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Friday, August 31, 2007


Morning, ccj pass me the maths formula. SERIOUSLY, i dun understand.LOLS.
Aces day de exercise, Mr ken did push ups. hahas. Asking mr Lim to do also. hahas,but in the end nvr la. hais. haha. Siying fell. Careful gurl.
Chinese lesson, did our xi zi. Finish the whole book le! hahas. Then, listen to mp3. Nothing to do.
Science, took back report card. Disapointed mann! Firstly, MsHan said i scored 89 for my maths overall CA. But i only got 83?! Then, my D&T deprove a lot a lot can? Everyone scored 80 plus but i only scored 60 plus luh. Then, my HOME ECONS! ARRGH! Must BUCK UP! I needa 5 As badly! Then, SEL presentation. Then, we went to the canteen for PARTY! hahas! We started the party without Mr Lim. hahas. Then, went up for concert.
Basirah sing so nice la. hahas. The musical by 4EA also very nice. But, mr lim sing is the BEST! WOOHOO! Clap hands everybody! hahas. The concert ended half and hour late! RUSH!

Met Jasmine at the mrt station.Went stamford. On the way, saw Jervina and Marcus. I dunno what did marcus say la, but Jervina go SLAP him loh,got a very loud PIAK. OMG. hahas. Suspecting, they're together. wahahahas. Into stamford, saw jeanie with those guys: Arthur, KahWei, KahSha,Yong Jun they all. Arthur grow taller then me la. what de! Last yr shorter then me nor. Hais. haha. Looking at Arthur, make me think of the nicknnames i gavehim; ATER. hahas,plus a NICE surname, FOOL. Ater Fool,cool eh? lols. hahas. i wna eat the canteen food! My favourite spicy fishballs, fried kway tiao, hor fun, roti prata,nasi lemak and many more! AHHH! All my favourites!YUMYUM!^^ Haven see any tcher yet, Jeanie and Jasmine pull me out liao. -.- Jeanie poured pink dolphin at KahWei la. What de.. He was so pissed off. lols. Saw mr Zul! hahas. Walk to bugis. KahSha they all saw Jeanie,their face expression changed. haha, maybe jeanie bully them too much. hahas. Then they wan watch movie,i dun wan! lols. but in the end nvr la.
Then go bras basah de macs, our last yr favourite hangouts. hahas. Ate fillet o fish. Chit chatted thr too. Ate halfway, saw Nordinah, Nuairani, XinHong and Afnah. hahas. All change liao. Same, they called me in that nickname=.=" hahas. Then,nordinah went halfway with hein htet. The rest of us went jalan jalan. In the toilet, we water was splashed everywhr. hahas. Cam whoring took place too. Afnah splashed water at us and ran off with xinHong. hahas. Was kinda puzzled, whrs ZiYing?
Hmm, maybe their school too far. lols.
Then 4plus, went home with nuairani(:
Talked a lot esp her AHEM. hahas!
Fun hangout today :D
I MISS THEM! hahas.

Do heaven and hell experience sorrows?
Or issit tat you leave this world then go to heaven or hell then you will have no sorrows?Hmm. lols.

4:37 PM

Thursday, August 30, 2007


7:03 PM


Geography and MT was bored.
Got back my two test for geography. MrsLee din let us check then key in our marks, i got 1 and a half mark less leh! what de...
SEL, i cut my hand. lols. cut both. YenZhi helped me cut. wahahas. Using red and brown pen, really look so real la. OMG. Din get back our report card. ahh.
history and english, BORED.
After school, lingling came to my house. haha.
We doing the Tcher day card for miss han.
We think and think, then we finally got this idea la. then we do.
hard time threading those thread with the needle. Meantime,listen to musics. My father gave us ice-cream! Yum! hahas.
We rest for a while and enjoy our ice creams.
Continue doing. Then, looking at my primary school autograph book. miss those days mann! lols. Meantime,ccj called. Me and lingling talking to him and ashley. lols. Then he hang up, we continue.
5 plus, bring lingling to the busstop.
Then went home.
Random one

I think i said the wrong words.
Dun be angry hor.
I promise i keep my words :

5:57 PM

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Things aint going smoothly today.

Morning, julien told me that today's practical we might need to bring our own ingredient. What de! Then somemore i realise today got music but i din bring book and recorder la. Got sooo panic loh. I kept telling MeiChi i dun wna die. lols.

HomeEcon, god BLESS! Mrs Chen provided us the ingredient. hard time finding a rice cooker. Found liao, me and julien share la. Then we took our chicken rice mix then cook. Then my chicken, the inside part is RAW de loh. What de. Then got one idea. hahas. Peal the cook ones then throw the raw ones. haha.Then wait, then all done liao,take to mark. Lucky mrs Chen say my chickden is TENDER. lols. Then go back, throw the skin in. wahahahas. My favourite.
Recess, din sit with MeiChi.instead,went to collect the greeting. Ask them write and bla. Felt cheated. Owned Annabel money. Rmb that time, we all went mac la. Then i order a drink, $1.85. then i give annabel $5. then she give me back my 5 bucks la,then i suppose to give her my 1.85 right? Calculation la. Then today she go ask me for 4 bucks plus. Felt cheated loh, i give her3 bucks instead, but i BROKE liao loh.Damn angry. Then ling go ask her why.
ART, ling say annabel give me back the money liao but whr got?!She in loh. Walao,next time dun wna ask her help me buy thing liao loh, cheat my money. WTH. >.<>.<>
Maths, whole of two period, did maths 14.3. Calista and Kelly came to my class and call me. Then i went out. Talk. Then went back classroom. Went toilet. Cried in class. Lols. Fengfeng was like, exagerating loh. haha. Ran to find tissue. hahas. But Lingling, melissa, meichi and him indeed mke me laugh la. hahas. tyty.
Assembly, actually say no assembly de loh, then in the end got. I think is because tcher in charge not here. Then the whole assembly, mr Jafaar talk. More then 30 mins loh. What de...
Down to the canteen. Then went up to find lingling and melissa. Went down, talk to kelly and karyi and calista. i was like,wna cry la. haha,but they make me laugh. hahas. i spoilt my wallet de strip. then lingling talk to calista then i talk to kelly and karyi. Hmm. hahas.
Went toilet. Then, go canteen. find peifen for the greetings. That Karman damn funny loh. OMG. hahas. Shes hilarious!hahaha. kept laughing.
Eunos for Soya bean ice cream. hahas. eat at the staircase there. Waiting for junie, we talk our nicest memories in brd. hahas. the orientation day! hahahas. then thinking day and bla.junie come liao, give her the greetings. Sat thr for a while then raining. Stand and talk. hahas. then went home to watch TV. hahas. AHHH! Xian jian qi xia zhuan! hahas.


6:22 PM



6:22 PM

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Felt so unfair ):

I get to know why i fail my home econs so badly. mrs Chen only take our latest test as our CA mark. So suay is that, that is the test that i learnt the wrong chapter! Thats why i fail so badly. ): Can i retake the test?No. Tml taking back report card. Prepare to die.

Singing the National Anthem, all of us were giggling. We cant help it. The commander's voice wasso funny, so cute. OMG. hahas.

