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Friday, February 29, 2008

Okay, what a fine day todayy.
When so many things happened. Hais.

Had Maths Journal Test. See luh, 5 marks gone. Somemore the mark was upon 10 ! ARRGGGGG. Si liaoo.
Project work, it was like hellll. Everything was picked on us. We're the bad example for the class, ain it true tcher? Lols. He was scolding the class with us as an example. We didnt want the skit, you scold. We do the skit, you scold us say its out of topic. We want the skit to be just show and no talk, you say again. We're asked to edit the powerpoint as it was to wordy. So, we edited. its our fault isn it? We're said that we added a lot of words that are too "chim". So we edited. But my the other groups have ssomething like Menthane, you didnt pick on them? Everyone was so pissed. Ohwell. I dont give a damn anymoree.
Literature, we went to the library. Did research and so on.
Recess, we found out that 2EA was being robbed ! WTHHHH who was the culprit?!?! Find them, they die man ! Some lost a few dollars to a few hundred. Angel and WeiCheng's phone was lost. Melissa's letter was lost too. Some of them broke down. Lucky mine and chi's valuables were always with us. Ling neary put her wallet in her bag.
Then, MT. We did nothing, but finding who was the culprit. We're all so vexed, thinking who could be the culprit.
English, didnt know where as Mdm Lim. But we're all cooped in the library's computer lab. Suppose to do our literature stuff, we ended up watching youtube. LOLS.. Okay, we did some lit of course.

Waited soooo freaking long for Mr Lau. About half an hour like that? I was so irritated. Finally, we get to meet him. He wants the skit by MONDAY. wthh. Ashley tried to bargain, but failed. NVM. Went to thetoilet with Melissa to change into half U. We heard someone crying from the cubicle. I suspected it was Grace, but I cant confirm. We went to find Huilin and Calista. They came and asked her to come out. Indeed, it was Grace ! Dont cry luh ! She ran away the moment she saw us.
Went 7/11 to buy push poppp with Melissa !
Guides started at 2.30. Was crapping with Kelly and ling on the way to 3N2 classroom. Mdm Rose talked to us, she wants us to g for First Aid course. The camp was postponed. ))): Sadsad. Taked about our test chart and so on.
1hour footdrill, I cant stand it. My leg was effing painful luh ! I cant even go 90degree. One hour was gone, yay !
Had KIMS GAME. This yr, wasnt as fun as last yr already. Cos, weknew what will happen. lols. Blindfolded, we sat outside the classroom to wait for the game to start. Someonewas touchng my face and tickling meee. Grrr~! Who is it man?!?! Played the game, woo ! My head was spinning. I'm asked to sit on the floor for a while, I nearly fall asleep. Lols. My mind was somewhere farrr. A lot of ppl tickling us with the leave like stuff, I didnt even bother. Lols. It was tickish ! Then, I nearly fall at the balance balance thing. Lols. Nice game ! wahaha. Looked to blur the moment our scarf was taken offf.
We're dismissed. Kelly they all were going to watch movie at LeiSsure Park. Walk to the busstop with them. I was asking Kelly some stuff, she think so long then rmb. wahaha. 11.90, rmb? LOLS. She was like, YOU VERY BAD LEH ! haha. karyi could rmb the moment I asked her. Qsn Kelly about the tickling thingggg. Lols. Kelly, ku bah ! LOL.

Took bus home with Eileen and Doreen.
Doreen lived at block 28.
I lived at block 26.
Eileen lived at block 25.
Wahaha ! We're all neighbours ! (((((:

Its a longlong post today ! wahaha !

7:15 PM

Thursday, February 28, 2008


You scolded me first !
I didnt even say anything !
Just the word SATISFIED !
SCOLD ME FOR WHAT !?!?! Scold me you shuang ar?!
For you to scold and then say sorry kind of person ar?!
I hate you luhhh ! Scold me for nothing !
fkkkk offf ! WTH.

Whoever I like now, its none of your fking business ! Get lost, you freak !

9:42 PM

Dont feel like attending schooll todayy.
But in the end, I still went.

School today was still normal. Except that it was more tired than any other dayyy. My legs were aching, my eyes are closing.
Maths today was kinda easy. Congreunt & Similarity. wahaha.
Recess, me and chi was chatting about some stuff. Ahlian on the outside, but guai in the inside. Guai in the inside, but ahlian at the outside. wahaha.
Chinese, we went to computer lab. Didnt know Chen Lao Shi was sososo strict when we're in the com lab. We could do anything that was related to chinese. Listened to yes933, then we played the chinese version of Audition. wahaha. Nice man ! We played till the end of the lesson.
Science, we did experiment. Mr Lau make us touch real heart of a sheep. Poor sheep. The heart was freaking eeyer and coldd. But it was my first time touching. :DD Lols. Did our theory and so on.

DISMISSED, Meet Mr Lau for a project workk. Props?!?! Can we just have imaginary props? lols. Went to the canteen for drinks. No one wanna stay back with me, so I went leisure park with Chi to collect Emily's phone coverr. PINK ! :DD I LOVED SQUEEZING IN BETWEEN THE PILLAR AND THE WALL. wahaha ! I saw something, and I went to look at the price. Hohoho. Chi said that they treated me soooo nice. haha. Chi was broke, so I treated her a donut & a few cents for her drink, dispite her treating me so many times. haha. The chocolate latte was great ! ((: Sat at one corner to eat. Chatted about last yr's stuff and so on. A lot a lot of memories. WAHH. haha. Then, we make our way back Broadrick.
Saw Stephanie and Teeliii ! haha. They waved at me, but I didnt see till chi told me. haha. Then, went homee.
I wanna sleepp. ;O

Yay, ni men hao lee !

If I am able to start afresh , I would want to meet you again.
{ Editedd.
Terrible muscle ache. My both legs were aching like hell now.
Even my hands,they can barely be lifted up.
My mom was like, aiyaaaaa. .______.
Tmr, still got guides. Marching.
I dont wanttt ! wo de jiao hen tong !!
Can stop pestering me not? Its my decision, not yours. I said I dont want, then you like so buay song like that. Hello ! I just know you for like, a day? And you keep coming and pester me. Arrrggggg ! Maybe you got other motives, if not, you wont come and pester me every now and then. Go away luh. DDDD;

4:11 PM

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Its like, everything's so different now.

Nvm. Its all overr. Afterall, everyone's the same.
There's no such thing as friends forever. (((:

9:30 PM


So we're dimiss early ! At about 11.20, we're dismiss.
But before that,we got back our Science Common test.
Hi Five ! Jun, Ling and Me got the same marks, 22/30.
Highest was Julien, 29/30. :/ So pro ! CONGRATS ! (((:
Music was superrr, GRRRR~!
Didnt buy my music book, about 28 of them didnt have the book with them. So we're punished, 14rounds. We dont give a damn, we ran. HAHA. Then we went up. Mr Nizam scolded the counsillers cos its time for them to go. Lols. Like that also cann.
Then blablabla.
Had geography test after school. Im gonna flunk the paper man ! One part of it was in a mess !

So we're dismissed(:
Went to chi's house de KFC for early lunch. We're nearlycaugt by the traffic police for jay walking. OMGOMGOMG.
Ate bandito pocket while the rest ate Zingerrr. Talked craps there and we went to chi' placce.
For no reason, we're scolded for our ankle socks by her mum. Wthh. Haha, nvm. Next time, we shall pull high high before we enter her hse. Played Audition in the com and psp. We took turns. Her room was freezing cold, OMG.

Bedok Reservior, Chi's dad fetched us there. THANKS ! We went to find Mdm Lim. Took our attendance and safety pin for the card. Melissa and Chi went round tricking others with their sour spray. HAHA, some of them really got tricked. XueTing and Julien's expression really can make people laugh man ! HAHA ! YOU TWO DAMN FUNNY LUH ! The weather's so hot, when we're expeting it to rain like last yr. Grrr~! After all the naggings and bablabla, we're off for the run.
Running at first was okay. Still very energetic. We three, melissa, ling and I realy chiong all the way, aiming for top 20. We chiong and chiong. The one round was really really longg. Near to the end, my legs were wobbly, my ead began to spin. So we spent all the time walking. And we chionged for the last few metres.
I nearly fall onto Ms Han. She held onto me, took my tag and off we went, to get water. My legs really was wobbly. My first time like that, I nearly cry there A bit exagerating luh, Lols. its true ! Kelly asked me to sit on the ground, Rozanne helping me massage my numb leg. LOLS, THANKS ! Rest there for a while. Drank two cups of water. Then, we went for milo. Drank two cups too. LOLS.
Prize giving, we 3 didnt get any afterall. Haha, but nvm. its a good experience anyway. e 3 wants to do guides duty next yr ! Lols. CONGRATS to KELLY, WEITING, CHEEJIE, FENGLING, YITING AND RUISHAN ! THey got into top 20. woohoo ! hahas.
Waited for Chi's dad to come. Melissa went off. We're like crapping there. haha. Gave a good gaze at Kelly's trophy. WAH. so good. Few funny things happened there. Chi's dad finally came after a few minutes of waiting, we boarded the car. haha. Chatted a lot of craps inside. Then me and jun lighted at Sing Post Mrt. Me and jun continued talking about the topic. Now, I got to know more. Lols. Lavender MRT, Jun went to meet the online buyer. Indeed, it was a guy. wahaha. Then we walked and chatted until we parted off at the stairs there.
Went home.

