Thursday, July 31, 2008
My buddy's not coming to Singapore ! O:
Sobx. ): So I choosed a person named Zhou Yu Xi. :D
Hope she's as cute as my buddy ! hahaha. :x
Comprehention test and science quiz today. Not good at all. ):
After school, went for counsiller interview. Mdm Lim chosed a few of us to be counsillers. Yiting, Shiru, Doreen and Grace were into. Lols. But yiting and shiru didnt attend. O: The interview was soooo.. okay luh hor. :x
Walked to hawker wih Siying and people. Went up to buy my uniform cover tinggy tinggy. Then went home.
Ramdon !
I wanna watch my teacher show, cya !
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Counsiller ? Idk.
Early in the morning, I complaint to Weiwen about that person who stared at me, point at me and laugh at me tgt with his friends. So Weiwen "invited" him over to have a little chat with her. Indeed, he admitted that he laughed at me and pointed at me. O: Throughout, I was laughing non stop instead of acting as if Im angry. Lmao.
I was basically in a sleepy mode today, though I was a little too high. ._.
Ling, Jun and Melissa were all keeping something from me. O: But in the end, they told me. hahaha. :x Assembly, xi'an trip was one of the topics. Looking at those photos recalled back life in china. haha ! I wanna go back china again ! Letter writing test today during Chinese lessons. Which means, my bag was heavy for the simple reason of a DICTIONARY. Arrgh. Why must my electronic dictionary be faulty ?! Grrrr ~ Chi's tragus was really swollen like hell luh. My best advice to her : Medicine helps ONLY a while. TAKE OUT YOUR TRAGUS RINGGGGG ~
AMK hub with Melissa and Ling after school. Ling gonna collect her stuff from blogshopper. Ages since I came, AMK hub was really the best shopping place man. Arrgh. O: I SAW A NICE WALLET. Arrgh ! I want itttt. O: I wanna sell my wallet to sungei rd. :x Macs for lunch, too much upsized milo can make you puke. ._. Shopshopshop, we went home at 4plus.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Maths, more than 10 marks gone case. 1 minute left, and I STILL HAD ONE MORE QUESTION NOT DONE ! SO I JUST SCRIBBLED NUMBERS ON IT. x.x Its a confirm fail paper already. I WANNA GO 3EB NEXT YEARRRRRRR~
Oh yea, D&T was hilarious today. Mr Tan drew a light bulb, BUT IT JUST SEEMS TO LOOK SO WRONG. Everyone in the clss were lmao-ing, esp Melissa and me ! hahaha ! We're laughing and laughing, esp when Mr Tan drew LIGHT on it. LOFLLLL ~
Helped Melissa and Ling took photos with Weiwen !
Song writing today was practically just surfng the net and finishing up the whole song lyrics. Wheeee, we're finally done ! hahaha. I WANNA RAPPPPPP.
Last lunch at Hawker, we took a long time forcing Ling to have a bite on our meal. At last, whee ! We did it ! hahaha. We went up to see see.I WANT FBTSSSS ! I want i want i want !
Home at 6.
Maths homework not done yettttt.
I dont feel like doingg. O:
I had enough of unknown people adding me and nagging non stop alright !
Diao me for what ? In the first place, you were the one who added me on msn, and babble non stop that I gotta block you. Now what ? Ask whole class stare at me and even laugh when you pointed at me ? Shoo off luh.
Monday, July 28, 2008
HAPPY BIRTHDAY WEIWEN ! :D :D :D Another day had pastttt ~
MeiChi went home during silent reading, cos of her stomache. O: She even cried of pain. Poor girl. ): Helped her with her going home documents.
Maths test's postponed to tomorrow, yay !
Ms Han said that the test will be harder han the assignment 8 given. Hello ? Assignment 8 is like, SO HARD ALREADY LUH. x.x
Shitx !
Stayed back after school, studied maths with Jun. Jun, benjamin, willie (?) Feng Ling all taugt me one pathetic question ntil they wanna vomit blood. x.x Perhaps it was because I couldnt understand the statement, thats why its so hard ?! Idk luhhhhhh. O:
Walking t the busstop that time was CHAOTIC.
Stupid Bejamin Yeo, HE BULLIED ME !! Ox
He was MATCHMAKING ME LUH. Wthelllll. He told so many people ! ARRGH ! Damn you man ! He said I was nerdy, arrgh. Bloody shitttt you mannnn !
O: O: O:
I cant pass my tomorrow's Maths if I cant understand those question.
Sorry. Another let down. ):
比书上的小说还要悲哀 x/3
Sunday, July 27, 2008

I shall annouced that Im broke !
Totally broke. Left only 4bucks in my wallet and I still needa buy
x Poster colours
x Pay for song writing
x Buy new guides uniform (darker version)
Arrghhhh ~ I think my parent's gonna yell at me alrdy if I claimed more $$$ from them. x.x
Btw, Maths Test, Science test ( I think) and oral (I think) tomorrow
I wanna talk to someone NOW.