Pastoral Care, Mr Chua came to relief. Zhang Jun was so happy. hahas. We had the whole period to study our science. Yiling and Melissa came to sit with us. Julien test us Science, we were give some rubbish answers. hahas, plus the QIANG DA TI. Was laughing like hell la.
English, did the corrections for our letter writing. So lousy, mine only 16/30. Lucky its not a test ar.If not i die. lols. the weather was sooo cold and nice. After copying the corrections, We asked permission to sleep for a while. hahas. The room was pitch darkness, all of us rest our heads on the table. Idiot Mervin throw my file on my table giving me a shock. what the! Filed our worksheets and so on.
Science, We became emo kias. Me and Yiling. YenZhi helpedus 'cut our wrist'. hahas. Using brown and redpen, the effect was soo good la. look so real loh.Had our test. HOPE I PASS! God bless. MRRahmat told the whole school, 5-8pm at east coast, can see the eclispe. Moon and Mars in one straight line causing the moon to turn red. OMG! So nice can. I was see also. lol.
Afterschool, we continued drawing. Melissa drew too. hahas. Alot people caught in our trick. hahas.Peifen, roxanne, fengling.. hahas.
YenZhi did her maths, we went up to the staff room to give ms han.Then, to the toilet. Went canteen,found XinYuan. She and Ashley were surrounded with boys.One side: XinYuan gor and friend, another side: CCJ, HAS, XuanYin something and that Ding Wei or something. Was hilarious. YenZhi din dare to go nar them cos she says: I cannot go near boys i also dunno why. LMAO. They provoked XinYuan. She was angry. Whoa, fierce neh! Lols. Relax relax.
Next, home. Walk tot he busstop with yenzhi. CCj they all behind, stupid them, keep calling hui shi, hui si(will die) What de hell can? Idiot. lols.
MeiChi lend me the secret album. Thankyou!

Follow the notes upon the journey
At the first sight mark's ones destiny
Upon the voyage come to an end
Return lies with in hasty keys

5:30 PM

Monday, August 27, 2007
In the com lab

Now currently in the School's com lab.
i have a bad news and a good news to announce.
I din expect to fail and fail soooo badly.
32/100, i HATE YOU! I dun wna have this kind of mark.
What if i depromote next year?
What if i can no longer be in 2EA next year?
Dropped a tear just now. Silent one :((

But, it was a MIRACLE,
I got top in class for maths?! OHMYGOD.
i din expect it to happen! 89/100. First time in my life :D
My journal test: 9/10. MIRACLE!!!
Thank goddddd.

But now is... My home econ.
What if i really depromote?
Mr Lim say must all pass then can go 2EA next year.
I dun wan to depromote ):
i wna stay in 2EA next year.
ARRGH!!!! siao liao.
Howhowhow? People, HELP ME!

okok,back to my sucky mark.
32/100 leh!So what if i work hard and pass my next home econ test?
It wun pull me up loh. I will only get 40 pllus or even worst, remain as 30plus.
Somemore, wednesday taking report card back for parent to see.
What if they see this kind of sucky mark?
They will sure kill me loh.
REGINA KOH HUI SHI,you beta pass your home econ and all your subject mann!
If not, you shall be the next person to be hated by me.
i wna cry already.

btw, tml science test. WISH ME LUCK!

5:01 PM

Sunday, August 26, 2007

My girlfriend cum meimei cum dardar
Happy sweet sweet THIRTEEN! :D

What the hell? Did girl A ever provoke you?
Having the nerves to call her a SLUT. What on earth did girl A do to make you say her like that? What did she do? Im sure she did NOTHING.
Even if she provoked you, must you call her a slut?
If this so,you have provoked her,
im sure she can call you a BASTARD or a SUCKER right?

5:05 PM

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Morning, meet Yiling and MeiChi at 10.30 at Brd 7/11 busstop.Bought poky eat then wait for Melissa. Melissa took the wrong bus. hahas. She RAN all the way from the mrt to northlight? PROsia. hahas. The way she carry her bag make us LMAO. haha. Took bus 10 to suntec.
First stop, to the toy machines at 2nd floor. Turned two pooh bears. So cute!Went to build a bear shop. Then, arcade. virtualand. Wna win the toys, we tried3 times, all failed. CHEAT one. played racing car. Sooo long nvr play, i dunno how to play liao. GAMEOVER. lolol. Next, bought food. Cotton candy and sausage. then,to the koi pind to feed fish! hahas.We kept feeding the tortoise. haha. Melissa damn funny loh. One fish suddenly jump, we all scream. hahas. Gao Feng Feng came. How he know we're there? No one knows. lolol. Next, to KFC :D Everyone ate Surf and Turf. the person was confused with the money we gave. hahas. She gave Melissa much lesser change. We din realise till we're going back brd. lols. Ate,we werelike siaos again. hahas. Went toilet to change in our guides uniform. We spent ages there, tying our hair. hahas. Many funny thing happen there. Oh yea, we all put our bags on the baby changing thinggy. Smart eh? hahas. melissa so scare got baby shit inside? hahaha! Next, to find donut. Cant find sia. Then somemore we lost sia. lols. but okay la, we found it in the end. hahas. Queued our donut, so scare we are late la. What de. hahas. fast walk back to the busstop. Took bus. bought waterin 7/11. Then,to the opposite to wait.Aneza bought us to the place first. Falled in. Trained a bit. then, we had break. Had a lecture by Miss Fud for complaining too much bout Dunman high. Then, we had break. Minutes later, we falled in, Ms Fud talk to us. Then, fall in with Dunman high. Actual parade started. So many people la, so scary. They sang 3 funny songs. hahaha. The Kanjong Katong, chan mani chan and another chinese song. then, National anthem and pledge. March pass and FINISH! PHEW! took photo then went back to our bags there. Collect our dinner. Sat in squad to eat. Me, Yiling, melissa, Liyi, EngJoo, Joanna and Aneza sat in circle. We were laughing like mad loh. OMG. hahas. Aneza wna give her tofu to joanna,melissa said: Chi aneza de tofu.LMAO. All laughing la. Funny funny thoughts came and all laughing. Annabel bought our waterbabies! woohoo! thank you! Mine is pink de, the packet was kinda special. exchange with everyone the colours. hahas. So nice. Dismissed, waiting,we continue exchanging the colours. haha. Then, to the playground. Went back and off we went, to macs! On the way, saw Charlene crying. Dun cry la. We tried cheering her up, me and lingling. Char lene buyao ku. hahas, say this to her till she laugh. hahas. To Macs,outdoor. Lure Yiling to somewhere to buy drink while others set the bday donut. hahas. When okay, i sms-ed Junie. Went back, we sang happy birthday LOUDLOUD. hahas. yiling so paiseh loh. hahas!Then, we sabo her, make her eat the donut not using hands then junie take photo. hahas! Then, we had a talk when liyi and annabel left. Was a sad talk. Charlene and Melissa cried, me and lingling almost cried. Talktalktalk, till 9plus, call my father come fetch me home.

Nothing to say. Just 4 letters.
S T A Y.
We just wna you STAY.

10:30 PM

Friday, August 24, 2007

Morning, talk with Calista,Kelly and Karyi. Oh yea.Showed them the rat. hahas. It was stuck on the top ofthe ceiling la. hahas.
Chinese, we had another sudden test, Letter writing.wth,nvr tell us la lao shi. what de.......
Science, watch video about energy.Interesting. Hmm. lols.
English, had debating session. Starting was okay.But,at the last partwas, allpersonal qsn all come out, hahas. me, Siying and Julien were playing with the rat. Damn oily and disgusting la. haha. Last part of debating,KeQin and Mervin were bickering on stop la.hahas. OMG.
Lastly, giving marks, For me,i gave both group 57, 57. hahas. But end up, Melissa's grp won. hahas. Congrats!
After school,stay back for a while to take back our maths common test. It was a miracle, ashocking one. I scored the highest for it! 49/50. OMG,it shocked me la. I was nearto crying when i took my papers back. just because i dun write table in the graph paper, i lost that one mark. lols, if not can get full marks liao. Eng Leong was just one mark below me. Lols.
DISMISSED, went canteen eat my chocolate. Kelly, dun cry la. JiaYou for the big one.5,still in top10 mah, not like me, top 10 also dun haveloh. Dun cry ar. hahas. Was playing with Kelly and Karyi and Calista. I was lmao-ing. Kelly,one this side,one the other side. Whichone you wna go to? hahas. One bought flowers and one bear neh! hahas. I was ike, shouting my PA'sname to look for him la. hahas. Karyi ar, haha, nor, that one. LMAO! Karyi poked me! I chased after her to poke her back. hahas. Continued a bit of my story.
GUIDES, did designing of certificates. My group has finished soooo long ago. nothing to do. Basirah was like, damn sad loh. Bar, dun cry la. You're still in 3ea, dun sad la,those tcher of yours wun be dispointed with you. You got work hard mah. Kelly and Karyi came. Kelly was envy-ed by the girl with nice figure. hahas. She wna be like her. LMAO. hahas.
Designing of souveniors next. We were fast. We finished a while lata. Was waiting for the time to past. I was near to falling asleep.
HAD BREAK. Drank HaoLian milk. hahas. Had cheers. Then, a game. Sardine in the can. Melissa and EngJoo went to hide. We found them when we heard Julien shouting. hahahas. Lol.
marching next. Was sweating a lot. Waiting for annabel and charlene, we hentak. So long la.OMG. So tired. Some talks after they came. Another talk when dismiss. NDP, really very scared sia. :X Went to buy drink wih Karyi and Peifen. Told peifen: The blue one drink liao wun fat, the purple one drink liao very fat. hahas. The aunty down there laugh. Talk with Junie afterthat about... hahas. Went 7/11 buy frieseat. haha, damn hungry. Ate tgt with kelly, karyi, huilin and peifen. Then,we started playing. hahas. Told a bit of Kelly's love story.then, HSD and CCJ came. We girls were like, OMG! Huilin with kellythen take turns with karyi blablabla. hahas.lesbians la!OMG!! hahas. they did two times, hair and shirt should be untidy eh? hahas. They force me in. hahas, i stand outside guard the 'room' for your. hahas. HSD ANd CCJ took kelly and karyi bag then run away la. What the... wewerelike finding him la.then found them, we needa takeback karyi pencil case. After taking back allthose stuff, went home.

