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Friday, June 29, 2007
a week

Finally! Can use the computer le! yeahyeahyeah!

Tuesday, In Mr Lim lesson, we talk about cells. Our textbooks have CORK cells, and mr lim mentioned it. Me and Melissa was laughing. Melissa was laughing cos XinYuan's surname is KOK. Got the music enrichment tingy. Me, Debbie and melissa reported to the teacher at 3.30 coz we thought its 3.30 report. Its vocal lesson, then we all wanted to get out of the classroom just in case we disturb the ppl there. Then, the teacher ask us to join in la. I thought join in and SING, but lucky no la. hahas. Hear the people there sing. Do Re ME Fa, Fa Me Re Do. When I grow up, i wan to be. That part i was laughing my ass off la. I was laughing until i buay tahan liao, i ask melissa and Debbie follow me go out. We sneaked out. The way we sneak out was hilarious. We walk sideways just like a crab. The teacher caught us. Where you're going? Melissa replied, er... go toilet, go toilet. We all dash out laughing la. I just carn stand it. Laugh until stomach pain. HAHAHA. Went canteen, then went back. This time, they are singing different thing. After a while, sms from kelly, then she call me. I dash out again. HI!, saw them. LOL. The teacher like kelly a lot. haha. Had our keyboard lesson. We played the keyboard. Me and melissa kept turning behind and looking at what kelly is doing. LOL. Then, go home!

Wednesday, in class, melissa and yiling kept on asking me... I dun have la! Then, assembly. Got the dialogue session. Melissa went up to say something bout the locker. She malu-ed herself. From then, ppl that knows melissa kept on teasing her la. haha. Mervin went up to speak for the girls. hahas. Basketball for girls. lol. Then, went down for Girl Guides. Changed then ate. Had training. The HAHA dumpling HAHA at us. We HAHA at him back. hahahahas. Then, dismissed. FOllowed Karyi, Huilin, PeiFe and Margeret to the 24 hour food court. Karyi accompanied me to eat just a tiny winny bit of dinner. Thank you hor, for accompany me, then make you din eat with me plus din join Huilin they all. Chit Chatted. Karyi was 'playing guessing game'. She was comfirm its the answer. haha. Then, we saw HSD. jian gui le. hahas. Karyi followed me to my busstop to wait for bus. Took the overhead bridge. hahas. Chatted until my bus came, then went home. (:

Thursday, Art, the new teacher make us draw orchid. The flower, stam and the BUTT(bud). I have been laughing when i heard the word BUD la. hahas. Went toilet after we draw. Yiling explained the meaning of the song 2 yue 30 hao jian. Orh, now i know le. So sad la. hahas. Combined parade after school. Before that, we went to the office and gave the money for the music tinggy. Melissa pronouced reciept as reciep. Then a teacher, i think the name is Mr Feroze or what one say its recieT with a silent p. lol. After the parade, we sang cheers and learn the new hentak cheer. NICE LA! omg, i so like it loh. lol. After that, Junie was telling us to polish our badge. Then, ask kelly where to buy the BRASSO. She explained to me how to pronouce BRASSO. A bit HORNY. LOL! hhahahahah! Walk to the busstop with Kelly, then i know that KARYI IS SICK! omg..

Friday, got the swimming carnival. So can go home at 10.10. Went yiling house. On the bus, karyi called me coz i sms her. She is still sick! OMG. Melissa talked to her also. Get Well soon! Yiling house, Watched Magicians of Love and eating cup noodles plus drinking RIBENA. cool eh, all drinking my blood. LOL! not funny ppl. hahas. Then when Yiling and Melissa using the com, i continued watching TV. Yiling showed me her collection of idol things. OMG! a lot la!~ i want! OMG!! I so like that Cyndi de book la!. Changed, then went back school. Waited damn long for the bus la. Wanted to take taxi, then the bus come. Then change bus, waited long la. While waiting, we saw a guy tucking paper in his ears. LOL! Traffic jam, i damn scared we were late la, all of us were nervous. Down the bus, we RAN. Katong swimming complex. Faled in, theres a cat walking around us la. I was damn scared loh, then we somemore cannot move. But then the cat came so near and me and joey got scared and we jump. haha. The cat walked across charlene leg la, omg, aren't she scared? lol. Went for our duties. MILO station. Me and Kelly and tara and a few more ppl starting pouring the milo. THen, the milo thing was shifted inside the swimming complex, easier. Pour and serve, pour and serve. Went to serve one time with Huilin and one time with Melissa. Me and kelly hands were covered with milo, but not totally covered. Washed our hands. Must be WENROU liao, my skirt was tearing apart. I din even realise it until Junie told m. HAHA! Then must also remake the whip. COntinue pouring and putting the cups on the table. Eng Teng came to help. She poured while i put the cups on the table. Barsirah, Teeli and stephanie also came. Stephanie and margeret spilled milo on their uniforms. haha. Ending soon, collected the rubbish bags. Falled in, we did the tinggy. First time, ppl did wrong. Second time, I DID WRONG THING! had to redo. Kelly was like shaking me la. SORRY! lol. Did the third time, then dismissed. Outside, weiwen treated me and yiling ice-cream! XIeXie hor. (: THen, went home. ICe-cream, was my dinner(: I didn't have dinner at home. hahas.

