Monday, June 30, 2008
Birthday boy, Gerald Lim. HAPPY BIRTHDAY !Another typical day passed.
A new comer in 2EA, Sun Si Jie. Welcome ! :D
Poor her. The first day of school, she gotta had 2.4km run with us. Lols.
Alright, 2.4 was torturous. We ran all our might just to pass our 2.4. Melissa and I ran together. We stopped and ran together. Melissa kept on joking wit others on the way with just one simple reason. Lols.
Lucky, we passed ! 17.05 and 17.06 timing. Not so good, but at least its a pass. :D
Science lesson today was kinda funny ? Lols.
Ms Ong was so "dramatic" that make us laughed all the way. She's a good teacher though. {: Practical today gave me a shock ! Again, we connected wires, bulbs, switches, voltmeter and batteries to form a circuit to test about voltage. Connecting 4/5 to finish, the wire gave off a spark. I jumped an I threw the wire away. lols. Tested another time. This time, everyone saw it. It looks like a small explosion ? Lols. So scary uhhh. I seriouly sdont understand this topic. Tcher wont be teaching us electric currents, we gotta read ourselves and its out for EXAMS. Tutor, anyone ? Well, Nouns, Pronouns, subjective and objective for English today. Our teacher was Ms Tham. She really look like Teeli luh. ._. Omg. & Mensuration of Pyramid for today's Maths. Kinda complicated. Hmm. :/
& Dismissed !
Then Ling, Melissa,Jun plus me went staff room. Ling went to look for Mdm Rose, Jun went to look for Mdm Lim and I looked for Mr Rajan. Yays, I dont have to go for the Juvenile Competition anymoree. :D & Shocking was, I didnt realise that "screw up" is a form of Singlish till Melissa told me. ._. told Mdm Lim and Mr Rajan : I scared I SCREW UP the competition. Lols. Parkway with melissa. We went to have KFC first. Waited for our Zinger Meal to arrive, we ate our marsh potato, fries and drink first. Then the both of us went to collect our Zinger and when we went back, our drinks were gone ! We're like, OMG. & Melissa said she wanna complain about the service for throwing our drinks away when our bag's still there. Then the cleaner heard us and came to lecture us. Lols. We're victims and ended up, we got a lecture ? Ahaha, its kina of explaination luh. Lols. Melissa laughed and cry at the same time. LOLS. Lmao throughout. Then walk walk around parkway ad went popular to get our art stuffs.
Then we went home at 5.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Alright, today was suppose to meetup with Ling and maybe Melissa to complete the science project. But we didnt go in the end. Melissa and Jun had tuition also. Lols.
Perhaps tmr when the whole group is present, then we do. {:
So today as practically just staring at the computer.
& Not done with my Maths hwk and Englis speech yet ! Si Liao.

Ytd during NDP. {:
Oh, I had another picture with Jannah, but I look ugly in there, so I didnt post them up. :x
Stupid charlene make me delete the second photo I posted just now. Lols. She say she looked ugly in that picture and begged me till she say I best man. LOL !
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Today was freaking hot. Went Charlene house with Melissa to plait our hair. haha, thanks Aunty ! Charlene went down to meet Ling first, then we both went down to meet them.
Peifen came today, yays ! (: 7 NDP girls unite ! heh. Today's first rehearsal was a torture. The weather was freaking hot like hell. Our legs were burning cos of black shoes. Lols. 10 guides falled out, some of their face were extremely pale. Melissa falled out too, take care ! KFC for early dinner. Sir Rave and Sir Pulu was sitted in front of Peifen and Charlene. Ahaha. Sir Rave was really super super humorous. All of us laughed like mad luh. ahaha. Im Ribena, Charlene's Milo & Ling's holick. LOL ! Looks like Charlene was more interested in Royster Wong than me ? Lmao. She was like, Roysten Wong here, Roysten Wong there. Lol ! Second rehearsal, Peifen was acting as if Im invisible. She was like, hitting me ?! LOLS. I was laughing like mad luh. Lolol. Marched from Convection Hall to Marina Bay. The rehearsal started and ended at 7.15. Woohooo ! Ahaha.
Bus back HQ.
We're singing cheers and being crazy in the bus. We sabo-ed Sir Randy and our YA i/c Jie Min to sing Cannibal King. Lmao. We competed with each other ! We screamed and screamed, till we had no voice. ahaha, great time ! Went back HQ, debrief and so on. We got our free NE show ticket, 1 ticket nia. :/ Had a talk with Junie and went Bishan's stadium's toilet. Then Junction 8 with all of them. Byebye with all of them except Ling. My dad brought Ling to Lavender MRT and we depart from there.
Home at 10.
Im so freaking tired now.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Mr Rajan picked me, Jocelyn, Debbie, Chloe, Keqin and Eng Leong for some juvenile competition thinggy. Seriously, I am not interested in such thing alright. I can really fall asleep on such course. Esp there aint any close friends there. Arrgh. Take up my friday guides time going to somewhere Im not interested in, I can really show face luh. Arrgh.
Monday, Im gonna tell Mr Rajan to get someone to replace me.
Pleaseeeeeeeee let me off from this thing.
Guides today was soso. Not really well planned cos Mdm Rose went Temasek Poly/Sec for oral last minute and everything we're doing today was her who planned. So Mdm Swee was in charge instead. We did Modules and we completed two ! yays. Then we had a 20minutes walk and had netball for today. Cos of the fogging done on the construction site, we gotta move. 5minutes break and we sang cheers in the quatrangle.
NDP girls were leading them. We screamed and shout, and everyone around turned to look at us. Lols. We're like, zi high ? Lols. The rest were not singing at all or maybe some, soft ones. Because of this kind of atmosphere, all of us didnt have the mood to sing too. So we gave them a lecture. Not say a lecture, but some story time, telling them our sec 1 guides life and so on ? LOLS. But in order for them to sing loud as us, we planned smths. & indeed, everyone sang ! wahaha. Except for 3 of them. Had a short talk with the 3 of them. They were dismissed at 5.45. Then, we went home at 6.
