our groupings were: Ling, Melissa, Jun and I !

Roles for each and everyone of us : Melissa interview, Ling write information, Junjun take photos while Im in charge of taking care of all belongings. x.x The most relaxed of all. hoho.
All of us kop-ed so many fox sweets from the imformation counter at terminal 3 luh. We went to the information counter to ask for informationssss ~ And that kind lady helped us in everything we needed to find. O:
Interviewing, running about to find informations and timing the sky train.
While timing the sky train, Melissa and I went around finding info for D&T and Art. And we managed ! hahaha ! :x

Macs for gathering. Bought Harsh brown from Macs. Went back school, a few minutes of recess and went for lessons.

Song writing lesson, we presented our songs to the other people.
Nervous duhh.
Oh yeah, the rap part was kinda of screwed. x.x I said too fast luhhhh. And I managed to get my HUMANS right ! :D I think so ? :x
Stayed back in school for a while.

My right ear kena infection again = im TEMPORARY half deaf.
And my toe's freaking pain like shitx.

Im in a severe bad mood now.
& I bloody hate this feeling
esp when Im half deaf.
This is so fooking irritating.
Let me tell you this, screwed.

6:00 PM

Monday, August 18, 2008

So whats the use of having thousands of questions inside a brain;
waiting and waiting for those silly answers;
without even asking them ?

Am I retard or am I dumb ?

8:37 PM


I failed my maths class test 8 ! Thinking retest could help me pull up my maths, but too bad.
I failed my retest too.
Maths dont like me whatttttt.
Kay, fine ! :x

Am I stupid in numbers or am I dumb in calculations ? o.0

History test was disastrous too. Arrgh.
Got back English paper, overall, its a border passing mark.
Yay ! At least its not a fail ! O: O:

After school, wen to watch movie with the 2 counsillers.
Supposing to watch 12lotus. Melissa checked the ceneleisure time, but we ended up alighting at cathay. So no choice, we watched mummy 3 instead.
Lols. Kinda of scary, but mostly was FUNNY.
Skeletons vs bing ma yongs. The story anyhow one luh.
Not truth anyway. :x

Went back home after movie whereas the both of them went haig road to cut hair.



5:50 PM

Sunday, August 17, 2008

2nd post for the day !

Studied Maths and History and came for a rest.
After Maths, I studied History.
After History, I went back to Maths.
And after Maths, I went back to memorise History.


Hope Maths will not be that difficult tomorrow. :/
Data analysis is driving me crazy, arrgh.
Just by doing my corrections, I think I had already killed thousands of brain cells. x.x
No mentioning about History, it kills more of my brain cells !

Tmr right after maths, it will be history.
No revising and so on, oh, what a good game. :x

I wanna pass my maths !

8:19 PM

Maths common test's tomorrow.
Shit ittttttt !
I dont wanna fail
I dont wanna fail
I dont wanna fail
I dont wanna fail
I dont wanna failllllllllllllllll.
O: O: O: O: O:

After Maths, comes History test somemore.

How about a good news.
Tmr's last paper of the CA !
woohooooo ! Happyhappy ! :D

Watched NDP replay.
Missed NDP soooooo much. All the memories ~
Btw, when we did the umbrella drill, the camera didnt focus on it !
O: O: O: O: O:

1:13 PM

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Saturday today.
It's been long since I felt so bored in my Saturday life.
I miss NDP. )):

Out with Ling, to collect my specs, Ling's contact lens. Meet her at Bugis, I was late. -.- So late that I rushed all the way.
First stop, watsons.
Then we went Bras Basah for Popular. Spent some time there. We bought what we needed to buy. Hehheh.
KFC for lunch, we went Bugis village next. Gosh, its a regret going there WITHOUT BRINGING ANY MONEY !!! :x We saw a bag which is like, SO DAMN NICE. OMG.
I want that baggggggg. ):
I want it for my Christmas Presentttt ! xD

Went to collect my specs and bus-ed down to Peyar Lebar to collect Ling's lens. Then bus-ed back home.

Im feeling kinda of bloated now. O:
When everything seems so lost;
I wondered why should I still hold on.

I really hope nothing will happen to my daddy.
Oh please, pray hard !!