6:16 PM

Monday, June 25, 2007

House until renovation from today onwards. Just reach home only, all in a MESS! seriously HATE IT. Doing re-wiring for the whole house also. OMG la, what if there's no electricity? I will not survive without TV, lights, fan and of course, COMPUTER. lols. Where ever we sit, we had to blow away all the dust and you will see white dust flying all over. lol.

Today okay le! Headache gone le. HAPPY. Today i was just CRAZY. But was tired also. I got so irritated whenever anyone talks to me. sorry horrr.. lol. PAISEH AR. Maths, we had our own free time. Talk to miss han for a while with YIling and melissa. she was asking bout our camp. GEO, what mrs lee teaching, totaly dun understand. I was laughing la when she poked the whiteboard that make the funny sound. We dun have our book mahh, so she gotta explain CLEARLY. . lol. Recess, ate. Plus, we saw guys haven FOC haircut. hahas. Science, Mr lim was showing us those photos took in the trip to france and italy. Plus discussing us bout the class presentation. NICE. Music, Mr Nizam not here! We had a relief teacher that is so nice la, allow us take out our hp and such. Throughout the period, Me and Yiling were sleeping. Fall asleep sia.. lols. MT, boring also. DISMISSED! Totally crazy. Told XinYuan a joke. LAME la. She told her senior and was like, the senior nearly 'killed' her. hahahhahahas. Went home. lol.

3:39 PM

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Head damn pain, then fever, sore throat.
But din bother tell anyone.
All they do was to tell me carry this, carry that.
Do this, do that. I cry la, coz head pain until buay tahan le, then they say i cry for nothing.
Got la, told my mother my eye pain, then she say why so many problem.
Whenever my brother just cough only, she will say, oh no! getting sick, then she will get so worried.
Me leh.. nothing. Haiz..
Nevermind la. Dun care. Dun give a damn.

3:38 PM

junie's bbq

Today is Sunday, not Saturday le. But dunno why my com still say its Saturday. Nvm
Today is officially Junie's Bday. Happy Birthday!!

Went to meet Kelly and Karyi at Parkway Mc Donald's Bubble Tea shop.
Stupid la me, anyhow walk then in the end LOST. haha. Then Kelly call me and direct me. Lol. Met them le, went East Coast Park for Junie's BBQ. Saw the arrows pointing towards left is pit 7-17, right is dunno how many la. Then we took the route to the left. Walk while took photos of our shadow while finding. Kelly called Junie. We gotta walk further. Continue walking. Still cannot find. Then Junie told Kelly to face the sea and turn right. 0_0. Kelly, Karyi and me was like huh?! Walk back. Walk and walk, we were all laughing like mad, esp me. Kelly la, show me her *******. Okay la, its not really ******. Was laughing until stomache. lol. Karyi was teasing kelly for leading the wrong direction then they argue. hahaha. Kelly's hair was so messy la. FInally, we reached BBQ pit 4. Yiling, Melissa and Liyi were there. crowd around together. Kelly showed them her fake *******. All laughed. OMG. Sat at the bench. Kelly and Karyi eat their curry puff. Me and Yiling went toilet. After the curry puf and such, actually wan go play water de, but junie din allow. So we took shadow photo again with Yiling they all. Roll call? haha! Me and Kelly took photo at the tree there. But then moment i heard ************, my mood gone down le, but then lata shot up again. haha! We were laughing la. Sang Junie's happy birthday song. happy birthday to Junie, happy birthday to junie. A senior was asking my name then kelly say regina then karyi say bibina then kelly say B then karyi say ribena then he senior get confused. hahaha. its REGINA la. Took a whole group photo. Me, kelly, karyi and a senior were doing something. Just see the photo and you will know. hahaha! After the group photo, the three of us ran to a tree behind and squarted down. Then suddenly WeiWen they all shouted KELLY! Me and karyi said byebye to kelly but we were still pulled there. hahahaha. Took brd photo le, went to sit at the bench. I lie on karyi's shoulder, kelly lie on mine. Closed my eyes la, near to falling asleep until a senior called us. Went toilet. Toilet come out, took photo. Not me la, but kelly they all. Im the photographer. A bit lousy la my skills. haha. Help them took, Kelly's mouth really look like kissing ppl loh. haha! Junie took with Kelly, karyi and me. Went to eat. Kelly and karyi were pointing at me la. Say i whole night din eat. Then the senior thought i whole day din eat. haha. The senior very funny la, took the otak and trying to feed one of us. End up kelly and karyi all point towards me. Took the otak and eat. Non spicy de. Liyi came and joined us. Ate chicken wing, satay, crabstick, hotdog...Then went to buy drink at the vending machine there. After that, we had a conference. Junie, weiwen, liyi, kelly, Karyi and me. Plus a senior joining us. Kinda have a talk. Kelly, say ur opinion. haha. Our high-5's first cry.. haiz. Talk halfway, Kelly and Karyi went home. We continued. Weiwen was asking me my opinion. Said out mine le, then the senior that joined us told us about last time. FORTUNATE US? yea. Then after a while, my father came le. Weiwen and Liyi walked to the carpark with me. Weiwen told us more. Now i know le.
Before going towards my father, Weiwen jia you to me. hahas, JIA YOU! hahas.
Then, went home.