Felt so unwell now. Body ache, and spinning head. Arrggh.

Fine, I dont give a damn about this friendship anyway. Its not like you're my only friend.

Two days le lehh, talk to each other lehh. Be friends back lehh. Dont like thaat luhh.
Ni me liang ge bie zhe yang
Wo dai ni men qu kan xi

Ni men chu qian, we xuan xi.
Ni men chi nachos wo chi cheese.
Dont angry le hor !!!!

Can dont almost everyday come pester me?! JIU MING ARHH !
You make me very scared of you lehh. :/

7:48 PM

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

So shiok.
Had a small nap just now, and a LONG dream.
Whoa, its just so long man !

Havent do my hwk yet. .______.
ARRGGGG, I hope it rains tmr. :DD
Then like last yr like that. woohooo ! Lols.

Btw, thankyou Ow jiejie for the BBT album once again !!
:DD She bought me another bbt album online, that also got thei signature !!! woohooo ! damn happy luh ! wahaha. Then inside also got new songs :DDD x33

Heyhey, I'm so sorry. ):

6:36 PM

Yay, it had finally rain ! :DD

School per normal. Only thing is today only 4 period. wahaha.
PE, Chinese, HomeEcons and English.

Pe. We exercise, run and did jevelin throw. Jun was like, chi cant shoot, cant shoot, ended up, Chi shot ! HAHA. Then she continued, ling shoot, ling shoot. In the end, Ling miss. LMAO. Melissa told me Im doing prize table tmr. WHAT?!?! Melissa say I got to go.
Besides my maths, my chinese results sucks too.
Every chinese papers was just border line pass. ARRGG !
Recess, had a hard time eating. I was laughing like madd.
Lols, but I think Im badd.
Home Econs, went com lab. Onlined using ebuddy. Lols. But I offline after a while. Concentrated on my home econs. Pauline was playing games all along. She didnt do any work luhh, and she wants me to email her everything = =" Okay.
English, Mdm Lim didnt come. So relieve tcher. Ling help me tell Mdm Rose sa if I wanna run also can. So Its not a must afterall. YAY ! wahaha. Im running ! Did my 2nd draft and sat on the floor with ling. She was emo-ing. lols. She said she was sleepy. & I was there listening to my music quietly.. shhh.

After school was funfunfun ! Lols.
Spotted mny mistakes at Jun's coursework, I told her and she said she hates me. HAHA ! Went toilet tgt, I was squeezing chi's hand. Then, she squeezed mine. LOLS. Ouch ! haha. I just get to know chi was alrdy 5 months ! Wahaha, just kidding (:
We sang blabla black sheep. She acc-ed me to walk round the school. Wahaha, xie le ! Chi saw some CO members, she went hiding all around. HAHA ! So funny luh ! Then we walked to the busstop tgt.

I just asking you who take over me only whatt. Your reaction so big for what?! Ask you only, then you use a stern tone to reply me back. I do that to you want? ):

Piles of things happened within this period of time.
Its either this, or that.I hate life now man !
I wanna shout out loud !!!

I felt so much better ytd and today.
At least much better than last time.
If you can go away from my eyes, I'll be so thankful.

3:13 PM

Monday, February 25, 2008

Wahaha, my internet hao le !

Bad news. I flunk my Maths again. It isnt the first time this year alrdy. It was seriously and badly done. My marks sucks arhh ! What the hellllll. 6/30, what kind of mark is this?! So what if I pass my common test, I will still fail my Maths right? Afterall, maths is important for next yr. ARRGGGGG ! My common test was only 28/40. SUCKSS man !

School today per normal, everything when on well.
Chi didnt come to school, so my recess was with SiYing, XinYuan and Ashley. We couldnt find a place to sit, almost 1/4 of them are occupied with upper sec uniforms when they're going or PE. So we just heck care, we just sit on one table and out all the uniforms in he center of the table. Lols. Mr Lim joined us for recess, we all had a nice chat with him. Yeapp, Mr Lim, you still have us. wahaha. Lols.

Literature was fun. Cos we dont needa tolerate the noise from the construction site. We went to the library. We gotta plan a play, 5 in one group. Dppgs tgt, we started discussing. Then, everyone asked me to jump down as I was talking another topic. LOLS. but ended up, everyone gotta jump down cos we're talking smth that wasnt related. Me as boxer, gotta sing the school song?! Lols, what a funny play?!?! & the song goes like this:
Tgt animals, we take our stand...
wahaha. Okay, Maths. Got back all the worksheets for filing. I failed every single worksheet that was given to me. All the worksheets had a see me from tcher. Pathetic ist it?! Collecting my tests, Ms Han didnt even looked at me when I went to collect my Maths Class test 2. Thats when I flunk really badly. Collecting our common test, Ms Han smiled at me. (: Great, this was the first time I didnt fail my maths. I was lucky enough not to fail my common test, it takes up 45%. HENG. If not, Im gonna cry out loud !
I must practise, practise, practise !
Anyone's willing to be my tuition tcher FOC?!

Gao Feng Feng, I your dog ar? You ask me to help you see the english results, then I must do ar? Im not your dog okay !

My b'day's over.
&& You didnt greet me afterall.
How sad.

{ Edited.
Felt shakes just now. Yeahh, EARTHQUAKE !
lols, thats what I was most frightened off.
but it was just a minor shake, everyone at home was like,
OMGOMG. lols.
Exagerating. But scary !!

btw, I forgot to add.
The uncle that locks our classroom and school gate everyday had passed away.
So sudden. Last friday saw him, he still very healthy lehh.
Hais. R.I.P

4:05 PM

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Hello ! Im back from one day hangout !

Okay, I wondered why but the time was changed to 11. I was only told at 10.45. Lols. So I chiongg. & dashed outt.

The bus was so freaking long. Was so pissed can ! Lols. Oh my goodness sake ! I board the bus and I overshot the busstop. = =" Told Chi and the bckground ling and Mel was like making so much noise. LOLS. Then Chi went to fetch me. Went to chi's house.

Changed destination and went Marina after that. it was late and we took cab down. Rich hor? lols, no luh. Was still so pissed off, I didnt utter a single word. Ling dressed like coffee prince de pirated version. LOLS. Reached there, we bought tickets They gave two L chocolates free. haha.
Waiting for the time to arrived, the 3 of them passed me my present. HAHA ! Thanks ! They sang bday song for me and everyone was looking towards here. Ahh, so paiseh. haha. They each gave me 14 bday bashes ! Arrgh, means 14 x 3 = ???

Bought nachos combo. Me and Melissa share. Ling and Chi shared another nachos combo. Theatre 5 was quite big. Chi said she say a white girl figure went past. LOLS. The show started, Melissa was like so scared? Esp when the professor died. Hais. She kpt saying she dont wanna watch anymore. LOLS. I cried at the part when I thought L is going to die. In the end, they didnt show that L died. Lols. Ling cried like hellll. haha, chilll. Went to the toilet after the show. We're like having urgent meeting with the toilet. LOL, not funnyyy.

After that, was suppose to meet kelly, karyi, weiting, ben and cheejie at bugis with ling. We saw kelly, Karyi, Weiting and Ben at Marina, so we joined them while Melissa and Chi went to meet their friends. ben gave me bday present, THANKS ! haha. Cheejie waited for us at bugis sooo long until he went off. lols. Kelly they all shopped a lot. Haha, tdy was the first time I wasnt really interested in shopping. ._____. So me, ling and ben talked some woohooo stuff. HAHA ! Anyway, it was just some wild guess. We didnt have any proves at all. Went bugis and so on. My phone suddenly hang, I was so pissed off again. ARRGH ! I used ling's phone to call 3 times ! heh, paisehh. ;x they all acc me to meet my mum at TCC and they went. Before they went, they saw my mum's attire and said she looks sexy ! o.0 Omg? HAHA ! My sister and Aaron came, then my brother. Ate a lot at TCC. A lot a lot ! HAHA ! thats the reason why I sacrificed my tummy and let it growl. I'd only ate some nachos from morning till now. Then my sister asked me what I want, i told her but my mum say : You have a lot at home ! ;O Okay, nvm.