8:20 PM

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Morning was okay.
Geography, I was having a foul mood. >.<
Chinese, it worsen! I wna cry mann! My chinese letter writing test, DISASTER! Im going to fail! I lost my most precious thing during exam, COPRRECTION TAPE AND DICTIONARY. I din know how to write a lot of words. I didn't know what i was thinking la. My letter was totally out of question! Lots of scribbles and mistakes! Stomach damn pain also la. OMG! Handing up, tcher caught one mini mistake, she wna me write the format 20 times. what de... I was near to crying. I was like... bu gan yuan. I went up to tcher and took my paper and look through. I was sure i din make a mistake. Yea, found it, i din write the sender's SURNAME. Tcher gave us discount, 10. Then she gave me another discount, 5. Plus, Julien helped me copy once for the format. XieXie ah yi(: Yea, xin qing bian hao le. Yea, HOPE I PASS
Recess, me and MeiChi xiang yi wei ming. Was studying for history. CCJ came. I shouted at him. SORRY. Not on purpose.
SEL, we played game. Making a tower using cards. It was a REHERSAL.
History, the test was damn hard for me. Stupid.. but HOPE I PASS!
English, was doing the editing exercise. Mrs Saha left, was listening music with YIling.
DiSMISSED, waited for Mr Rajan. We're going Chinatown heritage tour(:
The tour was damn nice, except for some parts. We're being scared by those fake people, the opera. Me, MeiChi and YIling, we thought it was..... OMG! Another place, the funeral one. GOSH! Sooo scary! The staircase is DANGAROUS. lols. We saw SHIT. eeeeee End of tour, we shopshop around the museum. Saw many funny funny things. hahas.
TOok bus back. Dman tired! Din go have sushi with Lingling. SORRY! DUIBUQI, wo jin tian shuang yue.

I online for dunno how many kuku mins

n I was kuku-ly waiting for you to kuku say hi to me ley.

what kind of english is that? LOLS.

5:21 PM

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Morning, went school damn early.
Yiling went for counsiller duty, i went to tour around myself. Toilet first then classroom. Saw Kelly they all. i wna continue my story, but i forgot liao. haha. I didn't know Kelly's friend WeiTing surname also Koh sia. hahas! SHe told me something. i was laughing like mad! OMG. She dun wna drink MINERAL water, she wna drink someone's WATER? OMG! ahhaha!
Home Econs, mrs chen told us something. The way she say like wna cry liao loh. OMG
Literature, damn boring. Took out paper and DRAW. lols.
Art, drew some funny funny stuff. Drew teckwondo scene also. hahas.
Performance! OMG, i was nervous also, but not so la. I was more nervous on Monday. Joked with Kelly. He there leh, holding flowers and big banner writing: Kelly jia you wors. haha! OMG. Told Kelly to say hi to him, she really did loh. haha! Karyi also saw him leh! Got TWO somemore. :D Mr Nizam was sick! TCTC
Performing, i made a mistake in the key. But overall was good! hahas. At least better then Monday. Mr Nizam asked us to get back to the stage again when we ran in. But we din! hahas. Carried the keyboard and the stand up to 4th floorCarry halfway my hand wet then very slippery then nearly drop la. OMG. Yiling help me take the stand, side by side. Took bag. Kelly dun cry la. JIAYOU for N level. karyi also! :D
Went noticeboard then follow Kelly and Karyi to canteen. My PA was sitting next to Kelly. Even Kelly de friend Xuan Yin or something also know who is he la. OMG. He kept scolding my PA. hahas. Toilet, change. My PA followed along. hahas Kelly asked him to wait at the dustbin there. He so short?! haha! Went down le, my PA still upstairs, Kelly shouted: JINQI SIA LAI. haha! OMG! Im mad! THen i called out: PA, SIA LAI. haha! Sat at the canteen, My PA was sitting the opposite chair of Kelly. She was drinking kikapo, my PA also wna drink. Kelly open the cap then let my PA drink. OMG! I was laughing like mad! Huilin cant sit there, my PA was sitting. So i asked my PA to sit at the other side then Huilin can sit. hahaha! OMG! hahas.
Okok, falled in. Kelly and Karyi saw my teckwondo picture. hahas. Karyi, PAISEH! I din know how to draw you hair! :P Paiseh paiseh. haha
Went halfway, to classroom for rehersal. I was like.. OMG! We were laughing and CUT! NG. I was suppose to be angry in the skit. YOU SEE LA, SHE IS HAVING A FEVER NOW LEH. ITS ALL YOUR FAULT SHE FAINTED. OMG! Tat part, i was shouting. Another nice one: SHUT UP! hahas. Some of them got sooo irritated for waiting for almost two hours and their role was still not rehersed? lol.
Went halfway. My knee hurts! Guides, voting time. Then, dismissed. Went buy fries with EngTeng, my niece :D haha.
Went home and....
My laptop came! ahhh! I was almost shouting when it came. Touch screen laptop :D But i was forbitted to use it, cos... I might spoil it? lols. 2 test tml. Chinese and History. WISH ME LUCK! HOPE I PASS!

Girl A is the one who created the script. So, she should be the one discussing with you.But why, WHY din you spared a thought for her? We won the vote, mind that. Girl A should be the one discussing the skit tgt with you, not girl B. We closed one eye and forgetabout it. Now, girl A should have a role inside the skit. We 'appreciate' that you give her a role, that HAS NO LINES. wth, spare a thought for her can? SHE IS THE ONE WHO CREATED WITH SKIT AND WE WON THE VOTING.

