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Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Crapz Todae...

Todaee i'm nort really myself. I oso dunno why. Temper a bit nort good. Alwayz sae wrong stuff. So if today I say anything wrong dun scold me okay?? hahax. Then got tiz teacher who is my pastoral care teacher SUPER haolian. lolx.

4:03 PM

Monday, January 22, 2007
another suay dae...haiz...

Haiz...Todae dunno why hor, today the bus brokedown halfway then we had to wait 4 another bus to go skul. Wa kao, I tot we r gonna reach there very late. Then I dirtied my shoes then i forgot to bring my textbook.-_-" Nvm bout tat. The most 'ren wu ke ren" part is somebody bullied my fren. Then my fren cried. Then tat stupid "TMD" ppl scared my fren go n complain to teacher. then they went to ask her dun cry. but end up mr fren cry more. then begin to cry oso. For me, I juz sit ther n eat my food in case they question me...

3:56 PM

Friday, January 19, 2007

Todae is another SiAnZ. dae... Got Girl guides today oso. .Thn got the diferent petrol or wat. Im in flowerpecker. Thn my petrol leader I think the name is Teei or wat. I 4gt le. Thn we discuss bout our petrol identification. Dunno wat to say so juz shhh. :) Thn they choose polo tee. Thn we tok with Junie after the break. Thn the seniors one circle juniors one circle. Thn Junie tok to us on the guide tingy. Thn they suddenly got the bomb ting. Thn Melissa bomb me. Thn I bomb her back thn she bomb Yiling n so on. Thn she seniors got art work to do. Thn we three go look look.

6:49 PM

Thursday, January 18, 2007
"Yuan Wang"ar!!!

Haiz... I today dunno make who angry. My name was actually written down under the talkative list. Other ppl oso got talk mah. how can only write a few ppl name only??? If its fair then should write the whole calz down mah. How can only write my name??? Siying n Ashley's name oso got written down. They oso talk very very softly mah. How can like tat??? "YUAN WANG" ar!!!! @#$%^*(*&^%$%^&*%$#$!@#$%

3:58 PM

Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Today... another boring school day.

Today is another boring day.. haiz...
Tomorrow got swimming lessons. I dun know how to swim!!!
I think i'm gonna make a fool of myself tomorrow.....

5:30 PM

Monday, January 15, 2007
Today... a boring day...

Yiipiies! moii computer works again!! yea!

meet the 1EA. family!!!

# Xin Yuan mummiex
# Angel xia0 yi
# Ashley da jie
# er jie (mie!)
# Yiling meix
# Melissa meix
# Gabriel gor
# Mervin diddiex
# all the cousins

So sad lorh, gort mummiex but then no daddiex. ahahas.

5:07 PM

Sunday, January 14, 2007
Today sux!

Today iish a Sunday.
Had to finish my homework and its like, TUNDS of `em. Muz go find loads of imformation. I search n search like SIA0. Thn my sps fren Eindra sms me is we can go back to visit n see see the teachers. I wan!! but dunno if can make it anort lehhs. Then Help my sis record show. ahhh! I recorded wrongly!!!! )):

12:15 PM

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Walan ehh... now Gabriel n Feng Feng sitting beside me n Yiling lehx. Stupid larr. Reason why the teacher change their place is becoz thy kept disturbing Melissa. Now thy are sitting beside us, we had to beta watch out. Thy asked for our names juz now. dun wna tell them. Thn thy go look at my diary. grrrrrrr......

Xue Ting wna me to be her mother. siao ar.. den dun wan. hahas. Xin Yuan is Yiling's mummiex. hahas. Yen Zhi is angel's nu-er. w0w. hahas.

today our new CCa starts. girlGuides. then the YA say she will put us in petrols. then i n melissa n yiling wan to be together! but we din. :( Im in flowerpecker, melissa in mynah n yiling in oriole. easy to rmb de, oreo. hahas. kk. play game. wacko. someone hit me! i nid go hit someone back . end up i accidentally hit wrong ppl. walao... then the next game is muz let ppl sign de. go round. okay la. quite okay. i din really ask ppl. i dun dare. is melissa all along asking. then we giv them sign. hahas. =)

2:54 PM


Oh my gosh!~ Its been months since I update tiz blog le!! Hees.muz tok bout wat I do in the last yr of P6 :)
We got PSLE. sickening larh... my skul got so many ppl tio gastric flu... Thn I oso. hees. but not vry bad larh. English paper I was okay. Thn go home, slp thn wake up VOMIT le. vomit few times. Nearly go to the doctor to hav injection. I DUN WAN!! haha... in the end nvr. Thn next day Chinese paper. I was taken to the 'special' room for the exam. Alot of ppl thr seh... all vomited halfway through the paper... tsk tsk. lucky I feel beta le. hees. Thn somemore after tat nvr notice the photographer whn to take our foto. Dun believe go read last yr de october de newspaper under straits time or life I forget le.
PSLE score I score 204. so nice :) But then special consideration, I got 208!!! Thn went for the celebration. Thn choose skul. Choose n choose... choose n choose. In the end, I was posted to broadrick!! waa... nearly cry seh whn my grandma say tat skul super lousy. Thn my father go say.. erm... tat skul lousy thn I last time tat skul leh. WAT?! my grandma got shocked. hahaha. Still rmb whn we went for the registration, my name not thr seh... thn got so worried. Thn halfway got GG n Band giving fliers. walan eh... my mother ask questions larh. haha... but in the end, I still join GG :)
First day of skul, first fren in BRD was Yiling!!! thn next came Siying n YenZHi thn Chloe n MELISSA N FIONA!!! so coicidence Melissa n Yiling were the same cca!! And hi5 Melissa, we hav the same bag!!! congrats!! ???

2:50 PM


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