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Monday, March 31, 2008

I wonde if today's a good or bad day. :/
Hais Hais Hais.
Been hating sec2 lately, dont know why.
I miss being a sec 1 girl. ):

Today, Chi didnt come to school again ! D:
Silent reading, Siying was making me laugh like insane girl. LMAO.
Maths period, we learn new stuff. Quit blur at first but after a while, okay liao. Then, English. Gabriel was asked to read the compre essay. Oh yea, was giggling hard luh. Then he sabo me, powerpoint me. Argh. Then some hilarious things happened and I was laughing and laughing. -.-
Recess, ate with Angel & yenZhi
Mother TOngue, a short talk with Ling & melissa, about the "smart" thing. LOL ! Then Home Econs. Judging on the look of Mrs Loh, some of them thought of something that was out of the mind. LOFLL.
Science, we went to the lab. Played with atoms models. We had a "horny" talk when we finished our assignment. Thanks to WeiCheng & Gabriel, Melissa, XinYuan & I laughed out loud.
Music, Keyboard lesson ! :D woohooooo ! hahaha !

After school, went Eunos for sushi. Something happened & Melissa broke down. ): After our sushi, I happened to block the door & a KC girl wanted to go out. So I shift myself to one corner HALFWAY, she gave me a near to shouing tone : EXUSE ME. Me & Ling was like, what the hell ?! Then Chi shouted HAO LIAN across due to some reasons. LOLS. Loud de loh. Thn we went to a shop to look for presents. That KC girl & another plum one came & shout at chi, asking her why shout "cao ah lian" at them. Hello ?! Since when we shout at you ?! If Chi is kp, then you should be KB. Never see chi on the phone ar ? Think you not happy then can anyhow scold ar ? Wthelll. Then when the two girls went speechless, they just shouted "dont KP" and walked away. Then Chi complain to us. Wanted to find them, but they not there liao. Walau, anyhow scold my friend. ): Chi was on FIRE. She was scolding and scolding. lols ! Acc-ed her to parkway to meet Melissa. Had a long talk with her. (: Halfway, we're approached by this girl asking us to buy their thing for the competition tinggy. Me & chi bought two sweets for 2bucks. O.O Then the XuanYin approached us. He also selling. ._. He kept insisting me on calling all my friends including Kelly & Karyi they all. SO I just send one msg. Lol ! Then we walk away. Went back to the bridge there to meet Melissa. Xuan Yin approached us again. haha, he was asking me to buy. Helped Karyi buy one star. Melissa came. Saw Mdm Swee, we asked him go sell her. In the end, really sia ! LOFL. Mdm swee bought 5bucks. WHoa. Okay, Kelly, Karyi and Weiting came ! Then walked to the busstop. Board the bus with Aneza ! :D Chatted about the NDP thing. :x So scary.
Reached home at around 5.30.

I wanna be a designer ! :DD
& Im gonna learn more about photoshop. :x

I really miss 2007.
Dont know why. Out of a sudden.

5:53 PM

Sunday, March 30, 2008


Went to sit at the S'pore Flyers, the ferris wheel !
Reached the place at around 5. Went to buy tickets. My dad seems to be in a good spirit today. haha. He was laughing and smiling. & yeah. the place was indeed unique, like a jungle !! haha. Upload the photos tmr. Today lazy. Hmm. Up on the ferris wheel for around 35 minutes. Seriously, I wanna sit again ! Lols. Photo taking when we're going up and chit chatting session when we're going down.

Then, went Marina Sq for dinner. Its my mum's bday, so she's the biggest. LOLS. She wanna go Thai Express. So we went. Was soooo famished that I ended up having gastric pain. Okay. I seriously dont know how to eat Thai Food. :x One try per dish & I didnt wanna have the second try. LOLS. Staring at them eat while gulping down water instead of food. Everyone then realise I didnt know how to eat Thai Food. -.- They brought me to Madien Jeans Coffee cafe for sandwiches & hot chocolate. LOLS. I was eatin happily while everyone was bloated. Waited for freaking long time while my dad, brother & sister went to buy my brother's camera. Melissa kept me accompanied for the time. haha ! (:
Reached home at around 9. :/

9:19 PM

Saturday, March 29, 2008

This is my character. My attitude. And my behaviour.
Its none of your business.
Too late for regretting. (:
& I'll prove you wrong.

Hate it. Internet stopped working at the wrong time.
I got to reload my whole show.

10:43 PM

Argh, Im so bored.
But, I got new show to watch le ! :DD
So not very bored liao.

Pictures, Pictures !

Our newly invented drink.
Chi & I.
[An outdated photo ]

Brd's royal fish. :D The statue will look perfect if there's watr splurting out from its mouth. :/
Btw, i wonder who took the photo, cos I dont rmb taking it ? o.o

Our prints. Ling, Feng Ling & I. :D

Done ! End ! Bye !

7:38 PM

YAY ! I've collected my passport ! :D
Its due in 5 years time instead of 10. :/
Nvm, I've got my passport, YAY ! I can go china now ! :DD

Tmr's my mum's bday.
She still bluff me say not her bday. hahaha.
Going on the S'pore Flyers ! :DD

Okay, time for my show.

12:30 PM

Friday, March 28, 2008

3 periods in the computer lab, surfing the net and blah.
Played rewujie w/h sound with Pauline. She always win me one. Hais.
Recess then CME.
Took out our animal ears and played with them. Everyone was looking at us & our ears when Melissa laughed. LOLS.
Literature, we wrote about our dream. I didnt even know what dream I had. :/ So I just anyhow anyhow. haha.