Sudden headache. Not in a good mood now.
I had never know forgetting someone you loved could be so hard.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Okay there.
During PC, we got back our Health Booklet at last. NEW one somemore. Arrgh. Where's my old health booklet, with my baby foot print on it ?! Recess was kinda funny ? HAHA. Me and Chi were finding this particular person and I was lmao-ing. Seeked help from Grace too. Ahahaha. MT and then History.
To me, Dr Wong's lesson was really interesting. Haha. She was really making us laugh. Me and Melissa were laughing and laughing. Hello Kitty stickers for Melissa from Dr Wong as she answered a question ! LOFL.
Almost into dreamland during D&T. But at least, this yr's D&T was more interesting than last yr. A 10 minutes break for us, me and Melissa went to the toilet. We were suppose to help Ling refill her water bottle too. But end up, we came back with only half of the bottle filled. Lols. & I emptied my bottle of water to hers instead. haha.
Hawker after school with Ling and Melissa. Honey dew and sago + 2 otah. Chatted and chatted till 2plus 3. Then, all of us went home. {:
I feeeeel like eating otah now. ._.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Shit, I kinda forgot what happened today. *.*
First period was Maths. Lucky I could understand this current topic we're learning. Exercise 7.2 and 7.3 today.
Then, we had science. Should say we're learning about physics this time. Light bulbs, wires, switches and batteries. The circuit that we had didnt turn out well. Out of the 3, only 1 bulb lit up. ._.
Assembly today. The talk for today was alright luh, just that I was complaining to Chi that I am very very hungry. Lols.
Recess time, Charlene was sitting beside meeee. lol !
& John tay, Royston Wong & Alvin Ng arguement started. Lols. Haha, lucky Melissa came to help me. Wahaha !
CME was next. Today was about KNOWIN YOUR GENDER. Lol ! Everyone was lmao-ing. Mr Gazhali was saying : If you're a gay or a lesbian, just say out. LOFL.
PC, we had a maths game. Its kinda challenging. And the champion was KeQin's grp. Hmm.
Mr Tan didnt come for chinese lessons. We had the whole 2 free periods ourself. Discussing about our budgets, chatting and gossiping. {:
1 1/2 hr of free time after school. Soya bean and chips for lunch today. Hoho. Charlene was there, and John Tay, Roysten Wong and Alvin Ng fight start again. LOLS. Jurong Medical Centre, it was a 35minutes trip. Munching our chips, sleeping blahhhh. We didnt go there to visit the elderlys. Instead, we visited the things elderly needs. lols. D&T stuff uh. Those things there were like, so cool ? ahaha.
Then went home. {:
Wednesday blues.
This is what I am waiting or wanting for. But out of the expect ... Bloody shit. Scold for nothing. I seriously hate your bloody ass attitude. I dont care if you're older than me or what. You're being unreasonable and I just cant stand it.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Just send some pictures over from ling's phoneeeee.
Ahaha, Some peepings into our room in China.

See ! Evidence to parents that we didnt starve in China. :D
Imagine that's our supper every night. AHAHAH !
& Ohoh, I wonder how did Mdm Lim found out that we had Instant noodles everynight !
Ps: ignore those clothes on the left. :x

Me & Ling's bed. {:

Thats my bed, my garfield and my Brd bear. :O
Thats what Ow Jiejie bought for me.
Nanny gave it to me last night.
THANKS ! x3 x3
It consist of a bigbig poster inside.

x3 Front view

x3 Back view.
{ Edited.;
My phone bill shot up from 40+50bucks to 100+ !!!
Arrgh, thats just far too much le luh. *.*
But part of it is because of China trip, I had been msg-ing and calling home. :/
So now, I gotta savesavesave my msg limit.
A change in lessons really make me feel uneasy.
Suddenly become D&T, ART and History. :/ Ohwell, today was okay okay luh. Tell you smth.
Dr Wong's our history teacher ! .______.
I cant believe that she was that humorous alright. haha. She was telling us about people who cnt believe she can speak English. lol ! Melissa was laughing out louddddd, with me laughing behind her. & Dr Wong caught me drinking water ! Arrgh, & she wrote a new rule : No drinking in class. Hais.
Telling myself to savesavesave !
But in the end, I spent spent spent ! :O
No going out from now onwards pls, unless I've saved enough. {:
Bugis with peeps !
Ling, Melissa, Jun, Chi and Yenzhi ! They acc-ed me to popular ! :D Bought my stuffs, and I left with some stuff that I had not buy yet. Bugis, KFC. I had a tiff with Yenzhi ! Just because of a piece of chicken, she decided to break with me. lol ! 2pc chicken set meal for everyone. We left with a bloated stomach. Then to muji to buy Jun's stuff and stayed a while at Kappa. Took bus 7 home with Ling.
♥ Rainbows fade, just like happiness thats fading away. Your image in my heart doesnt fade, just like pains that doesnt go off.
Monday, June 23, 2008
School reopen today, a bad news came.
Some of our classmates are transferring to 2ED ! sadsad. :/
Like Xiao Wen, Shan Shan, XinYi, Yu Hang, Qu Wei, WeiCheng, YongLi and so on. Hais.
Oh, our school hall had two helicopter wings found in Bugis Street ! hahaha. The hall now is much cooler. {:
Time Table was changed. & Our seats are changed ! :D
Happy with the current seat. (:
But Im not happy with the recess time. :O Why was ours changed to 10.45 ?! Oh yea, me, Ling and Melissa were so famished, waiting for 10.45 to arrive.
Had English lessons and Maths lessons.
