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Monday, December 31, 2007

woohoooo~ I lvl-ed up this morning at 1.30am ((((:

12:55 PM

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Slept for two hours, that stupid cough syrup make me wanna sleep again.
Ate macs for dinner.

Back to my show. Huang Hou Jing Gong!

Me and Melissa became girlfrend and boyfriend in audi. ahahs!
ily darrrr~ Thats what we said in audi. HAHAS!
Go marry him lehhs. haha!

Conferenced with Melissa, Chi and Emily(((:
My voice sounded weird eh? DDD:

8:37 PM

My mum made me take the cough syrup,
So not nice luh the taste. YUCKS! >_<
Feels so drowsy now~
Feel like sleeping, I feel so weak now.
But I just started watching my show lehh~
Huang Hou Jing Gong, NICE! Funny! hahaha!

4:10 PM

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Im totally voiceless now.
I cant sing along with my blog song DD<
Btw, I changed song! haha, BANG BANG TANG!
So in love with them mann! (((((:

Didnt have dinner ready at home.
So I ate spicy instant prawn noodle plus milk (woooo) .
Now my throat hurts like hell.
&Im starting to cough out loudddd~
& I cant scream DDD;

Was playing audi. My room name was: lvl 1~8 onlyyy
But those above that started coming in. Lols.
Next time, should put: lvl1~8only, e rest KIK! LOLS(:
This guy. Lvl 6 luhh.
So he lose the game in the normal group game luhh.
Then he keep scolding vulgarities, I say stop it, he say more.
Then we play, he won.
Then he sais that the rest of us were small, noob.
So angry lahh! Walauuu!
I felt like telling him, SIAM ARRR.
In the end, he lost and ran away. LMAO.
Okay luhh.
Lvl 9 de liscence is indeed hard DD: I tried 3 times, wasted my total of 1500 dens. Ahhh, XIN TONG AR

Suddenly miss my seniors~ DDD:

10:49 PM

The direction Idiots went for shopping trip today ;DD
Okay luhhh.
Went out todayy with Melissa and Chiii. Had a fun time todayy.
Meet Melissa at 7.11 busstop first.
Then head to Chi's house. We're sitting at the living room, waiting for her to print out the GV voucher. Then we went to her dad's shop. Had chatted there while waiting for Chi. haha. Indeed, Chi's brother was kinda scared of Melissa. She way she talks. o.0 We wanted to persuade her dad to fetch us to Marina, but her aunty insisted not. D< But the aunty taught us how to go. Bought bubble tea and went, bus 2. Was sitting alone, enjoying my music and milo ice blended. We're kinda lost. Chi's aunty taught us th wrong way, we nearly went Cinatown. Zzz. Took a long long walk to Raffles Place, then city link to Marina. Went to book tickets first, we're watching I am legend. Then we bought XXL chicken. Meli bought an extra Mc Chicken. Lols. We went to our usual place to eat, the Christmas tree near the lift! hahas! Then went walk walk. Melissa bought her cardigan. She bargained with the Uncle. wooo. Bough some snacks and went up to the theatre.

The movie started. Melissa was like, so sacastic! Lols. A lion jumped pass, MELISA SCREAMED DIRECTLY TO MY EAR. Ohhh myyyy goddddddd~ Melissa arhhhh. SHe's the only on screaming in the theatre, everyone looked towards us. :S I am Legend wasnt so scary, Melissa said that it was scarier than Alone. Zzz. But the zombies were scary though :/ Come out of the theatre, we went walk walk. Went Sasa, Melissa bought her nail polish. She tried her polish on my nails, I was looking for tissue and the aunty there was laughing. Lols. We were lost again. Gawddd~ But we manage to find the busstop. Chi's dad send me home. Thanks! ;D

Sore throat. And Im voiceless~

6:27 PM

Friday, December 28, 2007

Im bored now, so come blog. haha!
Currently watching Witch Amusement, last episode !!! haha.

Going out with Melissa and Chi tmr.
Watching the legend. OMG. Heard its scaryyy.
Zombiesss!(((: Hope I dont get nightmares at night after this.
Going shopping tooo! haha. But I wonder if there's time :/

My mum doesnt want me to rebond DDDD:
She says it harms the hair. o.0
Really meh? I dont believe. D<
My sister recommend PERM instead.
Ahh, nevermind. Shall put rebonding aside.

10:02 PM


Ling rebonded her hair. ._.

Alright. Trying to save money.
If I could save enough $$$ till March holidays, I WILL GO!

Changed blogskin. Spent a few hours making this.
I played with 3 blogskin de code, and this is my final piece ;DD
Quite satisfied with it((:
But it looks like Melissa's blog though. :/

Having sore throat and Im coughing hard now. :S

7:39 PM


Having headache last night.
Hardly had any sleep.
And today, I didnt go out. sians.
Sorry to all peepos!
Didnt go for lunch with Melissa and Chi
And didnt meet Marilyn they all.
SORRY! Other day!

School reopening le, but I hadnt even touch my homework. ;O

Happy Birthday Xin Yuan MA! haha!

1:02 PM

Thursday, December 27, 2007

So pissed off again.
So am I really not able to make it tmr?!
Why is it that whatever hangout I had, its always last minute 'count me out' just because of some stupid last minute stuff?!
I hate it. I hate it that its on a FRIDAY !

I had a stupid dream last night.
This few days, I kept dreaming about Her.
Does this prove that Im guilty?
Or does this prove that she's gonna pick on me for the rest of my life in..?

1:34 PM

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Kkay, went out with niu jiejie just now. Went to buy new year clothes again. Lols.
Took bus to Marina, then city link then Raffles place then Bugis and bac home. Ate sakae sushi at Marina. Was not feeling okay. Giddy.Cold and serious bodyache. Felt like vomitig but I forced myself to finish everything I ordered. But I didnt manage to finish the ramen I ordered. I merely had a few mouths. What a waste! >_< Then went walk walk, shop shop. Saw people acting. hahas. I love the anderson ice cream(: Saw Charlene and Xue Ting, I was like, ohoh. But they saw me and came to greet me. They call niu jiejie aunty and I was like, laughing. ._. bad. Didnt really buy anything. Just some. Didnt buy shoes too. Hais. Sad.

Then went home, tired tired.
Maybe sleeping early later.

