Friday, November 30, 2007
Changed skin. 0_0 But it looks big though. :/ Hmm.Alright, FAMILY OUTING. Went to fetch my sis at vivo first. Then, went IMM. Was sleeping throughout and listening to my music. About one hour journey.Went Cartel for dinner. Went esprit with my sis first. Bought a tee! ;D Oh yea, went backk. My dad ordered wrong food for us. 0_0 Nevermind then. My mum was hilarious! She only eyed on the bread at Cartel. Zzz. Once the bread is here, she will immediately go take. Lols. Long queue and after a few minute, SHOO~ The bread is gone. Lols. Should say its my dad's first time at cartel. He kept praising the ribs there. Lols. Whereas me, Im scared of ribs after that incident. OMGGG.Went daiso next, buy this, buy that. take this, take that. Thats what my dad say: Take anything you want! wahaha! xD Then, giant. MeiChi called me. Was talking on the phone with her and pauline till half of my journey home. Slept at the other half of the journey.Home at around 11. Whoa, tiredTired. Tmr, gotta wake up at 7. So early mann!
My tummy's not feeling well. ARRGH! So pain luh. My dad's not working today, that means its family day. ARRGH! Just feel like staying at home and rest. Devil beside you, left 1 more episode le! So TOUCHED lehh! hahs.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
ARRGH! MeiChi is catching up with meeeee. GOSH. One more liscence, she will be level 7, SAME AS ME! ARRGHHH! Hahas. Oh btw, my mistake. its FEI*. DONT MOCK ME AR. ;pMy leg is rotting soon. ARRGH! Feel like crying mann! it hurts when im walking, it itch when I wasnt walking. More, the skin is coming out! What the heck is that?! It was said that probably is because i contacted with salt water too much. o_o GOSH! My legggg.
See how small this kitten was? Lols. Almost the size of Cheejie's legs. *Taken on the cycling day. * And it nearly followed us to the busstop. hahahehehohoWatching Devil Beside You halfway, my bro called.His sandals broke, he wna me be his "DHL" and deliver his slippers to him. LOLS. Was forced to deliver to him. Met him at the Johore Interchange there beside Stamford. He was walking bare footed and I went O.O" Walk to SimLim to check out some stuff. I was staring into space for quite sometime. ARRGH! Then he wna buy new sandals,HE MADE ME WALK TO ORCHARD FROM SIM LIM. ARRGH! So far luh! Walk until buay tahan le. So thirsty and such. After cathay, HE MADE ME WALK TO HEREEN. Zzz. Halfway, we were bickering. hahas. He knock on my head and said that inside is empty. ZZZZZZZZZz. Hereen, he finally bought his sandals, my mum called. All thanks to her tutu kueh, we gotta go bugis again. -.-" Then walk home. Whoa, Tiredtired. >_<Starting of the journey was 2.30pm. And we reached home at 4. Cool eh? Two and a half hour only. hahas.I feel like changing blogskin again. :/
AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!Devil Beside You was just SO NICE! hahahehehoho. i wna all the songs! Especially Li Xiang Qing Ren. Anyone kind to send meee? Hahas. Shen dan shu zhi yao dai biao xing fu de gan jue jiu hao le. I feel like celebrating Christmas now. :/ Hahas. Im getting in love with AhMeng now. hahas. So dashing! LOLS. Oh WOW. What a dream last night.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
I LOVE ENCHANTED! x3 XDSo nice luh the showw. Its really a must watch movie mann! "And they live happily ever after.." hahahas. The show is like, cinderella cum snow white cum sleeping beauty cum king kong movie. o_o hahaha. So nice. "The most powerful thing in the world is the TRUE LOVE'S KISS" hahas. Oh yea, me and my mum bought the ticket sitting at the first 5 rows. x( So near luhh. Reason: No more seats left. Zzz. Is really a funny showw. Whats a datee? hahas. The chipmunk also damn funny luh. hahaha. Love the movie mann! [= 8.18, out of the theatre. Went toilet. Damn urgent. Then went to shop for supper. xD Went blue max, Poh kim and TS to search for my mum's KOREAN DRAMA. -.-" haha. Went home, had a heavy supper. xD YUMYUM! ^^ Mc Donalds and Octopus balll. Feeling sleepy now. Zzz. just had a bath. Hair not dry yet, cant sleep. Additcted to: Hao Xin Fen Shou. XD &What is this mann! My toe hurts even moree noww. ARRGH! DAMN.
Xiang Xin. YEAH!
I was tagged by Marilyn. Hahas. According to the rules of the theme, people who are tagged must write 7 weird things about themselves and then choose 7 people to tag. Don't forget to leave a comment that says 'you are tagged' in their comments and tell them to read your blog.1. I talk like a mad person sometimes. [means: SOT DIAO]2. I might attack without reasons.3. I laugh without reasons4. I sleep at lease 10hours everyday. [holidays nia]5. I have mixed feelings. O.O6. I dreamt of weird stuff every night. x(7. I might lose temper anytime. [So watch outt] Hahas, now I tagged:Yiling, Melissa, MeiChi, Pauline, JunJun, Kelly & Karyi.
