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Monday, April 30, 2007
2 entrys.

YTD, went bugis shop. wanted to shop for OP bermuders. then OP in bugis no more le then OP in OG renovation. walao...then nvm lor... shop for hair acessories n stationaries. then went fish n co eat. told my bro tats my first time eating n he called me country pumpkin.then he burst out laughing. -_-" nvm...

today... MT, got a teacher come in inspect. malay teacher. then she 'summon' me to her thr n question me. ask me wat is gai lao shi toking.
SEL, we had skit. we acted. melissa is very good at acting. mr lim phraise her. hahas.
after skul went to the dentist. got a decay tooth. then the dentist help me mend tat time, i kept complain pain. kana one injection. then still pain. tiz time another injection... LONG ONE. i cry thr. no one sees. HENG. Xin Yuan was thr looking. whn my mouth whole thing numb, the sdentist help me. no feeling at all. nearly fall asleep. bout one hour lata then finish. went canteen buy drink. then sit at the office outside for a while. saw kelly n karyi. went to find them while xin yuan find her senior. shout at them. kelly call bibina while karyi ask... got see doc? kk. slack. then xin yuan go find the dentist. so meet at 4. was having fun with kelly n karyi. kelly dun cry hor... *wink* after sometime, then we went home. walking, xin yuan walked with her seniors while i walk with kelly n karyi. told them something. thy dun seem to be interested. so i end up saying, k, i know not funny. then thy laugh. lols. then we seperated at the bus stop thr. bye bye. i n xin yuan waiot for bus. then 33 come le. was toking in ther bus. she told me something. whow... kk.hahas. then folo her buy drink, then went home.

5:08 PM

2 entrys.

YTD, went bugis shop. wanted to shop for OP bermuders. then OP in bugis no more le then OP in OG renovation. walao...then nvm lor... shop for hair acessories n stationaries. then went fish n co eat. told my bro tats my first time eating n he called me country pumpkin.then he burst out laughing. -_-" nvm...

today... MT, got a teacher come in inspect. malay teacher. then she 'summon' me to her thr n question me. ask me wat is gai lao shi toking.
SEL, we had skit. we acted. melissa is very good at acting. mr lim phraise her. hahas.
after skul went to the dentist. got a decay tooth. then the dentist help me mend tat time, i kept complain pain. kana one injection. then still pain. tiz time another injection... LONG ONE. i cry thr. no one sees. HENG. Xin Yuan was thr looking. whn my mouth whole thing numb, the sdentist help me. no feeling at all. nearly fall asleep. bout one hour lata then finish. went canteen buy drink. then sit at the office outside for a while. saw kelly n karyi. went to find them while xin yuan find her senior. shout at them. kelly call bibina while karyi ask... got see doc? kk. slack. then xin yuan go find the dentist. so meet at 4. was having fun with kelly n karyi. kelly dun cry hor... *wink* after sometime, then we went home. walking, xin yuan walked with her seniors while i walk with kelly n karyi. told them something. thy dun seem to be interested. so i end up saying, k, i know not funny. then thy laugh. lols. then we seperated at the bus stop thr. bye bye. i n xin yuan waiot for bus. then 33 come le. was toking in ther bus. she told me something. whow... kk.hahas. then folo her buy drink, then went home.

5:08 PM

Saturday, April 28, 2007
boring saturdaees.

okay.. i change my blogskin 2 times n im back to my usual old ones. =)
hope ur dun mind. DUN SCOLD ME. hahas.

Saturday has come again.
was online the whole daeee.
tok to a few peeps : jasmine, jervina, jeanie, nuairani(morning), melissa(morning), Cheejie n bla bla bla.
Nuairani... u good lor, can go out. =(
Jeanie... was stunned when u say u smoke. beta dun now horr. if not i come KILL u. hahas. k la.
Jasmine n Jeanie were both making me pissed. i typed WTF, dun friend u le n i closed the window. they came begging for forgiveness? lols. hahahahahhas.

today will be slping late juz like before. got show at 11.30. wo cai wo cai wo cai cai cai. damn nice la the show. =P

5:05 PM

Friday, April 27, 2007
english MYE

nowadays my back pain increasing. i old le. hahas. no la! now even i sneeze or laugh my back will still pain. run oso. duno y.
aiya anyway...
today is my english MYE paper.
thy gav us 5 choices. wat a coicidence! got one qsn we got do before in class. i wish i neva tell her anything... hahas. in the end i choose the horrifying accident. write about car crash and everything.
then break time. go find mrs saha she not around. so go canteen eat.squeesy sia... ppl cut queue. nvm... saw kelly thy all. i n melissa go find her. thy toking to tat elliot or something. i n melissa attacked kelly. pokedpokedpoked. hahas.
back to class, compre. summary is like so hard for me lorr.
after skul go find mrs saha. its a comfirm la, she scold me. she scold me for not asking frm her ytd. -_-" lame tcher. nvm la. get back the book can le. went for lunch. KFC. we were laughing like no one business. toking all the way. saw tiz guy wearing 'xi zhuang'. then we all say he wear like tat come eat KFC a bit weird n moremoremore. hahas.
slack. went home at round 4. got miss calls. kelly call me. i call back. she call me long ago whn she saw us at KFC. really ar? hahas. okay.

4:02 PM

Wednesday, April 25, 2007
wednesday special.

my back pain again. stupid thing.
today, meet kelly at the canteen for breakfast! hahas. but we went to her class first. bought burger, sat down n eat n tok. i was laughing while eating. whistle was blown n i threw away my leftover burger. saw her fren. kelly went towards him n he said something. i burst out laughing. wahahahahas.
lesson was okay but nothing to say about. oh ya! tok bout after science, mr lim was gone liao, waiting for mt teacher. keven went to the floor, pour water n drew a bee. all crowd around n laugh. hahas.
assembly, i, siying, faizah n melissa went to the hall first. whn i sit down, i duno then i bang on my back agn. walao... pain sia.. but nvm la. REN~ i was appointed to go up to take the dnt prize. mervin leader leh, not me. Dnt competition we hav first prize! woohoo! i went up take prize, nervous leh... thn in the end, our prize is a small bottle which cost less then $2. walao...ok la. dun complain liao. let mervin choose the colour first coz he did the most job.
science remedial, i was pair up with zhang jun n sean. sean was the tutor. we were bickering over a qsn. haha.
dismiss! saw kelly. so went up to look for her. went basketball court. saw them playing. i n melissa started MOCKing kelly. we r not interested in HIM, but we r interested to call him daddiex. hahas. went to the staircase thr. karyi dismiss liao. so went to the office thr sit. crapp a bit, the guys came. Cheejie took my bottle. -.- i carn leave without my bottle. hahas. he then went back with my bottle filled with water. then he still dun wan giv back. heck care. sit down n wait. hahas. then he finally giv back. actually wanted to go home. but we went back agn. tiz time, kelly's rubber band was kana taken away by sheng da. we all help her take back. then sheng da almost take my rubber band. then i bend down then my back pain again. wat the... i nearly cry thr... but end up i was laughing. hahas. karyi was telling me go home see doc. cheejie went into the security guard room to sit with the uncle? we all laugh. some say he's the guard dog. lols. went out, saw tiz teacher. funny sia him, wear so nicely yet ride bycycle home. dotz... then the teacher stop at the drain thr n see. so, we all went to kpo for a while. saw tiz boy inside. he say got snake in the drain, so trying to kill it. so brave sia him.. hahas. then got tiz two boys i tink name wen hao n wen yang de came. i tink he scold the boy. the boy chased him one round n go back to the drain agn. hahas. so cute sia him... then i tink thy scold him lj, the boy come up agn with a broom. chase them. then thy run away, he went in agn. hahas. i tink his grandma came, ask him come up, he dun wan. then the grandma say wan call his mother then walk away. after sometime, i n melissa walk to the bus stop. then we waited for the bus. cheejie, sheng da n a guy folo melissa. hahas. cheejie was shouting at me. wat the.... melissa vry funny sia... hahas, u know wat i mean. =)

