Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Now, Im seein factorisation, numbers, everything. Blahh.
Morning, my head was being smashed again. I was sweating like hell but I was feeling cold. Ling wasnt in school yet. I nearly cry out man ! But.. heh. :x
P.E was.. slacking. Mr Tay and Jun had an arguement. In the end after the arguement, Mr Tay "sayang-ed" Jun. LOFL. Maths ate up our recess again. Lols. We've got no time for recess, so I just bought drink. Maths again after recess. = =" Next lesson, I forgot all about my geog stuff. :x Lucky XinYuan was beside me, I could lend hers. haha, THANKS ! We've a talking session on Mother Tongue period. Next week will be Ms Lock's last week. )): MISS LOCK, DONT GOOOOOO ~ Sadsad. I scored 20/25 for SPA test. Faizah scored full marks, arrgh. So good. Presentation time, we could not answer Mr Lau's question. The whole class was repremanded as we did not do really well for the presentatin thing. :/ Haishaishais.
MATHS remedial. = =" We didnt have time for lunch luh. Arrgh. Some of them were so so so eager to leave until Ms Pua blew up. ._. Plus, there's SO SO SO much Maths homework to be done. Arrgh.
After that, Ling, Melissa and I went hawker for lunch. One big big big bowl of noodles make us all so bloated. We chit chatted and so on. Then, we went home. [:
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Having another headache. My eyeball hurts whenever its rotated. My block nose made me out of breathhh.
Most importantly, Im still of fire. Zzz !
Knowing too many things at one go can kill a person man !
OH GOSH, FIRE FIRE ! Im on fire now. RAWRRRRR.Oh, this is so freaky. Chinese was tough too. D: Letter writing, I wrote the reciepient's address instead of the sender's address. Well, wish me luck man. I wonder how many marks will be deducted from this paper 1. I spent more time on flipping into the dictionary than doing my essay and letter writin. Can say was, the whole paper was in the mess with lots of strike outs. Addtional, I could not breath. :O Block nose sucks like hell. AHHHHHHHHH ! I HATE MYE MAN !
Paper 2 was... TOUGH TOO. Could not understand the passage at all. Hais.
After exam, we stayed back for China briefing. Was sending songs to Kelly's phone while listening to Mr Song talk. BLOOD TEST. Oh, this is another freaky thing. .______. We got held up for some stuff.
Then, we went home straight !
Thanks for letting me know everything !I will zip up my mouth. ./Edit ;Oh, help. I could be nagged to death man ! Zzz !
Monday, April 28, 2008
I HOPE I CAN PASS MY ENGLISH ! :OBut I guess, its a confirm flunk paper. ): I woke up crying in the middle of my sleep last night. = =! My head felt like fire and my brain felt as if it was being smashed. I was scolded by my mum for not eating my pills. In the end, I ate 3 pills and went off to sleep. Along my sleep, I sucked more than 5 ice. Lols, nice one ! Next day, I've recovered ! :D But I had block nose and my brain felt as if it was squeezed. [better than being smashed]
Today's english paper. Lets start from paper 1. Composition, I think I wrote it out of point. My paper was completely untidy, with many strike off sentences [we cant use correction fluid] and it looks just like rubbish paper. ._. Letter writing, I only wrote one harm about global warming and one thing you can do to save the Earth ! T.T DIE.How about paper 2 ? All of us thought that without cloze passage and editing, the paper will be easier. Who knows ? The paper should be a SEC4 paper ?! Goshh, how am I going to pass ?!?! -.- ! Esp passage B and summary, I nearly died man ! Just hope, GOD BLESS ME !!! PLEASE PASS MY ENGLISH !!! D:
My headache came back after the paper.
Went KFC to study with Ling and Melissa.
Jun came along and went off to meet her friend. We ate our lunch there, I threw about half of my cheese fries away. Instead of studying, we... .__. We began writing and writing. Writing and writing. I could not smell a thing. We wrote and wrote, till 4plus. Heh. :x
Then, parted off with them and I went home.
{Zhi you bei ai,cai hui xing fu ! }
Quote by Ling. :D
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Headache, bodyache, fever. Goodness gracious, Im sick !
Went studying with Ling at Parkway Macs. It was freezing cold inside, and I started to get headache and bodyache. Heck care, continue studying. Did english and science worksheet plus copied some notes on geog.
Went to search for pasta after that. Ling was craving for it. But in the end, still cant find. So we went ECP. Felt hot and cold at the same time. We walked to Macs and talk. Topic today was.. Similar. Felt cold inside, I ordered fries while ling ordered $1 coke. We chatted for a while. Ling felt my forehead. She say my face was oh-so red. She took all my remaining fries. haha. Walk back. It was freaking hot. I nearly melted. My eyes was like FIRE. Waited so long for my bus under the hot sun.
In the bus halfway the journey, the bus nearly broke down. I was directly under the sun. My eyes were like fire whereas my body was colddddd.
Reached home. Dont wanna tell my mum about it.
Going take a bath soon and off to bed.
Good luck for me tmr, cos I didnt really study English today. :x
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Saturday Saturday.
Its a boring day today cos there isnt any NDP ?
Slept for almost 3 hours when the weather was so so so effing warm, hoho !
Now, Im having "eye" ache. @.@
And Im feeling hungry !
Watching They Kiss, still stuck in episode 12. Lols. Im planning to watch them till episode 19. But maybe I'll stop at 14.
Shall carry on with my notes after watching.
Between Love and Friends,
who will they choose ? who will they abandon ?
To me,
Anything and everything, this world sucks without this thing call friendship.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Sprayed our hair red, drew our faces red, put our red banner with balloons, decorated our red tee and we wore our tee INSIDE OUT ! Ahaha, aint we creative ?! Lols. We're the red red 2EA ! Woohoooooo !
We screamed ! We cheered ! Just for 2EA ! woohoooooo !
& We came in second for the whole school ! woohooooooo ! YAY !
5N1 came in first ! hahha, congrats !
Ling, Melissa and I went to the track to watch the races. We took photos !

Look at the red red us ! :D
And Jun came ! :D

I look dumb in this photo. :x
We had prize presentation. We screamed each time our classmates won ! Melissa Lee and Kwan was competing their voices there. AHAHA ! Some of us helped her screammmm ! We came in second from the whole school ! YAYYYY ! :D
We're hot, we're hot, we're hot hot hot !
We rock, we rock, we rock rock rock !
We're best, We're best, We're best best best !
We're 2EA !! AHAHA !
Okay, we're dismissed at 1+2.
