Thursday, January 31, 2008
2nd post for today(:
I have not done my New Year card for the class yet.
Dont feel like doing.
Btw, last night, me and my mum went dwn to my nanny house.
They're talking about my pimples on my forehead. = ="
Haha, some said that it was because of STRESS. Lols.
I told Chi today, she was simply just laughing away. -.-
Actually, I find it funny too(:
I didnt know I got stress :/
You gave me my hand, but I didnt appreciate it.Dont judge a book by its cover. I just realise that. Whenever Im in school, I will be eager to get out after school.Whenever im out of school, I will want to go into the school again.Imys now. Lolllllllllll.
Chi was trying to entertain me. HAHA.
I need entertainment.
CHIII, dunch twitchh eeuuurrr wordzx lehhhhzx.
Beriiizx hard tuu understanddxz lehhhzx.
Lols. She sang me bibi song. :D
Sian. :/
Morning, was asking Kelly if she's extracting ten teeth for braces. .____. haha. Nothing much during reading. :/
Home Econs, some of us didnt do our workbook. We're all copying here and there. HAHA. Fiedya was copying Debbie's and the tcher's edition book, Debbie was copying the Tcher's edition book, I was copying both and Calvin was copying mine. LOLS. We copied all the way until the bell rang(:
CME, we talked about horoscope. Our class decoration was spoiled by the spinning fans. Lols.
We had Maths and recess.
PC, we continued doing decorations. And some of us are chatting away. Jun and Ling, chill~ More and more pictures are being put up, me and Melissa went to see. XueTing's was the funniest. HAHA. The boy gave XueTing his first kiss. .____. We're laughing and commenting and looking. Calvin's picture was the smallest. We're all askng Ciptoe if the girls in the pics were his girlfriends, and so on, and so for...
Chinese, we had letter writing test. To me, it doesnt look likea test at all. Lols. We did not seperate the tables and we were able to ask others questions and talk. LOLS. But the letter writing is counted in the CA marks luhh. Something happened. OMGOMGGG. I was LMAO-ing so hardddd. Siying wantedto throw something at Gabriel, but the rubbish ended up being thrown outside the window. LOLS. SOmething NC16 happened also. Lao Fu Zi, MR TAYYY ! Lols.
Science, we learnt chapter 5, and bahblahblahh. Sian.
After school, stayed back and accompied by Chi. :D We ate the A&A corner malay food. I took the last plate of nasi lemak. Lols. We ate and chatted. Hahas. Then we walk to the busstop tgt.
Our DPPGs somehow isnt double anymore.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Yay, today's Wednesday again(:
So fastt :/
I was the first one to reach schooll, no one was here yet :/
So I waited. Ling did learn a little bit of Geography, she didnt tell me. D< So I didnt learn. .___. But I learnt before the test :D Lesson per normal. Assembly was funny. I was laughing throughout with XinYuan. HAHAHA ! The way the bangala dance was funny ! It was sooo, OMG when they did the difficult moves. (:
Chinese, Chen Lao Shi fund a 10 dollar note when he was trying to operate the thinggy. Lols. Gabriel claims that he's the treasurer, but Chen Lao Shi didnt believe him. LOL.
Geography test, the MCQ anwers are way tooooo close.
I HATE MATHS ! I'm failing this Maths test for sure. ITS TOO HARD FOR MEEE ! I think I got all wrong ;xx Arrggg, I got the worst mark out of my life for my aths worksheet. 3/20. .______. All careless mistakes, WTH. Almost all my worksheets has a "See Me" beside my marks(: Cool eh? Lols.
After school, We saw Cheejie they all playing bballl. Melissa gave a suddenly scream : "WEILONGGG ! " HAHA ! Omg. But I didnt see Weilong there? :/ JunJun ran far far away. HAHA. DPPGs went City plaza. (: We went to have lunch at KFC first. We ate and chatted. DPPGs secretss. We talked while eating. We went City Plaza after that. Melissa and Chi's piercing ear. OMG. When I saw Melissa pierce, I DIDNT EVEN DARE TO LOOK LARH ! lols. Its sooo, painful .____. Melissa said it wasnt. Lols Chi's ear bleed. Poor thing. Lols. We went to buy Ling's 5566 CD. Then, I went Sinma for a little while and went home with Jun(: We're chatted a little bit about my stuff while waiting for the bus. Lols. Jun was feeling giddy. TAKECRE GURL ! I alighted after her.
I want..But I cant. x/3
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Welcome back, GABRIEL! Yeah, since I saw you smiling and laughinglike nothing has happened, I shall do the same too(:Morning, I wasnt myself. I hadnt woke up yet. So yeah, sorry for worrying about me. DDD:We had PE !5 sets, each set 10push up and land water kicking.
Did some stupid warm up again.
Mr Tay was in a good mood today, he kept laughing. Lols.
We jumped here and there, as we're practising broad jumping.
Laughed most of the time than jumping. Ran and so on.
Ling wanted a chat from me, but I did not give her ;xx
Lessons was boring. No need say anything.
I was giggling hard when I aw Gabriel's new hairstyle. LOLS. No offencee.
I partnered Angel for Home Econs. Somehow, we thought that our choco cookie will turn out YUCKIE. but it taste just so perfect ! Yay(: Our's was the so called smallest cookie among the other groups. CKQ said that it looked like Famous Amous. Lols. Angel, thanks ar(:
He dao-ed Ling because of me.All of them're pissed off with him, because of me. SO SORRY !I still believe that it was just sweet words.And Im sure he can say that to other girls too./Forgive & Forget.
Monday, January 28, 2008
From the very beginning of school just now,I was avoiding him like mad.I ran away the moment he came to me.I turned away the moment he looked at me. I feel so awkward, I feel so @#$^&!@#$*I didnt want school to end so soon. But somehow, it ended like a blink of my eyes. I pulled Siying and Melissa and ran away the moment I was out of the class.But he somehow followed us. = ="So he expects a YES from me.Wht if I unexpectately say NO? Lols. Okay, WHATEVER.This morning, was talking to Karyi. Ling didnt come to school. SICK. TAKECARE GIRL ! We went to class, as it was going to rain. Then we went computer lab for science. Melissa went to other website secretly and was caught by Mr Lau. HAHA, Melissa's reaction was funny.
English, I FORGOT TO BRING MY PHOTO ! And I was punished with the rest. HAHA. Leg so tired. :/ Almost everyone didnt ring. We gotta read before we could sit. but fortunately, Mdm Lim didnt call me ! wahaha.
Recess and geography and literature
Literature,we did out work while some guys went to hang for the decoration. We made a lot of noise. We're chatting after we finished our work. Me, Chi, ZhangJun and Melissa. Ms Han didnt come tdy, so YAY !
No test(:
After school, went Marina with SiYing and Melissa. Same and usual, we're lost(: We ate Mc DOnalds, we're laughing and chatting. Melissa was guessing who was He. Lols. SiYing claims that I dislikes a lot him :/ Haha. We had a hard time finding Watsons. Melissa bought her perfume and foundation. Sasa, me and Siying bought Nail Polish. Siying gave me one, THANKS THANKS !(((: I bought all transparent. :/ We went to buy somemore stuff, and yea, we went home at 4.
So 'guai'. HAHA.
I so wanted to off my phone when you msg-ed me.I replied you in the end.You want my answer from my heart.But my heart seems to be mute. I cant hear it telling me the answer.But when I saw you sitting with so many girls, I guess Im wrong. I finally realised(:I need more time, but I guess, I had alrdy made my desicion. Some asked me to acceptbut most asked me to reject.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Went out with nanny today, to buy my New Year shoe.
Stop holding my hand ! I felt so uneasy and uncomfortable.Bstd. Didnt you see me glare at you?! Takashimaya wasnt open when we went there. = =" We went for breakfast first, at delifrance.