I like three of their seniors there (:
They are funny. (:

10:44 AM

Friday, June 22, 2007

Last night, dreamt of something good. Just hope it will happen.
But if this dream wun happen, i wonder why must my previous dream happen.
Didn't have the mood to do anything today.
Just online msn and chatted with a few people & sms-ing Kelly.
BOut 2 plus, went to watch youtube. Watch halfway dun feel like watching le,
so went to my bed and listen music. Listen halfway, suddenly fall asleep.
Slept till 5 plus near 6. Woke up.
Now my throat damn pain. ><

3 days without MILK,
today i drank 4 cups of MILK le. im not a baby, just that MILK is my best drink. lol.
Got cheer up la, xiexie hor..
To Kelly and HSD. ((:
Got mood le. But still, dun feel like doing anything.
The words nuairani told me, feel like crying again la,
but thanks ar.. I'll TRY to. ((:

6:08 PM

Thursday, June 21, 2007
3 day 2 night camp.

Monday night, Jiajun lost! Damn suay leh, all the ppl i support all out. Dun wan support anymore le.

Just came back from my camp. very tiring.
Actually wanted to blog tml de, but, just couldn't sleep.
No mood to sleep. No mood.
So come blog now.

High-5: Teeli, Kelly, Barsirah, Tara, Theresa and Me. Kelly, i/c (:
Our Cry: Dun cry la, Smack you left and right, Go and die. 3 day, everyday, we think of one cry. hahas.
First day, can say its my happiest day in GGcamp bahh.. Falled in and we played games. Blow wind blow was first. The game was so different la, we end up doing forfiet. Margaret want us to dance ballet. Laugh out loud. Then, we got to know our camp grouping. We are group 5. Yeah! But, weiwen wasn't in the same grp as us. sadsad. We had to think of a cheer we created ourself using the rythem of QUARTER MASTER STORE. There're group 5, group 5, smarter then the rest. haha! Had quiz too before we could take out tent stuff. We kana forfiet coz we din take enough poles. We were far away from the rest already, we rush. Quickly pitch the tent and make the gadgets. Me, Kelly and Theresa were tieing the towel hanging tinggy together and hammering onto the grass. Having good time! Theresa wanted to hammer Kelly's *** ***?? lmao.. We were the last group to finish pitching up the tent and we got the next clue, can-tin. Went canteen to find another clue. We were suppose to name our grp, cry and cheers. Name was given HIGH-5! then cry is dun cry la, then the cheer was long, forget what is it le. hahas. Got the next clue from Samantha. Lunch Time! Nasi Lemak. Ate le, we went to change to our track pants. Went Suntec for our Foot Hunt! Sat with Theresa in the bus. Suntec, walking to tower three, me and kelly were desperate to go into the shops there, but we din la, of course. hahas. we were busy finding the stuffs in carefour la. Whenever we saw what we wanted to find, we just pretend we din find. Hahas! Went collect the food from level one. We took the cheapest bread we saw, record the price of the cheapest eggs and such. Had totally funfunfun there. hahas. Bought drinks there too. While waiting, told Teeli something and she said something that make me lmao la. Zuo gan sun de hor.. god granddaughter? lol. plus, Kelly has a new nickname le, candy. ((: Teeli gav her this nickname. Niceee.. Took a photo, then went to pay up. Went up minitoon to wait for the rest. HAd the next clue, which is to find Mdm Rose for another clue. At the end, we took a company photo. Going back to school, Me and Kelly were chit chatting bout Kelly's ****. Went back school. Had enrolment teaching. Dinner, we cooked ourself, chicken abalone with soup noodle. Shared the fire tinggy with Teeli and Basirah. They let me cook first. Was having a hard time lighting the fire up. I was like, don't know how to cook loh.. Almost High-5 ppl help me cook la. Teeli help me check the noodles, Kelly help me scatter the noodles tinggy, Theresa helpd me crack the egg. haha! thanks! My noodle was too salty while Kelly was bland? Chit chatted there. Went to wash the mass tins(wrong spelling i think) and after sometime, had work. The recipe tinggy. Then, we went to bath. Bath first while Kelly help me look after the door. thankYou! After we were nice and fresh, went up to the home econs room for work. Finding the main switched and such, then we drew it down. Had test. The National Symbol tinggy. Forgot some answers. Din memorise the whole notes properly. ><>