Me and Melissa went Ling's house first. Had lunch there. Then, we went Parkway to study. Mc Donalds, the equipments broke down, they only had cheeseburger for sale. ._. Lucky we had our lunch already. We copied geography notes while talking. We talked our hearts out. Our problems, our everything. I nearly shed tears at one part. Argh. We're talking about Ling's .. Melissa's .. and my .. Ordered fries and we went popular.
Ling bought notebook, Melissa bought a notebook and they bought me one notebook. ahaha, thanks ! Its the so called a belate birthday present for me ? ahaha, LOVE YA BOTH ! (: I wasnt quite in the mood. I just wanna go home. So yeaps, we went. Ling went home first. While waiting for 197, Me and Melissa saw a straight cloud.
See !! ahaha. And Melissa imagined it as a rocket had just went past or a backbone. ._.
Board the bus, and we went home. Reached home at around 7.
I dont want. I dont want.
& You: can like, stop spreading ? This thing had been like, bugging me for 5 days luh. & One more thing, we chatted only FOR A DAYYYY. Please, dont make rumours alright ?
Thursday, April 24, 2008
I realised I've ate too much today. Oh, no ! :x
YenZhi's back to school, welcome back ! :D
Chi didnt come to schoollllll.
I can seriously die if I study geog. :x Its almost the whole book thick to be learnt. Arrgh. It was raining tigers and lions when we're in the library for Science.
Recess with Shan Shan, Angel and YenZhi. See the hungry me. Hoho ! We changed our seats during PC lessons for exam. I was the last of the row. But I've XinYuan and Shan Shan beside me. :D Mr Tan didnt come for Chinese. Bluetooth songs and chatted. Ling, Melissa, XueTing, Pauline and I. Me and Melissa went to the toilet. We saw Mrs Ann Tan. Greeted her and went down. Then we U turn back to the classroom. Lols. To warn them about the handphones. But too late. :x went toilet and then office cos Melissa's button dropped ! She was half exposed luh ! In front of Gerald Lim somemore. ._. But think he didnt notice. The person in the office gave Melissa a safety pin instead. She was laughing all the way from lvl 1 to 3 luh ! Omgosh. A short chat with Julien about.. ARRGH. its impossible alright. Chased after Julien, trying to get the truth and trying to look at the message. Melissa and me was chasing her. I was like, whining plus laughing ? lols. In the end, she showed me the msg.
English, we planned for tmr. Rehearsed and so on. Watch out tmr ! We're gonna be 2EA red red ! :D hoho ! Stayed back for Maths test. I hope I dont fail. D: I've got a 4mark qsn wrong already. :O
Stayed back for lunch. Actually wanted to go ling's house. But due to our books.. Ate the malay stall. First time for me and ling. The meal was fantastic ! :D I dont have to run tmr, YAY ! woohooooo ! I was chaotically insane and I was the last one to finish my food. :/ Jun was impatient. wahaha. And we walked to the busstop tgt. Parted with Ling. Bus 33 tgt. I was laughing in the bus again. ._.
And we went home ! (:
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
From last night till now, Im still feeling scared.
Its like, out of no reasons luh.
SiYing is back ! :DD Welcome back !
We had 2.4 MOCK TEST today. We ran one round of the canal instead of 3rounds around the grass field. I could not run today, Idk why. Ran, walk, ran, walk with Julien and XueTing all the way. I failed by 18seconds. ._.
Maths and recess. Hadnt have the appetite, so I just bought drink. Plus, we only left less than 10minutes.
Assembly, boring. Except for the part where our class was anounced to be the most points in the lvl ! woohoooo ! And Gabriel screamed. Lols. haha.
Mrs Lee is back for geog ! Happy was, we will have less chance of failing our MYE. Unhappy was, we're gonna fall asleep. T.T
MT and Science. searched for books in the library for our project stuffs.
After school, Maths remedial. I scored 18/25 for my test ! :DD First time this yr for a pass in my class test. :x There's another test tmr, oh no ! Help ! Everyone wanted to go home. Ms Pua revised tmr's test with us. Some ran off. The rest like us cant wait for the time to pass. Went to the library to tell Mdm Lim we're going off.
And we went home, Jun, Ling and me.
./Edited. }
Wahaha. Everything's fine now ! :D Not scared anymoreee. :DD
But Im still worried. T.T
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Headache now. Feel like sleeping.
Im felt so so so fished up now.
Okay. From the beginning, it wasnt me who wants them to buy for me. So what for say me ? it wasnt me to ask them to buy for me. I could have just buy everything myself ? I know its not courteous. Do you think I tihnk is courteous ? You think I want ar ? You think I not paiseh ar ? You think I very greatful ar I could have just ask them to : Stop buying all this for me. I can buy myself or whatevrr shit it is. You want me to say that ? Please alright, I'M A GROWN UP. Zzz ! Not even when Im going Xi'an. What for so worried ? Not like Im going alone right ? & helllo, its ONE MONTH AWAY. what for so anxious ?Bear this in mind, I HATE ALL. I DONT EVEN WANT ALL OF YOU TO PREPARE EVERYTHING FOR ME. And in the end, I got the naggings all by myself.
Chinese today was funfunfun ! :D
Earth Day today, we switched off our lights and fans and went to the stairs to get our zuo wen done. Reason: The class inside is real humid. We wrote poems ! hahaha.
Photo taking next. 3 people missed it this yr. SiYing, YenZhi, Calvin and Gabriel. D: I went insane again, laughing and laughing.
English behind the canteen, at the toilet there. .___.
After school. :DD
Jun lied to me ! D: She said she didnt wanna go studying anymoreeee. Brought food in the canteen. My usual food. haha. Walked to the busstop.
Bugis with Ling, Jun and Melissa.
Back to Mos Burger to study.Ordered the same food as ytd. I've got a scared feeling without any reasons. I couldnt really finish my food in peace. I nearly cried. T_T Gosh, what happened to me ?! Everyone was like, giving a lot of reasons to me why Im feeling scared. Lols. but in the end, I wasnt scared anymore. :D Studied English, did comprehension worksheet. Haven finished my compre, Ling and Melissa said they wanna go. So we packed our things and left. Went A&BC for my foolscape paper. Bought different type, change style a bit. :D haha. Then went bugis street for YiTing's watch and Ling parted off with us. Went to try our luck for hairspray but bad luck. ):
So nvm, 197, 3 stops home. But before that, we saw FengFeng and his mum. I nearly snatched the seat with her. Melissa nearly called him : idiot gao feng feng. In the end, nothing happened. We went to a corner to sit, lol-ing like mad. ._. Our next topic was, MAS SELAMAT, the 11minute "escape-er" lols. And we parted off. [:
I felt scared again. Oh, no !