6:29 PM

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

How cute is it? Thanks for this presents! :DD

So sian.
Watching Peter Pan now. Nice! My childhood cartoon(:
But its 'live' now at channel 5.
Awww,the peter is sooo cute! xD
Omg, what am I thinking? hahas. I think he and Wendy is a perfect match! ((((:
My bro and dad just came back from buying tv. So cool~ So clear. OMG.
My house is now a totally different place from last time. ;DD

Love it. x3

When you're in love, you never start to realise it
Until he leaves you.

I lost my rubber band again~!
What the hell..

11:02 PM


Hohoho! Went out with nanny today. Went bugis walk walk.
Ate sakae. xDD Ow jiejie was like, so pissed. Reason, I didnt find my new year clothes. Lols. I actualy bought a lot of tee, but no pants(: Eyed a lot of pants at first. But I didnt ask them to buy for me. Two reasons, I dont wear those for New Year, cos It looks kinda too casual. Somemore, its ex! Near to 60bucks. Mickey Industry, tried one. Its eiher too big, or too small. ARRGH! But at last. ;DD
Bought lots of newbies stuff. Spent 80++ and I became member there. O.O Cool.
Then went home. Peng Xiang they all came at my nanny house, so I gotta stay put there. Was using Ow jiejie's laptop. Then peng xiang helped Ow jiejie instal window live and bla.
Then they went home ad I went home(:

My keyboard is a bit spoil again. x(((

So fast, its school reopening again. :D
Butbut, I still yet to finish my holiday hwk. Arrgh!
I gotta wait till Chi helped me print those sheets. (:

Oh wth. I needa brain wash and eye wash mann~!


3:12 PM

Monday, December 24, 2007


Everyone's hairstyle was changed. O.O
Ling cut it short. ._.
Melissa rebonded her hair.

Oh yea, meet ling at Eunos Mrt there. Ling was urging or a mirror. hahas. Is my hair okay? Is my hair okay? Lols. Headed to MeiChi's house. Melissa was there already. Another one. is my hair okay? Is my hair okay? Lolols. We played there for a while. Played Chi's NDS. The brain test tinggy. hahas. Then play the laptop and so on. Oh yea, we were laughing and laughing. HAHAHA. Then played audi. Chi's laptop's key was hard to press. Kept on miss miss miss. Melissa was like, shouting and scolding whenever she miss. hahas. I played for a while and so does Chi. Lunch time, Chi's mum cooked for us. NICE! haahs. Thankyou! Beehoon and curry. Super nice. XDD Chi accidentally said TMD i front of her mum causing her mum to shout OI at her. Lols. And she wants Chi to drink the oil in the curry. hahas. Then went back to the room and played for a while.

Went marina after that. Dropped at suntec, we had a hard time finding Marina. Reason: WE'RE ALL DIRECTION IDIOTS. lolol. I had a urge to go to that direction, thinking that its the correct route.No one believes me and ordered me to pay them 5bucksif its the wrong direction. HEH HEH. Its correct! Time for them to pay up, I dont care. hahas! Went Golden Village to buy ticket. Was quite a long queue. This woman cut our queue. We purposely say THEY CUT QUEUE loudly, they act as if they didnt hear. DAMN THEM. Melissa wanted to tell them off, but we pulled her back. Gave the money to Chi, me and Melissa went to the toilet. We watched the 4pm show, ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS! hahas. Mellissa took my phone and started calling people in my contact list. ZZZ. Snatched back the phone before anyone calls me. We went walk walk after that. I want a pencil case tooo! Ling and CHi bought their pencil case at the wallet shop. ._. Then went other shops. We went back to the cinema, we still had one hour to waste. Sat at the seat provided at the cinema. isten music, send songs, lend each others phone bla. Played with my doggie. :DDD Bought food. Treated them large coke, as in my mum treated them. Went in to the theatre, we're the first group there. hahas. We're making a din there luh! Especially Melissa, laughing sooo loudly. hahas. Chi dared Melissa to say the word fk there, SHE REALLY SAY. zzz. Public arhhh. Hahas. People we're staring at us luhh. The show started. Quite a funny show. Theadore's soooo cute luhh! hahas. I hate that bad mann, Ian! Arrgh!

After the movie, we're like, LOST. Oh my gawddddd. Not actually lost luhh. There's busstop and Mrt nearby at where we're. But Chi called her dad. In the end, all of us took bus back. Parted off with them, I went home. My mum was alone. DD: So sad.

9:24 PM

The Christmas Song

(all right you Chipmunks! Ready to sing your song?

-I'll say we are!


-Let's sing it now!

Okay, Simon?


Okay, Theodore?


Okay, Alvin?Alvin? ALVIN!


Christmas, Christmas time is near

Time for toys and time for cheer

We've been good, but we can't las

tHurry Christmas, hurry fast

Want a plane that loops the loop

Me, I want a hula hoop

We can hardly stand the wait

Please Christmas, don't be late.

(Okay fellas get ready.

That was very good, Simon.-


Very good Theodore.


Ah, Alvin, you were a little flat, watch it.

Ah, Alvin. Alvin. ALVIN!


Want a plane that loops the loop

I still want a hula hoop

We can hardly stand the wait

Please Christmas, don't be late.

We can hardly stand the wait

Please Christmas, don't be late.

(Very good, boys

-Lets sing it again!

Yeah, lets sing it again!

No, That's enough, lets not overdo it

-What do you mean overdo it?

-We want to sing it again!

Now wait a minute, boys

-Why can't we sing it again?

-[chipmunk chatter]

Alvin, cut that out..

Theodore, just a minute.

Simon will you cut that out? Boys...)

9:07 AM

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Finally, I've done with those presents. :DD
Those wrapping and unwrapping, writing and cutting.
My sister and brother was rushing with their's too.