Anyone free on this Christmas Eve?! GOSH!The newspaper predicted that there will be earthquake this Christmas Eve. ARRGH! Wth. x( Though 12storey aint that high, but IM STILL SCARED! Lols. Should stay at low building on Christmas Eve. Maybe go somewhere near Broadrick? Lols. People dont usually feel quake at that area which is like.. SO LUCKY! . :/ ARRGHHHH! Devil beside you episode 6c will be continued tmr! XD
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Woo. Watched Devil Beside you currently. Nice show, but the story like whywhylove likee that. haha.Did an emergency urgent calls. Asked Melissa and lingling to help me. Did so many calls luhh. haha. Most calls ever today. &My toe's swollen,. >_<
Gonna give a tryout on this font and size and colour. Looks nice actually. Haa. Last night, finished watching ROmantic Princess episode 11. Now gotta wait for every Sunday for the next episodes. My mum was watching her Korean Show till 1plus also. Lols. Break record, she seldom sleeps so late. [= Then shut the com, brush teeth and Zzz. Today, woke up at 12plus. My grandma was the one that pulls me up. hahas. Got 4 missed calls but I dont even know who is the one that called me. So people, who called me?? Lols. What to do today? ]= No show to watch le. ]= ARRGH! GAMBATEH!
I had a target that Im gonna achieve it.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Oh, how about a small font and a light colour? Teeheehee. NiceNice? Hahas.Or maybe a large font with dark colours? o.O Hmm..Or a light colour with normal font? 0.0Or a greeny weeny colour with normal font? woooooo.Teehee, maybe I shall use a small font with a pinky winky colour for this post. haha. OH GOSH, my handphone bill!!! It POKed! o.o" Nonono, not because of my message, nor because of my calls. Its becausse of the pinky winky panther byebye ringring toneee that burst my bill and POOF~ The bill was out! Get it? Or wna me explain moreee? Teeheeee. (3GOSH, the above post wasnt meeee. Im bored luhh. XD Was uploading ROmantic Princess when I start blogging again. hahas. But it finished uploading soon after I login. o.o" But I still come and postt. ;D Okay finee, back to my romantic princess then.
GOSH, this piece of news was really surprising mann! Kelly's boat de instructor was one of them that drowned. OMGGGG. Faster go see the newspaper, it is! Oh mann! Kelly, Yiling, dont sad luh.My grandma helped me with the alter-ing of my skirt. haha, THANKYOU AHMA! x3 Was sewing my skirt while talking to Kelly and lingling while watching TV. I pricked my finger! OUCH! &My mum;s addicted to Korean drama, again. -.-"The CHAMPION todayyy! Hahas.
ARRGH! This is sooo unfair!My earpiece broke into half. o_o" Then my dad refuse to buy new one for me. >_< His terms and conditions was: 2hrs of self study everyday for four days. ARRGH! MAD MANN~! He knows I dont study. Purposely one right? ARRGH. I rather buy myself mann! But the thing is, $$ problem. hehe. Lols.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
DONT EVER COMMENT ON MY SKIN. Thanks. Suddenly feel like using back the previous skin. So just use lohhh. Its quiet nowadays. No one to talk to, no topic. Spent my time sleeping then. Was suppose to celebrate my brother's birthday.But I didnt wanna go. So my mum didnt go too, to accompany me[= Didnt know what to say.
But I have one thing that Im wondering.
Have I done anything wrong??
THE QUIET MOMENTS. OhOh, Its my brother's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Last night was torturing! Had a hard time getting to sleep cause of my stupid blocked nose. Then when i finally get to sleep, at around 4, I was awaken by the stupid hay wire alarm clock that rings for no reason. Hard time getting to sleep again. At last, finally get some sleep when I used my mouth to breath. HAHAHA. -.-" Today was quiet. Real quiet. A quiet time for me..
Heya! Its 1.03am now.Just now, really watched Hei She Hui mei Mei de video the whole entire day. Haha.Lols. Didnt talk to many people today. Maybe 1 or 2 bahh. Just short convo only. So I did spent most of my time at videos. Didnt really feel bored today, cos of the videos that entertained me. Hahas.[=I regretted. Truely regretted.
