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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

This few days, a lot of people SICK! take care people!

Morning, tour around. Morning walk. haha. Yiling tummyache? Cos of MILO!! hahas. TCTC. Went over to Karyi. Yiling asked her something and she forgotten if she had done it. hahas. Sat there talktalk for a while and went back.

D&T, my photo holder CHAO TA !! lols. After Salahudeen marked my work, he ask if i got boyfriend?!?! Then can put boyfriend pic in photo holder?! NO!! haha, he knew SiYing's *cough *cough. He kept bickering with SiYing. SiYing's face was RED. hahas.

Maths, got back my test paper. HAPPY!! 17/20, although its a bit too lousy la. haha, thanks for Karyi's luck!! :D Yiling and Melissa got full mark! Congrat!!(: Me and Julien were betting with Yiling la. If Yiling gets full mark, we win. And, we won! hahas.


PC, no teacher. haha, me, Yiling, Julien and Melissa were vandalising my plastic cover. hahas. I love Yiling 1314, 310707, blablabla. Faizah bday today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY(:

Got back my English paper also. PASSED! But not good enough): hais. Julien has been ah choo-ing non stop! Its like, everytime she talks, she will ah choo? TAKE CARE ah yi! lols. Did letter writing.

Science, went to the lab to play the five stations tingy. Whenever the word cork was said by anyone, all of us laughed? lols.

Dismissed, went to eat. CCJ relly gave me the lollipop? TYTY(: Kelly has been coughing NON STOP la. Even the voice changed. TAKE CARE PEOPLE! hahas. Cough cannot drink milo. hahas. YenZhi treat us Wages! THANK YOU! haha. After eating, went up to lab 2(or 3?). All there listening music. hahas. Mr Lau came and we had our life science course. BORING, the lecture was boing. Thats where Yiling, Melissa and Me planned to tell Mr Lau that we needa go at 3.30. Debbie kind of dont wna go. But in the end, she went with us. hahas. I wna do the experiment! It sound to cool. haha. Went toilet make hair and so on. Went to the stairs there. Listen music and so on. I want Debbie that song! lols. 4 plus and we went back. Learn more technics on happy birthday. haha. Ending, the teacher asked Kelly, Karyi and the Alvin play. FUNNY. hahas. Yiling played too. clap hands to all! haha. DISMISSED(:

Went to buy fries. HUNGRY! HSD they all came. They call kelly's father name. Kelly was angry. All bangala's fault. haha! Kelly cough, cannot eat lollipop! haha. confiscate? lols. Wesaw a woman walking pass. LAUGHED when Kelly descripe her.... lol! Bought fries. $2. The aunty gave a lot! Kelly took one of mine. haha, karyi dont let. Cough cannot eat fries! haha, Kelly took and put on the table cos HOT. hahaha. Added Mayonise. Karyi tried. hahas. Nice right? hahas. Crossed over. Saw police car and i was like.. OHOH.

can i go back to the past? where nothing had happened...

7:07 PM

Monday, July 30, 2007

Morning exercise sucks!
All our shoes were muddy! The field was soooo soggy la. Everywhere we step, our shoes can go down. DISGUSTING. No one did jumping jack. hahas. No one give a damn since the field is sooo soggy and muddy. lols.
PE next. The boys had to do Napfa test tinggy. Next week girls turn for the test and the following week, pls remind me to drink chocolate milk. hahas. Im having a retake of 2.4 run!!! DAMN! Why i FAIL?!?! lols. Walk 3 rounds around the school, ONE WHOLE PERIOD. hahas. Wanted to play roller blade. But once i wore the skates, i couldnt stand up! All thanks to who? CKQ, all your fault la! Im having a forbia of rller blading le)): Noo bad, i went to play netball with Faizah. Learning the technics she taught me. So far, i only goal 3 only. So lousy. Kelly and friends came to join us along the way. Pe gonna over le, say byebye to kelly and went off.
Maths, Miss han told us that thrs a failure in the test. HOPE ITS NOT ME!!!
Science, Mr Lim changed YenZhi's seat. Now, Yiling is sitting with Han Yong. LOLS. haha. Both of then seperate tables?? lols.
Dismissed, had Mee Rebus! Im addicted to that food. Its nice! haha. Me and Yiling were tired! But we still played hide ans seek with the boys. haha. Under the HOTHOTHOT sun, we gotta find them. We went to the Basketball court whr all the 4n playing BB. We kept thinking that the boys will sure to hide there somewhere, but we cant find. At last, find them at the field. lols. Tired, we sat down to chat chat. Listening to my MP3, while talking. haha.
IT lesson, melissa shared com with me. haha. We had fun!! hahaha. Crapping, joking and doing our website at the same time. hahahas. After that, went buy fries. Saw EngTeng there! hahas. Shared fries and slurpee together. hahas. NICEEE(:
33 home with XinYuan.
Busstop at HongWen, let her listen to one of my tones. Like, so what la. hahas.

6:54 PM

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Reading Test(: Quite amazing though. hahas. I actually understand! hahas.

Today WeiWen birthday!
today, watch magicians of love.
It RAWK! hahas. gonna finish le.
After the show, went to make blogskin.
I ownself make leh! hahas. Although its a bit of copyrited la. I just change the picture only. The rest is still the same. hahas.