Then went home. (:

Thanks for all the greetings and so on ! HAHA.
Other than the top 20s, thankyou Chrystal, Melissa, Charlene, Theresa, Ashley, Dylan && Karman. (((((:
&Thanks for the presents
&The bday song plus bday bash !
Lols... ((:

I saw some blog.
aalteam.blogspot.com & anti-twits.blogspot.com
Ass them man ! Thy insulted a lot mann ! What the !

In a few hours time, my bday is gonna be over.
I shant wait any further anymore.
So disappointed, so sad, so angry, so whateverrr.

8:42 PM

OHWELL, here it goes.

Okay, I knew my fourteenn isnt good afterall.
Cos Im missing my thirteen already ! D:
Haa, haa, okay, nevermind.
Lets have some good news. :DD

I finished doing the puzzle le ! :D
& I've read the msg ! (:

&& Thanks people for greeting me ! wahaha.
6 ppl msg me on the dot twelve. ((:
Kelly was first ! :D
Ling was next.
YenZhi was third.
Fion was forth.
Jasmine was fifth.
Cheejie was sixth.
Pei En was seventh.
Gabriel was eightth.

Ben greeted me at 11.59pm. He thought it was twelve alrdy. wahaha.
Huilin & Leon greeted me two hours in advance. ((:

{ Now for the bad.

{You didnt greet me. x(
{So you got new one, you throw away the old one le luh?!
This is what we call friends ar?
Okay lohh. Now I know. The definition of friends is actually like that.
{My 14th birthday was not buried yet. x((
Okay, nvm. It wont come true anyway.
Cos its full of craps. haa.

} Editedd at 9.45 !

Pauline was nineth.
Audrey was tenth.
Debbie wa eleventh.
HanQin was twelveth.

Woke up at 8plus this morning.

Currently talking to YenZhi and HanQin.
HanQin was SiYing's neighbour. He told me he had concussion? o.0
Anyway, take care boy !
YenZhi said I was in her lovelove list. Felt so honoured ! HAHAHA !

Going out with Ling, Melissa and Chi to watch L changes the world.
Then, going bugis with Ling while they go meet their friends.
Going to meet my mum & bro & maybe my sis after thattt.

Editedddd at 10.17.

ZhangJun was thirteenth.
XuanYin (o.0) was fourteenth.
Calista was fifteenth.


Im waiting.. WAITING.

Edited at 10.28

Chi wants me to add her name. lols.
Chi was sixteenth.
Marilyn was eighteenth.
Lastari was nineteenth.
Teeli an Karyi was twenty !!
haha, both wished me at the same time leh ! hahaha

Stopping at top 20 for those who greet me. wahaha.

12:01 AM

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Its only a few hours time where I can enjoy my last day being thirteen. (((:

Hohoho ! It was red cross's flag day today. We sec2 guides went over to help.
Around 6plus, went to have breakfast with mom and dad and went to meet Ling, Melissa and Theresa.
Theresa was late ! Lols, it was aready 7 when she reached.
So she treated us cab and we took cab down. :DD
Melissa forgotten to close the cab door and all of us were like laughing like ;x . wahaha.
TKSS, a lot of people there. Took sometime to collect our tins.
Me, Ling and Melissa was suppose be leader in seperate grp. 4ppl in one tin. Then, all of us thought of ways to be tgt. We dont wanna seperate. Joey helped us call mdm Rose, we talked to Mr Chua. In the end, all of us has the tins & we're not seperated. :D So the four of us took bus down to Ochard. Then, we seperate ways there. Me and Ling walked and walk, but no one wans to donate to us. All of them are either pretending to talk on a phone, pretended that we're transparent or walked far far away from us. Hello ! Acting sucks alright ! One of the kind souls donated 2bucks for me. :DD But, she said something about my face. = =" So many donaters at Orchard, so we went other place. We walked to Plaza Sing and to Cathay and to Calton hotel and to Bras Basah and to Bugis. Was tiring luh ! Walking all the way there, our legs were aching. Somemore, Ling wasnt feeling that well. Walked to the busstop. On our way, some kind souls donated for us. Even the uncles that was pushing trolleys donated for us. So kind can ! LOLS. And thenthen halfway to the busstop, some guys approached us.
Them: Eheh, you donate for us, we donate for you can anot?
Me: Okay, set ar.
*Ling gave then 15cents.
*They ran away*
Ling: eh, they nvr donate !
Me: arr, nvm. Lucky its only 15cents. wahaha.
Them: eh wait !
*They ran towards us
Them: *gave ling 2bucks* narhh, my boss give one, out in your can luh.
Ling: huh? Orh !

WHOA ! That guy fall in love with ling ! haha, joking ! Ling was so happy luh ! Cos we both had a 2dollar note in our tins. :DD
Took 33 back to TK.
But the time we reached there, its 11.18 alrdy. So we changed there.
Then we chiong back to Broadrick.
The bus nearly went without us luh ! What the.
Haha, we board the bus. Took a seat beside Karyi and went.
TOok our lunch at the stadium while waiting for the door to open. Melissa ate the chicken rice until everything can fly. LOLS. Mdm Rose sat with us, Melissa ask her a lot of qsn. wahaha. Junie said my skirt length was perfect. :DD Okay, went to have a walk. Junie nearly made us cheer and yay, its time to go in. (:

Indoor Stadium, everyone sang bday song for me. it qwas Melissa who gave this idea. LOLS. They sang two times and SO LOUD SOMEMORE ! haha, paiseh sia ! but thanks you ! Cheers started first. Ling was so tired, she took a short nap there. Then me and Charlene was talking to Kelly and karyi. So funny luh,I was laughinggg like mad ! Showed them "yi zhang"'s photo. Kelly's boyfriend ! haha. THeresa made fun of me and my push pop. SICK SIA. Omgggg. I laughed and laugh non stop like some insane ppl. Then, me and ling chatted. We chatted about how we should wear. Lols. I kept talking Karyi as an example, and Karyi overheard. WAHAHA. XD Then acc Charlene to the toilet, they dont let two ppl. So fine! I went backk. Calista told us something. We listened.
Then blablablabla. SOme things happened. Oh, whateverrrrrrrr. x(
Thinking day ended at 5plus. :D
I heard Yiting saying that one of the girl, *ahem* looked down on Normal students. Ass sia. What the helllll. So charlene was like, one express go behind, one normal come in front ! LOLS. Was laughing like really mad. Bus was even funnier. I laugh until I was crying can ! HAHAH ! Charlene really is funny !
Walked to the busstop with all of them.
Yiling, Melissa, Kelly, Karyi, Charlene, Dan Qi, RuiShan, SiRu & YiTing.
Some commotion was going on, me and Ling dare not join. We walked a little faster to join Kelly and Karyi. When Charlene showed us, I was like.. HAHA? lols. I know Im bad. lolol. Siru greeted me before we parted our ways. :DD Thanks !
Have a short chatt time with Grace in the bus ((:
Went home and I found out, Doreen lived near me. o.0

Hohoho ! Thanks for the present Karyi, Kelly and Weiting ! :D
Thankyouthankyou !

One moment, I actually thought that we've treated you bad.
The other moment when I realised, I was wronged. Maybe it was our own imagination.
If not, I dont wanna talk to you again. x((

6:23 PM

Friday, February 22, 2008


I'm blogging againn. {:
I'm having buttterflies in my tummy.
Why? I dont know. :/
Scared? I dont know. ;x
Excited? Why am I excited? Confirm no. :
Last time also like that, every night. HAHA.

Heh, its just another stupid night.

Haha, hais.

I hope my birthday dont come.
&& I got my reasons why. {:
I wanna be thirteen still.
Fourteen might become a BITTERSOURBITTERfourteen.

Okay. Btw.
I gotta make this clear before Teeli slaughter me.
Teelie jieeeee, not ahmaaaaa.
Jiejie, very happy hor? haha ! ((((:

8:48 PM

Picturesss for this week.
Hmm, funny urh? LOLS.

Melissa wanted me to take a photo of her playing.

The combination of coke plus 1 drop of milo plus mash potato plus cheese fries plus some chilli for colourings (((:
Nice urh? HAHA !
Like sharkfin like that. :/
Okay, not funny. -.-

Waiting for Maths remedial, 3 of them thought of doing something foolish.
End their life !
P.s. They're actually having phobia of height. HAHA .

Haha, okay. Thats allll. (:

To you. Its your fault, and you said friends betrayed you. C'mon luh. Complaining to tcher is really far too much. Why not just talk things out? Making friends cry is what I hated most. Lols.

5:30 PM

Hohoho !

