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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Sianz larh... Somemore raining... I wan sleep... ZZzzz...


Today on the quatrangle n hall... Mr Foong say tat on Friday
we will hav combined recess with the upper secondary...haha.. Them Melissa was like over there saying... HAHAHAHA... can go sabo those Seniors liao... wuahahahaha!! I oso wan!!! but promise I won't bully them yesterday... So on fri I will be juz there to HAHAHAHAHAHA... lameo -_-"

Then today got HE test. Must do wat patty with burger tinggi. Haiya!!! Take our recess somemore. Then we only hav 5 min to eat. #$%^&*#$%^&. (tats vulger u all may not wanna hear) lols.

Then today during Maths... Melissa make me laugh until I wanna cry. She hor... haiya!!! very long story. but hav u all heard bout a calculator tat becomes a handphone??? hahahahahazzz...

Then during assembly Melissa make me laugh again. On tat talk bout READING, theres tiz girl talking to us damn funny lorh. Then she show us a man. And ask us to guess who is he. then after tat... Melissa was like saying something

Mel: cannot be tat Roald Dhal illustrator wat...Shes a girl meh??
The girl tat talking: Ok... its the illustrator of Roald Dhal...

HAHAHAHA!!!! My n Yenzhi burst out laughing...
Opps! Melissa say then all laugh together n Then Everyone looked at us. =.="

Then after assembly, Melissa n Yen Zhi burst out laughing again. Wat Wat Wat??? Then Melissa ask me look at Mr Jaafar. hahahahaha!!! Oh mi gosh!!! he sit like wat seh.. so funny larh. His both hands was like put in between his legs n sit like a "cute little boy". Then I oso burst of laughing. Then I almost cry again. hahahaha. laugh too much.

Then raining no need go swimming.... Hoorays!!! lolz....

4:37 PM

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Singing the mari kita tinggi...
We sang with our normal voice. Then donno why today the teacher eat wrong medicine say we sing too soft liao... Where got soft??? okay larh. In my primary school it IS soft. but in Brd... soft meh?? Then we had to sing again. Then tiz time LOUDER... Then its like loud until Debbie laugh. Then me n melissa oso cannot control oso start giggling. Lucky teacher neva saw us. XD

Then today got Geography test. WAliao... Got one question takes me 10 mins to think. But in the end answer still wrong. -_-"

In class... during chinese lesson... I donno why I kept laughing non stop... Coz tat Ke Qin purposely rite big big at the whiteboard so that other ppl no need to rite then my group can Earn points. hahahaz.

Then after chinese is dissmisal. but we still got SPA test. SPA??? got bring towel??? haha... not tiz spa larh. its science practical.

Then on the way to the toilet, we say Calista walking out of the class. Then Melissa shouted... CALISTA!! wheres KK KELLY???

then out of no where... Kelly suddenly pop her head out at us. Then Melissa shouted KK KELLY. Then when we wanted to go, Kelly suddenly called me. For wat??? cannot hear properly.

Then when we waiting for the teacher in the Chemistry room for our spa test, Kelly n Calista walked pass us n stop 4 a while to talk. Then Kelly told me tat she is in charge of the prize table with me.

HORRAY!!! but... Is Kelly happy??? Coz she will be far away frm Karyi.. her belovered fren. Juz becoz of me whining makes junie change her to look after me. hmm... But anyway... YIPEE!!! but still miss melissa n Yiling.

Then during the test, shit larh. Neva finish writing then the teacher say Times up liao... haiz..... not me the only one who neva finish. Debbie was worst. She did not even write a single answer in her paper. ##I$%^&*(#$%^

Then after tat, Xin Yuan say she wan to go n hav Lunch in KFC first. Then I scared my mother will tot I go out without telling her. So I go home lorh...

