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Sunday, September 30, 2007

Nightmares start TOMORROW!
For what i knew, most of the papers are KILLER PAPERS! AHHH!
English, tomorrow, KILLER PAPER. If i fail,thats it. O_O
But english nothing to study,nothing to rmb sia. SIAN.

Ming tian hui geng hao((:

Huo xu, shi wo xiang tai duo le.


Fall asleep just now..Was really really very tired luh. Slept at 12 plus till 3 plus, means, my lunch is skipped!Lols. Haven study yet. Dont know what to study.

Once in a lifetime, means there's no second chance.
Throw it away, forget yesterday.
This will make a good escape.
Is is true?

11:14 AM

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Meet lingling at 9.15 at 7/1 busstop. THen saw saosao and cj. Then we walk to kong hwa. Many funny thing happen la. haha. Then wait and wait. Kelly come liao. Take bus to National Library, but then no more space liao. Then go macs. Eat. Me and lingling had our own table. haha. We were eating candle-lid dinner with no candle and has lights. LOL. Then go popular. Kelly and cj tag along. Popular, saw karyi. haha. Then talk to her. Cj so bad,dun wna talk to her. haha. THen went to buy stationaries. Went back macs, study. Maths damn hard la, we did the ws halfway, we dont wna do liao. Then after that, do science. Then copy notes. REALLY STUDY LA. Listen to mp3, they all talk, i also dunno what they talking. LOL. Haha. Saw a lot of stamf0rdians, i was like, OHOH. Then saw zhang jun. hahas. then after that, around 3 plus, the mac person come chase us all away la. LOL. Then go. Walk walk, stupid cj and ben, my shoulder now very pain liao la. I was half crippled. Lols. My bag was damn heavy. My shoulder was freaking pain. I emo-ed? I was not emo at all la, then all say i emo -.- hahas. My bag kept falling, my shoulder hurts and my bag was freaking heavy. Kelly they all steal my bag and dun wna return. LOL. i chase them for my bag. haha. ben said my bag contained rocks. haha. Then they eat, i dun wna la. I stared into space when they are eating. Then went home.

EXAMS, just one more day! AHHH! Exams, i hate you! BOO!
INCONTINENT , the meaning of that word was like so....

8:29 PM

Friday, September 28, 2007

Morning, MT period. Something happened.
Mr Lim noticed that our back door was spoilt. he was freaking angry. He asked the culprits to confess,no one did. He SHOUTED at us. I was startled. LOL. He make us stand at the field outside, until we confessed. People were looking at jus from their class la. So many people. I told melissa,we're gonna be famous mann. 1EA standing outside for punishment? lols. Ms Ann Tan came too. Mervin and gabriel admitted. I was pissed with mervin. He was trying to push the blame to the girls too. WTF. Yea, he make the boys confess and even put the blame to other classes. Keven was one of them,he was freaking frightened. He was trembling. The counsillers were discussing, keqin came and told us,we will be responsible to the first time when the door spoit,but not the second time. LOL. All the girls argued with him. At last after 30minutes, the culprits admitted that they spoilt the door. We went in. After a talk with theboys, mr lim told us,the consequences might not be good. PLUS, the whole class are gonna take responsiblity. -.- We girls, was helping, trying to fix the door when the door spoilt. And, we gonna take responsibility too? wth la. -.-
Science, mr lim went for checkup. We went library. All of us were flipping through the school end book tinggy, to help melissa find the class 3N2 in 2006, and zhangjun, 3N1. End, we found 3N1 and 3N2 at last. haha. But melissa cant fins AHEM. sad ar? Alot of ppl look so different. LOL. Then went back class. Do worksheet.
Recess, ate mee rebus. Today one damn spicy la. cj, ben,karyi they all there. Cj kept coming to us, show me ashley photo. i kept laughing. LOL.
PW,i slept. was damn tired.Julien slept too.
English, i woke up to greet tcher. My legs were wobbly. Went through ws, go through the format. Then, arrange the chairs, put majong paper and so on. DISISSED.
Canteen, smth funny stuff haappened. Zhangjun's face was red la. haha. Then slept. MeiChi, Pauline and XueTing were beside me. Then, they left. I was emo-ed my then? LOL. Sat with ben, peien and fengling. Fengling went halfway. Ask ben to seek my life,the tarots card tinggy. Ben said i look restless. I asked him about something that peien ask me not to ask. LOL. He cant interpret. LOL. But he told mea bit in the end. LOL. I was emo-ing. O_O He kept asking what happen to me, keep asking and keep asking. -.- PeiEn went up. ben ask me t go library. Then i went,he din go -.- Kelly also keep asking me what happen. LOL. PeiEn la, say i emo just now until now. -.- LOL. THen she keep asking. haha, nothing. really. Then ben came,kelly pull him to aside. Ask kelly what she ask him, she say cant say. AHHH!!! Then i sms ben,he ask me ask kelly. -.- Then kelly disappear. The karyi they all wna go liao. Now Karyi ask me what happen. haha. Nothing. really. Serious. haha. I smile leh. haha. Go canteen. Kelly there. -.- haha. Sit with them. Then go up library, then sit outside, then went in again, then went down, then went library. haha. Then all come down. Calista went. THe rest of us went 24hr. Drank soya milk and fries. Ben asked kelly, why give me milk nvr give him. LOLOL. Cj came and such. Joke and bla. Then 5 plus, went home(:

Saosao wished me good luck for exam. haha. GOOD LUCK TOO! hahas.

My new jiejie, PeiEn! ((:

6:17 PM

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Morning, it was raining. The whole canteen was raining also. LOL. haha, the wind really blow all the rain in. Plus, it was freaking cold! Ate 6 nuggets just to warm myself up, but i was still freezing. LOL.
Geography, tcher told us on which topic to study on for EOY.
MT, did ws. Damn boring loh. Do liao, chat chat with lingling then go sleep. Julien kept touching my hand, she said i was having a fever.-.- Ashley was freezing cold. haha.
Recess, ate prawn noodle(: plus wedges. Damn full la. I emo-ed? I dunno why also. MeiChi kept asking what happened to me. Lols.
SEl, did science instead. learn about drugs cos mr Lim tml not coming school.
History, mr Rajan not here. WOOHOO. We had free 2 periods. Listened music. Slept. Not really sleeping la, was thinking of smth. Then out of the sudden, i fall asleep. LOLOL.
English, mark the tinggy. Then mrs saha left for the excursion tinggy. Mrs Lee relief. Took back our geo test. I PASS! But just pass nia. So sad. ): Then Siying, julien and xinyuan wna me teach them how to fold star. Siying din learn in the end, xinyuan was angry with me cos i started teaching julien without her. LOLOL.
DISMISSED, went toilet, then home.
Went to bath, then went out again.
Went macs. Then find Kelly. Sit there see them study. I got my reply, i reply back. haha. Raining. Then went out bugis. Then 6 plus, raining. But went home. Take bus, wait damn long loh. So cold somemore. Then 197 bus damn squeesy also. HAIs. Then stop at hong wen there, then walk home, in the rain.

felt sooo tired. Stupid, feel so cold outside, feel so hot at home.

I fell, once again.