12:45 AM

Friday, July 27, 2007

Morning, was rushing through History. MEMORIES, MEMORIES.
MT, had the cheng yu thing. Our grp seriously din cooperate in anything loh. We were told of my gai lao shi at the end of the period. We were given 3 choices. Work together again, close up group 4 or seperate ppl in grp4. Me and Chloe wanted to change group. KeQin came and told us things. Okay, we stay.
History, test. Seriously forget everything. Damn it!!!
Lit, Mrs Soh hands injured. Then the way she write make us laugh. hahas.
DISMISSEd, chloe oral today. good luck!
Karyi scare me again! I shouted again?!?! hahas. Sat at the table beside them. Soon, CCJ, HSD came. Kelly taught me two new vulgar. Eh? But still whats biao bu and Pu Bo? dont understand sia..hahas. CCJ and HSD still wna play catching?! Hide and seek beta bahh.. lols. Ate oheya and shared noodles with Melissa. CUp noodles(: CCJ let me see Kelly photo. LMAO. Told kelly, she chase after CCJ. hahas. Ate le, went change into GG uniform. Kelly help me tie scarf. lols, TY. Fall in.
Had cheers. At first, no one sing loud loud. Then after that loud le. hahasd. Discussed bout brownies carnival. I wan AMAZING RACE! lols.
Had Break. Then, the leaders had meeting and we played games(:
Passing message first. Then, we play wacko. Gave ourself animal names. Mine is DOG, Yiling is TORTOISE, EngTeng, XIAO BAOBEI, Melissa, PARROT, PeiFen, RABBIT blablabla. Rabbit kept calling DOG la. A lot of ppl kept calling DOG sia.. i think dog too popular liao. hahas. DOG, i born in yr of it leh. hahas. But still, i din get wacked((: Sardine in the can next. First round, Me, Yiling and EngTeng. Then ppl la. Last round is Me, Yiling, Charlene and EngTEng. We hid in a place, farfar away. hahas. Place is CONFIDENTIAL. we wna hide there again if can. hahas. Then, Junie fall us in.
Discussed bout FOOD. Me and Rachele din know what to prepare. hmmm.. maybe otah? lols. Then, cheers. We kept bombing Mdm Rose and Miss Fud. hahahas. So funny la the scene. Junie told all of us not to anyhow give hp numbers or MSN to other unknown ppl. Then she gave examples like me and theresa?!?! LOLS. Sang cheers and so on. DISMISSED after the taps and th command. hahas. Had fun!
Today, me and Yiling also learn new command. hahas.
Junie talked to me and Theresa why just now she called us. haha, now i know le(: The more Junie say, themore scared i became sia. LOLS.
Went 7/11 buy fries. On the way, FengLing, Aziza followed us. We climbed the bridge. Me, yiling, EngTeng, Charlene, FengLing and Aziza. We all kept asking who junie like blablabla. hahahas.
inside 7/11, FengLing said: i need the toilet, shit. haha, junie thought FengLing wna do big business. THen FengLing said: I need the toilet COMMA shit. hahahahahas. Waited for fries and went home.
HOME, deleted the scary person on MSN.

7:42 PM

Thursday, July 26, 2007
thursdayThursday :D

Oral today! Quite Okay.
This Morning, couldn't find Yiling until she pat me when i was sms-ing her.hahas. Found Kelly. She went to buy nuggets. haha, the uncle CHEAT her feeling, say her nuggets hot. hahas. Then we feel, not hot at all. Just WARM. hahas. Karyi come le! hahas. She gave me and yiling all the luck for oral! hahas. Thank you! Calista bday today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY(:Chat chat for a while and went to the quartrangle.
Art,was rushing on my flower artpiece. I haven learn my science yet. Our tcher today last day! sadsad. She gave us sweets. Thankyou! Revised my science at one corner on the floor with melissa. Was listening to melissa's techno song also. hahas.
Science, Mr Lim lectured us. He shouted. lols. Had Science Test. Think i gonns FLUNK mann! I wrote that heart is under respiratory system when its suppose to be circulatory?!?! Goshhhh.. Mr Lim wna change our seats again?!?! This time girls sit with boys?!?!godd.. i dont wna seperate with Yiling again! ><>
English, continued our test. Then went to the lab to design our brochure. Mrs Saha let us hear national day songs. hahas.
PW, WE DID OUR OWN STUFF! hahas. Crowded at one corner, Me, Yiling, MeiChi and Chloe. Listen music blablabla. Chloe's video is really hilarious! hahas.
DISMISSED, Yiling was asked to clear up some mess. I was pissed! Why cant birthday girl clean up the mess? Then why is it that birthday girl can hold the broom and sweep but cant clear the mess she made? NO OFFENCE. went canteen break. Karyi and Kelly scare me! I scream? Lucky not that loud(: Karyi lended me her F&N book cos inside got RICE and i needed RICE now urgently. hha! Thank you! They gave me left handshake each. hahas. They said good luck to me! haha! THANKYOU!! ((: Went toilet, then bought two oheya onion then RAN back class(:(:
ORAL, was not very scared at first until Julien went off, i start to be scared sia.. Melissa gave me a sudden HUG behind. hahas. A tight one. The way she hug like hugging her *cough*cough. hahas. NO OFFENCE GURL. Its a compliment(: Its my turn! PPL have me good lucks! Thank you! hahas. melissa hugged me again. hahas. ORAL, i was talking CRAPS! LOTS OF CRAPS. I didn't know what i was talking. I just wna get out ASAP. lols. Bought OHEYA again(: . Walked to the busstop with XinYuan, Pauline and ENgTeng.
Wo men zou zai lin yu zhong, yi bian zou, yi bian chang zhe lin yu zhong de ge. hahas.

4:50 PM

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Oral's postponed to tomorrow! All of us were sooo happy la! hahas.
Home econs, we were given a task, the donno what folio thing. TOTALLY DONT UNDERSTAND WHAT TALKING IT. Keyword: Rice, interesting dish blablabla. Went library o research.
PE, had 2.4 run. TOTALLY FAILED. I failed! argh! KeQin went shortcut and kana pumping and one more round. hahas. I cannot stop panting la. I went breathless even after the run. lols. Had height and weight. COOL! I only grow by one cm. -.- 158 now. Weight? SAME! HAHAS! So happy i didnt grow fatter. Went toilet change. So crowded plus, the toilet stinks with smoke!
Had English compre CA. then,
Maths Test 9.
then, we had free time during SEL. Tcher gave us work, we do le we play. hahas. XueTing's aeroplane was snatched by FengFeng and she wants me to get it back for her?!?! I SHOUTED over at him.
Went toilet slack. Then went back.
Asembly, was boring and LONG! DAMN. 2.3-, we're dismissed.
Ate. Melissa kept hugging her bear. hahas. All crowd around weiwen and aneza. Yiling and Melissa went home first.
Then, went home with EngTeng.

4:14 PM

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Morning, debbie was pissed. Whoa, see her scold all of us damn shock la.
Pastoral Care, tcher didnt come. Me, Yiling, Melissa and MeiChi gathered one side and chit chatted. We started chatting bout... YEAH. Made all sorts of nonsense and we were LMAO-ing. from sec 4 last class?!?! forward back is sec 1 first class. lols.
Science, me and Yiling were sleeping.
Recieved an sms immediately when i checked my phone. To be frank, that sms irritates me. All of us went to WeiWen. Yiling told her bout we both's case. 3 slap, i kick from the bottom and one hit on the top and center. hahas. Me, Yiling and Melissa with Debbie sat together ans wee WeiWen and Aneza eat. hahas. Went for keyboard.
Tcher haven come, went walk walk. Went to find Kelly and Karyi when we saw them attacking CCJ. Me and Yiling was listening to the song WO KE YI. Kept asking Yiling dont sing. hahas. Kelly got suspicious? She listened and complaint to CCJ. hahas. KeyBoard lesson. Went toilet halfway. THen back. Then felt hungry and ask Melissa and Yiling follow me go buy food. Ate Oheya. NICE. Qing bao? Hong bao? lan bao? lols. Kelly Xin Tong, I Jiao Tong, Karyi Pi Gu Tong? hahahahahahs. Kept laughing. BU HAO XIAO, then they laugh? hahas. That CCJ kept singing and we kept laughing. Learnt new song, HAPPY BIRTHDAY. haha. Went home with Karyi and Kelly. Kelly was high today. Say a lot of funny funny words. hahas. Told them something. SHHHhhh.