I'm not as strong as you think. x/3
Saturday, July 26, 2008
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CALISTA ! :DEarly in the morning, went breakfast with my sister and mum. Macs, me and my sister ordered HAPPY MEAL just because of the fuwa doll. ._. hahaha. My sister was kinda of high today. She was pestering me to ask ling to meet us up as she knew ling was meeting me at Bugis. She said she wanna see ling, like mum wanna see daughter's boyfriend. haha ! So ling came, she said ling was better me ! Totally true but how can you say your sister ! O: Then we went woodlands to collect our tote bags. And went back Bishan, Junction 8. Shopped like siao today. hahah ! Ling bought many many things ! So do I ! :D Ling bought tortoise bolster, tortoise tissue box and some presents. Bought card holder, wallet and umbrella. & We bought Chi's present ! Hope you like it ! (: But the moment I bought those stuffs, I was kinda of regretted. O: Like my wallet and my umbrella.
Went Chi's house. Meet Melissa at Chi's block downstairs. The 3 of us, Emily and friends an Ziling and friends came to Chi's BBQ. We watched horror movie inside the room. Its been years snce I watched horror ones. Or maybe, its my so called first time. I was so disgusted by some of the scene. OMG. O:
4.10, we went to meet Charlene. Going to watch the black knights ! Took 16 to Suntec city. Macs for Mc Flurry and peifen came. Somehow, my slippers broke into half while we're walking halfway. Arrgh. O: So Ling and Melissa chiong to buy a new one from Mini toons for me. haha, thanks ! Meet Junie and the rest of the NDP guides, we went Marina Bay. Watched the black knights. Fantastic when they drew a heart ! hahaha.
7plus, I took 133 home whereas the rest went for dinner.
I wanna watch my show now, so long !
Friday, July 25, 2008
Guides farewell party today.
Oriole, it was Peifen and Me, in charge for today.
But I dont think it turned out well, for today's guides meeting. Peifen went for oral, it was me alone. I didnt know what to do. All I could do was ask Ling and Charlene "Do what do what ? " Gave the company to sanan diri and stand still, everyone moved. Ask them not to talk, everyone talked. As if Im like, transparent ? How about during the NDP rehearsal ? Peifen still wasnt here yet. I was totally lost when I was suppose to give out commands. Everything in my mind was just blank. Those commands I've learnt, everything were gone. I gotta ask Melissa, Yiling and Charlene to help me, guide me. Then it was farewell party. I gotta ask Ling, Melissa, Charlene help us with it. Delayed like, so long before the party started ? Ask them sing cheers, all dont wanna sing loud. Ask them if they know how to sing the grace, all of them didnt even give a response. I was in a foul mood. x.x Ask them clear, they cleared halfway and dont care. Ask them to settle down, no one wanna hear. I seriously cant stand it, I let it off finally. But glad was, the seniors were enjoying. (: I hope so ? Lols.
I just realise Im useless. -.- Dont you think so ?
Talk with Junie and Jing Fang after the seniors left. Some stuff that we really tell them. We told them about the agreement and so on. Thanks ling, she told the company what I felt just now. :D
Then we went home at 6 near 7.
Ling, Melissa and I went Bishan HQ for some presents for the seniors. Then we went BHG for the wrapp up and went for walk walk. Eyed some things, we'e going back again tomorrow/Sunday. :D Yays. Went home, I spent 3 hours typing and typing, pasting and sticking for some stuff for the next day. Finally slept at 11 near 12.
I'm having a big headache now.
I wanna sleep.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
I'll blog tomorrow. No time for today.
So, so long. {:
I finally undrstand, I really do. But what can I react ? I can only keep quiet. No one knows how I feel.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
I dont know how to elaborate. Many question marks were inside my head now. Many questions are still left unanswered. Out came another question, the moment I onlined msn.
Miss Han didnt come for Maths. Its the last day of the week of her lessons. Class test on Monday. She didnt go through the chapter with us. x.x 95%, Im gonna flunk my maths again. Slime came out of the barrel, causing Melissa's whole pocket filled wih slime. Her phone and ipod's earpiece was kinda faulty after that. Omg. Today was kinda of slacking. MT periods, Mr Tan didnt come too. 1.40pm, we went to help for sudoku. Me and Angel were in charge of the reception. Like what the counsillers said, the blazer was really big and stuffy. Lols. Registration and door gifts for schools that came. After that, we helped for the buffet and stuff. Melissa and Ling went bedok. hmm. Waiting for 5.30 to arrive, we went to catch the battle of the band audition ! Interesting yeah. haha ! Our class rocks man ! haha. Kim Do was the lead singer for the band. ._. He's so cute luh ! The way he sang, he still holds on to his lyrics. hahaha.
5.30, we went up again. Put on the blazer, we're now in charge of prize table. Gave prizes and so on. Packed up, had our dinner ( as there were really too much food left ) and we went home.
I dont understand.
Can you just explain to me ?
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Bad bad bad History Period for me. I failed my quiz, 1/10. Lols. Majority failed. But why am I the only one getting this kind of "insult" ?! Lols. After explaining the defination of REGINA, I got back my quiz. Then Dr Wong continued: My dog is also call Regina. = =" Then she continued when everyone laughed : Please dont feel insulted, my dog is very beautiful, and I love my dog a lot. )&^%$#@#$^&* I hope she wont love me, before I becomes her dog ! Arrgh. Felt insulted man. x.x
Nonsense with XueTing, Julien and Pauline during recess. Chi didnt come. Xue Ting and Julien were seducing people ! LMAO. The failed to seduce me and Pauline, they seduce each other ! OMGOMGOMG.
Maths then Music, we sand National Day songs ! I loved last yr's song and reach out for the skies man, Taupok ! Lols. Melissa, Ling and I were singing it so loudly. Presentation for D&T, our handphone presentation was a sucess ! Yay.