Okay larh. won't bully Kelly n Karyi n Teeli liao. Later so scared they got very irritated n ignored me .... Then Yiling say me tat Kelly buy me present I still bully her... but if cannot take it anymore I still had to HAHAHAHAHAHA. -.-"

click clack click clack... when the creepy computer. the computer is starting to tell me something... ENOUGH OF BLOGGING FOR TODAy.... wanna knoe more... plz read Mr Midnight volume four... hehes~

4:01 PM

Monday, February 26, 2007

Hooray!!! 2 mre belated presents!!!

Today I recieved another two more belated present frm Gao Feng Feng and Xin Yuan mummiex. thanks!

Then in today during morning exercise its damn freaking lame larh. Those actions tat we muz do all like wat seh.... Then Yiling n Chloe had a stomache. Then they so stubborn dun wan go tell teacher then go rest. Until Yiling cannot tahan then she go tell teacher.

feng feng gav me chocolates n xinyuan gav me a cup. hahas.

then after skul when I going toilet with Melissa, we found tat the toilet is closed. Then we went to level two wan. Then we saw Kelly. Then I shouted KK KELLY!!!haha. Then Kelly was like saying why call her KK KELLY so loud. Then I say KK can stand for other things wat. not only K-K- wat. hahahahaz...

Then we told Kelly n Karyi tat melissa named Teeli T -- L---. Then they say we very bad. Then Kelly say JUNIOR BULLY SENIOR. then I continue. but SENIOR CANNOT BULLY JUNIOR!!! hahahaz. Then freaking lame larh for me. Scared she get angry... hmm...... Theb later Melissa oso named Karyi K---. hahahahaz damn hilarious la.


5:11 PM

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Today.... so boring at home... only thing I can do is MSN...

Then today... Kelly again is the one who talks to me the most. hehes~
then there is one thing tat makes me speechless....

I AM GONA BE IN CHARGE OF THE PRIZE GIVING TABLE ON ROAD RUN DAY!!!! argh!!!! So sad carn be with Melissa n Yiling. )):

Then before tat, in the morning, Feng Feng online. THen i very retarted saying " neva buy present for me one... somemore I ur god sis." haha

Then he somemore say yesterday Mrs Saha went to his shop to buy things . Wonder wat happen next. Tmrw then ask him..... hmmm...

argh!!!! I wan to be with Melissa n Yiling n Kelly n Karyi together!!!
somemore muz wear full uniform....

haiz..... nevamind... >X(

4:19 PM

Saturday, February 24, 2007
thinking day cum my bday... ((:

we had to go to the national indoor stadium for girl guides THINKING DAY. reach skul, not a lot of ppl. but yiling come oredy. then followed by melissa. they gav me a very cute little keychain with my nickname on it for my birthday..:P thanks a lot!! at first i was like kajiao-ing them for my bday present coz thy say thy going bugis celebrate with me but i carn go. thn thy say thy 4gt to buy. thn i nvm. thn thy gav me in surprise! woohoo! my friends indeed! then a lot were making their whip by then. some of them retie n retie. hahas. thn we went to the gate to meet up with miss boey. my secong b'day present was given! teeli gav me a bag of present frm flowerpecker. thank you! hahas. it was soft n melissa n yiling was guessing wats inside. took the bus n we managed to snatch the back seat! but margeret said tat the sit is for seniors. so i moved. thn she say juz joking. -_-" hahas.