THe more you ask me, the more frightened i am towards you.
Each time you Sms-ed me, i will have fear.
My first time in such situation, dont make me cry.
Stop irritating me. Stop sms-ing me unnecessarily.

6:12 PM

Monday, July 23, 2007

Was quite shocked and pissef off in the morning. My books under the table were kana confiscated! My D&T and Eng TB. WTH la. I screamed ans shout all the way from class to canteen. Stop my screaming for a while and gave smth to Kelly. Continue screaming and scolding. lols. I was soooo angry! I shouldn't have gone home on thursday! lols. From then, i became HIGH.
Class silent reading. Me and Yiling were reading geography. We dont wanna read halfway. We 'practised' oral instead. hahas. Looked at one picture of floods in the TB. *cough *cough, this picture shows....... OH! SO SAD! . LMAOO.
Science, Mr Lim not here and i got back my books! Me and Yiling were harassed by gao feng feng. He even take my book and dont wna give back! Stupid him almost broke my shoulder! I was groaning! Damn pain. And he even wna us lend him copy work?!?!
Music, sang the national day song, not the anthem.
MT, we did skit.Our group din really prepare and what we do was going HAHAHA. Of course, we got scolded by teacher. Gao lao shi only gave us little time? ALl of us gave black face. We don wna listen to her. We did our own work instead.
DISMISSED, had lunch. The guys wna play hide and seek. FengFeng, Mervin, EngLeong, ZiXing, HanRong, Sean, Keven, Johnathan, Me, Yiling, MeiChi, FengLing, Debbie played. hahas. We were too bored and we miss that game. hahas. First round, we find. We found them after a while. Next was us and some other guys. We hid in our secret hiding place. hahas. We came out after a while and couldn't find the rest. We started chatting with people we saw. Third round, we went to hide again. Hide at the basketball court there somewhere. HanRong was kind of funny. He passed by us but din see us?!?! LMAO. Third round, FengLing and Debbie joined in. This time 2nd level also. We ran here and there to catch MerVin. hahas. Was soooo tired, i dont wna play anymore. All of us sat there and waited for 3.30 to arrive. Went IT lesson. Did animation. Had a tummyache, all the way till HOME. (:(:

Wanna play Hide and Seek again(:

6:15 PM

Sunday, July 22, 2007

YTD evening, took a nap at 6 plus. Asked my mum to wake me up for the 9.30 show but slept until 8, AM. Morning. LOLS.
Watched Magicians of Love the whole day. I hate that QING KONG! Should be called KING KONG sia.
Cherry represents Cherish.
Dont ever like two person at a time.
It is not serious. People may think you're playing.
In the end, we girls got hurt instead.

7:48 PM

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Note: changed my hp number. people! Pls update (:

Meet Yiling and Melissa. Had Macs. Melissa and FengFeng ate two burgers and one hashbrown?!?! Headed to school after that. Waited for my hair to be plaited. Kelly’s maid helped me. Thank you! (: Falled in and trained for the last time. Had lunch and so on. Karyi was not in the mood cos of HAIRNET. Hahas. Trained again and the actual parade comes. Then, we had soggy bee hoon. After that, Junie assigned us in different stalls. Mine was the threats. All alone, waiting for Yiling. Chit chatted with the adults there and so on. YIling came. Was sooo happy! Hahas. I was scolded for nothing! Not even my fault! Served. Our business was good! Hahas. We kept repeating the same words: Can only take three. But the people there didn’t care at all la. They take sooo many! Some people even take up to 20 pieces?!?! And all were adults and we dare not talk back. Was laughing with Yiling but I was quite pissed off! Im afraid that im gonna get the second scolding from the same people. Annabell came to help. She took the whole plastic bag of plates giving out. I couldn’t find any plates and I blowed up. SORRY. It was late and we were asked to have our dinner. Had ice kachang. Talked with Averil and Rong Ming. The two stars were hilarious! Got to know their pass times in Broadrick. Falled in and dismissed. Were discussing bout tml’s things with Karyi and Margeret. Took flowerpecker’s photo. Kelly’s inside! YEAH! FLOWERPECKER UNITE! Said Kelly’s bad things to Junie. Hahas, SOORRY.

Thought i was late. RUSH. Reach busstop at 6.40 plus. lols. No one was there except for Melissa, me, Joey and joanna. Chit chatted and waited. Bout 7 plus then junie they all come. 33. Kept on shifting places inside the bus. hahas. It was soooo cold inside la. Changed bus. Reached Changkat Changi Sec and meet Kelly, Karyi and Margeret. Was bored in the school at first. Then, the competition starts. We were rushing the moment the competition starts. Rained halfway. Ran in. Saw Jeanie :D hahas. Still look the same(: Din talk much cos we're rushing. I was damn freaking useless at tieing gadgets la. I can still be tieing two together for like 5 to 10 minutes la. I gave up, i tied the first knot and Melissa do the rest. Karyi cut herself and it was bleeding non stop la. No plaster, she wrap the tissue and tie a string to prevent to from flowing again. Continued until the last 10 minutes, our castle still haven been made yet. We gave up. I was like, a bit bu gan yuan lorh. So sad. We hurriedly put our incompleted work on the table and ran off. I was like, face damn black. Jeanie came to asked me buy her school stuff but i was not in the mood. SORRY. Karyi was like, consoling me. hahas. Slack at the canteen for a while. Then, went up to the hall for the results. Was playing inside the hall. PeiFeng kept tickling Kelly. hahahahahas. PeiFen wna get sore eyes?!?! I squeezed Kelly and Karyi asking them if its pain. THey nodded But me and peifen cant seem to be pain at all? hahahahs. We were pinning hopes on Kelly, huilin and PeiFen's T-shirt and Joanna's poster la. End up, nothing was won. hais. Each time Geylang Methodist and Majusri's school was called, me and Karyi will turn and look at Kelly, laughed. hahas. Last was the acknowledgement. Ms Regina was on screen. I was laughing like mad lor. Karyi and Kelly laughed also. hahas. Took a photo. Then, went. Old chang kee for curry puff. hahas. Then, take bus 9. Chit chatted and make lots of noises. hahas. Change bus. 30. Was like, making damn lot of noise la. Talk about *cough *cough. hahas. Then, huilin was damn funny la. Junie, i have something important to tell you, the three of us were alighting the next stop. lmao. all the important. Laughed until tummyache. hahas. Sing post, mc donalds with huilin and PeiFen. Fillet student meal. The two kept asking me who?who?who? Its CONFIDENTIAL alright. After some chit chatting bout somethings, changed the subject to GHOST. so scary la. Didn't know this school so many haunted places. 3EA, the spooky toilet and the art room. ScArY. Had Mc Flurry. Long time din eat. haha. Then chatted again and went home(:
Home at 4 plus. :D

My ah ma and brother also kana sore eyes from me. SORRY.