Next day: woke up at 5 plus by Kelly's legs. hahas. Brushed teeth and such. Did morning exercise and a bit of footdrill. Then, we headed for dragon boat! Sat the same boat as Huilin they all. At first, me and janaar was nearly screaming. When Kelly and karyi they all de oat come le, our instructor splashed water at them. hahas! They attacked back and we attack here and there. WET! then, we tried many things. Sitting at the side of the boat and putting our legs into the water. nice la. We even had a mini race. Whoever instructor lost will jump into the water! Didn't expect they really jump loh.. omg. The water was shallow until they could even stand on the ground? Headed back after all the fun. went to bath immediately. waited n waited for so long la, then me n kelly went boys toilet see see. Got unused cubicles, we faster went in bath. Lunch time, ate alot! busy studying for the enrolment quiz also. Ha the argue session. My turn la, i din even kbnow what to say. 0_0 Said it in point form type, dunno can anot. The test was next! Damn scary.. dunno alot sia, so scared i will fail la. Footdrill next, kelly teached me and theresa new things. then junie talked to us. After footdrill, We waited for the bqq((: Took all the benches to the bbq sides, then we sat in a circle, sing the clapping cheer tinggy and such. Jade and Tara so funny la. All saying my eyes looked scary whenever i... Played blow wind blow. Kana forfiet again! Watermelon cheer? Quite fun la. hahas. Ate our beehoon. Ate jelly and hotdog.. Nicee.. Went toilet with Kelly and karyi. Both of them sat at the bench in the toilet to wait for me. Just open the door cubicle only, they like suddenly say YA QIAN to me. lols. Then, we left our platesaside coz we were told that there were chicken wings and more hotdogs blablabla coming up. Yiling had fever. She went to rest. Played game. Us Vs Them. lol? We lost la!. haha. After the game, we cleared away the plates. Ran quite a number of rounds around the quartrangle for some reasons. After that, we played Kim's game. Blindfolded ourselves. Tara was behind me and she told me some scary things bout the game, saying that they will let us see ghost? lol. Seniors lead us around. The first time, i was holding the senior hand so tightly la. Climb up onto something then jump down again. Had the 5 senses tinggy. Tasted, smelled and heard a lot of things. Then, finish. Bath. Before that, we helped to clear up the bbq areas. Kelly and Karyi was talking to a tall tall senior. Then she suddenly ask if my name was regina. How did she know leh? She was the one whom i grab her hand until damn tight de. hahahas. After the bath, all of us gathered together. The seniors are treating us McDonalds!They asked us if we want any. Kelly, karyi and me wanted and we went to sit at the side with all the ppl who wants Mc Donalds. Saw a lot of stars. Wow.. After that, we had chit session with Junie and the graduated seniors. After that, Mc Donalds came. Kelly, karyi and me went to the tent first to get something. Went to find Teeli. She cried? We were thinking what had happen until she said what she remember or heard by something or someone, its very TOUCHING. lols. hahahahas. Ate our fries. After fries, we were BLOATED. Can't sleep at all. Back to the classroom, Kelly, Eng Teng and me were having small chit chatting. We saw something that make the three of us stunned. Ater a while, Eng teng slept. Soon, karyi came back and we went to sleep. Fall asleep very very soon and woke up at 5 plus.
Third day: 5 plus, and went to sleep again. Woke up at near 7. Brushed our teeth and such. Had breakfast. After breakfast is combined training. Weiwen trained us before that. Was tiring la. I was blur, din march properly. Had lunch. Sat with Melissa, Yiling and Eng Teng. They were talking bout ghost stories. Ate le, had cheers. Karyi kept on saying get high. hahas! 7 pokes and 4 slaps on the leg to be paid. hahahaha. Had first aid lesson. Game also. Then, we went to pack our stuff and keep the tents and gadget poles. Changed to our uniform. Put back those tent and poles tinggy with Teeli and Kelly. Kelly make me laugh like what la, clipher hair until so funny. Had enrolment ceremonies. Im enroled! Happy! But, after all this, Junie told us about the sudden change in patrols. Kelly was changed to Dove. I was like, so stunned? How could it be? Omg.. Weiwen was promoted to be flowerpecker's patrol second. congrats(: Basirah the QM!! congrats(: After all this, TOTALLY NO MOOD le. Really don't know what to do. All of us went to Kelly after all the ceremonies. Didn't expect it to happen. All of a sudden? Stayed back a while with Kelly and Karyi. Walked to the busstop with Huilin they all after that. Huilin all talk to me, ask me not to be sad and bla. thks(:

In bus, i was daydreaming until i forgot to alight la. OMG..
Was having a bad sore throat now.. ><

Fun can throw away anger and troubles
But sudden happenings can throw away fun and smiles.