7:23 PM

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Morning,i fell! SIAO LA. SO MALU. Sit at the broken chair and i fall immediately backwards. OMG. amin they all laughed. AZIZA purposely put the chair nicely then trick people la. HATE YOUUU! hahas. Everyone din fall,im the only one who fell la! wth. Fall backwards,i bang my head on the floor. LOL. ouch la. Everyone stared at me. AZIZA STILL LAUGH. ahh! Hate youuuu! LOL. Talk to that Ben. Then go acc lingling out bag.
Home econs, did shepherds pie. Me and pauline pair pair. Cut the onions, garlic, carrot and celery while pauline peel and smash the potatoes. Then fry and put in oven. Meanwhile,did test. was okay, only thing the last part dunno how to do!! AHHHH! HOPE I PASS! Then take out the pie. SMELL SO NICE LA! YUM! ^^
Literature, surprise test. LOL.HOPE I PASS!
Recess,ate burger. Then go bookshop buy protractor.CJ and ben there. Ashley fight with them. haha. I laugh like mad la. LOL.
Art, did prepatary work. Then listen music. I was addicted to Wo He Ni, Melissa was addicted to Hai Shi Xi Huan Ni. Lols. haha. Wo He Ni is tai yang de nui er de theme song leh! haha. Then did art.
Maths, did test. SI LIAO. WAN DAN LIAO. GONNA FAIL MANN! SHUCKS! Julien cried. i wna cry liao. SOBS! Took back ytd's test. 14 nia. ARRGH!
Music,watched video. haha. Old movie. MeiChi cried cos she failed many times of maths. Dun cry la. You cry,i cry also. ): Then a lot of people lie down. haha.
Assembly, lingling they all got the pledge tinggy. Then exam briefing and the Mrs Soh de talk. WTH la, GU ZAI DUI SIA. Took video of some of us jaywalking. -.- Lucky they nvr take me. HENG. lols. Then dismiss.
Canteen, went with meichi and xue ting halfway. Then saw karyi they all. CCJ and that dingwei bullied us. That dingwei step on my SHOE!! Lol. Then they attack. Then they go eat,i with xinyuan and pauline. XinYuan wanted to buy milo from the vending machine. then she tap the ez-link card then let go then press milo then tap again. FAILED. She tried many times but fail. Then i asked her to hold the card there. SHe tried and SUCCEEDED! I laugh like mad la. haha. Then go library find kelly. Then they go see doc. Went to look for xinyuan. Then up to the hall for lingling.
Ben, theresa,peien and fengling there talking. heard that peien leaving counsil board. Sadsad. All of them cried. AHHH! Dun cry la! except ben. lolol. then acc lingling to the piano there. Trying to rmb how to play the bu neng shup de mimi song. A bit forget liao but still rmb. haha. GThen went back. Theresa went off. We alone. Listening to ben's story. haha. Sad story? lolol. then went to hawker.
Ben sponsored 5bucks,peien 2 and fengling 1. Me and lingling? NONE. wahahas,. lol. Bought ice kachang. Me, lingling and ben ordered the longan tinggy. WATER BABY. haha. Whatever stuff they say, i dun understand la. LOL. sms-ing, they said i sms to their brother in law. -.- STUPID LA. lol.
Then 5 plus, went home(:

Tonight maybe earthquake. SIAN LA. Scared sia.

Me and lingling was kinda angry just now. We like.. WALAU! LOLS.

5:56 PM

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Morning, nothing much happened. LOLS.
D&T, Mr salahudeen din come, everyone screamed for joy. hahas. They did their maths, i finished and i was staring at lingling do for a while. Then check if my answer's correct. mr Gan came. He told us the topics for final-yr-exam. Then, he let us do our maths. I was sleeping. And was fast asleep the moment i lied on the table. Was very tired.. A few people woke me up, for my scissors. LOL. Slept till Maths period.
Had test. I bought everything, my mathematical set,compass blablabla. But OH SHIT! My protractor went missing la. WHAT THE. Lucky Ms Han let me borrow from Julien. haha. Then do. Nearly cant finish. I din know whats class width. Too bad,3 marks gone. AHHHH!! Siao liao. O.O
Recess, mee rebus. haha. Then ashley and meichi ate mee siam. They both said that the Mee Siam was spicyy. They drank 2 packet and cup of drinks luh. OMG. haha. Tried their mee siam, okay what. Then out my bowl, then go office there. Kelly sit there alone. Then sit with her. Then recess ring liao. Go back class. MeiChi said something that i laughed non stop. Ribena's senior is aloe vera, aloe vera de friend is grape, grape de family is apple, banana and pear. Then pear de friend is Milo. Then milo de twin is ice milo,then milos de father is kopi O,then de brother is teh O, blablabla. LMAO. Went back class.
Did nothing. Listen music. Went toilet with lingling, Huilin was there, she let us taste sweet,like gel la,we dun dare try, but in the end we tried. haha. Quite nice.
English,did compre and such. Mrs Saha checked our skirt length. She wna me to unfold my skirt completely. wth la. Then i tell her then she look again, then say: yours is okay. HENG.
Science, went lab. I was somehow angry la. I gave a black face. Going dismiss, Mr Lim told us about the skirt length and so on. He said his not comingon friday, YenZHi let out a YEAHS!, then a OPPS! LOL.
Then dismissed,went canteen. Lingling,melissa and me bought straws. haha. 50cent, cheap! Lol. Folded hearts and stars. Kelly sleeping there. She look sick. Then me, xinyuan, siying and meichi sat there talk. MeiCHi din know who malvin is. haha. We kept telling her, sit down one, do homework one, blablabla. haha. FUnny. Follow kelly go toilet, blablabla. Then go home. Follow kelly home. GO home.
HOME(: Suffering from loss of fresh air. So smelly la! Someone burn some stuff at the cemetary?! LOLS.

Kelly, go see doc hor.

I din say im angry, i din say i din wna type. If you wan to type instead, just say. Dun say im tired or whatever.

4:11 PM

Monday, September 24, 2007

Last night,my cousin came over to stay. So, had to sleep with my mum and let my bed to her. Cannot sleep ar, so hot la. My mother also din sleep well,cos i keep kicking her. LOL, sorry!
Morning, raining ar. had PE at the hall. layed badminton. I dunno how to play la! OMG. i shoot, the shuttlecock still there.-.- The shuttlecock stuck at ashley's racket. LMAO. Everyone drop and laugh la. haha.
Maths, got back my test. PASSED!(: improvement eh?
Recess, ate mee rebus(: Whoa, today one super nice. haha. Bicker with ashley and kept laughing. haha.
Science, test. HOPE I PASS!! Then go through theory workbook and so on.
MT, did letter writing. Then, free(:
had geography test after school. Then, meet A,B,C&D((:
Went to meet A first. Then take bus go peyar lebar there.Then A dun dare go in KFC la. haha. LOL. Then sit there do homework. FINISHED(: see A do. Then B,C&D came. Then they eat. I dun wna eat. Then we talktalktalk, laughlaughlaugh,playplayplay & fightfightfight. haha. Then 6plus, went back brd take bus home. Stop at kong hwa there, then A and C acc me. haha. TY! Then went home(:
I had blue blacks on my both arms. WHAT THE.
Feel sleepy and hungry. Home alone now.

7:38 PM

Sunday, September 23, 2007

2years old le neh! haha.

Yesterday didn't eat dinner. No food.
Today, woke up feeling hungry. Drank 3 cups of milk. Damn full.
Went over to nanny house at 11.15. Took bus to popular, ow jiejie buying stuff. Then head to calton hotel to celebrate sherri birthday.
Din eaat alot, cos very full. Peng xiang they all came, i was alone. They said HI to me, i gave them a DAO ook. Lols. Was spenting most of the time playing with sherri. haha. Playing with the chair, running here and there. haha.
Then sang bday song. Walk out of the restaurant at 2plus.
Went orchard rd with nanny. Went kinokuniya.
Bought 3 mr midnight books and my fullscape paper.
Then took bus home.

Can say left one week before out end of year exam starts?
i wna go out study. At home cannot concentrate.
I need companions.

3days to massive earthquake. wednesday, thursday, friday, dun wna go home early liao. 0_0

Hai Shi Xi Huan ni.. listening again and again. Thinking.
Wo hao xi wang zheng ge di qiu zhi sheng xia wo he ni,
wo qiu neng, yong gan de shuo..
wo hai ai ni...

5:13 PM

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Today, went library with Kelly and cheejie. Meet them at Kong Hwa there. Then ccj come liao, we go kelly house downstairs wait. Drink. Then kelly come liao, she kana scolded by her father cos of the bills. ahaha. Dun cry la. then take bus to library. In the bus, ccj keep fooling me. Lucky wo xue cong ing liao. haha.
Put our bag in the library then go mac donald. Kelly treat me nuggets. haha. Xiexiehor. They keep asking me eat. -.- haha. Ate. Cannot finish, gave ccj my remaining two piece. Folded a star using straws. Then ccj mix all the sauce tgt then put the fries in then mix again then add coke. LOLOL. Then go popular. Kelly show me some stuff. haha. Then they listen to the song. Kelly listen liao then ccj listen. The blackcover tinggy on the earphone drop out la. haha. Like donut. LOL. Then went back mac find that ben, he not around. Then go bras basah wait for him. Then go back library.
Took out my book to record something, they all also wna see.-.- hahah. Din really study. -.- Me and kelly went some other place to write. Then go toilet. Sat there to write. Then the security chase us away. haha. Went back, then went some other place. Then after that that ben come chase us. He say library very sian, then he chase us out. LOL. haha.
Went Suntec. Went toys r us. Took pictures of ccj in his funny looks. haha. then me and kelly saw a cushion book. So cute. then we went out. me and kelly sit somewhere and she write my lame letter. haha. So many kids playing la. haha. Got one toddler staring at kelly write. haha. Then got one kidplay the machine end up banging onto the fence. HAha. then write liao, kelly fold me a heart. haha! Thankyou! So touched! haha. then went to find that ben and ccj. me and Kelly saw a shirt: for every tears, theres a story behind it. nice one. haha. Wait for them at the mini lovelyland. Sit at the neoprint machine there. haha. Then they play table hockey. Then the drum tinggy. Stare at them play. haha. Then on the way that ben and ccj bullied us. LOL. ccj slapped me! ben poked me! Kelly screamed. haha. then went to the convection hall de busstop. ccj whispered to me something. I went further and stare at them. haha. Maybe? haha. Then talk about mr fighting. Kelly said, duan yi qiao's brother is duan yu zhe. LMAO! haha. Then 133 come liao.Kelly reminded me to sms THE THREE OF THEM WHEN I REACH HOME. hahha. Funny.