4:23 PM

Thursday, July 19, 2007
thursdayThursday :D

Morning, due to my sore eyes, Mr Lim go tell Mr Rahmat la.
FengFeng, me and a girl think the name call lena all kana chased home. I lost my temper. I really dont wna miss lesson. Mr Lim overheard my words, he called for me. i cried. lols. He gave me two choice. Cooping inside a room in school ALL ALONE or go home. Went home. No choice, went to the doctor. 2 type of eye drops. The doctor gave me 2 days MC. Who will give a damn? im GOING SCHOOL TOMORROW. lols. Briefing on the SOO, i din go la and i dont understand what MeiChi and Melissa is talking about.
Afternoon, went to buy shoe. I was shivering with cold inside OG and i had FULL body ache plus headache. My body was freaking hot at home but i was freezing when i on the fan? lols. Felt so tired...

5:15 PM

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Sore eye-ers in 1EA: Chloe Ashley, FengFeng, KeQin(a bit) and ME(:

Eyes damn pain this morning. Had SORE EYE. the left one.

Went school, dare not let anyone see my eyes. Scare they kana spread by me. Lot of them knew bout my eye, they think that its KeQin the one who spread to me coz he kana yesterday. Ke Qin got sore eyes meh? I din know lor. KeQin knew about it, he wna me have a drop of his eye mo. I den dun wan lor. He wna Chloe put also. She also dun dare. hahas. Then ZiYing knew, she came to me and tell me all kinds of method to stop swelling. Dun understand what she says. But anyway, thank you!(:
Home econs, did speghetti. I only have 6 marks out of 10. So DAMN LOUSY LA! PE, played lots of boring games
Total of 3 to 4 different types. BORING~ lols.
After recess, guess its too stress bahh.. XinYuan dun wna go back class but Yiling wants. Then, she start to give Yiling face and Yiling was angry. Then XinYuan cry. She said a lot of hurting words to Yiling. Then, yiling also cry.. hais. Yiling cried the whole english period silently. hais. Cant do anything to help them. *useless*
After school, shared my speghetti with Melissa. hahas. We MESSED the whole table with speghetti. hahas. WeiWen kept asking me not to fall in cos of my EYES. But i dun wna be extra leh. hahas. WeiWen let me fall in. :DWent to change and so on. Melissa and EngTeng wna go up to look at the musical tinggy. I dun wna go up cos left a few more minute to fall in time le mahh. ITS NOT BECAUSE WHAT YOU SAY./no offence/ okok. Training, my eyes kept having like, liquid coming out la. Then very blur. Went toilet. wash. WORST! PAIN! Continued with footdrill. Liquid kept coming out of my eyes again. This time BOTH! 6 plus, dismissed. Walked with EngTeng, Kelly and Karyi. Kelly's father wna fetch her home. She pulled me along la. I kept saying i dont want cos busstop so near only. Then they go take my umbrella then give me back then take my file. hahas. Kelly took and passed to Karyi. EngTeng stand there see show. hahahas. Then Kelly blocked me. Turned a few rounds trying to go across Kelly. But failed. haha. Then kept telling them: Dont be like your guy friends hor. hahaha! Ask EngTeng if she wna sit. She replied: very PAISEH leh.. i also agree. hahas. My hands were freezing cold that time. haha, cold blooded(: Kelly shpwed me two photos. The first one make my lmao. hahaha! At last! My file was back to me. hahas. Then, they walked home also. hahas. Asked Kelly a few questions. hahas. Went to buy fries. hungry. Engteng accompany me. haha. Thank you! Me, EngTeng and Kelly bought fries. Karyi went to have dinner with huilin they all, Kelly father came to fetch her and we both cross over to the busstop(: I banged onto something la. Then my knee bleed. lols. Went home, my right eyes turn red and pain also.
Now i have two SORE EYES.((:
Shall i go school tomorrow? hmmm..

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! , Julien ((:

7:41 PM

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Lessons were boring. English, we did brochures. Me and Julien paired and we told the whole class bout our brochure , in a funny funny way. I kept laughing at her. hahas. DnT, did sanding and buffering. Mr Salahudeen helped me a lot. If not, my plastic could have lose marks. Thank you!((: Recess, ate Mee Rebus(: I din complain its spicy. hahas, first time(: Mei CHi ate Mee Siam. PC, we did letter writing to Mdm Rohani about some *cough *cough stuff. lols. Science, one period of cleaning and another period of asking ans answering questions(: Julien make me laugh la: Why dont we plant watermelon inside our class? LMAO. Maths, miss han din teach(: Then there's this guy came to our class and ask me follow him. I was like, see teacher? What I done wrong? SOmemore im the only girl among the 3 of us. hmm.. Went 4N2. Mrs Rajan talked to us. She knows we're scared of her. lols. Talk talk talk, then went back. Saw Karyi sitting at the last row. haha. There's one guy asked me if im in GG then he say GG bad thing la. GG rocks OKAY!
After school, they provided lunch. Dun like it loh. The rice and food so hard. argh! Ate a bit only. Went to change and fall in.
The sun was sooooo bright and HOT. All of us were perspiring in the squad. A sudden sweat drip to my eyes la. Damn pain lor. GODD. Then break. Me and Basirah wna bomb DOVE. hahaha! We asked weiwen. Flowerpecker bomb, flowerpecker bomb, flowerpecker bomb to DOVE bomb. hahaha! Kelly... lols.
Dismissed! Went back to take our bags. Saw the superstar 2 girl! Her singing nice sia. Want her autograph. ((: Had extra training. Then, walked out of the school with Kelly and karyi. Then, went home with XinYuan. She foegot that her ez-link card with Mr Salahudeen. Lend her 55 cent. Along the way, she kept scolding him? lols. Home at around 8plus. *TIRED*

8:26 PM

Monday, July 16, 2007

HAHA! I kinda like this photo! :D Was MeiChi the one who took us when we're holding hands. hahaha! Me&Yiling((: My hair looks out of shape? lols. Anyway, tonight CSS2 revival round! OMG. Just hope XuBin, Shawn and JiaJun in loh..