Song writing course, I felt sleepy at that time. Melissa's contact lenses went to the top. Panicked us were like, HUH ?! howhowhow. Then Jun the expert saved Melissa. Lol. Hawker after that for Ice Kachang ! We saw a maniac that was going around claiming that those stall holder's money was his. Took 33 home. (:
Damn you, fr trying to cheat my money. O<
Is this a punishment for me ?
But what had I done wrong ?
Monday, July 21, 2008
I've gained 1kg, and my height didnt change at al. ... !!!?!?!?! Ahhhhhh ! IMustbe because of KFCs. x.x Shuttle run and incline pullups, I totally sucks at the both of these items. Arrgh.
Science, recess, english.
Miss Tham nearly cried just now when she was fuming. :/ Hello Kitty was the topic for free writing today. Yays ! :D
& It was maths. Learned stem and leaf diagram. Melissa was babbling non stop beside my ear. LOLS. Laughed all the way with her nonsensical jokes. HAHAHA ! Oh yeah,
KEN LEEEEEEEEE ~ tulibulibitoutiu LMAOOOO.
Lunch with Everybody in the canteen. 2.30, Ling went for her Choir, Jun went for her Band, Melissa, Ashley and Me went city plaza. Both of them went to extend their hair. Purple and brown. Lols. It was raining, all of us used our PE shirt as umbrellas. hahaha. Parkway after that with Melissa. Bought barrel-oh-slime from Mini toons. Haha. Chameleon for my hair acessories and walk walk around.
Went home at 5.
I am useless in Maths. GOing ino 3EA, 3EB, 3EC next year ? Total impossible.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Just finished my Maths Homework.
Woo, thought it was BLOODY HARD.
but overall was aright. {: Yays ! My mum didnt blame me for the first time for failing my maths ! :x Perhaps, it was because of Miss Han's good comments ? hahaha. But oh no, my mum's gonna blame my brother for not finding a HOME MATHS TEACHER for me if I fail my Maths again.
Oh please let me pass my next coming Maths test.
& My latest History test. & My oral exams.
When will you ever notice me again ? x/3
Alright there.
Yesterday's holding place was kinda "high class". LOL ! It was beside some restaurant at convectional hall, lvl 2. Carpetted somemore seh. ahaha ! Bit something bad about it was, the whole floor was trembling, shaking most of the time ! Scary alrightttt. Oh yea, the lunch was... alright luh hor. :/ Rehearsal at Marina Bay and we went back again. Dinner was PIZZA HUTT. yays ! i got a REAL BIG pizza and I exchanged with Ling. One pizza, two garlic bread and 3 chicken wings. Yumyum ! Had a talk with Junie at some dark area with Jing Fang. Tell you what. The floor trembled harder than expected. Me and Ling were so frightened, but Jing Fang said it was because there's gallery or what upstairs. Hmm. Ice cream and agar agar made by JingFang, thankyou ! We had cheers ! Screaming and screaming all the time. We're vs-ing St Johns and Red Cross ! haha. I saw Marilyn ! But I dare not call her. :x We had NE show 3.
My boots were being stepped ! The whole of behind came off. ._. THroughout the parade, I just gotta stood like that. Running into the carpark, I saw stamfordians ! Wheee ! :D Back to the holding place, we waited for a while. Evan came. wowww, thats our parade marshal. (: He played the guitar for us for excellen good work ! hahaha. You are my sunshine~
Went back HQ and we went home. Throughout the whole journey, my eyes were @#$%^&*() .
PS: Never wear contact lenses for more than 12 hour if you're a beginner. Or else, you will find yourself as blur as if the contacts had fallen off. = ="
Editeddd. ~Today. {:
I wanna buy ELMO TEEE !
I wanna buy black hoodie !
I wanna buy new wallet !
I want I want I wantttttt.
Friday, July 18, 2008
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JULIENNNNNN ! :D Friday a lastttttttt.
Lessons were so so. Just that Idk why, I have a confidence that I WILL FAIL MY HISTORY TEST. Boohoo. We're asked to read notes that she gave us. So, we read ONLY the notes. End up, everyhing came out in the textbook. Arrgh ! x.x Fail for sure. Shitx.
Guides today.
Some of us went to the old folks home before guides. We went there to visit those elderlys. From this coming Thursday onwards, 2patrols will go fo CIP trip there. After that, the 3 of us rush to the D&T room to complete our d&t stuffs with Jun. We finished at around 2.45, half an hour later of the fall in time. Our new guider, Ms Ong ! Welcome ! :D She saw me laughing like a mad dog on our way to the old flks home, she was like: I never see you laugh like that in class before. lol ! Basically, today was just planning and planning. While some were busy doing some other stuffs. Asked the company what they wanna plan for this, that. I was sitted in the middle of all of them, kinda scary eh ? So I asked Theresa along. haha. Then Peifen. Somehow, some of us got pissed off. The company's not listening. x.x Well, nvm. Company talk. Junie, seniors all came. The spammer revealed herself, and her apology and so on. So now, perhaps, case closed ? A little talk with Junie, we're practically screaming NO every now and then. lol ! Waited for Melissa,chatted with Swee Keow and so on.
Went home at 6.
NDP's tomorrow !