7:27 PM

Monday, June 18, 2007

Today at home whole day again!
watch WEIXIAO pasta. HAHAHA!
Going finish le! Now is 4.27pm.
Hope to finish watching before 8, then i can watch CAMPUS SUPERSTAR le.
Tml camp le..
Two wish: wish i wun change patrol!!
PLUS wish flowerpecker no one change!!.. lol

Now 10.38, waiting for 11.30 for Campus superstar result.
Muz support Jiajun!
Watch finish WEIXIAO pasta le!
Damn like the show la! OMGGG
Like the songs also..
Especially Xiao Wu Gui and Huang Hun xiao!
Pack my camp thing also.
So squeesy la, cannot squeese everything in. Melissa and yiling also.
All of us stuff the remaining things into a BIG plastic bag. Plus, gonna carry my slping bag on hand.
Ahhh! so 'lehzhe'. lol.

4:26 PM

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Last nite watched WEIXIAO pasta with my brother until 1 plus am to 2am.

Today, Went Suntec with my nanny in the morning.
Went walk walk. SHOPPING? hahas.
BlueMax de drama damn cheap la. OMG..
OP sale 70%!!! AHHHH!!!
I din went in to see! REGRET.
Went carefour next. Bought things after that, went home.
Saw Marilyn on my way home.
Guess she is also on her way home from ABCC bahh..
long time din see her le, a it cannot recognise her.
After that, watch WEIXIAO pasta again!
Even my bro addicted to it le.
Nice rite? lol.

6:34 PM

Saturday, June 16, 2007

finish watching WeiXiao pasta on youtube yesterday night le!
Addicted to it.
Watch again today. HAA!
Thanks Yiling lend me the CD.
Watch until feel like sleeping now..
HAHAHA! I love the ending. HAHA.



6:28 PM

Friday, June 15, 2007

stay at home watch youtube
play a bit of habbo
and go GG things.
Me & Melissa spent almost the whole morning and afternoon doing
& sharing the links that we found.
Evening, went out with my mum to buy my thing.
HATE IT. dun wna talk bout it.

To Jeanie, saw ur MSN nick! So happy can?
Jia you leh... one month lata i wna see the new u horr..
the new you that dun touch them anymore (((:

This few days my mind still flashing bout that thing
Argh! HATE IT. So scary can?
That kind of feeling first time sia..
a bit scared.
STOP THINKING LA.. think already also mei you hao chu..
GO AWAY from my mind can? lol..

7:28 PM

Thursday, June 14, 2007
gg tinggy

Today whole day at home again.
Do GG things..
watch youtube..
then play a bit of habbo..
Thats all..
So Bored..

tiz few days back pain again.
thanks to the mattress la
buy new one for wat? so hard la.
I wan back my old one. ><

Sudden image of you have been flashing in my mind everyday.
Perhaps, i hav really fallen for you..

puii la, hahahas.

8:38 PM

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

YTD, is R, not B.
Why not SR instead of BB?
Or FR; SR oso can. hahas.
FR: Fast R SR: smart R. :DD
Today, whole day stay at home,
Playing Habbo
Watching youtube and
Doing GG stuff..
Sickening Yahoo and Google, cannot find so many stuff, only can find a bit. argh!!
Then my mum started packing the kitchen for the renovation tinggy
and she was addicted to JizYouJinShun le. Ever since my bro download for her..
She has not yet bring me for shopping.
Ahhh!! my 2 blue tee..

8:29 PM

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

YTD, wilson and the who out..
Nvm, nowi like F2, F4 and M2.
Realised the M2 nerdy until quite cute. hahas.