Dismissed, Ling, Jun, Melissa & I went hawker for our longan drink. Maybe the aunty there overheard our conversation about the ice & she was explaining to us. LOLS. Back to school, I ate seaweed while others ate cup noodles/wonton noodles. I was full already. Calista then pull me to find Kelly and Karyi. The rest went for counsiller. Found them at the office outside. Acc-ed Calista for her lunch. A small talk with her. Hmm, was thinking.. Up to the library with Kelly & Karyi. Read mgazines with Melissa. Then, something happened to the four of us. LOLS. We're super late for Guides, & we nearly got into pumpings. Oops ! :x Trained for a while. Was beside Karyi. :D Break time, chat chat with Karyi. Combined parade. Today was super duper long. My legs & arms were aching. Lol ! Practised for the march in and march forward tinggy. Then some briefing & stuff. Everyone went home except Ling, Melissa, Theresa, Charlene, Jannah & Me. Training from Junie & Weiwen for the NDP selection. We're dismissed at 7.30.
Thought my 6 missed calls were from my mum. End up, It as from Cheejie. LOLS.
Reached home at 8.
I'm scared of the dark. D:

When you fall for a person, dont just go with him/her.
You got to think if he/she suits you. (((:
I wanna cherish this moments, even if you didnt care anymore.
Cos it was my fault who made you not to care.

8:27 PM

YO ! :D
I'm currently at the computer lab.
Home econs, doing research & blah.
But I finished ! :DD
& I had one more hour to spent :/
Spent wisely ! hahaha.

ALright, since everyone's doing their own stuff while the rest are continueing the coursework tinggy, I shall come & do my own stuff too !

Had a strange dream last night. Really strange.
I dont know why I had that dream. :/
Its a two shows linked dream.
My "love through different times" and "just in SIngapore"

Okay luhh, nothing to do now, I shall go and KPO KPO other people. :/
Btw, Im online ebuddy now ! :DD

9:00 AM

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Ahhhhhh, choooooo ~!
I've been sneezing non stop today. My flu was getting worst.

Lessons per normal.
Ms Lock didnt come to school, we've got a free period off ! woohoo !
Did our theory and chatting at the same time with the same ppl. :D Damn those idiot guys, playing their 'so called' frisby and hit us. Wth.
PC, we planned for our class outing. Mdm Lim had a few choices. Sme of the made us burst out laughing.
1, ECP cycling & bbq.
2, Zoo
3, Pubs/ nigtclubs/ geylang [loflllll ]
4, Dinner @ restaurant/buffet
then blablabla (forgot le)
8, Find Mas Selamat [ Lofllllll ]
Of course, some were totally impossible. The class choosed ECP in the end. ._.
MT and English.

Dismissed, we rushed down to buy some snacks, but didnt eat them. Then, entered the theatrette for the too huff to puff tingy. Some talks. Ling & I were second hand smokers ! :DD We're breathing in smoke smell when my dad's smoking. ._. ALright, had station games time. Then, a 30minutes break, everyone was so hungry, we took out our snacks and went canteen to eat. Melissa was so high just now cos of some reasons. hahaha ! Then, we had hip hop lesson. THe moves are super duper hard ! Argh, but the person dance until like so easy like that. ._.
Then went home.

I could not wait for a chance to change my taste.
But when will it happen ?
Since I know, you're a changed person.
So I should too. (:

6:26 PM

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Ling ling was sick ! D:
She didnt come to school today. Take care girl !! :DD

Oh yea, today lessons were normal.
P.E, we ran 7 rounds around the field. OMG, somemore every round will have a mark on our hand, if not is cheating. Argh, bian tai. ._.
Maths, we pissed Ms Pua off again. ._.
then blablabla.
Geo lessons, MrsLee didnt come woo, YAY !! I wasnt feeling tht well too. :/ Had a strange sudden flu. I kept on sneezing. Ahhhh, choooooo ~ ! My nose was itching and blocked. Argh. Slept for a while. Suddenly feel very tired also.
Chinese then Science.
Then dismissed !

Sat at the notice board with Melissa, Liyi and Charlene while waiting to fall in. Had a humorous chat with them and Weiwen. haha ! Falled in, funny things happened. We had break. Told them bout that "person" . They knew who he was and began to say some stuff. LOFLLLL, I was laughing so hard luh ! Then we train and combined parade. I was standing beside Kelly and Melissa. woohooo, YAY !! :DDD March in, Kelly stepped onto my shoe ! Omg, I thought its gonna fly out. HAHAHA ! Lucky it didnt ! Asked Aneza for help, THANKYOU ! haha. Break, we sat in a circle and had humorous chat bout .. again with Aneza and Calista. haha ! I got a shock from Karyi. Thn Kelly got a shock from me. hahaha ! OMGGG. THen second combine, something happened and Melissa was giggling hard. I got influened and giggled too. ._. AHAHAHA !

Went toilet for hiding. We had our usual plan and we walk out of the gate.
Walk to the busstop with the others. Board the bus with Zoe. We sat tgt. Elyn & Doreen board one stop after us. We talk about ... & elyn was talking SOO loud when sh was just in front of us ! Oops ! ._.
Strolled home with all of them & byebye ! :DD

HOW FUN was marching ? LOFLLL ~

6:32 PM

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

穿越时空的爱恋 theme song !



Its an old song I know, but its meaningful and nice alright !! xD
Anyone that got the song, pls send me & I'll love you ! [as a friend]

6:37 PM

Chi didnt come school todayyy ! D:

Hmm, lessons were as boring as ever. Nearly slept.
Recess, I was alone. I wentto find SiYin & people. THen, to Angel & Yen ZHi. Then, I went to find Melissa.
Literature at the library was great ! :D
Maths, was as blur as ever. I want back Ms Han ! hurhur. Ms Pua was kinda pissed off with us I think, and she explained to us again in a near to shouting tone. :/

After school, training.
Something happened. Sisters quarelling. :/
I forgot commands and I kept turning wrongly. Argh. :x
Had break time, we 6 sat together for some reasons. Ling, Melissa, Theresa, WeiWen and Aneza. All of u burst out laughing due to some reasons too. hahaha ! OMGOMG. Train for a few more minutes and dismissed ! woohooo ! We went to the toilet. Taking safety precautions, we checked the surrounding and we ran out of the school. Not run luh, but brisk walk. hoho ! Walk to busstop with Ling and Weiwen, I was alone in my busstop. Aneza, Charlene, Ling and Weiwen tricked me ! So scaryy ! Melissa called me. She told me leave school le. I was like, OH SHIT ! But my bus came after that. (: SO HENG !!!
Bus 33 back home with Junjun.