6:11 PM

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

D&T first period. Din do any practical. Did all theory. Got back my test paper, SUCKS mann! 22/30. WTH! JUST BECAUSE OF 4 CARELESS MISTAKES! ARRGH!
Maths, got back my test paper. Hmm. Passed, same marks as SiYing! Yiling got full marks. CONGRATS! 11/15.
Recess, sat alone with MeiCHi. She drew her graph, i eat my food. hahas. A LOT OF PRANK CALLS. One number, i din know. Asked Kelly. CCJ, HSD. all prank call me. I answered HSD's call. Increasing of 20 cents! (i think). hahhaha!
PC, discussed about our private meeting. We had massage time! hahas. Julien's massage was comforting :D But not the last part, can break bones. hahas. We all learn from her how to break bones. wahahas.
English, i was soooo bored la. I began drawing. hahas. Damn boring.
Science, we had competition. Girls VS boys. Answer a qsn and get a mark. hahas! In the end, we girls WON! woohooo! Girls privileges :D I created my own bed. :D
DISMISSED, ate curry noodles, cup de. Ate myself, yiling and melissa were talking with their counsiller seniors.
To the classroom, we were wasting time! We brgin to reherse in our skit. Background girl me, i kept laughing la. And then, CUT! NG. OMG.
Yea, i was only best in the scene: IF SHE DIES, YOU DIE. yea. hahas. 4.30, went for our keyboard lesson. Melissa and Debbie went up first. Melissa was not there when we went. Went to find them. Saw Kelly and Karyi and CCJ. Called MElissa. I was telling Kelly, THEY'RE AT THE GATE! hahas. Went canteen. Buy MILK. Just felt like drinking milk.
Kayboard lesson, got our certificates. Today last lesson. So sad. No more keyboard sia. Tml we had to perform AGAIN! OMG. Malu mann! Learn new song. For a while only, we're dismissed. Walk with Kelly and Karyi.
Yea, from there, i begin my story. :D Title: KELLY'S NOVEL STORY. Total got ten over parts sia. hahas. I was like, mad loh. Keep creating story. Sat at the floor and told my story. 2nd part of the story, is the story in the hospital. At the part when i said they help kelly pack bag, Lots of stuf appeared in Karyi and Kelly head. hahas. Okok, edit. haha. OMG. I was laughing! YEa, lots of Kelly 'K' de scenes :D haha! SOme parts shocked Kelly sia. hahas. I told the story in chinese cos its chinese novels :D Nice story. HSD came halfway and listened a bit. He went, we continued. Till part 6, was late already. Went home. Tml then continue. hahas.

8:08 PM

Monday, August 20, 2007

Yiling and Melissa went counsiller duty, so left me and MeiChi
Morning exercise, Chloe's partner is MARY! hahas. Mood was sad, he went to sit at one corner. hahas. Rose went to accompany him. hahas. Our invisible friends :D
PE, we played captains ball. I was suppose to stand on the bench and catch the ball. Two times, i caught. Third time and forth time i failed. Fifth time, i caught again! But it hit my specs and face la. My specs went hay wire loh. OMG. Then let Melissa be. MeiChi was trying to block the ball. The ball hit me la! SEOND TIME! so swey sia. hahas. Now my face got two bun. hahas.
Maths, had journal writing. HOPE I PASS!
Recess, only me and MeiChi left. XIANG YI WEI MING.
Science, Mr Lim not here and out comes a Mr Chua.
Went through science and then SEL. I was faling asleep during our group discussion. YIling and Melissa kept singing. hahas.
MT. letter writing, i forgot the format! WTH. Lucky the test is postponed mann! Last period, we went off for keyboard performance.
Keyboard, i was damn freaking nervous la! OMG. My hands were damn cold. I was sweating! Practising, AMIN kept disturbing us la. He pluck out the switch when i waspractising la. Then he went to disturb Kelly they all. I was like... WTH! I scolded him, then i was like.. OHOH. lols. Everyone started coming to the hall. I held Karyi hands soooo tight! My stage fright comes back again! OMG. Then, i held Kelly's hand sooo tight also la. Singing School song, Anim was playing. All of us LMAO. He got scolded by Mr Rahmat. hahas! Serve you! i stepped on Kelly and Karyi's friend! SORRY! PAISEH.
It was time for us to go up. OMG! The whole thing was a disaster! I din play at all loh. I was like, stucked. OMG!
Rush for our Common test. Was okay overall. HOPE I PASS! god bless mann.
Then, rush to eat. HUNGRY! Me ans Melissa started eating though our noodles were still uncooked.
Up to IT lesson. Me and Melissa were siaos again. hahas. OMG la. Melissa kept laughing loh. I sang, wo yuan bian cheng, ni chuan de, na jian hong se de AHEM AHEM. Melissa laugh, the cher stared at me. LMAO! The whole scene was, STUPID! hahas.
5.30, dismissed. YIling told us a story. I wna cry liao. hahas. ENgTeng called lingling mummy, so shesmy niece! hahas!
7/11, bought drink. A nice cold drink :D
THen, bus home with XinYuan.

Time to let go, time to forget.
SMILE! nothing is impossible if you smile :D

6:42 PM

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Lolol, i haven do my homework yet. ARRGH!
this week so many. Science, English, Chinese.
Somemore tml got common test. CRASH WITH KEYBOARD PERFORMING sia. hahas.
Now raining, feel like sleeping sia! hahas.
I wna this few songs!
By sweety:
-Hi sweety
-ai qing jiu xiang yi zhang zhi
-ai she ze me yi hui shi
yea, im beginning to fall in love with their songs again!
AHHH! hahas.
Who got? can send me?
I will love them for ever! (as a friend) :D

4:34 PM

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Raining in the morning.
So nice to sleep!
Slept till 12 plus then eat then went to sleep again then wake up at 1 plus.
Okay la. This few days, felt sooo terrible! It isn't those days that i wanted. It isn't those days that im myself.

Just felt sooo stupid, so idiotic.
ARRGH! wth.
Last night, really SIAO liao. hahas
Told KarYi stuff, Told Kelly stuff.
I erased it from my mind,
I was making a din! hahas.
Felt sooo great yesterday :D

Its all in the past.

3:03 PM

Friday, August 17, 2007

Morning, was sitting on the bench with Yiling and FengLing. The way i sit was like @#$%^&*( then Miss mastura caught me. -.- lols. Yiling got to know something. She broke down. hais. Raining, went to the classroom. WE HAD TO PERFORM KEYBOARD ON MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY! ARRGH! I haven prepare loh
Thr, in class. Julien broke down. OMG. Quickly give her a tissue.
Science, Julien broke down again. aiyoyo. Gao FengFeng came and each of us walked away. To the toilet. Science, was cutting eraser again. hahas. Caught Julien cutting her hand. I took her scissors immediately. AIYOYO.
Recess, had mee rebus.
PW, Yiling broke down. Melissa also. AIYOYO! OMG la. today so many ppl cry. hais. all dun cry la. Did some discussion.
English, did compo, letter writing. Forgot how to write formal liao la. OMG. SLept for a while.
DISMISSED, waited for melissa and yiling to end their counsiller meeting. I tot they will end at 4 plus sia. Sms-ing Kelly while waiting. Kelly, LOOK BEHIND! THeir BEHIND! hahas. Stupid CCJ prank call me so many times la. OMG. Angel xiao yi was always there to acc me =D .Then they come le, we make your way to Junie's place. Put bag, we changed together in the toilet mind you. hahas. We were laughing like mad! Down to HQ. Crapping. We waiting sooooo long for 59 la. After HQ collecting the tickets, went buy food. DAMN HUNGRY! Ate in bus. Changed bus. 31 to broadrick, i was occupying one seat. I put my legs up. hahas. Junie helped us seek fortune. lolol. hahas. We're late! Meet the rest. Raining. Chealene showed us the water baby. SO nice can? Mine burst! arrgh!
Searching for the place, we went into the CC la. hahahas. Finally, we found them!
Marching, was like... so different la. So complicated somemore. Was shocked mann! OMG. okok.
After Marching, went Junie house. Dinner there. Bought crackers. Sat at the mattress in the living room and watched TV. Yiling was lieing down. I din know and i lean backwards la. Everyone was lma0-ing. PAISEH! After the show, went to Junie's room and she let us see some GG stuff. Dinner, nasi lemak. So spicy! Junie's mother kept asking us eat this eat that. hahas. Bloated liao loh. hahas. Everyone has finish eating buy I was still halfway through? arrgh! So paiseh loh. I keep asking YIling and Melissa wait for me. 8 plus, called my dad. 9 plus, went home.

If you really like a person, you wouldn't had given him/her up so easily.

9:43 PM

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Things ain't going smoothly for me today. Plus,
I find myself getting pissed off very easy lately.