I like your lame letter neh! So touched that you stay awake last night to write that draft. haha. but i wna be lamer then you, i shall reply you again!


5:39 PM

Friday, September 21, 2007

Morning, was finding kelly, she say she coming school, but din see her. So sit with karyi.
MT,did some lian xi. Then get back my test paper. wth, 58 nia. GOSH!!! arrgh!
Science, went com lab to do research work about drugs. I was typing nonsense la. ahaha. XinYuan was laughing. Lols.
Recess, pink berry and oheya. Tummy not feeling well, plus noodle shop long queue. I told them im on diet. LOLS.
PW, worksheet. Comments la actually. Every question, i put okayokay. LOLS. haha. Melissa cried. Fengfeng pissed her off, she ran to the toilet.
Melissa, dun cry because of this leh. ONE WEEK only, nevermind de. Just give him your moral support, he might be in sec5 next year probably? Plus you said you wna forget. I know you tried many times but failed. believe in yourself bahh, if you reallyreally wish to forget him,it probably takes time, slowly. OKOK? haha. JIAYOU!
English, did exercise. I dun like that sia! So hard la. OMG. Then go through, a lot wrong la. wth.
DISMISSED, falled in outside the guides room. Then go for break. Quickly go give Ms Han my worksheet before she really minus my test mark. then went canteen de toilet change. Polish badge and so on.
Went back notice board. Left my mp3 and wallet in my bag. Falled in, grouped also. Then after that, the brownies all come liao. Aneza damn paiseh la. haha. Help take chairs and so on. Feeling hungry. NVM. Then waiting for all schools to arrive. Then we group them. Im in green group. haha. Engeng also neh! haha. Green most of the brownies all malay. -.- Had introducing time. Me and engeng was making a din. LOLS. haha. Wrote our names on the wrist band and so on. Then time for game. Stomach pain. AAAWWWW. Lols. then play. Three games. Then break. Stomach pain, but then feel very full dunno why. Kelly force me to eat la. She said: I MEAN IT AR, YOU BETTER GO EAT AR. haha. fierce neh! But thanks la. (: then EngEng also.-.- All force me eat. Took my donut. Cannot finish, want to vomit liao. Melissa was thinking what happen to me. LOLS. Went toilet with melissa. I din finish my donut. Ms Han pulled my hair. hahas! Junie said i blurblur de, then engjoo laughing, then i say: you gong gong de. ahahs! Then went hall, played a puzzle game. Then mini campfire. Me, jannar,annable and theresa were cheer leaders. I think junie mix up liao. then cheers. I felt tired. Some cheers we all dunno la. A lot of fun cheers also. aah. Then after that prize giving. Jafaar talk alot again. -.- Talk and talk. All about brd, promoting brd huh? Lols. No one listening la. lols. Then brownies dismissed. The ending was succesful! haha.
Then clear up and so on. Something happened. Some guides got stuff kana stolen. WeiWen's hp was kana stolen, she was pissed. Rachele, jessie, karyi and calista bag was stolen! Jannar's key and pouch was lost, some bags were opened and ransacked. Lucky, mine nothing lost. HENG. Went to search. Found karyi, calista and jessie's bag, but rachele's was not found. Some guys helped us find. Calista's mp3 and pouch was stolen. Went to find. Cannot find. hais. Then gate going to close le, so no choice, all go out. Walk with Kelly. She was moody, i also. haha. Was damn thirsty and hungry. Then walk to 7/11.Bought peach tea. I gulped the whole peach tea down. I feel so bloated. kelly was sitting with me at the bench there. She's writing me a letter. haha. What letter? I gave her a lame letter that consist of damn bloody lame jokes and she gonna write back a lamer one. LOLOL. On a call and junie happen to appear. I gave her a two finger sign. haha. Then after that, they left. Then we continue talking and writing. then junie they all appear again. haha. She wna kelly say the TRUTH to her. haha. kelly, sure you yawn? haha. then calista told kelly some stuff. Whisper neh! haha. Then she wna bring me to busstop. later la. Lols. Then they left, kelly wna write but then very late liao. CCJ was there. he anyhow use my phrase la: you wouldn't want to do that. -.- Promise junie i'll reach home at 8. haha. kelly wna treat me fries cos i nvr eat, but the shop closed. ahaha! then went home. Reach home at 8 just nice(:
Call junie to report to her. haha!

Nevermind nevermind, haha. i accept the sorry((: Now okay liao, then good liao. haha. (:


我觉得,好为难哦。 可是哪是一个不能说的秘密。((:

8:31 PM

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Morning, meet kelly at the side gate. Kelly spent the whole night drawing my letter neh! So touching sia. haha. Then ccj and that xuan yin come. Then chat. laugh and laugh. LOL.
Geography, Mrs Lee forgot that we have test today. wahaha. So no test! YEAH! woohoo.
MT, test. Hard la. HOPE I PASS!
Recess, ashley wna me accompany her go find Gabriel.-.- I dun wna, we nagnagnag and bickerbickerbicker. Then she say: you follow me i give you milk. LMAO. In the end acc her la, she treat me oheya. haha. xD I kept laughing.
SEL, went com lab play game. Quite fun. (:
History,copy notes and did an open test. Hope i pass!
English, did mock paper. Comprehension. All about tsunami. lols.
Then stay back for maths test. Hard la. Wish i pass mann! I din bring my file, so din bring my worksheet. Then Ms Han minus-ing one mark from my test. ARRGH! How can like that?!?! First time leh. what de. FINE, i dun give a damn, i give TWO DAMN!
DISMISSED, went to meet kelly they all. Me and lingling followed kelly home, she wna take something. Then we waited downstairs for her, we talk talk. haha. Weather damn hot! take bus go meet ccj they all.
Then take another bus. kelly show us something, haha. Then ccj they all come down from on top. Then we alight. Went K box? Marina de. But go walk walk first. Then go in. Sat there, they sing songs. Then me and lingling went out to buy ccj's present. Kelly and calista went along. Then went minitoons. Bought a HUGE toy for ccj. EX too. lolol. haha. then stayed there for quite sometime. Hungry liao. Then went down to swensens. RUN there. lols. Then booked ice cream cake. Went Long ohn Silver to eat. First time eat so fast, then also very fast full liao. haha. Kelly and Calista help me and lingling replenish our chilli sauce. haha. Thankyou! Calista ketchup queen? So many ketchup la. haha. Then me and lingling went TS see see. THen went back K box. Late liao. We run la. haha. Then sit there, go toilet. Then come back, go toilet again. haha. Kelly face damn red. LOL. then sat at the sofa. Sing sing sing. LOL. Follow karyi go toilet. Karyi, headache go eat medicine. haha(: then went back. Then that Ben call me and lingling. Pulled Kelly out. To the toilet. Kellyanngry la, she know what happen. SHe say she wna hate me for life?! ARRGH! I called lingling ask her pull karyi back. OKOK. Kelly went inside the room, me, karyi and lingling outside. I cry la. ARRGH! Paiseh. Then they pull me go toilet, lock inside the cubicle. Then talk things out. then went back to the room. Me and Karyi GOUGOUSHOU first. That ben talk to us again. LOLOL. He scare me la, i nearly cry again.LOLOL. then kelly pull me out, lingling told her abit. Kely, sorry leh, din mean ar, i feel guilty now. Dun hate me hor. Then okok. Went in. Time to 'check out'. haha. Bill very de... 'nice' number. Lol. Drank the remaining coke. Went off. Me, kelly,ccj and that xuan yin went to the non aircon place. We damn cold. Kelly question me.-.- Then ccj hit me with that balloon. Lingling went off. Then we went swensens. Msg each other. LOL. Played there. haha. Sang bday song for ccj. Kelly videoed the whole scenery. haha. Then LATE le, we went off. Kelly wna bring me home. hahas. then in the end, kelly, ccj, ben, dingwei and xuan yin all wanted to bring me home. LOL. But that dingwei and xuan yin went home halfway. Ben became my gor?!?! I din know. Lols. All call me ribena. -.- what de la. Then Kelly, ccj and ben send me home. Took 133.
Then alight at that scary busstop, din alight at hong wen there. Then walk, damn creepy loh, then ccj wanted to throw the balloon into the old cemetary. LOL. haha. Then all bring me until by HOUSE DOOR LA. LOL, so now the3 of them know where i live-.- haha. Then they went off.