But just take and accept what it is now.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Alright, i had a sudden urge to pierce my ears. ._. But too bad, its a 100% my dad wont allow. D: Oh yea, I didnt know MeiChi took so many of my pics. -.-" Hahas. Im bored. o_o just finish watching Hello kitty video. xD &Im waiting for Magicians of Love now... [=Edited~I only began loving cherries, after you left.That is because after you left, the I understand the meaning of cherish. x/3I made the sentence myself after watching Magicians of love. hahas. Cherry represents cherish. Hahas. Although the sentence a bit no link luh. :/
My first post for today at 7.53pm. Lols. Gosh, Im addicted to Hei She Hui Mei Mei le!! AHHHH! Have been watching their videos in youtube. Especially Y tou! hahas. Y tou was indeed cutee!! hahas. Helped my mum write greeting cards at the evening. I finished 40cards within one hour. To: Directors,Managers & Staff. From: King george's medical centre (lavendar&hougang) blahblahblah. See, I could even memories them. lols. My block nose was irritating me the whole day. I didnt even have the appetite to eat. Whatever food i eat, whatever thing I smell, TASTELESS and SMELL-LESS. It affected my mood. I was moody the whole day, and I nearly scold people. ._. Edit later if Im bored. Why must you take me and him as bi jiao? Why must you think that I will end up like him too? Moreover, you cant look down on him too. Why must he affect my life ! >_<Edited~Heeee, changed song again(= The 9pm show de. Cute song, but its cut off halfway. :/
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Blogging again. Hahas.Im bored. ._. Maybe changing blog song laterr. Felt so tired. Watched youtube. Watch the videos concerning Hei She Hui Mei mei de. hahas. See Y tou and Gui Gui de video, then know their everyday life bla. Hahas. Haven watch my romantic princess yet. Maybe later. Edited~Having serious block nose. Had difficulty breathing. Lols. My head is aching like what the TOOT now. Arrgh. And Im hungry and sleepy. For today's meal, i only had iced milo and half a bowl of rice for dinner. Cool eh? Feeling hungry now, but no food. YYYY
Just came back from cycling. Was sooo tired, but fun! hahas. Oh yea, never ever drink milo before cycling mann! You might puke!Meet Melissa first. Went playground to sit. Then Cheejie came and we went Kong Hwa there to meet Karyi. Then went coffeeshop wait for Kelly. So long luh. Haha. melissa was lmao-ing for the 'dont play play' notice. hahas. Sooooo long later, Kelly finally came down. Hahas. Make our way there. Was laughing and joking around. ECP, meet Jaslyn. Then they went subway to see jade work. Haha.Me and Karyi was talking. karyi asked me some stuff. Then we started laughing. then kelly saw. Then Me and Karyi was pretending to talk bad about Kelly and blah. Hahas. Kelly said talk with her presence. We pretended to laugh and so on. And soon, we were really laughing. Hahas. Went Macs. Bought Milo. See them eat and s0 on. Then went to rent bikes le. Suay suay just after we ret our bikes, RAIN. lols. And it was heavy. We cycled til a shelther there and waited. Then, the sun came out. Lols. Continue cycling. Many things happened there also. Funny and sad. Melissa falled. ._. Kelly's button drop. LOLS. Then stop at somewhere.Took photo. Then continue. Started to get 'bike sick'. First time listen to bike sick hor? Lols. Feel giddy. ARRGH. Was unstable. Then cycle til somewhere again. Then rest. Tired le. One hour past le. Cycle back. Chionged a bit. Was in front of them. Then slowly, I became the last one. lols. My legs went numb. ._. Went back. Gave them the water to wash leg. Then went back home. Was falling asleep in the bus. Changed bus. HOME. tiredTIRED. This is the last time bah.
Ahaha, blogging again[=So bored luhhh. I've made a mistake just now. 0_0 Remind me become remember me. STOP MoCKING ME.Kelly kept mocking me sia. Lols. Sobxsobx. Any last words? hahas. Talk to melissa on the phone. She kept laughing and laughing. lols. Then adding in more people into conference. That talk. Kelly and cheejie. Lols. Feel sleepy now. Hungry just now, now sleepy.haha. Good night people(=Tmr cycling
Our DPPGs DP! hahas. Made by JunJun. ;D
On the phone with PeiEn for a long long time. hahas. She was telling me her life story and so on. Her mom was funny luh! Online become ong lai. Lols. And many more names. Bu fang bian zai zhe li jiang. Lols. I get to know many many things from her. 0.0 Said byebye when her mom nagged.
Had DPPGs talk from morning till afternoon. Everyone has a role to do to contribute in this DPPGs. hahas.
Junjun: blogskin (damn nice)
Popo: logo
Melissa: phone theme
Lingling: Compose song for DPPGs
ChiChi: Bake cake. ._.
Me: Create friendster group.
Okay, one question. Got blogskin but no blog? Lols.