Save me. Perhaps, I laughed too much. .____.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Almost died last night while doing maths.
I knocked out at 11pm last night, I cant wake up today. T_T
Learn new stuff today during Maths. Argh, I seriously dont know what Ms Pua's talking. I was like, :O all the way. Hais.
English, did letter writing. Thanks to Gabriel, I manage to finish my letter ! hoho ! He was an English pro. OMGOMG.
I failed my Home Econs, by 1/2 mark ! Arrgh ! it was actually 12 and a half / 25. I was sososo dumb to let teacher correct the mistake. But in the end, tcher passed me in the record. :D Well, I hope so. :/ Arrgh ! I needa buck up !! My results are dropping low. D:
Science, we had a project to do. We went library. Nonsence with all outside while finding our resourses. Melissa kept making me laugh. ._. While music, we became some sort of "horny" cos of Melissa. HAHAHA, laughed till I almost drop !
Went studying with Junjun at Mos Burger, Bugis. One large fries and one large milk tea. Im seriously broke. T_T Chatted while finishing our fries and concentrated on our science in the later part. The area was freezing cold. I manage to adsorb Chapter 5 only. Lols. More to go ! Planned my exam shedule and went toilet. Just within half an hour, I went to the toilet thrice. Omg, same to Jun. haha. We went shopping. Somehow, I was laughing again. -.- JUN WAS MAKING ME GO HAHAHA. I was chaotically insanee. I laughed when Jun made funny actions and the clothes Jun said it was nice. GOSH, Im crazyy. :DD
A while later, we parted off and went home.
Woo, Im so in love with Mos Burger's milk tea now. :D
I hate your reaction alright.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Sunday Times. :D
Paid my grandpa a visit at Choa Chu Kang cemetary today. An hour ride there, my mum's sleeping. My bro's reading his book. My dad's driving and Im enjoying my music and the orange cracker I bought ytd at HQ.
Reach there, we went to say Hello ! to my grandpa, offered him some praying and food, and we went back to the car. Looks like my grandpa was as cheerful as ever. :D Lols. Reason: He was a smiling cheerfully in the photo. lol ! Then everyone came. All of them sat at my dad's car while the rest went to burn incense. Reason: Its a pick up. So its open spaced and cool. But I was cooped inside the car, lonely listening to my music. Lol.
Went off at 3plus. We went Shaw Plaza at Balestier.
Shopped for my sports shoe and my brother's jersey pants at Sports Link. I bought my Pink nike shoe and a blue basketball jersey pants (for girls, not boys) while my brother bought his white one. Went down to NTUC. Me and my brother took whatever stuff we wanna buy. Thus, the trolley was almost half filled with our snacks and candies. My mum became MARIA/FATIMAH whereas my dad became MUHAMMAD. AHAHA !
Went home to put our groceries, and we went for dinner.
Went Aston's restaurant at Katong for dinner. Half an hour of queueing, we finally get our seats. Crispy Fried Fish for me. My meal was the first to come. :D I LOVE MY FISH. We shared all our side dishes together. I love my mum's salad, my brother's pasta salad and my dad's fries ! hoho ! Enjoyable time there, we crapped and laugh. And we went home. (:
Oh, gosh.
Im still yet to do my Maths Assignment. :x
Its 2 hrs away from my bedtime.
Hopefully I can finish my hwk by then !
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Melissa was touched by an idiotic freaking uncle when she didnt even realise it. I saw it and gave her a quick push away from that uncle.
Waited for Junie at eunos MRT and went HQ.
Before the selection starts, we're caught by Ms Hasna (wrng spelling ) for jay walking. :x Rush to the toilet to get our hair done. We anyhow anyhow tie plaits for each other and it turne out.. erm, FUNNY ? LOL !
NDP selection was scary alright. They could just pull you out whenever they're not happy with your marching. Gosh, 18more people to be kicked out and that will be the final squat. I got so tensed up when the person in front of me got kicked out. And I became the first row. Arrgh, scary luh.
Then the greatest commander for the parade, the 340, Samsuddin de Sir came to talk to us. He was hilarious and we laughed along with him.
Back to HQ for some stuff and we parted off.
Melissa, Ling & I. We went Junction 8 for KFC. There's a Raffles Institute guy with a lot of swollen red dots on his hands and neck. We got scared out of the wits. We thought its chicken pox and we began having ticklish feelings on our both hands. :x Shrooms meal for me, we ate and talk craps. MRT to city link. Melissa was chaotically insane. Melissa and I were the only ones laughing like chaotic people in the MRT luh. Until some people diao-ed us. ._.
City link to raffles place, Melissa and Ling bought BIG lollipops. LOLS. We shopped around that area, window shop shop. Laughed along the way. Spent most our time in MPH. All of us eyed the jewelery box with the sound. OMG, its cute luh ! How I wish I could have one. :x Played hide and seek with a little baby girl with Melissa while Ling was choosing her books. THE BABY GIRL WAS SERIOUSLY CUTE ! haha ! She fell and gave a pat on her chest which means she's afraid. haha, cute ! Her mum was there smiling. haha. Flying kiss with her each and we went off.
A&BC next, a lot of cute stuff, we're like, NO MONEY CANT BUYYYY. lols, so we walked off. We went missing and walked one whole big round to city link when city link was just behind ? LOLS.
Settled down at coffee and toast. Hot milo for me and Melissa and Iced milo for Ling. Melissa spilled ling's milo. We're laughing like hell. Drank our hot milo using straws. Haha, my invention !
TO Marina, mini toons and wallet shop. We spent much time in mini toons. I want the Whatever and Im freaking bored street tag. ._.
Next, we took 133 to my area.
The bus was freaking crowded. A guy suddenly board the bus through the exit way and he didnt tap his card. Worst still, he blocked a ahma who was alighting and scolded her. The ahma was asking him to go to the entrance to alight, he scolded : you want to to go down, then go down. Dont bother so much. WTH. I nearly wanted to scold him F you. He was too much alright.Alighted at opp hong wen, I explained what happen to Melissa and Ling LOUDLY and purposely before the door closes. I was so.. Arrgh. ._.
Their bus came just in time and I walked home.
I need to buck up in my English.
I dont wanna drop during the June holidays. ):
JYJY ! I need more assesments and worksheets.
Where ever you go, whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you.
Whatever it takes, or how much my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Felt tired for the whole day, but today was fun ! :D
For nothing, I started laughing.