An idiot in Maths, I forgot all my Maths fomula ! x_x
Gosh. Had free period, we're discussing about our budget for this semester. Oh yea, its quite a good budget. :D :D
After school, parkway with Ling to buy my school shoe and ling's clear file. Had a nice chat with her. (: Saw quite a lot of things I've eyed. Arrgh, I wanna buy man ! but because of my budget ..
I dont mind I dont have you;But I mind when I lose you. Really really relieved to hear that, everything was just a misunderstanding.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
School's opening tmr. Cant sleep late and wake up late anymoree.
& gotta go back to the nerdy style and stick your butt on the chair until 1.40 everyday.
Oh yeah, just finished my hwks, yay ! :D
Tmr's bag will be lightlightlight ! {:
Cos there should be a change in timetable, arrgh.
I hate D&T ! ]: I want back Home Econs. :/
There are four things you cannot recover after you do.
The stone after the throw;
The word after you said;
The occasion after the loss;
& The time after its gone.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Okay, today was real tired, esp when we just came back from camp. Somemore, a lot of us overslept today and was nearly late. Lols.
Heh, I really want that girl to help me tie my plaits next weeks too ! lols, I like her style of tying. [: But very paiseh uh. :x
We went Suntec convection hall.
Spent most of the time there, air con hall somemore, shiok ! haha.
Lunch was KFC's shrooms burget without shrooms. ._.
Something kinda happened.
Please dont go near Charlene when she cried. lols. Looking at her cry, I was laughing but my tears were like coming out ? lol ! Hmm.
Went toilet, we had a "so called" heart to heart talk with Junie. She told us the reasons and so on, almost all of us teared.
Went Marina Bay and had a short rehearsal. First time using the umbrella, we're like, so clumsy and so on.
Went back Suntec again, we had tea break. We're like so damn not happy with some things. ._. Sang happy birthday to Junie and had pooh bear agar agar ! haha, nicenice ! It was Swee keow who bought them. (: We gave Junie our "project" we're doing, her present.
Then we had our dinner. Burger again. Lols.
A full combined rehearsal, we marched from Suntec to Marina bay. Wah, really feel proud sia ! wahaha, a big group of passer bys were glancing and snapping snapshots of us. Charlene say that we actually stood for two hours ?! Our legs really gone stiff. Irritating was, the choir behind us were laughing at us. :x Arrgh. We screamed the moment we went into the carpark after the rehearsal. haha. Saw Angel and Siying !(:
Convection hall, Charlene and melissa were like, making this Royster Wong from BB. LOL ! A lot of funny conversation and we're like LMAO-ing luh. hahaha. We laughed all the way from top floor to the 1st floor, and to the bus, we're still LMAO-ing. hahaha.
Went back HQ. It was 7.30 by then. The 2nd guides bus was really hyper that day. Muahaha ! We sand cheers, sang yue liang dai biao wo de xin with the driver, making the NCC sirs sing Stand up for Singapore, teaching the guides crazy moose and screaming and shouting. haha ! This was really crazy, we're laughing all the way !
We went Junction 8, I was being teased like so many times luh ! What the ! By this girl called CHARLENE CHEWWW. Bought bubble tea, I alighted at Lavender. My dad waited for me at ICU building and we went to buy supper and went home. {:
Last but not least, its just smth special that we 3 did for you. [:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUNIE ! Wish you like the gift. (:

Our "project" we made for Junie.

Our note for her.

Final piece [back]

Final piece [front]
♥ A few days ago was rain; yesterday was dark clouds and today was a sunny day; just because you made my day.
You knew how I feel and everything;
But yet you still ..
Friday, June 20, 2008
Hiiiiiiii !
Im blogging again ! :D
& I dont know why ? :/
But I just wanna say that
My hair is getting thicker and thicker !!
& I cant cut my hair any thinner. :x
NDP tomorrow, hope I wont fall asleep in the contigent. :x
IM BACK FROM CAMP AT LAST !Im like, so freaky tired now ? lolol. & Let me tell you mosquitoes, my flesh aint sweet ! So dont bite me ! Arrgh. I was biten so badly by those mosquitoes luh. So itchy !Trainers were : Agnes, HuiShan, KhantKnant, XinYi and idk who else. :x
Oriole ! : Peifen, Jade, Irene, Yiting, Serene, Rachele, Jessie and me !
Ohwell, lets start from first day. {:
First day was terrible. RAIN ! And we're like under the rain, under our newly fixed tent tying our gadgets and so on. Stepping on the about two inches high muddy water tying th gadgets. What the. And we slept on the grass ! [but got newspaper, ground sheet and sleeping bag luh. haha. ]
Day two was alright. I became the colour party to do the flag tinggy ? Idk why also. Axemanship was okayokay, cos only sec3 get to try on chopping the wood. lol. Then we did outdoor cooking. Dig the ground and so on. Peifen was our mama for the day. haha ! She was fanning the fire and cooking all the food for us. hahaha. Then we had games ! Best man. haha. The water game was awsome ! Everyone was WET ! muahaha ! So nice luh ! haha. After the shower was dinner then campfire. Was quite okay. Peifen's lenses dropped twice today and we're helping her find. haha. The night walk ! Scary was, there wasnt any light at all ! Except for the moon ? We saw venus ! haha. Me and Irene were partners. We're like, so scared. hahah ! Doreen and Jannah said they saw two figures in the bushes. We freaked out. Lols. COH, this time Mdm Rose make me start first to say and comment about the day when I was at the back ? Lols. Grace said she got stung by a bee. In the end, I brought her to HuiShan and its just nail broke. = =" LOLS. Then brush teeth and so on. The whole tent was so squeezy, 9 person squeezing tgt. Somehow I didnt know why, I got so pissed off when I was trying to move to Melissa's tent to sleep with them so that Yiting they all could have much space. Everyone was scolding and persuading and talking nicely to her, but she just insist. But in the end, I manage to squeeze into the tent. haha. Their tent was so cozy and not too cold. haha. Again, I falled asleep soon when I lied down.
