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Saturday, March 31, 2007


w0ke up at 10 plus. Watched TV until 11 thn wait for the com coz my sis using. She ask me to read newspaper. Eeyer, not interested in newspaper. lols. Then finally at 1.30 smth thn I got the com. So sian lor. no one to tok to. So I went to friendster. Added my cousins whn I saw their profile. :) Thn continue to surf net, listen music. Okok. end here.

Wat am I doing?? Going youtube lata. Watch the show "Mr Fighting". I had watch umpteen times liao but I juz continue watching. hahas.

edit: my nanny came. She scared tat Im alone at home without anything to eat. So she brought some swiss roll for me. Thks! But I eat oredy. hees. Thn she told my mother tat her granddaughter, xiao deah (wrong spelling) choked herself while eating baby crackers. Thn the mother (my da jie jie) panicked n go dig the cracker out frm her throat until bleed. Thn faster go hostipal. Thn the nurse so funny. Purposely make her cry. Thn she cry until the hostipal nearly collaspe thn the nurse say " ok. shes fine" -.-" anyways. Take care.....

Din know today is my mother's b'day. sry. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Lets sing!!

Happy birthday to u
Ur born in the zoo. hahas. juz kidding la. lols.

4:13 PM

Friday, March 30, 2007

Went to take fotos of my sis graduation tinggy. Before tat, my parents were preparing . While waiting for them, I do my maths first. Dunno loads of qsn. ask Kelly one. Whn she solve halfway, my parents ready le. So I ask her to sms me the method. ALIGATO. Then when my sister, mother n Grandma were doing some make up, I did my homework. See, I so guai. hahas. Then I kept asking my brother help me solve. haha. Foto taking, the fotographer thr is so funny. He wanted my grandma to smile. So he said he will treat her with abalone, sharksfin bla bla bla. Thn whn my grandma smiles, he quickly take the fotos. haha.

Today, during PE, we ran two rounds. Instead of running, I n Debbie walked while we chatt. Then when we finish le, we saw Xue Ting. She fall in injure herself. She somemore sprain her ankle. She cries. dun cry... Thn we play skates. Julien play once n she was like, so pro? Thn we say she liar whn she say its her first time. Thn she fall. I dunno how to stop myself frm moving n I ran onto her hands. SORRY. paiseh. Thn whn PE over le, we dilly dally n Stanley Tan was so angry. He ask be in push ups formation. Thn some dun wan do then he scream at us. WATS THE PROBLEM WITH U!!!!! he shouted tiz a lot of time. Then a lot of ppl saw. argh. so malu. Thn went we get up, saw Peifen n Jade. argh. 10 times malu. Thn we went to claz.

SEL, mr Lim say he today ran over a cat. argh. the cat so poor thing. Thn recess, I n Xin Yuan sit alone together. Some secrets. shhhhhh. Lol.

Maths, we had maths test. I can garentee tat I will FAIL. F.A.I.L. Thn we did corrections n stuff. Before tat, Miss Han knew we copied each other's work. So she kinda scold. Music, Yiling nvr bring her recorder. So she needs to run 5 rounds in the music room.

Dismiss, we wanted to play skates but raining. awww... Thn we went to change at 1.50 something. before tat, Yiling n Melissa looking at Melissa's fone. Thn whn I come nearer to them, thy deleted the message. Thy say secret. All so bad. dun tell me wan. Thn say its bout me? argh. next time dun tell ur any secrets. hmpt. hahas. Thn we stayed in the toilet for almost half n hour. Wei Wen n Calista help me tie the scarf. ALIGATO. We were sweating wet by then. Thn we went to buy nuggets n seaweed chicken to eat. Thn more ppl come. Thn went Junie come, something happened. Marching halfway, raining. Thn we fall in at GG room. beside it got 'tong tong ciang' hahas. Thn vry noisy. Thn we change place. Thn Junie lead sec 1. aiya. Today duno y keep turing wrongly. suppose to turn left I go turn 180'. Thn do the elbow dressing tinggy I go do hand dressing. opps.Combine rehersal, haven start the actual wan yet. So thy say can go drink water. Thn I n Karyi tok. Forgot wat happen le, she suddenly hit my hand. SLAP!! arghhhh.... painful hahas. Karyi was freaked out. SRy she say. Thn I pretend to say SENIOR BULLY JUNIORS sadz. hahas. Thn I wanted to drink my ice mountain water n I saw on the table. I tot its mine, I open the cap n saw a straw. opps. Sorry Kelly. accidents DO happen rite?? lols.Thn whn we having break after the actual combine rehersal, something happen to Karyi tat I laugh like mad. Sry bout tat. hahas. Thn we rest le, we went back to our squat positon. Thn we march to the carpark. halfway, thrs tiz freaking guy who kept blocking me frm marching. ass larh he, I turn back to karyi. Karyi say continue. Strange, kena bullied I still laughing. haiya. Tats my weak point. tsk tsk. Lol. at thr, The same thing happen to Karyi agn. hahas. Thn we re-form the squat agn. At first, stephanie was beside me. Thn we do the kanarurus (wrong spelling), stephanie could not put her hat. So Kelly help her. Kelly juz land the hat on her n she loks funny. sry to laugh at u. hees.Thn changes whr Kelly is beside me. Thn she keep poking my face. argh. Lol Thn whn we rest,we found a stone n we started writing on the ground. Thn It really can write. So Janaar n Melissa wrote things. Thn whn Iit my turn, I purposely write K thn ask Kelly see. Thn Kally say... Nooooo~ hahas. Thn I wrote E. Thn Melissa continued the rest. hahas.

After those trainiing, we went home. wanted to go back wif Xin Yuan mummiex but she going Mc Donalds. So I waited for the bus. Feng Feng came. I was day dreaming whn he suddenly pok me n say the bus come le. HUH?? orh... thn board the bus, I sat at the side ways seats. Feng Feng went to sit beside me. I gav him a stern look n a frown. >:( Thn he change seat. Tats beta. lols.

7:46 PM

Thursday, March 29, 2007


is in a vry bad m00d. Somethin happened but not gona post here. Later 'she' scold me.

Today during silent reading, I went to Mr Lim n told him I carn go for CIP today. He kinda dun belief me thn I showed him the letter my father wrote.

Today we had English Test. Composition. I wrote bout THE DAY I DISAPPOINT MY PARENTS. of course mine essay is a fake story. =)

Maths, I got back my holiday work. Sad to say tat, I failed again. Tiz is my duno how many times I fail in tiz topic le. wat a useless me.

Recess, My group for the home econs din go for recess. We went to the HE room instead coz Mrs Chen teaching us fried noodle. Before she comes, we went outside to look at 4EA having PE. Thn saw Stephanie thy all. Si Ying n dunno who were shouting IZAN HURRY TAKE THE BALL. hahas. Thn I n Debbie tok. Thn Ke Qin came n tok. DUnno who named him Ketchup favour chewing gum. hahas. Thn whn Mrs Chen come le We went in. Feng Feng scare me. ass larh.Thn I shared a unit wif Xin Yuan n Pauline. The noodles we cooked is freaking gross but vry nice. Our prawn are not really cooked yet then the noodles is still hard n dry. When Mrs Chen finish grading us, we ate. hmmmm.. Thn Feng Feng come disturb us. Thn Pauline n Xin Yuan bicker with each other. lol. calm down, calm down. Thy bicker still can laugh. hmm.

Project Work period, my group were doing foot massager. I din tok much. Dun tel ur why. Thn Yiling ask me I kept saying dunno. Thn she say I today keep saying dunno dunno.I was suddenly Boiling inside. I oso dunno why tiz few days im like tat.

Literature, Melissa kept asking me y today I so weird. Always say 'vulgar' Thn thy keep saying Im being rejected by someone. Pi larh. And so on. Thn we watched Charlie n The chocolate factory the old version. Not nice de. the new one beta. Then while watching, I put my leg up. Thn Melissa stare at me. Im always so 'cu lu' when I watch TV. Lol.

After skul, stayed a while to wait for Mr Lim to giv me permission to go first. Met Kelly n Karyi. Thy told us tmr whn fall in. Then we tok for a while. Then Kelly saw me drinking apple n aloe vera then she ask me if thr got grape favour. I duno wat thy say thn I keep huh-ing. Thn finally I understand thn I say ya. Then Kelly call me RIBENA n Karyi call me 19 smth. argh. PAPAYA MEI N KAYA. grrrr..... hahas. Thn Mr Lim came n I ask him. Then he say okay but then got make up CIP. haiya... nvm larh.

okok. stop for now. Nid to prepare for my sis graduating tinggy. Lata edit agn. lol.

3:41 PM

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Chloe haven come back skul yet. She ytd juz had a surgery.

Maths n English are kinda boring.

Recess, ate with Faizah. Thn Faizah begged me tell her wat did tat guy say ytd on the bus. I delayed for a while until Melissa come. Melissa say dun tel. But in the end we still tel. Thn came back frm Zhang Jun's seat. Suddenly got someone call me. I turn here turn thr nvr see. Thn I turn back thn I saw Kelly. w0w. she looks red. her face. lol. Thn saw Karyi oso.