at the stadium, was so crowded. it started to rain when melissa sang a song for kelly.
rain rain go away baby kelly wans to play
rain rain go away, little kelly wans to play.
hahas. she was chased by kelly.
in the stadium, everyone sang birthday song to me. yeah! thank you! it startled me too. i laughed.
watching the performance, saw karyi touching kelly's hand. know it might be becoz kelly is cold, but i went to joke with yiling tat karyi molested kelly. then yiling go n see n she laugh out loud. told melissa too. then, the three of us were laughing non stop, at the same time looking at them. then they ket asking y laughing at them. dun say hor, lata thy hamtam me ((:
laughed through. then whn we sang the thinking day song, heard some funny songs. was giggling away. yiling n melissa was influenced by me too! hahas. all looking towards us. psps.
then while waiting for the bus to arrive coz we r early, they sang another bday some for me, tiz time even louder. hahas. tY! we took pictures. we took flowerpecker pictures. then at last, we told kelly n karyi y we laugh at them. thy gav a face -_-" hahas. then we continue to fool them. know kelly nickname is kuku, so i told melissa. we continue teasing them agn. thn we took pictures. ((:
bus come liao. we bus back to brd. quite near. then we all went home. tok to margeret n karyi. then margaret say somethin. karyi shouted kelly, someone toking bad bout u. hahas. then kelly tot its me. nonono. its margaret. hahas.
saw bus 33. quickly say bye to them n i chiong for my bus. thy all were shouted at me. hahas. psps. went home, looked at the presents n the greeting card. its so nice larr. i will keep it like my bao. ((: hahas.

6:21 PM

Friday, February 23, 2007

Today... 23/2/07

I muz go skul myself. Luckily got sit in the bus... if not muz stand up again -_-"
then when reach skul my god bro... Feng Feng help me take my file XD
DON EVER misunderstand... his my kor okay... lucky I neva tell anyone bout tat.
Later Julien scold me :P j/k. hehes

Then today got Art somemore... we colour colour n colour. Then Miss Kwok wanted to change new rep. Then Melissa "hai wo" saying I more suitable. Then I shouted NO!!! hahaha. then in the end Teacher choosed Melissa. hahahahaha. ' xiang hai wo fan er hai dao zhi zi." hahaha.

Then today oso got literature. Waliao damn hate tat marble soh lorh. Her test paper set until so hard. Tot we wat??? Ya la 1EA la but u tot I can remorise EVERYTHING in the book meh???? somemore all the 14 lines she give muz ALL be written down lor. haiyo!!!!!

Then oso got MATH test. Math test is okay larh but I GARANTY I will fail.

HAIYO so wasted cannot go Bugis with Yiling n Melissa. then cannot celebrate my bday
with them. HAIYO!!!! Coz of their Home econ teacher larh. Make them stay back until so late. Then I cannot go liao later My mum scold me. Then Yiling was like begging me to beg my mum but I donno how. haiyo!!!!

Then when walking Melissa was like so angry I cannot go with them n she kicked a rubbish TAT is thrown by donno who. Then Kelly n Karyi saw n they was like saying :" WAh Melissa!" Then melissa was like saying " not I throw wan ar". lolx....

My birthday is TOMORROW!!!! happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday to meee~~ happy birthday to me... hahahaz. Tomorrow somemore muz go NIS for the GG tinggi.

* NIS stand for national indoor stadium. XD

4:11 PM

Thursday, February 22, 2007
Guides Thinking day....

Today got guides Thinking Day...

Haha very happie coz gort my papa to fetch miie to Skul XD If not muz go skul myself... then the bus everytime no suitable place for me to sit one. Then tat feng feng will juz anyhow sit. Later got pervert tat likes guys sit beside him then I will hooo~~~ hahaz. VERY EVIL ME...hehez...

then When I reach skul... Ask Yiling to wait for me at the office outside then she neva. >;(
Nevamind la. Then we run here n there juz to help Melissa change....

Then when we go to the quatrangle...then muz stand still. Then when JAFAAR started to tok .... Oh oh...Its a comfirm we muz stand very long. haiya!!! Then after tat.. we had to march back to the back of the canteen tinggi. ONE TWO ONE TWO ONE TWO!!! hahahaz.
Then I march with my hand swaying then Margeret beside me ask me if I am going shopping... hahahaz....