When you told me this, I know I disappointed him. But I really seriously have no mood to go and meet him. You dont go, I dont go. I dont go, Jas dont go. Tell him next time perhaps. Im sorry luh. Im now very confused. I dont know what Im thinking now. That chain letter and the dream is gonna make me go crazy anytimeee!! Though I kept teelling myself that everything is fake, I still... I dont know what to dooooo.
give me two more minute
to freeze all my memories x/33
Last night..DPPGs talk. :D hahas. We had a DPPGs chatt on MSN. We changed our PM and nickks too. haha. We were busy finding names for ourselves. Melissa want me to be buttercup. =.=" Bubbles better luh. hahas. In the end, we had our own nickks! hahas! My deardears: Junjun, Lingling, ChiChi, PoPo, JingJing & BiBi !!! hahas. Had conference also. With Kelly, Karyi and Cheejie. Cheejie ordered me not to talk. So I didn't talk. haha. Didn't talk for sometime. EVen Cheejie said that he tookback his words, I remain shut. hahas. Msn chatt with kelly and Karyi at the same time. There's one time where both me and Kelly didn't talk. Karyi replied him and Cheejie said: WO HAI YOU NI. Wooo. hahas. I kept laughing. ._. Then there's this time Kelly said to Cheejie the song name: Jia gei wo. Me and Karyi went Wooo. haha. Hung up the phone first. At 1.45. Then jump onto my bed and OrhOrh Kun. &I HAD A DREAM AGAIN. >:(
TOday & Currently, DPPGs talk again. But I dont know what the TOOT are they talking about. Lols. I just hope everything was just a trick that wasn't real, everything was just a dream, that never come true.. I made the biggest mistake! Who can tell me whatever dream I had was just an ordinary dream that means nothing and will never come true? Who can tell me that the chain letter was just fake, that was never real? Its his face but why did I call him..?!?!
Wo hai you ni.
Told by Cheejie to.... LMAO! haha!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Chain letter
Okay, everyone's test were all accurate! Oh joy eh? The more accurate they say, the more Im scared. I wrote two wrong person inside my qsn le luh! I regretted now.. Somethings gonna happen? Wait and see? Lol. Ow jiejie gave me the whole collection of bang bang tang. 0_0 AHHHHH! I love her mann! She gave me so many luh! haha! All found form magazines she bought. ._.
I had a dream again. D:Last night, that stupid helen sacked Yiling and YiShing. Just because lingling sick then she wna sack both of them?! WTH. SOmemore work for one week nia then no pay. WHat the...ALright, help my dad with a little painting of my room first. Thank goodness, lucky he didn't paint yellow for me. ._. No more orange, BOO! Then went down nanny house to give her newspaper. I was pissed off. WHatever,i dont give a damn. Then went brd to meet Melissa. Saw Mrs Saha at the busstop. Chatted with her. She's migrating and Melissa kept asking her WHYWHYWHY. haha! She took the same bus at us. hahas,cause we're smuggling food in, we went up to sit, just in case. Alighted and MeiChi was waiting there. haha. Went to her house. Looking for jobs. I wna be tuition tcher! but its a joke aint it? My results suck. But the tutee is a primary 2 girl. ._. Maybe going try try? Lols. MeiChi didn't want to work at city plaza anymore. Lols. Listen and send songs. Then,took MRT to vivo. Watched Bee movie, play with water, playground and so on. I own meichi money! Lol. My mum called. She told my about my ahma's protrait. I was like.. OH NO! Gonna have sleepless night mann! Lols. MRT home(: My right eye kept twitching non stop just noww. Melissa said that its a bad sign while lingling said its a good sign. ._.&Whatever it is, ITS JUST FAKE.
Whatever it is, I had to keep my mouth shut. I dont wna be like last year. I dont want misunderstandings. Bi! I think you've gone nuts again. HAHA! You wont fall for him right? NO! Ignore your feelings. Just think that its fake. Everything will be fine if nothing is leaked outt. JIAYOU!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Went dinner with my family. :DWent to fix my dad's childhood camera first. Lols. My bro wna use it for his school project I think. Stayed in the car all by myself. I was asked to lock all doors. Listening to my music and thinking.. Went tanglin mall actually for korean food. But it was too ex. lols. So went Suntec. Went one round around those restaurant. Went up to carefour. My dad was attracted with one TV. Damn big luh! Cannot fit into the 'hole' in the cabinet. So must renovate cabinet also. My dad and bro wna buy phonee. My dad wna buy camera for my brother also. NOT FAIR! ut my mom dont allow. WAHAHA! Cos my bro too careless liao. 0_0 He had lost and broke dont know how many phone and how many cameras liao. haha. Went pepper lunch for dinner. haha, cook ourself one leh. So cool. Lols. Ordered salmon steak. My sis regretted in ordering her curry pasta. Lols. They were all talking about lingling. LOLS. My mom was too impressed about her results. Lols, i told her lingling love singing, she told me that I should go Kbox and listen and sing chinese songs to improve my chinese. =.= Throughout, my sis was enjoying my salmon. hahas. I agree that, her curry pasta taste.... LOL. Cheejie called. My sis and brother was gossiping bout me. Lol. They knew cheejie 'hecked' into my acc. Lols. Went to the CD shop beside carefour. My dad bought transformers. My sis pay for him. hahas. My dad didn't know Harry potter has already shown the order of the phoniex. -.- He bought that too. About to leave, suddenly fire alarm. Was shocked luh! Then the carpark closed. =.= But lucky my mom found an exit door. Everyone saw and followe after us. LOLOL. And went home(: I found a job! Lols. Wednesday, help my sis clean her room, and help my mom write X'mas and New Year greeting cards for her clinic tinggy. YAY! But total amount of salary was less luh, but i dont mind(:
Time flies~Its evening already. hahas.Played Audition, so pissed off luh! Michael Labi, so what you are level 20 already? No rights to say us noob okay! We noob dont play with pros lehh. We play slow songs lehh. Still want join us ar? Somehow, something dont feel right. Okkay, I wna dream again tonight, continue my dream pleaseee. Lols.