Thn Geography lesson damn boring. My eyes gona close. Thn Yiling n melissa are having 'secret' conversation. Thn thy dun let me see. =( Nvm bout tat. A wanted B's number so she ask me to tel. Thn I purposely gav A a stern look to look at her reaction. Thn A juz say nvm. Wanted to giv her but she nvr ask le so I juz okay lor. So at swimming, A told C bout me so C came to ask me. C say A say I dun giv her B's number. I wanted to giv her lorh. Only thing she couldn;t take jokes nia. Okay lorh. Next time dun joke with her le. Dun care her le. She tok to me I juz 'lan de li ta' le. happy???

Chinese is oso a boring one. Whn teacher haven come, Everyone was toking away. I was sleeping away. Debbie came n look for me. She say I looked sad. Not really, only thing Im bored. Thn whn we r writing, Chw Ke Qin suddenly spit at Yiling and I tio a bit. I scream at hime. He scream back.

Assembly, got two classes performing skit. So damn funny. Thn got price giving. after tat Mr Jaafar kept toking. From competition to netball to overweight. -.-" Thn finally rain stop le. argh. Muz go swimming. After tat, we went canteen to eat. Before buying food, Xin Yuan suddenly shout **** leh! Thn Melissa had a shock hahahas. so damn funny lor. Thn I pushed her to find him. Thn on the way we pass by Karyi. thn melissa say we bully her. wahahahas. Thn we go change. Thn wanted to go down, Angel came. so we folo her to the toilet agn. Thn saw Kelly. she changing. Thn we were laughing like mad in the toilet. We shouted at Angel, no reply. Thn Melissa shout at Kelly. Kelly replys. Thn Melissa shout at Karyi. Thn Melissa gav a low pitch"wat" Thn she say. Karyi oso here. Oh my gosh. I laugh until I sweat. Thn kelly came out, Melissa gav her a joke. She didn;t laugh. Thn finally she smile. She looks alike she is forcing herself not to smile. hahas.

Swimming, tats whr juz now wat I told u happen. Thn we went to look for the instructor. Waaa... I failed my water trapping. sianz. LiYi so lucky, never test still got so many ticks. grrrr... Thn after tat, I n Yiling went to the baby pool to play. The pool is warm seh. duno why. Thn we changed n whn we about to go, Thrs tiz two boys playing catching(one of then I tink make Eng Teng cry Ytd). Thy hit Melissa's bag n everything topple on the floor. Thn I shout at them. Then thy shouted LJ. Thn I shout back thn one of the boy came n ask who hit her bag. Thn I dono how to describe him so I say shorty. Thn he went back n told tiz 'shorty'. Thn I sense trouble. Thn he came n scold me. I force myself to laugh n I apologised. Scared he box me. grrrr. Thn everybody say I shouldn't apologise. Thn Julien said something. Lame but quite true n useful.

Okay okay. I nid do my homework. MATHS. argh. I dunno how to do. sad sad. Today got short quiz. I can 100% garantee I fail or even worst, ZER0. lols.

6:45 PM

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

during science, we had an open book quiz. Waliao. a lot needs calculation lor. Thn nvr bring calculator. I count count n count until I 'beng'. argh.

Art, we did sketching. Miss Kuok (wrong spelling) told us tat we r gona hav ART exam... huh??? nvm. Thn thrs oso some bickering going on with Mervin n Melissa.

Recess is quite boring. So no need write. Juz found out tat a lot of the pen I bought, Yiling oso buy. -_-"

Pastoral Care, Mr Gazali cought Faizah reading love letter frm her stead. Thn Mr Gazali confiscated it. Faizah cried. so sad. lol.

English, we did a lot of writing. well, not say a lot larr. Thn finally, chinese. We did marking n corrections. Mdm Gai didn't teach much. Thn round 1 o'clock, Melissa say we gona go. So we finish up our work in go. Went thr, changed, see not many ppl thr. So I n Yiling went back to class n she finish up her corrections.

In the bus, on the way to Bedok Stadium for the sports heat tinggi, I told Yiling some jokes. Thn Yiling show me a song MV n halfway, he heard the Barni song. I burst out laughing for no reason. -.-" Reach thr, I n Melissa n Yiling n Kelly n Karyi are in charge of the timming. Thrs one teacher thr damn funny lorr. Thn one time whr we need to follow the lane to time. Thn the teacher say I time lane 6. okay thn. The second time, I oso time lane 6. Thn Yiling say I time lane 7. wat the... I didn't heard it. Okay. malu once I nvm. Third time, before the race starts, I ask Yiling agn. Yiling say Lane 7. halfway whn thy past, lane 7 no ppl. so i reset the stopwatch. Thn Yiling say :'' REGINA~ ur lane six is wat timing?" wat??? wat lane 6? I tot u time?? Thn she say its the other way round le. Looking at the teacher face expression then looking at Yiling expression. Making me angry . cries!!! nearly cry out. But got a lot of ppl. Beta dun. Thn Karyi tell me the correct lane. Thn Karyi ask me not to be angry. She called me Ribena. Trying to make me laugh. dun leh. hahahas. Thn a while, all back to normal le. Laughing again. Thn Kelly kept poking my face. argh. PAPAYA MEI. lols. Thn Melissa suddenly feel sick. Thn she so rest, Eurica take over. Thn tok to Eurica n Feng Ling. gav feng ling my snack. Feng Ling, u own me cheese hotdogs. lols. Thn tat teacher tok agn. all burst out laughing. Thn Kelly try to scare Yiling. Yiling no reaction de. Thn she scared Eurica. Eurica scare her back. wacao. so funny larh. I laugh like mad. lols.

Go home time, the bus is so damn squeesy. Thn I n Yiling were eating. offered them to Melissa, Kelly bla bla bla. Thn back to skul, took bags n go home. walked the other way coz Yiling their way always no one de. So I juz walked. Thn Kelly n Karyi oso walk the same way. Sleepy, I walked very slowly coz my buz surely 6.10 thn come de. Thn I nearly fall asleep. juz kidding (: Thn Kelly suddenly call me. RIBENA~ argh. She say I walking slant slant de. Got meh?? hahas. Thn waited n waited n finally my buz come at 6.11.

Went home, bathe n eat dinner n MSN AGN!! hahas. my maths haven finish yet. So hard lorr. aiya!!!

7:04 PM

Monday, March 26, 2007

During MT period, KeQin n Chloe keep 'vandalising' each other's hand. hahas. Write n write, write n write. hahas. Thn Yen ZHi came to me n say:''wo ma ya... I nvr do the notice board tinggi''. I tot wat seh. Thn I say:'' ur ma help u do?'' Of course, I knew I hurt her feeling. She replied:'' wo ma si le.''. Thn she went back to her sit looking sad. Sory Yen Zhi. ):

Science, went to the lab. while preparing for Mr Lim's laptop, he suddenly ask me:' Regina, hows the notice board comitee doing??'' huh??? I donno leh. hees. suddenly ask me tiz question. lols. Thn Melissa kept touching my leg. Ahhh... u molested me. haha. j/k.

Recess, sat with Ashley thy all n Yiling went to sit with Beddie thy all. Thn after tat i n melissa went to join the fun of Xue Ting thy all. ''sooting!!" hahas. She chased after Melissa. Thn Xue Ting went to kick at the puddles of water n splashed us. We all chased after her. lols.

During History, Mr Rajan say he will go to heaven next time instead of hell. OMG. all burst out laughing. hahas. Thn instead of listening, I n Yiling tok. We realised tat right after he left.

Dnt, Mr Salahudin (spelling error) nvr come!! Yea!!! Thn we did shading n bla bla bla. Melissa told us a ghost story in the lift.N suddenly, we heard a tink sound. ahhhh... all freak out. Thn in the end realised tat it was the teacher who rang the bell accidentally. waaa. Scare me.

After skul, melissa went to roller balde a while. Thn she wanted me to help her change the blade. Im eating seh. Thn okay larh. Help her. Thn changed to the GG tee. Keven suddenly say got geography. WAT?! aiya. rush to meet mrs lee. Scold scold scold. not even our fault lorh. U say u comfirm Monday le thn u will tel us mah. Scold scold scold. Walan eh. nearly make me cry. So sickening. FYMCB larh. Thn fall in, Kelly n KarYi kept calling me Right Marker. argh. Kelly, lata I dun DELETE thn u know. Thn march. after tat combined rehersal. Stabd thr for dunno how long thn whn the teacher say... relax. all squat down. Thn all beg to go n drink water. hahas. Esther looked vry tired. Thn whn teacher allow, all run. hahas. Gave Yiling n KarYi ricola sweet coz KarYi nvr eat lunch. Thn all came coming for my sweet. Gav them. All said Thank you. hahas. WELCUM. Continue wioth the rehersal. Junie see Esther so tired n like gona faint anytime. So she ask her to fall out. Calista too. Thrs tiz teacher who trying to make us laugh. argh. I giggled coz I carn stand it. lols. after tat, saw one guy frm NPCC fainted. Halfway, suddenly stomache. argh. I beared with it. My hands were clenching hard tat time. Lucky after tat okay le. Thn suddenly, Karyi said ''Junie wo bu xing le''. Thn Junie faster 'fu' her to rest. Thn finally rehersal end le. Argh. my leg carn move. Joey wanted to vomit. Janaar oso. Thn on the way back to our sit. Kelly suddenly ask me if im all right. Ya... why leh?? She say my face looked white. okay larh. Melissa had heat rash. After tat, all sit in their petrol thn Teeli ask if tmr can make it for the sports heat. Thn Kelly suddenly shouted my name. *mouth open big* Okay. nvm. Thn for the campfire Junie say Kelly. Thn Kelly shouted my name n Theresa n dunno who. Thn Junie choose us. argh. KELLY~ hahas. After tat dismiss le. Junie ask me n Kelly n Melissa go see if canteen still got guides. Thn Kelly call us security guards. -_-" hahas. Thn I accidentally touch melissa. all laugh. SRY MELISSA. not on purpose. Thn wait for Kelly to come back frm taking Calista home. Thn Melissa ransack Kelly's bag. I oso went to see see. w0w. strawberry cupcake testpad. hahas. (kelly u see tiz dun be angry horh" we mean no harm lols. Karyi, w0w. hahas. On the way home, me n Melissa shouted Kelly mama n Karyi mama. Kelly screamed. Thn she say the four bitches behind imitate us( i tink) Thn thy told us y thy hated them. hmm.