8:47 PM

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Morning, i was LATE! ARRGH! My bus ran off. Stupid la. So panic la. OMG. Reach school at 7. So late!!!
Home econs, BORING. I was near to sleeping. My eyes were half closed.
Literature, BORING.
Recess, was bickering with ashley. haha. She said the mee rebus was spicy,then i say nice. Then we bicker. haha. Spicy;nice;spicy;nice... haha. She was whining to MeiChi,then the boys nearby heard her then go imitate her. hahas.
Art, me,lingling, zhangjun and melissa sat together. Talk and coloured our artwork. Got our SA question. I know what im gonna draw liao. xDD. haha. Listened to mp3. Melissa listened to mine. She wna hear the Hai Shi Xi Huan ni. addicted liao she. haha. lingling also addicted le. LOL. Melissa said she wna cry. Then she say she wna forget **. -.- haha.Singing and singing. haha.
Maths, learn how to draw histograph. COOL. haha. Was quite easy actually. LOL.
Music, SiYing was mr Nizam's daughter. haha. Learn new songs for recorder. Dun understand la. haha. But very fun :D
Assembly was long. Until 3. OMG. Two talks(: One about recycling de and one about drugs de. Recycling de, i was sleeping la. haha. The drugs one, the photos damn disgusting la. Especially when they let us see a guy's butt after caning. EEWWW! Disgusting mann! But then primary school got see before liao la. haha.
Went for lunch. Milk and cup noodles. We were late for remedial. ahHH! But nvm. Ran up to the library. Me, siying and keqin having maths remedial. Did corrections and so on. Ms Han went through one more time and DISMISSED!
Nicholas Ong, you should be honoured that we played hiding with you leh. Hide lingling stuff, make her cry.What de la.
Went home.(:

Congrats to XinYuan mummiex and my PA! Together! wahahas. xD
Bless you mann!! haha.

Dun sad le la, dun feel bad to worst. Im sure you're just being influenced. Dun sad le la,dun angry le la. okok?

6:23 PM

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Morning, find karyi. haha. keep saying sorry to her. Haha. SORRY! LOLOL. Then talk. haha. we had new VP. mr Phua. lols.
D&T, saw and saw, saw and saw. The wood seems to me unsaw-able(no such words). Cannot saw out la. OMG. Lucky YenZhi helped me. haha. THANKYOU! Then sand the wood. Throughout, was AHCHOO-ing. LOLOL.
lessons were damn boring.
English, did SURPRISE TEST. Hope i pass! Slept.
Science, did workbook. Then 1.20, went to put our bags,some of us.
Then meet,count the number of pupils and went off! haha. Melissa was fast, she dashed into the bus and booked the last row! Good one! xD haha. Mistened songs with Melissa. One song: hai shi xi huan ni. Told melissa the story of this song. She cried. She was missing AHEM. haha. Dun cry la.
Long journey to tuas. Then reach liao, the rubbish thinggy. Then briefing and video. Nearly slept. Lols..
Then a tour. Once we were out of the bus, POO! Stinks! rubbish smells. YUCK! But was okay. Smell like the market. lols.Looked at the pile of rubbish,the area was deep and BIG. Lol. Full of rubbish. then went tour tour. Was amazed by how they burn the rubbish. Jannar was there, she say she saw her underwear there. -.- haha. Some pervertic stuff la. haha. Then go walk other place. NICE la. haha. Then goback to the room, had free drinks. haha. then drink and questions and answers time. Melissa KWAN and LEE were siaos already. haha. Keep laughing la. Mr yew seems angry. lol. Up to the bus. Slept a bit.Melissa saw my messages! AHHH!lol.

When will you realise my existence?
When will you say hi to me?
When will you be able to hear the pain inside me?
When can I hear you say 'i love you' to me?
When will you say ' so she's so near, yet so far' to me?
I surpose the day will never come, never ever.
I say goodbye to you in my heart silently.
I'm suppose to give you a hundred teddy but I have only given you ninety nine. Cos the last one will be kept inside my heart once and for all and i'll call the teddy "AHEM".

written by Melissa Kwan(:

You were once nothing to me, you were once a childish guy to me, i once hated you for pranking on me, i once hated you for bullying me. But ever since you left, i realised you are everything to me. I realised im bored without you.I realised that im missing your bullyings. I realised i dun seem to hate you anymore. But everything is over,you had never appeared in front of me, but you appeared in my mind. You left with her, i gave you my blessings, leaving a cut in my heart. iwished i wouldnt have hate you, i wish i wouldnt have remember you. I couldnt change anything, i had to just keep it inside my heart, forever carved with your name on it..

Written by: me! hahas. Fake de la.

Went back, went to find karyi and calista with melissa and pauline. Went toilet with Karyi. She told me something. LOL. Then went to watch the bb match. Melissa was pervertic la. OMG. haha. Funny. Then, melissa and pauline went home, i went to put my bag at the canteen. Match was over, broadrick won! woohoo! lolol.
talked to calista. karyi was waiting for us. haha.
then we went pout.Dun wna go home, they acc me. haha. thankyou!Somethine happen to calista. SCARY la. Even im scared loh. LOL.
Then after that, 24 hr food court. See the bos eat. That xuan yin eat until like hungry ghost like that. Lol. that ding wei call me ribena -.- Then calista gastric pain,ask her eat. haha. Then see.
Went over to another side talking to kelly on the phone.
Then go back. Went busstop find kelly. Saosao was waiting for me there. wahahas. xD So good of her. haha. Then kelly come liao, we run away. LOL. At first, i shouted at Ben. SORRY! SO SORRY! I cried also. LOLOLOL.
Run here and there. Catching. haha. then Kelly they all talk. Me, ccj and saosao another side talk. They play poka card, i see them play. haha. Funny. talk about YAN. lol. CHOU YAN. haha. then late liao, saosao and cj sent me to busstop. haha.

SO SORRY! I feel so guilty. to the two person. ARRGH! So SORRY!
Recieved 3 message at one go.LOL. Kelly, sd and cj.
Talk to
kelly and cj on the phone. haha.Keep laughing. hhas.
Did my home econ coursework.