5:00 PM

Monday, March 24, 2008

My maths test is a confirm fail paper AGAIN. D:

No mood to blog le.

3:43 PM

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Out with nanny.
Then came home.
Nthing much happened. :/

Finished some of my homework le. YAY !
Im left with chinese compo and my animal ears.
I hope we dont needa perform tmr ! :/

You really go and complain. Everything also complain.
Go on, go complain more. You wanna them to scold me what, then go on. I knew you like them to scold me. Cos you always sell newspapers to them.
I hate it alright.

4:22 PM

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Ling,Chi,Melissa & Yenzhi came to my house.

Before that, met Melissa at 10 at Lavender busstop. She acc-ed me to make my passport. :DD Love you ! It was crowded. Many things happened inside. I was so pissed off that I nearly cried. ._. Glad I had Melissa with me ! I got to make a new passport just because of that stupid photo. I didnt have cash with me, I needa walk to my mum's clinic to get her nets. Difficulties in managing the nets machine, we tried umpteen times just to get it approved. At last, we could ! Appying the application form, I needa parental signature as Im under 16. I got to walk over to let my mum sign. My phone's batt went flat. I used Melissa's phone umpteen times. :x

11.18, we finally finished everything. OMGOMG. Then, bought Mr Bean Ice cream and pancakes. Walk to my house. The weather was effing warm. Watched my youtube with Melissa while waiting for the rest. Went to fetch them at MRT. Some stuff happened. YenZhi came too. Then, we started discussing about the props. Really a lot of things to be done. Melissa ate lollipops and her wrappers were all over the floor. LOLS. Then at about 3plus 4, everyone went ecp excluding Ling. She went home.
Went for a bath & back to my youtube !

That time like that, now also like that. That time, I told you nokia shop need above 16 then can go repair phone yourself with i/c. Then you keep on insisting me to go myself. Kay fine. Then today. Say what if I dont go make my passport myself, I dont go Xi'an. So I went. BUT THEY NEED PARENTS SIGNATURE. Then you everything also do myself do myself. Even people dont even know where the hell is that place & so on, you also everything go myself. Even things that is under 16 also do myself do myself. What the heck can.

穿越时空的爱恋 x33

4:00 PM

Friday, March 21, 2008


I wonder why everyone's so worried when Im going China, Xi'an ?
:/ :/ :/
Im not wild, just hyper alright !
So dont worry. I know Xi'an is ulu ulu de. :DD

& Why must you complain to ***** in whatever I do ?
Like I failed my 2 subjects, ITS THE PAST ALRIGHT !

6:29 PM

Went Jun's house today.
Melissa, Yiling, Chi, YenZhi & I.

Met Melissa first. Then we walk to Golden Mile to meet Jun. Chit chatting all the way. Oh wow, her house was nice ! But old. ._. Fetched YenZhi, Ling & Chi. Went to Jun's house, we typed the scripts, think of songs & rehearsed. Lunch at her houese, we ate China Food. The vege was really nice. Me and Ling almost ate the whole plate & we drank 3 packets of China milk in total. Heh. :x THen, we all squeezed in her room & rehearsed a little. Then, we was finding something & someone. woooo. Nice one ! LMAO-ing al the way. Designing our DPPGs shirt, I design until so.. Plain. ._.

2.30, we went Bugis. Bought Mr Bean Ice cream. Walk to Bugis, we bought sushi ! heh, & we hid at the cinema corner to enjoy. THEN, we went to buy crispy chicken & pepsi. OMGOMG, I ate far tooo much today. Gosh. Wanted to go to the design T-shirt shop. Saw Kelly, Karyi and Margaret. We all stunned there, not moving. ._. Then we say HELLO ! haha. Haha, then Melissa said something & I laughed. :D Then we suddenly thought : WHat if the T-shirt shop close ? ._. So we U-turned & made our way home. Chi, Melissa & YenZhi went parkway's arcade.

&&, My mood was spoiled all because of you people.
Going to do my passport MYSELF, for the sake of going for the exchange programe.
& Your acting sucks alright. & STOP SCOLDING ME WHEN ITS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS !

Who wanna pei me go ? )':

5:08 PM

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Ass heige iie tee !

Plasters dont really come in handy with new shoes. ):
It came off & my blisters will still hurt again !

Alright. Today, a lot of funny funny things happened. Dont know why also. :/
Lessons are quite bored.
Mrs Lee & Mr Tan didnt come to school today. No Geo & Chinese, woohoooo !
Ms Lock treated us lollipops ! YAY ! She told us about her scar. Her atery was being cut & blood splirts out. OMGOMG, ewwww.

Dismissed, Ling & Melissa went fr the leader's meeting. Went toilet with Chi. Something really stupid happened, OMGOMGOMG. I needa eye wash, nose wash & BRAIN WASH ! Told some of them about it, everyone LMAO. ._. Was alone, finding Aneza to pass her the whistle & Basirah for the refreshments. CCJ gave me chewing gum, THANKYOU ! Calista acc-ed me. :DD Falled in, we marched marched marched. Combine parade was tiring. My blisters hurt like helllll. Break, Junie was telling some of us about the NDP tinggy. Melissa wasnt inside, me & ling wanted to ask Junie why & she called her name ! wahaha ! Ate my bun. I felt hungrier & wanted another one. LOLS. OHYEA, second parade rehearsal, I was parted from ling & Melissa & Theresa. But, I was beside Karyi ! :DDD The photographer was taking Kelly's photo. wahaha ! Eng Teng stepped on my shoes when we're doing a march in. OMG, I thought my shoe is gonna fly out. -.- Break, the 3 of uswent to collect bottle caps ! We collected many many ! hahaa ! Briefing & went home.

Walked to the busstop with Ling, Melissa & Weiwen. I thought I was the only one afraid. haha. She was indeed SCARYYYY alright ! Waited for my bus for so long & I reached home at 7.05. ((:

When you asked me that out of a sudden.
I didnt know how to reply on the spot.