Lols. Reached school at 6.30+.
Luckily Melissa's car was behind me. hoho !
Nobody was there yet. Only some. Then all asked us to help them tie scarf.Then more come.
Then about 7plus, fall in and hohoho !
Went for parade(:
Marching in, Xin Hong kept laughing luh. Lols. I cant stand and laughd with her. Lols. Kept asking her to stop laughing. haha. National Anthem and pledge, thinking day msg and our guides law. Then, march out.
YAY ! End ! ((: Got free drink from Mr Rahmat. wahaha.
Took some guides photo. Then, ling, Mel and I rush back class for our last literature test. wahaha.

In wrote a lot for test. .____.
FULL OF CRAPS. I repeated almost twice for every sentence. wahaha.
Just to take up space nia. Lols.
Then, Mdm Lim warn us about our books under our table. SO yup, I trd to take som books home. Monday then the rest. Hope Mdm Lim dont confiscate it ! T_T Plsplsplspls.
Our tables are now arranged in two. Seated with Gabriel. Lols
Recess then chinese. Somehing happened.
I was crying luh ! Lols. but I was actually laughing. wahaha. Ling and Chi was talking secret, they dont wanna let me know. -.- Okay nvmmm.
Then English.
Learn about peer editing. I took Yong Li's paper for compliments.
I read his story aloud, Gabriel was laughing luh ! LOLS. Me too. wahaha. I know Im bad. ;x Then dismiss.

Thanks Pei En for the present ! ((((:
Went to meet Mr Lau first. For the project work.
Went to give Mdm Rose my consent form. XIn Hong cried if Im not wrong. Dont cryy !
Then, went Parkway with Melissa to get some stuff.
We bump into Teeli ahma at the busstop! haha. We took 31 tgt (((:
Teeli ahma was sitting at another side. We msg her to kajiao her. We ask her to look back, she really did, but som student were blocking her. HAHA. Down the bus, we make her remember Thinking Day and my bday ! haha. Teeli thought my bday was tmr. LOLS. Teeli aunty and ahma ! HAHA ! THen we byebye to Teeli and went KFC to eat.
Saw someone I dont like. -.-
Then went Minitoons and Comics connection.
Bought some stuff there. Haha.
Then took bus home. (((:


3:47 PM

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Opps! I forgot to wish some ppl.


6:10 PM

Okay, today was seriously funny but suay !
Just to start of, I might not be eating spicy stuffs anymore.

Okay, no confdence in Science again.
I've got a lot a lot wrong !! >_<

After Science test was Maths. Then recess.
Was enjoying my fries. Then Jun blowed the whiser DIRECTLY AT US.
SO loud man ! OMGGG. So I threw away my remaining.
So I went to the rubbish bin and throw. One of the NT girl came.
And she screamed EHHHH !
Then she throw her own rubbish with a dao look.
She was blocking my way and I waited for her, perhaps, I looked too dao. ;x
Then she walked away, Chi told me that she heard her saying "Diao cuo ren liao"
LMAO. Then chi keep saying I ahlian. -.-
I hate Kim Do man ! Next time whatever edible stuff he gives you, PLEASE DONT CONSUME IT ! Esp, the I love S'pore sweet.
He gave me a sweet. It was actually meant to trick people.
I didnt know and I throw the sweet in my mouth. Andand, MY MOUTH STARTED BURNING ! I was like, struggling luh ! I waited "patiently" forXinYuan to give me a tissue and I spat it out. Julien kana also, but she spat it directly onto the floor. Haha. Almost the whole class laughing at us luh ! Ass sia ! I was sweating and at the same time, tearing ! Really very hot ! I gulped a total of 2 and a half bottle of water, but it couldnt stop the "spicyness".
Thanks Julien, Pauline and XinYuan's water ! I drank whole bottle of Julien's water. Opps ! She didnt have any water. She cried. o.o
Ms Ang came and talk to us. We are going to be a host for those scouts and brownies that's coming from Thailand on April. yay ! Somemore, they will be staying at our house for 2 nights. woo ! nice one ! :DD I hope my parents allow ! Please please please !
Chinese was next. I went to the toilet urgently. Drank too much water liao. :/ Ling still didnt wanna tell me the truth ! Lols, nvm.
Science, took back my class test paper. I got 23/30. Highest was 25 1/2. ARRGG, So close. & dismiss !

My stupid brother asked me to meet him at Parkway. Shouldnt have meet him man ! Meet him just to take bus with him nia. ARRGG ! Waste time. = =" THen went Bras Basah. My brother kept disturbing me in the bus luh ! Then went to techman and took bus home.

I can still feel spicyness in my mouth man !

3:49 PM

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I have a few things to clarify here.

DPPG. More understandings, Lesser misunderstandings,
Isnt it great?
Why make the whole thing like, so bad?
DPPGs isnt meant to be this way.
Why must conflicts end this way?
Why must we always have a "I wana leave Dppgs" at the end of the conficts?!
Why not just settle it and be friends again?
Why must we always have a bad impression of each other at the end of all this?
Everyone has its right and wrongs. Who can confirm that ppl will always be correct and wont be wrong?
Chi, its NOT YOUR FAULT ! Mind that !
Melissa, relax ! I know you're also troubled with that whosoever person also.
Jun, Relax too ! Dont leave dppgs or change school alright !

YOU. I believe what she told me. Seriously, I wasnt happy at all.
But at least, Im relieved.

YOUYOU. You dont wanna tell me what is gonna happen. You just asked me to have a xin li zhun bei. You said it involves me, but you dont wanna tell me. Obviously, its something bad. But why must I believe that something bad is going to happen when you dont wanna tell me what?
Im not going to believe, unless it happens.

Why is things happening at just one go?
How can a person stand it?
They're all pains, no happys.
Its just a matter of time, when everyone is going to break down !
Who can tell me, when is this calling an end ?!

9:21 PM


Maths, hopeless. Nothng to say alrdy. HAIS.

Music then recess then assembly.
The title for today's assembly is PORTRAIT OF LOVE.
Didnt understand what was that, but I was laughing contiuously.
Hohoho ! Hahaha !
Was talking among the 4 of us. Somehow, it was kinda sick to have this dream. :/ Haha, but it was something new.
Geography. Went don to collect books with ling. Melissa and Chi came along. They brought the books to the toilet. = =" We wated for them at lvl2. Kelly they all was there, talk talk a bit. Then went to find them and went class. Sit with ling, shared book with her. She wanted me to follow her to Macs to study. She left, I sat with Melissa they all. Helped her copy those stuff.
Maths, learn new thing.

After school, science remedial.
After remedial, waited for Ling.
She came, we went Macs tgt, with Ben.
Ben taught us science, but I dont understand. LOLS.
So I copied my own notes. Then ling copied hers from my file, I chatted with Ben. Lols.
Ling was seriously concentrating. Ben told me smth that freaks both me and ling out. .____. Then finish studying, we chatted a while and went home at 7.

The thinggy was blurt out twice today. :/

If I were to tell you, what will be the consequences?

7:55 PM

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Happy Bday.
May your wish come true. = ="

Ahhhhh, diediediediedie !
My Chinese compo was as boring as A,B,C luh !
Everyone's story was much much interesting then mine. ARRGH.
Win liao loh, Confirm get low marks de loh. Hais.

Ling cried over her compo story. Was really touching luh ! I nearly cried tooo. Sobx. As usual, my chinese test was lower than all the DPPGs. SIAN.
Was over vexing something. I squeesed Ling's hand so hard luh ! Before Ling went for counsiller, she told Chi to take good care of me before I had an idea of jumping down the building. = =" LOLS.
Another nice recess. Rmb, we're PUNCTUAL ppl. :DD
Hom econs, cooked Kebabs. Then, we went library.
English, did essay.

Then dismiss.
Went fo lunch with Chi. KFC.
Was talking and eating at the same time and we spent 45min finishing our food. .___. Talked and talked and mixed our remains unto the cup of coke. EEw ! HAHA ! I've got the picture ! Post them next time(:
Went to meet my sister, she wants the popular card.
In the end, she ddidnt buy anything from the popular. LOLS.
Went bugis, my sis wanna watch Movie.
We went, P.s, I love you.
Its an oh-so NC16 show. LOLSSS. I kept figeting around and msg-ing.
Was quite a funny show though. HAHA.
Then went home.

Maths is tmr !
Shytshytshytshyshyt !

In the end, the reply was not what I wanted, or expected.

19February2008, 7.46pm
I should do the same thing as Chi. (:
Provided I can.

7:25 PM

Monday, February 18, 2008

To you.
I REALLY HATE YOU NOW. You're a bloody bstd.
You promised me not to say, but you said.
Even it was a guess from them, YOU SHLD SAY NO WHAT !
Ass, shyt you luh !
Darn it, you act emo in front of them and gain pitiness okay!
You dont seem emo to me.
I dont believe in you anymore.
To me, you're indeed a ...