Frankly, this is the first yr Im giving out presents. :/
But its the thoughts that counts! XDD

X'mas eve is tmr! ;D

10:31 PM

I went to cut my hair. A salon that I only been there once.
Yeahh, might be going there frequently((:
I love my hair now! :D
&I love the hairdresser (as a hairdresser) LOL
She knows what kind of hairstyle I wanna when I just told her in a few words. ._. xDDDD
I should go there mann! Same price as QB(:
Only thing no free comb D:
Big deal! XDDD

Da Xiao Jie by Jin Sha((:

Letting go by Milk

6:06 PM


Zzz. So pissed off.
I just realisd i forgot to watch Green Forest My Home ytd. T_T

I had a dream last night. I terrifying dream.
OH GOSH. but one part of the dream was actually I decoded the message of the story! ._. But the rest was freaky terrifying.
I dreamt about... you know you know?
Okay, you dont know. :/

Tmr how?!?!
So pissed off. Cannot gchi house for bbq and staying overnight. Gotta be at home with my mum. Or else my mum wanna tag along to chi house. :o Noooooooo~

4:07 PM

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Just finished reading this love story from a blog.
Its a very very long story though.
I was so engrossed with it luhh!
I didnt even say Hi to some people thats online. SORRY!
Its a very very nice cum sad story though.
I wonder where the person gets the story from.
Reading it, I was cryingy heart out. T_T
OkayOkay. But there's a lot of vulgarities though. :/
All the fk fk fk. LOLS.
Anyone who read it, please help me decode!

People! Do read!((: Its nice and worth reading!
Title: I believe you

There's total of 20chapters. Very long.
I spent almost 3 hours reading it((:

In love, either you love or you dont.

11:21 PM


Omg. The whole place was like, so messyy!
But the new design was quite darkk. :/
Ohh, nevermind.

OMG!! I think I had thrown away some school stuff that weren't meant to be thrown away! Oh shit! Like my files ! AHHHH~!

Anyway, Im bored now. ._.

3:46 PM

Friday, December 21, 2007

I felt at least much of a not so worried, not so scared and not so angry anymore.
And I felt so relieved.
Thanks! and, SORRY!
Oh yeahh, I still gotta blame myself for the OKAY instead of the NO.

Tmr, the construction people are gonna come and renovate my living room. Frankly, the design doesnt make much of a difference between this old design mann!

9:08 PM


I hope after today, eveything is settled.
But it gotta depends though. :/

Okay, today went for guides for the sec one tinggy.
I was rushing, ling was already waiting for me. hahas. Reached, I hop out of my dad's car and went to meet ling. Went 7.11. Then walked the long way to Broadrick. None was there yet. Then quickly polish our badges. Then many came, then Melissa came. Did some stuff befre the rest comes, then we falled in, fall out and wait for instructions. Me, Ling and Melissa were suppose to go to the main gate there to welcome all those peoples. Some stuff happened there, ling wept. I nearly wept too, but I didnt. A letter for ling though. But later on, we went back to normal. Lols. Then we counted the number of Stamordians that came. woohooo! At least better than last year (Me onlyy :/) hahas. YAY!((: Then went backk.
Gave out the candies. Mdm Rose told us how to give out and bla. Lols. There's ony lady/girl just passed us, we didnt gave((: Reason was the attire looked like a mother? Lols. Mdm Rose was asking why, Ling was like, HUH?! I though that one his wife lehh! LMAO! I waslaughing hard.((: Then Kelly and Karyi came. Give out tgt. Calista asked we 3 to go other places, so we went. And Calista allowed us to walk around(((: Walk walk, give give. Then went up hall give also. Then went down again. YiTing was so funny((: Ling was helping them about the form tinggy. Then me and Melissa waited. Then went canteen.
We finished guiving out the candies!! woohoo! hahas. Okay, we went to sit. Then chatted about some stufff. COnfidential though. Engeng was blur. hahas. Then we're dismissed, waited for Kelly and karyi they all. They having meeting.
Then we 3 plus Engeng and PeiFen were talking at the stairs there. Talked about a lot of stuffff. hahas. Then went notice board. Then continue talking there then blablabla. hahas. The seniors were dismissed, they showed Mdm Rose the video presentation. hahas, NICE!
Then we went off. TO sing post((: At the busstop, had a talk with Huilin and Margaret. I almost didnt get the situation right, I nearly cried. Lols. Ling was shaking her head. ohh. Then bus came, we 3 and kelly and karyi and weiting and PeiFen went up. hahas.

Sing post, ate Long John. We were LMA-ing there luhh! Especially when peien mised the ingredients tgt, it looked so grosss! Melissa was LMAO-ing, causing me to LMAO also. ._. hahas. Then went walk walk. Ling and Melissa went off, left us. Went somewhere first. PeiFe was from China?! o.0 Really any funny things happened when waiting for the bus. hahas. Me and Karyi became rivals. hahas. She liked FLH, I like BBT. hahaa. I was laughing my ass off, till tummyache. hahas. So funny really! ((: Thn board the bus. I alighted at Kong Hwa instead of the other busstop. Waited for 33, talked to Kelly. Asked her some questions blahblahh. Then 33 came((:

You're rigt. We cant always rely on others.
Trust yourself and setttle the things yourself.
Okayy! ((:

Blogging more later. ._.

2:51 PM

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Can somebody lend me their listening ears?

10:55 PM



Went out with nanny todayyy(((:
But so far, I didnt buy uch today. :/
because its raining, niu jieje came to fetch us. Was sooo squeezyy luhh. Hahas. 6 people behind a 3 person seat. haha.
Then went East Ocean TeoChew Restaurant and eat. SO FULL! Bloated liaoo.
Then went shopping! Went takashimaya. I was having difficulties shopping for clothes. LOLS. Im picky! hahas. Dont quite like the designs though.
Then went Metro. Bought sme stuff there. I wanna the Aussino kids bedsheet and stuff. XDD So cute !! Then went MUJI. We parted with da jiejie there.
Then went Tangs.
Then back to where we were in the beginning. hahas.
Then went bugis take my ice cream logcake. Traffic Jammm. Then niu jiejie ask me what I wanna for Christmas present. I dont know? ._.
Took the logcake and went home.
CAR SICKK!!! tummy not feeling well now. >_<

Dont really know what to update today. O_O

3:56 PM

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I feel so much better now.
And urmm, those who saw my previous post, ignore it.
There're all my angry words.

But I still cant get it.
I dont wanna be another her..

9:27 PM

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Hahas, okayOkayy.
Today, Audi was like 'siao ding dong'. I kept dc-ing. I dc-ed 3 times, MeiChi dc-ed 10 times. LOLS. Kkayy, forget it.
Whateverrrrrrrrrrrrr. XDDDDDD

Ohya! 22december, 5pm, Bugis Junction, I WANNA GOOOO!.
To see GENIE!! XDDD I guess I'll be out on that day, so yea, might head there to see. XDDD
So happy! ((((((((:

5:05 PM

Monday, December 17, 2007
good luck!


Karyi, Cheejie, Jaslyn, Calista, ShengDa and blablabla
&KELLYYY. (She wants a personal one XDDD)


& I hope its really a good one.