Whenever I thought of it, I wondered if Im in the wrong world, the wrong soul. If heaven was fair ? I dont know.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
A little moody today, as a result of sleepyness.
Flag raising today, blahblahblah. Melissa went home during PC, she was having flu and headache. Accompanied her down, brought her form up to sign and down to acc her. Then, I went up again to contine class. Lols. A survey perhaps ? About my classsss. Nothing to eat at all during recess. O: So I tried sandwich. Nice !
Meeting with Charlene after school for some *planning. Then we went to the staff room with Mdm Rose for some stuff. Went Peyar Lebar with Ling, we saw Yiting and gang tgt with Yenzhi. Haha. Popular to buy some stuffs for tomorrow. Ice Kachang with Ling, the taste is kinda weird. :/
& so on, and so for, we went home at 3plus. {:
Reached home at 4.
Gaaaaaaa, so many homework today to be completed !
English- blog post + comprehension.
Chinese- comprehension
History- study for tmr's test. [Dr Wong says she's gonna kill those who fail. x.x ]
Guides Modules- The list of birds + the matching of washing signs.
&& My nokia software uninstalled itself. gosh. Lazy to download it back, but I've got a lot of photos that I wanna postt. Hmm.
Btw, I've got my bronze badge, yays !
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Now I know, the defination of a real and fake souls.
Thanks friend.
&& My sister's in the hospital now.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Wheeeeeees, I've collected my contact lenses ! Spent half an hour practising for the whole process. I forced the whole lens in and force the whole lens out. My eyes hurt like hellllll. Reason for rushing : I am very very hungry ! I look freaking ugly without specs, I swear. Arrgh. Starting from today, I gotta discard the lenses one month later. Well, went fo late lunch with Melisa then we went home.
Before that, lessons per normal. We had sudoku challenge during Maths lessons. After school was song writing course. I was replacing Meichi, lols. Our instructor was Renny, Ms Goh. haha ! She's a nice teacher, really. (:
& Thats all for the day.
I wanna resttttt. Tired.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Screw screw screw.
Arrgh. 11 - 13marks gone for Math Test. Moreover, its upon 25 !
WHY IS MATHS TEST SO HARD ?! Everyone's struggling on that piece of paper till the ver end. I WANT A RETEST, I DONT CARE !
Napfa for PE today. Sit&Reach, broadjump and situps. Passed all by one or two pathetic marks. Aunty and niece, Jocelyn and Melissa. Both teared today for napfa. Dont cry uh !
Well SUSANNE, nice try eh ? Lols. Somehow, it's kinda of a warning cum "acting" session for her. She so called "pin pointed" out someone. Li Khoon was accused of spamming the guides blog, but we knew she will not do that. Grouping in English, Ms Tham asked me to join Jocelyn's group for a while cos I was all alone in that group. = =" Jocelyn was funny, now I know. LOLS. She descriped newspaper as smelly and wordy. ._. hahahaha.
After school, went Katong Shopping Centre. Melissa, Ling and I. I went to make contact while Ling and Melissa went to collect them. Both of them spent around2 hrs to learn how to wear contact lenses. Lols. Fries and bandung for lunch. Went home at around 4.30.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Another typical Sunday.
Tmr's schooling again, arrgh !
Dont know why I had a sudden feeling that I hated school.
I had a sudden feeling that I hate this blogskin too.
Im gonna change it.
A sudden mood that gone down down down ..
I've changed my blogskin. (:
Saturday, July 12, 2008
NE show 2 !Morning was in a hasty state. Helped Jannah plait her hair while Charlene helped Yiling. We did their hair in the bus, we couldnt really balance ourself. wooo. Fengling an Serene came, to buy uniforms and belts. hahaha. We were the first one to reach HQ today, break record ! haha. Bought lollipops ad fruit plus in guides shop first and we headed to the toilet. Tied hair and so on. I was looking for my saviour who does my hair everytime. Waited for her and she helped me and Melissa. Then we headed to Suntec. On the way, Melissa and I were crapping. haha.
Today's menu was a bit too much ? LOLS. KFC, shrooms burger without shrooms, chicken rice plus BROCOLI and some rolls, ice creams, milo POWDER, popstickles, chips and sweets. lol !
2nd NE show was okay. (: Quite fine. Just one blink, finish liao. hoho ! :x
Along the way back, we had so much fun again. haha !
Kay, back HQ. In the bus, we requested to turn off the lights. wheee ! :D
Sang cheers for a while and some of us drifted into our dreamland.
Headquarter, we were given our snacks and we debriefed. Chatted with Junie for a while and went Junctio 8. We created songs for JIEMIN ! hahaha ! Once Jiemin went to camp, went to camp ! hahaha ! She was singing non stop and even taught us not to jay walk. lol ! Toilet and we bought bubbletea. Too MRT home with Junie, Theresa and Jannah went off first. Chatted chatted. We got off at Raffles place and we went to the wrong route all the way to OUTRAM PARK. ._. Lmao.
Lavender, my dad fetched me home.
I didnt expect.
So sad. ):
Friday, July 11, 2008
Girl guides meeting today was nothing but FUN !
woohooooooo !
Modules first, we did patrol discussion and so on. Then it was footdrill. Before that, we saw something and was thinking who the hell did that. So what luh. O: Footdrill was fine, quite okay. Weiwen came back to train us ! & We had a short company chat with her when we're in senan diri position. hahaha.