To youyou,
wo men GOUGOUSHOU le, dont leak out anything, OR ELSE ! lols.

Bahhhh, was damn bloody piss off.
Nothing to say. Haiss.

After English is recess.
A full nice meal for recess, WOW ! Bloated. Haha.
After recess is geography.
Mrs Lee was on course and this Ms Chua came and took over.
I would rather want Mrs Lee man !
To me, I cant understand a single soul of what she's teaching bout. = ="
Ppl who doesnt know what she's talking about will write 10 times.
Okay, after that is English.
Went library to do our Narrative planning.
Somehow, we smelled something burning. I was like, lets let off the fire alarm. Lols. They came from the exit door of the back library.
Some ppl managed to get in and smoked there.
Then poof, off went Mdm Lim with them, and we're thr chatting while doing. Haha.
Finished my narratve plan, but a bit naggy. Franky the cockroach and Yipee the centipede. hahaha.
A sudden class test. ARRGH !
Ms Han say tmr de !!! >_<>_< Fail, dont blame me ar. Sobx. Went Maths remedial. I finally understand some maths ! :D SOME only. ;x Hohoho ! Melissa, Chi and Jun went halfway. Me and ling stayed till 3plus. Bought a bit of snacks and wet home tgt. Chatted along the way. I WANNA GO JAPAN ! hohoho. Tmr's chinese compo. Gonna take my bagpack to bring all my boooks home.

My grandma searched high and low for her ez-link card just now, but she couldnt find it.
Helped her find. She bet with me. If I can find, she'll give me 20bucks.
I've made profit >. ^
Ahma, its time to change a new bag.
Throw away old Gucci and buy a new one lohh.
Its torn inside alrdy. = ="

The surroundings have turned scarier and scarier day by day. x/3

4:41 PM

Sunday, February 17, 2008


Looking to have some fun today? Look no further than into the nearest mirror -- you are a great source of entertainment and joy right now, believe it or not. All you need to do is loosen up and stop being so hard on yourself! People like to be around you most when you aren't letting life's little dramas get to you. Rise above all the pettiness and you will find yourself happier than you have been in a very long while. Say goodbye to the people who are talking trash.

Chain mail:
The Dreamer
Generous, kind, and thoughtful. Very creative and imaginative. May become secretive and vague. Sensitive. Don't like details Dreamy and unrealistic. Sympathetic and loving. Kind. Unselfish. Beautiful.

Thanks Chi for the pretty boy song! :DD
Love it man !

My forth time blogging tdy. .____.
Wish me luck for tmr's English Paper !!

8:16 PM

I just realised. It always happens when exams are near.

I've blogged for the third time today. .___.
Didnt have the mood for my youtubes.
Didnt have the mood for studying also. [Shyt]
Didnt have my lunch. My breakfast's only half finished.
Dont think I wanna eat my dinner also.
Not hungry.
I'm now so bored. Can someone talk to me?!
Im addicted to pretty boy alrdy.

I wanna watch CJ07 on Sunday !
I've booked with ling already.
You both wanna watch today whatt.
Still blame me say I didnt say I wanna watch.
Okay luh !
I dont want TCC on Sunday alrdy !
I want watch cj07 ! >_<

4:27 PM

[[Pretty boy by S club 7]]

I lie awake at night
See things in black and white
I've only got you inside my mind
You know you have made me blind

I lie awake and pray
That you will look my way
I have all this longing in my heart
I knew it right from the start

Oh my pretty pretty boy
I love you
Like I never ever loved no one before you
Pretty pretty boy of mine
Just tell me you love me too
Oh my pretty pretty boy
I need you
Oh my pretty pretty boy
I do
Let me inside
Make me stay right beside you
I used to write your name
And put it in a frame
And sometime I think I hear you call
Right from my bedroom wall

You stay a little while
And touch me with your smile
And what can I say to make you mine
To reach out for you in time

Oh my pretty pretty boy
I love you
Like I never ever loved no one before you
Pretty pretty boy of mine
Just tell me you love me too
Oh my pretty pretty boy
I need you
Oh my pretty pretty boy
I do
Let me inside
Make me stay right beside you

Oh pretty boy
Say you love me too

Oh my pretty pretty boy
I love you
Like I never ever loved no one before you
Pretty pretty boy of mine
Just tell me you love me too
Oh my pretty pretty boy
I need you
Oh my pretty pretty boy I do
Let me inside
Make me stay right beside you

Anyone that has this song, can send me the songg?
PLEASE and ThankYou !

3:33 PM

I just woke up. Yawn*

Gonna start doodling at my Compre, Journal, Science and Maths corrections soon.
Ms Han just reminded me about my monday remedial.
Hohoho !
OKAY !(:

I've got so many things to do today !
-Study [?, maybe half an hour ltr I peng alrdy]
-Watch {They Kiss Again ep8, 9}
-Start watching {Bull Fighting}
-Find new blogskin. [[Actually I've alrdy found one]]
Lastly and most importantly for the day,
SLEEP! lols.

haha, okay.
Thats all.
Im alright now(:
I wanna watch cj07 !
Haha, someone's willing to watch with me alrdy. {I think}
Okay, BYE !

Love is like tea leaf.
Once it cools down,
It will lose its flavour.
7 more days !
Finished my homework alrdy.
So pek chek ..
Gonna watch they kiss again soon.
My mum told me smth. ARRGH !
I dont care man ! I wanna watch cj07 !!
Dont know why today temper so bad.
But maybe I'll just vent it out here?
Whats the point blaming me when you did the same thing?
You said me, but you did the same thing
Isnt it hideous?
Whats more, you scolded me like hell.
Should you deserve the same thing as me?
Everything, you also point me.
From now onwards, I shall do that to you
Rmb, my temper has its own limit !
-A & B & C
A lied to B, B took it seriously.
But A didnt expect B to say that to A.
A was seriously regretting, and crying over B.
Whats point?
Went C told A the truth, A really feels so dumb.
And now A really hates B.
& A wants B to get out of her life, her soul, her heart.

10:19 AM

Saturday, February 16, 2008

A call from nanny at around 1 plus.
She said that she's gonna take me for dinner. :DD
So yup,
Went to her hse at around 3.30.
Went Chinatown to buy their stuff first.
Then went walk walk.
Around 6plus, went Yum Cha restaurant. We're the first to reach.
Niu Jiejie, Da Jiejie they all came.
Had a full bloated dinner.
Haha, SO FULL !
Then went home.
& I forgot to tap my card in the bus ;xx

} Edited ..
My mum and bro's going for a movie tmr.
NOT FAIR ! >):
My ahma's not home tmr night too.
Home alone tmr. ;O

Hope it comes to an end.
What makes you ask out of the sudden?

8:20 PM

I can FINALLY use my internet. Stupid anti-virus software make me cant use my internet. Arrgh. 2days without internet was like hell. Lucky my MSN works.

14 February 08
Everything was in a hasty state when my phone broke off. ARRGH.
Lucky my phone was okay in the end and nothing disappeared from my phone. Yay ! (:

See luhhh, I forget what happen liao. >_<
Oh, only during guides, I remembered.
Before that, went for Maths Remedial. All the DPPGs went. HAHA. Ms Han was talking to some parent I think. So Me, ling and Meli went to change into Full U first. Remedial ended at 2.35. And we rushed down for guides. lucky Kelly gave us time for lunch. Ate oheya green and my strawberry milkk. Went to the classroom for guides.
Cheers are first, for the thinking day tinggy.
Was made to sit beside YITING and RuiShan. YiTing was really insane. lols.
Halfway, we had the tagging game. Somehow when Ling passes her "tag" to the one beside her, she called us LAME. = =" Kkayy, fine.
Was laughing and laughing with YiTing's insane words. HAHA ! Seriously, YiTing also can cheer people up. Haha. SOme cheers, I didnt really know how to teach YiTing and RuiShan. I was just there asking them "you know? Understand already? or Know how to cheer already? " lols.
Yay ! Congrats to everyone who're promoted ! Woohooo ! I saw each and everyone of their pics ! HAHA ! YiTing and Irene are in ORIOLE! woo! Somehow, Aneza asked us not to call her and PeiFen PL and PS. But, PPPLJ and PPPPS. haha. MARGARET AND WEIWEN ARE OUR ACLS FOR THIS YEAR ! yay !! haha. GOng Xi Ni Men !
Went for marching for friday's thinking day tinggy. One hour, Melissa saw AHEM. lols. Juniors and Seniors are combined, we marched. SiRu was just nice beside as in, behind me. Her marching is like jumping and I was sriously laughing. SO CUTE ! me and Ling taught her abit and she marched pretty well already. haha.
Went back class and DISMISS at about 6.30?
Waited for Ling with Melissa at the Office there. help ling photocopy some solutions. Ling came out, pissed? lols. I followed her rush to her busstop and waited for mine. So long, then I manage to board the bus. ARRGH.
went home at 7plus.