Oh my goddd luh! What kind of stupid dream did I had?It really freaks me out luh! Esp the break part, it cant be trueeeeee.I dont wna know who the person is mann! But if the person is... then I'll be happy to know? Lols. Funny eh? WHat a dream..Okkay, the dream was a super long one and I woke up at 1.18pm. 0_0 Faster go wash my hands when I woke up.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Wo men de fang jian..
Pompom liao nothing to do,so take my memo go draw. x( hahas.
WAHHH, sunset so nice :D
Enjoying the scene. Shh, do not disturb.
I dont want wear shoe luh!
Second people second try. Xiao dea: I still dont wna wear, see what you all can do. Lols.
Mummy drink drink I also want drink drink. I want my pop pop.
YUMYUM! Thats my tea break. hehe, roast duck rice. ;D
Shh, dont disturb me. ENjoying in process..
Hahas, theres more, but lazy upload. hahas. Xiao Dea so cute luh!
Number of things we bought.
From most to least.
Xiao Dea(most), Ow jiejie(mostly magazines), Me(hahas), Niu jiejie, Da jiejie, Zhi Cai korkor, Kevin korkor(spent but didn't buy anything), nanny(didn't buy anything D: )
Bring 253RM to malaysia, bring back 253RM. hahas, I didn't spent a cent.
Thats all folks(:
KL shopping.
I'm back from KL! ;Dhahas, but I nearly 'died' in the coach. 0.0Okay, nvm. People there: Nanny, Da jiejie, Xiao Dea, Zhi Cai korkor, Ow jiejie, Niu jiejie and kevin korkor. We sat at the 16 seats coach.Transtar's first class coach. All of us almost occupied half of the coach luh! hahas. There's individual TV and food inside the coach. hahas. So nice(: Stayed in Times Square hotel. So big luh! Got minie living room, mini kitchen, bathroom and toilet is seperated de, but got door. hahas. So big luh! The view was nice too. hahas. Stayed in the 19 floor. Shop and Buy, Order and eat, See and touch. hahas. Didn't really buy must stuff. D: Those things there dont seem to suit my likings. Whatever stuff they showed me, I will just shake my head, and they will get pissed off with me. Lols. Was playing with Xiao Dea most of the time. hahas. Dajiejie wanted to shop, but Xiao Dea wants her to carry her and dont want her to go into those shops. Lols. So many times, Xiao Dea made a din there and Da jiejie gotta handle her. Of course,we spent half of our time in the hotel room. Lols. 2nd day de night time, did my 'last minute' shopping. For those whpo demand for soveniors. Lols. They cost a bomb luh!Then three days past, so many things happened. Our room was airconless. Lols. Called the maintenance, they came about one hour later. lols. Had called housekeeping for 3 times till Ow jiejie was so pissed off and wanted to lodge a complain. So suay, the manager didn't pick up the phone. She was double angry. lols. Anyway, last day de 11plus, we went back to our hotel rooms after the last walk, preparing to check out. The door was locked. Lols. Not yet 12 luh, and they locked our rooms. lols. Board the coach at 2 and off we go, back home! hahas.Okkay, was ramdom. Cos very tired. hahas. Took some shots. Will upload them asap. Quite blur, cos Im not a good photographer. hahas.Thank goodness! I felt so uneasy can? Looking at him is just like looking at that bangala a few years backk. Same actions, but different face. How I wish I didn't go near him. Butt.. I just dont feel right. Just hope he dont go near me. He affected my mood in KL. ARRGH! Wo bu yao gen ni jiang hua le.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Hello!!! I'm blogging again. hais. Sian luh! I'm so bored. No one talk to me, I also dont know want talk to who. No topic sehh. Hais! Tmr Tmr, faster come! Who can cure my boredom? Lols. Okay luh. Hehe, using different font. Trying out all kinds of font. Wanted to change my font in blogging long ago, but dont know which font nicer. hahas. How about this? Uhh.. not niceOr maybe this? Hmm, can consider.Or this! hahas, looks the same. ._.Zhe ge lehh? Hao kan mah?Hai shi zhe ge? or this Or this? the same old font? The wedbings seems nice :D hahas. Tag in my blog to tell me!!! hahas. I'm too bored. ._. Entertain me please!