11:45 PM


Oh yea.
Morning, found out that my hand feels itchy. My hand was kinda swollen. My mum says that its my leg de tinggy spreads to my palm. And I wondered if I can eat. Scarely it spreads to my tongue! {CHOY!}

And yea, I agreed to go to the doc later, my mum was simply too much! She went to complain to my nanny when I didnt even said that I didnt wanna go. I showed her a "walau" hand signal, she shouted at me. And I nearly wept. I hate it when she complains! So pissed off luh! @#$%^&*(

ISWAK II is simply sooo nice! woohooooo! I was LMAO-ing all the time luh! hahahas. OMGGGG. Cant wait for the next episode!

A nice song. :DDD
I miss you - Andy Lau

4:10 PM

Sunday, December 16, 2007
star awards

Im HIGH NOW! [[=
Oh my tians. SHARON AW!! OMG. So long never see her le!! hahaha~!
RUI EN GOT IN FOR THE TOP 10 MOST POPULAR FEMALE ARTISTS! OMG! Im sooo happy! [= Felicia chin also got in! Xiao Zhu, 183 club, Kim Jeong Hoon and 5566 came toooo! Omgggggggg. And Elvin Ng actually got in!! hahaha!


Fiona Xie, Bai Wei Xiu, Ao Xuan and a few more didnt got in! sians.
Plus, this yr no prize for the kids artists?! omgg. But they acted on the very first part. [=

10:00 PM


A long dream last night that consist of almost everybody I knew.
Oh what a nice dream! [= If one of the part that I dreamt comes into reality...


Talked with Junie on msn. Its sort of a private and confidential talkk though. So I shall not eleborate more. But I almost wept. Oh yea, a link for Junie to all of the guides. http://juniethepooh-guiding.blogspot.com. She asked me to pass to all the guides so.. Oh yea, I was busy finding another link though. I've search and search. I even went yahoo and google but I just cant find! OMGGG.

Why is it always my itchy hand and mouth that make people cry?!

1:44 PM

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Last night, slept at 1.30++
Was finding guides photo for Huilin and watching Magicians of love. hahas.

Woke up at 5+ today. *Yawn* Was so tired luhh. My parents nearly made me late! AHHH! But when I went there, only ling was there and Weiwen just dropped off her car. Then faster polish our trefoil. Weiwen asked us to go to Junie's house to take some stuff for her. So yea, we went. Me, ling, Weiwen and Aneza. Up to Junie's house, we didnt want to go in. The reason was we gotta take out our shoes. But in the end, we went in, WITH YOUR SHOES ON. hahas. the stuff we took was damn heavy and a lot of things. But mine was considered the lightest. Haha. Went backk school. WE CLIMBED THE BRIDGE. whoa, tiredtired. Went back school, it was already 7.30. All of them said that we came at the wrong time. haha.

Falled in. Kept the frozen food and blahh. We went to the quartangle for proper roll call. Yea, Me, Ling, Jannah and Annabell almost forgot how to leaders fall in blablahh. We were like making everyone laugh luhh. Haha, PS was next. Me, Ling, Jannah and Annabell were so happy. hahas. We were laughing all the way. Margaret had 4 mistakes in total. And Junie said more than 3, forfeit. but she didnt luhh. haha. Then practise horseshoe formation. Those without proper attire had forfeit. The rest had footdrill roll call. Ling was the commander for the day. hahas. She was making all of us laugh. Junie made a sudden sound and Jannah did the same too. Again, all of us laughed. hahas. Put our bags into the classroom and get changed, we only have 5 minutes. We were so rush luhh! Me and ling ran two toilets just to find empty cubicles! haha. Joanna's cubicle happened to be unlock and ling gave a sudden push. OPPS. Lucky I held the "lock-less"door tightly. haha.

Falled in again. We hadonly 3 minutes to arrange the tables and chairs in the class and get the masstins (wrong spellling). Then took poles and tuaine (wrong sspelling). We learnt lashings. Me and ling did faster than others, we were chatting there. [= Then, we're suppose to have two groups come out with 4 different gadgets. Peace was with amen. Do and do, do and do. Then went to hammer them down the grass. Our group's gadgets wasnt that good and useful. The seniors were teaching us. Next was makan time. MEE REBUS! Was so happy at first. Then slowly... The soup was salty, sweet and spicy. If add another sour, it'll become tom yam already. I was like, gulping down water luhh! So spicyy! Went to wash our masstins.

Next activity was to do the Orientation and Registration gifts. Peace and Amen was tgt again. haha. We did the candles one. margaret, Huilin, PeiFen and Basirah was picking marcoroni words while me and jannah was colouring them. Our finger turn blueish luhh. Cos of the marker. Sufang came backk with the twisters tinggy for us. My reaction tend to be big whenever the table was shaked. Lols. Cos my marcoroni might be in a mess with just one small shake? Next, we were asked to take a ret while Huilin they all do the colouring. Lingling they all finished the candies thinggy and came to help us. I was looking at lingling colour. Then I was helped to cut strips of paper with scissors and penknife. I nearly cutt my finger into half with that penknife luhh. Lols. Then in the end, they said, NO NEED LIAO. -.-" So helped Basirah wrapp the candles. Then about 3 or 4 hours later, WE'RE ALL DONE! hard work mann! We made HUNDREDS of candles and candies. Woohooo! Wash our hands. And peifen started calling me waxy. Waxy should be Peifen okay! hahas. Then went up to take the frozen food for our outdoor cooking. It was a wet weather outdoor cooking. Lols. Many people went up with Me Margaret and Basirah. haha. It was Aneza, huilin and PeiFen. Me and PeiFen was taking one packet of drinks. Lols. Nice one. We started off with our outdoor cooking without bricks. Peace and amen was tgt once again. hahas. the chicken was hard and tasteless, but the other food was fine[= Lingling was almost drooling when Im eating my hotdog. hahas, cos her's was bbq-ing and I'll be almost drooling when Lingling was eating her hotdog cos mine's finish eating already. [= Ate till 6.30, we packed up. Our group was first to finish all the food except for 3more piecesof raw chicken and one corn. We bargained with the Seniors luhh. hahaha. We're like, take corn get 3 chicken free. hahaha. Bargain. Washed and clear up. Me and peiFen went up to guides room to put some stuff. We came down and we were chatting some stuff awayy. Some not very confident stuff. HAIS. Alright. We went up guides room again and came running down. Lols.