8:17 PM

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Plasters comes in handy when you wear new shoes. ((:
Maths was postponed cos of some wrongs. WOOHOOOOO !
Assembly was nice today. Light bulb, prata, pump pipes, shower & planting ! hahaha !
Science, we played WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIR.
Me, Ling, Siying, Fiedya, Cipto, Nelson & Mike were in GOOFY.
Well, we lost. Our expressions changed when we had the 3 mark answer wronged. Ms Lock was trying to help us but Cipto kept saying the answer that its obviously wrong. LOLS. There, the jerk was laughing at us. HAHAHA, VERY FUNNY ISSIT ?! MF. Me & Ling were talking some other stuff. I was holding ling's hand & telling her : HOW I WISH YOU WERE MY BOYFRIEND ! Ling did the same thing too. ahaha !

DPPGs went Leisure park. We walked in the rain instead of opening our umbrellas. LMAO. Ate KFC, real deal meal. I was sittig at the corner, in a daze. Finished my both chicken when I realised the rest of then were stll eating their first piece. ._____. YAY ! Im the first one to finish ! :DD
Then, walk around & I went home.

I finally knew why.

5:19 PM

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Finished watching my Huang Hou Jin Gong.
People might think, why am I watching such shows ? o.0
wahaha ! Its niceee !

Today, nothing much.
Chinese was grrr ~! -.-
Maths was blur.
Okay, nothing much already. :/

Guides, we dismissed at 5.30 instead of 4.30 because of the combine rehearsal. A big gap in front of me & ling when we stopped marching. OMG, not our faultttt ~
Then, bus 33 home with Jun, Elyn & Nicholas Chan.

Random post ! ((:
I feel like watching "tou long zhuan feng" :/
Wahaha, they're all old old wu xia drama. ._____.

8:36 PM

Monday, March 17, 2008

I've got back my laptop, YAY !

Have been occupied myself with my oldold lovelove drama : HUANG HOU JING GONG. wahaha ! Addicted to the show already.

DPPGs outing :DD Before that, brought my laptop to techno park if Im not wrong. Its a freaking far 1 hr journey.
Went Chi's house. That neh neh, stop calling me pigu. *eeyer* She didnt wait for me at the busstop and didnt tell me -.-" Chi was finding audi boyfriend for me till she pek chek. haha, thanks anyway. Ling was playing with the PSP. We went to meet Melissa. Then, took bus down to Orchard, Cineleisure. I've got the time mixed up and we didnt get to watch Sky Of Love. )): We watched spiderwick instead. A very very gross show, but its nice ! hoho ! Was sitting beside Jun & ended up grabbing her whenever the scary part comes. LOLS. I die, you die, we die, byebye ! LMAOO. Then, we went Plaza Sing. My phone dropped on the way and it went #$%^&* ! Arrgh ! Bought my school shoes and my slippers. Then, took bus home while everyone took MRT.

Home the whole day watching my drama & eating non-stop. Love the show ! ((:

DPPGs homework day ! :DD
Bought push pops for all of them. Waited for so kuku-ly long for Ling and Chi. Listened to my songs and wandering about the busstop. We went KFC for lunch first. There's a party held there. Noisy, but all the children were cute ! haha ! We shifted ourselves to Macs. Was raining mouse and rats to cats and dogs. We started our homeworks. Really concentrating lehh. hahaha ! Melissa did her homework the day before and she went there to play with chi's PSP ! Lols. Done with our journal and Maths. We heck care with our ahgong treasure compo. Its not conpulsary anyway. Boo ! Then, we walked to the hawker and had our drinks. Went home one by one. My bus was either beside or behind Jun's bus. hahaha.

School started already. ):
Pulled myself up and drag myself to school. Everyone went to school to chiong on their last sentence for the homeworks. Feeling sleepy the whole day. My eyes kept on closing halfway. Zzzz ! Nothing much happened though. :/ A change of timetable, my P.E was changed to Wednesday & not tmr anymore. )): Went hawker for lunch after school. Yiling, Melissa, Chi, FengLing & YiXuan. Had some lame conversations & went home. ((:
&&Thanks Gerald Lim for the belated belated belated birthday present !

I shall finish my show by today !
Bye ! :DD

What will you feel if all you good friends treated you like shit when you treat them like angels ? :/

4:14 PM

Thursday, March 13, 2008

My brother taught me not to say the word bitch.
End up, he scolds BITCH to the female lead in the show.

Didnt do my homework today. D:
Maybe Saturday & Sunday ? When my laptop's going for a fix.
Then, I can concentrate. :D
Journal ? I shall read those articles on the newspaper. :/
Helped Kelly with her blogskin. :DDDDDDD

AWWWW, I scare when my laptop's bck, my photoshop & audition all GONE. ))))):
Im gonna miss my boyfriend, laptop !
Ohyea, forgot to introduce. MY BOYFRIEND !
He's loved my me since I got him. :DD
Though I made him injured & scar-ed him. & I made him drink green tea when he's not suppose to. )):
& He's going to the hp to repair on his injured wound tmr.
The part where the wire is burnt, CHAO TAAAAAA ~
I hope he wont have memory loss when he's bckk.

Gosh, Im making my laptop as my boyfriend. =.=

Alrightiiee, DPPs outing tmr !
SKY OF LOVE, yayyyyy ~
P.s Im broke sooooooon !

10:11 PM

I miss my 3thousands. D:
So sad. I even dreamt bout them last night.
): ): ):

Wont be using my laptop till further notice.
Sending it for repair tmr.
Hope they wont anyhow reformat my laptop.
I've got lots of impt things inside like my PHOTOSHOPP & AUDTITIONN
Hais. ):
I wish they will repair like, one hour then return me tmr ?
haah, impossible. I will die without computer man !

Not yet to touch my homeworks.
I've got:
Science theory
8 entries of journal [ I didnt even read newspapers ]
Maths assignment
Home Econs workbk
& literature props

They're all left untouched.
wahaha, sian.
Only left 4 days to complete it.
Holidays dont sound like holidays to me, arrgh !
Shall do them ltr.

Thanks father, for the 1GB memory card !