7:31 PM

Sunday, March 25, 2007

same thing, stay at home. Actually today can go out wan.
# Go 'tuition-ing' wif Kelly thy all.
Reason: coz too far. parents dun let.
# Go see dunno wat exibition wif my nanny.
Reason: thy going at 8 plus in the morning. So early. Im still
ZZZZZzzzz. =)

Today woke up at 10 plus. OMG! so late le. My show finish le. so sad. haha. But still got somemore. So I watch my show the moment i open my eyes. At around 11 plus, I went online. Tok to my primary skul frenz. To Nuairani: dun be sad larh.I know wat u feel. CHILD ABUSE man ur mother. haiya!
Continue my TV whn my sister wna use the com. Watch 'huan zhu ge ge". hahas. My favourite show since young. hees. Thn ate ice-cream. my everyday snack. hahas.

edited: Finishing my Maths. argh. so difficult. Tiz week's maths homework damn hard lorh. Even Xin Yuan mummiex oso dunno how to do. argh!!!! Lucky tmr no maths. If not horh. Die le. lols. (craviing ferr Mathhs Answerr Sheettt....) lols.

3:47 PM

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Picture of the week! Me n my frenz last yr in Racial Harmony Day!! hahas.
Argh. doing homew0rk halfway. Stuck on a question for more thn 10 minutes. So angry so come n blog first.

My mother refuses to take me to the tailor to alter my GG skirt thn Junie say muz alter. Thn my mother dun wan do for me. ask me LEARN LEARN LEARN. okay, LEARN. she teach me how to sew (I fold myself). She sew a few stitches before I start. Why dun u help me sew finish??? lols. My sewing sux. So damn uneven. So monday full dress rehersal if u all see my skirt not straight dun laugh horh. Tats my very first altering. Prick my knee n hand somemore ( knee is becoz my skirt is on my knee) .

Thn after tat sleepy le. Went to sleep. sleep frm 3.30 to 4.30. Thn do homework. Tok to my primary skul fren.
Jasmine: I miss u too. :P
She say she gona watch Mr Bean's holiday later.

I WAN WATCH TOO!!!! lols.

edit: Kelly mummiex help me teach me how to solve maths le!!! xie xie ni!!! ai si ni le!!! lols. Make her confused in one of the questions. hahas. sry. Her fren dunno call Zhen Wei or wat oso help. THKS!!!

5:50 PM

Friday, March 23, 2007

Today went to skul by bus. hahas. Managed to snatch the place frm Feng Feng. bleach!!! Whn I saw the sit, he was like trying to overtake me n sit but I was fast!! haha. Thn he stared at me n thn sit in front of me. Freezing cold in the bus seh. Thn whn I got down , my specs turn foggy.

Reach skul, went to buy water with Yiling. Stupid larr. Thrs tiz student counciller, saw us walking and thn she purposely say loud loud. " Those Sec ones hor always giv us problem. Thn those Sec ones hor... always anyhow throw things wan." waliao... I nearly shout at her seh. I stared at her thn turn back to Yiling n say... stupid asshole. Aiya, dunno y tiz few days I kept saying stupid assholes. lols.

Thn we got PE in the first period. Thn tat Mr stanly Tan (spelling error) make us do the overturning tinggy. Thn Melissa could not overturn and tat Tan kept asking her to try n try n try. Thn in the end Melissa's neck pain. Thn we play roller blade. Aiya... vry long nvr blade le. Thn got tiz hose 'standing' in our way. Thn got to lift the leg out n go. Yiling help me. Ty. Nearly fall seh. Thn thy all balde so fast thn leave me alone. Shout at thm. No one cares. Melissa waited for me. TY!!

Thn SEL period. Remembered today got GG test. argh. Yiling went to learn. Thn we watch part of incredibles. See how thy work as a team. Thn bla bla bla.

Recess, ate with Zhang Jun thy all. Thn go bkshop. Forgot to buy correction tape. grrr...

Maths, got back all the hoilday assignments n short quiz. argh.. got zero for it. Sianz... Thn haha, win Yiling one mark for the short quiz. Thn Miss Han come n teach us personally agn. So everytime whn Miss Han see my mouth open u blur blur de thn she will come to me n ask me.

Music, we learn how to play the recorder, the song 'love me tender' wow. finally know how to play. haha. Thn dismisal. yea!

Eat with Zhang Jun thy all agn. Thn round 1+ we went back to our seat. Thn Basirah kept pestering us to change NOW NOW NOW. hahas. went to the second storey toilet. Those malay ppl over thr dun wan on the lights. Thn we change place. Tat changing rm toilet oso got ppl. Polishing shoes. -_-" Thn come back le dunno how to tie the scarf. Forgot le. So I anyhow tie. Thn Stupid Mervin suddenly put his cold coke at my face thr. I scream seh. How dare u scare ur sister. lols.

Fall in time. Kelly kept tieing n re tieing my scarf. one long one short. lols. Thn we go for training. Junie took me. Thn we learn n learn. Thn Kelly n Karyi say wan to compete with Junie see who teach beta. Thn Junie ask us to demostrate the 180'C turn. Second time I nearly fall. Lucky Junie nvr say anything. I laugh Like mad lor. hahas. Thn the sec 3 come back frm the camp. so accompany us march.(the ppl are weiwen n dunno who). Thn we learn finish le... we went to hav a break. Sit thr watch Kelly thy all teach. Thn thy suddenly ask junie if can lend me n Yiling to her. Junie say okay. But our rest time leh... Thn Kelly say... REGINA~ okay thn... hahas.Thn rest agn. Thn Kelly n Karyi was running towards their sit which is quite beside us. Thn I suddenly turn my head over n saw thm. I freaked out n scream. lols. Combing rehersal was a tough wan. Stand thr for dunno how long thn cannot move. Thn whn the teacher say okay, can relax le.Thn all move. Karyi came to me asking me "tiring rite???" . Thn rehersal continues. Thn the teacher over thr say something. Thn Karyi laugh. Thn break agn. Evryone sat down. thn suddenly whn we want to go le thn rain. Woo hoo... hahas. Thn Karyi say my shirt got a lot of poka dots. U oso mah. hahas. Thn got separate training. Junie train us. Thn we learn the 'break' command. After tat, went down to look for the seniors n the rest. orh horh... The seniors not serious. hahas. Thn Kelly n Karyi tease me agn. argh. Somemore go tell ACL n Junie. argh... Junie thy bully me. hahas.dismiss. LiYi tok to Karyi n Karyi say... U know my number rite? Thn I interupted LiYi asking her to giv me Karyi number( I tot is hse number.) Thn i suddenly remember Karyi call me in her hse phone one day. Thn I okok. Thn Kelly said something. I carn hear so I go nearer to her. Thn Karyi wan to hear. Thn Kelly push her away thn she tell me. hahas. ok Kelly, will keep the secrets for u. But if u tease me agn arh... Thn eheh... hahas.Thn Karyi ask me thn Kelly say cannot Thn karyi say something. sry Karyi. not my fault. u wan can go Kelly thr n ask. Dun be angry horh. Thn we about to go home n I n Melissa shouted "BYE BYE MUMMIE" hahas.Thn we went home. on the way, I wna get my revenge! So discuss with her. Thn same thing, we houted Kelly mummiex wo men hui yong yuan ai ni de". thn we "pui!!" hahas. Thn second time, Kelly scream. Thn we say we wna put tat in our friendster. Thn she say Juniors ***. Thn Melissa say" how dare u say tat, actually juz now was a joke. Now u say tat thn we put". Thn Kelly replied " did I say anything??" Melissa: "yes u did" Kelly: " I saud Juniors rawk". n bla bla bla. so funny. Thn we separated ways. waiting for my bus. so long lor. Thn wait until 6.30 thn come. dammit larr. Thn somemore so crowded. no place sit. Leg pain. argh...