4:20 PM

Friday, August 15, 2008

Today was quite funny.
I went high for a while then quiet for a while then high again.
Wahaha. :x

Went to see junjun after school, permitted by Miss Ong. We went with Benjamin, he blanja us taxi ! :D Oh yea, we treated Jun's house as our own house, self service. haha ! Jun and Ben became our parents, da jie for me, er jie for ling and xiao mei for Melissa ! Ling was helping us cook noodles, KANG SHI FU ! yay ! And she claim that she's a maid luh. O: O: We watched olympic. SINGAPORE VS KOREA TABLE TENNIS.

It was 4, we rushed back School for guides. MRT to Kallang and 32 back brd. Just nice, time for WATER GAMES ! woohooooo ! We played for like, a while only ? Then its time to dismiss. ): Wet all over. NDP girls screamed the cheers out after bersurai. Haha ! We went for sun tanning while the others coninued their water games ? We tired to dry ourselves under the sun, and cheering and playing game to kill time.

Near 7, we went home.
Headache now. Shitx.
My mum said I might be growing another piece of nail in my poor FLESH.
Bloody, it hurts like hellllllllllllllllll.

When I felt the loneliness each time;
I told myself that's normal.

8:17 PM

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Bah bah bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Im having some emotional problems.
Wait, have a pause please.

Okay. (:

Ohwell, Im a little sotx now.
Chinese paper was @#$^ (?)
Overall, today's disadvantage was Mdm Lim made us drag all our books HOME from our "not so secret hiding place". LOLS.
D&T made us have lotsa of brown DANDRUFF. Saw saw saw and saw the wood.
Ahhh choooo ~!
Briefing and so on.
Then went to buy ice sticks ! And we went home.

& Its science tmr, oh no ! Save me ! :x

Its not just any ordinary feeling.
Its just so undefined.
Tonight, Karman's leaving already. ):
Leaving for a new country, a new life yeah ?
But I will miss you luhhhhh. ):
Esp during days in China when we made fun of peifen. (haha ! )
I'll always remember you ! (:
Bon voyage ! Wish you all the best !

3:27 PM

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Its killing away all my brain cells !
Esp my MATHS ! Screw.

Feeling so tired everyday, idk why.
Woke up from a near 3 hrs of afternoon nap, I felt like sleeping again. -.-
Maths assignment 8, why is mode= modal ? Its making me confused luhhhhhhhhh !

9:39 PM


Sleepy, tired, whateverrrrrr.

CA starts today. Our tables were arranged and our books were thrown to the side of the classrooms. Lols. Lucky, I found everything yeah. English Compo, I wrote about My school, my second home. Lols. Kinda out of topic. :x

Lessons as usual. I was simply too tired to concentrate. Controlling myself from falling asleep, arrgh. Junjun was running a high ever, TAKE CARE !!! Come back on friday, before I shoot you. xD

Went hawker wth Melissa after school. She daao-ed her food while Ibought my longan drink. We went walk walk around the pasar malam. I love walking in pasa malams. xD Yay ! Went home after that.

I wanna sleep, so good night !

I knew their studies and financials were better than mine.
Is it my fault ? No. It was god who created me.
Get it ?

3:28 PM

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

View from 2nd floor

Yay, where I lived !

Broadrick (?)

Siloso beach; Melissa and me. {:

Trying to make Ma Di and Yuxin take photo tgt !! But failed. ):

Me, Fion and Meng Xue

Seriously, I looked ugly standing beside my buddy ! x.x
Almost all of the girls cried when all of us knew we're gonna part off with our buddies. Fion cried first, and it influenced Melissa. Then I saw Jenny crying. Everyone cried, I saw my buddy going into the lauguage area, I started crying. It was a loud one yeah. Yu Xin came to comfort me, but it seems that I made her cry too ! When all our buddies went into the checkpoint ,she started crying and she didnt wave at me. I cried even more. ): FengLing, Peifen, ZhiYing, Karman and even Marcus Chua cried. OMG. Till in the bus, we're still sobbing. MY BUDDY VERY CUTE RIGHT ! ):
Oh yea, she left those snacks my dad bought for her behind as she cant bring it in. She gave it to us each. All of us cried again while eating. ]:
Lessons were boring. We felt so sleepy and tired. Melissaand I slept during D&T lessons and was woken up twice by Mr Tan.
Song writing. We went to settle some handphone stuff first. Yay, me and melissa's in charge of the rap version of our songs, yay. Mr Song treated us Macs after that, yay ! He even drove us there. Total bill was 40+, omg. We ate till we went all bloated ! wahaha. Went back school, we took smth from Mr Song. No pay no sleep. haha ! Then Mr Song drove Peifen and I to the busstop.