6:44 PM


Morning, was busy doing some stuff with Yiling. Julien, hope you like the present! ((: Had morning exercise. Melissa so good, no nid do exercise. I also want! Did a lot of lame and funny exercise. JUMPING JACK was one of them. All of us were laughing. Debbie so cute la, the way she jump. hahas. Chit chatted while waiting for Mr Jafaar to finish toking.
Last period, MT. did shu fa competition. Then, listening. We gotta act in a skit tomorrow. Melissa was pissed off with her group members, she broked down. Cheer up! Gai lao shi had a talk with them. Assembly, the funniest part was the racial pledge tinggy. All of us were laughing and giggling la. hahahas. After school, was pouring but me, yiling and meichi heck care. Walked the LONG LONG way to 7/11. Wanted to buy fries and they're suppose to acc me. But they saw their bus, they just ran off like that leaving me alone? FINE. Walked to the 7/11 there to buy fries. It was Pouring HEAVILY. No choice, took out my umbrella. lols. Went home.

3:45 PM

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Today Sunday, nothing much to do..
Long talk with Melissa on the phone.
Tuesday got combined parade!!
Then my keyboard lesson how??
SHIT!!!! lols.
Plus another good good thing,
this week test all CANCELLED! horray!
Tomorrow no more geography test le! woohoo!

3:12 PM

Saturday, July 14, 2007
Saturday shopping(:

Morning woke up at 8 plus due to the noise made by my sis and my parents. Then cannot sleep liao.
Meeting Yiling after my doremon. Went over to Yiling's area, Eunos MRt. Then, took bus to MeiCHi's place de busstop. Then, 30 to vivo(: Yiling was singing and dancing in the bus which make me and MeiChi LMAO. hahas. Was listening to 123 mu tou ren then :D Our attire was, pants and slippers? Coz we wna play with the water. hahas. FIrst, went toys r us for some toys. haha. We were playing with those toys until FengFeng called Yiling to check on our harry potter tickets first. Next, minitoons. Then, action city and back to minitoons.We have been in and out of minitoons 3 times. lols. Bought presents!(:Went precious thots, shibuya, 6 dots or something, diva, OP. After those window shoppings, was standing outside golden village waiting and chatted. Blurted out some of my unhappy stuff to them(: Felt very good! hahas. We discussed about our sec 2 plan too(: If Yiling is really leaving BRD next year, then me and MeiChi shall leave too. hahas. We waited for sooo long for 3 ppl to arrived. Then, went over to 7/11. Finally! FengFeng, ZiXing and Pauline came! But, all the tickets for 6 had sold out! Must wait till 6 plus. No choice, we changed location. Took a taxi there. FengFeng pay. lols. Had carsick in the taxi. I told them seasick? All laugh at me. hmm. Marina, went 7/11 bought food. We were damn hungry. Shop for a while, went to the cinema. Had about 1 hour plus to wait. Sat while the guys and Pauline went arcade. Then, went arcade find them. Went back to sit. Saw Teeli on the way. Shes also watching harry potter but different time. hmmm.. Bought nacho combo meal. Fengfeng treated each and everyone of us. lols. Throughout the whole movie, we only paid 8 bucks to him? lols. Sitting positions, ZiXing, FengFeng, Yiling, me, MeiCHi and Pauline. This positon was specially arranged for some reasons. *wink*wink. hahahas. Was damn cold inside. nice show(: Only thing i hate that OLD AUNTY inside. lols. Then, it was late! Went home. Holded hands, Me and Yiling. MeiChi took our picture lesbianing. lols. We leabianed MORE. This time, our way of holding hands were different. hahas. The guys walked soo fast that we could not catch up. Heck care, we took our own sweet time walking(: Nearly lost them. lols. Walked home. On the way, kana scolded by my mother for coming hom late. >< Yiling was so afraid i would get lost, she wna me report to her when i reach home. lols.
Reached home at 7 plus. (:

7:38 PM

Friday, July 13, 2007

MeiChi gave us (Yiling, Melissa and me) chocolates xD TY! I took mine and keep it for safe keeping. hahahas.
History was the funniest lesson today :D
Have singapore had golden age? MrRajan replied: Yes of course. We are rich. See now, i have $3.40. Last time i only had $1.60 and im a very happy person now. *Some of us laughed*
Today, i went to ECP and i saw many beach. At first i tot its beach, but the sentence is actually: Today, i went ECP and i saw many BITCH. *whole class laughed* Some of us were thinking why he din say: TOday, i went to ECP and i saw many bikini clad woman. Mr Rajan always says that la, but today a bit different. hahaha! i was laughing about this thing on our way to the canteen for recess la. I laughed till i cried. lols.
SEL, watched video. Hate the curtains. They irritate me a lot! Near to falling asleep. My eyes closed when the video ended. hahahas.
Literature when we finished our work, me;Yiling and FengFeng started talking bout our movie trip. Changed to tomorrow :D lols. YIling broke down halfway. I shouldn't have tell her that. Sorry la, yiling. She will be fine de. Dont worry. After school, Yiling broke down again. I wanted to give her my chocolate but she refused. Dont worry Yiling. Accompanied her in the canteen for a while. After a while, Yiling was smiling again. hahas. Thats good(: See, maybe sometimes my words cannot be so true right? lols. Doc can SURELY cure her. (:
Went home after that. hahahas.
Fall asleep the moment i reached home.

Zhi xiang zai ni sheng bian;
tou tou ai shang ni.