Edit: tok to Kelly n Melissa in combine conversation. hahas. Kelly MUMMIEX wan slaughter us, we *** more. hahas. Me n Melissa are SPIES!! eheh. U know wat I mean. And next time u call me Right Marker agn I 'blurt' out ur secrets ar?? Or I change my friendster bubble speech. bleahx! lols. *DUn be angry hor. dun be sad too.* lol. And hor Kelly. TY for ur comforting too. I dunno anything I will pester u teach me ((:

7:12 PM

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Last night tok with Karyi. She comforted me x)). Thks Karyi, I will jiayou for my retest de. hees.

During recess, we ate with Feng Ling n Rozanne. Queue n wait, queue n wait n finally, we change stall coz too many ppl le.Thn by the time we bought, we only left 10 mins. argh... Rozanne n Yiling eat so fast. Thn I skipp my chicken wing. Thn by the time I put my plate, PEEP~ hahas. Juz in time x)

Home econs, we learn how to sew. Debbie's thread always antangled together. Poor Debbie. She ask me " wo shi bu shi hen shi bai?" dunno how to reply. I reply with a no.

Project Work, had a tiff with the leader over some matter. SMALL matter. haiya!!! Thn whn Mr Lee went off, Angel offered some food she made frm HE n we ate. Thks Xiao Yi x))

Literature, forgot to bring bk. so muz stand up. Mable soh say if we answer one question thn can sit down. lol. She only come for the first period. The second wan she gt something on so tiz teacher came in n take over. we do work first. Thn some went to play cards n bla bla bla. See Melissa n Xue Ting play cards. Thn went to toilet with Yiling. Slack thr tie hair n make the skirt. After skul, tiz stupid Feng Feng kept disturbing us. We juz hate it n we chased him round. 4 girls chassing over a boy. lol. Before tat, Pauline wanted me to accompany her go find the teacher. She wanted to make frens with her. She say the teacher vry chio thn somemore only 19 yrs old. Shock me. But we carn find her.

CIP was a fun cum angry time. We went to block 32 tat area to giv out flyers. Was paired with Yiling. We went to giv out flyers. Got tiz malay gal open the door n say " my children wan to sleep larh... dun disturb" n she slammed the door. I n Melissa frm the other side heard n all was saying... Wat the... Thn Yiling claimed to climd up to 12 floor the lift thr... go fith floor oso can wat... We in 8th floor. Thn all the tiff started agn. Argh... tiz few days always argue with her. haiya!!! Thn whn we finish, we meet downstairs with teacher. Thn we go buy drinks. After tat while waiting for Mr Lim, we all wanted to play wacko but starting, the boys opkay liao... awww... muz continue working. Thn we went to another block. Tiz time whn pauline n yiling went to tiz hse, got a dog tat kept barking. Thn we stop thr n say... Hello n bye bye. Thn we ran off. hahas.Thn we met Xue Tin thy all. haha. New nickname for her: Sweating, sooting, ah ting bla bla bla. hahas. Going back to skul, Feng Feng kept taking pics of us. Sickening him, we all call him pervert. Rozanne so poor thing. Sry to say tat. handfone spoil thn wallet lost. haiya!!

Mre things happen after tat but nt gona blog down. Lazy..

4:28 PM

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Argh... tiz is the third time I blog le. damn it la. first time blog long long thn the computer suddenly DC. Thn second time accidentally switched off the com. grrr... if tiz gona happen agn Im not gona type anymore!! haiya!!! So angry.

Today, during recess, bought sliced fish noodle n eat. :)) long time nvr eat le. Thn t0king halfway, Melissa suddenly say " Kelly!!!" shocked me. Thy havin PE. Th Kelly wna roller blade. Thn Melissa ran to her while I continue eating. Thn Melissa ask me eat faster Thn we all went to Kpo Kpo a while. :)) Thn whn Kelly stand up, she grabb our hands tight while she move. Thn she dunno how to go through "steps". Thn after sometime thn can. Thn Kelly scream. hahas. Thn her brother was standing in one corner laughing at her. so bad. Thn we blade her to the boys thr tat were playing basketbal. Thn Kelly wna go back. hahas. Thn Melissa say " Kelly, if u fall thn those boys will run to u n say Kelly r u alright??" Thn bla bla bla. so funny. Thn we oso purposely say we wna let go of the hand. Thn she so excited saying " NOOO!!!" haha. Thn after sometime her fren take over. Thn we went to the bkshop n buy things.

Geography... do homework, read textbk n bla bla bla. Thn Yiling kept complaining she stomache. go toilet larh. But thn she scared Mrs Lee scold her coz its after recess. Thn I kinda scold her. hees. sry. Thn she finally go. Thn Melissa wrote something in her bk where I gav comments. haha. Thn she reply back. lols.

Science was a fun fun period. Though its onl one. We revised on wat to sat for tmr CIP. so funny. tats wat Keqin say...

KQ: knock knock
MR LIM: *opens the door wat?!
KQ: erm... would u wan to buy cupcakes???
Oh my gosh... all laugh like mad. so damn funny lo.

Thn during MT, oh shit larh... forgot to bring my MT textbk agn!!! but then I was lucky agn. Mdm Gai didn't deduct my grp points. phew!! Thn we did "self study'. Walked to Julien thr n ask for a chewing gum. Didn't know Gardian sells "healthy" chewing gums :))

Went to the hall quite early coz Mdm Gai busy. Thn Basirah tok to us. Thn somthing happen. So funny lorh. Thn Rozanne gav Angel the dunno who photo... frm fei lun hai de. Thn today assembly topic is MT week. Thn got drama. Malay drama was almost gona fall asleep. Thn chinses drama : chang e ben yue". Zhang Jun is the chang e. hahas. Thn her 'husband' waliao, all laughing like mad lor. Thn after skul all tease her. Her face gone red. hees.

Thn swimming,test. wat the heck, I carn swim with frogstyle. I haven master yet. But then freestyle is weird. Can swim frm straight to slant. hahas. Thn got the water trapping n bla bla bla. Went hoem at round 6 plus. Dead beat seh... back ache le. lols.

7:40 PM

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The moment I enter the classroom, same thing, Yiling said YO!! lols. Thn she asked me... today got no marching rite??? Tot Kelly told u ytd tat the marching as normal?? Thn whn Yiling saiud no, my mouth went big. Thn we went out to 'tour'. we were standing in the middle of the path. Thn saw Kelly going into her classroom. Thn I was chanting... Kelly come out, Kelly come out... YES!!!! she came out!! haha. Ask her bout tat. She tot I told Melissa n Yiling so she didn't tell thm. Oh no!! I sms n Yiling called melissa. But her phone off. Thn too bad... we slowly walked back. Thn Yiling told me tat she actually wanted to go back to her primary skul to help.

Thn when Melissa came, we told her. Thn her mouth went big. And lotsa stuff happen. Thn in class, saw Yiling face black black. Thn we oso dunno why. but we neva ask. Later we knew wat happen. SHe was smsing someone n she said explain y she carn go back to her skul.. carn remember but the last sentence is... stupid rite. Haiya... told her...if u really wan to go back thn u go... I help u tell Junie. But in the end, she goes :). Thn during Art, miss kwok nva come. Thn MrsAng came n relief the claz. Melissa did something to the table cover tat gav a loud "plack!!!" . Scare me seh... nearly scream.Heart attack. lols. Thn all looked at us.

During recess, we sat at the table beside Feng Feng. Tease him. hees.
Thn Feng Ling came to our table to chat. Funny thing is someone suddenly say Feng Lin n Feng Feng, the name rhimes! Thn we began calling Feng Lin "da sao" coz Feng Feng is my 'brother' in skul. haha. Feng ling face went red lorh... so funny. Thn we continued teasing him. Later on, I n Melissa n Yiling went to the bkshop to buy some stuff.

Thn during Pastoral Care period, mr Gazali suddenly went strict saying he wna discuss something with us. Thn he continued with tiz sentence tat startled us. Thn he tok n tok n tok. Chinese period, Mdm Gai was choosing one ppl frm my grp to read the essay in the textbk. To prevent it, I pretend to read the TB n not looking at her. ARGH... she still call me -_-" Thn I read.... words I dunno, I shoke Yiling's hand n she tel me the word. hees. Wat she dunno she asked Keqin.

After skul, we ate with Zhang Jun. Thn i went to change with Yiling accompany me. Thn when we were at the GG notice board area, Kelly n Karyi n somemore came. Thn we listen to them tok. Thn Feng Feng walked pass us, n stop. Thn Yiling was like saying dun ACBC larh. Thn I n Melissa said... ya lorh... act cool buey cute, act cool buey cool n act chio buey chio. haha... all 3 ACBCs. Thn time for marching. Kelly n Karyi suddenly came up to me n ask me look after their snack until thy come back frm east coast park or the road run thinggi. Ok... ask thm to stuff them inside one of the bag. Grrr... thy stuff it in my bag. Okay nvm.hahas. Thn they came n tease me!!! "tot u r right marker?? u 19... wat." they say. argh!!! Next time u say tat again I will call u Kaya n Papaya Mei!!! haha. lols.

Thn Junie came. she took five of us to train. Thn we train n train n thn 5 minutes break!! Before tat, Kelly n Karyi suddenly led a loud scream. Thn all look backwards at thm. Tiz gurl(forget who liao) step on the grass!!! all of us ORH HORH... hahas.