Then in class during lesson, when our cher donno go where... Mervin n tat Feng Feng
Came to our place n say they wan to try our hats. =.=" So sick lor. Then they say the hat looks like cancer ppl. -_-" Feel Like giving him a bash ....

then after skul, we got the flower ceremony tinggi. Standing under the SUN!!!! I sweat like hell. Then Tara wanted to change place with me then I say okay. Then wesecretly changer but Junie saw n using hand signers, we then guai guai de change back. So tired. Then we had to say wat we learn frm GG. Then Wei wen n i said the same thing. But wei wen say is funnier. She said " I learn how to sing the cheer loud loud'!!! hahahaz. I naerly laugh tat makes me to tat pig trotters noise =.="

6:46 PM

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

TODAY got swimming. the instrustor ask us to jump down frm 120m. i was like HUH?!?!?! i so scared la. they jump liao then thy tell me very fun. but i still thr shaking my head.

CNY day...woke up early. then oredy got 2 msg wishing me happy CNY. ty! send back the greeting. then send to more ppl. one of them is kelly. then she tok to me =D

Prepare le, went down to nanny hse greet. =D the hu oso got go. play with xiao dea. she so cute la. then went back home.
after a while xiao gu came. she was the first one. every yr she will be the first one. actually tiz yr we were interpreting tat tiz yr she might not be the first one coz tiz yr got cici n xixi. Come le, Xixi n Cici so cuter la. Xixi keep crying but Cici din. play with her. she keep laughing. soooo cute. then all my auntys n cousins all come liao. usual, i din tok much. i stayed in my room with Xixi n Cici n the maid. i was crapping with her. toking bout the hair length, handphones n bla bla bla, while Cici n Xixi slping. then they wake up liao. all crowd around them n play. Cici laugh. Xixi still slping. so cute. =D then we went to my granduncle hse. pass by BRD. at his hse, oso very crowded thy r all toking n playing with xixi n cici. Duno hu went to tell one of them tat my skul is brd. then she funny la, say next time wan pon tang skul go to her hse hide. hahahaha. then suddenly, their dog ran out. my er-gu freaked out seh... she quickly stand on the chair. i din know tat the dog went out. i was blur.hahas. next went to my father's godmother hse. 'we kids' had kitchen as our territory. we sat thr n thy tok then i stare at them. while the adults had the living room as their territory. hahas. then went home. i was 'stupid'. i din wan use the plate. i saw a plastic bag (for food one la) then i took it n put my fishball in n went to my room watch harry potter. my aunty were thr too. not long, family of my granduncle came. then hu came. everyone laugh for some reasons. we were shocked. hahas. had steamboat for dinner =Dnight, my cousin family came. my sis gav her children(my niece n nephew, i sound so old) a lot of sweets n chocolates. hahas. then all went back. greeting frm my fren agn, wishing me collect as many 'blue' notes as possible. hahas. send the greeting back n to other ppl. one of then was kelly agn. then we tok agn. =D

NEXT DAY. went to my mother's side grandma hse. i din tok a single word. tats usual. thy had steamboat. i din eat. i carn stand the smell of charcoal as thy r using the very old version of steamboat n it stinks. then after tat my dad send me to my aunty hse to stay overnight. my father complain to my grandma saying i din eat. okay, i was then forced to eat. bread =0

NEXT DAY.. picnic! hahas. cycle with my my brother n gideon. they were saying tat im slow. ya la i know la. ppl second time nia mah... of course slow. hahas.(still remembering the day when i fell while learning how to ride a bike. now my knee still got bruise. =( ) cycle till www thr. bought drink. we were dehydrating. hahas. finished our drink before we went back or we might get scolding? i oso dunno. gideon lost his sunglasses. we gotta help him find back. but in the end still fail. so we went back. we rent our bycycle a few hours ago n we r suppose to return 1 hr ago. we heck care. hahas. returned the bike. four of us: me, my bro, gideon n kelvin walked to xiao gu hse. thinking tat my aounty thy all shld me faster then us. but in the end we reached thr first. play with Xixi n Cici. ty so cute la. hahas. then we took turns to shower. ate laksa for lunch. so spicy. but nice. hahas. then we watched i not stupid 2. some of my cousin went duno whr to watch movie while others went some other place. so the remaining ppl: we, gideon n eugenia. after the show, we had nothing to do n we played Xixi n Cici's toys. hahas. ppl were asking if we r still young. =D then we played hide n seek. we hide the toy n we gotta find. after a while, we stop when my cousins were all back. ate n went back home ard 9. in the car... kelly sms me ask me to bring my gg consent form. haha, i was fooling her... told her wat if i forget?? hahas.
went back, rmb tat i still had a math ws not done. faster do then slp at 10 plus. =D