Morning, Yiling was guiding me on my Maths cos i dunno how to do. Then in front of us, two boys were bickering la. I like so scared loh.
Geography, had test. HOPE I PASS! Mrs Lee told us our previous test marks. I passed! I actually passed! MIRACLE! happyyy =D
MT, sms-ing Yiling and Melissa during class. CCJ prank call me when i was doing xi zi. I tot who call me sia. Was laughing with Ashley. I keep pronouce those words wrongly la.
Recess, prawn noodle.
SEL when Mr Lim haven come, we had bickering session. Mervin shouted at me. wth. Melissa got so flared up. End up, we still win what. hahas. okok. MISUNDERSTANDING.
History, nearly slept la. SO boring the lesson.
English, we played cerades. Me and Melissa went up to let them guess. POLICE AND THIEF. I just draw one policeman there then Angel say the answer already. PRO sia. I was doing something horrible with my shoes. hahahhas. Then, Mrs Saha went off for Oral. We played bling mice. THE WHOLE CLASS. lols.
After school, waiting for taxi. Melissa saw something inside XueTing's phone. Then Melissa say out then she laugh. All was laughing but WHY. I wna know WHY. Why did XueTing scold me and MeiChi and not the rest? forget it. Hard time to hail a taxi. Plaza Singapura, XueTing they all walked so fast can? Me and MeiChi could not catch up la. Plus, i was pissed. I dun give a damn. I told MeiChi to continue walking slowly. Bought the ticket, didn;t know what on earth was happening. They wna go buy fries and they just went off like that? If i wouldn't have asked them where they were going, i dought they will tell us. In was sooo pissed. I was nearly crying. Me and MeiCHi went into the theatre first. Another time that pissed me off. MeiCHi was always with me throughout. Me and MeiCHi were enjoying ourself with the show throughout. The rest sat somewhere else. The show damn nice can? But so sad la. Everyone was crying. MeiCHi burped halfway through. hahas. The xiao yu die D': The father so cute la. hahas. Jay went to play the piano when the building was about to be demolished. Jay died leaving the father alone. Sadsad. I was blaming that Jay dunno how to write script, write until so sad la. OMG. ARRGH!
Met my brother. Everyone said my bro looks like... pai kia? hahahs. I was screaming at him cos he dun wna pick up my call ><>

Wo ai ni; Ni ai wo ma?

7:12 PM

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Last night, all my documents on Home Econ all GONE. I cry sia. So late liao then finally finish then GONE. lolol. Lucky my brother willing to help me then i go sleep. lolol.

TOday Home Econs, very LUCKY. Phew!
Literature, got test sia. Then Mable Soh nvr tell us. What de la. But okay la the test. Hmm. Hope i Pass!
Recess, ate Nasi Lemak.
Art. Melissa went toilet through and fro. First time, went to check. Second was Yiling. Did the 'touch up' of our flowers Then, i SLEPT. Hug the bear Gao FengFeng actually wanted to give Yiling. Hug it and really fall asleep loh. So nice to sleep. I was waken up a few times from Yiling, Chloe and MeiCHi's voice, saying: BIBINA! lolols.
Maths, got back my test. One more pathetic mark to A! ARRGH! One pathetic careles mistake also. Cos of my stupid calculator! If not i can get 20/24 le. ARRGH! WHAT DE! Then got the next test. HOPE I PASS TOO!
Music, was lying on MeiChi lap then Melissa ly on Yiling's. hahahas. We were siaos. hahahas.
Assembly, the boy singing Would YOu be There was HILARIOUS. lolol. After assembly, That Ten Teck Hock go call sec 1 stay back. Then say those he call de Name nve go IT lesson de he will SETTLE with them. Then he call me and Melissa name la! Everyone was like, helping me say: she got go lor! But that Tan Teck hock still ask me go. WTF. I got go lor. Then i was like, laughing but i wna cry liao la. OMG. I so scared kana detention or suspention la. Then even Yiling and MeiChi went to tcher and help us tell him HE STILL DUN BELIEVE. WTF. Then after all the calling names la, he say: those who insisted that they got go on Monday, come see me now. He haven say finish ar, i stand up and walk to him liao. Then somemore he say: Okay. this time i TRUST you. WTF. TRUST? Its true la. I blow mann! Stupid TanTeckHock. Went down. I was scolding with Melissa. I cried lor, not no tears fall out, just inside. Went for Oral. Then, went Yiling's hse for project work. Today, her hse damn crowded. hahas. Went to have sushi after discussing. CHEAP la. hahas. Then the boss there damn funny. hahaha. Went to the swing to play. Then went back Yiling hse. The brother damn cute la! hahaha. Played 'SQUAT' with the brother's toy robot or what tinggy. Then went home. Happy moments in Yiling hse today =D

For me, today's a random blog. lols.

8:13 PM

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Today, Mr Salahudeen not here. woohooo! Had test in class. Okay la, quite easy. Aiming for full marks! Wish me luck! THen, we had free time. KeQin they all and Me, Melissa, Yiling they all were bickering about some confidential stuff. We took challenge from him, we started discussing.
Maths, tml test sia! I still dunno what is general term! ARRGH! Wish i pass tml or else im DOOM!
Recess, we discussed again. Was eating MEE REBUS AGAIN! wahahahas. HOT. SPICY. Yiling say my face whole thing red. hahas. Damn spicy loh, but SHIOK. hahas. YenZhi and Yiling went toilet. Me and Melissa went to find them. Saw Kelly and Karyi they all. Kelly poked me! I attack back. Wished Karyi, Kelly and Calista luck for their outcoming test then went off.
PC, we had voting. and.... OUR TEAM WON! KeQin named our team bumble bee. lols. Melissa and Yiling were future counsillers. CONGRATS! woohoooo! hahas. Melissa was puzzled cos she din go for the interview. LOLS. Nvm la, maybe tcher thinks shes suitable bahh. CONGRATS! hahas. EWnglish, go through Homework. I was playing with the eraser, cutting it into pieces. Me and Julien. hahahas.Then, we aim at the window and throw it. hahas. I cut myself! At first was not poain la, but after that DAMN PAIN. hahas. Julien so act up. hahahas!She wna tell MrLim. hahas! Science, watched video and learn new topic.
DISMISSED, went canteen. Tried the Malay stall de Hor Fun and fries. The fries was totally no taste. Then we ask the aunty add salt. Then we try. DAMN SALTY. SALTY until like what la. Then we saw Kelly, we go over and ask her try. She try le her face change. hahaha! The hor fun also damn salty la. Tonight, my kidney will fail mann! CHOY! TOUCH WOOD! PUI! lols. So damn salty la. Drink lots of water, still can feel the saltyness. Went notice board sit. Listen music and see Kelly and karyi they all play game. CCJ came. He took photo of Melissa? haha! Went to sleep. 3 plus, went for keyboard. new tcher, miss faye or what. Learnt. Hungry, went canteen eat. Then, went up. Today tcher a bit like.. not happy cos he bring new tcher then no one came.Lols. We had combined singing cum playing keyboard. The new tcher is like, standing in forn of me la. I so damn scared loh. I kept playing wrong. Went to the back, with ZiHui. Melissa also kept playing wrong, she went behind also. haha. Then Yiling too. Went toilet. Melissa told me the story of secret. Hmm. We heard extra footsteps. We like, got scared la. Cos of some reasons. hahas. Went back. Talking about people only, CCJ and that guy de xuan something de. Go hide at the pillar then scare us la. I scolded CCj cos of something he did earlier. EEE! THey followed us to the classroom. Then they went behind Kelly and Karyi. The tcher damn funny la. He say: Erm, please ask your boyfriend sit at one corner first or what la. hahas. I laugh mann! Played. melissa did something funny! hahas!
DISMISSED, follow kelly home. Lols.Walking, told CCJ, eh, Kelly boyfriend leh. Then CCJ pretend to hold Kelly's shoulder. LMAO! At the stairs, the tcher ask CCJ and the xuan something: Do take care of your girls(excluding me wor).hahas. Laugh like mad. Went to take Kelly and Karyi de bag. THen they dun wna return Karyi de file. Got one way, tell CCJ, BU YAO BI WO HOR. hahas. Kelly din know CCJ tell le. woohoo. hahas. LoL. Then Kelly say she write....... WORR. OMG. hahas. Also know what happen the time at KFC. hahas. Kelly kept saying: you wouldn't want to do that. hahas! My lines. Once you say the f***, reply will me: you wouldnt want to do that. hahas! KELLY de banana, Kelly de is DURIAN, got TORNS de. hahaas. CCJ NOTHING. DUN SHOW OFF. I was laughing like siaos. Introducing my ah gong and ah ma: CCJ and that xuan something. haha, They call Kelly jie, Kelly call CCJ papa. hahas. Next to 7/11, at the gate there. They took kelly de phone. They wna go dinner then ask Kelly go. Kelly scream a lot of times la! Cos of tickle. hahas. HSD and dunno who tickle me too! stupid. Met a lot of tcher. Then Mr Zainal come. Then all go. Went 7/11 buy drink. Damn thirsty! Bought slurpee. Before that, Kelly they all playing the game call ji gou ba. Then i down there look. Went 24 hr food court. Kelly phone with HSD. Then i needa finish my drink then can board the bus. Wait wait wait. Kelly and Karyi needa go home study but they still dun wna give back the phone. Then got one cate la. So near us loh. I screamed. Lols. HSD lure the cat to us la. Karyi and i escape. I knocked onto one aunty sia/. SORRY SORRY. HSD slapped me. idiot. At last, those ppl finish their food le(my slurpee still got half). Threw it away and went to the opp side then went home.

