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Monday, July 31, 2006
A another day in school

todae we found lotsa kittens at da corner of da a lot of pipesthrr..
we went toilet to slack then after tat Ziying saw the kittens.
then we play with the kittens. they r s0 small n got one haven open da eyes yet. I dun dare touch coz i scare...
then siilent reading liaos..
we still playing with da kittens. We dun wan leave the kittens.
we heck care the teachers. but in the end we still go back to da hall...
then after tat go class tat time
the kittens gone liao.
=(( sadsad...
but nerbermind la...
haha. ZiYing veli sad....

3:06 PM

Saturday, July 29, 2006
A quite boring day

Todae nort niice wann....
So boriing lorrs. Everyy Saturdayy oso lyke tat de...
Stayy ard home surfiing the nett.
Oso go iin to MSN.
Tok to a few peeps.
Thn lalala. tats moii weekend liife...
Weeeeee~ ^^

signiing off...

4:42 PM

Friday, July 28, 2006
A good day in School

beforee skull startss, 'mrr' Wang Lai came to ourr clazz to look fer Jervina. Whoa... noe to do wat?? To giv her the firrst giftt eva sincee he confessed to her yesterdaee. woO wOo... hahas. Thn we played gamees during our bonging timee. So damn nice lorh. hahas. Then after skul sianz arh... muz go tuitionn.

6:40 PM

Thursday, July 27, 2006
My day in school...

todae after skul, got the r0ad exibition tinggi.
thy got 5 domes for us to go in. then got one, oso can say the biggest domeis let us watch videos.
then we can sit on the balloons. damn fun sia...
we sit then we wriggle. hahas.
then the rest of the dome is those kind of games bout road safety tinggi. but we only manage to go to 3 dome only coz no time.
sianz... then jeanie lost her wallet. we were busy searching for her. end up, duno who found it among the bushes thr.
dotz... maybe becoz we juz now play ball thr then drop de... play ball?
u know the game?
the monkey muz try to catch the ball when the rest throw at each other? hahas.

5:13 PM

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

testing testing 123
yiippees!!~ i gort my 0wn bl0g lia0!!

9:00 PM


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