Thn dismiss at 4.20. called Kelly coz of her snack. argh... she didn't on her fone. Call Karyi, her mother picked up. -_-". Thn I tot she is Karyi n bluffing me, so I kept asking but she keep insisting. Sry for my rudeness. :(( Thn Yiling try calling Stephanie... fone oso off. Thn in the end, we called Teeli. Yeas! she picked up! Thn Karyi asked us to put the two snackes in the hall. Thn In the hall, halfway to the hall we were still discussing how if thy say we trying to steal something??? haha. But when we went, we saw Mrs Saha. Haha. told her evrything. at first she said no coz she saw me holding me fone n tot I wna giv the fone. Thn when she saw the chips, she was saying... Ohhh... ok. Thn so close, Their bags were beside Mrs Saha. Thn I was thinking weather to put it in thier bags anot?? Thn Mrs Saha say juz put it on top of their bags. No one will steal chips. hahas.

Thn we say bye bye to each other n went seperate ways....

One funny thing, whn going in the lift in my block, the lift juz couln't close. Thn whn I step out, the lift close. thn I quickly press n the lift open agn. Thn I went in... The lift couldn't close. Thn I pek chek I went to take the other lift. Thn I had to climb the stairs. Thn whn I reach, My father juz went in to the lift.. -_-" The lift doesn't like me.

5:13 PM

Monday, March 19, 2007


get back my maths test 4. okay... only one word to discribe..."lousy"... but at least I pass... JUZ pass. lols.

Morning was a heavy rain. my father fetched me... x))
Thn reach skul, a lot of ppl were doing homework.. haha...
Thn I n Yiling went to buy drink... saw a figure tat looks like Kelly but I nvr stop n see... thn I sms Kelly ask her... sry bout tat...

Thn today P.E sux lorh...
Mr Tan nvr come... thn tiz teacher call Mdm Swee came...
see she kind kind wan but carn judge the book by its cover. Confiscated Yen Zhi's phone coz she playing game in the class. Thn I n Melissa wanted to go to the toilet. Waka0... she insisted us to take out our phones seh... I tot she gona confiscate it but thn she say..."you ppl dun think I dunno u all go toilet to sms". WTF. but of course... I put my phone with her... thn whn come back thn can take back. =.=" . wat a teacher... haiya!!! Nothing to do, I n Melissa had a "writing conversation'. we write to each other!! Now I know wat does papaya mei stands for...eeyer... so damn disgusting... lols.

Thn we had recess. haha... Yen Zhi wanted to go toilet but the student counciller stop us coz we carn go to the classroom area. Yen Zhi damn funny.... ran "like a wind' to the other toilet. haha... thn Feng Feng pulled Xin Yuan mummiex hair... thn she kinda pissed off... lol.

During maths, My eyes nearly close.we didn't study... we do corrections. thn we got back our Test 4... as wat I said... one word... 'lousy'. Thn Miss Han came over to me agn... teach me some problems thn say... 'dunno muz say... u abit quiet'. Quiet??? whr got??? lol. Thn we oso got back our short quiz... yea! only two wrong!! haha.

Thn during SEL, I've been choosen to be the new head of the Noticeboard comitee... OMG... I dunno how to decorate the class!!
Mr lim say tiz term de project is a big one... thn I requested to put a vry big 1EA at the back with our faces surrounding it... Mr Lim actually agree!! w0w~ but some ppl may be shy shy thn dun wan let us take. so we planning to think of other plan. Thn tat Mrs Lee came to our class. Ask all those ppl who nvr go to her supp class in the holiday wan... waliao... ask ask ask... but we got a VERY good reason :). We GG camp mgo outdoor!! haha... she let us off. But then the rest like NPCC guys all kena scolding. thn we muz stay back to "pu" tat supp class. pui larh... walan eh... haiya... nvm larh.

After skul...
went to find MDM swee with Yen Zhi n Melissa coz Yen Zhi wan her phone back. okay thn... but we were chased out by her in the hall. -_-".
Thn we waited at the staff room until we decided to skate... not me... I juz dun feel like skating le. Scared fall down n get myself malu. hahas. After tat assembly, we went up agn to find her... waliao... scary seh... scold Yen Zhi like wat... thn Yen ZHi went in with her. waited outside for her... Mdm Swee equals to SZB... haha... nickname created !

Thn after tat all went home!!! we walked n walked... Melissa know wat I mean :)

edited~ : YTD's Hana Kimi de last episode not nice wan... not romantic enough. Even my grandma say tat the show "you tou mei wei". haiyaya!!!... lols.

4:06 PM

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Stayed at home the whole day.... yea... tats my weekend life :)

Wat I doing today: HOMEWORK... lols. March holidays doesn't even look like a holiday to me.. Holiday oso got so many hmework...
At home doing SCIENCE, CHINESE, ENGLISH, MATHS, DNT n LITERATURE... (literature later thn do... hees.) Heng ar... Mrs Lee nvr giv us any Geography homework... but thn scared tat time the remedial got... thn Mr Rajan oso nvr giv History homework... x)) thinking bout him, his such a... haiya dunno how to say... okay la... lurves to joke but sometimes too cold liao... haha... Holidays in a few hours thn over liao... thn tonight muz sleep early agn... haiya... so sad Rozanne n Feng ling dun wan join campus superstar 2 le... argh... especially Rozanne... her singing so nice... haha....

TMRW getting back my maths test 4 le... aiya... no confident in the paper... so... prepare for another scolding frm my mother!!! lols.

_@_@_ haha... a car!!! lols. Having a hard time learning tiz last yr frm my fren... lols.

5:01 PM

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Went to sit the DHL hot air balloon with niu jie jie(my nanny daughter). hahas. Thn the moment the balloon rise up, I was like holding the piler tight, dare not move seh... thn when we went to the top which is like 30 to 40 storeys high... Super scary... but then so nice... hahas. the "feng jin" was so nice... saw suntec city... wao... didn't know suntec is so near bugis... haha... thn whn we r bout to get down, its freaking shaky n scary... thn whn we went down... giddy seh...hahas. Thn we went to swensens to hav some ice-creams n fries (: . Thn we went shopping!!! Saw some performance for tmrws charity show... saw the superband(but nvr see clearly...dunno who r thy)She bought me ear studs (coz she saw me wearing ear sticks). Thn we went to muji... agn, she bought me stationary (: . Thn we went to kinokuniya book store to shop shop... bought two mr midnight books. agn, she help me pay (: . So good of her.. hahas...Thn went to AnBC n Lovelyland... n we went home!! Went to my nanny's hse first n slack thr for a while coz parents went out n no one at home...SOmething happen regarding ytd when I was out... only melissa knows. Strange, I dun feel angry nor sad at all... so let the matter rest. Thn round 7.30, went home with my nanny accompany me... now, she is at my hse coz she is afraid of me the only one at home (: . Waiting for my mother to come home n buy me dinner(which is like... so late?? can be supper oredy...). On msn, not a single ppl online except for Julien n Kelly. Got so many contacts in my msn but so little ppl online evryday... haiya!!!!!!

edit~: My mother was so late... so I had my dinner at 9+... can oso call it supper liao.. hahas. n Oh ya... today is campus superstar 2 de female audition!!! Hope Rozanne n Feng Ling can get in n help BRD get a name!!! N oso Hope other broadricians taking part oso can... hees.

7:53 PM

Friday, March 16, 2007

Today... Friday... a joke day.... a funny day...
Msn chatt in the morning...
Tok to Melissa... complaining to each other bout ppl...
Thn discuss whr to meet later...bla bla bla...

Thn in the afternoon, 1 plus...
Went out with my mother till the bus stop n she go to work n I go n meet Melissa...
Board 33 n took out my phone... saw Kelly's sms... asking us to wait for her at suntec... "wat?!" I reply... thn meet outside BRD bus stop... the 7eleven thr... thn told melissa wat Kelly said... ohoh... dunno how to go thr. Wanted to take taxi... thn saw Stephanie walking home frm school... thn ask her wat bus to take... thn we took 16. Sms my father n tel him...
Alighted at tower something... thn ask ppl whr is the direction to tower three... thn we slowly slowly walked... thn walked halfway, Kelly called(coz melissa call her) thn ask us to meet at the arcade thr...thn we walked through tiz squeezy place... thn finally reach the arcade... dunno wat reson, Melissa suddenly run... thn I folo behind.. thn went into the arcade... waliao eh... so damn noisy larh... carn stand the noise... thn we walked out... Saw thm.... thn we went to hav lunch but halfway, saw tiz toys fair or something... thn Kelly suddenly walked in n see the Keychains n bla bla bla.. haha... we all were saying Kelly so big le still see toys... haha j/k... thn ate at KFC... hahaha.. keep laughing lor... thn suddenly Kelly mumbled... "regina... regina" heard someone calling my name... thn i look up n saw Kelly staring n laughing... thn I sk why u call me??? haha... thn got one time whr we heard tiz boy saying " I wan ****** meat hor" walan eh... whn we heard the word I n Melissa burst out laughing la...hahhahahahhaha.... I laugh until i gona cry... lols.