Well water games was next ! We played passing water. No one was the winner, but overall was absolutely fun ! Then, we PLAYED WATER FIGHT ! wahaha ! Took out those important things on our uniform and we started playing. We aimed those people who didnt join in. Elis, Jessie and Eurica. Somehow, Elis joined in after we spashed water at her. haha. Totally drenched right at the starting of the game. & the culprit was SHIRU. hhahahaha. Everyone in the company was wet inside out. haha ! Everyone was looking at us having fun, OMG. Then the npcc wants the quatrangle again. = = So we let them and we played at the small court.
Then it was 5.30. So we gotta go. hais. Before we went, everyone was splashing water at me and ling ! arrgh. hahaha. Falled in and dismissed.
Everyone went toilet to change. Some did not want to change. Afraid they might get a cold, we made a new rule : No one shall leave the toilet if she never change into dry clothes. wahaha ! LOLS.
Walked with all those sec1s to the busstop. Along the way, many things happened ! hahahaha.
Home at 6plus.
NDP tomorrow. 2nd NE show !
You, will never be one of my memories anymore. I promise myself.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Thursday blues. x.x
The importance of socialising with other people, now I understand. Nothing much today uh.
Just lessons. Hmm.
After school, all of us went home. :D
Be a day of guai kia.
DPPGs excludng me were all going for song writing on Tuesday. Thats what Mr lau choose. Win liao loh, seperate me with them. x.x Okay, nvm.
Tuesday, I shall be anoher day of guai kia !
Your absence and presence really meant a lot to me. I hate your reply to me. fck.
Wednesday, July 09, 2008

$200 only !
6mths warranty :]
functions : bluetooth, radio, camera & dont worry
th package comes with charger battery all this, just like those phones ue buy from m1 shop or singtel :]
PROMOTION ! FIRST 50 customers can get th phone @ $190!
Know why I post it here ? ._.
Reason is :
Arrgh ! this phone rocks !!! I want I want I want !!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TEELI !Hoho ! I still rememebr your bday leh, ahma ! :D Nothing to blog about today maybe ? Just that the talk in the afternoon really makes me feel so EEEYER. Lols.
I gotta brainwash and eyewash man !
Random. Continue blogging later.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
My broadrick flag flew at "4/5 mast" today. Lols. I didnt realise that I didnt completely raise the flag to the top and I went to tie it to the pole. -.- Arrgh.
5periods of free time today, hahaha. Art, MT and Music. Yay yay. {:
So all we did was nothing but slack, talk and sleep.
After school, we went science centre. Oh yea, we went there just to learn electricity ? They didnt even give us time to tour around. ]: Everyone lmao when the instructor's hair stand when he was 'charging' himself with electricity. Lols. Then we went back Broadrick. Waited for the 3 counsillers until I nearly fall asleep. Stupid ben, stop telling me about 'whoever the hell is'. Junjun, he bully me ! O: Lols. Then went hawker. My tummy was aching due to the hunger I had. Grrrr ~!
After late lunch, we went home.
Nothing to blog out actually today. O:
So random !
Monday, July 07, 2008
HAPPY YOUTH DAY ! :D Hoho, I realised that, Children's day is much better than youth day. :/ Reason: There aint celebration for Youth Day ! ]:Okay, went Jun's house for homework. Meet Ling at Tiong Bahru mrt first. It was our first time there, so we're kinda curious of Tiong Bahru Shopping centre. Went in, we shopped around. I seriously think its a good shopping place. {: Just that there's a lot of hair salon there. Hmm. Jun came. Went to fetch Melissa. Then, we went Jun's house. Whoa, what I can say was, her house was so nice ! wahaha. Then it was Lunch time. Jun's grandma cooked for us. China's delicacies. :D
Me and Ling were enjoying the food while remincsing the memories of China. Whereas Melissa, Lmao.
So we started our homework. There's seriously too much Maths Homework ! O: We do until we felt like tearing off those worksheets and textbooks. But we finally finished all up, wahaha !
Then at around 4, we went tiong bahru plaza to shop again. Melissa bought a seriously pretty pair of shoes. We went in More than words thrice ! Lols. Went back to take our bag and we went back to the mall without Jun. wahaha. Then we took a train home. {:
The day just ended like that. So fast.
Its schooling tmr ! O:
Yesterday, today, tomorrow. & it was time to stop reminscing all the memories I had with you.
Sunday, July 06, 2008
ONE DAY TOUR with Junie, Yiling, Melissa & Charlene today. {:
Met Junie, Ling and Charlene at Eunos mrt first. Then we walked all the way to Joo Chiat Complex (?) And we took a bus to plaza sing.
In the bus, everyone was crapping. Talking about dramas, songs, ndp and rumours. A long journey there, I reached plaza sing feeling sick. :x Gosh, I kept mistaking saluting as the other hand sign. :s Walk walk around, we went prcious thots, girls, miss whatever, more than words, build a bear and many more. Was engrossed in how they build the bear and such until we all felt like making one too. O:
After a while, it was lunch. We took a very long time to decide on what to eat cos me and ling were on BUDGET. End up, we went to eat pastamania. We paid 5bucks, and the rest Charlene treated us. Thanks ! Speghetti for everyone except Charlene, pizza for her. Junie and Charlene was OMG. They sprinkled the whole bottle of cheese into their food. O: That was so wow. Lol !