6:19 PM

Tuesday, April 24, 2007
tuesday's special.

i n yiling were INSANE tiz few days. hahas.
same thing, went to buy water. then iu n yiling were toking in the middle of the path. hahas. toktoktok, yiling realised she din bring her maths file. out of the suddne, she squart down. pull her up. yiling, ur heavy. haha, juz kidding =) went back class, mervin locked the door. wat the... ythen yiling turn to me n said something. then she turn back ag. tiz time mervin open the door n HIT HER. kk, i, yenzhi n her burst out laughing. yiling cry? no la, is laugh until cry. hahas. then going quartrangle, mervin shine the lazer at yiling eyes. yiling got shan guang. 0_0 she see double. kk. then quartrangle, something happen to yiling agn. will not type here. :X

science, did corrections for the science test. OMG, i only had 26/40
lousy rite? freaky thing. grrrr... hate it larr. MUS BUCK UP!!!! BUCK UPPPPP~ kk. art, din draw. i n melissa was toking. we crapped. explain to her something. y i did tat... haiiz~ can say im quite worry... kk.
after recess, got pastoral care. teacher not here. english, we did marking. 12 ppl tio detention. not me la. MT, boring~ bottle cap tok n tok n tok. haiiz.
after skul, maths. I PASS MY MATH! I PASS! but only 16/25. haiiz.
dismiss! went to the canteen. saw calista. so i, calista, yiling n melissa went 24hr coffeeshop. halfway, melissa mother suddenly come. so she go. haiz... so sudden. reach thr, the shop close. wat the... so we bought fries. mervin provoked the aunty. say the aunty sell the fries so little. but in the end got say sorry coz the sunty face turn BLACK. 0_0
hahas.... then we all go home after eating...

sometimes i really think im a useless freak. serious, a very very 100% useless freak.

4:46 PM

Monday, April 23, 2007
monday skul...

canteen with yiling. bought mineral water. saw kelly. she was thr drinking green tea. sit with her. POKED. ((: we start to crapp. kelly, daddiex ar... *ahem ahem* rmb tat. haha. not karyi de hor. haha. no la. juz kidding. ((: i'll rather tat SC be my daddiex. haha. kidding.
whistle blow liao. we all go back to our class. then we went to the field exercise. lame la. muz jump here jump thr. jumping jack is the one. then my back siao agn whn we did the bent n reach the toe exercise. haiya! julien was malu-ed. hahas. funny. xue ting was then made to run round the field. we were joking whn we did the exercises. haha.
chinese, yiling was changed out of our grp. sadsad. xue ting waskana changed 3 times. haha. xue ting, BO BIAN. hahahaha. the said tat when keqin said sonething bout her letter writing. all laughed. end, ashley was transferred to our grp.
science, we watched animal planet for a while agn. then thr was work.
after recess, history. it was the funniest lesson today. first, he was toking n halfway, we heard screams. AHH! AHH! AHH! AHH! AHH! AHH! AHH! more then five screams. all burst out laughing. then, mr rajan make me the example of a famous chef. then he say... wat she cooks? she cooks... then mervin say shit. then mr rajan was like, kinda say him. then he write a big SHIT on the board. all laughed. me too. then he ask me, don u feel sad? he say u cook shit. OMG~ i was laughing like mad. then i look at mervin. n he said... she has given u the second look. the third look n ur doom. hahaahahahaha.
SEL, we had skit. only 3 grp performed today coz not much time. keqin's n mervin's grp are hilarious one. hahas.
DnT, mr salahudeen din come. so no scolding. haha. but boring~ i n melissa had writing conversation. hahas. we crapp.
dismissed! we went to the hall. see kelly n karyi performance. Izhan let us go in n see. at the same time, he was di-siaoing melissa. hees.kelly n karyi din really perform? haha. I WAN PORK! hahaha. so damn funny lar. then got the 5n something de video clip. tats hilarious. A stands for ABSENT ar..hahas.
after tat, actually wan go for lunch. then see the sky like gona rain. so we din. went home.....

3:39 PM

Sunday, April 22, 2007
sunday specials.

i was kana fooled by some horrible ppl!!! grrrr...
woke up at 9 plus. watch doremon. then on the com. i was kana fooled by tat sheng da. walao eh... horrible GAY. added his gf. we all combined conversation. wonder why, thy called each other pig (no offence) hahaha, sheng da loves to watch pokemon, hi5 n POWERPUFF GIRLS other then la bi xiao xin. wahahaha. childish. tat Cheejie was the another one. he was hilarious. he showed me kellys foto. ah hahahahaha... tats juz so funny. kelly if u see tiz dun scold me :X scold him instead.
hahas. crapp with chloe. we were grumbling on our maths hwk.
watch youtube. very long neva watch huan zhu gege liao. kinda miss it. haha...

3:09 PM

Saturday, April 21, 2007
saturday bores...

woke up at 9. my back still hurts. but nevermind, coz beta liao.
watched doremon, then went online. kellys guy friend added me. hoshengda if im not wrong. he asked me bout mervins stuff n bla bla bla. then he say he gona splash water at me on mon. !!!!!! NOOOoooo... NEVER! ill run home first. haha. chloe added me in msn too. yea! u finally got msn liaos. woohoo. she say shes going for another surgery in june. so poor thing. tke care! we were 'discussing' bout the dental checkup. strange, y i din recieve the paper leh??? qi guai. maybe my form inside my mum got write something ba. aiya, i oso dunno........

3:18 PM

a change of blogskins.

haha, so bo liao, so i changed my blogskin. but maybe lata ill change back to my old one. ((:

10:44 AM

Friday, April 20, 2007
second time i cried in brd. haiz...

u knw wat?? today is the day... the day to celebrate myself crying in brd the second time. haiz...
we had pe. waliao eh, mr tan make us climb the stairs more than 10 time. my leg went jelly. hahas. then we roller blade. we went to the quartrangle to blade. blading halfway, chew ke qin behind suddenly shout : REGINA, be careful.
then i duno wat happen, i juz continue. then his hand suddenly came n pushed me down. he wanted to get hold of me for his support. end up, i fell.i hit my back! i carn move for the moment. xin yuan was teaching me? she was saying, kneel down n climb up. so pain la. i carn even move. all surround me. i cried. haiz... so sickening la, chew ke qin din fall. xin yuan help me take out the roller blade n 'fu' me back to my shoe thr. hahas, xin yuan help me take revenge. she kicked ke qin's leg. lol.
SEL, we had to plan a skit. Im the good girl in the skit.. haiz... i wan to act as BAD GIRL! grrr... hahas. thn science we watch animal planet channel.
after recess is maths! we did maths test. arrgh! shit la. juz hope i wun fail. plsplspls. DUN MAKE ME FAIL. music, we play the recorder. anyhow play. hahas. then dismiss! went back to class. did the classroom decoration. no colour pencils, no blue tag. so no choice, juz draw can liao. kelly call me. i dun know wat she toking bout! agag agag la. hahas. then we all go. went to the notice board thr. yiling n melissa want to go for checkup. thy ask me go, i dun wan. hahas, coz i sure nid to pluck teeth. hahas. went to the 'creepy' toilet with karyi coz the second level toilet all the cubicle de lock all diasppear. a few indians/malay were thr. thy saw us n said hello guides. thn thy off the light. karyi scolded them. then i knew two of them r frm NPCC. went to buy drink. then we sat thr n we crapp. then we went to the bench thr n tok. huilin n margeret called karyi. tat sheng da splash water at karyi. fall in, we went to 1ea. kelly help me carry melissa n yiling bag while calista carry all e plastic bags.
i only carry melissa file. ty! sit in a circle, i n kelly was poking each other.
hahas. was quiet for a while.
netball, haiz... not in the same grp as kelly, melissa n yiling. my grp only score 1. kellys grp was scoring a lot. thy r all pro ppl. weiwen say if we loose, thr will be banana dance. haiz.. told eng teng we do the banana dance for sure. eng teng was like, whining. hahas. eng teng dropped the ball n i went to pick it. never know, my back hurts unknowingly. arrgh! my whole face change. 0_0 i nearly cry. din run a lot after tat. break, complain to yiling. theresa was thr. she was playing with my red thing for my grp. went canteen, kelly n karyi ask me if in okay. how thy know? hahas. nvm. then i wanted to continue with the game. i kept telling them dun tell anyone, coz i carn believe tat my grp is scoring so little. I wna play until my grp score somemore goal. end up, junie n miss boey knew. thy ask me dun play. went back classroom, we continue with our cheers. karyi was beside me. every action cheers, i will nod my head to junie n junie will shake her head. karyi will then block me frm standing up n join them. waaa! hahas. ppl was asking me to stand up n do the action. then karyi will be thr to say, cannot, she fall down
hahas, 4 plus, wanted to continue with the captains ball. some dun wan. then miss boey told us bout our stuff. then we were dismissed! arrange ther tables back. junie was influenced by kelly, caling me BIBINA. hahas.
finish arranging the tables, i n kelly started poking each other. my back still pain, but dun care. hahas.kelly say she wan 'fu' me. i was walking very slowly n staring at her juz in case she poked me. hahas. saw keven thr. he splash water thr n drew a face. esther saw n say he very cute. should be irritating ba. hahas. we were thr 'discussing' . karyi kept calling our petrol flower bird bird while we call her petrol my-nah nah. hahas. then we went back. walking home. saw cheejie n a guy. his bottle flew inside the skul. then he say wo de ping zi. i laugh. -_-" then we say bye bye. poked! hahas. saw 33. ran. arrgh. my back! but lucky i din miss the bus.