3:53 PM

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I regrettedddddddd ~
I want my message bckk ! I keep it for so long leh ! Dx


If its possible, I wanna you to msg me bck everything you used to msg me.
But, it'd alrdy become totally impossible.
We'd already become enemies perhaps ?

Make me a fool.

People used to tell me, GO FOR IT !
But now, people told me to FORGET IT !

11:56 PM

OMGOMG, the number of otah we ate ytd !
Wake up & leave my house for school usual.
Alighted at 7.eleven, I helped Melissa & Ling buy push pops !
See, I so good. xDD
Okay, theory as usual, but only aout burns.
We started revision, then lunch. Lunch today was nice too !
The 3 of us bought nuggets to class.
We started practising our CPR & bandaging. Then, we settled down to read through our notes. Listened to music & so on.
The tester came very late. Mr Kwan. 0.0
We did our MCQ test.
Then, practicall was in a messssss. I dont even understand wthell is he talking. End up, I gotta tie & retie the bandage on ling. -.-
CPR, the tester asked us if th dummies breath. Dummy ?! How to breath ?!
But in the end, I knew what he meant. We got to know our marks. Highest was 29, OMGOMG. Me & Ling got 26 while Melissa got 22. YAYY, all passed !!! Did the survey & evryone started to gather at our place. We send songs & bla. I HATE AARON. He used my phone to go into internet & REFUSE to give me bck. WTF you ! If my bill's gonna rise, Im gonna come find you man ! D<
Everyone passed the whole examination. woohoooooooo !
We're dismissed at 5 plus.

Gotta replenish my sleep, I'v been sleeping late & waking up very early man !

6:30 PM

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Out of a sudden, my mind were all filled with question marks.

Okay, pictures !

Head injuryyy.

I looked so uglyyyy.

Pictures of the days before.

The AhSiaos enjoying their push pops after training that Tuesday.

This is the boy Im referring that likes Emily. Haha.

I <3333>

Lets compare !



Notice the differences we changed over the months ? Lol. Seriously, I prefer my hair last time. T.T

9:04 PM

2nd day of First Aid Course.
Maybe tcher had enough of us ytd, he was quite fierce today and a bit lesser breaks tdy. :/
More theory than practical today.
Was sucking my push pop when listening to tcher teach. Melissa kept having bites from my push poppp. Haha, we're kinda distracted today. Didnt manage to concentrate today. Ling, Melissa & I were frightened by the pictures showed to us. Intestine come out & bla. EWWWW~!
Mee goreng for lunch, quite nice but very spicyyy. My face had gone red after eating. heh. We went to the toilet while waiting for time to pass. We saw Yiting, Serene, RuiShan, Shiru, Irene & Zoe. Indeed, they're ahsiaos ! They just played in the rain, all soaking wet. OMGGGG. Esp Serene. She was washing her shoe in the sinkk ? o.0 Ling, Melissa & I wanted to try too. Just one step onto the open area, WeiFan started screaming at us. =.=
Practical was fun ! Bandaging our head one by one, irritated & laughing cos of itchness & bla. We took a lot of photos today, wow ! Learn unconscious choking. Smth like CPR, but much more complicated. I tried, lucky I dont have to kiss the dummy today. :D I had quite a few wrongs. :/ Was nonsensing with the both of them & Calvin. Andrew cried twice today. ._____.
We're dismissed early today, about 5.
Me, Ling & Melissa went Hawker. We drank longan drink & otahh. We ate a lot of otah, esp me ! xDD Im addicted to otahhh. :O
Then, we went home.

Uploaded the pictures already, but lazy post. Maybe ltr bahh.
Test tmr, OMGOMGOMG. Wish me luck !

6:40 PM

Monday, March 10, 2008

At the start of the journey, everything's so purely innocent.
But now, the journey is halfway. Everything change so rapidly.
Esp after one incident occurs.
Problems, wepting, argues comes every now & then.
If this were to be a journey of a life, I rather I dont exist.

Cherish what you have now, before its too late.
I dont recognise you anymore. You're a stranger. Where's that girl that used to be my best companions ? Where're they ? & Who're you ?

10:31 PM

BooBooBoooo !
Just bck from First Aid course. :/
So tired luhhhh !

Before the course start, we 3 were talking to Huilin. She told me her experience for the first aid course. OMG, I nearly wanna pon man ! & Of course I didnt ! :DD Huilin told us we gotta touch our partner here & there when doing practical. Bian Tai !
So yeahh, the course started. The tcher isnt the Malay tcher Huilin's talking bout. HENG AR. haha ! I just realised, we had so many toilet & water breakk. About 5 in a day ? COOL MAN ! Lols.
Lunch was awsome ! Esp when we're so famished. Dont look down on this normal lookin fried rice. Its damn nice, YUM ! The 3 of us plus Jannah wanted another packet, but the guys took all the extras ! :O We chatted there. I found out smth. Hais. Talk to Huilin for a while & went bck classroom !
Practical time, we learn different kinds of bandaging. Ling tried on me, I kept giggling. LOL ! Practical on trying to save I choked person. Ling tried on me, I laugh & laugh. Its ticklishh ! Huilin was right, we gotta touch our partner's belly & chest ! OMGOMG. But we cheated, we didnt really touch. HENG. CPR on dummies, OUR FIRST KISSSS~!
Wait a minute, CPR isnt counted as KISSING ! I would rather give my kiss to others than a dummy luh ! Dx Btw, the dummy's a female one. Because of that, everyone's imagination went wild. LOFL. I blow so hard into the dummy mouth till I went red. Giddy ! CPR isnt great afteralll. The tcher was quite pissed offf. He was really mad as some of them were playing & shouting. O.0
We're dismissed, & I went home.