Thn took bus back to Brd thr... whn wanted to alight(but haven), I stand up thn loose balance n bang on Kelly... sry bout tat... haha.... thn we walked... halfway to Junie's hse, Kelly n Karyi forgot which floor junie stay... thn call her... Thn Melissa was saying... Kelly will sure say..."Hello Junie "ni zu ji lou"??? haha... Kelly really say tat... Thn I n Melissa burst out laughing agn...thn downstairs Junie's hse thr got a lot of cockcroach. Argh!!! Melissa nearly step on it. She scream seh. Thn Kelly scream. hahas. In Junie's hse,in her bedroom, saw a lot of pooh bear thr... Melissa wanted to take picture of Kelly n Karyi... but thn they cover their face with paper... thn Melissa recorded their voices n took their videos... haha... Thn go downstairs meet Margeret. She was eyeing on a cockcroach who haven die yet n didn't notice us. Thn we call her. lols.

Before we go down, ...at the lift thr, Junie ask how tall i am... say wrongly ... said"19.." waliao.. all started laughing larh...so bad.. went to tiz shelter with a lot of bangalas thr... thn so noisy n thr got a lot of mosquitoes... so we change place...at thr, we do footdrills... waliao... I was always bout to fall whn we do the 180 degrees turn... thn Me n Melissa all so confused n always turn wrongly...thn I was always caught with horse kicks...lol. Thn whn Kelly turn wrong, she kept making tat sound... haha... all burst out laughing... Thn halfway of the footdrills, a football suddenly charged at Karyi n Knocked Karyi. walan eh... Kelly n Karyi was scolding thm... thn I n Melissa n Margeret juz stand thr... thn Junie scolded them(i think) Stupid ppl.... idiot ass larh... dare hit my mummiex with the ball... lan eh.... F* thm larh... haiya!!. thn we continued... thn whn the juniors rest while seniors continue, Melissa kept eyeing at tiz guy... he always help the guys(whos ball knocked into karyi) n picked up the ball if it fly too far away... thn Melissa tell me tat the guy was being "li yong" oso dunno... somemore wan show his "talent" in bycycle... haha... thn we kept eyeing at him... Thn Junie saw us thn she say... y keep looking at thm?? wan jio thm ar? I help u.. thn Kelly said something... I think is eye tud stamp...hahaha... Thn I n Melissa purposely eat sweets in front of Kelly... thn Kelly saw us, Kelly face changed.. thn I laugh...Thn we sat down n see thm... saw Kelly n Karyi hands doing something... laugh again... thn we continue eating sweets... thn Junie say... y u all keep eating??? haha...

Thm round 6.30... we went home... on the way to bus stop, told Kelly why we were laughing at them juz now... thn we tok n laughed n tok n laughed.. thn finally say bye bye liao... waliao... waited n waited until 7.10 thn the bus come... Thn whn alighted the bus, breeze walk hme... reach hme at 7.30... argh... miss half n hour of Hana Kimi!!! NVm... can go youtube watch... lol.

Edit~: watched Hana Kimi on youtube juz now... watched the last episode... felt tat the ending was kinda stupid... kinda lame... juz hope tat thrs Hana Kimi 2!!! I'll be waiting... lols.

7:50 PM

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Yesterday neva blog coz my Keyboard spoil.... reason is becoz I spilled something on it... lol...

Yesterday...went out with my mother...go buy shorts for the GG day camp. thn we oso went to watch movie...just follow law.

Walia0... the show damn funny larh... I laugh like mad lorh..... thn laugh laugh laugh... thn after the show which is round 9+ at night, We meet my brother... thn we go back...

Today.... is a super fun fun day...
We had the GG day camp...
Forgot tat we must fall in at 8.00... I tot 8.30... thn when I looked into my consent form again... ARGH SHIT!~!!! thn I rush n lucky, I arrived on time(:... Thn sms Yiling... she is worst... tot is 9.00... thn ask her hurry... Thn reach skul saw Karyi n Margeret n some mre ppl thr liao... buden Kelly nt thr yet... thn Karyi call n sms Kelly...thn fall in round 8+...

thn after fall in, we must do a safety tinggi quiz... haha.. I n Melissa over thr toking toking... thn Eng Teng keep borrowing correction tape frm Melissa... after a while thn we realised she is actually here to peep at the paper... haha... thn Janaar oso... thn tiz time Melissa dun let her see.. thn she went back... hahaha...

Thn went east coast park ride bycycle... Waliao...we keep saboing Kelly n Karyi in the bus... hahahahaha... so funny.... thn when we r walking, Basirah told Kelly secrets... thn I walk nearer n nearer to them... haha... thn Kelly told Basirah" regina hearing...". hahaha...

Thn when we riding the bycycle, lucky today neva struggle but the way I ride my bike looks like im gona fall anytime. Kept on banging on Melissa n Yiling... thn Yiling bang to Melissa once... so funny... thn we stoped at somewhere n played games. -_-" the only sec one in flowerpecker, okay... run here n thr a lot of time... haha... heard tat Eurica oso... lols. thn we ride back... wanted to overtake Kelly(which is the first one) but i carn. thy r too fast. In the end, all overtake me... thn after somewhere, they suddenly stop but then I dun really know y... thn nearly banged onto someone... hahaha.... thn after we return the bycycle, all busy fnding Items we r supposed to find... thn flowerpecker(except wei wen, she over thr helping us take care of things). thn we run here n thr juz to find paper n tin... but paper we found it in macdonalds... carn find any tin... haiya!!!! Time to go back. I n Basirah sat together in the bus. Lets talk!!!

thn went back hav lunch...haha... Kelly dropped her nuggets lol.. after eating, dunno wat theresa do, but Kelly ask me go chase after her... okay... chased... but in the end still got away... hahaha... thn went we r the only one at the notice board thr, theresa kept laughing at Kelly... thn Kelly ask me help her... okay.... but the moment I looked at Teresa. I started to laugh... sry bout tat... thn we kept making Kelly laugh... thn we had quiz again... thn we had cheers. haha... Thn got games...it was to transfer water frm the first end to the last end using different items...Thn in the second round, we r the first! Yeah!!! thn in the third round is the sand... sand quite easy... thn we r first again!! Hoorays. Thn after games, dismissal!!! hahaha... we walked with Kelly to the bus stop... thn halfway, teresa n company joined us... hahaha... thn I n Melissa discussed on something... thn we said 1, 2, 3... I was supposed to say with her... but end up Melissa say herself... mama, wo men hui yong yuan ai ni de!! 1314, 3344... hahahaha... Kelly gt shocked... second time too thn third time is our vomiting plank... hahaha... thn we 1,2,3... we turned at Kelly n "pui!!!!" hahaha... Kelly went shocked again... haha... lol..okok... bit goodbye at the road thr... thn bye bye... lols. Karyi.... stop calling me Ribena lehhs.... sound so weird... u call me agn I call u Kaya in front of everyone... j/k wahahhahah

6:34 PM

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Today... wake up at round 9+...
Thn brush teeth . blar blar blar...
after tat, found out tat no breakfast for me...
okay... wateva... can eat biscuits.

Thn went in to msn again... hahaha
My primary school frenz are so hiliarious.
Wan me to be the judge of who is mre chio???
sad to say tat, I dunno...

Thn went in to friendster...
again, my primary school fren send me a testi.
She was shocked when she see my photos.
haha... tats wat she says...
"regina, didn;t know u like guides..."
hahaha... send a testi back to her...

Thn tok to Teeli.
Help teeli make new blog...
make make make n halfway, I c0mfused...
thn now very messy (teeli still dun know.. hehes)
Thn ask Melissa for help thn now stable le. haha
Thanks Melissa... u my saviour.
Thn joke with Teeli...
ask Teeli wat if I choose a blogskin tat says tat Teeli is in Love with
hahaha... thn she reply...
Dun!!! if nt thursday I come find u...

hahahahahahaha.... okay...
nth much to do today...
so sian...
kay... lets tok bout...

okay... end here... edit later if any interesting happens...


edited~: had a call frm my nanny's daughter juz now... same thing, ask me why I dun wna go tuition...scared of her, im in a lost of words... She gave me a nite to think of 10 good reasons why I dun wanna go... haiiz... cried... why muz adult do tat??? wanted to change my mind n go for tuition on wednesday round april to may... but after juz now, dun feel like anymore... adults juz use movements not caring how the kids feel n try to force ppl to do wat they dun wish... tuition is good... but it only make me remember the past which I dun wan to remember it now in secondary school. Juz becoz of my stupid reason I gav, now I had to pay 10 times. Y carn I go to other tuition centres??? y muz I go to modular tuition centre??? why why why???
stressed... why muz adults say tat we r getting worst whn we didn't we juz hav our reason tat we juz dun wna say out... why why why????
sadz... was laughing away juz now with Melissa n deciding on wat to bring on thurs n minutes later, laughter become sorrows... sadx... tats wat ppl says. if tats so, Im not going to laugh anymore... sadz...