Survey, give out of candles to us, tibits to us and annouce a damn bad news and taps, we're dismissed. I didnt want to walk the dark scary way, So i followed Peifen they all. But they decided to walk the dark route and I was like, AHHH. Ohyea, i went with them in the end. Was chatting with PeiFen again. We both had one curious thing in mind. hhaas. PeiFen, Huilin and Margaret waited for my bus to come. Hahas. PeiFen insisted that Im scared of ghost. {CHOY!} Some funny funny conversations. OILY MAN? Oily pig? hhaa. Orang smth de. haha. My bus came and I went home. Huilin was like.. 12 floor 12 floor. Lolol.

Feel So sticky all over. But feel so shoik after a 30 minutes hot bath. haha.

8:50 PM

Friday, December 14, 2007

Whatever it is, I'll give you my fullest support! (((:

11:02 PM


Huilin gave me a sudden call. Huilin, Margaret and Joanna are coming to my house?! Yeahh, to plan for the guides.
They came at 3 plus 4 and we started discussing. I didnt have a table so Margaret used the ironing board as one. HAHA! We discussed and cracked jokes also luhh. The funniest was when doing the quiz. We came in lots of funny questions but we only typed the properate one luhh. haha. But we too, also have problems gettting those photos. And was thinking of how to get them.. Then discuss about the plan, script and presentation. Then after that, rest. Watch champion and send songs. They went off at 7plus. [=

&I haven learn the commands yet! AHHH!

Im craving for
potato chips!

8:10 PM


Halfway through my poster. Doing it at night maybe..
So bored..

Jas, marilyn and I were planning where to go on our outing dayys. Alvin the chipmunk? OUT. Escape theme park? OUT. Kbox? IN. Yea. We're going Kboxx I think.. I CANT WAIT FOR 28DECEMBER TO ARRIVE! ;D

3:08 PM

Thursday, December 13, 2007

I HATE IT LUHH! & I CANT WATCH IN THE ROOM. My grandma's sleeping..

I felt like speaking vulgar now.
But somehow, I didnt dare.
Am I a coward?

10:50 PM


Gee. My audition character. Thanks pauline, she taught me how to take the pic. But somehow, my laptopn SONT HAVE THE BUTTON TO THE PRINT BUTTON. sians. And she helped me with it. thanks! Just dont go and anyhow login into my account can le. Cos I dont know how to change password. ._.

Woke up at 12 plus, I kana nagged by my grandma. Then played a while of audi. Feel tired now.

All I wanted was just you to talk to me.
We dont seem to have topics to talk lately.
Even a hiiee, its enough..

3:13 PM

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

My leg is getting uglier and uglier. It doesnt seem to heal, I dont know why.
And I dont think Im still going for the doctor.
I get angryy easily this few days.
And I dont know whyyyy.

I felt like trying the imformal way of typing.
How are euu?
Are euu fine?
Watx upp?
G0rt anythiingg tuu saee?
thankxeuu! LOLOLS.

11:39 PM


Oh yea, went out todayyy.
I missed the bus today. And I waited and waited and msg-ing ling all the way. hahas. I thought I was late, but Huilin and Margeret was later. haha. So we waited. Then they came, we changed sit. Then we start to discuss about the orientation and registration thinggy. Then me, ling, charlene was laughing with Huilin. hahas. A call for Huilin, everyone went quiet. Shhhh.. But we were LMAO-ing like mad there. Hahas. Then there's this little girl beside us started looking at us. Then we look back, she complain say we keep looking at her. Lols. Then Huilin gave her a fierce face and she whine again. HAHA. SO FUNNY LUH.

Many funny things happen also. hahaha. Then at last! Finish discussing. All of us were HUNGRYY. Me, ling and Charlene went. Think and think, we ate long john in the end. We saw Joey working there.
We bump onto Huilin and MArgeret at PP inside. haaha. Funny conversation and we went on seperate ways again. Went shopp shopp. OP, CHAMELEON, MINITOONS bla. We were so crazy inside giant. hahas. SO funny! I WANT THE TEDDY! SO BIG AND CHEAP.!

Went popular. LING GOT SOOO MAY VOUCHERS LUH! So envy mann! She bought her little brother pencils and bla for his next yr nursery classes and her stationaries. Then went home.
Went out with my mum again. Went popular with her. Shebought files, i bought my stationaries. MY DAD SPONSORED ME MY STATIONARIES. :DDD Happy. hahas. Then went home. TIREDTIRED.

Thanks chi for sending me the mo nu you xi de song. Channel U,10pm. MUST WATCH. Its nice! hahas. Addicted to it liao.

7:16 PM

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Just one sentence or two
You can see her true colours.
We might not be right
We might be imaginative
Or sensative
But its true that we found evidence
&Thats the sentence or two.
And it's unexpectedly.
How am I going to face her?
I felt so scared now
I'm pissed now
My tummy is aching again
My hands and legs are freezing cold again.
I felt so sensative.
Its as if the memory is flashing back again
We might be wrong
But at the meantime..
Lets just hope everything was not what we thought.

8:26 PM


My tummy was still not feeling well.
But my dad bought fererro rocher! So I ate 5. ._.
And my tummy is hurting now. But I'm HIGH!
I leveled up audi! :DDD


4:57 PM


Didnt really sleep well last night.
And my breakfast was ruined by this army of ants.
And I was scolded by my grandma for not eating that breakfast with those ants.
And Im avoiding my grandma telling me stories about people without food.
And I'm hungry now. ._.

I take back my words last night. ._.

11:16 AM

Monday, December 10, 2007

In a really bad mood now. So fed up. PISSED.
&My tummy hurts like fk now.
ARRGH! !@@#$%^^&*(#$%^&*(


10:37 PM

HEYYA! Backk to my posting again.
Was watching WO AI HEI SHE HUI all day long. So nice and funny! haha.
Especially the part where Hei Ren went to the meimeis' house. SO FUNNY! haha. I was simply laughing my ass off. haha.

The winner was happy
But the loser was pissed.
The lose one can win this.. stupid thing
But she let her win instead.
Ended up, none was happy.
How about me?
Should I feel happy or sad or pissed?
&Is this becoming a topic for all of them to gossip about?
What is gonna happen to the winner one?
Especially if the loser gets the oppotunity.