8:50 PM

Monday, September 17, 2007

Morning, just reach school only then Yiling wasn already HAHAHAHA-ing non stop. lol. YenZhi said she has been haha-ing for 30 minutes liao. BREAK RECORD. haha. She laugh until cry. dun cry la. haha. Went toilet. Then put bag. Then went to find Kelly, pass her the tinggy. Then i was busy reading something that this particular person lend me. LOLS. Then whistle blow liao. CCJ brought a matchstick, LONG ONE. haha. Once the letter read, kelly take the matchstick and burn mine away hor. Wahahas. okok.
PE, had a stroll ard the canal. haha. Took 30 minutes to stroll. Along the way, MeiChi said that pauline said 26, 27 or 28, there will be a massive earthquake. Worst then that time. ARRGH!! Then, went bb court. Me, melissa and lingling sat at the fire hosreel(wrong spelling) there. hard to climb up. Lingling tried many times to climb up. hahas. Then went back canteen. Saw kelly, calista and their friend. Then went to talktalk. Then went to change. i want drink milk!! Mervin xiang y y la. OMG. Then went back class.
Maths,did filing and so on. Ms Han put alot of see me, see me on my paper la. -.- So see her loh. Then end up i needa stay back for remedial with siying on wednesday-.- NVM!! I panicked when i cant find my maths ws. i tot im gonna die! lolol. thanks julien, she found for me. haha!
Recess, ashley kept saying i eat until very slow. -.- haha.
Science cum SEL, we played a telematch! My group WON! wahahas. xD We are the conductors of heat.haha. Then lingling reminded me about tml's CIP.I was like, OHOH.
Chinese, our test was postponed! YEAHS! Did an assignment. I got 14 out of 20 nia. So low la! OMGG. then read newspaper. Siying was pissed. Cos of the time for the home econs remedial. She kept saying f*** . LOLS. you wouldnt want to do that. haha. put bag, went to find ms han. then, wait for debbie to take her discade. Din know where IT room is. Saw karyi, told her.SORRY!! haha. Shall makeup for you. haha. then went to find the IT room. Saw kelly they all. Asked them. CCJ THROW HIS PE SHIRT AT MY FACE LA. Stink can? lolol. then they fight here fight there. haha. Waitinf for debbie to appear. Someone made that jaslyn angry. She went off. then, IT room not open.-.- Went the toilet with kelly and debbie. thanks to kelly, we knew where else that can print our stuff.THE LIBRARY! Thanks mann!
haha. Acc kelly go find calista they all first. I kept laughing. then calista said something that make me laugh. 1,2,3, we tickled Karyi. wahahas. xD Kelly din go national library with calista and karyi. Went library. Printed. HENG AR.Debbie cant print as she's using different format. NVM. Something happened. I BROKE THE HANDLE OF THE LIBRARY DOOR! ARGH! SO MALU LA! AL LAUGHING ATME LOH. the door was already spoiled,the libarian nvr say -.- Was loud la, me,kelly and debbie got a shock and screamed. -.- Went it room to see if got tcher anot. The servangt say got, so we open the door to see see. Kelly made the KISSING SOUND la. omg. then the tcher appear. LOL. Went down canteen to take our bags. talk to kelly and ccj. Thay said they want to wait for me. hahha.
Home econs lesson was BORING. I was craving for milk the moment i saw two BIG cartons of milk in my textbook. OMGG. I nearly fall asleep. zzz.
3.30,it ended. Called ccj. Followed kelly to the toilet. If ccj go in, he shall be my JIEJIE. haha. then saosaois my JIEFU. wahahas. xD Then when KFC. went there STUDY leh. LOLOL. first time. haha. Along the way, met my SAOSAO! hahaha. Finally saw her face(: Went KFC. bought food first. Ate shrooms burger. YUM! Gave kelly my mash potato. Dun really ike mash potato. We ordered seperately,me and kelly. then order liao, we transfered our food to one tray. LOLOL. The aunty kept laughing la. haha. Took drinks. Took a long time to finish my shrooms burger. NICE(: Chatted and laugh laugh laugh. lolol. I was noticing MAJUSRI ppl. wahahaha. Saosao forgotten who is my PA and my STEPPA. haha. Ate liao, we start to do homework. Did my maths first. Corrections really really dunno how to do la. OMG. Din go. Did 15.4. Forgot what is the formula of cylinder la. OMG.kept referring to the notebook. then, finish liao. (but skip a lot) haha. CCj copied my lines: *SKIPSKIPSKIP*. lols. Did english then home econs. Home econs, dunno a lot la. OMG. Thanks to kelly, ccj and saosao,i manage to finish all! Not all la, but most. haha. CCJ should learn F&N. hmm. haha. then 6plus le, pack and went off. Along the way to busstop, ccj and saosao kept fighing. OMG. haha. Then kelly hit ccj. I toldkelly: mama ying gai qu mama shop mai cane da ta. LOLOL. haha. MAMA kai de DIAN jiao zuo MAMA SHOP. hahhaa. Saosao hit ccj AHEM twice!we were lmao-ing. My bus ran away! Lol. had a call from my mum saying my gm was worried. LOL. Kelly they all acc me wait for bus! thank you! Hah. cALLED BACK HOME. then 33 came, said byebye! HAHA.

drank two cups of milk when i went home. xDD

8:21 PM

Sunday, September 16, 2007

I haven finish my homework! ahhhh!
1 english ws, 1 english newspaper summary and 1english compo.
ARRGH! Suay mann, tcher forgot give us our holiday homework.
And this is the make up for it. -.-
Not our fault what.. NVM. still got tml to complete. haha.

Sweety: yanyan going overseas to study! sad. No more of her shows and sweety albums till 2 yrs later. ):

Connection thread, it dont only appear on the hand, it appears on one's heart, and one's love. Chinese paladin ending so sad): LOLOL

4:11 PM

Saturday, September 15, 2007


This few nights, din really sleep la. Keep thinking of earthquake. Lols, everytime I think of that, I will thought that i felt some tremors, which is like, so SCARY~!
Last night, talk to a few peeps. Combined conversation with Kelly and Cheejie. We talked from about 8plus to morning 2 plus. LOL. Kelly said sorry to me 0_0 haha,nvmnvm((: I have many many experience before neh! hahas. Then saosao was added in. Then we tok. I tell them i scare of earthquakes, saosao,HUGS* hahah, then i can sleep. hahas. ccj say saosao bite his... censor. LOLOL. Then saosao left. We continue toking. then talk about earthquake. LOl,i scare, later at night suddenly tremor. 0_0. Scary nor! then talk about MOK. hahas. told them i din saw him at 7/11. Then kelly say no fate. haha, soon la. Can see him(: hahas. Then cj wna copy me, write message for kelly.Lols. I give him a sample. Haha,then he say he lose liao. wahahas. xD Then cj came out with this poem, kelly cried. Haiyo. Then me and cj allow her to cry, FOR JUST 5 MINUTES. Then we time for her. Then we each gave an imaginary hug to kelly. *HUGGS* haha. Then she feel better liao, we continue chatting. Wrote poems, share with ccj. Kelly cannot read. haha.Then it waslike, already 1plus liao, magicians of love finish liao. Then continue talking until 2 plus, me and kelly sleepy liao. So we 1,2, 3 offline together. hahas.

Morning, went to buy pastrys with my mother. breakfast at macs! My mother cheated me la,she say the shop is near only, end up we walked till cartel there. -.- ARRGH. WALK LEH. -.- nvm..
To celebrate my ahma's birthday, my ahma seems to be in a great mood. lols.Talking to Kelly on MSN. She was SIAN.hahas. We talked till halfway,kelly went cheers. Then we continue talking. hahas. Kelly, RMB eat medicine ar. lolol. Aunties, Uncles, cousins all came. Strange, when they come, my internet was immediately disconnected. ARRGH. Trying to restart again and again and it failed. Then, my screen went blank 0_0 oh shit. But HENG, come back to normal le(: Christina's leg was injured, and casted.
Went to some ulu ulu place to eat. Failed the food. Lols. I hardly ate. The service sucks too. Lols. Listening to my mp3 throughout. Xixi and Cici so cute la. hahas. Sang birthday song and cut the cake. Make our way home.

I know how you feel. ying wei wo yi qian ye you guo.
The feeling is terrible. But, its the fact that happens.
Try to let go, like me(: Let the matter rest, like me(:
I discarded the old me(:
& Its the BRAND new me now that you're seeing now:D
Ain't i happy? hahas.

hope everything will be over before 31 december.

Insult here,insult there. Hate to see them in my house. They insults too much.