4:49 PM

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Drew FLOWERS for art AGAIN. OMG. When can we not drew flowers? XueTing kept drawing shit la. hahas. Teacher erased away the shit she like cry? hahahas. I was there laughing like mad. FengFeng took the DISGUSTING banner which is used for assembly and drew an arrow and showed me on top of teacher. So bad. lols.
Science, did experiment. I scalded myself with the bunsen burner. I freaked out and gave a jump. Mr Lim also freak out. hahas. So pain la. Yiling and Melissa sayang my finger. hahahas. TY! Paired with Melissa for the experiment and Yiling anf fengfeng paired together. haha, shhh.. we did this pairing on PURPOSE! LOLS. Talked about our sitting arrangement in the movie next saturday. Planned: ZiXing, Fengfeng, Yiling, Me, MeiChi, Pauline. So when the scary part comes, i will hug meichi(: hahahas. Yiling knows what i mean. haha! Overall, our experiment is a good one(: Yeahs! hahas.
Ate cup noodles(: Seafood and Melissa's chicken. hahas. Chit chatted while eating. Went to change next. Soon, the toilet was packed with girlguides on this side, redcross on that side. hahas. Kelly succeeded on tieing the scarf herself and she wna try tieing mine. hahahhahaha! Let her tie. hahas. Next, polished my trefoil myself. hahas, wanted to try(: Washed hands and fall in. Karyi's back! Miss her so much. hahas. MarchMarchMarch. Then, combined rehersal. Putting the hat on, my hair damn itchy. *Scratched. Then, break. All the know ones teach all the dunno ones. hahas. The marching cheer. Teeli kept making me laugh la. hahas. 1234 girlguides, she said 1234 hi-5! hahas. We like it here, we like it there teeli said it as we marching here we marching there plus we left foot here we left foot there. hahahs. I laughed until tummyache. hahas. Combined parade again. This time stand LONGER. Then, break then training. Wanted to call home but i dun wna call in front of ppl, i wna call at one corner. In the end i din call. hahas. Learn new thing. Someone's shoe dropped off. lols. Junie gave wrong command and correct command. End up the squat some turn here some turn there. hahas. Junie asked Teeli who correct then she asked me: RIBENA, which one correct? I replied: them then she asked again: then why you turn? My reply: i donno. all laughed at me? lols. Then, around 6.30, dismissed!Bought drink. Me and melissa was counting how much money we left so that we can buy fries. Mine just nice left one dollar. hahas. Wlked to 7/11 with Kelly and Karyi. On the way, me and melissa started to 'play' and make fun with kelly again. There it goes: Kelly ma, i love you. Melissa shouted loud loud and kelly shouted back at her so that no one can hear what she say. hahahas. Bought fries. It took AGES for the fries to be cooked. By then its already 7 plus. More and more ppl were crowding the busstop. hahas. Went home with XinYuan(:
Wna go sleep liao.. zzzz

8:20 PM

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Had PE in the rain. hahas. Played softball. We were kana scolded for coming down late. WTH la. Not even our fault lohh.. Had theory lesson for PE. That Miss dunno what taught us how to play softball. Then, exercise and recess.
Had english common test. COUNTED for CA2. So hard, i anyhow do. hahas. Wrote about a strange neighbour.
Maths, did our WS. Its like, so damn hard loh. Four of us; julien, yiling, fengfeng and me. Started discussing and crapping. lols. Finalloy, finished! SEL, went to the hall for rehersal.
Assembly, me and yiling are suppose to wear our guides tee, carry our bags, take a chocolate each, hold hands, act cute and skip to and fro in the stage when KeQin is 'interviewing'. At the scene when Julien falls, everybody's reaction was like, WOW. hahas. We're all laughing like mad. hahas.
Guides, Training. My legs and back were freaking pain la. Then, the break is like, so fast end liao. After the combined rehersal and the training, went home at 6 plus. Cos of the stupid summary, i gotta buy magazine with harry potter in it. Bought 8 days, cheaper. hahahahas. Crapping and laughing with engteng while waiting for bus. We saw this cute baby staring at us. We were bickering who wants to give birth. hahas, of course engteng la. hahas. Crapped and joked a lot. hahahas. Then, went home(:

7:29 PM

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Just finish keyboard lesson. Damn tired especially after the teacher play the piano. Slow music always make me sleep. zzz

Science&Maths period, we discussed about our tomorrow's class presentation. Like what la. We CHANGED everything again. Hope tomorrow can do a great job! Was so rush! goshhh.. Yiling broke down halfway. cheer up la, ling. Yiling became moodless since recess. Dunno what happen also. So quiet. Felt her forhead and was like, hotter then mine? i also dunno if she sick anot. hais. MeiChi went to find tissue but somehow FengFeng found it faster. lols. Gave her the tissue to wipe. FengFeng wna bash KeQin up? lols.
After school,
took 30. Melissa wna pass something to Ashley. Then, we headed to Sing Post. Had a talk between me, melissa and izhan. Took MRT to bugis. Mc Donald next(: No more shaker fries liao. So bought fries and sundae. Ate while waiting for Kelly and Calista. Went wallet shop. Kelly wna buy pencil case. I mistaken loser as lover. lols. Went Old Chang Kee. Bought two sotong head. Headed back to school. Keyboard lesson, kind of boring la. I play until i nearly slept. lols. The teacher asked almost everyone of us: Are you tired? ARE you tired? ARE YOU TIRED?!?!. lols. I laugh until tummy ache. hahas. Kelly know how to play sooo many song but she told me she din know. Kelly CHEAT my feeling. lols. After the lesson, my sotong head kana invaded by ants! There goes my $2.10. a bit XIN TONG. After that damn angry liao. hahas. $2.10 lehhh.. Shouldn't have buy them loh.hais. >< 33 came and HOME


6:20 PM

Monday, July 09, 2007

anyone got the song 'liang shan bo yu zhu lie'? Send me PLEASE.

Toilet with Kelly in the morning. Then, went to buy drinks. Together with Yiling, went to find Kelly again. Ask her some questions. Then, we began to chit chat. When Kelly's friend scolded her f***, i replied, you wouldn't want to do that. I was lmao-ing. hahaha! Kelly din get what i mean. hahas. Talking bout the 3 choices. Shall ask her WITHOUT YOUR PRESENCE. hahas. JUST KIDDING(: Chatted so long, forgot that its time le. Me and Yiling grab our bag and went to our class. Eng Teng suddenly called us. She told Yiling: YOU SO BAD(bag) LEH. YIling showed her her bag. omg!! I laugh until tummyache. hahas. Singing of National Anthem, everyone was singing so softly but when came the last part, the 1eB guy suddenly sang so loud la. All of us were vibrating. We were giggling. hahaha!
Maths, Miss Han din come. Mr Foong introduced us a new teacher. At first, we even thought hes a new comer la. OMG. He looks like.. a teenager? Me and Julien were telling each other that he may be in CHung Cheng then currently pon tang school to come teach. hahas.
Science, wetalk about our class presentation stuff. Some of us were inside a skit. We discussed about it. At first, our act we discussed about is like.. So damn NC16 la. What rape somemore must bring lots of clothings then one by one throw here and there, molest, get slashed, killed, murder blablabla. GOSHHH.. But after that we discussed again and only left with gang fight nia la. hahas.
Finally! Dismissed:D
Me, Yiling and XinYuan sat together. I ate Mee Rebus(: Then, have a tour with Yiling. hahas. The upper sec assembly over le, saw Basirah. Gave her the two dollar. Why two? Yiling wants to be inside also. hahas. Saw Kelly. Went over to talk to her. Before that, PILLOW makes me laugh la. hahaha! After that, me and Yiling holded hands, walk here and there. hahas. Talked to EngTeng they all, Weiwen and Aneza blablabla. So damn funny la. hahas. ALl make me laugh. hahas. 3.30, IT course. Learn how to use the firework watever thinggy . The teacher asked us to find some ictures to described us. Me? Find RIBENA. lols. not funny ppl! hahas. Then, i was looking at some damn cute pictures. So cute la! omg. lol. Busstop with XinYuan. EngTeng was there also. EngTeng, you're HOT. Go see doc la. Munching potato chips that Melissa (1ec) gave us. Munch halfway, saw someone. hahas, smiled at her(: The card checker(dunno whats that call) Came to check our ez-link card inside the bus. Nicolas card tio retained cos he used his brother's card...