5:40 PM

Thursday, April 19, 2007
DnT competition.

today's lesson duno y so boring. after skul, stay back for the DnT competition. was sitting with mervin n crapped. we were all eating prawn noodles. i bought my apple n aloe vera. who knows, i finished my noodles before melissa. first time. saw them. kelly n karyi. went to irritate kelly. sry... after some fun, i n melissa got to go. we went into the DnT room n tats whr we realise we forgotten to bring all our bottles. i n melissa ran back to the canteen. gosh, the bottles are all gone! MY APPLE N ALOE VERA OSO WENT MISSING )': went tot he recycling bin, ARRGH. INSIDE EMPTY. saw kelly n karyi agn. thy were drinking. i ran to them asking... er... ur finish ur drink oredy?? hahas. karyi took me to her class cos her class got a lot of bottles. melissa went round asking if thy still wan the bottles. took two frm the tables n one frm the BIN. thank you! ran back to the DnT room. we started work. quite easy at first. then the last part is hard. halfway through, we saw ppl using paint. thn we were thinkinh, teacher din say can use. then mr salahudeen say can. i n melissa ran out to find ppl we know. saw huilin. ask frm her.she lend to us. TY!!! we din know how to make the thing stand. mr salahudeen helped us to make a hole in our wood. ty! thn other problem, it will shake. so we end up using masking tape. LOTS OF MASKING TAPE. finally done, we paste our paper leaves n its DONE! yeah! 1EA is comfident tat we will win! well, hope so. dismiss, we went to return the markers to huilin. someone provoked mervin. hes angry. one of his fren quickly pull him away. now, i n melissa r worried. im scared too. something is gona happen. wat he told us today... how leh? was accompanying melissa to wait for her mom. she was thinking wether to sms mervin. end, she din. liyi was with us. we let her hear a DJ song. hahas. quite funny. melissa mom come liao, she left n we went home togather. was crapping with liyi. 33 come liao, breeze walk to he bus stop. say bye bye to liyi coz she toking to joey. went home...

its a fact tat u hav done it. nothing can bring u back to change the situation. so, jus let the matter rest. wondering if u know, its kinda frightening to hear u say tiz. )):

5:05 PM

Wednesday, April 18, 2007
suay dae...

IM IN LOVE WITH WANG XIN LIN"S SONG! the HUANG HUN SHIAO (wrong spelling) frm SMILE PASTA! u will hear me singing every min every sec today. hahas. yiling was one of them. ((:

morning in the bus, i was standing coz no space. thrs tiz woman offering seat to me 0_0 no nid i reply. lols. about to go to the quartrangle, was waving to karyi. thrs tiz guy behind karyi was thinking too much. he tot we waving at him n he waved back. i n yiling burst out laughing. lols. quartrangle, jocelyn sabotage me agn. arrgh. hahas. i was reading mr midnight bout human ants n jocelyn suddenly touch me. she say got ants. scare me. heng... thrs tiz little worm crawling towards melissa. she freak
out. at the same time, her yell shocked izhan. tat student counciller.
hahas. he help melissa sweep away it. at the same time, laughing.
maths, miss han say she not coming, in the end she came. hahas. now, maths is ok to me coz ALGEBRA is over. wahahahahas. yiling kept making funny noises trying to make me laugh. i was laughing like mad.
english, we did marking. recess, bought seaweet chicken n nuggets. was enjoying the scenery of ppl playing netball. hahas.
geography, we were CONCENTRATING on our work. mrs lee gav out test paper. i FAILED 0_0 by two marks. why am i so stupid nowadays? i studied like hell n i FAILED? can say i nearly cry? haiz... science, mr lim ask me whn is the classroom deco be up. speechless. juz wait for yen zhi's 1ea drawing to be drawn n we can put up my notice label n her 1ea label. mt, we did letter writing agn. tat mervin hor, haiz... we were noisy whn mdm gai went out. mervin went to complain to the other teacher next door. we kana scolding. assembly was a bored one. i almost fall asleep.
hahas. after assembly we had tml DnT briefing.
went home. tats whr all the suay things happen. i missed the bus. got to wait for another duno how many minutes. bus come liao, take home. walking home, got a trishaw coming to our way. i walk to the corner to let him go liao he still nearly bang me. thn he gav me a stern look. wat the... nvm. walk n walk, a bicycle came. i turn to the left, he turn to the left. i turn to the right, he turn to the right. end up we nearly collide together. WTF. he still make the TSK noise. arrgh! today damn suay. haiz...

4:01 PM

Tuesday, April 17, 2007
tuesday's skul day...

class, i juz step into the class, siying told me smth. she said sooo loudly, yiling was shocked. assembly when we r bout to go to the quartrangle, i saw something at level 2. told yiling a joke. i make her remember tat time... hahas. we both laugh like no one business. silent reading, i've been sabotaged by jocelyn. hahas. jocelyn own me $2 for some reasons. ehhh hehhhh .hahas. mr lim and miss kwok din come. but we still got hwk. )): kk. i n yiling started work. hahas. thanks to yiling, we finish our work in less then a period ((: i continue designing my family bios. thn we went round asking for their numbers. art, we drew apples. then i n yiling crapp agn.
recess, i n yiling were famished. we ate rice. then went to the quartrangle. looked up n saw siying n angel. whoa... thy so pretty. thy r going for the SYF dance. good luck! pastoral care, mr ghazali gav us sweet. haha. we all ate. thn we crapp bout CHEESE CAKE agn. hahas. mr ghazali's best fren. thn we tok bout how we feel bout brd. brd got one bad point, which is THRS TOO MUCH CREEPY CRAWLIES. ((: english, i lost smth. i was angry. i bang the table a lot of time. lol. chinese, got back my test paper. 53/100. isn't tat lousy? as lousy until even NA ppl can beat me. i was even angry over smth. i n yiling was scolding tiz girl (maybe frm our class, maybe not) melissa n yiling comfort me in my test. thank you! after tat, we did our own stuff. julien is a spy! she was trying to get a snap shot frm me. i hide behind whoever who walk pass me.