Sorry Chrystal and Lestari, I didnt go today. Paisehh. ;x
Currently, msg-ing and Msn-ing and Blog Hopping and, BLOGGING. (((:

You're msg make me think that Im in the wrong huh?
Make me think that I've got too many friends beside me and you got no chance to talk to me huh?
Have you wondered why I ran away the moment you're there?
You made me think that Im just a stand by there.
But anyway, I appreciate it. (:

11:01 AM

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Thanks for the presents !
Chi - ROSES and Toblerone
Melissa - Toblerone
Xue Ting - Hersheys Chocolates
SiYing - Valentines cardd
Ms Han - Precious thots Fortune cookies ! [o.0]

Morning was funny.
Everyone was distributing Valentines gifts. Haha.
it was my first time collecting Valentines day gifts, from all GIRLS.
Of course, no guys. Hohoho !
Home Econs then CME.
Mr Gazhali didnt come. Jun was emo-ing.
Me and Ling sat on the floor chatting, like two Shi Lian girls. LOL.
She kept singing and singing. haiss. haha.
Maths then recess then PC.
Had our temperature taking.
Mine's 36.8 'c
Jonathan and Julien 's temperature's the same.
And Mdm Lim asked something that make us all WOOOO !
HAHA, Julien was blushing luh !
Chinese, had test. Im not ah lian luhh ! D<
Science, theory.

Okay, end of boring school.
After school. :DD
No one wanna go ECP. )):
Melissa got to go parkway with her mum
Chi cant go
Ling cant go
Jun dont wanna go.
Oh, so.. HAIS.
And I suggested SUSHI ! :DD
Dppgs went for Niwa Sushi at Eunos MRT. Haha
Was munching with my Hersheys away on the way there.
Now got Salmon sashimi ! And its worth the price. :DD

Sushi that I ate there. :DD [[Saw those valentines gifts? ]]

After my sushi. :DD

Went to buy our healthy Mr Bean ice cream. Haha.
Jun went home.
Something happened and everyone was LMAO-ing.
I was trying not to laugh, and I didnt ! haha, just for a while.
Ling laugh until she ran out of the shop. HAHA.
Took 51 to chi's area and took 2 home(:

Mummy, you're forgiven ! :D
Papa, thoe roses are given by a girl, not boy. = ="

If you wanna lie, dont make it so obvious luh !
Just say out, you dont have to lie.

I expected the impossible.
Dumb me.

4:42 PM

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Today was nothing.
I could not remember a thing.
Except that Mr Nizam laughed at my pimples. = ="
My mum and brother kept calling me during lessons time.
Arrgh, and the whole chair kept vibrating. -.-
And the assembly.
I remembered that guy that act in the skit came to stamford before.
Haha, i remembered !
And he somehow looks like Ahwei. ;xx
The fat version of Ahwei. LOLSSSSS, no offence.
Was laughing my ass off just now luh. haha.
But the assembly ate up my time. Lol.

Rush to meet my mum and bro at OG.
Then went to buy my pimples creamm. Then went bugis.
Went TCC for my lunch.
My brother had been reading my blog all along. Argh !
He kept saying Im attached. = ="
And he admitted he's once attached ! :D
My mum forget to bring her TCC card, then she kept whining. LOLS.
The orders are Marcoroni Gratin, Tiramisu and Perfect Match.
Mine's only Marcoroni. My brother ordered the other two.
Nice meal ! But still hungry. Lols.
Bought Mc Flurry and TADA !
Went home.

Tmr's valentines !
Not break up day.
Wanna brea up with her tmr, Ain't you too much?
Lols. Since you bought her a present, just gave it to her !
Dont keep it to yourself.
Other people longed to celebrate valentines day also cannot
you can, but you dont wna appreciate it. = ="
What the..
DOnt break a girl's heart on Valentines day.
Never know, she might hate you forever ! lols.
No offence but its true !


5:56 PM

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Okay, today was great ! (:
At least better than yesterday. Haha.

Morning silent reading, Chi let me see this page in 8days magazine.
Its about poems for valentines day. LOLS.

Roses are red,
Bluebirds are blue.
Come part tor with me
Or I'll hoooot you !

P.E, 4 sets of 20push ups, 20 sit ups, 20 vertical jump and run 2 rounds.
Ling is the leader, me and chi's the asst. Lols.
All of us are skiving. Tou Lan. haha.
Mr Tay was eyeing at us all along. Lol.
But in the end, we didnt loh. We did all 4 sets, but we're last to finish.
So funny. :/
Went to the toilet with Melissa halfway during Chinese lesson. Some *coughcough* stuff. And we're back just nice recess and Chen LaoShi gave me a suspicious look. o.0
After recess was Home Econs. We're asked to stay in class. The relieve tcher was DR WONG. Gabriel pronouced it as DOC . Everyone laughed. LOLS. (Dog) Then MrsChen's group was suppose to go to the kitchen. So we went. Did curry puffs :DD Me and Angel pair. Angel did the doughing and I did the frying. haha. But the wrapping of he curry puffs somewhat went quite wrong. :/
English, we ate cakes ! haha. When the cakes are passed to us, I only took little pinch. Gabriel saw and imitate me. LOLS. And he took a pinch too. Did the newspaper thinggy. Only my group didnt pass up the tinggy cos we didnt have the article. lols. Hope Mdm Lim dont scold usss !

After school, went to the canteen with ling to wait for Kelly they all. Melissa cant come. ): Celebrating Ben's bday. Somehow, ling started the topic of the day there. Lols.
They came and we went. Went Kong Hwa first. Then took bus to Marina. I like ahwei's not because of this reason. lolol. Is because ahwei really very cute !!! haha Went Marina's long john to eat. Me and Ling sat at one table and we continued the topic. We've serously talked far too much of this topic. Some questions she asked totally make me cant utter a single word. Somehow, our tone gets louder and louder and I think Kelly they all heard it. Lols. From now onwards, ling will be my matchmaker. HAHA.
Okay, went minitoons. me and Ling went for private mission. We bought Ben's present. Haha. We went to one side and wrap it up. Wanted to give ben without recording our greetings cos we dont dare. Then kelly, karyi and Weiting said with us. :DD We went to the toilet and squeezed into the cubicle and recorded BEN HAPPY BIRTHDAY. haha! Ben knew what we're doing and he smiled silently. LOLS. We gave him the present and went precious thots for our "valentines gifts". haha. I want the bear ! Lols.
Plaza Sing next. Spend out time at comics connection. Ling kept reminding me of valentines. LOLS. Ling's envy that some can celebrate valentines, not me. HAHA !
Then, took MRT. To citylink, Kelly they all went Marina to watch movie I think. So good..
Me and Ling went home.
And our topic of the days stops here. (:

Dont just talk about me.
You too ! (((:
Some words cannot be said out by mouth.

Its always 3 that's the number.

2 more days to VALENTINES !

7:17 PM

Monday, February 11, 2008

Morning was stupid.
I didnt speak a word since I entered the class.
And Melissa was telling me that my mouth is gonna stink if I dont talk. lol.
Was feeing so sleepy. My mind was not in class. It was somewhere else, far away. Had been msg and msg, spilling out to the person what was thinking at that time. Thanks ar(:
So I didnt really remember what happened.
Just remembered that the whole class was scolded my Mdm Lim.
The scolding was just like a talk for us. We stood in "sedia" position. Hands at the back. Lols. It was more than a period of scolding, and we gotta repeat what Mdm Lim told us before we can sit down.

After school, went for the survey for a little while.
Then we stayed at the side gate waiting for ling to return me my pencil. But in the end, we went without her. Shall take back from her tmr.
Melissa, Chi and Me went Tampines Mall.
Went sing post to have lunch first. Had quite a hilarious talk there. Breaking all the "ahem" words and translating them into English. I nearly choked at my burger. Me and Chi just kept laughing and laughing. Haha. Melissa explained to me the defination of flirting in girls and guys. I remained quiet for a while when she told me about guys. The atmosphere was quiet. No one spoke. My mind wandered off again and back. The both of them burst out laughing when I suddenly talked. Lols.

Took MRT to Tampines.
We went Tampines Mall for the sake of the Bball bottle. Lols. Melissa and Chi bought popcorn combo. We looked so funny sitting at the lift there enjoying our popcorn when others enjoyed them in the theatres. Haha. We had popcorn war and popcorn ball. Haha. Melissa and Chi was aiming the lift luh. When the lift was about the close, both of them threw popcorn in and only Melissa manage to throw it in. haha.
Somewhat, Melissa spoiled the Bball bottle. We went to the popcorn counter and was trying to ask for another one. The scene was really funny. I tried not to laugh, but failed. Lols.
Mrt back to Peyar lebar, and I continued my journey till Lavender.