Then taka was opened, we went to shop. I bougt 3 Mr Midnight books at Kinokuniya. I cant find my shoe ! I wasnt in a very good mood for shopping today, Gerald Lim msg-ed me. I vent my angers on him, yet he go anyhow say. Wth. My nanny almost gave up on me trying to find new shoes. I was msg-ing, msg-ing and msg-ing. At last, I bought my shoe. They insisted me on buying dress. = =" I tried one, it fits me but out of stock. Lols.
Then went home. Spent almot 5 hours of shopping.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Im a little unusual today. :/
I hadnt finish my hwk. No mood.
Was pissed off just now, my mum off-ed the fan. = ="
Stupid right? Angry with such thing.
My dinner's here ! Its 9plus now. = ="
Went out shopping with my sister.
She wanna buy her shoe !
So we went Parkmall for lunch first. So full !
Then we went Raffles Place, City Link, Marina Sq, Suntec and Bugis.
My sister was eyeing things that were RED ! = =" Lols.
I bought a tee from ROOTS. And my stationary from A&BC.
My sister went to trim her hair, I went shopping myself.
So lonely. Hahas. So weird shopping alone. :/
Went home at 7++. So tired.
Going out tmr too. :/
I spent my time thinking then shopping alone just now.Wo shi yi ge shi bai zhe.Maybe god make me like that. So I just had to accept the fact. (:Whatever things thats going to happen next time,I just had to accept it. Right? Maybe just a bit of negative prediction.So if it happens next time, I'll not get too sad (:
First Love by Utada Hikaru
Saigo no kisu wa tabako no flavor ga shita
Nigakute setsunai kaori
Ashita no imagoro ni wa
Anata wa doko ni irundarou
Dare wo omotterundarou
You are always gonna be my love
Itsuka darekato mata koi ni ochitemo
I'll remember to love you taught me how
You are always gonna be the one
Ima wa mada kanashii love song
Atarashi uta utaeru made
Tachidomaru jikan ga
Ugoki dasouto shiteru
Wasureta kunai kotobakari
Ashita no imagoro niwa
Watashi wa kitto naiteru
Anatawo omotterundarou
You will always be inside my heart
Itsumo anata dake no basho ga aru kara
I hope that I have a place in your heart too
Now and forever you are still the one
Ima wa mada kanashii love song
Atarashii uta utaeru made
You are always gonna be my love
Itsuka darekato mata koi ni ochitemo
I'll remember to love you taught me how
You are always gonna be the one
Mada kanashii love song
Now and forever
Friday, January 25, 2008
My email was deleted out of a sudden. ._____.
It was an account I didnt touch it for about a year plus bahh. ;x
OMG. So sad larh ! Hais.
Btw. Im so bored now luh !
Felt like sleeping.
But dont feel like.
I've been having cold sweat. OMG. My window was open big big, but no wind come in. T_TGot air con? Artificial wind. = =" Haha, me, Melissa and a few of them were busy doing smth.
But now, its done and Im so bored. So sian. :/
./I wonder this, I wonder that.
At that moment, I felt that Im shooting high high !((: Thanks ar !
Ask everyone a qsn before I start posting.
When we gain smth, we will lose smth.
How about when we gain smth, we will lose nothing?
Or when we lose smth, we will lose another thing?
Okay. School as usual.
Lets start from After recess. Me and Xiao Wen had a tickle warrrr ! HAHA.
Okay, thats all I think. .____.
After school. YENZHI WAS ATTACKING ME ! Lols.
She wann tickle me, butI refused. She chased me around the canteen as if we both are looneys. LMAO. Then all of them went, I was tgt with Kelly and Karyi. The both of them make me laugh so much ! OMG(: Then, we went to change into Full Uniform.
Girl Guides.
New comers ! Some of the sec1 and XinHong came. We get to know who's promoted and the change of patrols.
Congrats Ling, Jannah and PeiFen promoted to PS ! :DD I was changed into Oriole. I looked happy with the change of patrol, but I wasnt ! Congrats Jade in advance ! The next PS in Oriole((((: I want to be in Flowerpecker! Sadly, I wasnt. I WILL MISS THE FUN IN FLOWERPECKER ! BYE FLOWERPECKER ! Played wacko ! I was wacked twice ! ARRGHHH ! I went to wack others, and I was back on the seat ! haha. I was laughing like madddd. Everyone was so panicked, trying to think of a name. haha. PL and PS meeting. The rest of us did comics. I finished mine, and nothing to do. Me, Melissa, Theresa and EngTeng went toilet. Me and Theresa wasnt happy at all. Theresa was disappointed with thing A, I wasnt happy with thing B. Theresa, jy ! You have a chance in March. :DD We went back class. All of them were sending songs, I was looking at them. We dismissed earlier. Accompanied Melissa wait for her mum. I told all of them something. ;O Then went home(:
One word to describe;AGAINST. Ling ! Dont so sad luh! PS LEH ! if other ppl want say, let them say luh. You knnow what we learn in english tdy? UNINTERESTED(((: Other ppl want to be PS also cannot, so you gotta be happy ! And, you're in flowerpecker lehh ! Must be honoured(: Sometimes, how I wish I could tell you.Not just quick glances. I felt that I was about to lose everything at that very moment.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Yay, today was better than ytd. (:
but ahwei ddnt come and comfort me. ;OO
Yay, so happy(: DPPGs settled ! :D
Morning, talking to karyi. Ahwei didnt come and find me leh. haha. Then Karyi suddenly laugh for nothing . haha, then I laugh along. .___.
We had Home Econs test ! OMG. I think I'll fail :/ Its either spelling error or wrie wrong. Arrgh ! That part contain 10marks mann !
PC today was a bit NC16.
Mr Ghazali talked to us about ............ All of us was like, OMGGGG. Errr. Eeyer. LOLs.
Maths, learn factorisation. BLUR DIAO.. T_T Yay, tmr's test posponed to Monday ! :DD
Recess, ate burger. me and Chi was sitting on the bench of the quartrangle. Feng Feng came to kajiao. I said something wronggg. OMG. Mdm Lim caught me and my ankle socks ! ARRGGGGG !
Did the new year decoration thinggy. Cut cut cut cut cut.
Third person asked me the same qsn. .___. Wonder whose next tmr. :/ haha.
MT, me, Melissa and Chi skipped a little bit of the lesson. We're comforting Melissa at the staircase. When we went up, Chen Lao Shi was like, SAN ZHI XIAO MAO HUI LAI LE. T____T Everyone laugh sia ! So malu. .__. We had listening. The CD something wrong. All of us were LMAO-inggggg.
Science, boringggg. :/
After school.
Went Kallang Macs wth Jun. We actually wanna do our hwk there. End up, we talk instead. haha. She told me her story, I was like, SO SWEET ! haha. We talked really lot lots(((: About one hour plus of talking non stop. I knew alot and she knew a lot. haha. Its terrible to keep it inside, but malu to say it out. Yeahhh(:
Then went home at 4.
Teeli, dont sad dont sad. JIAYOU JIAYOU. Work hard in poly, sure can go university((: Im lucky it didnt happen. If not, :/
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
My mum and dad ! ;DD
Last long ! ((((:
Today was an unpleasant day for me.
Some of my classmates too.
Gabriel was expelled. [[It was ytd]]
Both of them quarrelled.
Shan Shan spoke vulgars. .___.
She seems to ignore me. ):
Four of them cried for him. Its sad, and its so sudden. CHEERUP Larhh !Gerald Lim deserves a scolding man ! You can still HA HA HA when he left? You can still say 'so? ' . Dont you know whats the reason? Okay, nothing happened today. Its a wednesday and yea, school start late.
Science, we gotta light the bunsen burner. Lucky I've got CHeng Wei and Feng Feng to help me. I ran far far away the moment the light the fire up. Lols. FengFeng came to our group for a while, he didnt wanna be 'light bulb' of Julien and Jonathan. Lols. Me and Melissa's experiment nearly fail again. .___. Mr Nizam was angry with us for nothing during music lessons. :/ And yea, the rest of the lessons were boring.