4:16 PM

Monday, March 12, 2007

Today is a school holiday... so no need go skul...
Went out with my mother n brother in the morning to cut hair n blar blar blar... Wa Lan eh... the hairdresser cut my hair until so short seh... the length is something like Melissa's. haiya!!! Thn went to peoples park to hav lunch n but thing. Wanted to buy shorts there for my GG camp tinggi but cannot find a suitable wan... haiya!!! thn while my mother went to buy things, I n my brother walk to all MP n hp shops to see see. boo hoo hoo... I oso wan a phone with bluetooth n MP3 in it... sadz...

I n my brother had cheers tok. haha... toking bout tat, he created a cheer for my GG :

everywhere we go~

ppl wan to know~

who we r~

where we come frm

so we tell them

we r frm brd guides

mighty mighty brd guides.

unite foreva YEAH!!!!! (no offence) so interesting... haha...

Thn came back... do nothing... juz listen to musics. stupid computer cannot operate... until night
When my bro fixed it
Then can... haiya!!!!!

My two seniors mummiex went to chalet... so on msn i will tok to two lesser ppl... ENJOY my two mummiex...
Juz gt a sms frm Kelly...
Haha... thanks Kelly mummiex for helping me take revenge frm Karyi...
She juz BOO!!! karyi n Karyi gt shocked... haha...
Thursday the battle will continue...
FLOWERPECKER sure WIN mynah!!!!!

Last night round 10+... had interesting conversation with my two mummiex... tell u the story one by one...
It was Karyi the wan I tok to first coz I tot Kelly busy. Thn tok tok tok, Kelly ask me if Im toking to Karyi... thn i say ya...
But by thn Karyi oredy ask my if we wan to go sabo kelly... so okay... haha... thn the fun begins. combined conversation.
Kelly n Karyi was "bickering"(see, I learn new word frm Kelly). thn I dunno who to gang up with... so I juz... hahahahahahaha...
Thn whn Karyi go off, tok to Kelly... make Kelly comfused... haha...
Sry Kelly... :P.
Slept at 11++. wake up at 9.30... hahaz..

Re introduce my skul family to u!!!

1ea family:
Xin yuan mummiex
Angel xia0 yi
7 sisters(edited siying in tat time)
2 brothers
1 god brother
2 cousinx
Leon "so called" daddiex

GG family:

Kelly mummiex

Karyi mummiex(Melissa call her daddiex... )

Teeli jie(melissa call her mummiex)

8:10 PM

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Today, someone woke me up frm my sleep... okay... wont blame her coz its oredi 10++. Something happened to her... dun wanna say... haiya!!
Then same thing, went in to msn and listen to songs. Haven do my HW yet...planning to do it later... now no mood. Chatting with Jasmine... my primary school friend... haha... she is still so funny, giving me a lot of cute emotions for my msn. Introduce a lot of songs to her oso... like:
Im all about u by aaron carter
Love you so by Natalie
Fei Ni Mo Shu by Lin Yi Chen n Tank(separate)
Hao Peng you by luo zhi xiang
Cai Hong Yan Lei by Sweety

And she introduced me a lot of songs too... haha...
Talk to Melissa too... she told me se is gona buy track pants for the camp tinggi. Okay... Im bringing shorts instead of track pants coz it might be very hot. Got a call by frm my nanny... asking me go tuition...

Why muz adults force me to tuition??? I neva even flunk my maths lorh...
Only thing my first n second class test I got A only wat.. doesn;t mean my maths resiults muz oso get A wat... 60++ is the results I always get in primary school wat... why muz adults say I flunk??? Why muz mothers do all sorts of movements juz to make me go tuition??? All started with me... saying I wan tuition in P5. if I wouldn;t say tat, maybe I no need to worry tiz now... Why I dun wan go tuition? I juz tink its a waste of time... having tuition since primary school and my results still stayed at 60+ n now without tuition i oso say at 60+. so tat can oredy say tat tuition carn help much... haiya!!! wan cry lia0... I dun wan go tuition!!!

6:20 PM

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Today... is a Sat... not a Sunday...

I totally forgotten bout going to Bugis with Yiling. aiyo!!! I slept until very late until Yiling sms me. I freaked out!!! Sorrie Yiling... paiseh...

Okay... then its totally bored at home...

So... lets continue with our saturday conversation!! any comments pls tag!!

See tat picture??? Its my class when I was in P4. haha... so cute rite??? haha...

Okay... yesterday nite, had conversations with Kelly, Junie, Melissa n KarYi... Told kelly tat KarYi is my mummiex. haha... Kelly then freak out. she say she wanna puke. hahaha. KarYi shld be daddiex ar??? okay larh... weird..haha... Kelly mummiex... do I hav a daddiex??? hahaha...

and Kelly... I JUZ JUZ carn stop laughing... on Thursday u will COMFIRM see me laugh like mad one... haha... lol.

Me n Yiling... Karyi mummiex

Me... Kelly mummiex ... know y I wan u to be my mummiex??? coz u r in flowerpecker n can protect me frm being bullied n coz u make me laugh!!! hees.

Edit: Melissa has juz been added into tiz family coz she wans. So... KarYi is ur daddiex... hahaha.. weird.... n I wan Teeli to be my mummiex too!!! yay!!! we made 4 mummiex in total!!! Cool seh... but only one daddiex... sadz... Okay... Kelly, juz now's conversation is juz a joke. Dun take it seriously kay?? I won;t let tat Hanrong be our daddiex coz he bullies u!!! haha...

edited again: haha... juz had a nice funny chatt with KarYi... my mummiex. hahahaha...suaning each other... hahahaha. Thn when Melissa went online, she told me tat tiz ppl say tat she bullies our tiz particular fren. it startled me. I was so shocked. and wat makes me tink is tat if she says Melissa bulliyes her, thn she will definately say I bully her too. Thinking of tat, I was so pissed off. Then I complain to my mummiex... KarYi. she comforted me loads. And after sometimes, I added Melissa into the chatt box. KarYi said something tat Melissa burst off with anger and said CB, and left the conversation. Haiyaya... nvm... only thing tat tiz piece of news realy startled me.

5:13 PM

Friday, March 09, 2007

Today's date is 9/3/07. I very boliao...

Okay... lets start with yesterday coz yesterday no time... RUSh...

Ytd... kinda forget wat happen liao... but DnT totally sux!!!
After skul... Kelly sms me to meet her at the side gate. Side Gate??? I tot locked??? Okay... then met Teeli outside the gate. then I folo her to find Kelly with Esther. When we saw kelly, oh no... she looks sick. Dare not tease her with her nick KK Kelly.

Then on our way to the bus stop, KarYi was holding Kelly by the side. she scared Kelly fainted coz Kelly really look very sick. when Karyi showed me how Kelly walked without ppl holding her... She was walking frm straight to side ways.Then Karyi quickly pull her back and continue to hold her. Then KarYi was saying to me... Y neva "fu" ur Kelly??? I so scared. I scared I will be clumsy.lol. Then we waited at the bus stopm where KarYi n Teeli n Esther n Stephanie went to 7eleven to buy things. I oso wan... but I no money... so I juz stayed with Kelly. Dare not tok to her. She looks sleepy n very sick. then I was looking at her all the time... staring if u can say... then my sickening file was about to break anytime coz I squeese a lot of things inside.Then kept on out of shape. Muz go buy new one liao...

Then when we go to Kelly house to do the logbook, staphanie n Esther kinda dunno tat Kelly has a dog. Was barking to Esther whenever she walk past him. Esther freaked out seh... then Stephanie ate her lunch. CUP NOODLES. Then we went to the rooftop to do our stuff.Oh ya, Kelly's father came home when we r there. Then kinda funny when her father pinched her cheeks. i was there giggling when KarYi say I very bad. Okay larh... sorry Kelly, I can't control tat.
When we reach there, KarYi was like saying...U remember here??? (where Melissa fell into the pool). hahahahaha!!! I burst out laughing. Then we started our work. I juz stare at them. Gave KarYi opinion n help her fold a pencil. okay... muz admit I only know how to fold tiz n crane... the rest I dunno... haha... Then I oso toked to KarYi most there. eheh... now I know a lot of my senior's "zhen mian mu". haha... j/k. Then Esther was saying why Cynthia quit. then Teeli was saying "ya lorh... y all the sec one in flowerpecker quit except for Regina." Then Esther continued saying, " Regina, u quit then U come to my petrol. Then teeli was like nearly shouting... U DARE?! I come find u... hahahaha... I wont quit wan larh. I love my pertol... Then around 5, Kelly came up. Then I went all quiet. Scared I disturbed her. Then forgot wat Kelly said. I was giggling. Then Kelly saw me n say... "Regina, "bu yao xiao". opps... okay... but i still laugh. then when we going back, we saw something. OMG!!! gona wash my eye seh...

Okay... end of ytd. continue with today...
Got back my results slip. IT TOTALLY SUX larh!!
Then today... for no reason, Yiling suddenly get very pissed off with me n Melissa. Juz becoz we take out ur puppet let ppl see then u angry liao...then I n Melissa neva tok to her coz she looks scary. Then Yiling cry seh... haiya... cannot stand her... but nvm... she is still my fren. Gotta treat her as fren... scared she...

Then today got the humilities tinggi. yeah!! No Literature lessons. Then the whole skul went to the hall. Got ppl perform skit. waliao... damn funny larh!!! I was laughing all the way lorh. Then after tat got a very boring part where Mr Nizam gave out quiz where we had to translate the Singlish to proper Engliah. When they called the upper secondary, I tink they feel Malu. Then they dun wan say. but in the end, he still say. Then got the chocolates.