Today suppose to go to school for the music enrichment lesson.
Was waiting for my bus when Debbie sms me saying that the music lesson cancelled. WALAO!
Cancell oso never imform us earlier.. ahhh!
But still went to school to check it out.
Met Yiling and Melissa. We didn't go to check it out coz a lot of people had already went home after they know the news.
Went MeiChi house to do the history work.
At the bus when alighting, Kelly called me.
Was loosing balance.. hahahas.
So next Tuesday how?
Melissa kept talking bout ytd the campus the M3, tat one, how he fell.. lmao.
MeiChi house, went into her room.
Was crazy at first. Yiling was looking at Zhang Dong Liang's new album when me and Melissa was talking bout someone (confidential) and Yiling suddenly say HAO SHUAI OH..
Me and Melissa burst out laughing. So funny la.
We on the music and we started singing loudly and making lot of noise. Yiling was a funny one, so funny la.
After that, we were watchin that Rain or something MV. Melissa keep pausing when hilarious part were shown. lmao..
Then, we watched 200 pounds beauty.
Told them bout my dream.. summaries a bit here.
Dreamt of Jocelyn having stead 0_0
Weird right? Suddenly dream of this. Lols.
Halfway, MeiChi's mother cooked lunch for us. thank you!
I like her mum cutlary skills, so nice la.
There was one thing that i was happy about, i am finally not the last one to finish the food! woohoo!, first time leh.. :D
There was this very funny guy, he was really damn hilarious. Melissa laughed each time he talks. hahahas.
Went back and continue watching 200 pounds beauty. Melissa kept sneezing and kept on giving me her tissue.eeee? Whenever she sneezes, me and Yiling will go far far away. hahas.
After the show, we had nothing to do and we told each other's ghost stories.
KL ghost stories, MRT ghost stories, movie theatre ghost stories, school ghost stories, HDB ghost stories and Sentosa ghost stories blablabla.
We then begin discussing bout the history work.
Then around 4 plus, went home.

*Anyone who has this two song can send me?
-Ai sheng e zhuo ju by sweety
-Lu guang sen lin theme song (forgot the name) by sweety..
Will love u as a fren if anyone send me this two song (:
Thank you! xDD

Perhaps, I have already fallen for you..

Puiii la.. lols.

5:17 PM

Monday, June 11, 2007

Thursday : TuiTion
Friday : TuiTion
Saturday : staying at home and watching youtube ((:
Sunday : staying at home and watching youtube ((:
Monday : TuiTion
YTD carn sleep. Was tossing on the bed at 12 plus till 1 plus then i fall asleep.
Saturday and sunday oso, dunno why. I had a very hilarious dream last nite. oh my goddd..
If it really happens im gonna roll on the floor laughing mann.. hahas.
Then today 10 plus kana force to wake up for tuition. sian..
Tuition time, half of my mind was sleeping.. hahahas.
Went home, slept till 4 plus.
Woke up, head damn pain, then went to slp again,
then woke up, then watch youtube. SmilePasta ((:
Now got campus superstar!
I like F2, F4 and M3.
M3 quite handsome ((: But XuBin beta )):
He out! Still very sad. hahas
M4 look so gay la, sissy.. Lols. But he looked DAMN FUNNY. lmao.
See the result lata, hope F2, F$ n M3 can go in ((:

The EARLIER bird gets the worm. ((:

8:25 PM

Sunday, June 10, 2007

ANYONE, including BEST of frenz,
who backstabs me, or tok bad stuff bout me to people and spreading it,
or even leak out any of my secrets,
I will NOT hesitate to hate them for life,
even best fren, or RELATIVES.

3:34 PM

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Tiz few days during the holidays,
mood become REALLY pathetic.
Some things were appearing in my mind, making me THINK non stop.
I really nid someone to be a listenig ear and hear me nag..
really feel like going back to the past,
going back to Stamford Primary School,
going back to class 6/4,
listening to lame and cold jokes from Mr Linsell Lim,
Crapping and going crazy with people behind us,
snatching over who to pass the paper behind with Jeanie,
eating sweets secretly during class,
and taking photos in the toilet together.
Crapped quite long with nuairani tiz morning.
Everything has totally changed.
Life has changed, everything.
Jeanie had become a totally different her, slashing her wrist and smoking..
Jasmine had become boy CRAZY and nuairani's parents were simply abusing her.
Told Nuairani one of my BIGGEST secret i ever kept in sec skul.
I actually told her?
Really feel like going back to the past, going back to 6/4 and having fun with those peeps.
Of course, jasmine, jeanie, dinah, nuairani, xin Hong, they are the BEST!

I dun wan to lead secondary school life anymore..I realised my sec skul life suck like hell. How i wish time machine really exist...

9:12 PM

Friday, June 08, 2007

last nite dreamt of something SCARY...

So shocking to hav tiz kind of dream. I dun wan it to happen. 0_0
I even cry in my dream? ahhh!!
Pray hard it wun happen.
I dun wan it to happen!!!

3:54 PM

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Went tuition.
Then, went meet Melissa at broadrick and we went to skul to giv the Music Enrichment Form.
At skul, saw Julien n Chloe.
Miss Ann Tan came out of the office and saw us. She toked to us.
Miss Ann Tan asked wat can be done beta to the skul.
Melissa said tat thr are too many worms..
hahahas. Natural, yea...
We put the form into the deposite box and took out another form frm there.
Then, we went 24 hr food court to hav chicken rice.
Crapp there. Then went home...