8:54 PM


OH YAY. Finished watching ROMANTIC PRINCESS le. woohoooo. Last episode was 13. Then next week is IT STARTED WITH A KISS, THEY KISSED AGAIN! woooo! Waiting for it for sooo long luhh. Hahas.

Videos for the 30minutes Qiang Xian Kan:
Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxCk_OJBQvE&NR=1

Part2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgmFQqSWIbY&feature=PlayList&p=AAACA66907A9E375&index=1

Part3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCprU9uVBlk&feature=PlayList&p=AAACA66907A9E375&index=2

Ohh. My tummy hurts like hell now. Arrgh! Bad mooddddddd~ So dont provoke me. I might SCREAMMM.

12:27 PM

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Woo. What a long long day todayyy.
Morning, was out with my nanny. The rain almost spoilt my day. ARRGH! I almost bought nothing. But I bought two levis tee. :D My nanny was asking me to buy, Buy and BUY. wooo.

Then afternoon, went home, bath and so on. Preparing to meet Melissa at Broadrick de. But ended up meeting her at east coast instead. So yeapp, took 197 down to ECP myself. Thanks to MeiChi and Ling, they entertained me in the bus. :D Down to Parkway, bought ice cream. Was listening to music also. And yeapp, I took a bet. Left, or right? (Some of them knew Im a direction idiot) Walk to the route towards Macs. AND YAY! I found the pit! hahas.
JunJun was already there waiting with her friends and mum and sister tgt with Angel and YenZhi. Joined them for a while. Chi called and talked to her. hahas. Went over to the carpark and helped take some stuffs. Helped to take that big box of charcoal. Wooo. Walked to the pit and down to the sea. :D I had a mission and I was suppose to act EMO. ._. MeiChi was suppose to accompany me to the very far end. And yea, we went to collect sand. XD And back to joined them. The sudden big wave made us all wet luhh! OH MY GODDD. Everyone screameddd. A while later, we went Macs to wash our feet. On the way, Melissa kept asking what happen to me. hahas. We hooked our arms tgt and Melissa's brother, Brendan kept saying we're les. hahas. WashWashWash, then meet XueTing. Everyone was pestering us to hurry up as the RAIN is coming. What luck man. So we rushed backk, the rain stopped. What the. So find. We blow and cut the cakes. Green tea and vanilla. :D The way jun cut the cake was neat. Whereas, Melissa cut her cake was.. Okkayy, No words can discribe. hahas. But anyway, we enjoyed! :D Ate one satay, drank one cup of coke. Was playing with Melissa's cousin. hahas, all so cute luhh. Cheron(I dont know how to spell. ._.) , ron, Brendan and Sirius. haha, Sirius black? Lols. They are all so cute luh! Was late, CHi and her cousin gotta go back home. So the rest of us went to rent our bikes. Melissa was pissed off with Brendan and Sirius. They followed us but they went further and it was dark to let two kids outt so far. Somemore, twice, people touched them. Lols. Brendan said he followed us to Macs cos he wanna PEE. So I let out a poem. hahas. He wanna PEE and Melissa was PISSED and I'm in patrol PEACE. hahas. Niceeee. Rented our bikes. I rented the 5buckks de. The bike was unstable. But when ling tried mine, it was okay. Lols. Rode backk. Sirius and Brendan kept dont wanna let me goo. They kept blocking me. Woo, so I played with them. TO macs, bought shaker fries. Long time no eat. hahas. Then went back again. Once I opened my fries, Sirius and Brendan all took fried from me. Lols. And it RAINED AGAIN. This time, Sirius helped me shelter my bike. hahas, reason was because HE WANTS MY FRIES. Lols. So gave him the remaining fries. Adults wanted us to returned our bikes and pack off. Melissa was pissed. Same goes to us, but we had nothing we can do. So backk. We were whining as we only rented it for one hour. There goes our Money. But the Uncle was kind. hahas, he said he'll let us have extra time if we go tmr. But too bad luhh, not going tmr also. D:

SO backk, we're planning to go Parkway. But melissa cant go. We wanted to go home, but we went parkway in the end. XueTing was lost, she called us. I used the old method. FACE THE SEA AND TURN RIGHT.hahas. Met her, and we went. DAMN XUE TING, KEPT WANTNG TELLING US GHOST STORIES. And we jumped out of the sudden and i jumped with her. Lols. Asked Ling to on the music loudloud to smoothen the admosphere. hahas. To the hawker, Pauline bought bubble tea and Xue Ting went off. My dad called. Next was my mum. Went to buy brownies for her and my dad came. My dad fetched ling home and I went home too. [=


HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUNJUN! SweetSourBitter Sixteen

10:23 PM

Saturday, December 08, 2007


Was the first time my both parents send me to school. WOO.
My dad stopped me at 7,11 busstop. my mum saw Lingling and Charlene, she waved at her. hahas.
Then buy drink and rush to school. We thought we were late. Went there, saw Basirah and Weiwen only. Then faster polish badge. Melissa came. Then Junie. Then take attendance, tshirt and the little paper. Woo, Im in PEACE patrol. haha. Then all came. Margeret and Basirah were inside PEACE too. haha. Everyone sabo-ed us, Me, Melissa, Lingling and Jannar became the leaders of the day. -.-" Haha.
Then we learnt proper and improper fall in. Then the proper fall in, I was so blur luh. I didnt know where to turn. T.T Then everything hao liao, break. Changed. Then national symbol time. Funny! haha. Then our the seniors came. Shufang and Coreen. Then we got talk. Then FOOT DRILL. OMG. So tiring luh.

Then break, then fall in. 5,4,3,2,1, EVERYONE TIO FORFEIT. Lols. Then Shufang say LEADERS DOUBLE. OMG LUH! We innocent people. hahas. Jumping jack. Everyone did 10, we did 20. arrgh! Neverminddd. Then foot drill bla. Melissa cried. She had gastric. Then Shufang saw, she thought Melissa's giving her a black face. Lols. Then LUNCH TIME! Woohoo. We got extra time as reward. XD Then the fire alarm went off, everyone got shock. O_O Went back class. Rest for a while. Then knotting time. The LingYan came and teach us how to tie knots. Was helping Basirah also. Everyone went HUH? haha.