12:43 PM

Friday, September 14, 2007

Morning, talk to Karyi. hahas. SHE CAME! AAHHH! hahas She primise me she will come today de then she really come. hahas. So touched((: She forget bring chinese book sia. Hahahaha. But i got extra mah, so i lend her. hahas.
Science, got back our test paper. mr Lim told us that most ofthe class fail. 0_0 OMG la. But then i pass! AHHHH! shock mann. Julien highest! :D Congrats! haha.
Recess, ate burger with MeiChi. Wanted to try fish burger cos nvr try before, but then dun have)): So eat chicken de. plus, i smuggled wedges in class again. wahahahs. xD
Project work period, i were not allowed to go anywhr. -.- wth. Not even listen music or sleep. So no choice, took out my science and study((: hahas. BORING~
English, composition test. HOPE I PASS! Wrote about my P5 CAMP. lingling and melissa sure get high marks de la,story so touching. OMG. I should have choose that topic also. -.-
DISMISSED, omg, rain so heavily sia. ZhangJun, me, lingling and melissa went canteen. My milk haven come yet! -.- So drink soya bean milk, four of us. hahas.talk about some stuff that make all of us LMAO. ZhangJun started it la. hahas. Boys cant drink too much green tea, coke and mentos. LMAO. then they saw the ryan walk past with green tea, then melissago shout so loud la. hahas.
Then, yenzhi and angel joined in. The three of us, me, lingling and melissa went toilet. then went to change. We took alot of time in the toilet, talk,polish badge and so on. haha. melissa was addicted to a very old song. lols. haha.
Falled in, we were briefed on what to do next friday. about 3 school, 80 brownies. WOWWOWOW. then, we were grouped. Me, Melissa and jannar were the cheer leaders in the mini caampfire. GODD.then we weregiven a tryout. We lead the rest of the sec1 and 2 guides, then we sing. But then, no one's singing la. All sing till so soft. Jannar was pissed, cos she fasting, then no strength to shout. 0_0
Then, we had a talk with junie, some of us la. the rest went to help do the guestbook and sovenior . Talk about why we join UG and such. Then tara and junie talking, i was half sleeping. ahas. i wrote on the paper BIG: wo xiang shui jiao. hahas. Orhorh kun. zzz. hahas.
After the talk, went to see if they need help. me,melissa, engjoo and jessie helped joanna colour the three fingers trefoil sign. melissa coloured until very funny la. hahas. We coloured and coloured. Then, pack up. Junie briefed on us again. Thank goodness, she wun leave for the time being:D joanna cried. Dun cry la.
DISMISSED with taps. Was soooo hungry la, cos nvr really eat lunch mah.Then junie gave us chocolate! hahas. THANKS! Melissa ate hers very fast. I was eating while protecting my chocolate. hahas. Me, engteng, melissa and lingling head to 7/11.Then junie rode her boke there first.She ASK us to climb the bridge. hahas. Met her there,me and engeng bought fries. then talk. melissa and lingling went home le, me and engeng continue talking. hahas. Halfway, ccj calledme and told me that he saw kelly's *AHEM* at 7/11,ask me go find him. hahas. But cannnot find leh. Haiyo!So angry! hahas.
then 6.30 le, me and engeng CLIMB the bridge to the opposite. hahas.Bus come le

Your life isn't colourless,it isn't going to be black and white forever. Maybe the dark clouds were there, covering the sun, but it will go off soon. just believe it. The rainbow will be formed again after the rain and your life will still be full of colours. Dun keep thinking that your life has no colour. Dun forget, black and white are still known as colours in the dictionary. LOL. Think about your friends,your families. They are there to help you, they are the ones that form your rainbow. maybe this time there are some difficuties in forming the rainbow, but they are trying, trying to help you colour your world into PINK,purple, blue, orange, green and many more colours. Allow them to help you colour your world back to a colourful one(: dun remain in the dull world, the colour is not very nice to see((: *I also will help you colour your world, i booked the pink colour hor* :D hahaha.

Its a deal within the both of us :D 31 december ar. hahas.Dun give up hor. RMB. The life of the rope depends on you.:D

8:08 PM

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Today went school early.
Then go walkwalk again. Then lingling told me some stuff, i told her some stuff. Her stuff damn funny la. Hahas. Then saw Basirah,talk to her. Then go and find Karyi, then talk again. Hahas. Karyi, tml must come hor.
Chinese lesson, cause XueTing&KeQin kept quarrelling. Then GaiLaoShi exchange me and her sit. Then now Im sitting beside KeQin. -.- Was playing with him all along la. haha. Playing a game. I have to continue the word KeQin says.
Recess, ate prawn noodle and smuggled wedges again. wahahahas. xD
SEL, did a survey. Class survey. CONFIDENTIAL.
History, Mr Rajan not here.YEAHS! Me, Melissa, lingling& ZhangJun gathered. We were discussing for our class camp. Grouping them and such.
English, went through our exercise paper. GODD, so many wronggg! Then plus, so many homewwork! ARRGH. Then the last 10to 15 mins, we were talking about earthquake.Lols, Julien sabo-ed me la. ARRGH. I gotta describe how it feels and such.-.- FengFeng sabo-ed XinYuan. haha.
DISMISSED, ate with Debbie. Melissa came. then went with Melissa, to the office there. There was this 3 girls over the other side. Then got tw of then lying down mah, then that Mr Ken sc0ld. Then the other girl damn funny la.OMG. Then Mr ken go off liao, that indian girl said something and did something that make me and Melissa LMAO.Xinyuan, Faizah, Angel and ZhangJun was with us. We talked and laugh.
then Angel and Melissa went off. Me, Xinyuan,Faizah, Gerald and Melissa lee went.Wanted to go next door buy fries, then mrNizam was there looking. We talk to him and such. Some of them dun give a damn and crosssed. Me and XiYuan dun wna climd the bridge, so we went home instead. Weather's freaking hot la. Even the bus seems to have no air-con. HOME((:


3:20 PM

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Stupid earthquake, scare the wits out of me la.
I was touring around youtube tofnd my show then suddenly, feel a shake.
Then, i thought i was still thinking the times during dragon boating.Lols.
Then my mum and ahma also feel it.
Then it became sooo viciously shaking, i thought as if it is really earthquake.
Then my mum and ahma plan to go down. But din cos no more shake le. Thats the part that always pissed me off!ARRGH. Thats the part that i always cry last time. lols.
But now i brave le! ^^Never cry! :D haha.
GOD BLESS AR, tonight nothings gonna happen.

7:41 PM



Morning, dont know where to put my bag cos our class de floor wet. Then ask KeQin for help. Then went walkwalk. Went to talk to KarYi. Me and lingling. Talk about what we scare off. lolol. then go back quartrangle. Got my t-shirt :D Thankyou Kelly!
HomeEcons, we were trying to test the how heat affect the rate of cooking tinggy.me and pauline pair, we did long beans. Cooked 7min, 10min & 15min. Then end of experiment, we cooked our beans again then tcher provide sauce. Dipped into the sauce. YUM! Nice! haha. Tried others. Eggs are the best, of course. haha.
Literature,after we finish doing our work, talking to lingling.
Recess, Mee Rebus :D
Art, drew flowers AGAIN. sian. Tcher played music let us hear, but the music she play a bit weird weird one la, so listen to my own music. haha. So hard to draw la,flowers.
Maths, learn volume and surface area of cylinder. So hard la. OMG. Cant be solve, too complicated.
Music, lingling was punished for not bringing recorder. lols, so she gotta sit in front. Me and MeiChi went to acc her.haha.
DISMISSED, mr nizam let us stay in music room do homework. haha. See lingling, melissa they all do their home econs.
Went down with lingling, finding margeret. Cant find her. melissa came down with xinyuan. Then we went to find margeret while Melissa bring zhangjun to staff room. We finally found her. hahas. Kelly was sleeping at the round table,then ccj they all also there.Kelly's sick, take care!! rmb eat medicine ar((: Then ccj called me, wo JI dao. lolol. Whenever melissa saw her *cough*cough, she would run away. lols. Ccj call margeret: nugget. What de... Lingling went to her primary school. Me and melissa stayed back to help Basirah. I was nearly crying. Lols. I should have just zipped my mouth sometimes i guess. ARRGH. Make me even more scare. Help to carry tables and chairs to guides room. melissawas not feeling well. she went toilet twice. THen she ask her mum to fetch her home. TAKE CARES. Went home too.

So the 'LOSER' in the class blog admitted who was he. LEON NG, wish you luck. You scolded Gabriel and dared to admit. LOLS. One reminder, dun tag this kind of thing in our class blog again.