Im home alone currently.
Hais, so lonely. :/
I wish someone could talk to me. Dx

Imagine if your friend threw money that she borrowed from you at your face and calls you a beggar & a bitch. How could the feeling like ? :/

7:00 PM

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Back from Chi's BBQ.
So tired. :/ But fun ! :DD

Ling, Melissa, Chi & I.
We went to catch Water Horse before that.
At around 11plus, I made my way to Chi's house. My 197 broke down out of a sudden it reaches Sing Post there. Grrr~! Everyone was stunned, quiet. Im the only one in the bus talking aloud to Chi on the phone for help luh ! Haha, so dumb. :/ Asked chi to wait for me at the busstop where I took my bus home, she waited for me at the other side. LOLS.
Ling & Melissa were both busy applying makeups at Chi's house. Lol ! The outcome was really funny can ! LMAO. Both of them tried to catch me & chi to put makeups too. But we escaped ! :DD
Chi's dad send us to Leisure Park. Thanks ! Our show had started, we rushed. We just get to realise that the girl at the ticket counter was Jiaqi, Ben's ex. Melissa still go say so loud : That girl looks like Jiaqi lehh. LOL !
The show was really awsome ! 3 cheers man ! woohoooo !
I almost cried. ): We had our legs everywhere. There isnt anyone in front of us. But ! Ppl behind us knew our existence, they still had their leg everywhere, wanting us to smell it. -.-
After the show, KFC. Melissa ordered a zinger burger without BREAD. LOFL.
Down to parkway. We walked under the rain. Ling bought her cd & comics. Up to time zone. Melissa was waiting for the lower version of bball. The ppl in front was so long luh. They gave a buay song face to Mel, she gave them bck. LOLS. We played Mad Wave Motion Theatre. Was damn thrilling luh ! Haha ! Melissa was screaming & laughing at the same time. The vibration make her sound so wrong luh ! Everyone waiting was laughing at her including us ! I laughed until cry luh ! We saw Cheeie & Terrence. They laughed at Melissa tooo. Its been ages since I played BB. My skills looked so awful !
Went bck.

Emily & Jun came !
We're all in the room playing either audi or PSP. One of the baby so cute luh ! Not scare strangers at all. Haha. & he kinda like Emily. o.0 We went out for our BBQ food. Nice ! We're planning to watch horror movies at Chi's mom room. But, some of us didnt dare. So we didnt. Me & Emily were still hungry. Everyone went out for second round of food. haha. I x3 the orhtahh ! Nice ! Went bck room, continue playing. haha. Chi's mom was kinda drunk. ._____.
& We went home at around 9plus.

First aid course tmr. :/

Dearest insulter.

Imagine how 'polite' I am to write you a letter in such a polite way. (:
Just wanna tell you smth. Insulting others without your name is seriously bad for health, esp when you insult DPPGs. Tell us your name, I know you aint that brave to do that.
AWWWW, so disappointed.
Scare we slap you ? C'mon. Dare to commit, dare to bear with the consequences. Btw, we aint that scary at all. (:
Say my eyes are imperfect. Im sure yours aint that perfect tooo.
& others stuff about DPPGs, Im sure you should be worst.

Tell us your name, coward. We aint making friends with you !

This person's email add is phon****_sid**6@hotmail.com
Tell me if you know this email add, thanks !

Finished blogging @ 11.27.
Imgine how inconvenient for me to type when my keyboard had gone insane? )):

10:26 PM

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Imagine how bored am I ? Lols !

Btw, Im here to clarify one thing.
I dont care if you saw this post. Yes, Im talking bout you !
You come near to be, I nvm. I bear.
Then when I cant stand you asking me every week, I avoided.
But now you come anyhow add my friends.
What will be your next move ?
Add them on MSN & ask them the same thing you ask me ar ?!
That time you told me your friendster lag ask me add you instead.
Then how come when you add my friend, your friendster not lag ?
When you cant get me, you target my friends.
C'mon. Idc who are you related to him.
Dont ever do anything I tell you.

11:10 PM

Oh, holyholy !
Everything's bck to normal !
woohooooo !
After all the cryings & blamings, we're bck to normal, the past ! (((:
DPPGs, x3333333

7:41 PM

Yay !
My dad agrees to let me go Chi's BBQ !
I bargained until he let me go. OMG.
But I cant stay over.
I criedd again when I asked my dad to sign my report book.
He blames me for not buying assesment books when I asked him the last time. If not, he wouldnt have scolded me. I told him I asked him about that AFTER my common tests are over.
Then I say : So its the assesment book fault la ?
Dad : Arh !
Me : So if i got buy assesment books & I still fail you also wont scold me la ?
Dad : Arh !
Me : Then you tmr let me go then I go buy la !
Dad : Orh !
Me : Until at night.
Dad : What time ?
Me : Idk, Then you either come fetch me or I stayover la.
Dad : of course is I come fetch you la !
Me : Okay. *Runs bck room*


2:56 PM

Friday, March 07, 2008

People only know how to scold.
I got scolding once again, cos of my results.
Almost everyone in the family scolded me, just like what they did when my keyboard spoil.
My sis say she only scold for results if smth is really wrong.
Yes, Im dumb. Even blogging makes me dumb.
I got scoldings instead of comfort.
You all think I very happy that I fail meh ?

I cant go Chi's BBQ anymore. Count me out, & sorry !

My first time crying so much for my results.
I hate them.
& I hate my sec2 life.

I finally knew whats real stress.

10:06 PM


Crap. :/
I've got back my report card. I SERIOUSLY HATE MY MARKS MANNN !
Esp the two subject I flare. 1 mark to pass ! WTHHH.
Mdm still telll me they will normally round up the marks & let you pass but Im just so suay. ARGH !
Okay, my marks.
English : 49.4 (0.6 marks to pass ! )
Chinese : 64.0 (1 mark to B3 ! )
Maths : 49.0 (1 mark to pass ! )
Science : 75.0 ( A1, improve ! )
Geography : 78.0 ( A1, improve !)
Literature : 68.0 (2 marks to A2 !)
Home Econs : 76.0 ( A1, improve !)