Evening, followed my brother to Suntec. AT the busstop, realised tat i 4gt bring my bus pass, then walk back home take agn. =$
Suntec, waited for very long for my brother for repairing his phone. Nearly fall asleep. Then finally done. Went window shopping. Went down to addidas, world of sports, royal sporting hse blablabla. Then went up to level 4 agn, walk to tower 3. Then, went down. Minitoons, bought candies. Walk to Meridian thr, then marina.Then by there, went city hall, raffles city then walk back to bras basah thr then took a bus home, then went to buy supper. 9 plus 10, finally reached home.

5:31 PM

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

M4, xubin out!!!! waaahhh!! so sad! )))):
But F1 n M5 in!! woohoo!!

went tuition, then stayed at home, nothing to do.
I wan go out, shopping, play, bla n not juz stay at home.
How i wish its skul day. Holidays are boring.

wateva you say, wateva you do,
bounces of others,
and comes back to you.

4:28 PM

Sunday, June 03, 2007
Be Be's bday party.

Be Be's bday party...
Went S'pore expo first. Went to look at furnitures. My parents wna renovate the kitchen. Then, thy were looking for a mattress for me. Trying on so many matress, we bought a 300plus one. Actually, i still prefered the thousand plus, the fluffy fluffy mattress. hahas. About to go to xiao gu hse, my sis called. We were late la. All of them were waiting for us to cut Be Be's cake. Always late la we, tats usual.
At Xiao Gu's hse, had buffet dinner. We were the last one to eat. My mother din eat. She has to wait for half n hour lata coz she juz ate pills. Acc her. My gm was nagging, asking me to eat, eat, eat. Be Be's were so cute la. Both Xixi n Cici.
Sand bday song, n cut the cake. The cake was tall, juz like a castle. haha. Cici was trying to touch the cake, n she managed! Lols. Ate. Niceee...
Watched POC. pirates of the carribean. Kelvin was thr explaining the movie to us. Haha.
Around 9 plus, went home. ((=
Once agn, HAPPY B'DAY TO XIXI N CICI, ur two r so cute la!

10:36 PM


The first Holiday week has passed ((=
Tml had to go tuition le. SIAN. >.<
My mum is sick! Food poisoning.
Get Well Soon!
Today is oso the two Beebee's birthday!

Happy Birthday to Xixi n Cici!
1 yrs old le ((x

4:29 PM

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Had campfire in TKSS. ((=

Meet Yiling for dinner at 4 plus. Waiting, was crapping. She was asking me if i can buy dramas,wat will i buy. Maybe Westside story? Smile Pasta? haha. LiYi, Charlene, Joey n Janaar came too.

Bout 5 plus, KarYi came. she gav a tap on my shoulder. Scare me. hahahas. Then, Junie came. Waiting for Kelly to come. Kelly came, Junie checked our attire. 33 came, board the bus. Sitted with Yiling. Was crapping. Junie was sitting in front of us, crapping too. Kelly n Karyi was crapping with junie oso. Tok bout changing of patrols. I dun wan change! Teeli, Kelly, WeiWe, Tara n Basirah oso. Nope...

Reached TKSS, we were the first skul to come. Waited for Mdm Rose to come. Went into the field to sit. Second row, Joanna, Kelly, Karyi, me n Yiling. ((= Took pictures, n toked.
Soon, campfire started. The grass caught fire. Some scouts were trying to put up the fire at the grass. Was looking n Kelly asked me not to drool. -.- no im not. hahas. Had cheers. Cheering for BP spirit n Guiding Light. ((= Next was game. Guessing the song, Janaar n CHarlene went up once. haha. Then cheers agn. Wind blow n i was freezing... COLD.
Next was pass the band game. Being sabo to go up. Went up with Janaar. First round n we r out. Yeahs! Collected our prizes n went back. Was freezing cold. I nid the toilet. KarYi n Yiling was rubbing my hand to giv me some warm. hahas. ty! Went toilet with Yiling. Walking one round around the canteen, carn find the toilet. Went back n ask Junie. Karyi took us thr. Gone to GMSS n TKSS toilet, i tink our skul toilet smells the best. Lol.
Hokey Pokey, Kelly poked me! I was laughing n kelly gav me tissue n ask me not to cry. Im not crying... hahas. took her tissue n wipe my tears away coz i was laughing too much. Was not laughing after tat. Yiling was asking me if i laughed too much until no feeling. haha. KarYi n Kelly tot im crying. haha. Night, we saw lots of stars. Lets sing, wo ke yi, pei ni qu kan xing xing. hahas.Me n Yiling was guessing which is the north star coz we saw two very bright stars. haha. One is south star n one is north star. hahahas. Had scavenger hunt oso. By then, me n Yiling were falling asleep. Leaning on each other shoulder. hahas. after tat, a song sang by someone. Went the song is sang, a lot of the scouts n guides went round saying hi to ppl. A guy shook hands with some of us. His hands were oily. eee...
Some guys were staring at us. Thy were interested in her. Asking her to be their fren n bla. Looking at the guy's eyes looks eerie n funny la. Yiling said thy r 'hua chi'. hahas. Then, me, yiling n kelly n karyi was saying wo ai ni here n thr. Hahaha...
End of the campfire, had prize giving. Being sabo to go u take the prize. ahhh!! I dun wan! but in the end, i went. Not changing patrols ar... haha. The prize was a hand made flower. Nice... for the early bird prize, junie went up to take.
Soon, campfire ended. Walked to the busstop. Kelly n Karyi was questioning me. I was merely asking if 520 the ans is wo ai ni wat. Say i gao bai? RUBBBISH! Was shouting. Junie asked y campfire din shout but now wan go home shout. hahas. I shouted KELLY LA. hahahas. Kelly poked me. I grabbed her hands, n try to poke her back. Attacking each other until i saw my dad. Ran to him. Din bid bye bye. Sry ar.... hahas.