I even laughed when nothing had happened. ._.
New method to learn about quatratic equations. The SMILE method. haha.
Home Econs pratical exam turned out well ! :D
Julien was opposite me and we're like, chatting away while we're chopping and frying. I didnt had recipe for my dish, so I threw everything that was edible into my rice and fry it. Hehheh. :x
Filing time for us during lit period. Chatting away while filing. I went laughing away esp when Ling acted as Stamford Raffles behind YenZhi went she sat at her chair. Lofl.
Stayed back for Maths Filing and I went Ling's house.
She forgot to bring her walkathon card and guides tee. ._. So yeaps, I kept laughing when we're on our way to the busstop. Kept eyeing at our watches for the time as we're running out of time. We dont wanna do pumping ! :x Bus back Broadrick, me and Ling went up and sat at the front seat. Remembering our childhood times. :D I loved sitting at the front seat ! The scenery is soooo nice. :D
Last minute at 2.27pm, we finally reached school. :D
Kelly didnt come ! Melissa went to the doc. Both sick, TAKE CARE ! :/
10minutes lunch for me and ling from Calista. We're chatting with Ms Lock away and filling up our documents. haha, nice chat ! We played dog and bone. The instructions changed. :x My enemy was Siru. She was fast luh ! Omg. My next enemy was Irene, the other fast one. hoho. Gave our walkathon cards to Mdm Rose and took our stuff to the MT room. We played Captain Ball next while the sec1 had their course. Ling, PeiFen, Jannah, Eurica, Basirah and Me were in one team. Theresa, Jade, Joey, EngTeng, EngJoo and Jessie were in the other. We so called, had equal scores ? Lols.
We're dismissed and off we go, home ! haha.
Oh oh. Tmr's the actual selection.
Good luck everybody !
We're having trouble finding people to tie plaits for us. :x
Anyone help ?
Thursday, April 17, 2008
I screwed up my summary test. Totally screwed up.
I wrote my summary and I edit and edit and my final piece !
I was suppose to write my second draft.
But, I forgot to WRITE MY SECOND DRAFT !
Oh, howhowhowhow ?
What if I fail bacause of that ? ):
I hope not ! Please !!!
As it was the last period, we did the formation for Sports Day's cheer.
We're gonna do something INTERESTING. Its a secret currently. :D
Its gonna be HILARIOUS. HAHA ! ._. The girls screammmmed before we could be released.
Went East Point with Melissa, Ashley and XinYuan to buy the hairspray tinggy. Went Banquet for lunch first. Prawn Noodle Soup for me, we're crapping away. We "so called" talked about some.. eeyer stuff :x All of us couldnt continue eating because of that. But, we finished our food alrdy. hahaha. Found the shop selling hairspray. We couldnt find red and the servie there sucks. :x So we bought pink in the end and we went to the toilet to try it out. We went back to the shop and the aunty asked us to buy 2 more cans. We told her we'll go other shop look first. She replied : okay loh. And she threw the hairspray can and walk away. Our immediate reaction was : ATTITUDE SUCKS SIA. ._. We walked off and went Tampines Mall to search fo red hairspray. We couldnt find them and we went to the playground to rest. My bag weighed tones. ._.
Then, we went back home.
Bye !
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
When it was first formed..
& Look at us now. :D

Saw the changes in us ?
I mean as in.. appearance. ._____.
Yayyyyy ! I cant wait for 1May ! :DD
Not because its exam time. :x
But because its....
Guess yourself ! haha.
Well, Im bored now. ._.
My show refuse to upload.
& There's no homework for the day.
So yeah. Im blogging again. ._.
And it's got a crack at the side. T.T
Poor thing.
Morning, Cheejie was revising maths with me plus Ling. He laughed when he saw my prevous test results. = =! Wthell.
P.E, we practised relay. From beginners to expert. haha ? lols. Somehow, we get to know our place for the shorts heat. Im at the 8th place for 100m and 6th place for 200m. ARRGH ! How I wish I could ran a few seconds slower. ._. Im just nice the 8th position luh. Arrgh ! I dont wanna run !
Maths test ate our recess. ._. We were released at 10.25 luh. Went to change our shirts and grab a quick bite and went off to the hall. Paul twohill came today ! haha. I loved his song : Here am I. Free milk, I grabbed chi with me to collect them. The milk taste, okayokay. .___.
Mrs Lee aint here today, we rushed on our Maths correction.
MT an then science.
Had "magic" in the science lab. Wang Weicheng was crapping and I was like, .__________________. I cant believe he was sooo... nvm. -.- Nonsence with my group members when we've finished writing our answers.
Maths remedial after school with Ling, Yenzhi and Angel.
Did 11qsns on simplifing and so on.
Went canteen to find Jun.
Then, we went home tgt.
Oh. = ="
I cant read your mind, I dont know what you're actually thinking. -_-"
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
eh hey hey !
I'm blogging once again. ahaha ! ._.
Revised my Congruent and Similarity with Cheejie's help. haha, thanks.
Went Broadrick Website de Asknlearn also. Not nice one. ._.
Not in a very good mood now.
Today was dumb. ._.
Chines was first. We got back our test papers. My overall mark for CA2 was 74. ARRGH ! My one mark to A1 ! ): Oh, hell. Melissa was so pissed off when she see the results. We knew what was going on. We went to the toilet and Melissa was still on fire. Lol.
English. Compo test at the library. The topic was about an incident where you made a turning point on your life. Chim right ? LOLS. Mdm Lim knew that I blogged everyday, Oh my god. :x
Recess and back to library.
Tears stream down as I sat on the chair. Jun panicked the moment she saw my tears. Mdm Lim looked towards our direction. I was laughing while crying. In the end, it was just a prank. wahaha ! :x I learn how to cry easily ! haha. DPPGs should know my way. {: Chatted as we finished our essay alrdy. The drama was funny. The moment Keven called XueTing mama, the class burst out laughing. haha !
Maths. A lecture from Ms Han. We're not really treating Ms Pua well perhaps ? Tmr's Maths test. Arrgh ! I hope I pass ! At least, a pass will do. :x I cant fail !
My group was being picked by Mr Lau during project work lesson. what the freak ? Ashley forgot to bring the project work stuff. She told Mr Lau and Mr Lau agreed to let us present next week. He gave us a " oh, I dont believe your group had done anything " look. And he told us nxt week, if we didnt bring anything, we'll be sorry. Oh, hell. At least i got my work in the thumbdrive right ! But just that you cant open windows vista documents. Nevermind, nevermind. He is a teacher afterall. I cant do anything.