Why bitter and sour memories always flash on ones mind? Then where are the good ones? They all vanished? Lols.

8:21 PM

Monday, August 13, 2007


Morning, FengLing kana chased by some ppl. hahas. Morning exercise, he had to squat down and up again. Then, we had to shout the number and let the whole school hears. Lols. PE, had 2.4 rerun. I PASSED! woohoo! I chiong all the way loh, but then JUST PASSED. wat de..HAd shuttle run also. JUST PASS also.
Maths, had test. HOPE I PASS! Did the graph.
Dismissed, went KFC to eat. FengFeng treat worr..THANK YOU! Bought Shrooms burger. Saw Kelly they all there studying. YIling headache, she dun wna eat but FengFeng bought her cheese fries and one LARGE drink. lols. That moment, me and Melissa were SIAOs. After eating, YIling's cheese fries was not here yet. So, me and melissa went to check. Yea, Melissa BURPED at the KFC aunty. OMG. I laugh like siaos la. hahaha. Next, me and Melissa went to the board that says student meals blablabla. We were critisising the the tinggy la. Then the uncle stare at us we like... diam diam. hahas. Next, to the mini playground. At first, we were like, go there le dun dare go in. Then after MUCH tries, we like, okay, go liao take out shoes and just sit there. Me, Melissa and YIling. Haven go in liao the KFC uncle chase us away. wat de!!! Then, we wna go disturb Kelly and Karyi de, but they studying we dun dare go. hahas. We were like, siaos. CJ and HSD said something. WHAT THE.. hahas. Melissa suspect CJ taking photos. I went to spy. wahahas. Went behind and see. 3 plus le, we make our way back school. Had IT lesson. Someone make me PISSED!
Walau, how can like that de. Its Yiling's computer at the beginning loh. Yiling is willing to share the com with you its already very good liao loh. No one wants to share with you at first. You're LUCKY. But just because we last week nvr go only then you use her com, log into your account and so this week you needa do the same thing?
Just her luck, the com SPOILED! lols. They gotta use different com and Yiling got a com all by herself! (: Me and Melissa, we gotta hand in all our work next week but Melissa's was halfway done cos some of her stuff is in my acc then some in hers. How leh? HOWHOWHOW? Me and Melissa were siaos again. hahahas. My TOES HURTS! AWWW!
DISMISSED, Me and EngTeng went buy fries. USUAL. THen, went home with XinYuan. hahas. SAME, sat at the busstop and CHAT. lols.

6:49 PM

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Today, went cycling :D
Met Yiling at 10. We went Bishan Girl guides HQ first to buy Yiing's scarf.
Then, went Eunos by MRT, shopshop. Then, went Tao Nan School the bustop to wait for Junie. Ate our Old Chang Kees while waiting. hahas. Next, headed to ECP for cycling! Nonono, first, we meet the HuiFen. Then we headed for cycling. hahas. At first, i was like... duno how to ride the bike like that. hahas. Keep wriggling. hahas. Cycle halfway, WHOOOOOSH! Rain. hahas. Quickly find shelther. Then rain stop le, we continue. Halfway, HEAVY DOWNPOUR mann! hahas. Took a U-turn to the nearest shelther. Waiting for rain to stop, we chatted. Junie pointed to the brake and ask me: What is this? then i reply her: what is this? LMAO. Din really catch what Junie and HuiFen saying. hahas. Me and Yiling was like.. HUH? lolol. Then, only drizzling, we cycle again. Then rain, we dun care, just cycle. hahas. Cycle very long. After that, U-turn back again. This time i CHIONG. hahas. I nearly fell la. HENG ar. lols. Ride pass those puddles of water was like... SO FUN! hahas. Stop halway for a break. Bought mineral water. Sat there talk talk then drink. hahas. Very tired liao. Then, me and Yiling chiong again. hahas. Then got one time up to the slope got thos very slow couple riding the bike la. Then i ring ring they dun wna move then got a lot of people then i dun dare cut. Then got one bike suddenly come to me. Then i Brake and he brake. haha. Then just nice HuiFen behind me only, she also brake. Then end up her brake SPOIL! SORRY! Me and Yiling chiong back to the rental shop. We really chiong all the way lor. hahas. FINALLY, reach le. My leg damn pain la. Then return bike le, we went to the under pass. When we climb the stairs, its like... JIAO RUAN la. We needed the railing to support us. Our legs were wobbly. lols. To the busstop, i drop onto the sit. hahas. Very Very tired. Went PP. Macs to rest. Ate Mc Flurry. Was sooooo TIRED la. We actualy wanted to go shop shop de, but in the end me and Yiling went home. Went the value shop buy my mother things. Waited for bus. Saw people selling addidas clothes, FAKE de. I keep staring la. hahahas. By then, i already in a GONG state liao. My mouth went big, then i was dreaming. hahas. Very TIRED. My today's attire: whole thing PINK(got reason de) then they over there laughing at me. OMG. hahas. Went Eunos with Yiling then to thr MRT home.

Now: butt pain;leg pain DEAD BEAT/

8:18 PM

Friday, August 10, 2007

Its just 3 words, isn't it?

why do people always make it so complicated?