After school, had lunch and had the coursework thing. I wasnt in the mood, I told Melissa: " how come this workshop need so long want. " And the instructor was just i fornt of us. = =" Okay luhh, the workshop wasnt so bad. We went to our classroom and did our workshops. Was sitting beside ling. We talked and so on. 6, SO HOME !
Bus 33 home with Xin Yuan. We really chatted about relationship stuff all the way. Yu Hang, watch out man ! She as asking me : " why you dont have stead? " Yeahh, she knows my reason(((: We stopped at the busstop and chatted more until its reaching 7(:
Then, went home.
I really dont know who's right or who's wrong. But I wanna say was once a DPPGs, always one. Isnt this the main rule we had? I think Im sensative.But I dont know why. I feel like crying just now, but my tears just seems to "suck" back into my eyes. Its terrible../ I had an unpleasant day today !
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
The golden path de ending so lame. = ="
Was talking on the phone with ling(:
Was talking on MSN too xD
I went bonkers in the morning. I was so hyperly high. I laughed when I saw Karyi smiling, I laughed when SiYing's smiling. Lols. Kelly sick ! TAKE CARE ! ;DD
We went for morning exercise. At least better than jumping jack in he soggy field, we walked one round around the school. Jocelyn went home, she's having food poisoning, I think. :/ Take care Jo !
I hate today's PE. .___.
Mr Tan was angry with us for nothing. He scolded SiYing when she was just merely giving suggestions. Plus, he gave a remark: " Im in charge, I plan everything and you all must follow !!" . Lols. So what? We ran round the canal, some of us walked instead. Gabriel was like, "eh, all dont run lehh". HAHA. Halfway, we did exercises. Mr Tay was angry wih us for nothing again. He made us do 5 sets of push up and sit ups. One set consist of 10push up and 5 sit ups. The ground was rough and hard, and he expects us to do nicely without fail. My spine was so pain when I did the sit ups. My knee caps were bout to get bruises. We continued running, none of them run except some. Me and ling breezed walk back school, we're the first girls to reach. :DD Next week, we'll get our punishments. Oh, whateverrr.
Chinese, we had 'mo xie'. Only for the poems. Can say was, all of us cheated. HAHA. Even Chen Lao Shi told us the ans. o.0 We did zuo ye. Me, melisa and Chi chatted with Chen Lao Shi about some stuff. Its private and confidential. All of us get to know so many things. o.o Recess then home econs.
Home econs, we went lab. Dahae was sitting behind me. She's just so cute luhh ! HAHAHA. I cant stand it, her reaction always makes me laugh. hahaha.
English, we did story writing in groups. We're talking to. hahaha.
After School, went Chi's house. Me, Melissa, Jun and yenZhi. We went Macs to eat first. There's this cameraman started talking photos of the whole macs and I was trying to cover and hide myself. ARRGHH. Went Chi's house, we stayed in her room doing nothing. I realised that there's no homework. = =" hahaha. We wanted to watch comedies, but all chi's VCDs are all old shows. lol. Melissa was like telling me " bi, its time to get yourself a stead." lols. Jun didnt wanna let us send songsss. ;O All of us left her house at 5, we went home(:
Im happy today. :DD
Monday, January 21, 2008
Oh, I have nothing to blog about todayyy.
Just normal lessons, ((:
New comer, Wei Cheng from half china and half japan. COOL !
Science, we're about to continue our experiments, when the nurse came and call us, everyone was like, YAY ! lols.
Went for health screening. Everyone was mocking at Chi and making her remember that she lost her shoe last year. HAHA. My hair is natural, I didnt dye them brown. Even if tcher ask me to dye black, haha, TOO BAD.
It was my turn, I went in. Check backbone, mine was curled. = =" I didnt know that I had a hole in my heart ! HAHA. That was just soo, :/
Me and Jonathan tried hard to make Mdm Lim change Jonathan's seat, but fail): We wrote story during English. My group ppl were Melissa, YenZhi, Debbie, Yu Hang and Eng Leong ! And we wrote about rabbit tail. .___.
After recess, I was sleeping during geo lessons. Zzz.
We decorated our so called "photo" during literature. Mdm Lim was dissapointed. ;O Maths, learn something new and blah blah blahhh.
After school, some of them went Lan. The rest, ling, Jun, Rozanne and me were in the canteen talking and eating. Then went home(:
I felt my heart pumping fast today.Oh, how I wish that was asthma or heart attack.But it wasnt. Hell girl de show nice meh? lol.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Seriously,its totally coicidence. I didnt talk to that person for days, WHY DID HE ASK THE SAME QSN AS ME?! Did he read my mind? OMG, HE CAN?! Lols.Wo men zhen de mei you chuan tong hao. I can swear ;D THE DPPGs WENT OUT TODAY ! :D
Went to meet Chi and Melissa first. Was taking to Chi on the phone. She asked me a qsn. OF COURSE NOT ! hahas, I wonder why you like highlighting my blog :/ hahas. Just by walking to the busstop to meet Chi, WHOOSH ~
Rain comes. hahas. We dont care, we continue walking. We wanna get sick ! :DD We meet Melissa at KFC. Ate KFC. I didnt eat, just drink. Too full. I was telling them about BBT, they gave a kind of face = ="
Haha, then went MRT. Halfway, Rain again. This time even heavier. Then i took out my umbrella, we three share. Hahas. Then when Melissa close the umbrella, the rainwater splashed at one bangala. Wahaha, we're laughing like mad, esp me ! ((: How could I stop laughing? Its really hilarious. HAHA. Take MRT down to Bugis.
Reached Bugis, we went to Meet Jun, Ling and Rozanne.
I was sms-ing, Chi and Melissa wanna see. Then they say I was talking bad about them. = =" All of us were not quite happy of something, but we're okay in the end. We went bugis street, Me, Melissa and Jun were trying to look for bags. The whole place was packed like sardine. So crowded ! We're all turning dizzy just by looking at the crowds. We cant find our bags): We're like, Arrgh. Forget it. All of them went bugis Junction. THey cant stand the crowd. Melissa saw something, I went with her. In the end, I bough my bag :DD Its shoulder cum sling bag. Quite satisfied with it(: Melissa bought two bags plus Miss lil giggles tee. Rich girl. Lols. We went back to find the rest. Popular, we bought Red packets just for the sake of photos. We went up to the neoprint shop, and we took neoprint ! HAHA. We're giving tcher neoprints, Melissa pointed middle finger = =" We're all so excited when taking photo. HAHA. Cos they snapped very fast. Haha. Take finish liao, went Kinokyniya. Jun bought her vampire book. Lols. Then Ling and Rozanne went home, the rest of us went Muji. haha. Then, we all went home while Melissa go look for her mum.
Then I went home, my mum gave unnessary comments again. = =" She said that the bag was too expensive. I was so pissed off when the hook could not open. Arrgh ! My mum acc me back to bugis to change(: Halfway, rain again. Arrghhhh.
I was thinking of giving up :/Yes, I think I will (:
Dont think about it anymore, really. Its useless and pointless. It only affect your mood and so on. Want think, think about me. haha(: This will surely make your mood HIGH ! haha. *bhb
Saturday, January 19, 2008
4th post for todayy.
Watched this video Kelly gave me. Ahwei cried):
So sad. He cried like hell.
I cried too ))):
I feel so down after I came back from Audi.
Dont know why. :/
I had no couple currently, Melissa and Chi were wanting to help me find one this few days. Lols.
I feel so sleepy now.
I 've got a scratch on my wrist, a bump on my head, a cut on my left eye and bruise on my leg.