teeli, your birthday today leh! You still tell me no. argh! You BLUFF ME! but anyway,
zuo ah ma de :D

6:32 PM

Sunday, July 08, 2007

1EA's class blog was SPAMMED! SO bo liao la. Dont spam our class blog luh. So disrespect to scold our teacher! I think YOU are the one who is despo of selling your OWN body to those despo granny lorh. OMG. I seriously hate SPAMMERS. SPAMMERS, kindly SIAM.

argh! The VCD player spoil luh! Cannot watch GOONG today. OMG. SOmemore now is the exciting part. GOSHHH.. argghhhh! I want watch HARRY POTTER! Someone take me out for a movie PLEASE? LOLS. This few days too despo to go shopping le. YTD night went Plaza Sing with my mum and bro. OP 50% leh! My MUM still dont wanna buy the pink surfers pants for me! OMG. my face turn black. hahas. Ate dinner cum supper at Cafe Cartel. 9 plus, waited for our food till 10 plus. OMG. Reach home at 11 plus.

forever and ever;

i dont wna lose you

8:03 PM

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Today, went school for class STOMP(: Was raining la, my whole shoe is WET. Yiling, SIYIng, Julien, Faizah and me were doing the glass. I was making so many noice with the glass la. hahas. After the STOMP practice, Me and Yiling took 16 to Suntec for lunch and shopping(: 16 came so long la, inside was already pack like sardine. lol! Pass by Kallang River, me and Yiling talk about Dragon boat(: Next time we shall go for dragon boat! Ask 20 people, more fun. hahahas. Suntec, went KFC for lunch. Ate and chit chatt. Talk and talk, talk and talk. Both of us prefer primary school life. hais. After that, went up. At arounf gardian there, we did our first good turn for the day. hahas! We help a aunty collect two expensive facial samples that cost about 100 plus? No wonder the aunty wants. hahas. Went minitoons. How i wish i can buy each items from there, all so cute la! lols. Jalan jalan le, we went koi pond to feed fish! We're bo liaos. haha! We consider this our second good turn for the day. hahas! Have fun feeding la. We throw the foodone by one, as far as we can. hahas. Gao Feng Feng gave a tap on Yiling's shoulders. hahas, Yiling was startled. Continue feeding. hahas. Feed le, went toilet wash hand. Went BOYS toilet, the boys inside all stare at us. lols. Both of us also got shocked. We went: Oh, sorry sorry. LMAO. I was laughing like mad la. Next, went Marina walkwalk. Up the escalator, we did our third good turn. hahas! We donation 20 cent each to the student there. hahahas. Action City, Precious Thots and Minitoons. Bought my wishing bottle there :D More then 3 times, Me and Yiling got electric shock whenever our hands touched each other. hahahas. Went back Suntec. Kind of lost la, but never. hahas. Went back to the koi pind again. The uncle there recognise us! haha. We feed the fish again. Our forth good turn? hahas. Feed le, the Uncle bid byebye to us. hahas. Make our way home. hahahahas. Damn fun la today, the both of us going crazy everywhere we go? hahahahas.

3:57 PM

Friday, July 06, 2007

Today, Sat alone during MT and Literature. Julien went to sit with XueTing. So sad la! YenZHi dun wna let me sit with Yiling): Lucky, History and maths make-up, Melissa sit with me :D History, me and Melissa were imagining things! Imagine ***** being an abunehneh? OMG. Mr Rajan say: GOOD people like me can be a human afterlife but bad people will become a DOG. Melissa was lmao-ing la. hahaha! So funny! Whoa, just hope Mr Rajan got my file and workbook seh, i scared he din and also scared he din help me pass my file to mrs lee. argh! I shouldn't have pass up that time la. ): MT, cant think of anything to continue with the compo. Suggested some ideas to Yiling: suddenly, i fell and you threw away the ball and come save me... LOL! SEL, we practiced our STOMP. haha! Dismissed at 1.15 because of the Maths make-up. Hurried to the carpark there to wait for Melissa's uniform. Then, quickly go change. Didn't eat at all. Just drink. Did alot of marching, as in the marching? lol. March halfway, we're gonna bang on the NCC soon la, some of us were gigling. haha. Then, went to the carpark for training. Train le, break, then train then break then conbined parade(: We got phrase by some teacher and the commander. yeahs! (: Standing under the hot sun, my legs damn pain la, dunno why today like that. Somemore, my tummy was graoling(wrong spelling) la. Break, we sang cheers. Was so tired la. Finally, dismissed! Bout apple and aloe vera.(: Purple grape tea nice? lol. Went busstop with Kelly and Basirah. Went 7/11 buy thing eat. End up, i bought a stick of sour mentos. hahas. Kelly CHEAT my feeling. haha, i CHEAT hers too. She bought a CHEAP potato chip, so CHEAPSKATE? lol, all the cheat and cheap. hahas. I saw you tomorrow, see you yesterday. hahaha! Who say de ar? i dun remember. LMAO. I hate the sour pineapple mentos! I gave a face. hahas. Was shocked! Din know something from something. lol. Your never tell me. hahas. 32 come liao, say bye bye to Kelly and Basirah. Went opposite to take bus. 33 come not long after EngTeng left. hahas. Saw CCJ inside. He sms me say i complain? Complain who? Kelly ar? lols.