I was on FIRE just now. Went to the toilet before oral starts and bought some snacks. Some stuff happened which I dont wanna talk about it.
Oral, it was so freaky slow. The tcher was not there whereas the rest of the class had finished testing. Arrgh ! We're all so pissed off. We wanna go earlier. In the end, Mr Ong tested us. Today's oral was okay. Im not nervous at all. haha. :x
Down to Plaza Sing with Melissa just to buy our files from Daiso. :x Why ? Cos their files cost only 2 bucks. Haha, I know we're "niao" people. :x It was Melissa's first time there. She could not believe when I told her that the stuff there cost only 2bucks. :x Burger King for Lunch as we got the coupon on the way. Fish burger meal for us and we went home straight away. {:
I cannot take it anymore.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Another boring day in school. I forgot to bring my graph paper, my answers are inside and I was made to stand with the others. = =" Heh, I didnt do qsn2 btw. :x Kinda hard to understand. :/ And its like, Ms Pua was picking on me today luh ! She called me to answer her questions trice. -.-! Lucky ar, I answered all correctly with Jun's help. haha ! :x A lecture from Mdm Lim during her lesson because of Keven, Hanyong and ZiXing. Then recess.
MT after recess. Got back our compo test. Me and Melissa had the same mark, hi 5 ! haha. Then home econs. Then Science. Nonsence-ing with Gabriel and Siying. Oh my gosh, I seriously cant stop laughing. I scored 21/30 for my science test. BOO ! I deproved by one mark ! Arrgh ! Jun scored 26 ! Not fair. :x Haha, it was raining and the windows were closed. Gabriel went to open it and yeah, the rain camein and our tables were wet. ._.
Stayed back for Xi'an briefing at 2.30.
Then, we went Bugis. Me, Ling, Melissa and Jun. Chi went home.
Chatting about what to eat for lunch. Melissa was having cough, sore throat and block nose. She cant eat fried chicken, and we're talking about fried chicken. .______. Food Junction, we ate Japanese Food instead. Sat at somewhere at the corner. Nice meal ! We're all so bloated after that. haha. Jun went home. We went Bugis Street to get Melissa's bag and Ling's watch. Same thing, we shopped the whole entire Bugis Street. haha.
And, we went home at 5.
Chinese Oral Tmr, Arrgh !
I hate orals. = ="
I would rather dream or imagine. As dreams and imginations dont happen in reality.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Sunday Times.
Watching tv nia.
Doing nothing.
Oh yea, my journal is not completed yet. haha.
I miss Mook. ):
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Mook went home today. )):
Morning, bought the 1.5litres of water like that they asked us to bring. It was 7plus by then, but we walked there. Junie saw us and called us. 2 minutes to reach he busstop or pumping at HQ ltr on ! CHIONG AR ! haha, the 3 of us ran to the opposite busstop. Lucky, haha.
NDP selection, we bought our guides polo tee ! My mind's not functioning properly. Not enough sleep, plus I had a really bad muscle-ache. Even my butt hurts like hell ! I HATE BEING IN THE FRONT ROW ! Why am I always in the front row ?! I dont wanna be in the front row ! Esp the kekanan-rurus. My hand hurt like hell luh, arrgh ! I nearly fall when I turned too.
At last ! 11.05, we're dismissed ! woohoooo ! Briefing and we went to the toilet. Adjusted ourselves and headed back school. One hour journey, I nearly fall asleep. It was raining lion and tigers at that time and we witnessed floods at Peyar Lebar and Broadrick there. WHOA, really flood sia ! Lols. Ling went for concert. Jiayou !
The rest went Leisure Park. Had fun time at Kong Hwa busstop before that. haha ! Ate ri ben cun at leisure park. Jialing was working there, we said HI ! and went in. haha. We came out with an expensive bill. ._. The GST's fault luh ! 5 bucks gst. .___. I paid for my food, 4plus 5 bucks.
Went bugis with Melissa after that. Didnt do for the cheers. lols !
We went shopping around the whole entire bugis street from 1st lvl to 3rd lvl and I seriously eyes many stuff ! Argh ! Went toilet to make my hair first. Took down my fringe to cover my pimples ! We saw many people along the way ! Like, some brd china girls, xuanyin and so on. We saw Junie. Our shirts are tucked out. Oops ! :x Lastly, I bought my watch with Melissa ! haha.
And we went home. ._.
Im 100% pissed now. Im being accused !
Ohh, wtf.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Mook, Pim, Muey, Rout, Ski and Liyana. FAREWELL and have a safe trip home tomorrow !I will miss all of you and the fun we had ! :D 
Moot, my buddy !
She's really a sensible girl, even my parents said so. haha. Glad that she had found her bag, If not, I really dont know how fierce her mum will scold her. :x Anyway, bye ! (:

Pim, Melissa's buddy !
A cute girl, though I found out recently that she's a nice girl afterall ! haha, Thanks for the warm hug ! (:

Muey, Ling's buddy !
A cute and pretty girl and almost all the guys thinks that she's hot ! haha. Anyway, take care always ! :D

Rout, Ling's home-stay buddy !
A cute chubby boy, with a cute belly. haha, oops ! :x Anyway, take care of your asthma too okay ? haha.

Ski, chi's buddy !
A pretty girl that likes tickling others ! haha, Ling has been her victim since ytd. haha. Bye ski ! I'll remember you always (:

Liyana, Jun's buddy !
Quiet but nice girl. haha, Bye liyana ! I'll remember you always ! haha.
Oh yea, thanks for teaching us thai languages ! haha, we've really learn a lot from you ! :DD Bye ! and do remember us exp your buddies ! haha. x33
ThursdayForgot what happened in school.
What I remembered was after school. haha. We got to bring all our buddies to Bedok stadium, for sports heat. We missed the first bus and saw a lot of broadricians waiting outside the office. So we had a plan. When the next bus comes, CHIONGGGG ! haha ! In the end, really sia ! Haha ! Quite squeezy in the bus, Melissa, Ling and I were like tourist guide, asking the thai students to check if they got 55cents for ltr's bus fare. Bedok stadium, we stationed DPPGs' thai buddies at one corner with our bags and chi entertaining Mook. haha. Briefing for the race and so on. 100m, we're all so panicked and nervous. ran in fourth. Hmm. :/ Drank water and went for the 200m race. I ran in 2nd this time, WOW !