dismiss! waited for rozanne. she had smth on. so couldnt go with yiling. i n xin yuan wen to the canteen to eat. i drank apple n aloe vera. hahas. xin yuan was asking me y i like tat drink so much. hahas. going back, saw kelly. went to pok her n pretended tat its not me. haha. her guy frens was laughing, saying kelly being sabo. kelly came to attack me. hahas. was trying to attack her back. she was holding my hand tight to prevent me frm poking. haha, tat hanrong or smth came n took her rubberband. opps. haha, we attack here attack thr. xin yuan was waiting for me. sry, psps. attack halfway, tat cheejie came n hit my head. aww! dun care, continue to attack. hahas. without her notice, i poked her back duno how many times. hahas. whn hanrong came n held kelly hands sooo tightly, i tried to help her. but he too strong liao. so too bad lor. hahas. attack halfway, kelly suddenly pull me to cheejie thr coz she wna take her hp back. saw janaar. janaar did smth funny. hahas. in the end, poked kelly duno how many times, but im sure kelly pok me more. grrrr... thn i poked karyi n karyi pok me back. hahas. went home. halfway, i n karyi shouted KELLY, then whn kelly turn back, we shouted SC!! hahas. went 7-eleven thr, bought fries n hashbrown for xin yuan. waiting, we saw lots of things. kk. thn walk back, raining. 33 come liao, took bus to hong wen. sat thr n crapp while finishing my fries. she told me smth 0_0. thn we said byebye n went home......

3:10 PM

Sunday, April 15, 2007
sunday bores....

wake up at 10.59 SHARP. hahas. my father woke me up, if not miht slp until 12 plus or wat. hahas. went into msn.

Siying told me smth. i was stunned. i tink shes pulling my leg. how could tiz be? tell him say im sorry but i appreciate his request. internet went DC again. so i off my com n went to do some homework. arrgh, SEL homework very hard larh... then study science for tml test. thn went online agn...

5:23 PM

GMSS camp fire.

its soooo tired now. juz come back from GMSS campfire.

was suppose to meet yiling at 4.45 for the 'early dinner' . i was late coz my bus. psps. went to buy water n fries. witing for the fries, saw huilin n margeret eating. thn we go see see after i take my fries. sat thr for a while. we left first. skul gate, only janaar, annabell n joanna thr. miss boey thr oso. we board the bus, sms kelly tell her quick. tcher waiting. soon, we saw them running. hahas. all laugh. thn thy board thn kelly saw so little ppl. si bibina she say. im statng the fact. hahas. on our way, i saw a lorry of bangalas wearing blue. told yiling a joke bout them. we two burst out laughing. all stare at us. hahas. reach thr, i, kelly n melissa queue up to let karyi retie our scarf. hahas. thn we sit n chat. kelly n karyi called me. we were guessing whos kelly's ahem. hahas. we tried calling calista oso. hahas. so funny la.thn nid go quartrangle oredy. sit thr a while only rain. all dash inside. hahas. thn we go hall. soon, all fun started. all begin to be high. huilin, margeret n aneza all very high. karyi oso. she ask me high with her. hahas. i oso oredy very high liao. hahas. thn i n karyi change place. now im in the middle. kelly plan to hit melissas shoulders for the karko cheer. end up only she hit. hahas. i 'betrayed' her. sry la. i got valid reasons. hahas. thn all attack her back. hahas. thn i n karyi kept complaining we very hot. im sweating like wat. so we plan to go toilet. ask kelly along. thn melissa looking at me. so i ask her along oso. yiling came too. kelly held yiling n melissa hands while karyi hold mine. hahas. we were finding the toilet whn tiz little girl pass by us n say hello to us. we hello back. so cute la. hahas. found the toilet. the toilet looks so like.... lols. thn walk back. was toking to kelly. kelly, dun misunderstand. he pui la. (no offence to ***) thn melissa n yiling came n hold kelly hands n call her laogong. kk. i go hold karyi's. thn we walk to the notice board.we continue guessing. i n karyi walk back first. karyi told me smth. ya BINGO!! hahas. kelly, so is the top one ar?? hahas. back to the hall.me n karyi was shouting. hahas. thn got prize presentation for the banner. so nervous la. nvm, brd next yr jia you! sure win wan. lols. thn ending, we sang taps on so on. karyi n me hands to shoulders while others hands cross hands. weird ar? hahas. we sway here n thr. so nice la. hahas. dismiss, some took drinks. kelly butt black black. thn i n karyi told her. thn she say my but hei hei. hahas. junie say hui jia chong liang xi ** **. hahas. thn we board the bus. sang cheers. i love tiz cheer. there r ps, ps laughing like an ass. hahas. so funny. sang till we reach brd. waited for my father to come. ate my fries. yiling onw all harden but mine i tink is juz noce. thn yiling, annabell go liao, left me n janaar. she was still so high la. singing away. thn my father come liao. say byebye. .....

thrs always tiz very stupid bad feeling tat tells me tat something will happen to me. some problem. friends problem? family problem? or even ...... .i duno at all. having tiz feeling tat someone will leave me eventually. somehow, somewhr, sometime. i wan rtiz stupid feeling go off ASAP. kk. i gtg now. bye.

11:12 AM

Friday, April 13, 2007
sister's graduation ((:

♥.... morning, i was dreaming halfway whn my grandma woke me up. quite a weird dream. hahas.
skul, PE we played netball. first, we had to practice passing the ball to our partners. whn stanley tan say pas with one hand, all chaos. hahas. then we played the actual netball. it was drizzling by then but no one cares. i actually scored more then one goal for juz one try each time. w0w. tats first time indeed. hahas. Angel was a pro one. she help her grp win the match. arrgh. we lost. tat faizah hor, kept blocking my view larh. we say her then she say netball teacher say one. muz block the ppl view. then i n melissa n yiling was angry coz of her. SEL, we went to the lab. saw karyi class oso. wat a coicidence. ((: found out tat the brd web damn lousy. too many ppl online then it will hang. then melissa went into my blog. mr lim 'gang hao' observe her n show. all was wat she was doing. in my blog. whn i saw, i freaked out seh.I shouted, WHO WENT INTO MY BLOG?!?! hahas. then mrs chen's class book the lab liao. so we gotta move back to our class. sianz... Recess, went to buy new handbook coz mine like salted vege liao. so torn liao. then we went to eat. put our stuff on a table. then whn we come back, saw ameen(wrong spelling) taking my handbook. i quickly snatch back. then got one boy eating on or table. sickening. snatch our place. grrr.
Maths, we learn new topic, angles. waa. tiz one easier then tat stupid algebra ((: Music, we played the song (HOME) with our recorder. it was so noisy in the room by then. hahas.
DISMISS, we went to eat. din eat noodles with them. usual drink, apple n aloe vera n usual food, 3 seaweet chicken n 1 nugget ((: then we went to change. we spent lots of time making our tee look perfect. hahas. then fall in, we went 1eb. we learn cheers. i group with basirah. i was looking into space whn basirah teaching. then basirah oi me. hahas. was laughing away la. hahas. then we got friendship dance. then mre songs. today girl guide meeting is all singing. hahas. but be frank, some songs like very weird. (no offence). 3 plus dismiss. 4gt tat today my hse no one, so no key, muz go my nanny hse. hahas. go thr, xiao dea so cute la. she was playing with me n din wna eat her porridge. then we went up to my hse to bath. thn played a while. went down agn. watch Garfield the movie with xiao dea. she loves garfield. hahas. then ate nasi lemak. was still bloated now. thn went up agn. now my nanny still with me ((: my family duno whn thn come back. my sis today graduating. ((: tml got campfire. ((: yeahs! wondr how izzit looks like. hmmmm....