7:46 PM

Saturday, February 17, 2007
EVE of CNY....

Today is Chinese New Year eve!!!
Gong xi Fa cai!!! hahaz....

Today i stayed Whole day Day at home watching boring TV. Only when 1pm then got Taiwan Comedy. hahaz. I watch coz got Yan yan n Qiao qiao... hahahaz. Somemore got 5566 . Cindi n SHE...

Then Renion Dinner...
After renion dinner, I watch TV again...

Getting bored.... so in go online MSn chatt....
So little ppl online... =( So sad.... haiz...

8:03 PM

Friday, February 16, 2007
Friday..... 16/2

we had celebration for today. (= we had party during recess.
then party was okay. xue ting bought chocolates. i n melissa went to giv mr ghazali the box of chocolates coz we saw him eating. so funny la. he accepted the chocolate then his student wna eat then he say cannot. hahahas.
went hall for celebration after tat. yiling was performing for the choir. we all cheer for xin yuan n her. hahas. ending of the performance, we went down to the notice board thr.
went to the general office. suddenly kelly n the hu... i tink call karyi or wat ran towards here. kelly was kana chased. she was using me to block tat karyi. she told me im in her petrol so muz help her. hahahas. we help her.
sing cheers. very little ppl. halfway we went to 1ea. wesang thr. sat at angel n xin yuan's chair.kelly n tat karyi was in front. i saw wat xin yuan wrote on her table. ask yiling read. 'wo shi ai ni de lor' then tat karyi freak out. hahahahahahah. i laugh like mad. (=
Then we play game. we muz look for teeli. ran, tripped on yiling n PIAK! i fall. awwww.... but nvm.. went to find her. we found her at the dunno whr thr. we hide with her. hahas. went back, found out tat my knee got blood. junie was like saying... dun play. buti wan. haha. she gav me a plaster. ty! then she let me hide. =D melissa n yiling oso wan hide. thy say thy muz look after me coz i fall. hahahah. in the end kelly hide with me. they counted to 30. their 30 is so fast la. we haven really hide then thy finish counting liao. then thy found us. next was yiling n her petrol go hide. we cannot find them.

after tat got marching. i stand until i went stiff. hahas. then learn how to turn left n right. then went home. =D

4:52 PM

Monday, February 12, 2007

Today.... Monday...... ?????

Got exercise in the morning.... haha. one funny thing is hor.... after our running we do Jack jumping.... the moment teacher say start, Jocelyn run like wat. Then everyone called her back. Thn all laugh at her.

Then after skul, i went to learn roller blading with mummiex, paULline n Yiling.
i fell down twice. not pain la of course.But then got tiz grp of upper sec boys pass by and say something. walan eh. So paiseh. Then was asking Yiling to help me if got see Kelly tel me. Thn Kelly assembly over le n Yiling stop her. Thn Kelly ask me go her claz find her. Thn whn I return the roller blade, begged Pauline to accompany me go find Kelly. went to Secong floor n walk one round. THERE, saw her. But but... Mrs Lee is thr. so sickening. I dare not knock on the door. Me n Pauline ran away. Thn I sms Kelly tell her. Thn late le, I went home. Thn Kelly call me but I didn't answer. Sory....