OMG ! I cant believe it ! My ow jiejie went auction and manage to snatch BBT album with BBT signatures on it ! AHHHHH ~! THANKS ! I can still feel the marker texture ! AHH ! So high now(: THanksthanksthanks !
I blogged 3 times today. ._____.
Uneasy and uncomfortable. :/
Finally, I finished my hwks except for my one of the Maths qsn.
Peepos, anyone know how to do qsn 9 on the assignment ws, PLEASE TEACH ME !
I almost forget.
Stamford's building changed from
blue to pink and yellow. Wow, the colours dont really match actually. = ="OHWELL. hais.
BBT, AH WEI ROCKKSSS ! XDKelly said that he's the male lead of one of the MV.OMG ! ;DDD Idk why, but Im looking forward to tmr's hangout with DPPGs 0.0
I dont want the bag anymoreee. ;OMy mum made some comments about it and yup, I dont want the bag anymore. Lols.
Went out with her, to suntec and Marina. We ate Hans, and Im so freaky full. We got lost again. .____.
& I came back, not happily but painfully. LOLS.
Going bugis with Melissa and Chi tmr.
We're going to look for bags and finding solutions for our photos.
I woke up at 6plus in the morning, staring into space, thinking.. WOW ! Now audiitiion changed again!Thre's new map: Forbidden cityAnd new game: BALLROOM ! haha.All very nice sia. (:
Friday, January 18, 2008
I never felt so depressed than today before.Oh god, I had enough. Today's a suay day.
Maths nearly make me wept.
Piles of homeworks make me so freaky pissed off.
Mdm Lim made me sit between Jonathan and Gabriel.
Where can I find a photo of me celebrating new year within two days?
Guides, I nearly cried. I was so pissed off, I feel like smashing things.
And of course, I worst wasnt this. I shan't say it out.
Shall not post anything about school today. Nothing much happen except for all of the above.
At least Guides cheered me up. ;D Maybe I could say, the BBT magazine cheered me up. :DDD I shall wait patiently for next month(: Kelly spat saliva at me. EEYER. Good that she admit. HAHA. I said wrong words when walking back from marching. KELLY, SHHHHH~ haha. Kelly was 'sick'. She kept looking at BBT pictured of them... OMGGG. Kelly and Karyi was staring at me, waiting for me to remove my hand from the bells Basirah gave me. TOo BAD. haha. Drew comics. Sucks. Then went home.
Walking with Kelly on the way to the busstop, We'r talking about BBT ! And the class seating arrangement now. sians.
I wanna crush one of them too !But the thing is, can I succeeed? When I sees you, I feels so #@#$!)^&*( I wish you can dont appear in front of me. PLEEEAAAASSSEEE? Love is complicated, hurt and depress and make us lose so much tears.
So why must we love?
I dont believe in love for the time beind. DDD:
Thursday, January 17, 2008
I WANT THE BBT CALENDAR ! Can I buy? Cancancan? The fans magazine. ;DI was like, okay, this is mine. When Pauline showed it to me. I was like, AHHHH~ Lols. Kelly they all happened to be there. Grrr~ I want ! Nothing much happened today too(: My post is getting shorterr. D:
Okay, I'll write a long one today. I hope so? Lols.
Kim Daheh is seriously cute ! OMG. I cant stand laughing at her reaction ! HAHA! She was realy a hilarious and cute girl. I wanna Mdm Lim change her with Mikeee. ;O CME, we talked about foreigners and blahh. Mr Ghazali started to talk about his cheesecake again. Lols. He called Ke Qin Ketchup? o.0 He wanted to call WeiXi, Rosie. LOL. Maths, ALGEBRA. I hate this topic. Sians. PC, we did the New Year decorations. Kinda too early though. :/ I cut while Mike staple them tgt. MT, did letter writing. Some of us listened to musi behind Chen Lao Shi. LOLS. He caught us, but he didnt care much when we continued listening. LOL. I just get to know. Jessica's the same birthday as me. o.0 Was reading fans, Chen lao Shi asked me about this magazine. I just smiled and continue reading(: LOLS. We went to the lab during Science. Me and Melissa's experiment didnt work. Why? WE ADDED THE WRONG SOLUTON. -.-" SO PAISEH LUH! We quickly redo it. WALAUUU. -.- Feng Feng was irritating us. ARRGG ! Chi told QuWei that she and ling's buay song of him staring at them. LOL. HE IS JUST A FOREIGNER.
After School. We wanna go out. Me, MeiChi and Pauline. I thougt of Marina, I wanna go there takea quick glance at that bag): Pauline suggested Leslie park or whatever the spelling and Plaza Sing. Chi cant go so late. ARRGGGG. We stayed in school in the end(: PeiEn came and followed us. Ate cup n0oodles. YUM ! lols. Asked Huilin about the guides tmr, I accidentally pointed middle finger a Margaret. SORRY! Lol. Im not intending to fight. haha. We waited and waited. Melissa came, and we went homeeeee. A very hot day today, IM PERSPIRING LIKE MAD! Lol.
I felt so !@#$%^&*( when I see you stare at her. Nvm.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHENG DA !& HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAIXIN ! Another new comer today. Quite cute sia she. HAHA.
Her name is Kimdahi. When everyone heard it, everyone was facing Kimdoh and WOOOOO. HAHAHA.
BBT is in Iweekly ! Thanks Chi for lending me, then I dont have to buy. HAHA. Ashley also thinks that AHWEI IS NICE ! Wooo! high five man! ;D
Nothing much happened in school todayy. Science, Mr LAu made some of the people to try on "fried scorpion" and "snake wine" he bought from "Vietnam". OMG, we're all laughing so hard whereas the peopple there're shivering. HAHA. Its actually chocolate and chocolate milk. LOLS. OMG. So funny ! Chinese was about food too. Chen LaoShi made us memories the poem inside our textbook. Whoever can read it out without looking tthe textbook, will get one chinese goodie, the kueh bangkit or whatever. Lols. If not, HE WILL EAT THEM. HAHA. Was reading teenage. Seriously, this weel's Dear Kelly de stories were all gross. Very gross and sick. Lol. My heart was pumping when I read it. And I rmb-ed the pri5 incident. T.T Omg. Geography, its time for us to sleep. LOL. My mind was not there, but somewhere. Where? Dreamland. LOLS. I was falling asleep.
After school, went canteen to eat. Before that, me and ling went to the toilet to make our hair. Talking about something, I was MADDD. lol. Ate laksa. NICE ! ;D Kelly, karyi was there buying also. Kelly gave me a sudden knock on the back, I FREAKED OUT. -.- Kelly win liao. L0ls. One sec1 boy, he was sitting with us. His eyes were looking somewhere, as if he's looking at his gf,plus, he was smiling. o.0 Went 7/11. YenZhi bought us audi card. ;D THANKS THANKS ALOT !
I had a terrible dream last night. Its horrible and terrible. I even felt like crying when I thought of that. but, I knew its totally impossible. PLEASE, IT IS !. Ling said that everyone's emo today. Jun, YenZhi, FengFeng. SHe said that me too. Where got? ANyhow say. HAHA.My birthday's coming soon ! ;DDD
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Yay, tmr can wake up later((:
Morning, Me, Siying and XinYuan were gossiping about this particular person. LOLS. Me and Siying were trying to find sing children songs. AHAHA. Old mac donald had a farm, tinkle tinkle little starrr, ABCDEFG. HAHAHA. I wanna go toilet, but the toilet's PACKED. Hais. Chi was LATE ! D< PE. Was laughing my asss offf. We did exercise in front of the 5Ns! GRRR~ So paiseh can? Lols. My leg was bloody itchy and I scratched till bleed. T.T Did the funny exercises. Lucky the sec 5 all go in liao. HAHAHA. Was laughing till I can hardlyopen my eyes. Canal, we ran. Me and Ling was talking while running. We did push ups and the dont know what thing on the hard rough ground. SO PAIN !