Then got GG meet.Kelly neva come... she is still sick. Then during GG, KarYi suddenly scare me. ARGH!!! I scream. Then KarYi was like saying... Now I know u n Kelly the same... very easily get scared. okay... then KarYi today scared me a total of 3 times. grrr... gona get my revenge!! haha... scare her one time. lol. Then KarYi was looking at me always. Scared she boo me again. so I looked back. haha. We Played a game... sardine in a can. Im the only Flowerpecker there when Junie wanted to train the sec 3. Then WeiWen put me in Calista;s petrol. then she ended saying... if u bully my petrol junior u gona get it!! haha... now got protection. hahahaha... Karyi... u neva break ur promise of letting me hide too. haha... Then got the footdrill. train under the sun. a lot of the sec ones grumble n kept figeting. Okay... I oso.. only one time . Then got a bit mixed up with the comands. Then teeli came to help FiFi train us. then KarYi, Margaret n Huilin came n help too. then Karyi train us. okay... kinda funny. Then during break time, i n yiling sat on the floor while Calista n KarYi stand up. Then KarYi say... my daughters. haha. okay... at first I called KarYi Kaya mami. then Yiling say muz 'respect our mother'. Okay, then I change to Karyi mami. haha. end here... too long liao... haha... update tmrw... lols. Get well soon Kelly.... nxt time will sure call u mami too.. haha... j/k. Yea!! now I got 3 mamis liao... my real mami, Xin Yuan mammiex n Karyi mami... haha... Kelly, ur next... haha.


7:08 PM

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Today...in the morning, again, I n Yiling started to 'tour' around the skul. But tiz time we toured around level two... Yiling was oike so scared lorh... coz its very dark. then Yiling scared got ghost. then walk to the upper sec tat side... saw a lot of ppl sleeping...Halfway... Yiling said i lied to her bout some stuff. I where got lie her!! Its the truth okay... then I was so pissed off... I ignored her for bout a few minutes. Then all friends friends again. hees.

Then Yiling suddenly told me tat tmrw got english remedial... I went stunned. Promise Kelly to stay back to do the tinggi...
Then went to her class n find her. But Kelly is not there. So i ask Calista to tell her. Then when Mr Jafaar toking, her suddenly say tmrw all muz go home after skul. then... huh!!! *WTF!!!! (in my find) Then after sometime, problem solved! hahaha.

Then during recess, donno y stomache like hell lorh... Waa.. but at least its good lorh... Yiling offer help to help me take books blar blar blar... Then even the science experiments she n Melissa oso dun let me do... Halfway, I n yiling went to the toilet. Then we saw Kelly n Karyi. Yiling was like shouting KELLY KARYI KELLY KARYI KELLY KARYI... waliao... like singing song seh...

Then during Maths period, my stomache not pain liao... but nowYiling got stomache. wahahaha... I spread my pain to her... didn't know stomache can spread. hahahaha.

Then during assembly, so damn funny larh!!! We got the history tinggi. Yen Zhi act as Queen Elizabeth n Ashley act as princess Diana. so funny larh. they juz sit down n bent their heads.

then when its KeQin's turn to act as Lance armstrong, he rode a bycycle in. then he fell. Waliao eh.... the whole 1ea laugh like mad larh. Then he went in the stage n told us its juz an act n its not accident in order to keep his face.

then Mervin act as King of India... he so cute larh!! waliao... okay larh... he only 11 yrs old mah... cute ma.

Then after skul, eat in skul.then Jocelyn n Xue Ting n Me ran away frm Chloe. then we tried to find Chloe. She angry seh... then we all blame Jocelyn. then Jocelyn kinda pissed off n walked away. Then all of us make our way to the swimming complex to swim. Waliao, nxt nxt wed got test seh... so scared fail. Then somemore muz oay $3 lorh. haiya!!!

6:59 PM

Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Crapz Todae...

Today got Earthquake!!!! tats wat Pauline told me... scary sia... round History Test, felt something shaking... tot I had giddy head... but In the end... it turned out to be earthquake!!! then Went homw... my father oso says tat...

Walia0!!! Today take back geography test paper... sickening larh!!!! Marks get so low lorh...Sickening Mrs Lee... ask us to slap ourself (if we got the question wrong) on almost every questions larh...

Then today got History Test... Walia0!!! tat Mr Rajan set the questions so hard lorh... comfirm fail...

Then today MT is kinda the scariest time... Mdm Gai got so pissed off with Xue Ting larh... then even confiscate her handphone... haiya!!!! Scold Scold n Scold....

Then after school... saw Kelly with her different hairstyle... Then Melissa said something.... kinda forget wat she say...slack in school for a while... well, not really a while larh... slack until 4++. Xin Yuan and I was gossiping some stuff... haha... Hoorays!!! now we have 1EA and 1EC combined family!!! hahas.

Then while chatting halfway...we walked n walked... then suddenly walked to tiz part where the sec 4 GG r having a "meeting" with Junie... dun wanna disturb them... so me and mummiex turned back and walk to other side... Then we went to see all the noticeboards...halfway... saw the GG again... okay... turn back again... Then I n Mummiex sat on the chair to talk talk... so funny larh... was like laughing n laughing...

Then after tat, we went home... halfway... we say **** running... mummiex was like Opps!!! then when **** ran past us, wahahahahaha!!! we mistaken the ppl!!! OMG!!! I was laughing like mad larh.... so funny lorh...

I need socks!!!! reason one is... my socks lost!!! then cannot wear ankle socks to GG... 2nd one is.... my puppet!!!! carn possibly use my socks rite??? stinko seh... lol...

5:27 PM

Monday, March 05, 2007

My Maths really flunk sia...
Actually cannot really say flunk larh... coz last time primary school always got C for my maths wan... lol.
But my Journal Test FAIL like HELL seh...

then whn we doing maths work... Miss Han see me sian sian wan... like gona cry anytime... then she come and tok to me...

Miss Han: hey regina... U understand wat I teaching anot??
Me: (nod nod)
Miss Han: dun nod... if u really understand then say... but if u dun understand then come and ask me. If u scared Keven they all laugh at you then u can ask me when I walking around or ask me after school. okay???
Me: (nod nod)
Miss Han: dun shy shy ar... dunno muz ask ar... then u learn...
Me: (nod nod)

Haiya!!! then today got back my science oso...
at least I pass... so no need to worry...
*sometimes really tink NA is beta... coz no need to stress so much...*

Then today after skul... dun really wan to go home yet... so stay back to do the DnT stuff and roller skate with Pauline n Melissa and Ashley...
Halfway... saw the upper sec coming down... dun wan play liao... later I fall then they sure say... orh horh... Hate it sia... then saw Kelly n Karyi n fren. Then Kelly told me something... haha... naughty Kelly... j/k.
Then someone pulled my hair... two ppl to be suspicious off... Kelly ad Kar Yi. okay... dun mind... coz not pain... not like tat Jarnar(spelling error)

Then after tat... I and Melissa saw KarYi pulling a guys bag...Then Melissa shouted KARYI DUN KNOW U GOT BOYFREN LEHS.
Then Kelly suddenly pop her head out...then Melissa n I ran up to join in the fun. Haha... theres tiz boy who kept chasing Kelly, pull Kelly's hair blar blar blar... Wa Lan eh... If its me I sure to scold him Go die... but too bad... im only Sec 1. lols. Then we went to the stuff room coz kelly n her jies waiting for Calista... saw Teachers going in and out... scare they question me y i haven go back...

Then after tat went down to the office... had some fun there... haha... Melissa named Margaret margerine... so funny larhs. Then KarYi and Margaret was like playing and Melissa was bluetoothing Kelly's song to hers. they so good larhs. Got MP3 in their phone. So sad I dun hav... waaa!!!!!! Then Melissa purposely ask Kelly wat does FYMCB stands for. Kelly told her... then Melissa wanted her to say loudly then kena scolded by teacher who pass by. Haha... clever Kelly neva say really loud... hahahahaha Okay... not funny...

Then after tat, all went home... halfway... told Melissa something bout Kelly... ask her not to say so loud then she nearly say out to Kelly... lucky she neva... scared Kelly get angry... lols.
Then Kelly ask me wat marks I got for Maths... dun wanna tell... but in the end I still tell... 29/50 lols. Waa!! Kelly, u good seh... u r the first time to comfort me saying tat 29/50 is actually okay... I wanna hear tiz sentence eva since I flunk my Maths in Primary school...hees~

Then reach the bus stop liao... everyone say bye bye to each other.... then i went home...

Before I end... remind all of u again... If ur wanna tell me secrets, then muz say "dun tell anyone"... if not I sure tell out wan... Like wat I told Melissa wat Kelly said to me... lols. sorrie... nxt time won't happen lia0... Tell me more secrets.... I sure keep them...

* Walia0... carn believe Feng Feng n **** are norminated to be student councillers larh... And Yiling... jia you!!! our Student counciller gona be... I will sure ask u council me if I am not happy wan... haha... j/k. Okay not funny I noe -_-"

4:46 PM


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