Walked down to Raffles Place to meet Melissa. We then walked to Suntec to take 16 to parkway. Walk around Parkway. It was alrdy 5plus. We settled down at Macs there. Coincidently, we saw the NCC commander, the contigent de. Ice cream for Ling, Melissa and me. hoho. The traditional ice cream. Then we went popular. Spent some time there and we walk to ecp. Ling went home as she gotta buy dinner for her family.
ECP,we played with water. woohoo ! We managed to persuade Junie to join us ! haha, she was afraid of water. So we tried very hard to make her go closer to the water. haha ! Took photos, photos and photos. Then we walked to Macs barefooted. Cheers singing all the way. We created a new cheer specially for Junie ! haha !
Once Junie went to camp, went to camp.She forgot to bring her pooh, bring her pooh. Then she saw a eeyore on her bedThis is what Junie say, Junie say. Eeyore eeyore go away, go awayYou must never never stay, never stay.This is what I always sayOnly pooh bear is allowed, is allowed. Haha ! And many more luh, but dont post it up. :xMacs to wash our legs. Another coincident, we saw one of the ndp guides. haha ! There aint any place to sit except for he round table. So we went subway. Shared meal with Melissa. Then, we walked back to Parkway to take bus home.
197 with Melissa and Charlene. Alighted at North bridge rd, then my dad send me home.
Going Jun's house tmr to do our homework and look at her house.
Saturday, July 05, 2008
NE Show today.
Same thing, Charlene's houseto plait our hair. Thanks Aunty !
Theresa didnt come today, she had high fever. Get well !
We thought we will be late when we get to know from ask iris that 70 will only come 14 minutes later, and its already 9.09. Lucky bus 53 was just in front of bus 70 when we reach the change bus area. So we just gave chase and board it. {:
HQ, buy water, lollipop and fruit plus. Briefing and checking of uniform, then we board the bus. Lollipop fight in the bus, Charlene wanna sneeze on me and Ling. The both of us were like, shocked. lol ! Went there, we had lunch. Then we went Marina bay for a 5-10 minutes rehearsal. Back again, we 6 had our self talk. We formed a circle behind. Ice creams for break. :D Then, it was dinner. O: Felt so so sooooo bloated after the KFC. Then we continued taking till 5. Helped Jannah plait her hair, it was !^$#@ My plaiting skills still sucks. O:
First NE show, all of us were freaking nervous. Afraid that our umbrellas could not open on time and such. But, it was a success ! woohooo ! :D My legs was so effing pain luh. Went back convection hall. Peifen seperated me and Ling tgt ! Lols. We had a great time there, singing cheers, screaming and bickering. Lols. Peifen likes to squeeze your face, beware ! Lol, my face was squeezed by her umpteen times luh. Lol ! We went back HQ. In the bus, we were sleeping. I was sucking my lollipop while sleeping, like a baby sleeping. LOLS. De-brief and so on. Had a talk and we went Junction * tgt with WeiLing. :D Toilet and went to buy bubble tea.
Then, mrt. Melissa did smth very malu there. Lols. Alighted at Lavender.
Everyone in my family came to fetch me home, Lols.
Friday, July 04, 2008
Well well.
It was a raining day today, which mean I dont have to raise the flag. English today was kinda of .. bored ? lol ! Idk which part is bored luh, but I just find it bored. ._. Had fun during art where we were suppose to draw blind contour and contour line. Drew our hands first, which was so ugly without looking at what you draw luh. Then it was time to draw our partner's face ! So i drew Ling's and Jun drew Melissa's. LMAO-ing all the way till the wh0le class can see. Seriously, everyone came to have a look and kept on laughing too. lol ! My drawing really sucks man !
MT and recess.
History was next. I was scolded my Dr Wong with XinYuan. Arrgh. She said we never greet her. I did ! I did greet luh. At that time, XinYuan was telling me smth and she thought we didnt greet her and said many many facts. & She kept eyeing me as if Im in the wrong ?! Wthellllllll. I was so pissed off till I didnt talk for the whole 2 period.
Meet our new recruit, FENG LING ! yay !
Guides, it was water bomb time ! woohoooo !
First round was not so fun. Cos the area was too big, no one gets wet at wall and the NPCC snatched our place halfway. ._. So we shifted to the carpark, beside the basketball court. This time was wild. OMG. Me and Melissa both were deadly drenched on top and below. Arrgh. They thought we were the princess. Somemore one of the water bomb is WATER COOLER water. Which means, COLD water. ._. In the end, both team won ! Lols. Eurica was the princess for that group and our group was Elis. Both were as dry luh. Lols. Then changed and went classroom. Mdm Rose talked to us about The enrollment, the closing of one patrol, the annousement of her leaving D: and the promotion thing. Congrats those who were promoted ! XinHong and Fengling both were in oriole now. :D Discussed about some stuff and test work. Then footdrill. Tiring luh. I kept on turning wrongly, arrgh. Lols. Now I realise, marching boots were much much more better to march.
Dismissed at 5.45, toilet, canteen and went home.
NE show is tomorrow !
Well, wish us luck !
Waiting for your arrival, hoping to see you again. But where are you ?
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Alright, today was basically just a lonely and boring day.