Third day morning, thunder and lightning. Went back to my tent, yiting they all were awake, didnt dare to get out of the tent cos of lightning, thunder and drizzle. haha. I found out that Shiru was so cute when she woke up. Lmao. Cleaned our tents and so on. We had manito game. Rachele's M.friend was me, and my M.friend was Jessie. LOL ! Soon, it was our lunch time. Hotdog buns and one apple. I hadnt been eating apples for about a yr plus ? But everyone had to take one, so.. Hard time biting luh. lolol ! I was sabo-ed to draw for our school on the log book. Everyone went to unpitch the tent while me and the other girl stayed in the lodge to design. Quite irritated with the markers. Almost every marker was ink-less and I kinda screwed up the whole thing ! Arrgh. Then went back to help them. We had sweeping/combing for litter time. Then, we had prize giving. Oriole got the most improvement award. Muahaha. 1.5litre of coke. {:
Then we went home ! YAY !
Why is that everyone knew this secret except me ? ): Its really wasting smth precious.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Heyya peepos !
Going for guides camp tmr till Friday. So as usual, I wont be blogging anymore. But please keep my blog alive my tagging ! Muahaha. :D Hope camp christine's gonna be fun ! Heard that there's lots of mosquito and beeees and the water for bathing is FREEEZING cold. So yeah, good luck to me ! haha.
Okay, today at around 4, went broadrick to meet Melissa. She just finished her counsiller camp. Ling had investiture planning and she's still in the meeting. So me and Melissa went off first, to Melissa's house. Yeah, we did a bit of planning for our project first, letting ling be the final desicion. Hee. oh yeah, ling came at a while later. So we started to search on some image on the computer and such. Hmm. Then we went back to the room, we decide to go Seng Siong. Lols. Of course, we went there to buy snacks, and drinks. Ling paid for drinks while Melissa paid for drinks. I just stood there and wait. LOLS. Melissa had blueberry juice while me and ling had orange juice. haha, it was ling first time sharing our saliva together ! haha. I drank most of the orange juice. ._. Hmm, then we went back Melissa's house. Along the way, me and Melissa was insaneeee. We just laughed non stop at anything we see. Ling was like, si liao ! haha. Had dinner at her house, I was sweating like hell. But Melissa sweat more. LOLS. Her ahma's cooking was awsome ! Yumyum. We continued our project till 8+. My dad called, to fetch me home. Alright, so we went. My dad's kinda lost, and some of melissa's relative and her ahgong was helping me explain where is it. haha, thanks thanks ! {: Went home in a sleepy mode. but I was okay after a warm and shiok bath. heh.
Shit, & Im now in a not-so-good-mood.
x/3 我曾有过的欢乐和笑容通通都被你拿走了。When can I get to see you again ?
Monday, June 16, 2008
Went out with Melissa and Ling today.
Woke up at 10. I recieved a msg that ling's on the way to my hse alrdy. Chionged. Then, went to meet her. She passed me my sports shoe and her bagpack for camp. I was eating my breakfast and talking in msn. Then went down to hong wen busstop to meet Melissa. We went Bugis. Went to buy my track pants. Bought those cheapo types. :D [Cos I only wear on camps. ] Then, we went KFC. Melissa bought meal. Me and Ling bought milo. One hot and one cold. [: Went walk walk more, then we headed to parkway. And we went popular. Bought my twine and my gift. We stayed there for quite sometime cos we're choosing some stuff. Then, ling went home. I went Melissa's house. We start doing our Project. Uh, well, yeah. Project. LOLS. Somehow, we screwed up the whole thing ! Arrgh ! Lols. Watched some Mtv from channel 51. Then, we went farrer park. Went Peyar Lebar. Melissa bought ***** from Seng Siong. I got a sip from her and I was like, not bad, but yucks, my throat turned hot. Lols. Took mrt to Farrer park, Melissa was "unconscious from reality. " She was crazyyyyy ~ Laughing and commenting and laughing and commenting. Gosh, thats so scary man. After farrer park, we went home.
Reached home at near 7. [:
Im feeling sick.
I feel like puking. Arrgh.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
HAPPY FATHERDADDYPAPAFUQING's DAY ! :D :DThanks dad ! For being sucha good dad ! :DGiving me allowance, helping do the house chores for mum [cos my mum shen ti bu hao] , working at night just for us, forcing me eat my breakfast everyday, offering FOOD for my friends when they come and cooking for us ! :D
Yay, ♥ ily papa daddy !
Alright, went out with nany today, to orchard ! I was so sleepy and tired that I was apparently just stoning there. LOLS. Bought teenage magazine ! Yay, most probably, I think everyone knew why. Hee. We went taka, wisma and plaza sing. Then, we went home.
Reached home, took a bath and I lied on my bed flat, asleep till 4.45. My dad's going to work on father's day ! D< Not fair. Dont work ! Hee. Going out for dinner later ! To celebrate father's day ! :D
Earthquake in Japan idk how many days ago and earthquake in Taiwan this morning. Scaryscary. :x
Went out dinner with the whole family to celebrate papa's day. I was fussing over my shopping stuff. I wanna buy shorts I wanna buy shorts ! Whenever I say I wanna buy skinnies, my mum's face turn black. -.- WHY ?! So I kept on saying I wanna buy shorts I wanna buy shorts. Just because I dont wanna use my bro's red first aid camping bag and Im fussing over my shorts, my brother said Im too spoilt. Damn it. He is spoilt too, he keeps on buying his IT stuff and wants my dad to pay half on them. Hello, mine's like, only 10+ bucks and his is like 100+ bucks. Arrgh. Topic for today was mostly bout IT stuff and my shorts. -.- My sister wants a laptop from my dad, my brother wants a LCD monitor from my father. Then I told him : if you sponsor them, you also must sponsor me shorts. Cheapcheap only, 10+ dollars. But my dad say he didnt wanna sponsor them. -.- Ah, im not that bad luh. Wont ask him sponsor me. Im just kidding. I shall save ! But I hate hearing what, wah, hen you qian hor and whatever shitx. Btw, Im not spoilt. -.- I bought my things myself one okay ! But I only bought bimbo stuff. ._.