Okay, MT and Recess and Home Ecns and English were nothing. .__. IHYA RECESS GOT ! 3sec one boys took our seats when we already put our tshirt there. Lols. Pauline and Chi wanted to scold them. But they're just a sec1 guys. Lols. I walked away, and they didnt scold. Lolol.
After School ! Went Lingling's house. Was packed like sardine in the bus. Me, YenZhi, Rozanne, YiTing and her friend. Was talking and talking till we alighted. I was laughing like mad. -.- Yiling's house. I used her laptop. Me and YenZhi played Audition tgt. YangYang so cute ! Was looking at lingling's cosmetics. SO MANY ! Lols. The two maddys, YenZhi and YangYang. Lols. They're dancing and singing in the room. Whereas me and Ling wanna concentrate on our musics. HAHA. YangYang spat at YenZhi. EWWW. Lols. Then went home. (:
I cant believe ! Its really incredible okay ! ((((: Im addicted to TIAmo too. ;O
Currently at Lingling house. ;DD
Monday, January 14, 2008
THANK YOU FOR THE PRESENT !Rozanne ! ;DDOHMYGAWD ! I totally loved the BBT Puzzle man! ;D I was hugging it almost everywhere I go. HAHA! AHHHH~! Okay whateverrrrrr.
Good news today, NEW COMER. Name: Qu Wei. Uhh, is i counted a good news? LOLS.
Bad news. Shan Shan changed place wit Mike. Now Mike is sitting beside me. XinYuan doesnt want to st beside Mike, thats why. ARRGH! WTH. Lols. I WANT BACK SHAN SHAN~ SHAN SHAN HUI LAI ARH.
Have you ever imagined?! We're going sec3 next year ! HAHA.Nothing happen much today. Time flies quite fast today though. :/ Before assembling a the quartrangle, I managed to make Cheejie donate 2bucks for my donation. xDD Thanks ar. YuHang, FengFeng and Chi donated to me tooo. THANKS THANKS ! ;DD Went to th library during English lesson and I borrowed the wrong book. -.-" Karyi was there too. hahaha. I totally could not open my eyes during geography. In fact, everyone was lying on the table sleeping but Mrs Lee just continued teaching. -.- I was listening and concentrating. Was I? LOLS. There's a bee buzzing beside me from the moment till end of school which was Mike! Lucky Faizah was beide Mike. Lols. Kidding larh. HAHA. Was falling asleep during literature. Mdm Lim caught me sleeping and she called my name. I jumped up and everyone was laughing. -.- So paisehh ;xx Whateverrrrr. I made so many careless mistakes on my Maths worksheet. ARRGH! THats my first time so particular with it you know? Lols. Ms Han was teaching me, Kimdo came. HE WAS FUNNY ! Lols. Was LMAO-ing at what he said. HAHAHA.
After school(:
Met Kelly they all. They wanted to pass us something, but they took it back in the end. LOLS. hahaha. Kelly hit my puzzle before she went up and I was like, O.O HAHA. Shocked(: Went to the library. Nicholas was kinda buay song with the librarian there. Lols. Went com lab, Melissa wanted to print her email. THe internet could not work so we gave up in the end The people in the com lab was actully drinking milk that wasnt kept in the refrigerater for 48hours?! EEEE. YUCKS MAN ! We rushed to Melissa's house. Was waiting for her to bath, me and Chi were looking at each other's message. HAHAHA. bus 10 down to Marina.
We were enjoying our food in the bus and chatting so loudly as if we're the only ones there. LOLS. There was this ang moh, he saw us and said: hows school? DOnt go to school. Studying will make you dull blahblahblah. ALl of us were LMAO-ing(: Marina, we went to collect our GV membership card first. THen, bought XXL chicken. We're making the people there confused. HAHA. 6packets of chicken mine you? LOLS. We're making the person there laugh too. We predicted the future on who will like who in future. HAHAHA. I EYED A BAG): It cost 39bucks. I MUSTMUST PULL MY MUM THERE TO SEEE ! Went to our usual place to eat. Then, we went shopping. Wallet shop and sasa. Melissa bought 4nal polish, one polish removal and one eye liner. LOLS. Rich girl. Bus back to BROADRICK to give ling and the rest XXL chicken. Was chasing after my bus. Melissa and Chi was laughing at me. -.- STOP LAUGHINGGG.
Went home(:
Should I? Or should I not? But I dont wish to tell it out. She's sad and hurt too much already. Xing Li You Shuuuuuu~ OMG, Im fallingin love with this song ! ;DDI told myself that I've let you go long ago.But is it a lie?
Sunday, January 13, 2008
I had a bad dream ytd night. ):
Its Sunday todayyy.
Nothing much to do. No hwk this weekend xDD
OHYA, must bring red packets !
Ohohoh, all of you must rmb too :D
Ltr Mdm Lim scold. ;xx
See this picture.
A play dead picture -.-

Isnt it nice?!
Cause is I take de mah. XD
Okay luhh. If I were to show the piture bigger,
you will be able to see Melissa giggling.
By the way, Audi's level 10 lisence is seriously
Duper uper DIFFICULT.
I spent like, 4 times liscence, I still fail. DD:
Suddenly in the mood for Chinese New Year ;D
Red packetsssss.
Edited //
Stamford change until like that. Lols. Seriously, I prefer the building to be blue instead of yellowish orange luhh, -.-
Please talk to the wall instead.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
I felt that Im selfish. I am, maybe.I felt pressure when the subject was changed to this. :/Everyone asking me to tell.Say. How? I so wanted to say a yes. But the sentence came out of my mind again. Everyone respected my desicion. But I dont respect theirs. Another selfish act again eh? I might cause more victims in future if I dont say.I might cause EVEN more conflicts in future if I dont say.Should I reconsider? Yes, or No? So what you want now? Venting your angers on others? And ended up, the problem comes to you again?YDI. SYR. You created it, you solve it !You mess it, you tidy it !You change it, you change it backk !BAHHHH ! I know I promised you.Last time okay? LOL. GOUGOUSHOU. ((((: you are a pig! .___.
Sec One orientation todayyy.
Woke up at 7.45. Which is like, so early?! Lol. Prepared and got out of house. Met Karyi at the busstop. Then we went school tgt. Haha. Karyi went to find her mother and we went to our booth after that. Huilin was sick. TAKE CAREE ! We falled in at 9plus. Then we're grouped and paired. I paired with Karyi. We folded the brochures and sat there waiting for instructions. PeiFen was pretending that I was invisible. LOL. Not funny sia. haha. Then sit there while Karyi went to tie the gadgets. Me, Kelly, Melissa and some others shifted the booth to the shade as the sun is directly above us. Then we looked at the stuff. Nice ! All the parents and students came down, we went around to give the brochures. Me and Karyi was outside 1N1, waiting for people to come out. Ling was there, we exchanged the guides brochures tgt and said: Join GirlGuides! HAHA. Retarted but fun(: Give out le, we went around grabbing people to join guides. Kelly was like, so fierce, trying to ask them to go to our booth. HAHA. We walked and walk around. Then back to the booth. Took a look at our video presentation. WHOA. haha. Then went to brag people with PeiFen. I grabbed YiTing and a girl called Grace. xDD Grace was a cute little girl(: SHe wanted to join two CCA. Badminton/ Swimming and Guides. Me and ling followed her around in order to make sure that she comes to our booth and fill in the form. In the end, SHE DID! wooo. haha! Then went to buy drinks and blahh. We packed up. Brought stuff into the guides room with kelly and karyi. KUKUUUUU~! Pleeeaaaassseeeeeee dont call me GINA lehh. Lolollllllls. HAHA. Basirah gave me a little gift. haha. THAKS BASIRAH! Kelly wanted to see thats that and I hid it. haha. Too badd. Dont call me gina first. We joked and laughed with Idah. Chen Lao Shi wanted to cut Kelly's hand. O.O wooo. haha. Then fall in and dismiss. Actually, there's meeting for the SLTC de. But in the end dont have :/
Slacked for a while and we went. Me and Melissa. Took bus down to parkway to find Ling they all. We took 10 and its a wrong bus. ;xx So we went into Katong complex and bought fries. Mervin called Melissa and they had a chattt. Went Parkway after that. KFC, to look for Ling, Ting, Feng Ling and Rozanne. Melissa went home after that. We went popular and spent alot of our time there, trying to find our textbooks, files, organizer and stationaries. Me, FengLing and Rozanne ran to the toilet halfway. Urgent, haha. We went back, continue to shop for our stuff. I saw BANG BANG TANG ALBUM! AHHH! I was hugging it for the rest of the times when until we paid for our stuff. Sad. But, I dont think I wanna buy :/ The free gift so little one. HAHA. Went parkway to shopp. Looking at the cosmetics at Chamaleon, ITS CHEAP! But the brand not so good :/ We went other places too. Bought my handphone strip at comics connection. 1buck nia. HAHA. Bought Bandung bubble tea and I chased for my bus.