The last 4 periods were just to hard to be entertained. Seated with 3 empty seats surrounding me for 4 periods. Th 3 counsilles went for their investiture. So yeah, & it was D&T. Group work and I gotta do everyhing by myself. x.x
Was acc-ed my Siying and Angel after school with my enertainer for the day, Chi. lol ! Msg-ing her till the investiture started. Peifen and I were representng Guides to attend it. It was kinda .. bored ? So peifen and I started chatting. Lols. She was trying to make me reveal some private and confidential stuff until she got so -.- . Lmao. NCC, NPCC & Red cross were all bickering with Peifen. Lols. I was laughing and laughing. & Peifen's fox sweet vanished after she opened her wrapper. Ahaha. Watched the video and it stucked halfway at benjamin's photo. Everyone lmao-ed. Thn the investiture ended and I walked to the busstop alone, and went home.
But !
Before that, it was flag raising in the morning. It was my turn to raise the flag. No practise, no nothing, it was my first time try. Gosh, I was so nervous till I was shivering luh. Chi and Melissa told me that my flag was like, pull, stop, pull, stop. Arrgh, screwed up. ._. Got to do it again tmr, hope I dont pull, stop, pull, stop. Lol !
I missed those days .. );
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
I was tagged my Melissa to do a quiz !
01. What's more important? Money Or Love?
Love, of course.
02. Do you ever turn your cell phone off?
Only when the batt's flat and it auto off-ed.
03. What happened at 10.00am today?
Science Lesson and talking to Melissa.
04. When did you last cry?
Yesterday night, when I feel insulted. Grrrr.
05. What is your favourite thing to eat with peanut butter?
Bread ?
06. What do you want in your life right now?
I would like a BETTER LIFE.
07. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains, or just put up your hood?
Umbrella. Sometimes, I would be toon lazy to dig out my umbrella that I just walk under the rain. {:
08. What is your favourite thing to have on your bed?
My BIG garfield ! :D
09. What bottom are you wearing now?
My pink shorts. lol !
10. What is the second text in your sent messages say?
Huh ? got quiz ar ? okayokay. [sent to Melissa]
11. Do you tend to make a relationship complicated?
Please, who wants complicated relationships ?
12. Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone?
Nooooooo ?
13. What was the last movie you caught?
Made of honour ! [with Marilyn ! ]
14. What are you proud of?
Proud of my gafield ? :D
15. What does the oldest text message in your inbox say?
NDP 28jun. Update. Meet at guide hse blahblahblahhhhhhh.
16. If you have a chance to migrate where will you migrate to?
Taiwan [so that i can get a chance to meet ahweiiiii ! ]
17. Do you have any nicknames?
Bi & Ribena -.-
18. What does your last received text message say?
yupyup , i go sleep alr . nites .
19. What time did you go to bed last night?
9plus ?
20. Are you currently happy?
No. Of course not. I feel irritated !
21. Who gives you best advice?
My secret friend. :D & My garfield.
22. Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?
I find it a bit disgusting. :x
23. Who did you talk to on phone last night?
No one.
24. Is anything bugging you right now?
Ytd, yes. Now, nope. {:
25. What/who was the last thing/person to make you laugh?
Melissa, blowing a gum till her whole mouth. LMAO.
26. Do you wear toe socks?
Never wear before.
27. Who was the last person you missed a call from?
My mum.
28. Have you ever had your heartbroken?
Er .. i dont know ?
29. What annoys you most in a person?
When someone scolds me when Im tired.
30. Do you have a crush on anyone?
WHat do you think ? Lols.
31. Have you ever done cocaine?
What the hell is that ?
32. What is the colour of your room?
White !
33. Would you kill someone you hate for a billion dollar?
If I dont have to go to jail, wahaha.
34. Do you believe in the saying 'talk is cheap'?
Not sure, idk ?
35. Who was the last person to lie in your bed?
My brother, who was too engrossed with his tv in my room. -.-
36. Who was the last person to hug you?
Primary school friend, jasmine. :D
37. Did anyone see the last person you kissed?
Pui pui ! Hello ?! My first kiss is still there.
38. Do you have a life?
Obviously, yes ?
39. Have you ever think someone died, when they really didnt?
Yes ! Saddening. ):
40. What is the reason behind your profile song?
Huh ?
41. Who was the last person you saw in your dream?
A lot of people, I dreamt of guides meeting last night. ._.
42. Last time you smiled?
Just now.
43. Have you changed this year?
Ya. A lot
44. What are you listening right now?
Qi shi ni dong wo by qiao en. (:
45. Are you talking to someone when you doing this?
46. Do you walk with your eyes open or closed?
Open luh. Lols.
47. Is there a quote you live by?
Ming tian hui geng hao ?
48. Do you want someone you cant have?
49. Have you ever played an instrument?
Recorder ! :D Uh, is keyboard included ?
50. What was the worst idea you have had in this week?
I forgot alrdy ?
51. What were you doing last night at 11.00pm?
Wandering inside my dreamland.
52. Are you happy with your love life right now?
53. What song best describe your love life?
I dont have a love life yet ? Unless is parental love. :x
54. Does the person know that you like him/her?
I really dont know.
55. Who always make you laugh?
DPPGs ! :D
56. Do you speak other language other than English?
Chinese and teochew.
57. Favourite website?
My blog, friendster, youtube, facebook and blogshops.
58. What your middle name?
Uh, I think its koh. (:
59. What are you doing tomorrow?
60. What do you think you are like?
Not so sure.
61. Who will you choose to die with?
With my garfield. [Lol ! as in, bury him with me. ]
62. Where have you been today?
School, busstop, museum and Home.