4:03 PM

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Morning, lingling was finding me, and i was finding her also.Lols,paiseh la, my bus this few days damn late. Went walk walk. Then, saw karyi. Went to sit with her with lingling. hahas. told her something. Then weather like gonna rain liao, karyi ask me bring my bag in. Then i was like, looking. then in the end really rain la. hahas. Quickly bring my bag in.
Went back class.Found out that my design plan wrong, then quickly change.
D&T, the lesson "tai fong fu le".. "fong fu dao wo men ke yi shui jiao". lols, my eyes were half closed.
Maths,Ms han not there.the whole class was, woohoooo!lols, our relief teacher was so funny. Miss lylia. Hmm..listened music and did my work.I finished two exercise in 2 periods. First time mann
Recess, MeiChi not here): She sick.take care! ashley accompanied me,she ask me something. Ate my wedges,the chilli was soaking all the wedges. lols.Went to find Melissa, play there. hahas. Went back buy wedges, we smuggle it out my hiding it in our pockets. Lol. So hot la, our legs cos of the wedges. haha. Went back class and ate.
PC,did our target setting. Din put so high, scare cannot hit the target.
English, did whole exercise in 2 periods. So hard can? lol, i did but half ofmy mind was sleeping. zzz.
Science, did experiment. Heat the metal ball. Maybe cos too close to the fire or what la, the holder of the metal ball MELT. lols, Ashley's group de ring broke into half. lols, mervin's group de ball drop off and it went on mervin. another words, he was SCALDED, BURNT. His whole face went red la. OMG. He was like, so pain until... Seeteacher demostrate 3 things. Conduction and convection of heat.
DISMISSED, went Melissa's house.
On the way, went donut shop buy donuts. 4 people, 12 donuts. lols. Saw an actor dunno name call what, the hair longlong messy messy one, call de dunno what zhilong. lols.
Went melissa's house, her house was big. lols. Can say its her ah ma house. Went to her room, WOW, really purple. lols. Put our stuff, ate our donuts. then, we went down to play her piano. Lingling played. She taught me how to play Bu Neng Shuo De MiMi! YEAH! Know how to play abit. She pro la. lols. Play until dunno what time, went to see melissa and yenZhi play audition. then, lingling, melissa and I went back to the room. They did their remaining worksheet while i see them do. Lingling's leg got stuck at the bed. LMAO Hear music and so on. play with Melissa's toys. lol, clickits((: then, YenZhi came and told us go accompany her. So went. Then, actually want to go home le, but yenxhi wna us wait for her. So wait. Went to Melissa's room to chit chat while Melissa acc YenZhi. the two of us jump onto melissa's bed. hahhaa. listen music and so on. Talkeda lot of things.Ask her some qsn also. Both of us wonder and wonder. Lols. Talk about pri school AHEMs. lols. Talk until dunno what time, reallylate le, lingling mother call and scold le, we went to see if yenzhi wna go home. back to the room, her mother call again. lols, lingling damn pissed off liao. Wenwore back our skirt, chatted also. Talk about heart murmur. =.=. haha. Then bring our bags down, waited and waited. Check on lingling's WeiXiaoPasta also, to see if there's scratch. lols, then slowly went to the busstop. Melissa's two cousin damn cute la. OMG.
Waited, found out that the cousin Melissa brought along de legbleed, then cant find tissue, the aunty so helpful la, gave us tissue. hahas.
Went home at 7plus.

一个破灭的承诺对我来说, 世界是会崩溃的,

7:58 PM

Monday, September 10, 2007

Back to School today. :D
In School, I was finding Yiling and she was finding me. Lol,we both went walk walk. Jocelyn reborn her hair. So nice la. haha.
Went to talk to Karyi. She told me some stuff that i went: =O.
Morning exercise. We were punished my Mr Li for not doing the exercise properly. One round around the field. Running, what flickered in our mind was: SO MALU!! Especially when we ran past the rest of the sec 1. Lols.
PE, my leg hurts! ARRGH! We wna hear MeiChi sing! lalala. Hahas. We did something in the fitness corner. 25 incline pull ups, 20 of the tinggyand many more. It was raining by then. but all of us din wna go to shelther. hahas. So COLD.I was freezing from then. So cold la. Into the GYM. Then,out to the toilet. A lot of people were crowding inside the gym. 4N1 came. KeQin bet with XueTing, to prove that ChewKeQin is a gentleman, he had to run 5 rounds around the netball court (It was raining that time). And he did it! lOLOL. CCJ was fighting with that XuanYin. Lol,he ask for help. Yiling went into the rain to play. i was siaos, Lingling, dun be foolish!lolol. CCj wanted to take our photos. Lingling went to pull his handphone pulse, but the handphone not inside. Lol, end up ccj handphone strip break. LOLOL.
Maths, learnt new chapter. Learnt before in the tuition during june holiday. recalled a bit but not all. Almost everyone was confused. Ms Han set a question for Chloe to do, if she cant solve, we cant go for recess. Lol. Everyone was giving her hint. Finally, she solved the question, everyone clap for her. hahas. XueTing was next. She took almost 10 to 15 minutes of our recess, everyone was like, giving her answers la. haha.
Recess, YUM! ^^ My mee rebus! haha
SEL, group presentation. SiYing's groupwas about blood donor. Ppl just had body or lip or ear piercing, cant donate blood. Yea. Melissa was beside me, playing with my water bottle. Lol,then she ask me, how about when we AHEM? LOLS. She say until so loud la. haha. SiYing gave a diao face, duhh, she went. haha, then melissa continue, huh, so many outtake but no intake. LMAO. We were all singing QIANG QIANG. Forgot the beginning of the song. Melissa change to *****, ni yaoji de wo. LMAO. haha.
Science, went to the lab to prepare for our surprise practical test. Funny thing, melissa told us that Zhang jun has packs. We din inderstand until she further elaborate it. LOLOL. Hahahah. Watched video. Most were sleeping. lols. Went back class.
MT, gai lao shi asked me to read the ke wen. =.= I din prepare la, i got so many word and mispronouced. WTH.
DISMISSED, my leg hurts! My knee, i counldnt move for a moment. i was stuck at one corner. I calledfor help, MEICHI carry me. lols.
We stood there and stare at something for a while, me, yiling, melissa and meichi.
went for or practical test. DISASTER MANN! ARRGH! wth la. This time, it ended quite fast. me and yiling went to our classroom to check something. Went toilet, then saw Calista and ccj above. Had a chat with a friend. ME and Yiling was quite sad, but at the same time, dunno how to say. lolol. Went to the canteen, ate. Chatted with Rozanne they all. Then, lingling bring me to the gate. hahas, xiexie! We talk there. then, went home

Currently watching only E Nu Ah Chu. Tai yang de Nuer so sad la, only 3 episode only then QiaoQiao die in the show. Sad sia. Dun wanna watch le.

Saw the rest of the report cards when Melissa was counting them. I felt so... No More Hope for me in going 2EA i guess. Almost the rest of the class scored so well la. All 7o-plus, 8o-plus, 90plus. Then me leh? 50plus, 60plus. WTH la. My result so lousy.. So stupid!!! Felt like giving up. Dun feel like studying. But I want to go 2EA, i dun wna be looked down. ARRGH. wth.. what should i do?!?!

4:03 PM

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Beenwatching LiaoZhai2, FenDie last night till morning. Its not even scary at all la. Plus, yanyan is acting inside :D Very nice show..
Woke up at 12. I dreamt of 3scenes last night. OMG.
Now, currently watching Tai Yang de Nuer and E nu ah chu :D
Both show qiaoqiao act inside sia. woohoo. But, tai yand de nuer de ending is a sad one la. So sad. lolol.
Tml school reopen liao..
Should I be happy or sad leh? Hmm..

4:37 PM

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Phew! Finally finish my homework!
I spent one hour doing them.
Today, im a pig. LOL. I woke up at 11plus, went back to slp till 2plus then slept again at 4, woke up at 5 just nice to watch my Mr Fighting((:
My ear,infection, again...
PAIN.Almost in a state of DEAF. lolol

You ask me smile, you also have to smile((:
You ask me not to worry, then you also must not think too much,
If you feel beta, i feel happier :D

8:34 PM

Tagged again

I've been tagged again. lols.

2.Friend,classmate, schoolmate
3.Chio, funny, non-lame, emo, looks like sunYanZhi
4.Help me draw my hand. hahas.
5.Not sure(paiseh)
6.We will become lesbians. LOLOL
7.Stop cutting her hand?
8.Ignore her? lol.
9.After a fight?lolol
10.Hug her? haha.
12.Positive, negative?
13.Dont know?
14.Don't know?
.... ..... ..... .... ....

2:12 PM

Friday, September 07, 2007

Felt so scared, so worried.

Firstly, I admit, i was hiding from him. Even on MSN or SMS, i dun wanna reply him, Not even once. I felt so scared of him. In fact, i nearly cry i dunno why..

Secondly, I see the both of you sad, i heard that the both of you cried, I also felt very sad. I know this might be a very private stuff that your dun wna me to know. Im your nuer): Im your friend): the more your ask me dun worry, the more sad i felt. Maybe im just a sec1 kiddo , dunno anything,. But.. i just wna your to be happy again.. I dun wna read your blogs saying that your cry)):

issit true that without this holiday,this two things will not happen?

10:55 PM


OOOHHHH.. I was TAGGED! lols.

List out the top 5 birthday present you wish for:
-My result slip to have straight As.
-a NEW handphone
-Going to 2EA in 2008(:
-Every one smile(:
-Everyone happy

Answer the following questions.