Hey Hey Hey Hey bie shang xin
Bibi dai ni qu kan xi
Ni chu qian, wo xuan xi
Ni chi popcorn wo chi sweet.
Haha. jiayou Jiayou !!!

Its Valentines day in 3 days time.

Hao xiang hao xiang ting ting ni de sheng yin.

5:23 PM

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Tok a nap just now and another hiderous dream.

My grandahma and Da Gu came.
Went for dinner together in the evening.
Only ate one little piece of "kueh" in the morning till now
Was quite hungry.
The serving was quite slow, but the food was quite nice(:
Was chatting some stuff there.
Remembering the primary school games and drinks. haha.
Was begging my mum to buy me a new jacket.
But she didnt want. Hais.
Was not very full.

Egg Prata for super tonight !(:

I finally know what are the changes in me.

My face is alergic with face wash. = ="
My cheeks turn rough and colour changed liao luh.

9:13 PM

I have a good dream last night.
Haha, dreams and reallity are opposites.
So.. .______."
Okay, nvm.

My dad's fetching his godmother aka my grandaunty to my house later.
Going for dinner tgt.
This few days all family day. = ="
Sians. :/ [[No offence]]

Today should be the third week already.
So when can I?

4 more days to Valentines Day and chinese test
& 14 more days to my bday !

12:44 PM

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Not having a very good mood this few days.
Its Chinese New Year, Happy go lucky !

Who knows ? You might be fated to stick to it. And suffer under its so call "very powerful" powers.
Like me! (:
I would like to know why
I really hate it.
This is not the first time already.
Dont think I dont know.
Put my name.
Im not guilty. Neither will I @#$%^

Its been two weeks already
And I still cant.
Ain't I a stupid idiot?
I should be happy on that day
But I guess I cant anymore.
Nvm, lets wait(:

10:46 PM

Today, family outing day.
Was quite sian. Melissa, Ling, Chi and Jun went out tgt to watch kungfu dunk. Wanted to watch again and tag along with them de.
But I cant tagg along. Ahma will scold. D<

Dont know how to go Xiao Gu's house, so I got no no no choice but to tag along with my brother to his church. But first, we went for breakfast. Met Chrystal, first time. ((: Introduced each other and bought my egg Mc Muffin. Then ate tgt and talk. Was quite fun actually(: Then a lot of my brother's friend came. ALL FEMALE, NO MALE. o.0 Okay, introduced again. Haha. Then we went up to the church. Met more people. Introduce once more. Got Chrystal, Ruby, or what, then got Donnne or Dionne, Little miss fun or jane? then dont know what star and more more more. haha. All so funny(: Was seated in between Little Miss Fun and Chrystal. Then they start the service with a lot of singing. I think about 40minuts plus plus? All the clapping, jumping and singing out loud, I was just standing there looking. Lols. Then after that, some talk and teachings. Everyone took out notebooks except me. Lols. Was talking with Lil miss fun and Chrystal a bit somewhere in the middle. Get to know more. Then more singing. Little Miss Fun and Chrystal was encouraging me to believe in god. o.0 Little Miss Fun encourage until she cried. Dont cry luh ! End of service. Waiting for my brother. He was playing with this sec 1 boy name Jeshua. Then me and Chrystal and Little miss fun exchange numbers. We went down and bid byebye to them(:
Great time with them(:
And thanks Chrystal for the postcard !

Headed to Xiao Gu house. Took train from Somerset to Pasir Ris. Quite far. Listened music throughout.
At Xiao Gu's house was quite sian. Nothing to do there. Playing with Xixi and Qiqi and so on. My brotherand cousins excluding me and Eugenia, they all talk secrets. Lol. And so on and so for. I dont really know how to blog them out. :/ Didnt eat my dinner. No appetite.
Then went home at 8plus 9.

Si Gu send us to the busstop near San Gu's house first. Me and my brother was still figuring out how to go home. THe place was creepy. Eeyer. Then suddenly, someone called. San Gu's gate de lock cannot open. Lols. Uncle Richard drove back and fetched us. me and my bro was like er? My brother climbed over the fence to help San Gu open the door. Lols. Then Uncle Richard fetch us home. Thank you thank you. :D

Regretting means too late to return.

I dont know what happen luh.
Everything you also not happy.
I admit luh. You too aright.

9:29 PM

Happy second day of New Year. Lols.

Everything started in the evening. ((:
Went Tampines to fetch my sis and Aaron first.
Then went to visit ahma(mother side de) house. Collected some ang paos there. (((:
The sofa was occupied by us. haha. Aaron, Sis, Me and Brother. But somehow my stupid brother snatched my seat when I was throwing my seat and asked me to sit at his seat. Bahhh ~ Was so pissd off. Sitting at my brother's seat = alone !! So yeap, was alone. Msg-ing. Hais.
My mood was spoilt because of that. Arrgh. I know im petty. Over a seat can actually spoil my mood. = =" Then actually wanna fetch my cousin to somewhere. Then they say no space, they asked me to sit behind. WHAT THE. I was like, okay. Fine. Just now the seat now this. Lols. But my cousin didnt came.
Went San gu's house next. Been ages since I went to her house. Haha. There was no parking lot cos its a semi house with only one parking space. Lols. Somemore, so many people. Played with Xixi and Cici for a while. They evernone took turns to carry her and I went to sit with my mum. I didnt eat my dinner. No appetite.
Then around 8, we went off. Catching Ah Long Pte Ltd. (((:
Went Balestier de shaw to watch. The show was funny luh, but its somehow... violent? LOLSSSS. The popcorn there was great. (:
It was Aaron's turn to drive us home. But my dad somehow gave him stress and he anyhow turn. HAHA.
Home at near twelve.

Tagging with my brother to his church tmr. Going Xiao Gu's house after that.

Thanks for your consolation just now. (:
Your msg was here just the right moment
When Im feeling so upset.
So feeling like killing someone
Somehow, I found out how scratching means a lot to me.
But depressed words cant mean anything(:
I was not scaring you luh just now.
I also dont know what Im talking about. haha.
Sorry for worrying ;x
And thanks ar ! x33

Shi Jie Shang Shi Mei You Yong Jiu De Ai Qing
Zhi You Yong Jiu De Shang Kou

12:22 AM

Friday, February 08, 2008

Oh goshh, I greet him one minute late. = ="

By the way, I still dont feel like sleeping.
No mood to sleep.
HAHA. just joking.
THis few days too many #W$%^&*n liao.
So cnt sleep.
Haha, jkjk.

12:01 AM

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Some pictures took yesterday when I was with Marilyn and Jasmine. :DDD

Starrrr ! haha.

Same pencil case lehh ! haha. Me and Marilynn. (:

Was trying to take a snapshot of jas and she took my pencil case to block her face. LOLS.

Some neos we tookk. I seriously look retarded loh. lols.

Busy people on the phone even when we're taking neos. o.0

Heehee. = ="

Ahh, this part I really look retarded. ;O

Okay done. (:

Today. Same thing, Xiao Gu came first. HAHA. Xixi anc Cici so cute ! :DD

Then more and more people came. Er-gu, San-gu, Si-gu and the cousins. Was msg-ing all the way. Too bad, I was just too bored. Haha.

Then about 2+, went down to Lao Gu's house and my dad's godmother house with everyonee. Down to Broadrick area to visit Lao Gu first. Hais. Last year, he was walking around and entertain us when we went to his house to bai nian. This year, he was sitting on a wheel chair. ))): He suffered from a stroke not long ago. Haishh. Lao Ging also lost a lot of weight. ))): Sad. Hais.

Then we went over to My dad's godmother house. She was so cute larhh. Haha. Then we went home at around 4.

Was hungry and ate speghetti. Then I hid myself in the room using my com. Grace and Mei Qing came. Then a lot more came. My computer was occupied by them already. Nvm. So I watched my TV and such. Then ate steamboat and blahblahblah. Watched I do i do and Harry Potter at the same time. :DD

Then around 9+, everyone left and yeahh, I came to blog ! HAHA.

Okay, thats all(((:


Tired. :/

Rmb to tag me ! :D


9:04 PM


Okay, Im so bored now. :/
No one had come yet. Just came back from Nanny house.
Yeah, the bao nanny made is really nice ! YUM !

My outfit totally dont suit me. ):
Though my brother says that it fits, but I dont think so to me. :/
How I wish I got my short shoes with me now, my shoe hurts man.
Sian. :/

Okay, I shall go audiing. (:
Scarely audi only got me. .___.
Haha, impossible.