63. What game do you play often?
Only audition ?
64. Who are you missing right now?
Someone in my mind.
65. If you have to choose between friend and loves, who will you choose?Friends, of course.
66. What are you doing right now ?
This quiz loh.
67. Which primary school are you from?
Stamford pri
68. Name 3 colours that you like?
Pink, white and purple.
69. What emotion you like to show?
smile and laughter.
70. What is your life to you?
Its a challenging game.
71. If you have something troubling you, what will you do?
I'll tell my secret adviser, or vent my angers on my garfield.
72. Who did you last chat in msn today?
Yenzhi !
73. Who you admire most?
Admire who ?
74. Which month are you born in?
75. How are you feeling right now?
Tired. Lonely. Bored.
76. What is the time now?
10.02 pm !!! {thats my sleeping time}
77. Where are you now?
At home .
78. What colour did you use to dye hair?
I didnt dye hair before.
79. What is the highest alcoholic percentage you have had consume?
5 ? idkkkk ?!
80. What do you do when you are moody?
Cry, or just sleep. [hoping to dream smth good. ]
81. At which age you wish to get marry?
21 to 25.
82. Who is more important to you?
Family and friends.
83. Do you think you have enough confidence?
not at all. Im a coward btw.
84. Who is the person you trust the most?
My garfield, my secret adviser.
85. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after a rain?
Ya, I saw one last time. :D
86. If you have a dream come true, what would it be?
Dont tell you.
87. What is your goal for this year?
Get 70% for Mahs, 75% for science and get into 3ea.
88. Do you believe in eternity love?
Eternity love is just a lie.
89. What feeling do you love most?
Happy !
90. Do you really think its Global Warming now?
Duhh, its bloody hot in the afternoons.
91. What feeling you hate the most?
sad, lonely and complicated feelings.
92. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
Of course !!
93. Do you believe in God?
I dont know leh. sometimes yes.
94. Who cares for you most?
I guess there's not a single one.
95. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
Friendship and care and concern plus love.
96. What will you bring when you fight?
A blazer ! Lol ! just kidding. :x
97. What have you done regretted doing in your whole life?
I regret doing a lot of things btw
98. What would you feel when everyone no longer cares for you?
Sad, and I'll cry for him/her.
99. What if your stead two-timed you?
Give him one tight slap and walk off, no longer seeing him.
100. Which singer do you adore the most ?
Lollipop; AHWEIIIIIII ! :D
Instructions:Remove 1 question from the above add in your own personal question, and bold it.Next list 8 people whom you would want them to do this, at the end of the post.Notify them in their tag box that he/she has been tagged.People to do this quiz.
1- All the DPPGs.
2- 2EA-ians
3-Broadrick guides, senior and junior all !!
4- Broadricians !
5-Family !
6-Everyone in Singapore !
7-Everyone around the world !
Those who wants to do, tell me. Just do. (:

Ahaha, junjun looks so like our mum ! Stern stern de look. ._.

I look awfully ugly in this pic.

Photo with Ms Han ! wahaha.

Okay, school was oh-so boring. O:
Maths was first, we learned about cone. Whats in my mind was only filled with question marks. Arrgh. Science was kinda okay. The 3 counsillers went half an hour early for the investiture thinggy. Then I as left alone with 3 empty seats in front and beside. Doing my work, Ms Ong called me to answered a question. I was like, huh ? Lols.
Assembly, coke zero ! Everybody screamed. ahaha. The drug abuse was so disgusting. We saw them last yr, but we still feel disgusted until we're all covering our eyes luh. Lols. Eeeeeeeew.
Recess and PC. Melissa named the 3 of us, she, ling and I S.H.E. Lols. End up, Mr Lau called us the pirated version of S.H.E. ._. Then Melissa named the 3 of us REM. Regina, EEEE Ling, Melissa. Lmao.
MT and we're released at 2.
Quick lunch, and we went to the art museum. Its a free and easy trip, we went to find the answers ourself. ahaha. Took photos with the fountain while waiting for the rest. LOL ! The dragonfly was our show for today. It seems to be trying to get into the fountain and we're like, kinda engrossed with it ? Lols. Bus back broadrick.
Waited for the 3 counsillers again, but they cant leave until 6 I think, so me and YenZhi left first.
Without the sight of you . everything seems empty. x/3
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ♥♥PAPADADDY ! Its my dad's birthday today ! :D School's today was rather boring. :/ It was raining in the morning that I didnt want to get out of bed. Colour colour colour during art. History was .. I cant understand ! :x & Computer lab during Chinese. :D Listened to yes933, and reading through all those chinese websites Mr Tan asked us to go in.
Recess and Maths. Thn it was Music. Was watching those funny videos that everyone was lmao-ing esp the KEN LEEEEE song. Ahaha. go and watch, its freaking singlish and funny.
Ahaha. D&T and we're dismissed.
Met Charlene after school for something. Then, we acc Jun to the staff room to find Ms Lee. Ling went back to her Primary school. Ms lee didnt allow Jun to be excused for today's band and Jun was like, so pissed off. ._. Okay, so Melissa went to my hse after that. We're chatting and chatting till we reached home. Bought Laksa or lunch. Watched Tv, eat lunch and we only start doing our project at 3 to 4. ._. Then, bought Melissa home at 6.
I didnt know who should I believe now. & I didnt know I was this kind of person to you.