Im tired, and sick of everything.
If I knew earlier, I would rather not have everything.

6:32 PM

BON VOYAGE, my dear buddy.
x3 Zhuo Yu Xin, Christina !
Rmb, 2 yrs later must come back Singapore and find me !
I will always remember you. {:
Dont cry yeah ! & You didnt wave at me inside ! ):

Currently in School com lab, song writing course.

When the feeling fades, will everything go back to normal ?

2:38 PM

Monday, August 11, 2008

5.45, we woke up today. There wasnt school today, yet we still gotta wake up early. O:
Reason was: we're going sentosa ! At first was suppose to vs on volleyball with the China sudents. But most of us went into the water instead. haha ! Tell you. Siloso beach was much much much nicer than ECP alrght ! The sand there was so soft and nice ! hahaha. I manage to went deep above my knees with those peeps. haha.

Tcher alighted us off at vivo. Melissa and Chi went to watch movie. Me, Ling and Fengling went Ling's house for steamboat. Took bus down,i felt asleep the moment I on-ed my music till Peyar Lebar. Ling told me my sleeping actions was funny. :x Steamboat and we went Fengling's house for L changes the world. Proudly, I didnt laugh at all after my juice. ._. hoho. The weather was freaking hot today !

At night, my buddy wanna go shopping with Chi and Fion's buddy. So we went. The rest went Marina Sq. Buddies were all in a shopping mood luh. lols. Oh yea, chi and I gave them each an English name ! MengXue: Kalina YuXin: Christina, LeiJie: Angelina. Well, we're the NA family ! RegiNA, MeiChiNA, FioNA. hoho ! Shop till 8plus, Chi's dad send us home, THANKS ! {:

Currently : My buddy's packing her lauguage full of presents and snacks from my parents ! O: I want tooooo ~
When I fall, in not dead.
When I fall out of love, my heart will never be dead. {:

10:37 PM

Sunday, August 10, 2008

This morning was in a rush, cos I was suppose to bring my buddy to school by 8, when I woke up at 7. O: O:
So I forgot to bring a few things such as my JACKET. lols.

Ling, Fengling and their buddies were the last to come. Oh yea, we went shopping after saying byebye to them. Vivo City, AMK Hub, Tampines and Parkway within the whole morning. x) Yay ! hahaha. Most of the time, I was freezing like mad till Feng Ling lended me her jacket. xD Thanks !
I saw the nicest and chapest thing on earth ! MY WALLET WHICH COST ONLY 8BUCKS !!! :x Actually, I prefer myuk walllet. O: We saw necklaces at 5bucks ! Ling eyed one of the necklaces, but didnt have enough money for it. ): So me and Feng Ling happily and secretly chipped in to buy for her and we just slot it in her bad unknowingly. HAHAHA ! Wonder if she finds out. o_0

Went parkway to meet Melissa after her tuition. Macs and we wen Broadrick. Thomas came, we went to the sandy playground to slack. Fun teasing Feng Ling and Thomas yeah ! Ling went home to prepare for her steamboat. We went to pick our buddies. Melissa and I then brought our buddy to Bugis shopping ! They bough bag, slipper, albums and etc. hahaha. Shop till 8plus, we went home. (:

Singapore flyers tmr with friends and china buddies, YAY !
Time reporting in school : 6.40am. -.-
Awwww, SO EARLY !!!

If waiting gives a spark of hope,
& even if I wait, I will only be waiting for nothing.

9:29 PM

Saturday, August 09, 2008


Its national day today !

Well, the parade seems normal to us, not specially nervous/excited at all. Lols. But it rained, thats the special one. {: Oh yea, though it was kinda of heavy, but we felt only a little drops. Reason: we're wearing hat and gloves with long socks and bla. lol ! Oh ! I kept stepping onto Cheri's leg, and idk why. O: ps ! Btw, WE GOT THE BEST CEERING AWARD, WOOHOOOOO !

Bus-ed back to HQ, the moment the bus moves Melissa sobbed. Lols. DOnt cry luh. It was the last time wesee Sir Randy, Sir Rave, Evan, Dong Yong, an all the trainers and parade marshalls. Hais, sadsad.
Well, along the way, the WHOLE BUS SANG GRADUATION SONG. Alright, this time Weiling and Charlene cried. And it influenced me ! I was crying luh, WHAT THE ! Charlene was the main cause alright. hohoho. A few more cried, like Cheri, Swee Keow and Jiemin. Hais.