7:39 PM

Thursday, April 12, 2007
sports dae...

today is SPORTS DAY. went thr, it was late liao. was looking for kelly n karyi. saw thm whn i heard them calling BIBINA. lol.reported to our class.thn whn jafaar say he is gona tok slow slow, thn all was like, arrgh. no!!! lols. thn we sing skul song. thn jafaar go shoot the gun. BANG!! all kana shocked. hahas. thn we sit down. the ppl bully kelly n karyi agn. hahas. then nid go help oredy. karyi say one senior take one junior. thn i pair with kelly. we gav buns. we gav till we left an empty box. then we gav drinks. oso empty. hahas. thn whn we bout to go, we stood thr see kelly friend run. thn we go back. take more water. tiz time, karyi tagg long. thn we sit thr, watch show. thn whnever anyone pass by, kelly will say, ur wan? hahas. after tiz n tat, carn find yiling thy all, so stay with kelly. thn saw them, i go find them. thn calista ask me, theresa n aneza go help giv up cAKES to teacher. then at the place ppl cannot go in. so got NCC looking after. . thn no teAcher wans. so we sit thr. tok. then kelly n karyi came, wei wen oso come. thn yiling n melissa came. ate the cakes. joked. thn kelly ask me go back. then i ask yiling, melissa. thn all folo. go back, we all sit. then we crapp, sleep n so on. wait for the sports day to end. thn i n margeret was cheering n cheering for yellow hse. hahas. thn margeret n i look at yiling fone, she bluetoth some songs. thn i look. thn she go prize table thr liao. after all, we assemble at the field. thn kelly n karyi din go to their hse. thy sat at green hse thr. thn suddenly raining. all ran to shelther. after whn the rain got bigger.waliao, blue house champion. haiz. after everything, i n melissa n kelly n karyi n their fren wei ting n karyi cousin n fren to long john. only got four bucks. then see see, in the end bought combo 1, $3.80 ((: kelly was so high la. she kept laughing. then i was daydreaming whn i eat. thn see how much food thy left. OMG, thy r bout to finish n i still haven eat my chicken yet. so faster eat. karyi was laughing at me, kelly was saying 'bibina jia you' hahas. then whn thy fully finished everything, i managed to finish my two chicken but not the fries. thn the coke left more then half. thn 4gt it. thn we wan go liao, calista still slping. so we sabo her. we left, thn we did some action to wake her up. then kelly pull her earpiece. thn she woke up. hahas. ok. then we went jalan jalan round the area coz raining like wat. thn we halfway, we saw huilin, peifen, jade n so on. peifen ask me y nvr go home. thn i n kelly tgt we said y u nvr go home? hahas. so coicidence. thn we saw sportslink. kelly's eyes grew big. she ask me bibina, lets go see addidas stuff. hahas. went in. see see thn jalan agn.my scarf something wrong. thn kelly n karyi help me. kelly say something n karyi was laughing out loud. went comics connection thn go home. wanted to take 33 home. but took 7 with them. melissa was telling me singapores ghost stories. thn kelly was earsdropping if im not wrong. hahas. reach kong hwa, kelly n melissa waited for my bus to come. ty! crapp. kelly wants to know the name of some songs. we duno wat she tking bout, so we ask her sing let us recall. hahas. she din. ((: thn bus come liao, we say byebye thn we go. in the bus, OMG, saw a lot of sps chiqs. hahas. din tok la. coz we sit farfar. hahas.

3:58 PM

Wednesday, April 11, 2007
wednesdays special.

jocelyn, julien, xue ting... ni men gei wo ji zhu! hahas.

pauline was kinda pissed off with xin yuan coz of the band thing. thn she was scolding xin yuan using paper. xin yuan was juz joking nia mah.. no nid be serious. u say band did their best liao mah... so no nid get angry over tiz. thn halfway through maths, huilin n a girl say go hall take class foto. wat?! hahas. all begin to ask miss han let them go toilet. hahas. thr, mr lim kept saying our ties r too low. we pulled up as high as we could lorr. thn he still ask us pull up. haiz.. thn we got the duno wat candid shot. all 'hug' together n say cheese. hahas.
thn english. recess, we saw leon. asking him for our chewing gum from peth. he gav us other thing n the rubber band.(for the hand). i managed to get pink. purple was taken by xiao yi n melissa got orange.thn got one girl frm the class(i tink) not having PE, was asking hu is he? y din giv her the present? hahas. thn we say his name leon, thn she called leon, leon, leon leon...laughed. thn we looked at kelly n karyi playing netball. thn whn thy shoot the ball in, yen zhi will say GOOD!
Geography and science was juz as bored. MT, we did letter writing again. haiz... thn finish, i n yiling n melissa went to the toilet. we crapp thr. thn mdm gai make feng feng angry. Feng Feng was throwing books n siying went to scold him. thn he scold back. make siying angry, go die larr. haiyo!

after skul, we went to canteen first to get the food tinggy. thn hurried back to the hall for our assembly. wat to say? juz as funny. was fooling feng feng n ke qin. thn we went to take back our tie tat we lend. we was busy finding our tie. Stupid chew ke qin was slapping me with the tie. wat the h... he slapped me two time. i shout at him. thn we went down, eat.was buying drink whn i accidentally knocked onto tiz upper sec guy. i din say sorry. he was saying, eh, say sorry leh. thn when i wanted to say, i say s... thn he turn back n go away. so scary. how leh? lata he come find me??? arrgh. scary seh... melissa say she was staying back. ask her can stay back till 3.30? she say yes. ((: thn she saw janaar. janaar wanted to go homen she 'pang se' me n go with her. she ask me to go home. dun wan go home. so nvm lorr. i go home myself lata )): slack with jocelyn, xue ting n julien. jocelyn had a tie with her. she attacked me with the tie!! arrgh. we made a lot of noise. hahas. thn folo them to the CO room. thn thy came out to accompany me. julien took her tie too. thn thy all attacked me. arrgh. thn julien was saying... how to strip off a tie. thn she was like saying 1,2... thn got upper sec guys come down. thn she pause. second time, third time all got ppl come down. thn she was like... arrgh. hahas. thn xue ting took videos. thn 3.30 liao, bout to go. thn basirah came. she say lets go together. okok. lets go. but we went to canteen first to... hahas. thn we went to esther n stephanie. thy doing homework n eating. thn we go. crapp with basirah. BAsirah, listen, juz now hear u say tat word hor, i minus one point frm it. tat makes it only 5. hahas. thn go home. freaking hot. :(( . sweat like a running tap ((:

edit: haiz... think i accidentally ate 'malu' pills. i hav been malu-ing myself since .... waliao eh... juz got a scolding frm my mum. haiz.. sure tml everybody will know n ill be malu agn. haiz...

4:12 PM

Tuesday, April 10, 2007
tired... can dun go skul tml???

so... kuku kelly posted her blog using my nickname... i shall repay her by using her nickname too. ((: don scold me. hahas. jkjk.