Im boredd.. Real bored. Started playing my 'childhood' games, but it dont seem to work. Runescape, Millsberry blabla. Audi's liscence damn hard to take luh! Thanks ar Cheejie. Lols. He helped me with the liscence. Thank goodness! I dont know how many dens I've lost taking that liscence. 10perfects leh! SOmemore the points must be 200000!!! So many!! Not really myself today. 0_0 I think i've provoked 2 people. Im sorry luh! Dont wna talk anymore. Zipped~ What you said was actually true luh. I thought again. But I just cant get an answer. But I admitted I once... But it wasn't... it was just...
Gonna stay home the whole day today. Very bored. But tmr's going KL. So... Same thing, feeling weird. Lols. Melissa was scared. First day of work, dont say you dont wna go hor. hahas. JiaYou. Maybe A will appear there? Oppss! But you say you wont mind. haha. KL tmr, dont miss me eh? hahas. Miss me, leave me a tag, or msg or call me. Oh btw, I wont reply back msg. Cos it cost a bomb! Lols. ((: PeiEn really win me. Lols. She said she's gonna call me today and remind me of soveniors. Lolol. She knew I dont buy soveniors for friends whenever I go travelling. hahaha! Before I forget. I'm gonna annouce one thing. Nono, two. Nonono, three.Paiseh. Im in lovelovelovelove with BangBangTang! AHHH! Wang Zi! Im sure sure gonna see if Malaysia's selling their album. I sure buy! :D Oh yea, HEISHEHUIMEIMEI TOO! Y tou! GuiGui! AHHHHHH! Oh nono, I cant forget Sweety too. :D Oh yea, buying their album is also a must! hahaha!
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Something happened in the middle of the night. I didn't realised anything till today! So suay. Hais! My mum and dad had a tiff over BREAKFAST early in the morning like.. 6plus?? They woke everyone up. Lols. Edited~COngrats to those who found jobs! hahas. Yiling, Melissa,YiShing- Popular. ZhangJun-Kenny Rogers (Same as fengfeng? Lols.) SO yea, lesser time tgt will increase)): I also wna work luh! But my parents rather me waste money than earn. What you mea by waste? TUITION! No way mann! I rather stay at home and rott. Tml, not going with ahma le)): AHMA SORRY! Tml, stay at home and packk packk. Next day's going KL.
Monday, November 05, 2007
IM SO SCARED NOW!!Oh goddd. Why is our dream so aliked?! How I wish my ahma's here now! Im sleeping alone for the whole week! AHHHHH!
Everyone's looking for job. LOLS. Zhangjun, Yiling and Melissa were all looking for job?! Half od the dppgs are all finding job. -.-" Lingling found a job! Congrats. hahas. Melissa's looking for job tml. All working?! My parent dont allow. Lols. Two reasons. Below 14 and they wna me go tuition instead. ARRGH! NOOO!! A bit risky lehh. Hmm.. anyway, good luck to all!!!Audition just now. I did fm!! Free de choreo FM!! hahahaa! SO happy((: But its only 90bpm. lols. When I lay me down the song. Lols. but still, happy! :DWednesdayy, we sisters outing!! hahas! So long never go out le! Going bugis, marina, suntec, and maybe hheron? Not sure. Depending if nuairani can go out nott. If not it'll me only me and Jas. Not meeting Marcus anymoreeee.
Okkayy, so many people taking their holiday time to watch dramass! I also want! But I got a lot of show I want watch, dont know start from which show first. *Stucked*I got: Evil ah chu, why why love, you jian yi lian you meng, It started with a kiss 2 (havent out yet), Zhong ji yi bqan/jia (most probably), Zhen ming tian nu.. many luh. haha. I think I watch Evil Ah chu first. But then taiwan haven show finish the whole drama. SO, gotta wait for the remaining episodes? hais! GOT QIAO QIAO LEH! :D &&I want go out!! Rotting at home aint a good thing. Lols. Anyone jio? Tomorrow? Okkayy, most probably my dad wont allow cos going out on Wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday. hahas. I also want bang bang tang album!! AHHHHHH! Im mad about them. Must go KL see of there got sell. If got, I sure buy!! If not, anyone going taiwan?? Currently: bored. ._.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Played Audition for the longest time today? Lols.Play with lingling at first. Melissa, Pauline and MeiChi joined in. I wanna play freestyle battle, they ignore me. what the luh. They played choreo all the time. Make another room and play myself. Oh yea, Im the middle girl once again. Its hard to be one. If I were to said something wrong, I'll cause more troubles. Its hard to say something that both parties are satisfied. Those satisfied words. Arrgh! We should have said the other one then being so straight forward. I was stucked,I didn't know what to do. Called for help. I used the same method again. hahas. Overall, PHEW!!Edited~Went Cathay with my mum and bro. Went to eat Ben and Jerry ice cream. My brother treat. ;D My mum was uneasy cos of those people there. Opps! Enjoying our ice creams. Once more and no more: MY FRIENDS ARE GOOD! Okayy, they are getting on my nerves!! Went Plaze sing. Carefour to buy food that is gonna last us for a week. Ahma's not coming home for a week. She's staying at gideon's house. And the next next week, Gideon will be staying at our house. Okay, that means, I might not be able to smell my bed for a week?! Arrgh! My brother kept taking my phone! He edit here and there and now my phone become dont know what liao. Arrgh! Wednesday's meeting Nuairani and Marcus. Again, I felt so extra! Trying to ask Jas tag along. Thursday's going KL. YAY!