Went peyar lebar to fetch Yu Xin home.
And now its 11.57, we're waking up at 7 tmr. Oh no !

To NDP guides :
Farewell peepos ! We're meet again yea ? Esp Weiling ! hahaha. Dont cry till your eyes get swollen anymore. Its not pretty to have swollen eyes. O: We shall meet up one day ! And all those ups and downs from April till now, its really memorable ! Home to see ya peeps again !
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ~
NDP o8, one spirit, singapore spirit !
Yay ! {:

11:42 PM

Friday, August 08, 2008

♥♥♥ HAPPY BITRHDAY KELLY ! Love you so !!! :D

Poof, at last, I've got the time to blog.

Currently : Me- blogging & watching olympics in HD5live.
Yu Xin- watching olympics.

Tell you, the opening of olympics rocks man ! SO nice luh. hahaha ! Oh yea, its gonna be from 8-11 pm.

I've got a nightmare ytd, its scary alright. :x
Alarm rang at 5, I dragged myself outta the bed. Tied my hair and so on. Reached school at 6 plus, me and ling started helping them tie hair. Falled in, and parade started. Group photo after the parade. woohooooo ! Changed into red tee and school skirt. Went up to catch BOB after a drink at the canteen. Rocks man ! hahaha ! We shifted from outside the hall to our class. Terrence's band won, yay !

After school, followed china buddies for tour. City gallery and science centre. At last, we had the whole time for ourselves, to tur around science centre. wahaha. SOmehow, got a little tired halfway. x.x Jurongpoint and we went back Broadrick. Waited for my dad to come to fetch us. Then brought Yu Xin home.
hahaha ! So scared she felt bored, but i doubt she is with my ENTERTAINMENT. wahaha ! :x

:D :D :D :D

8:04 PM

Thursday, August 07, 2008

YAY ! Those china peepos finally came ! woohooo ! My buddy, Zhou Yu Xin, cute man ! :D
5 periods in the theatrette, presentation and presentation. Kinda of bored uh. :/ Then buffet recess. xD School tour and so on.
1hr10 minutes of recess were spent inside the library, story telling competition.

Looked all over for those 24 girl guides. Helped out in class banner and the bazaar started ! Oh yea, we told our buddy : wo men qu WAN. They laughed. ._. Brought them down to those tents to look around. Then they went for the poetry competition and so on.
So we had our own fun too ! Went haunted house, sec 3 de. Melissa came out with paint splat on her sleeves. o.o It rained, our banner's colour came off ! And it got all over my shirt ! gahhhhh.
6plus, we kept everything. I was half drenched ! So many fishes were dead and squashed ! OMG. O:
Then went home.

yay ! :D

9:13 PM

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

My brother's tio food poisoning ! Take care bro. He was vomitting disgusting-ly in the toilet. People should groan in pain, but he was SCREAMING in pain. lols. Early in the morning 6am, he went screaming. Oh gawddddd.
Hahaha (?)
:/ :/ :/ :/ :/ :/

Opening of arts fest today. Woohooo ! :D :D
Today's performance was terrific ! We're so amazed by that person who beats the african drum. woo. o.o
Recess today was extremely quiet. :/
Not to say about what happened after recess.

Hawker with Melissa, lunch. We then went to the playground to play with the swing. hoho, talke, chit chatted. Two 33 went off along the way ~
Suppose to meet my mum at 4, but she came at 4.20 !!! Went to make my new specs. My degree didnt change much after two years, yay ! {: Made new frame. White and black. Somehow, IM REGRETTING AGAIN ! O: Sad sad. Bought stuffs and so on.
7, we went home !

I cant predict the future,
if you were mine next time ;
My mum took my things ! And i went chasing her to get it back. O:
She took my 3 important things !
Then my mum told me :
I called your teacher to make an appointment to get your report card that time. Then your teacher tell me your daughter's blog very interesting, i everyday went in to read.
Then my mum said: maybe i should call your teacher to as how to acess into your blog.
OMG like, what the ?!?!
My mum wanna invade my privacy ! O:
Anywah, who cares ? hoho !

7:27 PM

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

I hate people who insult DPPGs.
not even INDIRECTLY.
Oh freak, if you aint happy with DPPGs, then just kindly tell us alright.
If not, GET LOST !