7:17 PM

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Flowers for Art again. Draw,draw,draw, colour,colour,colour. Can we dont draw flowers again next week? MT, i forgot to do my compo! Oh my goshh.. i didn't even know there's compo homework la. Lucky gai lao shi nvr call my parents. HENG. Fire alarm halfway. No one move la. All of us just continue doing our zuo ye. Yiling become my human dictionary. hahas. Kept asking her how to write this and that. All of us walk slowly to the field. We HECK CARE. The teacher was shouting at us la. GOT FIRE BEHIND YOU! STILL DONT WNA WALK FASTER. lol. Prawn noodle for recess(: Love their prawn noodle. hahas. Science, went bio lab for cells experiment. Was having fun la. Did onion cells and cheek cells. We finally manage to see the cells without anyone help! hahas. 123, mu tou ren.. Me and Melissa kept singing this song when we were doing the experiment. hahas. I love the song! English, stupid Mrs Saha, say those words to hurt YenZhi. walau, whr got teacher call ppl stupid de? Got back my homework assignment. i FAILED! Many improper sentences. SHIT. My CA mark! argh! Did compre. So hard can? Doing halfway, my eyes began to go smaller, smaller and smaller. Im gonna fall asleep soon. Rubbed my eyes and open it wide. 0.0 continue doing. PW looks like our games time la. Played games, bla. BINGO, i kept losing la. ><>

5:31 PM

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Morning, went to the notice board with Yiling to check if the info is correct. Went back, didn't notice Kelly there. Nvr say HI. lol. Me and Yiling: HIIIEEEEEE. lols! Stayed in the canteen for a while. Seated in the quartrangle, Melissa suddenly let me see the death note disc. Cracked. I SWEAR I didn't break it. I got prove. Up to the home econs room, me and debbie pair pair. Raspberry tarts today :D Having fun touching the flour and making it into dough. hahas. Our mark was 6 1/2 ): So lousy la. Coz our tarts the shape damn out of shape. lols. KeQin's mark, 4. lmao. Went for our PE after that. 5 rounds around the BIG netball court for boys, 10 for girls in the small one. Played softball after that. Gotta run and throw, run and throw. TIRED~ Then, yiling gave birth to a twin(: nan nan and nu nu. lols. Recess, ate the new stall de mee rebus. Shouldn't have eat? So spicy! I didn't finish even half of it. Instead, i drank two cups of pink berry. hahahas. English, seated alone at one corner coz com spoil. Did the animal story. Yiling gave birth to the twins until have blood? no la! Her leg.hahahahahhas. SEL, we played a game. Chosen MeiChi and Debbie.((:
Assembly, had a talk on...... Hearing those ppl laugh, me and melissa also laughing. hahas.
Guides meeting. Training and combined parade. 5 plus, we were dismissed. Me, Yiling, melissa, liyi and jannar were held out a while for some talking with junie. hahas. Went home after a while. ((:

7:16 PM

Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Tuesdays special

Argh! I just hate the sitting arrangement now. I want my old sit! Why everyone can sit with their pairs again except for me and yiling? We've been seperated! Yiling, dun cry la. lols. Sitted beside Julien now, beside the window FACING THE CARPARK? oh my goddd.. That place is a disaster when the curtains were covered. After school, me, melissa went Debbie's house! Debbie's grandma was so kind la. She went downstairs just to buy milo for us? OMG, Debbie's grandma is so good la. Watched TV ate our fries and went into debbie's room. Listening to music until 2 plus gonna 3, make our way back school.
School, bought drinks, went toilet. That idiot Amin, called me something. I hate you! Freak you. Dun anyhow make names for ppl la. IDIOT FREAK, GO DIE LA. Sat in the canteen to enjoy our drinks. Melissa din wna go for some reasons. haha! Went up after that. Soon, keyboard and vocal started aty the same time. Today, we learn how to play, i see your TRUE COLOURS shining through. hahas. Went toilet with melissa. Down the stairs halfway, saw kelly rushing up. We pull her to the toilet with us. haha. Had some conversation from second floor to the first floor. Went back. Two of us taught kelly how to play I SEE THE TRUE COLOURS. lols. The teacher teach her again. The teacher din know that she already know then say GOOD! haha! Kelly, the teacher like you seh.. hahahahaha! Practiced. Me and ZiHui one team. We played. Out of a sudden, ZiHui told me something. She pointed at Alvin, one of kellys BEST fren. hahas. The action he did make me lmao until stomach pain la. Melissa saw too and soon, all of us laughed! hahas. After that, dismissed! Went to collect Kelly's bag. Then, went to the office to pay her music tinggy fees. We were there chatting away. Me and melissa were asking more about kelly and ???. From the friendster i look, i tot is the upper pic?? OMG. Then, someone called me. It was my MUM la, not other ppl. Dun think YY, must think ZZ. hahas. Walked till he traffic light and BYEBYE(:
Karyi went hospital): Wonder if shes okay le. Want go see her):

You're the only one i liked;
But no one knows, except for myself.
Sudden flash of you keep on repeating in my mind,
i wna forget you.
Forget everything about you.
Can I?

YES I CAN. lol.

6:27 PM

Monday, July 02, 2007
Morning dew

10 plus, screams could be heard from my house. My mother was screaming at the constructors the moment they arrived. Quarrelings could be heard between my parents. Those constructors were so afraid that they went out of the house, into the lift and down to first floor. lols. At last, the renovations done! Now for the paintings.(: Planning to paint my room either pink, purple or blue. Maybe orange? Cannot make up my mind. hmmm..

5:30 PM

Sunday, July 01, 2007
saturday, sunday

Was freaking pissed off! From morning 10 plus, i was trying to use the internet. Until now, which is like, 9 plus at night, then can use. IDIOT.

Saturday, went to meet my sister. Went marina to watch NANCY DREW. Went to buy the ticket first, then went swensens for lunch. After that, went back to the cinema for the show. So nice la the show, only thing thrs some parts a bit scary de, but was funny! After the show, went shopping. My sis bought some stuff and i bought some stuff.(: Then, my sis called home to check on the renovation tinggy, she was blowing. Went home. The moment the lift door opens, or maybe haven open yet, my sister suddenly say the word! You know, f***. At home, all of us gather at my parents bedroom coz its dust-free. My sister was encouraging me to throw away something that i wouldn't want to throw away.. Were chatting inside while my mum was outside doing something. My sis wna transfer me to GMSS :( No way mann! No one's gonna change me to anywhr else. Staying in Broadrick in the beginning will be staying till the end. Yeah. Chat about those shopping stuff. My mum and sis were demanding, asking those constructors to pack all those stuff into the kitchen or they cant go home. Those packing ended at 11 plus! Gonna midnight liao..

Sunday, Karyi told me she has Dengue again! Karyi, get well soon. Watched goong ince my com was not working. Evening, went liang court. Tampopo japanese restraunt. It was my dad's b'day and my sis is treating us. I love the food there! plus, the green tea ice-cream and milk pudding. Went walk walk, then went home.

9:50 PM


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