hahas. okok. anyway...today go skul at 6.30. early rite? hahas. my dad drove me thr. thn go thr, we all do homework. ((: muz study... hahas. science, mr lim not in class yet. so we colour the class deco thing. thn ok liao, nice le, ke qin came n darken he colour n make it ugly coz he added colours. haiz... say him thn he scold back. so ok lor, let him do. thn all busy toking, tat miss/mrs goh came into the class. we r kena scolded for chewing gum ppl. scold scold scold. thn gabriel kana scolded loads. Art, we did sketching. waliao eh, so damn freaking hard lor... so we anyhow draw ((: thn i n yiling crapp a lot. went toilet. basirah was thr changing. she asked me the same old thing karyi kept asking. haiz... whn will ur eva belief me?? hahas.Recess, we went to the toilet for some reasons. slack thr. pastoral care, mr ghazali damn funny lor, go KL no hotel stay ((: thn all funny funny thing. hahas. thn english. do the test paper. chinese, did letter writing agn. so sick of it le. hahas. thn dismiss! ((:

wanted to go out 7eleven. thn change mind. went to canteen. thn out of a sudden i heard my name. thn i tot someone calling the other regina. hahas. thn i turn n saw them. kuku, karyi n calista. hahas. bought apple n aloe vera agn. hahas. thn thy come down liao. halfway, thy r kana bully by their friends. hahas. took kelly's rubber band, pencil case, bag. hahas. thn melissa carried kelly's bag around juz in case. hahas. thn got back the pencil case. was kena stolen agn. hahas. but we juz sit on the chair see show. whrs the popcorn?? hahas. thn yiling went to throw things n saw the pencil case at tat cheejie or something pocket. so she juz walk pass, took out n say thank you. hahas. thn duno wat happen, calista pull tat cheejie n his shirt kena torn. wahahaha. all laughing like mad. ((: thn junie come la. all start work. kelly n karyi still doing their homework. so yong gong?? hmmm. thn jade n peifen n tara came. thn thy kept asking the same qsn basirah n karyi asked me. haiz... thn thy oso ask kelly n melissa ((: . thn whn kelly was so engross in her music, melissa said ding wei leh, han rong leh. kelly din turn n look. thn i said cheejie leh, u know wat happen, she turn. hahas. nice wan. ((; thn melissa n yiling go liao, i was still in skul. thn Huilin drew a B. kelly took it n wrote other stuff. make me laugh for round half n hour - 45 min?? hahas. so pt. thn hulin draw something. thn kelly went round showing. thn i tink tat ding wei or wat came. she show to him n he took out his shoe n pretend to hit her. hahahahas. thn she go show around. OMG. thn her teacher pass by. she quickly hide. hahas. thn mr gan pass by. she still showing round. thn she godraw a 'nicer' one with hearts. oh my gosh. so PT. now, kelly got new name jkjk. hahas. thn i help junie pack, kelly n karyi stood behind me. wat ur do??? hahas. thn more crapps n laughter. oh ya, whn we r bout to leave, those guys came to bully kelly agn. ahahahas. thn huilin help to attack. ah gua? heard them saying, i laugh agn. thn we went home. junie accompany me until my bus come. ((: we crapp a bit, thn someone called her. was drizzling by then. thn 33 come le, say bye bye. hahas. reach lavender, it was pouring like mad. got unbrella still kena half drench. thn wait for the traffic for a long long time. why leh? i realise i 4gt to press tat thing. -_-" hahas.

7:22 PM

Monday, April 09, 2007

was raining halfway whn i walk to the bus stop. my grandma was like shouting RAINING! got umbrella anot? hahas. thn whn reach skul rain stop liao. thn the sickening road constructing. thn we all step on the soil. wait n wait, the traffic light still dun wan turn to green man, so all start crossing. thn i heck care also cross. thn yen zhi was shouting: regina, bu guan ni si huo ar" hahas. thn all cross.

assembly, the floor wet. so all take the national anthem thn all go back class silent reading. standing n waiting, we all crap. xue ting reborn her hair. so she carn tie up n we r all teasing her. hahas. xu chun mei ((: duno y thy say tat. thn chloe was toking. whn she tok, she did some hand signals. OMG lor... so damn hao xiao. i was laughing until i cry. tears coming down. hahas.

science, we went to the lab. whn we r doing our work , mr lim played music let us hear. haha. thn melissa n yiling was saying tat i today very 'guai kia' coz i din shake my leg. hahas. thn crapp again.

recess, sat with melissa, yiling, xinyuan n pauline. melissa gav a some jokes. damn funny lor. hahas. xiao zhu sui xiao jiao, da zhu sui da jiao, lan zhu sui ?? hahas. thn another on is too long to say. xin yuan gav one too. ying guo chang ying ge, zhong guo chang zhong ge, fa guo chang?? hahas. okok. quite vulgar.

history, rojak kept saying he very poor, only got $1.10. thn say the goverment as jokers. hahas. thn got one time he suddenly say" and those king will juz sit thr n HAHAHA" waliao, whn he say HAHAHA, all laugh lor... so damn funny.

sel, melissa was asking we one yr save how much. thy all say hundred smth. thn my turn, i said " wo yi nian chun de qian zhi you______shi kuai $10. yiling choked whn she drinking water. hahas. :P

Dnt, stupid salahudeen go make melissa n gabriel swap places. thn let yen zhi sit with melissa. damn it la. make me sit with him. crazy... thn had to share my tb with him. thn he act cute, waving hands, say hi... thn xin yuan n me say act cute buay cute. thn salahudeen make melissa go to the Dnt competition. thn he ask melissa choose one to folo. thn she choose me. arrgh! y choose me... grrrr. thn mervin oso in. waiting to greet teacher byebye, gabriel keep ka-jiaoing me. ass la. haiyo! waited for melissa.

went parkway. waited for melissa to finish her test. walked to the bus stop. duno which bus stop to take, duno which bus. so we called kelly ask her. duno how to ask, so melissa ask. waiting for the bus, tok to zahabia (correct speling?)

parkway, we headed to KFC. ate thr. i ordered cheese fries student meal while melissa ordered O.R fillet burger. melissa steal some of my fries! hahas. let her help me eat. next, we headed to..... hahas. thn we went chameleon. wanted to buy clips. arrgh. so ex lorr. go sinma buy cheaper. hahas.thn we went diva. lagi worst. thn we went minitoons. we took our time thr choosing hairbands. wanted to buythe pink wan. thn i oredy got le. the other reason is becoz.... . thn we choose light blue. thn becoz...... so in the end, we choosed the dark blue wan. hahas. went to ice lemon tee. melissa wanted to check the price of a bag. w0w. the bag quite nice. hahas. thn we went popular. had to buy vanguard sheet. thn we took bus back to brd. halfway, melissa 'pang seh' me coz her hse reach le. she say wan bring me back brd de. :(. hahas. nvm la. thn for duno wat reason, i somehow alighted at kong hwa. wat happen leh? i oso duno. i see ppl go down thn i oso. hahas. thn waited for 33. took bus back home. ((:

aiyo! today duno why come skul got a bad feeling tat something will happen to me lata. heng ar... nothing happen. lucky lucky.

waiting...waiting for u... it started with a kiss 2!! waiting patiently for u. argh. whn will it show on tv??? i wan watch!!

5:29 PM

Sunday, April 08, 2007
b0ring sundaes...


was woken up by the sickening sun shining on my face. -.- . watch doremon, n blablabla. ((: went online. watch 'ying huo chong de meng' on youtube. long time nvr watch liao. 4gt a few parts. haha. thn my father go out. continue watching till 2 plus, my father come back with mcdonalds! yea! my lunch! hhas. eat while continue watching. tok to a few peeps. thn sian oredy. so go do homework. do do do, until 5 plus finish le. yeah! but still got a few maths i duno )): Thn tok to sean n keven. discuss bout the class notice board tinggy. thy din wna do. so okok. let them off. but thy muz do all the stapling n putting up those tings. hahas. thn ka-jiao sean coz he doing homework. hahas. duno why today my head pain thn my teeth oso pain. ouch mann... maybe see the com screen too long le. haiya!!!

`a little secret between you n me

5:23 PM

Saturday, April 07, 2007
b0ring Saturdaes....

Walan eh, I still haven finish my homework. MATHS. So ian... Monday no maths still muz hand up the work. I duno how to do!!! ok. anywayz... yesterday, my brother was jio-ing me to go to his church today. But I din go coz I go thr, no friends, no one to tok. haiz... Thn today, woke up at 9. Watch TV n go online. Thn went to millsberry. Played games thr n earned some millsbucks so tat I could buy more clothes for my character. hahas. Some may not know wat im toking bout. Went to my bedroom n saw my mum slping on my bed. See her slp I oso wna sleep liao. Woke her up accidentally. She went to cook lunch, I lay on my bed sms-ing n watching TV. a while lata, I fell asleep. Slept halfway, my dad woke me up n ask me if im alright coz I dun sleep in the afternoon. I said okok n went back to slp. Woke up agn at 3 plus n watched a bit of TV. Thn realised tat my dad shut down the com. arrgh. faster go on. hahas.