10:25 PM

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Early in the morning, reached school at 6.20 plus. Some ppl were already in school. Followed Yiling to the toilet to tie her hair. TWO. lols. 6 30 plus, fall in.
Checked uniform and off for the parade. Stood at the parade, STILL. After the national anthem, pledge, song, recollection, ND message and Mr jafaar's TALKING, they gave the dismiss command. Its for paris and i tot for scolar. OMG. i din turn! GOSH. Went to the notice board, took photo. Then, Teeli came and some of us hurried off to meet her for SOME STUFF. hahas. Sang BDAY song for KELLY! hahas. Accompanied Junie and Yiling to the toilet. Junie wna take out photo. We ran off but too bad. hahas. Took: Yiling, Melissa, Junie and me. Then, me and YIling were doing out own thing. Saw the camera and turn away but Yiling din know and SNAP. hahas. Ran into a cubicle to hide. Junie went to change. Then, Junie went off. Followed Yiling off to collect the forms. Then, Me and Karyi went field to look for Kelly. Then, Yiling came to find us. Went with Yiling while Karyi stayed to watch. Passed Kelly's present to Karyi and off to the hall. Concert, was fun(: Saw the performance by GirlGuides and Redcross. RAWKS MANN! hahas. Ended with national day songs. FUN! hahas. DISMISSED, followed XinYuan to 7/11. Waited for Ashley's bus but its so long la. OMG. We went off. Hawker to buy drinks and HOME.
Helped my father paint half of the wall in the living room.
Just my luck, head began to spin after the painting. Then, head damn pain. Vomited twice. WTF. I cried. lols. My mother forbid me to go out with Kelly): SoSad. Told kelly and went of to sleep. Midnight 12, woke up. Miss call from CCJ and two sms from XinYuan and CCJ. Sms-ed for a while and fall asleep again. My bro off the com without me knowing. ><
6 plus, woke up. Was FREEZING. Gonna rain soon. Sms from CCJ, sms him all the way till 8 plus. TERRIBLY HUNGRY. But my tummy was SPINNING. Ate some. 11 plus 12, fall asleep again. Another sms from CCJ. He was eating pasta and in here eating TASTELESS food? WTH! Ate half of my food and Im BLOATED. Cannot finish. Help my father paint the next wall, and chatted with some peeps on MSN. Going out tonight with my family. Gonna miss the NDP show. wtf?!


Came to realised i missed 3 hangouts in just two days. WTH. Yiling, Melissa, MeiChi and YenZhi went out today. They asked me ytd on msn when i was sleeping. ARRGH! Moreover, they went vivo! Played with water! arrgh! Slept at 5plus in the evening. 6 plus, woke up and went out to eat with my family. Cos of my mother, we cant watch the fireworks! Wat de...

3:01 PM

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Went school early today. Needa borrow Yiling' maths file for corrections. Then, went to walk walk. hahas. I FORCED them. wahahas. Okay la. Morning walk, healthy body mahh. hahas. Stomache today. Its actually MUSCLE ACHE. Cant laugh, or else very pain. hahas.
D&T, test postponed! WoOHoO! Did the wood today. SAW and SAW. My hands were tired la. Gabriel finished cutting the 3 parts and im still at the first one? walao.. So pro. lols.
Maths, funny lesson for today. hahas. And again, TEST POSTPONED! woohoo! wahahas. HAPPY(:
Recess, had LAKSA.
PC, no tcher around. Me, YIling and Melissa started playing. hahas. Me and YIling started giving Melissa commands and she march. Of course, we gave her her favourite command. :D We were having fun la. OMG.
English, did corrections. I din know my ENGLISH SUCK till today. hais. ALmost fell asleep till Melissa came to talk to me. hahas.
Science, did the noticeboard. Last minute work actually(: Anyhow do. Scribble all our greetings. hahas. Im in the NATIONAL DAY MOOD! Kept singing National day songs. wahahas. Nice what. ESP: WHERE I BELONG. yea(: We made TATOOS. Made on the nocice board, Melissa's hand and FengFeng's hand. coool.
DISMISSED, wanted to go MAC, but end up din go. Ate MEE REBUS(: nice! Chat chat for a while. Went back. The smell of dunno what chemical sucks la. so SMELLY! Went wash hand with YIling in the canteen. Went walkwalk and chat chat. Went back notice board. Went toilet. Yiling, dun cry la. Still got me. hahas. Wna give her a lollipop. Stayed in the toilet for a while, went notice board, jalan jalan and back to the toilet. Melissa and Yen Zhi found us and sat with in the toilet. Comforting Yiling and joking. wahahas. YenZhi, dun be foolish? dun cut yourself gurl! Went back noticeboard, slp, listen music. Went up for keyboard. Up halfway, met Teeli. Asked her about SOMETHING. We think and think and think. End up, we got this decision. wahahas. Teeli saw Me and Melissa sharing a lollipop, she was like... eeyer. hahas. Yiling was waiting. PS. AH MA! wahahas. Went up. Kelly came. Went toilet, no. Canteen first. Bought TISSUE? lol. hahas. Waited for Kelly in the toilet then went up. Birthday song again. But this time, HARDER. I kept playing the wrong one la when tcher say play together la. OMG. Sang Bday song for Kelly! wahahas. How tcher know? Cos of the 3 of us. wahahas. (:
DISMISSED, went home with kelly and karyi. HSD and CCJ came along. CCJ de one song damn funny la. I want! So damn funny! OMG. HSD kepot making Kelly scream. hahas. All kana bullied. Helped Kelly take book till she forgot. hahas. Kelly, say thank you? wahahas. She said sorry instead. lol. 7/11 for NERDS. hahas. HSD stepped on my shoe! BLACK liao. TML HOW? lol.
Crossed over and HOME.

7:13 PM

Monday, August 06, 2007

PE, did five stations. i FAIL one. pushups. -.- LEFT 3. just 3 and i can pass le. hais. Next week, 2.4 rerun. Hope i pass loh.
Maths, did corrections. LOADS and LOADS of them i DUN UNDERSTAND! wth. Miss Han came and teach me. i still blur. lols.
Science, MrLim punished us for wearing ankle socks. Too bad, we had to take out our shoe and barefoot the whole 2 period. lols. Did a free experiment. Using trash bag, plastic bag, newspaper, straw, string and scotch tape, do something with the egg so that is wun break when throw on frm 4 floor. My grp, wewrap the egg using all materials. Throwing time, Angel's grp was the most hilarious. hahas. Our group egg break! So experiment, FAIL. lols. Ke Qin threw the egg on the floor, feng feng step on the egg and it BURST. the egg white and yolk all splatter on the gound plus, me and chloe TIO! Im only wearing SOCKS somemore. WTH. i scolded Fengfeng and ignored him the WHOLE day. lols.
SEL, we discussed bout our awards given out during camp. MOST KAN JIONG award, most YAN DAO award, Most innocent award and many many more. hahas.
MT, got back my test. 62 only! ARRGH! Yiling 78! goddd! so high! Did corrections and so on.
DISMISSED, had home econs test. I learnt chpt 10 instead of chpt 9! Somemore din bring my TB. wat the.. No choice, anyhow do. HOPE I PASS! Had guides, parade. Went canteen with Karyi. Yiling came along. We both listen to her talk. hahas. First time was like.. wat the hell la. The commanders were under the shade, having fun, playing la and we have to stand under the sun waiting for them. Legs were numb and wobbly. Second time and third time, finally DISMISSED! WeiWen gave us briefing and so on. Went buy fries with EngTeng damn hungry! Lunch din eat. lol. Margeret used my 10 cents to see which place they going eat. haha. Yea, 10 CENTS. lols. hahas.

6:54 PM

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Today, help my father paint the remaining ceiling.
And its done! First time use the roller. Hand damn tired!
Watched youtube today. DE DOU TIAN WANG! :D
It simple rawk! haha.

7:30 PM

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Helped my father paint a bit of the living room. I begged him for so long then he allow me paint A BIT. lols. With this time when his busy, i asked him bout wednesday. lols.
Last night, i has having FUN :D Kelly dun wna talk to us): hahas. Argue with HSD till 11 plus and

I want fun, not disaster.
I need fun, to forget that horrible day.