Rushed home to catch Green Forest, My Home. HAHA.
The 15th word: Xiang you xing fu de xiao rong. ((((:
Recall the past, and you will know the answer(:
Friday, January 11, 2008
My tama kiki died again. DDD:
R.I.P, my kikikikikikikiiii.
I forgot many stuff about today :/
Mr Lau wore a bit unusual today. PINK. o.0 wooo. We had a project to do during Literature. About puppets. Mdm Lim at first wanted 4in a group, one of them must be the new comers. So we sort, we couldnt sort it out. Melissa, Jun, Ling, Chi and I. Then Mdm Lim said 5, we still couldnt sort it out. So we let Mdm Lim group for us, we went very blur. HAHA. Im with Melissa, Ling, Gabriel, Cipto.. is Nelson in too? idk and idc. haha. Chen Lao Shi today went GONG. hahas. All the gong gong gong gong. HAHA.
Guides haven start yet, Me, Melissa and yenZhi went 7/11. Bought push pop candy. Going to be addicted liaoo. Melissa bought Jolly Sandy(wrong spelling) also. Paying up, Melissawas talking to some guys. on of the tall guys saw my nametag and said: I thought Regina is a brand name? oh, ribena? LOL. what the hellllllll. Went back school. Weather was hot, so we went library to chillll. We chatted in the lbrary. Ling and Jun came, yenZhi left. Was so engrossed with Jun's matchmaking story. HAHA. Was laughing hard too. Saw Calista, I knew something.. Went toilet, me and ling didnt want to come out. but we did of course. Lols. Changed into our half U, we went to the notice board.
Falled in, mdm rose briefed us on what to do. I was instructed to paint the banners with Kelly, Huilin, Jannah and Eurice plus IDAHH! haha. So we painted the words first with Kelly an Huilin. Was quiet at first. but we soon had so much laughters inside the guides room. AHAHAS. Painted the trefoil, as what Idah told me. SO I paint, paint and paint. Idahh pronouced my name wrongly, and said that it sounded like.. ARRGGGGG. IDAHH~! LOLS. They made funny funny names for me. Gina, girl, littl girl xiao jie, DARLING.. LOLOL. just call me REGINA luh. haha. Break time ! Kelly and me went to scrub our fingers that were covered with paint. Then we went canteen. the snack shop was closed, AWWWW. Bought Milk. haha. Kelly bought yogurt and karyi bought the syrup drink. Then went up. See the Angklung play. Was playing with my tamaguchi(die liao die liao) also. Continued painting, kelly came to help me. HAHA. Kelly, Idah and me were left in the room, we were LMAO-ing at what Idah said. Laugh till stomache. IDAH anyhow, KELLY liked to say anyhow. They were siblings, Huilin say de. HAHAHA. We just cant stop laughing. We did our final brush on the banner and YAYS! We're done! haha! The dismissd(:
PeiFen was mad luh! haha. SHe kept making me laugh on the way to the busstop. Cant stop laughing. She was proposing to Kelly. HAHA. She grabbed me when I turned back to Karyi. LOL, my hand red liao. haha. Asked Karyi to protect me from peiFen. LOLS. Scary arh. HAHA. 33 came fast today. On the bus with Jun and Nicholas. Then went home(:
I've been thinking. I cant seem to stop thinking, unless Im isnt alone. I'M FEELING FUSTRATED !
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Today was another boring dayyy.
OWELLS, I hate direct proportion. SO DIFFICULT! I didnt know what ms Han was talking about. i just copied and copied the notes. CME was okay. Mr Ghazali told us that we needa daydream. LOLS. he cant wait for KL's cheesecake. HAHA. Everyone was laughing hard. Chen lao Shi class, we did zuo wen. The title at first was WO AI NI, someone gave this idea. Then he changed to WO AI DU DE SHU. THen we said that its too hard, in the end the title was changed to WO AI... hahaha. I wanted to write I love my friends. But I wrote my parents intead. haha.
Guides, Melissa went for tuition, Ling went for choir. I was alone for guides. I didnt spoke a word since we started painting. I painted as instructed, and stared blankly, waiting for instructions. Helped to paint the words, the grass blahh. Then all left. I was laft with the seniors, I wanted to wait for ling. Went down to buy tibits to eat with Engeng. Hungryyy. then we went up and pack up. FOllowed Kelly to the toilet, we went back and saw ling. Kelly wanted to drink that water for the paint that ling was holding. She thought it was strawberry drink. LOL. I was laughing so hard. HAHAHA. THen pack up. Ling still not okay yet. So I went home with engeng. Sorry. Went with kelly also. Then karyi wait for Margaret and huilin. But we waited for them in the end. Then dont know what they talking. So just laugh with them. -.- haha. Engeng went once we reached the busstop. D: lucky I have Siying. hahas. We chatted till my bus comes and byebye.
Went home aftr that. ;D
Woo, tired.
Not a single chance to care about you. Why?Are you fine?Are you feeling better?Not a chance to ask you all this. Why?I envied people around me. its because, I dont have the chance.
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
School starts at 8plus todayyy, so can have more sleep. woohoooo. My dad bought me to school and my sis to golden mile. She's going KL with her boyfriend.
It was raining, so we gotta assemble at the hall. Today so special, there's no national anthem and pledge taking. HAHAHA. Lessons were boring todayy. Nothing special. I scared myself during recess. Lols. I thought I saw something creepy in the toilet and I dashed out. lols. Chi was frightened my me. LOLS. Assembly, I was seperated from Chi. ARRGHHH. Chew Ke Qin was the one who seperated us. GRR~ Was reading the notes in the death note book and Pauline said that I wanna take revenge. LOLS. whateverrrrr. haha. Lessons again..
After school. That bookshop aunty made Yiting cried. Me, Melissa and Chi was so pissed, we went to confide with the Aunty. The aunty was kinda shouting at us, I was so angryy larh. I immediately shouted GO OFFICE AND SOLVE. And we 3 walked away. LOLS. Went to the office, the uncle there gave yiting the french curve for free. Then we went into the office again for Ling's problem. This time, the uncle spoke good words for the aunty. DAMN. Okay, nvm. Problem is, ling neeeded to read the Animal farm. There's test on Friday. Hais.
Went for guides. Was drawing the tent and the gadgets. Asking Kelly if I draw correctly. I redrew a total of dont know how many times of gadgets. End up, it was erased. ARRGH. nvm. Was eating the stick cracker. NICE! I ate two packets xDD We went home at about 5. Went with Karyi and kelly and Calista. I was laughing hard. The way Kelly said byebye made me laughh. HAHAHA. karyi was laughing at my way of pronoucing MANY. MONEY? hahaha. Laugh and laugh all the way. Walked to the busstop with them, I ran to chase my bus.
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Im gonna save money to buy DADONG'S FILEEEE.