Had dinner at 4 plus coz vry hungry. hahas, din eat for lunch. ((:

5:33 PM

Friday, April 06, 2007
g00d fridae...

W0w. juz reached home n Im on msn again! hahas.


GOOD FRIDAY TODAE...Was Msn-ing in the morning and playing Millsberry. Long time nvr go to millsberry liao. Lucky my character haven disappear yet. hahas. Chatting with Melissa. Thn get ready at 1 plus n we were off to the cemetary.

Going thr, we stopped halfway to buy some fruits. Thn my mother gav me n my bro money to buy Macs. I bought fries! Ate in the car. munching away. In the car, something happened. Was having a conversation bout wat happen on Wednesday whn Junie, Karyi, Kelly, Calista n FiFi took me home. If anyone of ur see tiz, juz ignore hor. I juz post tiz for fun...

Me: gor, u noe hor on wednesday whn u come bring me hor, u noe wat my seniors say??
My bro: wat did thy say??
Me: Thy was like saying how come u are wearing red.. hahas.
My bro: aiya, muz support Singapore mah.
My mum: thn u nvr ask them "eh, my brother shuai anot??" , ask them go jio ur brother
Me: *laughing my ass off*
My bro: *giving a lame look* Im not interested in broadrick gurls.
Me: oi oi oi!
My bro: I mean in BRD guides.
Me: Thy might oso not interested in lousy pok chung cheng ex-scouts IT *cum bamboo stick hanging outside the window.*(in my mine) hmpt!
My bro: -_-"

w0w. thrs many more. carn rmb liao... hahas. Thn it was raining juz like last yr. Whn we reached, my relatives are all thr. Shocked, my two adorable cousin XiXi n CiCi oso got go! thy are juz so cute. Thy had cut their hair short short. Tats y thy wore a hat each. hahas. Prayed n we made a move at 3plus. Send my bro to PS first before going home.

4:38 PM

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Last nite, slp with a wet hair. woke up a few times.

woke up at 6.30 coz we had to report to skul only at 8. i wna slp. but carn. late liao. still thinking of wat happen ytd. =(( recieved sms frm my two mummiex. prepared n walked to the bus stop at 7. saw the bus coming. dash thr. lucky made it on time ((: recieved a call frm xin yuan . she said tat i dun wait for her. sry.. hahas.

reached skul at 7.15 or 7.20 plus i 4gt liao. melissa n yiling were thr. leon was in our class too. he called me meimei. shld call me jiejie leh... hahas. go buy water. halfway, we saw a super big worm. bigger thn ever lor. melissa saw n gav a loud eeyer. hahas. thn was loitering in the class. saw karyi outside. she asked me to go out. she toked to me. can say counsil? hahas. thks! im beta now. thn at 8, we all went to the quatrangle. jafaar toked agn. haiz... he say the uniform grp doing the service ytd din eat n so we will be having free dinner at $2.50 each. wat lor, the npcc got eat lor. is only gg nvr eat nia. din hav national anthem. we had only pledge tat day. went back to class n had studies.

mrs saha not here. so miss kwok came n relieve. went to the toilet with yiling. slack thr for a while. thn went back to class. my grp thn decide to do the project work first before the period comes. so thy begin glue-ing. i sat on the chair coz no space. glue halfway, i nearly fall asleep whn yiling pat my head. woke up. tok while we do. thn maths liao. miss han gav revision thn we do our work. saw the dental van came. all started to panicked. hahas. thn miss han joked n say thy will call us. but then i heard tat its only for sec 4. hahas. Thn miss han see me stuck on one question. she came to teach me. teach halfway, she oso stuck. thn she ask the class dun do coz she haven teach. ahahs. thn we sang a surprise birthday song for her. she was shocked. hahas. so cute la she. ask us how we know her bday. hahas. thn we go for recess. sat with xinyuan, angel n yen zhi. we tok while we eat. home econs. we had test. wakao, so damn hard lor. fail for sure la. i anyhow write the answer. cries!!! lols. thn we did sewing. mine thread stucked n i asked for help. hahas. thn debbie got to share the machine with me coz not enough. she helped me raw the lines. thks! hahas. project work, we continue our glue-ing. xueting spilled the glue n she gav a scream. all scream in fact. hahas. melissa n duno whoes skirt tio glue. MT, we had letter writing. i kept asking yiling how to write tiz n tat. hahas. thn dismiss!

bought apple n aloe vera. drank while slack in skul for a while. yiling, xin yuan, mervin, pauline n yen zhi skate while i watch them. saw kelly n karyi. thy asked if im feeling beta. yea. beta now. thks! ((: thn i pulled kelly to one side n asked her smth. she dun wna tell me. thn she was asking y my hand so cold. thn she feel yiling's. cold too if im not wrong. hahas. thn went home. walked out of the skul n saw a group of ppl thr. butterfly flutter agn. but i continue walking. one kicked the bottle n nearly kicked to me. heng ar. thn was walking slowly thr n tats y i missed the bus. haiya. sat on the bench n wait. thn zhang jun came.toked. turned round n saw huilin but i din say hello. she came n blocked my eyes n i got blur. asked who is she n turn around n saw her. she say 'i tot u saw me? i was behind leh" hahas. she n her peeps took the same bus as me. hahas.

edit: toking to few peeps. I n Junie were scolding 'fake hair' hahas. karyi was finding feilunhai n telling me tat i held her hands real tight last nite. kelly n i were bickering over derrick whn he was on show tat moment. derrick is mine! hahas.

3:22 PM

Wednesday, April 04, 2007
speech day.

today, we r dismissed on 10.10 coz thrs speech day. the three of us went to look for kelly n karyi. met karyi first. she called tiz guy for kelly n calista n tiz guy happen to bully her. ahahas. anywayz, saw kelly n calista n we went to meet her. together, we took a bus to kelly's hse while karyi went home first. reached thr, we had nothing to do. so melissa suggested tat we go up to the swimming pool thr to play. up thr, melissa n yiling went to play in the pool while i attacked kelly coz she poked me umpteen times! arrgh. i managed to poked her a lot of times. sometimes with melissa's help by splashing water at her. thn kelly went up. we continue. i sat on the chair. karyi came up n look for us. we went down together. tiz particular girl sms me n told me smth. laughed. thn karyi thy all saw me n thy started thinking wrong way. haiz... hahas. kelly's aunty helped us tie plaits. thks! thn we took a bus back to brd. we falled in n had our lunch. the lunch was horrible! see oredy no appettide liao. somemore so cold. haiya! junie went to our petrol to see see. we complained to her. asked her to eat too. hahas. calista finished her food. omg lor. help me eat! hahas. thn whn i ate the egg, i ate the egg shell n i gav a look. kelly saw n tot i gona cry. so she asked me not to force myself n she help me throw. thks! something happened. annebel lost her uniform. thn i malu myself over something. arrgh! So we went to play treasure hunt. we went to level two to find. carn find seh. so we continued our training. went to the corner road thr. Thn Junie picked some to be in the parade. thn got wet weather rehersal. I was standing behind peifen. thn junie asked us to swap, perfen gav a silent yes! hahas. thn realised im besid karyi agn. wat a coicidence! hahas. reherse once indoors n one outdoors. thn finally, the real thing came. i stand until my whole body went stiff. hahas. thn the parade over le. we went back to class n rest. i nid the toilet! hahas. i dashed to the toilet whn junie say yes. thn a lot of ppl thr. went bck to class. Thn junie ask the sec fours n some peeps go help. thn i went to slp while waiting. thn junie came n ask me go help. hahas. Im in charge of serving mutton ((: whn waiting, i n karyi went to the toilet. thn we gav a quick peep in the hall. haiya! kelly took her prize liao. we missed it! hahas. thn we went down. we sat alone together n toked. thn junie say the sec 4 can go up see the performance. karyi din go. she wanted to accompany me. thks! thhn we continue toking whn huilin came in join in. thn i n karyi went to the class to take the sour tinggy frm basirah's bag. thn karyi n i kept eating while we tok. hahas. performance over le, we had to serve the ppl. Im so thirsty. Lucky xin yuan mummiex came to my rescue. she offered me a sip of her ice milk tea. seeing no one come coz my mutton finish le, i quickly took a sip. in fact, two sips. hahas. after tat, the vip left. thn junie ask us go eat. din eat coz only chicken wing left. thn mrs chen asked us to take the dishes to the HE rm. she gav me glass plates. so damn heavy lor. thn esther came to help but teacher ask her to take something else. went thr, it was dark. suddenly the lights flicked n I shouted. hahas. sry... (i tink kelly oso got shout) thn we had to wash the dishes. I soap while Eng Teng rinse.Thn Eng Teng went to the toilet n esther help me. thks! finished, we went down. Junie dismissed us. it was 8 plus by thn. called my father to come fetch me. I was late by 5 min n he was on call. aww... so sad. so waited for karyi thy all so tat i can walk wif them till the bus stop. something happened. I got scare n i cry. junie n karyi hurried to comfort me. thy gav me a tissue. I quickly wipe my tears dry before more ppl sees me. walked to the bus stop thr n junie, karyi, kelly, calista n fifi brought me home for some reasons. thy accompany me till my bro came. thn we bid bye bye n thy went to eat.