12:10 PM

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Okay, had an early renuion dinner.
Brother was planning for a movie.
My ahma dont wanna go, my mum also. So me and my bro went tgt. :D
We went to watch Kungfu dunk.
I wanna watch movie in Cathay next time. ;OO
The space was sooo big and nice ! haha.
The show is seriously recommended.
I cant help it ! Wu zhong xian is the one that found Jay Chou in the show. I actually laughed out loud. ._.
And many more, watch then you know !
haha. Then went home.

Waiting for New Year to arrive.
Its only a few hours before we say byebye to the yr of pigs and see them next twelve yr. haha. hais.

Whats the feeling of thinking of a person at the other side?
Terrible? Cheerful? Smile? or cry?
Will the person you're thinking thinks about you too?
Will they feel that you're actually thinking about them?

10:36 PM

Happy Eve's day ! :DD

Today no lessons ! :D
We only needa report to school at 8.15.
I reached school first, waiting for Melissa. We decided not to change to red tee. So we changed to Guides tee. Then we waited. Heard that Mrs Saha came back, Melissa was so eager to go to the staff room and see her. lols. Saw Kelly they all there. Kelly showed me the mistaken one and I showed her the correct one. Lols. And I did something very wrong. OH SHYTTTT. We wen to assemble in our class first before assembling for guides. Mdm Lim caught Melissa's earholes and her lucky necklace. She request her to take all of them off. Melissa was so pissed, till the end of the concert. Lols. We went for guides. Was actually paired with Melissa and Eng Eng. Then Mdm Rose made me and Peifen pair tgt. Lols. We went to the back of the hall and watched the concert. Wasnt really concentrating with the concert. Was not very interested, except for the fusion dance and the songs that were played at the beginningof the CLDDs perform. Lols. Went to give out oranges. WOOHOOO ! 2EA FOR SECOND FOR THE CLASS DECO COMPETITION ! YAY! lols. Prize giving and dismiss.

Rushed to meet Jasmine and Marilynnnnn.
I was late, again. -.- HAHA, paisehh luhhh. haha.
Jasmine gave me a sudden hug when she saw me. O.0
Its been long since I see them((:
Felt so great. HAHAHA.
We went Macs to eat first. Hungryy. We became very thrifty, very "niao" .
HAHA, cos e ordered the $2 Mc Chicken. lols. We ate and send songs. They made me treat them things, so I treat them Ice Cream. THEY OWE ME ONE. haha. Then, we went walk walk. They insisted me on taking neo prints, I wasnt in a mood and I told them all sorts of excuses. But in the end, we took. HAHA. It was great !(:
After that, went walk walk. I suggested Natonal Library and off we go ! hahahaa. Was msg-ing and msg-ing. OMG, my bill's gonna rise liao. ;O But THANKS AR. haha. I feel better after those msges(: x33
We went there, and I found a nice place(: Jas and Marilyn wanted to scare me. Lols, TOO BAD. hahaha. Send songs, slack there and so on. Then we went off at 1.30. Went back bugis for bubble tea and went home(:

Jas & Marilyn, A great day with you guys ! (:
See ya again on Tchers day !

Some random pictures, shall post it ltr.(((:

2:44 PM

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Let this be the worst nightmare okay?
No more worser than that please !

Im in thirst now, Im completely dried up.
This is my first time so thirsty.
Its eve's eve, not midnight's eve.

Im gonna practise that.

You bloody ass bstd. Damn you
Go die.

6:27 PM


Was drizzling in the morning. So we went back to the class.
We're asked to stay in class during the first period of PE. Me, Ling, Chi and Melissa gathered one side and sent songs. I get to know something new today. Next period, we went down for PE. Did the stupid warm up, and we girls ran two rounds. Dppgs was always tgt. HAHA. Then we did the incline pull ups. After PE, dppgs all borrowed money from me to buy drinks. LOLS. I was broke for a moment.
Chinese, learnt something new about CNY. Then learnt dumplings. haha. A sudden music came from XinYi's dictionary. All of us giggled hard. haha.
Then chi started cutting my hand, and it goes like this:

Chi: *Start slashing my wrist* Pain?
Me: " No. "
Chi: *Slash harder* Pain?
Me: "No. "
Chi: *opens the scissors and continue* Pain?
Me: "No. "
Chi: *Slashes harder* Pain?
Chi: "ar?! SORRY !"

Lols. There's small cut on my wrist. WHy is it so pain now? Cos its directly at the vein there. = =" And my wrist started swelling. Now, its itchy and pain and swollen. haha. But, its nothing(: Not pain anymore. Chi no need feel guilty. HAHA.

Recess, PARTYYY ! :DD
Dppgs plus YenZhi and Angel took sme food and gathered at one corner to eat. haha. Chi's egg jelly was quite nice. haha. But I prefer to call it egg puddng. :/
Home econs. We cooked fish. Me and Ashley partnered tgt. Was msging while cooking. Our whole hand was full of fish and garlic and onion smell. Eww. LOLS. Then we cook. Our fish wasnt cooked yet, still a bit raw, Mrs Chn saw cook le. = =" Then she make us go microwave the fish. We did a little theory work. Msg and msginggg.
English, a period for food. haha, MDM LIM, YOU'RE THE BEST ! :DD We ate and pass the food around. For the next 30 min, we did some work.
Maths retest, NO MORE FULL MARKS ANYMORE ! sobxsobx. I lost one mark cos I didnt add another two zeros. ARRGGGG. )):

After school, my hand was packed full of little tibits. I gave Cheejie a lot. Lols. Rush up to the classroom to take my fish. Lols, forgot to take. Then went toilet and went BUgis with Jun. SHe went to take she specs. OMGGG. I was actually laughing(: But it looks nice luh. haha. We went to look for the print thinggy shop. We're planning to make a DPPGs tee. :DD Twenty bucks for one tee. :/ Jun, jiayou in the designing ! HAHA. We went on seperate ways and I went home(:

I should have expected this to happen.
If it happens on L, why not me?
Its just less than a week, you changed target.
Okay, I shall bless you and your future her((:
Its from the bottom on my heart(:
Stop calling me.
Stop expecting me to stare back at you !
Dont you know that you're irritating?!
I hate you ! (:
And this, is also from the bottom of my heart.

Everyday something new.

4:01 PM

Monday, February 04, 2008



Such a pathetic lousy score, how to even do well in the next retest tmr? This chapter is seriously not one of my favourites.
Its just the chapter 1 and I got so lousy marks for it.
How about the next chapers? o/30?
How am I gonna let my mum sign?!
Maybe her next reaction will be GO TUITION?!
I really dont want luhhh ! >_<

Okay. I had a bad bad tummy ache today. All th way from morning till Im bback home.

It was going to rain this morning, so we went to class for morning assembly.
Science, we had test. OMGGG. I dont really have much confidence )):
English, Mdm Lim scolded some of us. This was the first she was so fierce. Lucky Im not one of them that didnt do the Chinese New Year cardd. Hengg. :/ Did comprehension and so on.
After recess, my tummy gets really really terribly unwell. I didnt really concetrate in Geography. Lucky there's not really lessons today. I got quite low for my Geography test. ): ARRGGGG. Mrs Lee minus half mark in one of my qsns cos I didnt write the word "same". -.- SO SADD. D:
Literature then Maths. I nearly cried when I got my paper. ITS REALLY SERIOUSLY TERRIBLY HORRIBLY BADD. ): Even Gabriel was better than me luhh. OMGG. ): Got a retest tmr after school. I HOPE I CAN PASS ! But I think its impossibleee.

After school, went CIty plaza. The both of them went to pierce ear again. -.- Melissa and Chi. Melissa was no quite bad. She jus went to pierce back the ear where it has closed. CHI HAS A TOTAL OF 8 HOLES NOW. Ohhmyygoshh. -.- Went KFC. Chi treat. :DD THANKS ! x33
Was eating very slowly. My tummy's still aching.
Took bus back to Brd and then 16 to Marina. My tummy hurts all the way. Melissa kept talking about me. She whenever she mentioned... Me and Chi will be like, Ni gou le hor. LOLS.
Went to find our red tee for Wednesday. I cant find): The others are way out of budget for me. Went sasa and we decided to go Bugis to find.
So we took bus to bugis.

Bugis Street was packed like hell. So many people ! We bought popcorn chicken and we manage to find our tee at only 10. :DD But the colour to me, it looks more like hotpink. I wonder will tcher say not. ;O We saw Tara and Jade. We took bus home, we saw Angel. haha.

Stop coming to my place and purposely put your head in front of me and expects me to look and stare back.
DONT EXPECT ME TO DO THAT. I wont, and I never will.
Stop saying Chi's my mum when she asked you to get lost.
If she's my mum, you're my AHGONG.
Stop calling me unnecessarily alsoo !
Please ! Give me a break ! Stop it will you?!
Im trying my best to treat you as a stranger now.

6:17 PM


Hello! My name is monster
I come from a place called MonsterLand

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The Great Escape.