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Meet Melissa and lingling at 7/11 at 9.15. Me and lingling were late. hahas. Lingling had tummy sche and my bus was slow. Melissa hid inside 7/11 and Junie didn't saw her. hahas. Bought snacks. Went outside. Oh yea, Melissa bought 5610. Arrgh! So nice luh. Lingling came. Went 7/11 to buy drinks and went to find Junie. Found her at the void deck. We talk for a while and WeiWen and the 2 NDP girls were learning commands. Then we fall in. Aneza came. We were asking Junie why is she wearing slippers when she ask us to wear shoes. hahaha! Forgot the commands! I anyhow turn. Arrgh! Had rest and so on. 12plus, we 3 left. Headed to kfc. Was very crowded luh. Someone took our chair. Melissa was fuming and kept scolding. There's one uncle saw us and took off his bag from the empty table. We went there to sit. Melissa was still scolding. hahas. Ate OR fillet. Chatted and so on. About Audi((: Went home at 1plus. Evening, went out to meet my sis. She's buying me phone! Oh yea,she reprimand me first. ARRGH! About my phone bill. from 20plus to 30plus. Okay. I was complaining to Melissa at the meantime. hahas. Went m1 shop. My sis mistook the phone I liked with others and she said its freaking ugly till I showed her the correct one. Oh YEAH! She bought me! Nokia5300, red de. SHe shook her head with 5610)): At last, bought the phone. Rush home to watch 'duan yu zhe'. hahas. Random post mahh? lolol.
Friday, November 02, 2007
Today, went out with lingling and YiShing. Oh yupp, felt so EXTRA. Even before YiShing arrives. Lols. Meet Lingling at Parkway, walk to the library. Oh yesyesyes! I saw HIM. Lingling, good one! :D hahas. She didn't dare to go near him. YiShing pulled me there and I saw him! hahas! Okay luh. Went Parkway. Along the way, hilarious things happened. Went Giant. Was bored.. Looking at them check the price here and there and staring at them blankly. 0.0 Went sambawang. Lingling's looking for HeiSheHuiMeiMei's album. I was trying to find BangBangTang's. hahas. Old Chang Kee for lunch.Went home. Oh goshh.. rained. Called my dad to pick me up from the busstop, he asked me to wait till the rain stop. -.-" So boring luh. So heck care, walk back in the rain as if there's no rain. Took my own sweet time walking back home. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARILYN! I nearly forget her birthday till Jasmine told me. Opps! Friend is more important then winning any competition(: Quote by MeiChi! hahas.
CLass outing.
Yesterdayy.Class outing. I overslept! Ahhh! Suppose to meet Pauline and Jun at 9.30, I woke up at 9.15. What the luh! Took a fast and quick bath, then dash out of the house. Reached Brd 7/11, Jun was later then me. hahas. There's a kitten inside 7/11. Th guy was trying to lure the kitten out. it was black. I didn't dare to enter 7/11 for the time being. Pauline touched the kitten. hahas. Jun came. We went MeiChi's house. So malu luh! We knocked on the door. MeiChi's mum was shocked to see us. And where's MeiChi? nowhere to be found eh? Lol. Called her up, she was at the playground with Melissa. -.-" Went down to meet her. Went up again.Listed down all the food that we needed to buy. Then,we called Mr Lim. Down to Seng Siong to buy all the food. We spent about 50++ there.hahas. And our budget was 100buckks. hahas. Went up again. Oh yea, meiChi was S 11. hahas. Combine then and become $$. hahas. Thats what MeiChi's mum said. Was hilarious luh. Had our lunch. Nasi lemak. Was nice luh! OMG. Was enjoying our Meal. hahas. Went to the bedroom. All of us jump at MeiChi's bed. hahas. We went to 'sleep' with all the noise. meiChi's mum came in. We jump up and helped her in peeling the crab sticks. Melissa had an idea. She went to the other kitchen and cut the crabsticks and they were tinner then we peel. She took the whole chopping board over. MeiChis mum was shocked. hahas. Oh yea, the chopping board gave a nasty turn. All the crabsticks were on the floor. All of us were shocked. MeiChu's mum was shocked too. Lucky the knife didn't drop. if not... We peeled out the red tinggy of the crabstick. The people there was telling us not to peel out and so on. Plus, the way they said really as if they were scolding us. Arrgh! We were angry luhh. Went back MeiChi's room. Wanted to catch soem sleep. Melissa kept squeesing me luh! She took a snapshot of me and so on. What the luh! She took jun's photo also. hahas. The room was freaking cold. hahas. We all asked MeiChi to off the air con. then, it turn warm. LOL. Waited and waited for lingling to arrive. 