If Im gonna hear anything bad bout DPPGs once again, then too bad.
I wont be sorry.

9:16 PM

I wonder how am I gonna describe today.

Song writing was fun. Our new instructor was a guy call Ernest. Haha. We had fun laughing and giggling with him. Had the melody or our song already, rocks man ! :DD
Guides training today was fun too ! We trained for National day as well as for our footdrill badge. We were laughing and laughing, even when we're marching. Grace joined in the squad too ! We falled out. Grace, Feng Ling and Meliss went for extra training while me and ling were the audience. We went laughing again. hahaha.

Near 6pm, all of us rushed home. For only one reason, cant say. {: hahaha.

& I beared with the pain, silently ;

6:38 PM

Monday, August 04, 2008

Had fun at MeiChi's house today !
hahaha. Oh yeah, my wife is a gangster 3 rocks !

Im awake now ! Except still feeling a little sleepy. O:

China buddies are coming on Thursday !
NE Bazaar on Thursday !
Schl's National day parade on Friday !
Kelly's birthday on Friday !
NDP parade on Saturday !
Karman's farewell party on Sunday. O:

Im in a bad bad mood.
All of mne doesnt seems to be mine anymore.
And the world became so meaningless.

8:01 PM

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Xi Zi msg-ed me this morning, apologising to me for not coming to Singapore to visit me. hahaha.

The weather's so freaking hot today. Oh gosh, global warming, nooooo ~!
O: O: O: O:
Cooping inside the room, and occupied myself with tv shows throughout today.
Dou Niu Yao bu yao, yay !
Currently disc 9 !! {:
Whats the use of having the whole world to know about it ?

4:36 PM

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Not that I forgot about your birthday yeah ?
Its because of yesterday's "festival". You know you know. :x

PREVIEW today ! woohooo !
Hahaha. Same old thing, met at Kong Hwa Busstop, went guides HQ, fall into contigent. I changed my position ! But Im still at the second last one yeah. Cheri was beside me, Theresa was in front of me. haha.
Photo taking today, it was kinda of a funny one. hahaha. :x Lunch was at last a nice one. :x Chicken, 3fish nuggets, curry potato, bread and MUFFIN. The muffin rocks man. hhaha ! First time, I finished up al the food. Haha. Rehearsal, the weather was so freakin hot. My legs could just simply cook an egg ! Ice creams. Charlene, Peifen and I were gossiping and gossiping ? o.0 Lols. KFC, oh gosh. I was so bloated, I didnt finish eating them. My zinger burger, only the chickens were eaten and so on. Managed to finish at least half yeah ? :x
Preview, the audience today were quiet when the parade was going on. :x Funny was, when they annouced the arrival of those important people, they said SIMULATED, the audience all laughed. :x

Went back HQ. We got our goody bag, inside filled with detergent, dishwashing liquid and so on. :x haha, gave all to my mum. Junction 8 for my milk tea and we took mrt home. Along the way, we saw ANNABELLLL ! :D

Besides our own life story,
there will bound to be more stories in the outside world.
That's related to our story.

10:50 PM

Friday, August 01, 2008

Its Mdm Rose's last day in Broadrick. ):
Mdm Rose, we'll miss you ! Do come back and visit us !
We'll be waitng for you ! :D

I splat red paint on my blouse during Art lesson, arrgh ! I hate water colours. O: Lessons blablablah. Oh yeah, History period was just lmao-ing and lofl-ing. Melisa was saliva merlion today. LOLS. We sprayed water on our legs and Dr Wong was simply not aware of. o.o She caught Julien, Xue Ting and Pauline sleeping and she said she took photos of 5ns sleeping ytd. o.o

Guides today was funfunfun ! Helped myself, Shiru, EngJoo, Feng Ling, Xin Hong, Ling and Grace tie plaits. We falled in at 2.30+ CHeers for a while, and we went for NDP rehearsal. 5 plus, we wet down for cheers. FUn time yeah ? hahaha ! NDP girls were all in a high spirit, singing ourselves and teaching them how to sing. We even had competing time. The smth smth sits on the old gum tree that one Charlene, Peifen and Theresa plus all the Juniors vs-ed Ling, Melissa, Jannah and I. We sang till our throats went hoarse. hahaha ! HIGH MAN ! We even screamed like hell. hahaha !
Dismissed at 6, we went home.

Preview tmr, yay !

Do I ? or do I not ?

7:22 PM


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