Kay, then we went mustafa to buy my brother's tripod stand. My mum's so impatient waiting in the vehicle that she kept on wanting my phone to call them [cos her's spoilt ! ]. Lols.
Going out tomorrow ! YAYS !
Saturday, June 14, 2008
NDP REHEARSAL. Okay. NDP was quite fine, except today was much tougher because of the SUN. In the bus, on the way to Marina Bay. Charlene was talking about my Ahwei again. ._. She was like, Ahwei 168cm leh. I also 168cm. So I ask her stand. Okay what, I think ahwei's tall alrdy. :D :x & She was like, asking me why I like ahwei. Hee, no reasons for that. :D Reached Marina Bay and had one trial. Oh yea, my hair was in a mess that time and lucky there's this girl who is willing to retie for me ! :D Thanks ! Er, I forgot the name. :x Hee. Oh yeah, today's lunch was chicken rice. ._. The serving was damn big size luh. Force myself to eat. My mouth was filled with food. ._. Went for the parade. We had 4 rehearsal for today. The last rehearsal was okay, but quite tiring. Some fainted, but no one came for rescue, so when they regained conscious, they just stood up and continue standing. o.o Pro. There's another birthday celebration today. Sir Rave and Sir Randy, Junie and 4 other guides. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! :D The whole thing ended around 4.40 ? And we went back HQ. Debrief and so on. Then we waited for Junie fo some stuff. Weiwen came, and we're talking with her, telling her about WeiLing, a girl that really resembles her. hahaha. And we're asked to eat the cakes my Ms Hasna. o.O She gave us 4 seconds, 4, 3, 2, 1, then we ran there. Haha, so we ate. Funny things happened there. Then the 4 of us went home. Oh, me and Ling went to buy crispy chicken first. That's my dinner btw. And we took MRT home. Chatted stuffs. Our crispy chicken became soggy chicken. LOLS. I alighted at lavender first, and parted off with her. haha.
Back home at around 8. My house area was seriously dark that I had to turn behind to look every 5 minutes to make sure no one's behind. ._. So scaryyyyyy ~
Going out with nanny tmr.
Hey, I seriously wanna go shopping ! [not window shopping btw. ]
Friday, June 13, 2008
Seriously, I had been having supper almost every night since the holiday started. & I've GAINED WEIGHT ! ARRGH !
Ohwell. :/
My mum cheated me !
Me : can we go shopping ?
Mom : *nodds head*
Inside Bugis.
Me : Can I buy shorts ?
Mom : *shakes head* You have a lot of clothes at home !
Me : You said we could go shopping. :O
Mom : I meant window shopping.
= = "
I should save up my money just like Marilyn and buy my own stuff man !
Cant wait for school to reopen. I have two reasons. & One of the reason was that I can hae my allowance everyday. :D
& I shall skip recess. :/ Eat more at home. So I dont have to eat in school. Save up the money. I just need two months. :O To save up to 100bucks.
50 for shopping, 50 for other things. * cant say. * Okay set. So if you see me not eating during recess, Im not on diet please. [although im fat ! ] I just need to save money. HAA !
Okay, set.
NDP tomorrow.
Must wake up early again. :/
Oh yeah, I must learn how to plait my hair !
Hello Everyone ! :D
Ah, dou niu yao bu yao rocks !! :D
Watched till episode 5 already. Oh gosh, its seriously recommended !
Muahaha !
But, Im still so bored.
So I went hopping around other websites.
And I went into my sister's facebook profile and I happened to saw two photos.
So I gop them ! :x

Hoho, its my family ! [:
Ah, no comments please. :x Unless its good. :D It was taken in the flyers a few months ago when we're celerbrating my mom's birthday. There's two family inside the "box". Me and Idk who is the other one. And when we reached the top, everyone was like, ahhhh ! take photo ! & thats the outcome. (: It was 6 in this family last time. But now, its 7 ! :D
Ps: my ahma look so dao. D: Smile more, ahma !

Look, its my cousins and I and my brother and my sister and her boyfriend.
Ah, again, no comments please. :x Unless its good comments. :D Taken on the day after new yr. As in, the 2nd day of New Year. Yeaps. At my san gu's house. :D Oops, thats my small little cousin, xixi who was crying. ._.
Ah, no more.
Paiseh for gopping photos. :x Its a long ago photos yet I didnt know about it. D:
Oh yeah, going out with mom later.
Hopefully she let me spent ! :O I wanna buy this, buy that.
Shorts, pants, tees, shoes, slippers, accesories, bbt, magazines, books blablabla.
Just because, its GSS ! :D
But i think its going to be over ! D:
♥ 我只能为你而输.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
D I S A P P O I N T E D.
Hais hais hais.
Queued for almost 2 hr under the scorching hot sun and I ended up seeing nothing but queue. Arrgh. My lollipop, Ahwei ! )): Oh yeah, before that, the queue was moving in very slowly. It was 3pm by then. Base on the details, the thinggy will start at 3. Then, we waited and waited. Until 4.15. We're alrdy about 10+ people away from the entrance. Then, they bannered the whole entrance which means, we cant go in anymore. 4.20, we heard people saying that there isnt any space left. 4.35, we heard lotsa noises which means, the thinggy had already started and those people outside in charge had alrdy moved in. 4.45, I just tell my ahjie. Lets go.