to junie, karyi, kelly, calista n fifi. thks for bringing me home n sry for giving u all trouble. )):

9:16 PM

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Argh. I really really flunk my maths! sobz... So sad larh. Was okay until whn ALGEBRA comes. I totally flunk. I FAILED my test 5!!! waaaaa!!! I wna cry out loud! col, not lol anymore. DiE LIAO LA. How leh... I dun wan go tuition. but how leh??? I NEED REAL HELP!!!! so sad lorh. argh.

Yiling says tat Im getting frm bad to worst. hahas. wat happen??? She says tat Im very 'cu lu' . During Art lesson, we went outdoors for some drawings. Then I carn concentrate coz no table. So I open my legs wide n sit. more comfortable. But I din notice Keven was juz right across me. opps. The other time was during literature whn watching Charlie n The chocolate factory, I lift my leg up. hahas. Got more time oso. But not gona say out. Oops...

okok. stop now. muz go STUDY liao. lata fail maths again Im gonna....

3:46 PM

Monday, April 02, 2007

Whoa... today so tired.

Morning in the bus, the lights spoil thn quite scary.Went for the morning exercise.Pauline questioned me asking y I everyday come with Feng Feng. Same bus stop mah. he live near me mah. tats all. Tn we teased her. hahas. Then Mr Jaafar tok n tok n tok Thn national anthem thn whn silent reading, we do jumping jack, tip toe-ing thn can go class liao. hahas.

Science, we did a lot of stir-ing. then whn washing time, duno wat happen then all woo-ing at Chew Ke Qin. lata muz go ask Melissa. Thn we went for recess. Sat wif Xin Yuan, Pauline, Feng Ling n Rozanne. Whn I say Feng Feng sitting alone vry poor thing, Ithn pauline immediately finish up her food n go accompany him. Whoa... Thy 'jing zhan' vry fast leh. hahas. Before tat, he called Xin Yuan lao po po. Thn I heard wrongly. Thn Feng Feng block me frm moving. I screamed n ask for help. Thn I managed to escape . Wahahahaha. Si Gao Feng Feng. bully ur sister. grrrrrr. Thn after recess he chase after me agn. I used Melissa block him . Thanks!

History, Mr Rajan gav us few minutes to revise. Thn after tat Melissa still nid one moremin. Thn Mr rajan gav her. hmm. Thn during the test, a lot I duno. coz I din really learn. I only learn Geography. hahas. But still quite okay okay. SEL, forgot to read the article. hees. Thn Mr Lim let us watch Tom n Jerry, trying to wake us up. lols. Thn DnT, damn boring. I din even here wat he say. My mind was somewhr else n Im staring into space. Lols.

After skul, we had Geography test. Walan eh. so damn hard lor. I dunno how to do duno how many qsn. argh. wan cry liao
Thn went to the GG notice board thr. Kelly kept poking me. I poked back. hahas. Thn she poked Eurica. thrs one time whn she called me, I dare not turn, scared she poked me agn. Thn thrs one time Eurica saved me. thanks! hahas. Thn got seperate training. Fifi took us to a place to train. WTF larh. those boys so damn irritating lorh. Keep imitating us. Thn suddenly got tiz ball shot pass whn we doing the march on the spot. Hit my leg sia. I scolded idiotic assholes to Charlene bout those boys. Charlene n I kept scolding thm. hees. Thn Junie come liao, we went to break after some time. I went first coz I vry thirsty. breeze walk thr. Thn whn thr, Kelly call me bibina. argh. In front of... nvm, forgive her, hahas. Thn Melissa say she gona puke. thn het face like really gona puke. quickly take her go toilet.

Combined parade, i n yiling realised tat melissa is missing halfway. Thn duno who say she go vomit. Esther oso not feeling well. Her whole face pale. Thn whn thy giv the command tat say we can move about, I saw a lot of ppl squad down. so I oso squad down. Squating down, my back carn move. thn got thr cracking knuckles sound. Thn Karyi ask me if im alright, I looked at her thn she say i smiling so shld be okay. hahas. Thn we go drink water. I finished the whole cup so fast. Wabted to haf more but I see no one taking the second time. So i din ask for it. Continue,we walked back to our position. KarYi put her hand at my neck. I kinda got tickled. Thy say we r gona run in. wat?!run? Like chingay I told Yiling. hahas. Thn after tat dismiss le, we walked back, Karyi poked my neck. Got tickled agn. Now Karyi knows Im scared of tickle. grrrrr. She sttacked me once, twice, third time I attacked back. hahas. Thn after the break, Junie tok to us. Thn dismiss le, I n Kelly n Melissa n Karyi n Yiling gather. Say ytat we dismissed at 10.10 on wed n not going home (coz vry ma fan) Thn Melissa suggeted to go Kelly hse. Thn we muz somemore tie plaits. argh. Plaits. Karyi attacked me agn. I attacked back but asking ppl to help. Thn Karyi say nonono. hahas.Thn Kelly poked me. I tried to pok her neck. Thn she quickly cover her neck. hahas.

Walking back, we sounted Kelly ma tinggy. Kelly scream. Trying to be louder thn us. eheh. Thn Karyi attacked Kelly. Thn Kelly ask mehelp her. But I wna cross the road liao, so I say bye bye. BIBINA~ Kelly call me. sry la, I will help u take revenge. hmmm. hahas.

7:15 PM

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Din go out today. Was staying at home. Like I say, frm 8+ to 11pm Im booked. Booked with wat? booked with TV! yea! But tiz few Sundays always wake up at 9+ 10. miss quite a number of show. Today, I woke up n juz nice, my Doremon show has started (x hahas. watched till 11 thn I went online chatt. No one to tok to, so I watch youtube. Westside Story. nice seh. I watched dunno how many times liao. Thn at 2+, my sis want to use. So I let her use. Lied on the sofa n unknowingly, I dozed off. Suppose to wake my father up at 4. woke up at 4.05. So quickly wake him up. After he woke up, I layed flat on my parents bed n dozed off again. ZZZZzzzz. woke up near 5. watched TV n until 5+ my sis let me use the com again. Continue watching my youtube whr I realised I haven do my science yet. Ask Kelly question. Thks! She din fALL for my April Fool's trap but I FALL INTO HERS! grrrrr. Lols. Thn after tat, I oso realised tmr got Geography test. So quickly take out the book. Okay okay. muz revised now.


7:26 PM


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