We walked out of the stadium once our events are over. Smth happened, I dont wanna talk about it anymore. Waited for bus 2, al our thai friends are super hungry, but they lied that they're not. Rout was the one who nodded his head and the rest hit him. lol ! Lucky I had orange cracker in my bag. I told them its Singapore snack when it's written in Thai. T.T GOSH, so paiseh ! Everyone esp rout was snatching for the cracker and within a minute, that packet of crackers had disappeared. haha ! A long journey to my house, it was raining heavily at that time. No one had umbrella except Ling and I. Gave our umbrella to the 6 students, 3 in one umbrella and lend them ou "smelly" blouse. lol ! The rest of us were totally drench ! haha. The feeling was shiok actually. (: Depositd all their bags in my house, lend them all my shirts and off we go, to bugis !
We went Food Junction for dinner. Ordered Lor Mee with Jun and Liyana. While Mook ordere Mee Fen soup. Liyana and Meiye had a headache and didnt really finish their food. Went A&BC to buy their gifts. DPPGs were busy finding presents for them, they got so suspicious and they did the same thing. lol ! Trying to find out what they bought for us, we kept trying to run into the store but was always stopped by Ski, Liyana and Meiye. haha ! We played chakaji ! haha ! It means tickling in thai. (: We tickled here and there luh ! Melissa ran into A&BC screaming if Im not wrong and the sales assitand scolded her and she replied : f you, fat bitch. .___________________. We're really totally insane that night can ! haha ! Ticling one another can really bring much fun. (: Waited for Chi's dad to fetch us to my place, we walked here and there. lol, but its fun ! haha. Reached home at 9plus 10, took their things and went off. Halfway, Mook found out that her bag was gone ! ._. Panicked, they stayed back to search but failed. ALl went off, and I continued finding. Mook sobbed. Aww. ): I nearly cried too. My mum then called sbs transit. IT IS ! We're found it ! she left it in the bus. ._. haha, thank goodness can ! haha.
Slept at 11 plus 12 with Mook at the living room, more cooling. (:
FridayWoke up at 5.45, prepared and so on.
Raining, my dad went to fetch Jun too. She gave me that China MILK ! yay, thanks ! haha. YenZHi was asking from me for the milk, so I gave her half. So on,and so for. Went to the theatrette for the farewell party. Clapping aloud for our buddies when they recieved their certificates. haha, we went to the canteen for food. Did the cards and gave them the souveniors we got for them. Hope they like it. :D
12.30, the thai students went for excursion. Stayed back for guides. Talk with ling and Melissa. THey went counsiller meeting and I talked with Kelly for a while, and calista for a while. Sec4 today was onl Basirah and Aneza. Peifen was in charge, she scared me a few times luh, argh. haha. Captain's ball. With charlene and Annabell and Grace ( the 2n1 de, not the other one ), our team won ! yay ! haha. Break time, Ling and Melissa camt back. Continued Captain's ball. Went over and talked to karyi bout some stuff. hais. karyi went home, I went back and continued. Cheers next and briefing from Junie for the NDP. The thai students were already there waiting for us, haha. Walked halfway to the busstop, al of us stopped and took photos as the so called farewell time. A big hug from me to you and we parted. Kind of miss them actually. (: I wont forget ytd's chakaji ! ((:
Bus 33 back with Mook.
Ytd like that, today also like that.
F you luh.
When can you stop making me feel so terrible ?
你以为心痛的感觉很好受吗 ?!
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Morning, I was in a daze. Told Siying and Chi I wanna cryyy. ._____.
Went to the toilet to adjust myself and Siying told me her story.
P.E, we did short put. One round around the field for warm ups, the field was super muddy. The short put ball was damn bloody heavy. Bout 2kg like that. Threw 3 times, our arms hurt.
Maths was boring. I got 0 for the chapter 3 assignment paper. ._______.
Recess and Assembly. Rmb the one guy and 2 girls on stage introducing thailnd culture ? Mook was one of them ! :DD She spoke super fast and fluent in her English luh. Nice one !
Mrs Lee didnt come for Geography. Mook was translating our names in Thai. wahaha. We're chatting away tgt with Mook and making a lot of noise. haha. MT and Science. Had science test. We gotta put all the Thai students in the library. Well, I hope I score well ! ):
DISMISSED, we didnt tag along with them to Sentosa as it will be very late. So DPPGs went Plaza Sing instead. Bought the chicken. Asked the Uncle to give us more powder, lesser chilli and no sour powder, the Uncle gace less powder, more chilli and no sour powder. = =! Hurry up buy our bubble tea as it was far too spicy. Chocolate ice blended got a bitter taste. T.T OMG, whats my lunch ?! I spotted a lot of things that I wanna buy ! Ahhhhh ! Miss Whatever and GIRLS, we really feel like buying everything there. ._. Trying to look for DPPGs thing, we went all kinds of shop. Thought of buying the necklace with our carved names, but in the end, we didnt. Went to the toilet, Jun gave a sudden scream. Something happened to her and Melissa was like, Bless Jun with slower flow or smth like that. Lofl. Took pictures as Melissa requested and we went home. [:
I wish you're better.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Oh, what a day today. ._.
The thai students came late today as 13 of them had been trapped in the hotel lift for 30minutes. .____. Er, okay.
MT was first. English was second. Went to the library. Melissa was pissed off with Xue Ting for slapping her and Gao Feng Feng. Went to the library for English. Did the 2 friends in 2ea tinggy. Then went for recess.
After recess was literature. Whatever notes we copied, Mook really copied all down. Hardworking girl. haha. Maths was next. A new chapter. Damn this topic, I could understand 0% of it. Ms Pua just teach and teach and we're like, so blur. She blowed up again when she explains again for us to listen. ._. Mook was tryng to snap a picture of me and I manage to run away from the camera. wahaha. paiseh :x
PW was next. Mr Lau hadnt come and Ling, Jun, Melissa and me were chatting away. We're like, chatting so loud loud loud ? Lols. The floor was slippery as the thai students played with powder just now. o_o PW, a lot of them were asking Mook to translate English words to thai. Oh, man. haha. Got her msn, yay ! Dismissed !
Finding Mrs Ang Yiling, but she wasnt there luh. So we went for lunch. SOmething happened perhaps. :/ Nvm. XuanYin came to kajiao us. haha, he was asking us to help him again for his next selling thing. He told us if we help, he will repay us. Haha, thanks ar.