Hello ?! Which BAR could fit in almost 600 to 700 people ?! Why must they organize it in a BAR ?! Why couldnt they just organise it in shopping malls or open area ?! WTHHHHH. My ahjie knew I was disappointed. And she was trying to cheer me up by promising me that she will buy me more BBT stuffand so on. Lols. Haha. Nvm luh. Thanks anyway. x33 And she even wants to complain to the organizer in charge. LOLS. Went Marina Sq to meet Kevin kor. We went to eat anderson's ice cream, the couple fondue. Then, we walk to Suntec and they drove me home.
Im at home now, still disappointed.
Arrgh. My ahwei was just a distance away from me ! Its all because of the WALL which is blocking my view. Hais. Nevermindddd.
Lesson learnt: Never go to such places 3 hrs ago. You had to be there 6 hours ago ! To queue up and get to go in faster. Or maybe, overnight there also can. lol !
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Last night, finished part of my homework just because Im going out with my primary school friends the next day. Leaving the 4 book review, going to do that perhaps, Sunday ? Lols.
Today. Meet Marilyn at Lavender MRT station at 12.10. Perhaps, its a long time no see thing. We've been, topic-less yeah ? lols. Haha, we took MRT to somerset and walk to Cineleisure for Made of Honour. Its my first time on lvl 9, I didnt know there's Lan and arcade there. o.o Watched Made Of Honour, the show was far too freaking PORNY alright. Arrgh. Not suitable for our age. LOLS. But the ending was quite a nice one. haha. Not say the very very end which is after their wedding.. you know you know. LMAO. Oh yeah, I was msg-ing Melissa halfway through my show. We're laughing like mad inside luh. haha. Then, we went KFC. I didnt have my lunch, so I bought meal. Lols. Walk walk around cineleisure, then we walk down to Paragon. Went Toys r us. hahaha. We went there to play ! haha. Then, we rish down Bugis to meet Jasmine. So sad, she can only be with us for a while. :/ Topic-less again, we just walk. heh. Then we brought Jas to the MRT, and we parted off. Went Bugis Junction shop shop. Then, we went up to the cinema to rest. Went to buy dinner and we took bus home. Parted off with Marilyn at the traffic light there.
A great day with them. :D Though its a little quiet ? HAHA. :x :x
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Doing my homework now, as you can see, Im stuck with my first storybook review. Writing about the book: I believe you. heh, let me tell you smth.
C'mon. its actually very easy !! wahaha.
Shall skip my book review homework and go on to Article first.
So long !
Edited. {
I gave up on book review. Shall carry on next week perhaps ?
Tomorrow, gonna meetup with Marilyn and Jasmine.
Woohooooo ! muahaha. So long never see them le. :/
Hope tmr's gonna be fun !
Last night was horrible. I couldnt sleep. I spent part of the night thinking of stupid things. Haha, looks like my imagination could run till changi airport. LOLS.
ohwell, its a long day ahead.
Anyway, I've been craving for hotdogs this few days. & My hotdog breakfast today was eaten HALF my someone. Aww.
What if one day, friends around me start to leave ? What should I do ?
Monday, June 09, 2008
oh, okay.
I've got nothing to say now.
Watched Fated to love you premiere on Wan Quan Yu Le just now. Wahh, Im so looking forward to more of they're episodes ! :D After watching till epidode 13 today, I gotta wait for every Monday alrdy. Hais. Then maybe, I will be watching { fan gun ba, dan chao fan } ! wahaha, hope its nice !
I'm so bored now !
& Friendster's treating me badly this few days.
Keep on "page cannot be displayed. "
I just realise holidays are ending like, two weeks time.
& There's camp next week.
& I had no idea what's homework.
I heard its a lot a lot.
Edited.edited :
4 Storybook review; 8 article summary; 50 vocab words with meanings awaiting me to be done.
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Out with Nanny and family.
We went Marina Sq for a walk. I was still in my dreamland and feeling tired. Went Hong Kong Cafe to have our breakfast/lunch. I just ate whatever they ordered for me. Their topic for today was about my China Trip and their future december's Hong Kong trip. Sherri today was quiet, it was kinda unusual. She ate the whole plate of hor fun. lols. In the end, we ordered her char siew buns. Then, she was back to normal ! haha. She was so cute luh. We went Kiddy Palace. Sherri was playing with the slide and swing. haha. She bought a small carebear, a raincoat and a pair of shoe. Walk to Carefour, they bought their stuffs. Took turn to push the trolley as sherri was sitting inside, she was snatching my dolphin when Im msg-ing in front of her. LOLS. So I gave her, she threw her carebear away. Lols. Took bus back home with Nanny and Jiejie. At last, I finally closed my eye in the bus. But only a while, cos we spent the time looking for jiejie's ez-link card. haha.
A 3hr nap just now.
And now, my mood's gone down.
AHHHHHH ! Fated to love you is just so nice !
I cant wait for every Monday man ! So that new episode will come out ! :D :D huhu ahah
Its 12.50 now, and Im not going to sleep till Im satisfied watching my tv. LOl ! Btw, I slept just now okay ! So nevermind. :D
Saturday, June 07, 2008
NDP REHEARSAL.Only 3 broadrick guides went for the NDP today. Melissa, Charlene and I. Went Charlene's house to plait our hair first. Charlene's mum look so young. haha. It was 8.35 by the time we finish tieing our hair. Walk down, it was 8.40. We gotta report at HQ at 9.15 ! Oh, we're so damn late. So we just hailed taxi and went off directly to HQ. & know what ? it was 8.50 when we reach there. -.- Damn ! 3bucks just flew off like that. ._. Waited for the rest of the guides to come, we went off to Marina Bay. In the bus, we're like mad people, talking and laughing like siao. haha. Swee Keow came and talk to us for a while, then we continued our nonsence. haha. It was raining tigers and lions when we reached there. So we stayed under the shelther thing. Just to get to the toilet, the 3 of us got drenched 2 to 3 times cos its an open space for the direction of the toilet. Chatted we're waiting for the rain to stop. Meal time, we had KFC's fish ole + mash potato + 3popcorn chicken (?). wow ! haha. We ate till nothing left. We're too famished. haha. Cheers time, we rock the whole place man ! :x :x Just kidding. haha. We're having a fun time there. Next, the 3 of us played Heart attack. It was always me who kana hit luh ! My hands were all red alrdy, esp if charlene was the one who hits you. I was touched top and bottom by MELISSA KWAN ! Arrgh. Charlene as laughing like mad. lol ! Played scissors paper stone with charlene and Melissa. Charlene was rough ! I was screaming in pain. My hand was so bloody red man ! Gosh.