I LOVED THE GAMES PART. :D First game was one that we are suppose to hold our hands tgt like a knot. Then we are suppose to get out of the knot and form back the circle. Haha. SO FUN LUH. Was helding PeiFen and WeiWen's hand. We gotta climb each other's hand, go over, so above bla. OMG. haha. Next was the three legged race. Everyone's lag was tied up. SOOO TIGHT LUHH. So pain somemore. Then 1,2,1,2,1,2, we went. haha. SO FUNN. Then back to the classroom for CONSERVATION TIME. Never know that Margeret and Basirah really used my idea. ._. Haha, was rushing for time.

Then DISCUSSION. So many discussion luh! Orientation, registration and the gifts. wooo. We discussed a lot of stuffs. Until 7, pack up, taps and OFF WE GO! :D

Then went home. WHOA, tiredtired.

7:44 PM

Friday, December 07, 2007

Heya! I'm bored now. ._.
Listening to music. Music Music and Musics! haha.

Nothing to blog todayy. Hais.

Dont feel sleepy yet. Ahma's home already. &I gotta sleep early tonight. Sians. Tmr's gonna be a long day. Yeah..

&Too obedient isn't that good afterall?
And I guess, nothing matters anymore.

7:33 PM


So yea, its past 12midnight already & I remembered two peepos birthday!


And yeap, watching TEAVEEEEE. hahas. Nothing to do now.):

12:35 AM

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Im still deciding if I wanna change blog song. :/
Cos I still like Li Xiang Qin Ren luhh. haha. But Kelly recommended me this song.

Its nice too! hahas.
Still wondering if Im changing blog linkk. Hmm. So pissed off just to put password in my blog. ARRGH! Karyi gave me a nice link. reginax3.blogspot.com. haha. Maybe setting my blog to private. :/

8:11 PM


Last night, was chatting with Melissa and Chi at my plugoo in my blog. Then all went offline.
Then talk to Kelly and at the same time blogging and watching DEVIL BESIDE YOU. :DD
Till 3plus, knock out time. But I only falled asleep after the rain comes. :/

Today, manage to get parental approval to go for Melissa and Jun's bday partyy. Maybe because I didnt go out with friends for more than a week. XD
Again, terms and conditions applied. =.="
2hours of studying. Managed to bargain with my dad till one and a half hour instead. Sians.
Maybe use that time to finish up zhen ming tian nu's book I borrowed from Lingling. Considered studying? To me, YES then okay le. XD
My mom's packing the room, I went to di-siao. A lot of my baby toys. XD Mostly teletubies and bunny! XD All my Hello Kitty soft toys were all moved to my room earlier ago. I didnt wanna give them away.

Lover's last for only a moment
But friends last forever.

4:51 PM

Here goes my story!

Dad: Sorry Sorry, I'm cleaning. What are you guys doing? Bullying your fellow students? Ehhhh, such a beautiful girl... but when she's bullying, her face gets all twisted.
Girl1: Hey old man! Its none of your business!
Dad: Old man? I like pretty girls to call me UNCLE
Girl2: You're more like a pervert!
LiXiang: [[To yueyue]] This is your last warning! You wont be so lucky next time!
Everyone leaves except for dad and yueyue}
Dad: [[hugggs yueyue]] You dont have to thank me. Its my job to protect you!
YueYue: AHHHHH! PERVERT! Somebody save me! Help! Help!
One basketball came flying and hit Dad}
Ahmon: What are you doing?! SI LAO TOU?!
Dad: [[Runs towards ahmon]] AHHHHHHHH! [[Jumps onto him]] Cutie! Cutie!
Ahmon: What are you doing?! Old man, DONT TOUCH ME!
Dad: WHy are you so mean? I was only gone for a few days >_<
YueYue: Then.. he must be ahmon's..... DAD?!
Dad: DAD?! You've already been calling me Dad?! :DDD
Dad: [[Runs to yueyue]] AHHHHHHHHHHH! &Hugs Ahmon instead.
Ahmon: Stop harassing people okay?!
Dad: eh, orh. She's as cute as her mum, so I couldnt help it!
Ahmon: Didn't you hear her calling for help?!
Dad: orh. YueYue, hello, I'll care for you like I care for your mom. :DDD Lets make friends. [[preparing to shake hand]]
Yueyue: [[hesitating]]
Dad: come..come..come..
Ahmon: stop being so disgusting!
Dad: disgusting? [[Went over to ahmon]] We're family. When you heard you'll have a sister, arent you all exicited?
Ahmon: [[red face]] Shut up, old fart.

Okay, there's more. Lazy type all out. haha, I was always LMAO-ing at this part. XD

GO watch Devil Beside Me de 3rd episode. hahah.

Ahhh, its 2.11am now. Ohwells, not sleepy yet. Slept for 16hours last night already. >_<

Yin wei ni de xi huan, er rang wo kai xin.
Wo you yu gan, she bei zi zhi xi huan ni.

Oh yea, plus this:
Shen Dan Shu Zhi yao neng dai biao xin fu de gan jue, jiu hao le.
Christmas coming soon! YAY! :DDD

1:36 AM

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Oh yayayay.
The broadband people came and installed some MIO stuff.
Then now can watch MIO tv le. hahas.

&There's a serious scratch on my laptop! >_<
RAINBOW is what I wanna see
When the rain stops :DD

Love this song after watching LOVE CONTRACT. :DDD


I just realised. WANG ZI GOT ACT IN IT STARTED WITH A KISS TWO! AHHH! Act as ah nuo, but I think only act a bit nia. Ohwells.

7:01 PM


So cold, yet Im perspiring like mad now. wth.
Oh whatever luhh. Maybe going for a cold bath later on.
Love Contract is getting more and more exciting!! :D
Love the show mann! Its striking 3 now. The internet man is coming. Gonna be internet-less soon. ARRGH!

3:00 PM


Last night, was scolded off to bed. 8plus mind you?! Reason: I was falling asleep. I was freezzing under my big blanket luhh. So cold. And 11plus, I was awoken up by my mother. Ask me this and that, touch me here and there. Then went back to sleep again.

Morning or maybe after 12plus, wake up. Feel a bit hungry now. And its raining..

Maybe gonna be internet-less later.


12:28 PM

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Slept just now for one and a half hour. Feverfever, sians. This time was high.
Had a damn stupid dream. Was awoken up by my mum to try her soup. -.-" Felt so cold, but my temperature was effing hot. Had a 38degree hot bath, still feel so cold. Brrrrr~!
After champion, maybe going back to sleep. My head is killing me >_<

Why am I getting sick lately?!