SPA treatment at chemistry lab after that. Quite okay, except I nearly got heat stroke in the lab with so dim fan and fire. ._. I nearly thought my wire gauze was going to catch fire. Lols. Tested for starch and glucose. I've got one step wronged. Oops. :x After that, we went Chi's house to visit her mum, hoping her ear could get better. Jun's mouth was really accrate. She was talking about rain and the rain comes. Argh, haha. Ice cream feast in chi's room. Her bed was being taken by JiaLing, her new renter in brd. o.o We're talking about some stuffs and Melissa was laughing until everyone laughed along. Lofl. Everyone was trying to persuade Ling. Hmm. :/
The rain was heavier. We went home.
Took bus 7 with Jun. It was quiet, our music was blasting and we're emo-ing. o.0 No luh, kidding. Lols. Jun gotta walk under the heavy rain. Oh, no.
Reached home, my whole shoe was drenched.
告诉我,我该怎么样才能忘掉那不堪的过去 ? 我的心已经空了,凉了,也没感觉了. x/3
Monday, April 07, 2008
Moot, my Thai partner ! :DD
HIIII ! hahaha.
She's quite a hardworking girl though. ._. Same age, fourteen ! And she knows Thai, Chinese and English. wow ! Having her was quite a pleasure ! Enjoy your stay here ! :D
First 2 periods were introduction and pairing up. My partner was actually not moot. lols. But cos my partner wasnt there, I was paired with Moot ! Haha. Ling and Chi's partner was very pretty. Haha. Gabriel wanted to change partner with me. Argh, no way man ! Normal lessons and so on. Was soooo pissed off during recess. People pangseh-ed their partner and Siying, Ashley, Chi and I gotta take cae 10 of them. Wthellllll. Okay, nvm. Then those thai people dilly dally. Only Moot was beside me. The rest was far behind taking their own sweet time. Toilet also. We've waited freaky long for them. Walked to the canteen, there's this girl finding her Thai Tcher. Ask her where is her tcher, she gave me this buay song face. GO office find her tcher, took so long for an answer. In the end, they ask us go canteen eat first. Reached canteen, the bell rang. ._. WHAT THE HELL. Lucky I bought my food on time and finish eating. If not, I will really scream t them man Argh.
Okay, after recess was MT. The thai students went to the computer lab while we were in the class for MT lessons. Home econs, our test was really freaking hard even though I've studied a bit. -.- Science and Music. A strong smelly feet smell was all around the back of the class. Me, Ling and Jun ran forward to sit. At least the front smell much nicer. lols
After school, Chi and I went Melissa's house. Didnt tag along for the Bird Park and Mustafa excursion. After Melissa's bathing, we went Bugis. 2.70 bucks treat from Chi, thanks ! Ate Fillet student meal. Then, we went bugis street to search for our things. Melissa bought her cardigan which is like, so long ! I was laughing when she wore it. ._. It covers her shorts and it looks as if she's not wearing any shorts. ._____. At last, bought my ideal piglet phone pouch at 8.90. Argh, xin tong sia. Lols, but nvm ! wahaha. I've been eyeing for that for a long time. (: Went MRT station to top up Melissa's card and walked to Stamford's busstop. Many stamfordians. Lols.
Walked home alone, listening to music.
Its been around a month since we talked a single word. Though my reply was cold, I was happy to see you talk to me again alright. I was happy for just a moment, until you went to talk to her. Nevermind then. I know it just some kind of "sui bian jiang ji ju" stuff.
Sunday, April 06, 2008
A boring and warm Sunday today.
Cant imagine I switched on two fans and Im still feeling so warm. Lols.
Not yet do my homework.
I've got Mix & Match, Compo and Home Ecns to study.
& Im still watching my tudou.
Tmr, the Thailand Brownies are coming ! :DD
I hope I can pair with a cute cute one. :x
Saturday, April 05, 2008
HAPPY SWEETSWEET FOUR BIRTHDAHY YANG YANG ! :DD Its ling's brother's big day today ! Okay, it's gonna be a long post. :DIt wasnt NDP selection today, its next Saturday. Today was just a try out to let us know how tough is it. Meet Ling and Melissa at 7.eleven. Melissa's eyes were so puffy red luh ! Omg. Walked over to opp Kong Hwa busstop and met the rest. It was 7plus and Junie still did not come. She overslept. Lol ! Our imagination went wild luh, thinking that it was some kind of test and we nearly wanna go there ourself. -.-" Lucky, Junie came ! Yay ! Jannah nearly could not come because of her mum. But she came in the end. :D Adjusted our socks, tuck our shirts in and clipped our hair in the bus. We were all looking so toot luh. Hahaha. Our socks were at least 4 finger above the ankle.Reached guides HQ. The alsergolf [wrong spelling] was indeed really really fierce man ! We started our so called selection. 2 NCC were our commander and trainer for the day. Quite friendly, like to praise us with awsome and outstanding. haha. One of the commander still say : Make more mistakes, practise more. Lol ? Melissa and Jannah could not go into the squat due to their heights. ): Nvm, come next week and watch us, mybe you can get a chance ! Ling NEARLY could not make it too. But yay ! She could ! :D The training was super stressful as we thought today was the selection and because I'M AT THE FRONT ROW. = =" Omg. SOme paiseh thing happened to me in the squat OMG. I hope it wont get affected with the selection. Their hentak was super fast like hell. Those people who turned pale and falled out ain't selected too. Hais. After that, we went HQ to wait for Junie. Some bought drinks and we sat in a circle around the big trefoil. haha. Our topics for today was the 2girls. LOLS. Waited for Junie for quite long, Charlene, Annabell and Theresa went off first. Junie came, we went Marina. Untucked our shirts, unclipped our hair and adjust our socks to our normal length. hahaha. A long trip to Marina, we crapped. About the 2 girls and J&W's rumours. Junie was like, = =" and we were like LMAO. I think our voice were the loudest in the bus. Esp Peifen, all of us were laughing because of her. SHe was targetting Junie but ended up, everyone else targetted her. Lofl. Long John Silver for lunch. Peifen was putting ice on melissa's chair when we've finished eating and playing a fool there. Junie caught her and she gotta clean it up. All of us laughed till tummyache and our face turn red luh ! People looking at us but who cares. haha. Walk walk around Marina Sq. Then, went Macs for Mc FLurry. Chatted. Junie looked so sleepy. hahaha. Send Ling off to the MRt and went back COnvection hall. Junie realised she get to know Peifen more now and wanted to sabo her. She wanted to change name with me. No way, Peifen this name is too risky to use. HAHA ! Junie went off. Bus 133 and alighted at opp Hong Wen. Waited with Peifen and Melissa for bus 197. It came freaking long after luh, and we've already finished chatting a few topics. Haha.
Next week is the actual selection. Oh, gosh.