Then, the rain got smaller.
So we went for our parade though its still drizzling. The whole thing was nice man ! :D The whole parade took 1 hour. & we practised twice. The scary thing was whenever we bang out legs, the whole platform SHAKED ! Scary scary. Lols. My leg hurts like hell. And at around 5plus, we're dismissed !
Went back HQ. In the bus, Charlene and Melissa was like, talking about my ahwei. Hey ! He's handsome okay ! & Dont say he's short ! ): Hais. Ahwei rocks ! haha. It was alrdy 6.50 by the time we're completely dismissed. Went Junction 8. Bought snacks. I realised I forgot my ez-link ! So I went to buy. Waited for the mrt, charlene was eating her food. There's this old man who looks scary came and scold charlene for eating in the mrt. Then he somemore stare at charlene for quite some time and say he was disappointed. Then, he walk off. We realised he had a long and short legs. So, we just heck care. Next thing we saw was, a woman eating inside the mrt train. = =" The mrt was packed like hell.
Alighted at lavender, I went to return the card. I got back $1. & Then, I realised that my wallet has only $1 left.
Arrgh ! My money just gone like that ?!
Im so tired man ! My eyes just gonna close anytime. Going out with Nanny at 9.15 tmr. Arrgh, I wanna sleep !
You all will never know, you all will never understand at all.& Its all because of you alright ! D< x/3
Friday, June 06, 2008
All of a sudden, I feel like jumping into the next world.
Haa, Idk why too.
Feeling kinda stupid now.
No one to talk to on msn now.
NDP tmr, I gotta put on layers and layers of plasters on my blisters again !
Urgh, so pain man !

The ever first bus 16 we took that looks like this ! Cool man ! :D :D

My blister broke ! Though I put two layers of plaster on it.
How pain was it ? Indefine. (:
DPPGs outing today !
Chi cant come, sadsad.
So yeah. Melissa and Ling both came my house first. Melissa was like, staring and staring when she saw my cousin ? LOLS. We'r really different today. No more shorts and t-shirt. Instead, its smth more formal. haha. Walk to concourse to find Junjun. I didnt had my breakfast, so I bought milk from 7-11. Melissa tried to buy vodka, but failed. LOLS.
Took bus down to the cathay. We're watching Kungfu Panda ! :D
Lucky it was only 6bucks. I was really broke after today. Goshhh. Thanks to my shoe, its hurting my leg like hell and I've got a blister now. Urgghhhh.
We sat couple seats ! :D :D Me and Jun were one couple whereas Melissa and Ling were the other. Enjoying our shows, we didnt know that there're two misterious people behind Melissa and Ling.
Though its a cartoon, me and Melissa were still shouting and screaming and laughing and hugging our 'couple'. HAHA ! & we realise it was BEN ! and his friend. Woooooooo. The 3 of us plus Ben's friend walked a little faster than that couple behind. We're giggling luh. haha. All the way to Plaza Sing de Daiso, then the couple seperated. Oh yea, the 4 of us went Macs for lunch. Yumyum !
Went watsons to buy my stuff. And we bought pouches for tmr's NDP.
Then, we went home. Ling went home by mrt. Jun, Melissa and I went 7-11 to try again. Again, Melissa didnt manage to buy her vodka. LOLS. Should have asked Ben's friend help her buy, cos 18 alrdy. lol !
Bus 7 home, Melissa was somehow pissed by the driver. Lols.
& I went home.
Going Popular with my mum now.
Cya ! (:
Emotionless. x/3
Neither its feeling happy, nor sad.
I had a foul night ytd.
& I had this 3 wonderful people who is trying to make my mood better.
Haha. One whom she let me vent my anger with. Paiseh paiseh. And one who made me laugh on the phone And one, who accompanies me till I went off to bed and listens to me talk like nonstop.
Muahaha, love all of you man !
Still say never bully ? You dare me blog, I blog out luh. Think I scared ar ?
Slam my laptop de screen all the way down. What if I did it to your laptop ? Freak you. Dont think I must rely on you for your $$$ to buy things. I can do that myself what. Huh ? Service charge 10bucks, go hell luh. Dont think you're older or younger than me, means your can bully me uh.
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Im like, so bloody bored at home. I wanna go out luh ! D<
I got nagged just now, but now, okay le !
Dont wanna stay at home.
Anybody free tmr ?!
I wanna go out luh !
My guardian angel, bring me out, will you ?
I had a looooonnnnngggggggg dream last night.
I was wondering if it does come true ? :/
[editeddd ]
Yays ! Going out tmr with the DPPGS ! :D
Going to watch Kungfu Panda ! (:
And of course, play ! :D
Told Melissa the dream I had ytd. Immediately, she ask me to bring 4.95 bucks for tmr. -.- Omg, no way man. Im so not gonna try themmmm.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
BAND BANG TANG IS COMING TO SINGAPORE !WOOHOOOO ! YAY YAY YAY ! :DDNext Thursday, 3pm and idk what place, they're coming ! :D
& My ahjie's bringing me there ! WOOHOOOO ! :DD
Im so in love now,with ♥ AHWEI !