5:58 PM


Headache, tummyache& bodyache. Sians.
Felt soooo tired today, I dont know why also.
Was freezing coldddd~! My eyes are closing anytime. Was freezing like hell the moment I woke up. The more I stare into the com, the more I wna sleep. Spinning head right now. @#$%^&*(

Last night was terrible oh WTF. What a stupid dreaam I've dreamt. Does it hint anything? I HOPE NOT MANN! So afraid luhh! A scary dream last night. & Did anyone badmouthed me this morning? o.0 Hmm.

Love contract is getting nicer and nicer. XD I love the song Gu Dan Pei Ban Qiu! Lols.

2:47 PM

Monday, December 03, 2007

Yeapp, my internet's fine again after my bro is back home. -.-"
Watching LOVE CONTRACT. Its getting nicer and nicer, funnier and funnier. hahahehehohos. :D

Im in sucha great mood! :D Feel so relieve and relaxed today, except for a short moment just now. :/ hahahehehoho. Hope this moment stays as long as possible. XD hahahehehoho. But Im bored now):

8:57 PM


I have been disconnecting luh! wth. Dc-ed for more than 5 times, OH MY GOD! Pissed off mann!

Oh yea, watched Love contract, quite nice actually. hahas.

6:40 PM


Wheeeeeeeee~! XD
My mum bought me myuk wallet! hahas! THANKSYOU! x33333

Early in the morning, my mum woke me up. She wna bring me shoppinggg. So drag myself up, wash up and prepare. Then took bus down to Plaza Sing. Went Plaza Sing just to buy my SHOE. hahahehehoho. My school shoes spoiled. >_< Then down to bugis, wallet shop. My mum really bought me a myuk wallet! ahhh! I was so happy loh, I keep asking if she really wants to buy for me. oh yea, same thing. Terms and conditions applied. Then basement, bought many makan foods. haha. Then went home.

Feel like sleeping. Zzz
Watching Romantic Princess currently. So sad.

1:21 PM

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Feels so strange. :/
Love Contract was kinda boring though. Lols.
Dont wna watch le. Anymore showsss? OHYA! My romantic Princess! Dont know when then tudou upload. Hmm. So bored.

I cant describe it, its strange. A thing that happened long ago. Strange and weird. >_<

10:50 PM


Im cold! Brrrrrrrr~!
This few nights, have been freezing like hell.
Anyway luh, didnt watch Love Contract. :/ Watching devil beside you AGAIN! hahahehehoho. Trying to find the NG video but cannot find. ARRGH!
Waiting for Romantic Princess episode 12 to come out. YAY!

I wanna go zoo. :/

I got instant messaging on my blog! hahas. Can talk to me when Im online. [= Quite easy to make actually. Haha.XD

7:28 PM


___ tho, yijonisuniidai[=

Haha, a new japanese phrase I've learned(=

5:45 PM


MeiChi recommended me one show.
18 JING BU JING. I didnt know what kind of show is that.
Heard that inside got bbt and hei she hui de Xiao Xun.
Then I go watch. First episode, I dont wna watch le.

Maybe watching Love Contract. Dou Niu Yao Bu Yao still showing on TV. Wait till finish screening then I watch. hahaha.

1:46 PM








You know why I like this song so much? hahas(=
A very special song indeed. hahahehehoho. :D

12:20 AM

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Ohh, this is terrible!
My laptop has gone lulu again! Arrgh!
Thats why I've sooo many spelling error. I realised that! ARRGH!
My laptop always gone lulu, and I dont know why. >_<

Whatever luh, I still love my com! :D
Felt so sleepy now. Zzz

Oh yea, what to do now? Maybe watching LOVE CONTRACT. Got Mike He and Ariel leh! hahas. But maybe Tokyo Juliet? Got Wu Zun and Ariel. Or maybe Dou Niu Yao Bu Yao?? Got Mike He and Hebe ^^ I dont know what to watch now]=

Im desperate for a new wallet! >_<

5:12 PM


Last night, finished watching Devil Beside You.
&The ending is sooo.. OMGGGGG. hahas.
Slept at 1plus,but fall asleep only at 3.

Today, couldnt wake up. ARRGH! Woke up at 7.20.
My alarm clock didnt rang.
Take a bath, I WAS TREMBLING. So cold luh!
Then faster rush off to the busstop. Was chatting with lingling on the way.
Reached, I saw no one. ._. So strolled to the opp. Then saw Charlene, Jannar and Annabel.
Then all came, ling came too. And briefing start. I was sleeping luh! Sleeping with my eyes open. ._. but I got listen also. Ling helped me jot down all details. :D Hahas. Then briefing over, waited one side. Ling was playing with my phonee. Then kelly and karyi came. Lend Kelly my bbt magazine, but I gave her the whole file. lolol. Thanks to Huilin they all, me and ling manage to cross over. hahas. Ling bought drinks. We didnt know where to go to buy our stuffs. We thought of parkway at first. Then Chi called, we decide. I remembered SHIBUYA! There got the stuff we needed. So went Bugis.
Bugis, THE WHOLE PLACE WAS LIKE.. WHOA! hahas, few weeks nvr go bugis only, the whole basement changed! O.O Went Macs. Ate and chatted. Chatted many stuffs luhh. Hahas. So nice. Remembering all the memories. AWWW, so nice. haha. Then went bugis street. Went Sinma. I gotta buy ear stick. Ling was looking at her cosmetics for choir. Chi and Pauline came! hahas. Then went to meet them. Went SHIBUYA. I MALU-ED THERE LUHH! ARRGH! How am I gonna face everyone?! Lols. Bought our stuffs there. Told them my plannings. Everyone got shocked. hahas, good idea? Lols. Then went walk walk. Me and ling wna buy the same thing. ARRGH! The thinggy is nice, the price is "nice" too. Hais. Popular at basement. I WANT THE 81bucks BEAR! SO BIG, SO NICE! AHHH! But I hate the price. >_< Ling went toilet two times, we were inside the toilet playing with the water two times. hahas. Then went back Bugis Street, ling bought chicken pop corn. SO NICE! Ling left, me and chi went to buy the pop corn. hahas. Then went 2nd level and see, then took bus home. Chi and Pauline went Parkway to find Jocelyn.

AHHH! I got an ideal X'mas gift! You know, I know. hahas. ^.<

1:34 PM


Hello! My name is monster
I come from a place called MonsterLand

Speak out love ♥

Cbox Recommended.

The Great Escape.