I wonder got individual one not :/
Heard that he is with Yalun de. HAHAHA.
15bucks nia, quite cheap actually. AHHHH
Jiayou jiayou. Save save save !
Complain, Complain, EVERYTHING ALSO WANT COMPLAIN.Finished reading You Are Here. I was near to crying can! The girl died larhh! Stupid story. I thought its HAPPY ENDING SIA. Girl meets boy and boy meets girl, they fall in love with each other and live happily ever after.
Then the story ending become Girl meets boy, by meets girl and girl fall in love with boy and she died.
WAPIANG. Make people cry nia. Sobx. I want a good ending larh !
PE, our tcher Mr Tay briefed us on what to do for the rest of the lessons and showed us the warm up tinggy. All of us were LMAO-ing. We cant stand it, seriously. The actions were just too exagerating. MT was so called my best periods of all. I was laughing all the way, esp Gerald Lim when his thoughts went wild. -.- LOLS. Me, Chloe and Pauline took almost one period just to type our particulars into the com. Lols. Chen Lao Shi was like, commenting about us .___. Recess was nothing. Home Econs, was laughing all the way up to the Home Econs room. I dont know why. haha. We cooked noodle omelette. Quite a sucessful dish but a little too bland. Lols. English, did letter of complaint. Wrote a compain letter. Then dismiss.
Went toilet first. Then went to the notice board there to eat our noodle omelette. Melissa and Ling's noodle was much salty. Mine's bland like hell. Then followed ling to buy her books. I went back first and read the book again, to see if I had read wrongly. Then went to change. Then went toilet again. Kelly followed us, but she did nothing in the toilet. She forgot to take her comb. HAHA. Then went back. Discuss the banner tinggy. I was not really in the mood. Seriously, Im used to being in flowerpecker. Hais. Then went to draw. Me and ling drew our drawings on the paper. Xiao shi hou de phua Chu Kang. Heehees. lol. Then went to buy thing eat, then went home.
BAHH~ Im going to go crazy over this thing soooooon.
If only... you knew. But you will never understand.
Can I just... end this?
Maybe I could have just read too much, watch too much and hear too much..
Monday, January 07, 2008
I suddenly felt like crying. Its like, I never felt like that before. A tear dropped when I was playing audi and I ended up losing to chi -.- But I won FIR Devil in one of the game. Isnt it a great achieve? Lols. Both a loving couple. Better not be a light bulb. Lols.
What am I thinking of out of a sudden?Oh you better wake up !
I had a effing boring day in school DDD:
I go to know some stuff this morning. Personal stuffs, but I still cant get the facts right. :/ Science today was just all about chartsss. English, did comprehension. I wanna eat curry chicken noodle again ;O ITS NICE LUH! haha. Yea, the toilet's creepy. The lights were spoilt an it looks like... EEYER. My eyes were open during geog, but my mind was actually dozing off. Literature, I was sway enough to be tapped by Mdm Lim, which I had to go up to present chapter 7's points. OH MY GODDD. I was like, HUH?! when MdmLim tapped me. -.- Lucky was, the bell rang when we stopped at chapter4. woohoooo. Mine presentation is gonna be next week(: Maths next, only one period.
After school, MeiChi, Melissa, Ashley and Me went off. Ashley went to find some friends first and find Ashton. Headed to hawker to have lunch. Accompanied Melissa to eat her hokkien mee. First time eating, quite nice actually. After eating, we went to settle some stuff. Fyi, I was only there to wait for Chi and Melissa alright, DONT MISUNDERSTAND ME. I'll get pek cek too. Oh if you dont agree, did you see me opening my mouth? Nope. And my cough aint fake. Well, its just a sit down and talk everything out and spill the unhappy out yeah? Went popular after that. Went to buy books. Thanks Chi's dad for driving us to and fro. hahas.
And went home(:
Random Post for todayy.
Sunday, January 06, 2008

My Audiii character now. Kinda different from the previous pic I've posted right? HAHA.
Well, nothing to do today. Finish up my hwk and audi-ed with Chi. Chi's scary in audi mann. LOLS. Anyway, we kept on miss miss and miss, and we went to play ~100bpm ._. haha.
Seriously, not alot of people likes the class now, including me luh. Broadrick International School, we should name it this way. Lols. So many foreigners, so many new comers in our class. New comers=more competitors in studies. STRESS LEHHH. Now that a lot of us write our comments in the class blog, all disliking the new class we had, esp Gabriel. He wrote a harsh one for Mr Lim ._. OMG. -.- Can we had the class we had last yr? The 28 of us? Andand, something seems missing without Mervin, and its true. Not only Melissa and Julien having problems in translating what Tcher said in chinese to the person seated beside them, Me too. Moreover, Faizah is a Malay and cant help me translate. T_T ARRGGGG. Sians.
Saturday, January 05, 2008
PIECE OF SHIT. I quarrelled with my brother just now.
Im pissed!
I felt so dumb, so stupid.I only realise it now.She asked you first, before I asked you.thats why. Edited :/Was designing my Journal coverpage just now. Didnt quite know what to draw. In the end, I drew somethin I usually draw. HAHA. And I just finish writing my journal. Though its just one pathetic page, but there's FULL OF CRAPS. All CRAPISH CRAP CRAP. I dont know what to write luh, seiously. Its a free title. :/ Well, continueing with my literature coverpage and then my guides poster ! Watching coffee prince I borrowed from Chi with my mum now! :DDDD
SORRY KELLY ! DONT ANGRY !SORRY SORRY SORRY !I didnt mean it):Ahh, I kinda hate myself now. I created so much problems.
If I were to say NO instead of YES that day, nothing will happen now.
Friday, January 04, 2008
I just realised that our tchers are quite funny though. HAHA. Full of jokes(:Lessons starts today. And we gotta read, write and concentrate. Exp literature and english, Shan Shan didnt understand most of the stuff and was hard to explain to her, and I was like, errrrrrr. Lols. Spent most of my free time reading YOU ARE HERE, the book Kelly lended me, and I showed Chi one paragraph wwith a lot of fk word. LMAO. Yay, Mr Tan is my chinese tcher(((: Lucky I scored a B last yr. If its a C, it will be Song Lao Shi. Stricter. Did essay writing for English. A MILLION WORDS, thats what it is written on the whiteboard,all of us were like HUHHHH. But Mdm Lim doesnt mean a MILLION. PHEW! hahas(((: Was suppose to sweep the floor with Feng Feng after school, and I did! Just happen to sweep pass Mdm Lim and she saw me and said: WELL DONE! XDDDD
& We got homeworks. DDD: Mostly designing of coverpage. Lols.
Guides for Juniors was just some briefing on what to do with the walkathon donation card and the reshuffling of patrols. IM IN MYNAH FOR THE TIME BEING. At least there's Karyi! hahas. Kelly's back to Flowerpecker ._. She's back when Im gone. D< hahas, nevermind. ITS JUST TEMPORARY. Seniors had guides later on, and Im waiting for Melissa and Lingling to end the counsiller meeting. So I went with kelly and Karyi. Kelly anyhow press my tamakuchi. haha, not happy liaos. hahaha. Margaret was just so funny. hahaha. The way she laughs, everyone laugh with her except for Kelly. haha. Huilin and Kelly had chasing game. hahas, they're like, chasing here and there. Whats 3string? Dont understand. Kelly's twin is about to born?! Whose the father? HAHA. Many luh. Thenn they had meeting, joined them. Discuss about the banner design tinggy. Was sharing the seat with karyi. haha, thanks. I was coughing and coughing and my voice changed. Then Melissa they call came out of the room, we saw something and Melissa's leg turn wobbly. LOLS. Went home, it was raining. Me and Jun had no umbrella luhh. We were like, WET. Lols. Bus 33 with Jun,Kelly and Karyi. kelly and Karyi were sitting behind me and Jun, I lied my head on Kelly's hand and I didnt even realise them. -.- LOLS. Stop laughingggg. Then alight. Talk to Melissa on the phone and HOME! (((:
Edited //
Was coughing so hard just now and I got a headache now. D< My grandma was scolding my mum for not giving me medicine.Hate it. My mum did give me in the morning.