Just finish watching Sky Of Love on tudou.
Sobx. Sobx. Sobx. What a sad ending. )):
Okay, I practically did nothing today except for idling around my house, looking for some things to do. Urgh. I wanna go out ! Im far too bored at home !
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Xi Zi msg-ed me. She said Xi'an might have an earthquake later at night, and they're like, all sleeping in the streets tonight ? Lols. Oh yea, she's putting braces soon and she's gonna send me a letter with her pics ! hahaha. Im waiting Xi Zi ! :D
I looked up into your eyes. Thinking that I could see bright lights. But why ? Those bright lights turned into darkness, like I'd never going to walked out of my fright.
CIVIL DEFENCE COURSE DAY. Suppose to meet Ling and Melissa at 7.25 at opp hawker centre busstop. End up, 7.40 then all of u reached. Lols. Walked to school, I was still in a "i want to sleep" mood. Sat at the bench tgt with Theresa and Charlene nd Peifen and Jade. Jade has a nice hairstyle. haha. And Melissa was envy cos she wanna dye her hair too. LOLS. Sat in a mini bus and off we go, to BUKIT BATOK. Was chatting and chatting. The 3 of us plus Jade and Peifen and Charlene and Theresa. All the way to bukit batok, I nearly carsick. LOLS. Reached there, the room was so cold. In the lecturer room for like, almost the whole day except for lunch, break and CPR practical. The sirs there were kinda funny. The sirs there knew we were bored. Cos they were kinda bored too. heh. Videos such as Pua Chu Kang video. Made us laugh. haha. Oh yea, a 15 minutes test and we went off at 4plus.
Waited for bus, all of us went Chua Chu Kang MRT to find Mdm Swee. Reported to her and we're dismissed. The 3 of us went Pasa malam jalan jalan. Bought food there. I tend to eat like, the most ?! Gosh, I missed going pasa malam. haha.
Then, went to take MRT. A 43minutes ride to City Link. Listen to songs and nearly falled asleep. Then, a 4minutes ride back to lavender and I bid goodbye to the two peers. HAHA.
Oh, Im so so so tired ! x.x
♥ 如果时间能倒流, 我想会到和你一起玩闹的时刻,永远留在那里。
Monday, June 02, 2008
Its a last minute desicion that I went out with Melissa and Junjun.
Ling couldnt go. So.. hais.
Oh yeah, Melissa left house when Im still preparing. Lols. So I ask her to come Hong Wen Busstop to meet me instead. haha. Oh yea, the moment I saw her, she was like, MY FAVOURITE SNACK ! haha. I gave her wang wang cracker which she mistaken that I might bring chocolates for her. ._.
Walk to Concourse to meet Jun. We started our nonsense. haha. Laughing and laughing, we're teasing Jun. haha !
Bus 16 down to Cathay, the movie there were like, so few ! Cos there's only left with NC16 and M18 shows. So we walk down to plaza sing. Also got no show ! Hais. So no choice. We went subway there and have our meals. Spent like around, 6bucks ? Chatting and chatting. Rush down to Marina. We bought tickets for What Happens In Vegas, at 4.30.
Went to shop around. Bought eat studs. Just by choosing my ear studs, we spent like, so long there. haha. Bought 3 pairs of studs. Went walk walk. Looking at my shorts at newbie. heh, at last ! I found one perfect newbie shorts ! (: But, no $$$ ! I didnt bring enough cash ! :O Junjun bought two shirts from sphere. Melissa and I eyed one shirt each there too. haha.
Movie time ! Bought sweet corn in. Oh gosh, just the advertisement, part of the theatre can hear Melissa's laughter. Let alone the show, melissa and my laughter could just filled up the whole theatre ! I was laughing like a mad person. The show was simply too funny ! haha. Melissa and I had a fight in the middle of the show. Lols. We're snatching over my tic tac ! haha.
The show ended around 6,13. We went to the toilet first and then to Macs to buy drinks. The ever most malu thing I've done in Macs is that, I DROPPED MY MILO ! Piak, there goes my milo. Gone ! Everyone tio shocked. ._. The cashier was kind, he gave me another milo for free. Thanks and sorry ! Jun and Melissa were laughing all the way. -.- I was super uper malu like, omgosh.
Went suntec. Seperated from them and I went home.
Reached home at 7.30 SHARP.
♥ 还要多久,我才能在你身边 ?
Sunday, June 01, 2008
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO♥ XiXi & ♥ CiCi ! :D The two lovable cousins I had, they're 2yrs old today ! :D Morning, wss watching Fated to love you. Watch until episode 3. Then, Ho Sheng Yao wanted to challenge me audition, but I gotta go to my aunty's house. TOO BAD, IM NOT SCARED ALRIGHT. Boo !
To uncle Ben's shop to make my dad's LKK specs. haha. I hope he choose a more 'fasionable' specs this time. :x Me and my brother went to do his plastic cover for his phone.
Xiao Gu's house.
Whoa, the whole house was fillled with Balloons ! haha. Balloons on top of the celling. Had buffet dinner there. Some were crowding around me asking me about the China trip. My ahma goes around telling my aunty that I cried in the earthquake and I went SiChuan ?! Lols, I guess she had mistaken. I cried when Im nearly locked in the mall and I went Xi'an. LOLS.
Sang bday song. Barney and baby bob's bday cake. They're the stars for the day. haha. Cameras were seen everywhere in order to have a snapshot of them. hahaha.
Went balestier's NTUC. Sportslink and This fashion with my sister. I eyed some things but I didnt intend to buy them. :/ Bought my facial wash and spray. Could not find my brasso. Shall go other place and see. I need them like, so urgentlyyyyyyyy.
& we went home (:
Gideon's staying at my place for a week. Hmmmm.
All along, I was thinking. WHY ?
A forced smile, and a fake laugh.
It doesnt make my world go round.