Overall, TKSS campfire was fun. =))
Owe Kelly one packet of tissue. ((= nvr forget. ((=

10:50 PM

Friday, June 01, 2007
Stupid girl.

Wats the matter with her! Only know how to make ppl pissed. No wonder no one likes u la!
Asked me if she has friendster? She has larh! Hu will be so bo liao to lie to u tat she dun hav? Ask me for her friendster e-mail. How could i know i hav been added her since so long la, how would i know if she change her e-mail? Since u know tat she has 2 e-mails, how would i know which one? Ask me for her e-mail, u hav n u still ask me? MF. Why dun u go try urself? .Tell her the e-mail so hard ar? Of course la! Ppl busy la. U urself hav the e-mail n U come n ask me. FYMCB.
Scold me liar liar pants on fire? CCB. MY PANTS R NOT ON FIRE YET. No nid curse me bout tat. Hu say i lie?
No wonder no one likes u, no wonder all block u frm MSN.
Dun let me see her agn or else im gonna slap her.
Ppl, no nid guess hu is tiz bitch, she is not frm brd. ((:

5:49 PM


Had Girl Guides meeting.
Meet Melissa at the 7/11 thr for lunch. Bought slurpee at 7/11 first. Went parkway. On the way, saw Kelly n Calista. Thy r oso going parkway. Board the bus, was laughing n laughing. Melissa n me were lmao when something happen. hahas.
Parkway, had shaker fries, coz we r full after tat slurpee.. then we went jalan jalan. Melissa was looking for her earrings. But in the end, she din bought anything. I bought two pen. (:
1pm oredy, rush to the busstop. Thought that we will be late. We were praying hard for 31 to come. Around 1.11, the bus finally come. HENG.
Busstop, was XinYuan. She look so cute with her cut hair. haha. Was crapping all the way.
GirlGuides, Went 3EA. Junie n the sec 3 were busy doing something. Teeli wanted me n Yiling go to the office to take staple bullet. Junie remine me of something. Opps, we RAN all the way to the office n all the way back. haha, nearly lost my way. =XX
Back, Junie asked Janaar lead us with the cheers. All along, we hav been singing only one cheers, THE CRAZY MOOSE. Janaar changed the lyrics tat make Me, Yiling n Melissa lmao... WeiWen was laughing oso. hahas.There was a crazy man, n he drank a lot of beer.. haha. Junie heard it. haha.
Then we went to the notice board thr. Sat in patrols. Junie was briefing us bout the camp tinggy. 3 assignments to be done. hmmmm...
Halfway, thrs a worm tat was crawling towards us. Teeli saw it n went to sit beside kelly. Kelly call it train. hahas. All along, Kelly was smacking me n Basirah. Ask her why, coz she too high. Nvr listen music how come u high? hahas. Nudge her leg. She nudge me back, nudge her agn. hahahahas.
Junie oso told us bout her bday bbq tinggy n the news bout miss boey leaving. Sad...
Hope miss han will come. =D
Dismissed, me n melissa feel like eating shaker fries agn. Went Mc Donalds. =D Before tat, was walking with Kelly n Basirah n Yiling n Janaar. Melissa ask Kelly something tat makes Kelly turn red. Blushing. even her ears were red. Wahahahahas.
Mc Donalds, ate n crap.
Then went home... =)
Home, juz realised tat I FORGOT TO GIV MY MUSIC ENICHMENT FORM!! AHHH!!! Im dead mann...

5:01 PM


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