3:36 PM

Friday, August 03, 2007

Morning, followed Melissa up to the staff room to put the chocolates into the fringe.
Science, discussed bout the 2 day 1 night class camp. Im suppose to write everything down. Was pissed off halfway. MeiChi knew i was moody.(: FengFeng came to disturb me. MeiChi help me chase him away. hahas, thank you! Everyone were blocking me when i was writing. Ask them to move aside, they block again. Until ZhangJun follow me on copying the stuff, then no blocking was done. Asked them question, no answer was given. If there is, it was answered halfway.I had to ask many times before i got the full detail? Ok, lets not talk about it anymore.
Recess, MeiChi followed me. She was trying to cheer me up. hahas, that joke was really... COLD? lols.(: Thanks anyway. Went to look at thos kindergarten little cure kids. So cute la! OMG.. hahas.
PW, wna fall asleep until that tcher comes -.- Spoil my sleep. hahas. He dun allow us to sit on the floor. ><>
Welcome our new invisble friend: MOOD :D Hes officially our 1EA invisable classmate(:
Yiling was cute and funny on stage! hahas. Ke Qin forgot the script line? lols. NICE show. Me and MEiChi kept laughing! hahahahas.
DISMISSED, went to buy the food. Went back change. Fall in and did a little bit of training. Went classroom for our farewell party. Yiling is the national day IC leh! hahas. CONGRATS mann! Melissa cried. Cos of me and Yiling again mahh? sorry.. Yiling told me smth. SCARY la. OMG. Went for the national day rehersal. 2nd time, Rachele fainted. We hold on her tight, but her head was landed on the floor and we quickly hold her up. First time seeing such thing, quite scary leh. Face was soooo pale! Teeli and stephanie leaving soon. I dun wna them leave. I kept saying AH MA, AH MA. So sad. GOnna cry soon. hahas. Rong Ming came. hahas. Went toilet make hair. MESSY. Went out, saw Rachele going in. Me and KElly went in again to acc her. Karyi came too! hahas. Kelly is Rachele's guard? hahas. We ran out halfway but went in again. Went back classroom. Chit chatted with Karyi. Karyi, next year MUST come back hor. hahas. JIA YOU!(: Junie kept asking me eat. hahahas. Yea, i ATE the agar agar. hahahas. Next, the canteen. Kelly's friend disturb her and her MAN voice. Went back, went out again. hahas. Give the leftover food to the NPCC. hahas. Went back sit. Kelly left halfway. Writing greeting and wishes for Kelly and Karyi. hahas. Had photo charing. Last time they so cute. hahas. EngJoo lie on Yiling's leg, Yiling lie on Melissa's, Melissa lie on me and i lie on EngTeng. hahahas.(:Photo charing end liao, pack up and went off. Sat at the dunno where. A group of us. Kelly was asking me things about the wishing bottle. hahas(:Did some training. Then, Mr Jafaar came. We went off, to somewhere nearby. Kelly and Karyi acc us. YEAHS!!(: Training together. I still dunno the kiri thing! Kept turning wrong. lols. Individual, Yiling was the best(: Junie gave the 3 of us DIAM. They took photo of us! AHHH! Kelly post on anywhere, i put your photo on friendster PUBLIC. hahahas. (: Junie gave us chocolates. hahas. THANK YOU! Ferero Rocher for us, kit kat for Kelly and Karyi. hahahas.(: Walk to the busstop. Saw CCJ again. Kelly and Karyi hit him. hahahas. Kelly said: he bully you tell me. haha, BU YAO BI WO HOR.. :D He gave me sweet. TY. 33 came.

Kong huan xi yi chang, my laptop only arrive at 15/8 ))): Then Sunday painting the living room then i no need use the com?!?! walao...

It came back again. That incident. Since P3, i have been trying to forget. Until P5, i forget! But until last friday, after school. It flashed on my mind again. What am i gonna do? My phobia of dark and people came back also.

HOPE KELLY ALSO COME BACK NEXT YEAR! JIA YOU! Kelly, sorry.. sorry sorry... FORGIVE ME HOR. (:(:


7:43 PM

Thursday, August 02, 2007
thursdayThursday :D

Morning, lollipop was given to me. THANKYOU!(:
MT class test. So hard loh! Hope i pass la. I din learnt at all. I forget! SHIT! Hope i pass!
Recess, Melissa broke down for some reasons. Melissa.. dun cry la. SorrySorry.. Next time Me and Yiling will leave you alone liao.. TOMORROW you must come with us no matter what. Dun quit guides la. Once a guide always a guide leh.. Dont cry.. Cheer up.
SEL, before teacher comes, We kept giving melissa lollipop. hahas. Stupid KEVEN, go open Yiling wallet then saw the ez-link card and go insult her. Go die mann! Yiling broke down also loh.. See two people cry ar.. i also want cry? Dun cry la YIling.. Go report teacher, BEST. lols. SEL, discussed about our class outing. Last and GREAT decision, TWO DAY ONE NIGHT CAMP IN BRD! But a bit scare scare leh.. After Huilin and PeiFen told me the haunted stories of BRD. eeeeerriieeeee.. lols.
History.. Took back my history paper. i pass! MIRACLE! Thanks Karyi for your luck again! YEAH! Happy(:
After school, went Bugis with Yiling. Waiting for bus, we say a damn naggy boy. Both of us were lmao-ing at him la. Baggin at his mum? hahahas. Met Jasmine and Marilyn at MRT! Thay looked different?lols. Went cold storage buy sushi with Yiling. :D Long time nvr eat le. Then, bubbletea(: Headed up to the neoprint shop. I wna save money! I kept looking for the 8 bucks machine but cant find. They say im CHEAPSKATE?!?! Thats call SAVING people! hahas. Took neoprint while Yiling went to shopshop. She dun wna take with us. hmm.. Decorating next. They took ages. hahas. Yiling saw the way they decorate and kinda shock? Yiling, they decorate a lot right? hahas. Thats normal(:
Next, went to eat our sushi ans went to shopshop. Meet Junie at the busstop there and we begin our searchings of presents for somebody :D CONFIDENTIAL. Cant find a suitable one, but we aimed something. Went bugis street but also cant find. But i found! Soooo may earrings and ear studs at level two la. So shock sia.. Cant find anything, we went back bugis. Went to the mini arcade there. We saw a bg doremon. hahas. Junie wna take it with us. But we dun wan then junie talk about chocolate, we immediately say YES. hahas. Took liao, went jalan jalan. Saw a book published by someone called SHENG DA. Me and Yiling laughed. Din know he published books sia. hahahhas. Went back level 3. We realised something and too bad, that present is not suitable. Sat down at one corner. Rest. Chat chat also. Cant wait for tomorrow! 3 things happening (: but of course, one is sad de thing la. hais. We got on our feet again and start searching. Finally! Found it(: I like that one! So nice la. I wan buy another one. That one is much nicer then mini toons de. hmmm...
Bought and went Old Chang Kee. Bought curry puff and head to the bustop. Went to another busstop. Sat and wait. Chit chatted also. hahas. 51 came and we went. Dropped at Hong Wen and..

7:13 PM

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Happy Sweet Sweet thirdteen!! :D

Morning, just reach school only, saw that stupid HAHA dumpling bullying my Yiling. Then he change the target to me! He lit the fire of the matchstick and put near us. I act DAO, he put the fire in front of me, nearly touching me, i pretended nothing happened. A while lata, he thinks that not fun le, he walk away. hahaha. PHEW!
Home Econs, typing in the lab. FengFeng wna save my work as his! Too bad, NO! wahaha.
Maths, sang Happy Birthday to MeiCHi. hahaha!
Music, sang National Day songs. Many! Reach out for the skies, TAUFIK and RUI EN! RUI EN HAO MEI OH! OMG. Im beginning to idol Rui En again. hahas.Sang Birthday Song for MeiChi again. CLAP LOUDER! woohooo! MeiCHi, im so jealous! wahaha!
Assembly, all of us cheer for Mr LIm. When Mr lau appear, everyone cheer for him. Gabriel SHOUTED! Most of us nearly went DEAF! goshhh. hahaha
After that, went to meet Rachele at the main gate. Kelly and Karyi they all came. Knew their NEW nicknames. hahas. KarKar, Yi, Ly, sta(or stir?) hahahahahha! Kelly hit my file and its like....... eeyer. hahahas.
Went market find the stall. Found in within a minute? hahas. Tried their nasi lemak. CHEAP! 1.60 only. haha. NICE somemore. Had soya bean also. Went other place seesee. Saw another otah stall, 40cent only! Then buy 10 get 2 free? haha. We ordered 10 sticks from there and went back to the lee wee brothers there order fishballs. haha. Think we very THRIFTY. Overal we spent less then 10 bucks? hahas. (:(:
Then took our bag and went home.

4:24 PM


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