Friday, April 04, 2008
Its annual speech day today.
To you : Guys are not worth girls tears. So dont cry okay ? Its no use crying and waiting and crying and waiting. Its really 0% worth it. Dont think about it. Okayokay ?
To you : Dont cry luh. Im waiting for you to tell me why you cry ar. ):
To you : You stabbed on my recovery wound again and again. I wish you can just F off. Everything you said was just a piece of shit. A shit that I mistook it as a treasure. No, not anymore is my eyes gonna swell again. I wish you good luck and have a happy ending. Bye.
What a nice speech day today.
No mood to post. Shall post next time.
Thursday, April 03, 2008
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHAN SHAN ! :DD 16 birthday bash for her during Science lesson. hahaha.My tummy was upset in the morning. Didnt went for my usual morning walk. :x Geo periods must really be attentive. So many stuff to learn for Mid year luh ! Paper making during science. Grabbing those soggy newspapers and spreading them. DPPGs plus WeiCheng and Yu Hang were in a group. Can say that we had a "vulgarities" talk too. Haha. Teaching one another Hokkien, Chinese, English and Japanese vulgars. ._. I did nothing but laugh ot loud man ! Lofl.
After recess was PC. Mdm Lim didnt come for PC lessons. Chit chatting with Ling, Jun & Chi. Compo test during MT, we're concentrating. But I think my essay will fail. :x WAR, Jun vs Gabriel while waiting for Mdm Lim to arrive for English lessons. I was laughing my ass off when they fought. HAHAHA ! Tcher wanna us to take part in at least TWO events for Sports day. :x Ling, Jun, Melissa & I choosed 100m + 200m short distance. Ling added a 400m + 800m from Mdm Lim. wahaha. COmprehension time.
After school, waited for Mrs Chua aka Ms Ang Yiling. o.o About the thailand exchange programme thing.DPPGs plus Feng Ling are going to buy soveniers for those Thailand students on Tuesday. :DD
Down for NDP training by Weiwen. Seriously, I dont march well on smooth surfaces, esp hentak time. :x Ate cup noodles and went to the field to watch the 3 legged race tinggy with Melissa and Chi. Melissa still had another purpose which is.. HAHAHA ! Went to the library and went home.
Blasting music on stormy weather is better than getting shocked by the sudden thunder. ((:
What is the meaning of letting go ?
It means, starting afresh.
But its easy said than done eh ? :/
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
P.E today was a miracle ! hohoho ! Basketball and the another game for today's P.E lessons. At least, it was much much much more fun than just running. :DD
Maths, Ms Pua gave us a lecture when we're late for her lesson. She took our recess time to explain one whole list of workings. After that, I found out from Chi that the problem sum only needs 2 working to get it done. -.- !
A fasting time for me & chi during recess. After assembly was Geography. Sitting beside Chew Ke Qin can really get you insane. A bookmark from Mike to Ke Qin plus a LOVE drawn on it, Ke Qin was so shocked and he accused me. -.- Our new reservior was located in Marina Barage, I answered it as Marina Bay. LOFLLL, Ke Qin mocked me ! D: MT, ling & I were wasting liquid fluid. We cut the whole tube of liquid & played with it using pencil lead. Ling's textbook was filled with liquid, HAHAHA ! Nice one. xD Science, Protons, Neutrons & Electrons. Another nonsense time with Chew Ke Qin. He was making Jun on fire, insulting her. Gosh.
After school, a quick lunch and we're off for the briefing on the China Trip. Spenting our time there doing nothing and we're not allowed to leave. Until 3 plus, then we're able to leave. Rush for guides, we witness PeiFen, Jade and Charlene doing pumpings. Trainings and break time. Melissa showed Weiwen who the guy was. Fox sweets from Weiwen to the whole squat, THANKYOU ! haha. Me, Ling & Melissa took orange unknowingly. HAHA, this is also known as YUAN FEN ! :D Time for combine parade. Was standing beside Peifen at the first row. We sat on the freaky hot ground while waiting for the people to do the reformation tinggy. Our butt was nearly cooked ! PeiFen was tickling me, argh. hahaha ! Its not poke, its not tickle, its TOOT ! LOFLLLL. Briefing after the parade. Yay, my hair dont needa a hair net. :D 4 missed calls from my mum, so scary. :x Training for a while to choose the tinggy, then we're dismissed. NDP ppl stayed back for more briefing, Me & Ling were worried about the selection. ): Oh yea, we're startled when we found Grace missing without her bag. We dropped our bags at the bench & went to look for her. The gate was closing soon. In the end, she was at the toilet. Lol ! Bus 33 home at 7plus.
I wanna tell you, but I cant. Oh, tell me what to do. x/3
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Er, okay.
Nothing changed actually.
Just the fonts and the words. heh. :x
Relink me please ! :D
hahaha ! In the morning, we're thinking of how to fool people with our april fool's trick. Insane girls, all of us thought of something outside the box. hahaha !
A new indonesian girl, Theresa. WELCOME !! :D
Letter writing test during MT.
English, we went to the library for our literature skit.
Recess & back to the library.
Continued the skit, DPPGs were the first after recess. We've got our scripts messed up, but overall was a good one eh ? HAHAHA ! :D Watched the other group's skit. Was laughing our ass off luh ! We all went HAHA, HOHO, HEHE ! Lofl. Maths, learn new things. Cos of the new girl, there's not enough seat. So Mdm Lim made Ke Qin gave his seat to Theresa & he came over to Gabriel's seat cos Gabriel didnt come today. Idiot Ke Qin, he popped the popper DIRECTLY AT MY EAR luh ! wthelllll ! I was startled & I screamd at him. *.* Nonsence with Chew Ke Qin, Ling & Jun. He was fooling everyone as it's april fools. LOLS.
Lunch with Jun after school. A packet of fries + green tea.
Then, went home.
To whatever :
You come anyhow ask me, then you go anyhow tell other people. What's wrong with you ? Dont think you bigger than me then scared of you. You go ask other people for what shit ? You asked the wrong people somemore. Wtf can ?! What is it got to do with you to anyhow ask people if they know me cos I say I know them ? Since when I said I know him ? & please mind your own business ! At first, why the heck must you add me when i dont even know the single thing about you ? Dont give me innocent words like you dont know a thing.
To whateverwhatever :
HELLO, YOU FEEL HIGH IS NONE OF MY BUSINESS OKAY ?! Why must I tell you everything like what time I g school and such ? None of your business. & you wanna know anything about p, GO ASK YOUR ***, why come ask me ?!?! F off.
Bahh, I felt harassed. ):