After school, guides.
Ate cup noodles with Melissa. My mood was somehow affected because of my results. I hardly ate my noodles & I threw all in the bin. Everything in my mind was just the pathetic one mark tcher refuse to give me & let me pass. HAIS. ))):
Fall in,
I was questioning Kelly some stuff that came out of my mind. I was forcing for an answer. LOL !
We sec 2 did our biodata for our testworks. The sec1 went or training & the sec 4&5 watched us. Kelly took a lot of pictures of us. ARGH. So ugly luh ! DELETE !!
Went for footdrill. Sec 4&5 so lucky, no need train. ))): Was a bit pissed of cos of some stuff. Kelly took a lot of pictures of us training again. ARGH. So ugly! Me, Melissa & Charlene was threatening her. LOL ! We finished training. Took some pictures. Funny things happened ! haha. Then, we went bck for taps & went home. Home with Xin Hong, we crapped a lot. ((:

My mum was disappointed with my results. She gave me a face of wanting to get heart attack anytime. & still, she refuse to sign my paper. All I wanted was just some encouraging words from her for asking me to work harder next time. But, her reaction was like that. Alright then. Do you think Im happy when I see my asshole results ? I shouldnt let you see my results before hand. & I dont think they will let me go chi's bbq. Just wait for my dad's reaction.

7:25 PM

Thursday, March 06, 2008

An effing cold day today.

School per normal. Nonsence-ing with the same normal ppl. (((:
It was my own thinking, carving your hand is bad for health. :/

We went leisure park after school. Melissa, Chi & I.
Ling & Jun couldnt make it, they had their CCAs. 2 donuts & chocolate latte for lunch. At the same time, we crapped. It was all about her. :/
Catched Leap years after that. First time watching a movie in leisure park. Was quite nice. Leap Years was seriously fantastic ! Melissa was wepting aloud. LOLS. We both had our heads together. I almost cried. sobxsobx.
Then, we went home.
Reached home at 6plus.
Random post today !

My brother agreed to help me repair my keyboard if Im willing to go to church with him on saturday. ARGH ! Threaten sia ! ))):

Its better to love and lose than having none at all.

You asked me to bear with the changed you. You asked me to give you more time to change back to the hyper you. I know its hard to stop. Its uncontrollable. Those letter you wrote was written for him silently, will be useless when he dont even feel it at all. I knew you tried once & got the whole thing worsen. I know how you feel. I shall wait for the very moment you're back ! (((:

7:04 PM

Wednesday, March 05, 2008


School today as per normal.
Though Science tcher change, our lessons are still interesting. Haha.
Maths today was really boring. Great news, I failed my Maths again. Journal test this time round. This proves that Im stupid (:

Okay, after school, we went hydroponic farm. 1.40pm.
We're so called kinda late. Tchers didnt let us have our lunch first. )):
DPPGs manage to sit the last row.wahaha ! Everyone emo-ed.
I fallled asleep in the bus. Everyone was asleep excluding chi and melissa. lols. They're laughing away. lol. Was really tired. & I think my image was destroyed ))):

Reach there, we toured. A lot of pictures taken there.
& Some are oh-so funny ! haha !

A tour on a rainy dayyy. How nice ! lols.

Those crops grown there.

& We realised, they grew CLOTHES there too ! LOFL.

Mike was curious & he planted a PEN on his head ! Haha !

Jun & her SIAN but smiley face. haha.

After the tour, we too our free plant & vege & we went back brd. Our back seat was snatched by those guys, ARGH. Sat seperately with the DPPG. )): Sat with DaHae & we chatted. (:
Then, DPPGs all went to the hawker to eat.

We found a snail on the way to the hawker. OMG.

Was really damn hungry ! We wanna eat everything tht was selling there ! Lols. We ordered damn lot of food. haha. Im broke ! OMGG. An aunty there was making our day scary. lols. She was staring at ling's food & I rmb-ed she was the one that likes to touch ppl with her hand that was from the plastic bag ! I freaked out & ran away. Lols, Melissa rmb-ed who was she too. Then, we went home.

The journey home seems slower than before.
& Your image always run into my mind out of a sudden.
Why ?

8:24 PM

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

All of you didnt know how I feel.
All of you just knew how to scream at me.
I was at a loss too when my keyboard spoiled. All of you only know how to scold cos it needs money for repairing. Moreover, its my laptop. It doesnt affect all of you.
I knew all of you will scream at me the moment I spilled smth on my keyboard. A earful from my brother ytd. I dont mind getting another one.

If all of you ain't willing to help me,
&If I cant repair my com myself cos Im under 16, i shall go get a spare keyboard for myself until im 16.
See, im planned for the worst. (:
Now, i shall bear with depending only my on screen keyboard.
anyone wanna sponsor me keyboard? lols.

Okay, school today was normal too.
My leg was wet cos of the run on the wet ground during PE. That Mr Tay somemore say its our fault that we didnt buy new shoes since there's hole in our shoe. -.- A class photo during english before we take down the decorations. We gotta squeezeeee ! Haha. The outcome was hilarious. Haha.

After school, footdrill training. Training was okay. Quite fun too ? o.0
We gotta let the sec1 see us train & they gotta show us back. Then, we spott mistakes. wahaha. Fun ! (((:
After training, some of us went Mcs. Yiting, Siru, Serene, XinHong, Melissa, Yiling & I. I dont wanna go home so early cos of my keyboard. :/ HAIS. We ate McFlurry. Chatted & so on. Chi came, but we're leaving soon. LOLS. Walk to the busstop with XinHong. We chatted about Primary School stuff and so on.

I hope miracles can happen now.
How i wish my keyboard was bck to normal.
I learn my lesson le luh. I will not feed my keyboard with green tea again. ):

6:48 PM

Monday, March 03, 2008

Wht the hellll.
I spilled smth on my laptop, then it went haywire out of a sudden ! Arrgh !

Now, some keys are not working. I gotta depend on my on screen keyboard to help me type. ARRGH. So ma fan. Who ask me, so careless. hais.
lucky this keyboard got a lot of facilities like touch screen. Talk with ppl on MSN via writing. So ma fan ! OMG.

I got scolded by my Brother just now. He screamed at me. lol.
I cried. D< Just now, really the whole keyboard not working. So scared just now can?! Omg. i thought my laptop liddat jiu die sia !