1plus, Me, Jun and Melissa went ECP first. We were bored there. The tide was still high. There was this family's kite stuck on the tree. She gave up and went off. Melissa wanted to get it down. The kite flew down by itself. Melissa was so happy luh. hahas. She play with the kite. Then we tie the kite there as identity. mervin found us through the kite.hahas. he was riding mountain bike. Me,Melissa and Jun went off to rent bike too. Jun was speeding back.Me and Melissa followed behind. Jun and Mervin went to buy drinks. We stayed put to watch our things. The family came back and saw the kite tied onto one of the poles. They untied them. Melissa got shocked. The family took the kite away. Melissa was sad. Dont sad luh. Our identity just gone like that. hahas. Jun and Mervin came back. Shared 7up with Melissa. Me, Mervin and Melissa went down to the sea to playy. We burried our legs into the sand. hahas. Mervin told us something that scare us off. hahas. We played and so on. Wrote a big 1EA '07. Was having funn. MeiChi called and said that the Chicken Wing was BURNT. LOL. We spent 8++ on chicken wings?!?! hahas. Rode our bike and speed off to Macs to wash our feet. Saw tara and jade and their friends there. We went backk. Jun and Mervin went for a spin. me and Melissa stayed put. We communicate through msg-ing. Some confidential talkks. As time flew past.. tic tok tic tok.. We got impatient. We only left half an hour to ride our bikes when Jun and Mervin came back. Rode our bikes and off we go. Looked at the breeze and so on. Was chatting on the way. On the way back, FengFeng came. He was disturbing Melissa and Melissa was fuming. hahas. Returned our bikes. Saw Ashley, Siying and... Jun was walking slowly. Me and Melissa went off first. Saw Mr Lim. Helped MeiChi, lingling and pauline take some stuff. Off to the sea again, to play! hahas. We screamed. Thats the first time I stood so deep into the water. hahas. Melissa kicked the water and made my pants wet! Arrgh! DAMN YOU. Xue Ting and Julien came too. We buried our wishes! This time, mine was far too different from last time((: Had our night picnic. hahas. Enjoyed our food and drinks. YumYum! We headed to rent bikes again. hahas. We had to be back by 9 and the uncle gave us discounts. Rode twin bike this time. Was msg-ing hhere and there. Was hard at the first time. All of us kept wanting to fall. Some screamed. Me and Lingling was the most quiet one. hahas! Speed off. We rode till a place where it was dark.. way too dark. Some of us didn't dare to go nearer. We U turned. Back to our area. They were matchmaking fengfeng. We heard them talking bout JY. Y's best friend so JRY. I wondered what it meant? Asked jun. All of us were fuming. Xueting... The boys took our bikes and went off. We went to the sea there and looked at the scenery. the tide was so low. We didn't dare to go down. it was dangerous. Pizza! hahas. The boys came back and off we go to return our bikes. Went Macs. KeQin and Mervin left us all alone! Walked back slowly. We found evidence that the guys littered. haha! Cleared the place. There were spills almost every part of the mat. Our bags kana. Went into the shelther. We spread another mat there. Playyed cards. Dont know whats the name call. i think its true and dare de another version. Using poka cards. First round, Pauline lost. But it was just a try out. Second round was jun and pauline. Jun sang a song. Clapps* Mervin left. Our last sight we could see him. He's transferring school. Sadsad. COntinued. Me and Lingling kana the next round. Linglingt sang for me! Yeah! hahas. Clapps!* 10plus, we cleared off the place before the police start to curfew. Went Parkway's macs. Was creepy. Wore jacket. lingling and melissa and pauline accompanied me. hahas. MeiChi treat us drinks! hahas. Oh yea, time to tell all the truth to lingling. it was hard for jun to open her mouth. After we let out the secret, lingling let out a: cheyy, bo liao luh. -.-" All of us were like.. AHHHH! We thought her reaction could be big. hahas. All left except me and jun. We were chased out of macs! Waiting for my father.. He was at YISHUN. lols. Ben came. We told him we're at arkway macs, we went to east coast macs. Lols. Chatted. Jun squad and regrettted. hahas. My dad came and went home.Tired but fun day! Those that missed the fun, too bad. Who asked you to make up excuses.. KeQin came. hhaas, good thing. Saw you at east coast de lan or arcade, you all just ignore Xueting. FINE. Oh yea, told both of you my dream. It was hard to believe. How i wish.. PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL. So, shhhh.. Me, Jun, lingling, MeiChi, Pauline and Melissa. We're DPPGs. hahas! We're the double power puffs! LOL.