4:57 PM

Sunday, February 11, 2007
IMM day....


I went to IMM with my nanny & family.
So many ppl sia... Squeese lyke hell in the Giant market.
Then we went to eat in Banquet and we went Daiso. =) In daiso I bought quite a number to things . XD Blame who??? the thing r so cheap there n so cute some more. haiya!!!!

Tomorrow muz go skul -_-". hope it rains then my father can bring me there.. hahahahaz... Then tomorrow muz oso remember to give Kelly my profile.. GIRLZ PROFILE!!!!!!! boiis not ALLOWED.... =.= hahahahahaz.

5:21 PM

Saturday, February 10, 2007
A boring day coming

another weekend____ another boring day =.=" I stayed at home doing nothing.

nevermind about that... Lets talk about yesterday during Girl Guides.

I was the only junior in Flowerpecker, Coz Jolin and Cynthia quit. Then they had to only teach me how to wear the the uniform properly and stuff.

Haha... then they had to us how to sing their cheers. hahahahaha...
couldn't stop laughing whenever I think of tat.

After those learning, my petrol leader (teeli) began this bombing game... So we shouted_____FLOWERPECKER BOMB, FLOWERPECKER BOMD, FLOWERPECKER BOMB TO ORIOLE BOMB!!!!!_____ tats where the 'fight' started.

The oriole started to bomb Dove. then dove bombed back to oriole. then they continued bombing each other... They couldn't stop!!!! We all laughed. hahahahahaha.

Then teeli went to stop them. And we continued our cheer practising. Then after some time, we purposely cheer loudly . then everyone started copying!!!

haha. then we soften ourself. After sometime, we bomb each other again. tiz time we bomb ppl ONLY in our petrol. then when Kelly bomb WeiWen, WeiWen started to say louder______ WEIWEN BOMB WEIWEN BOMB WEIWEN BOMB TO MYNAH BOMD!!!
At first its ok but when teeli accidentally bomb Oriole, all 'fights' stared again. hahaha.

Tiz time Junie came back from nowhere and stop them. after tat, all sec ones had to cheer themselfs as loud as they can. when it was flowerpecker's turn, i'm the only one so we combined with kingfisher and I CHEER AS LOUD AS I CAN!!!!! hahaz...

2:25 PM

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Today.... we went to buy Girl Guides uniform...

The place ish quite okay. Then before we go got one skul of brownies thr. They looked so small but so cute larh. hahax. But i spent quite a lot on those uniforms. hahahahaha.... Thn whn coming back time we all busy collecting numbers frm other gg ppl. Thn in skul take bag thn Melissa n I walk to Kelly n dunno who thr coz thy studying. Then ka jiao them a while before we go home.

Today got a lot of test. Especially maths!!! It may looked easy but when i doubled check, almost everything went wrong!!!! then English test oso okok la but
I cancelled a lot of words..-_-" messy gurl i am... hahahha

1 EA rawkz my shoe!!!!!


5:25 PM

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

13 yrs old......
Broadrick secondary......

Told Siying how much he likes him......
But now currently donno wat to do with the other girl tat likes him.....

Will he be able to tell her the truth ????
Stay tune to pink-sparkles24.blogspot.com tomorrow for more gossips!!!!

Stay peace...(no offence)
Tag too...

5:38 PM

Todae is a ........

Waaa......!!!! I failed my 'ting xie!!!" so damn hard lor... a lot of words teacher neva teach us one.... sickening la!!!!!!! Muz re test again =(

Then todae take bus OSO MISS THE BUS!!!!
then muz ask ppl which bus besides 33 can take go skool....

My geography n history test oso badly done
although I pass both.....

Aiya!!!!! Yen Zhi neva pass up the D&T box
to teacher... Later whole group get scolding...
Sickening teacher number two... at least we got do the box mah
first time do of course not nice la!!!!
Why muz redo???? alamat!!!!

3:40 PM


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