Thursday, January 03, 2008
I've been coughing, voiceless and sore throat for a week.
Now, flu. What is this?!
Was coughing throughout audi just now, and I kept on miss, Miss and MISS! Oh wth.
So angry larhhh! Was like, fuming and slapping my hand. Zzz
Anyway, hate medicines! D:
I dont wanna eat them anymoreee.
Second day in school was rather fun.
Something happened in the morning, I was near to vomitting when singing the National Anthem and pledge. My vision went blur. I bear till the end of pledge and sat down. Was reading the book Kelly lend me, and I felt better after a while. PHEW! NEW COMER OF THE DAY, Shan Shan is now sitting beside me. YAY! No more sitting beside Gabriel. Shan Shan indeed came at the right time. hahas. I was speaking broken chinese to Shan Shan, and she went totally blur. T.T Im not a chinese expert okay! Kept asking the surrounding, [[how to say file in chinese? Whats CME in chinese? ]]LOLS. But after a while, was okay already. Another tat came was called youli or yongli I forget le. x.x Plus a Korean guy call Kimdon, doydon. LOLS. Now, our class was huge. almost of 40 already. Mdm Lim said that there will be more foreigners tmr. OHHH MYY GODDDDD~
Anyways, today's lesson was fun. No studying at all, just introducing and jokes. haha. Chinese lesson was the funniest today, I want Mr Tan to be my chinese tcher ! The bycycle tcher? hahas. Everyone was LMAO-ing when he talks, esp Keven. LOLS. He laughed till his face went red. Mr Lau was our science tcher. He asked everyone if they liked science, almost half of the class say NO, and that includes me! XD
&Some of us were suspecting something amiss, when we saw Chi and Yu Hang so close tgt, looking at each other's phone, and exchanging numbers. Melissa gave a sudden push to Chi and she bumped onto Yu Hang. WOOHOOOO. But, all our suspicious, are just imaginations(: See chi, I got help you. But the next time, Im siding them le. Muahaha! XD
OWELLS, some introducing..
Form Tcher, English, CME, Literature : Mdm LimScience : Mr LauChinese : *I hope its Mr Tan*Maths : Ms HanGeography : Mrs LeeUhh, the rest dont know already. Heh.
After school, went parkway with them. Melissa, Chi & Pauline. They didnt wanna go bugis cos they said its too far, so they won, and we went parkway. Went KFC. Ate my normal meal with Melissa. Was chatting and laughing with jokes. Me and Melissa saw Fiona! hahas! Then went popular to buy my books and went home.
Uhh, thrs guides tmr. Nervous.
Which patrol am I in now?OHOH! I forgot to mention.
There's this guy named Kelvin in my class, like what Chi said, HE LOOKS LIKE BBT DE XIAO YU! OH MY GODDD~ Only thing xiao yu look more nicer nia. -.- hahas.
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
I forgot to thanks some people xDThanks Ben for the tamakuchi! And thanks Jun for the notebook you bought from China :D So cute! And those people who gave me Christmas Presents and greeting cardss :DDTHANKSTHANKS
I want back 1EA'o7 !!!Life will be very different from now on. But still, I want back 1EA 'o7. Reached school quite late today. Heh. Didnt saw lingling, but i saw Kelly instead. So yea, acc her for a while, then went to look for Xin Hong with PeiEn. Saw her, brought her to her class. Then introduce Theresa to her before I look for Chi they all. Was coughing throughout the whole national anthem and pledge taking. >_< Checking attire, Mdm Lim made us all stand in fronft of the whole scool to pull up our socks. Then the boys insisted not to stand. WHAT THE. So only girls stand. The guys stand only for a while.
Then went back class. A total of 10 new comers in our class from mow on. thats A LOT. Mdm Lim changed our seating arrangement, Im seating beside GABRIEL from now on -.-" Lining up arrangement, same. =.=" The chairperson aka CEO is Keven and Jun. haha, while the vice chairperson aka Manager is yenZhi. Me, Im under recreation and performances. hahas. Went for some talk. A long talk. Then recess. Same, ate MEE REBUS! ;DDD XinHong went with Theresa after a while. Then went office with Chi to buy her collar pin. Then line up to go back class. Mdm Lim talked to us, we were giggling of some stuff she mentioned. LOLS. Censored. Then we had self chatt. The DPPGs were tgt excluding pauline. Was listening to Jun's story. Concentrating.. Then blablabla until bell ranggg. Went bookshop first. Didnt buy any books cos too crowded. Tmr then buy. Then Calista talked to me and ling for a while. Chatted(: Then meeting with mdm rose for some stuff. Then went to find Chi and Pauline. Went hawker to eat. Only me and Melissa ate =.=" Hungryyy~ Then went upstairs walk walk, then went home. That darn FengFeng snatched my seat in bus. I ended up seating beside him. We chatted about some class stuff. Then he asked me something and I remained quiet =X Then chatt with Melissa on the phoneat the other ha;f of the journey. Thenn home((:
When the love's gone, promises fades and trust ran away. Quote by Siying(: Well, Siying. Forget, and find another one. Dont shed tears anymore horh! Why did you change your mind? You made me feel that you're testing us. You make me think that confiding the problem to you is a wrong! Thanks for the message you gave the both of us in your blog((: I knew a lot more now..
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Went out with family todayy.
Went to fetch my sis and Aaron at Tampines first. Then went Ikea. Went there to eat. I love the food there ;D Esp the souppp~
Then went over to courts to see dining table. Didnt buy in the end.
Then went xio gu's house. Xixi and Cici can walk le! hahas! Oh my gawdd. They're so cute larh! haha! Cici is in more for bball, while Xixi is in more for drawing. haha. SO cute. Stayed there for awhile. Er gu and Si gu they all came. Played with them for a while more, we left. I carried Cici! ;DDDD
Then went balestier, NTUC. Empty luh the place. Nvm.
Then went home rest.
School reopening tmrrr. :///
HAPPY NEW YEARRR! 2008! &HAPPY BIRTHDA MARGARET! ;D So fast, another year had passed. Wondering if its a good thing? Somehow I wanna 2007 to remain there D: MeiChi knew why. hahas. The msg.. My target for 2007, I didnt made it, I didnt fullfill my wish for the year. HAIS. Ohwells, I shall work hard in the coming 2008. CHEERS EVERYBODY! ;DDD Went to watch the fireworks with my parents and brother just now. So many people, we're all packed like sardines. hahas. The fireworks was nice, but Im still afraid of the sound T_T I was perspiring like hell when I heard the sound, I dont know why. The fireworks was nice luhh, got flower shape, hibiscus shape, then got shape of the earth cum the ozone layer ( I think, or issit the shape of a Jupiter/Saturn? ) Then went to eaT. Supper. Duck porridge, a very big bowl. Didnt finish all. And I saw something, someone. RewindRewind~
Whole day, was audiing. Audiing to kill time, audiing cos I might not have the time to audi next time? sians. Thanks Chi, she bought me 10k acash. hahas. Shall pay you back on wednesday.
Not yet to finish my hwk, did some maths just now. Wth? I forgot all the formlas T_T I skipped a lot of questions, and merely did some qsn only. heh..
Byebye 2007, welcome 2008, and 1 more day to school reopen.Edited~At last, finished part of my hwk. Just left the graph to be drawn on the graph paper and chinese. Tmr, my parents wanna go buy dining table and I gotta tag along :// POOF~ And its 2.25am now btw ._.
Ohoh, for your information, the maths is seriously hard. Lucky I found my maths notebook. Or else, sure everything blank. haha!