1. The person who tagged you is?
Zhang Jun(:

2. Your relationship with her is?
Friend; classmate; schoolmate..

3. Your 5 impression of her.
- pretty
-Good in Chinese
-Cute, esp when she fights with MeiChi (opps! ^^)

4.The most memorable thing she has done for you.
er... can say done for the whole class?being a director on our skit(:

5.Memorable wordsthat she has said to you.
er...er... er... not sure? (paiseh)

6.If she becomes your lover, you will..
0_0 NONONO. shes a girl, im a girl too-.- les? LOLS.

7.If she becomes your lover, things she has to improve will be..
Don't know?

8.If she becomes your enemy, you will..
Never thought about that. Hmm..

9.If she becomes your enemy, the reason will be..
Er.. after a fight? LOLOL.

10.The most desired thing you want to do for her now is..
Wish her pass her English((:

11.Your overall impression of her is..

12.How do you think people around you will feel about you?
er... don't know? maybe the positive, maybe the negative?

13.the character you love yourself is..
Frankly, i dont love myself. HAIS.

14.On the contrary, the character of you hate yourself is?
what is contrary? I dont get it.

15.the most ideal person you want to be is..
Er..Er..dont know? lols.

16.the person thatcare and like you, say something to them..
Thank you for all the care and concern! LOVE YOU! muacks! (:

17.Pass this quiz to 10 people that you wish to know how they feel about you.
1. Yiling
2. Melissa
3. Julien
4. Karyi( if she's free)
5. Kelly( if she's free)
6. MeiChi
7. YenZhi
8. CCJ?
9. Nuairani
10. Jasmine

Who is no.6 having relationship with?
MEICHI?! ME!! :D lolol. SINGLE(:

Is no.9 a female or a male?

If no.7 and 10 together, willit be a good thing?
YenZhi and jasmine? They both are girls -.- & have they met before?

How about no.8 and 5?
OPPS. LMAO, they are good friends(: (I din purposely did the numbering that way)

What is no.2 studying about..
Melissa? Studying the same thing as me(:

When was the last time you have a chat with no.3?
On MSN? or issit on the last day of school?

What kind of music band does no.8 like?
CCJ? er.... don't know..

Does no.1 have any siblings?
YES. A sister and a brother(: Shes the oldest.

Will you woo no.3?
Er... if im a boy, i might ((:

How about no.7?
er... if im a boy,i might((:

Is no.4 single?
Karyi?Hmm. not sure. SINGE(:

What is the surname of no.5?
kelly TEO :D

What is the name of no.10?

What is the hobby of no.4?
er... Collecting milubing and yanyalun stuff?

Do no.5 and no.9 get along well?
They never met before..

Whereis no.2 studying at?
Broadrick Sec, 1ea, same class as me(:

Have you ever tried developing feelings for no.8?
OH NO NO NO NO! NEVER! We're brothers and sisters.He has his own AHEM.

Where does no.9 live?
The block next to me :D

Are no.1 and 5 best friends?

Does no.7 like no.2?
Yes, maybe(:

How do you get to know no.2?

Does no.1 have pets?
perapine?(wrong spelling)

Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world?
Oh yes :D, maybe..

OOHHHH, finally done. lols.

9:58 PM


So fast, its gonna be end of holiday. One thing, I haven finish my homework. -.-
Okok, today's new show im gonna watch is ZI JIN ZHI DIAN. Top of the forbidden city :D yeahyeah!

Last night, cant sleep. Awake, staring into space. Thinking of something. Hmm..

You sad, i feel sad too)):

2:25 PM

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Watch finish Green forest my home le!
Hahas. Now currently watching the NG scenes. Damn funny loh. hahas.
Had a fall! ARRGH!
Suddenly walk to the kitchen then all of a sudden i FALL, just like stepping on a banana skin. lols.
PAIN sia. My elbow..

Everyone has their own mottos.
But one motto that everyone should have is, to BE & STAY strong.
Dun break down everytime you're sad. Dun give up in anything you do.
Stay strong, and face those difficulties that you encounter. You will eventually kick that sadness in your heart away.
But if you break down and give up, you have already defeated yourself. Think the positive, not the negative. Dun break down, esp when your in love. Be strong, and let it go..
You told me that you are fine, but you dont seem to. I wun ask you why,it might be a secret, you might not want to talk about it. But one thing, stay strong and be stay HAPPY((: Dun let anything defeat you :D I see you sad,i also sad. I see you suffer, i feel sadder. Dun bottle things up, dun let people around you worry about you. try to forget those bad memories that make you suffer. Stay stronfand happy(: JIAYOU JIAYOU JIAYOU!

9:24 PM

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Watch [Green Forest; My Home] today. RAWKS MANN! :D
{zai lian ren de shi jie, shi jian shi zhan ting de..
only if you believe it}

Desperate for the song: Bring us Back. lols.

When you said that word, i have already knew that you have forgotten me. So long,uncontactable. But din you wonder why I still remember you? If i weren't bann from going there, guess, the ending will be different from now.. Wondering how you look like now.. Remembering the last word you told me last time, see you soon..

5:12 PM

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Brought my grandma out to shopping with my sister((:
Took cab to CityHall. In the cab,the taxi driver talk non stop. lols.
He sounded scary can? lols.
Brought my grandma to the famous restaurant to eat. Waited very long for our number to be called. 106 i rmb.
The food there so nice :D
I eat until i bloated. haha. Then, my sister bring my grandma to the toilet, i went A&BC see see. Saw a lot of cute stuff. My sister buy me a pooh bear green pen and stickers. :D
thank you!
Took cab down to OG albert. Went to buy shirt for my grandma. My grandma bought a bag, my sister bought facial wash and i bought OP shorts :D
Yeahhhs! So nice...
Walked back home, my sister and grandma had an arguement la. Aiyoyo.
Walked home slowly..

If there were two choices for me to choose,
I'll choose you

4:06 PM

Monday, September 03, 2007

Went out today with my mother and brother.
Went plaza sing to catch Ratatouille :D
Nice show mann! Anyone can cook..
Then, actually wna go to that bigbig This Fashion de, but RAINING.
So wait for a while. Went Swensens to have lunch.
Then, OP. They knew i wna buy bag, they kept asking me to choose. but all the pattern all i dun like one. lols.
Then, went to This Fashion.
nothing to buy there. My mum eyed one top. She took sooo long to consider that shirt.She even ask the person to take the shirt outof the model. -.- what de... Then end up she dun wan?!?! LMAO.
Took bus to bugis.
Went OG. Say the NIKE bag, damn nice loh, but its the last one on display and its dirty la, then my bro say not worth. Hais.
Then went walk walk. Tried on the surfer's paradise shorts.Too big liao. Then also nvr buy.
Then my mum bought a top, my bro bought 3. lol.
Then went back to the nike and adidas place. Say the adidas sling bag, only one colour, green. So din buy. Then, saw another Nike bag. Black and pink one :D Yeah! My mum bought it for me :D Surprise that she is willing to buy me that sia. hahas. Cos it cost me about 1 month's allowance?! lol.
So happy :D
Then went home(:
Went OG.

4:37 PM

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Lyrics on QiangQiang by Ella(:

你喜歡我摸摸你的小耳朵 窩在我的身旁沒有煩憂 在夢裏遨遊
好狗狗 好狗狗 謝謝妳陪媽咪這麼久妳並沒有離開我
快快找到天使 在天堂給我保佑

At first dunno thrs such song la
then ccj recommend me.
then i know.
listen liao can cry sia.
SOB! hahas.

2:13 PM

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Woke up at 12pm today :D
still feel very sleepy. *YAWN*
Watched youtube,it started with a kiss :D
Rawks mann! So niceeee(:
Then while waiting for my Mr Fighting to show,
did a new blogskin(:
Only change the picture la.
No difference at all. hahas.
Then come blog.
Wanted to watch Goong S that lingling lend me
but my mother not at home
then she also want to watch. Sooo, must wait.
Monday: Ratatoulle :D
I wna watch that show. i wna go shopping also.
This few days really broke liao.
Somemore so many people birthday coming.
Owned lingling a belated present.
SORRY! Give you asap.
Must SAVE!
okok, coming to results.
2A, 5B,3C and a FAIL.
Pathetic right? *say yes*
Maths and Literature were tthe only A.
Chinese, English, Science, D&T and Art were B
The rest C and home econ FAIL.
I was so angry! My D&T, 0.3 more mark to A plus
my geog, 2more mark to B. Cos of my test mark, if tcher could have let us check our papers earlier...

4:50 PM


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