My mum didnt scold me, but ask me to pay my own repair fee. For my laptop'ss sake, im willing to! hais. Take it as a lesson for me bah. ):

Anyway, kelly acc-ed me throughout my time without. wahaha. thanks.
& chi too. haha. Xie le ! ((:

8:35 PM

I HATE MYSELF. ._______.

OWELL, I should have gone to a school for stupid pupils like me.
I flunk my English. Its my first time.
In fact, all local students passed their English except me.
See how dumb & how stupid am I?
I caught myself with sooooo many careless mistakes. Dumb me.
Fail english = Fail EVERYTHING = Its the end.
I should not be in 2EA. I dont think I deserve it. I failed 2 subjects. Maths and English. How am I gonna tell my parents ???
Mdm Lim !!! Give me my half mark ! Let me passss !
37 1/2 upon 40. I found 2 mistakes. I got 39 1/2 in the end.
Mdm Lim minus 5 marks in Chi's paper as her handwriting is too small.
._______. Like that also cannn.
Nvm, being sad is bad for health.

Well, at least my Geography cheered me up.
20/25. Highest was 22/25. Woo ! Its my first time in fact. Satisfied ! :DD

Down 10 pumpings each for all the girls during Literature.
Ms Lock was my senior ! She's from Stamford toooo. (:
Had a nice good and long talk with ling just now.
Felt so good now. (:

Anyone wants to give me tuition FOC ?
For english and Maths, I seriously need assesment books noww. D:

Thinking of how to forgive myself, and forget everything.
Never know, it was sucha hard thing.

3:37 PM

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Idk why, I suddenly feel so scared.
Suddenly felt that, everyone knows alrdy.
What the hellllllllll !
What if its true ?
How the hell am I going to deny it?
I regrettted everything !
A single word i've said, I regretted !
I wanna draw a line acrosss.
I dont want anything to happen alrdy.
Its the end of it, FULLSTOP , NO COMMA !

4:19 PM

Today is a Sunday.
Typical Sunday.
Its not even Sunny at all luh todayyy.
Its a rainy dayyyyyy. & I hope it last for the next 2 days (((:

Cos of this rain, I didnt manage to go ECP ytd.
But nvm. wahaha.

I heard that many people flunk their English.
What if I flunk also how?? ;xx
Plsplsplspls, I dont wanna fail my Englishhhhhh.

I wanna buy my photogenic life and Journey online !
FInish reading photogenic life de first 20chpt.
I needa buy the book before I can know the rest of the story !
Anyone wanna buy with me ?
I wanna watch movie !
Alotalotalot of movies ! March holidays, I wanna finish watching alll !

Stop asking me if Im free on Saturday !
It pissed me off, it irritates me !
Argh ! Its like, almost everyday you come and ask me.
NOOOOOOOO ! Im not free cans ! D<

Footdrill on Tuesday. Sian. :/

3:17 PM

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Legend of the water horse, The leap years & Sky of love
Im soooo eager to watch these 3 shows !
March holidays faster comeeee.

Btw, Im so in love with Milo ice-blended ! :DDD

10:20 PM

So yupps,
Me and Ling made a last minute decision of asking DPPGs outt.
Melissa cant, but Chi and Jun can.
Before that, Me and Ling went Tampines just to get Ling's GV card. Cheejie told us Tampines was near Parkway. LOLS, we took almost an hour of journey to Parkway, our butt glued on the seat and it almost rot. Lols. Both of our ears are stucked with our earpiece, listening to our own music and day dreaming & falling asleep.
We're suppose to meet Chi at one plus. We're late, and we net her at 2plus. Lols. We went Popular first, while Jun made her way to Parkway. OMGG, I was soooo in love with purple this few days. Save me, my pink doesnt like me anymore. ))): All the pink inks I've tried was ink-less. Ling tried and the ink came out. T_T Asked Chi to help me take my stuff for a while, she ended up calling me MDM ! OMGGG. Ling was wuMdm. haha. Chi wanted to be Maria, she dont wanna be Fatimah. HAHA, I was laughing my ass offff ! I just couldnt stand it. Chi kept asking me for her "payment". LOFL. We stayed at popular for quite sometime.
Went parkway, we bought Auntie Ann's pretzels. Sour Cream & Onion, yum ! I wanna try the chocolate one ! Jun came, all of us were munching our pretzels away. Ling bought her black shoe from Baka. Opps, its Bata. ((((: LMAO. We walked around Parkway, chatting along the way. I eyed one thing in 77th street. The cost was #^&#$^& . Went chameleon to buy my rubber band. I was freaking hungry, I kept huming into their ears that I WANNA EATTT. My leg was stepped thrice ! OUCHHH ! It hurts ! Lols.
We went Long John for our late lunch at 4plus. We bought the 20++ set. It contains 4fish, 4chicken, 8prawns, fries and one BOTTLE of F&N strawberry. The cost was quite okay, compared to other meals. We ate and crapped. All of us esp ling, was scaryyy.

Look at the number of chilli sauce packets we've eaten !wahaha !

Okay. After our meals, we decided to go lan. It was my first time going lan. OMGGG. Chi nearly lost the way. We've walked one whole round to the exit. LMAO. Inside the lan, the cashier was from Broadrick. LOLS. We saw a lot of Broadricians there. The 3of our main aim of coming lan was to try Audi's 8keys. Jun wanted to play o2jam. 8keys was super duper hard ! I lost the both of them for 8keys and db4, but I won them for chance. My sweaty hand was freezing cold ! We went pass some maid agency, Chi came and tell me this: Mdm, my friends are inside ! Everyone was bursting into laughter at Chi's big joke. OMGGGG.
Went to the busstop, board the bus and off we went, HOME(:
Was homed at 7++.
She suspected it was him. I hope it wasnt.

I promised myself, but I seemed to be breaking my own promise !

8:13 PM


It was a rainy day todayy. Hmm.
Was reading a story online. The photogenic life.
Read until chapter 13 liaoo. I wanna buy the book man.

What’s the use of projecting a photogenic image when the smile will be gone with the memory?

10:04 AM


Hello! My name is monster
I come from a place called MonsterLand

Speak out love ♥

Cbox Recommended.

The Great Escape.
